been saying, 50 to 100 million americans just like the manhattan experts we've had on this program and the problem politically for the democrats and the president and the white house is that this is day after day, week after week, month after month, cancellation letters, great shock, and you can't keep your doctor. this is unsustainable politically. you ought to cut your losses not that you'll listen to me and get out of this. >> one thing that is frustrating is when the president comes out and says conditionally you can keep your plan like he did in alabama. >> but working for three years to do this other plan and gave them six weeks to fix it. >> he put himself in a bad situation. >> north carolina blue cross going up what, 24% if you want to go back to your old plan. >> in north carolina if you are a young, healthy man your premium is going up by 300% under the obama care regulations and mandates. sean, you brought up a very good point. i agree people like ebony in her heart believe obama care probably does something good because it covers the 30 to 40