house press briefings that has become must-see tv for people? >> to me, two words. sean spicer. >> cnn's chief white house correspondent jim acosta says it started on spicer's first full day. >> thank you guys for coming. >> there's no other way to describe it. when he came out that day, the day after the inauguration, and went after us about the crowd size. >> some members of the media were engaged in deliberately false reporting. >> he basically turned those briefings into must-see tv. >> this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period. >> long-time white house correspondents were stunned. >> it was a bit hard to keep my sense of balance, even though i was sitting. that day signaled to me that this would be a completely different orientation to communication, to facts. >> thank you guys for being here tonight. i will see you on monday. >> sean! >> it was a head-shaker. >> former press secretaries say it was the day spicer sacrificed