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in prize money. >> what's your emergency? >> i have someone down in front of my house. they hit a pole. >> she said she was completely blindsided on thanksgiving day. >> i was unfaithful. i had affairs. i cheated. >> i was so madly in love, i couldn't walk away. >> i think that tiger hit professionally rock bottom. >> i think that our father was a part of tiger so much, that when he passed, tiger became lost. >> these are the historic grounds of the east lake golf club just outside atlanta, georgia. some of the greatest golfers in the world have competed right here. tiger woods won the tour championship here in 2007. and now he is on the verge of shattering golf's most coveted record, jack nicklaus' 18 major victories. but now tiger's career is crashing. after a year that proved difficult both on and off the course. >> i still want to play golf at a hi level. trying to find what the right balance is going forward. >> he was the athlete of the decade. dominating his sport by crushing the competition. >> the thing that set tiger apart right from the get-go, was that he was an athlete playing golf. tiger would have been a great athlete in almost any sport that he chose. >> tiger's athletic ability, combined with a $1 million smile, raked in even more in endorsements. according to forbes magazine, woods is the first athlete to earn an estimated $1 billion in his career. golf digest reporter david du sec has covered tiger the last ten years. >> there are certain athletes and certain people when they walk in the room, everybody feels that presence. tiger's got that, times ten. >> tiger was at the height of his career. >> you throw in a beautiful wife, great looking kids, and complete it with really idyllic perfect family life. for what we thought was this perfect guy. madison avenue can't paint a picture any prettier than that. >> but tiger's life was much more complicated. away from the cameras, away from his family, tiger slipped into the shadows of a secret life. a life the world would soon discover. >> what's your emergency? >> november 27th, 2009, a frap tick call for help. >> i have someone down in front of my house. they hit a pole. >> can you tell if he's breathing? >> i can't tell right now. >> what color is his car? >> a black escalade. >> the driver of that black mangled escalade, tiger woods. >> my two officers arrived at the scene and noticed tiger woods on the ground in front of his vehicle with his wife over him rendering aid. >> tiger was released the same day. from all indications, it appeared to be just a routine accident. but the story refused to fade from the headlines. as many questions went unanswered. where was woods going at 2:30 in the morning? had there been a domestic dispute? >> elin said he left the house, and didn't come back. >> "people" magazine correspondent has done the only interview with elin nordegren since the accident. >> she went out to look for him. and then she did everything she could to get him out of the car when she found him unconscious in the car. all she wanted people to know was that she's not violent. she would never, and never has taken a golf club to her husband. >> a few days later tiger's carefully crafted image began to crumble, as multiple mistresses came forward allegations of infidelity, text messages and voicemails were provided as evidence. >> hey, it's tiger. can you please take your name off your phone? my wife went through my phone. >> under pressure, woods was eventually forced to explain his behavior. >> what i did is not acceptable. and i am the only person to blame. estopped living by the core values that i was taught to believe in. >> i don't think he really is sorry. i think he's sorry he got caught. >> former porn actress veronica daniels is one of the women who came forward with claims of a relationship. >> i didn't know i was going to end up falling in love. and i didn't know it would end up going on for three years. >> one of the most admired athletes in the world had reached rock bottom. many speculated his career was over. >> i had no idea that there was any infidelity. you know, i was very shocked. and i thought of my dad. when my dad was here, it would be nice. >> few people knew tiger better than his half-brother, earl woods jr. what kind of kid was tiger? >> well, tiger was a -- kind of a nerd. you know, he was a computer guy. and he knew a lot about those computers. at a young age. >> earl woods jr. is the oldest of three children from his father's previous marriage. earl woods sr. was a marine in thailand. he met tina and they married and moved to california. elwood was born in 1975, nicknamed tiger after one of his father's war buddies. despite the 22-year age difference, earl woods jr. said he has fond memories of his younger brother. >> i said, we don't do anything half ass. you're either all or not at all. so he loved that. >> tiger could barely walk when he was introduced to the game of golf. >> he was in the high chair and he used to watch my dad go out in the garage and smoke cigarettes and hit balls into the net. one day tiger got down and started grabbing the clubs. the clubs were two times his height. he started swinging. my dad said, here, let me show you how to do it. >> by the time he was 3, tiger had shot an astonishing 48 on a nine-hole golf course. >> i would like you to meet tiger woods and his father earl woods. do you know who this man is? huh? >> on the mike douglas show in 1978 tiger showed off his swing. >> that's perfect. >> and his sense of humor. to a national audience. >> tap it right in there. >> the crowd loved him. and it was an indication of things to come. >> tiger began his golf education in earnest. taught by his father, disciplined by his mother. >> my mom was the tough one. my dad was always the one who was more lenient. >> but when tiger turns pro, fame and fortune proved costly. >> that was the last i ever saw of him. [ female announcer ] humana and walmart are teaming up to bring you a low-price medicare prescription drug plan that has the lowest nationaly of only $14.80 per month. so you can focus on the things that really matter. go to for details. i'm don lemon with a look at your top stories this hour. new developments tonight involving north korea where cnn's wolf blitzer has exclusive access to new mexico governor bill richardson. richardson just wrapped up a meeting he says made some progress. he is visiting pyongyang in an unofficial capacity at the invitation of north korea. this comes after super heated rhetoric from the north as south korea prepares for live fire military exercises near the north korean coastline. historic day for gay rights. gays and lesbians will be able to serve openly in the military after the senate repealed the "don't ask, don't tell" policy by a 65-31 vote. the house already passed it, now it's awaiting the president's signature. a major pacific storm dumping huge amounts of rain on the west coast. causing this flooding in sacramento, california. good news for skiers, though. higher elevations are seeing snowfalls measured in feet. those are your headlines this hour. i'm don lemon, keeping you informed. cnn, the most trusted name in news. all under $20! like succulent lobster and wood-grilled sirloin, or new chardonnay shrimp and sirloin. ends soon at red lobster. with an irresistible full key... oh, too much? now get an lg quantum™ for $199.99, and get one free. only from at&t. rethink possible. i guess hello world, huh? well, thank you for being here today. >> august 29th, 1996. after just two years of college at stanford, tiger woods stood in a milwaukee banquet hall and announced his decision to turn pro. and why not? he had just captured his third consecutive u.s. amateur championship. >> he had a presence about him that clearly showed he was not going to just be a professional player, but he had the potential of being a great one. >> in just his first year as a pro he earned $790,000 on the tour. and that was pocket change compared to endorsement deals reportedly worth $43 million. but just as tiger's career began to skyrocket, his older brother noticed a change. >> when he turned pro, it became more difficult to have time with him. and since then, it is like, it is almost as though we don't measure up. >> tiger woods was in demand and it wasn't all just business. in 2000 2004, tiger married longtime girlfriend swedish native ellyn nordegren. >> she resisted him at first. she wasn't into golf. she certainly wasn't into celebrities and she says when she first came over here, she had a little bit of a language barrier. but that he was fun and they laughed. they had a great time together. he made her believe in love. >> they had two children. a daughter, sam, and charlie, their son. they were a family. many thought the perfect family. but soon, his siblings lost contact with him. >> i haven't spoken to tiger since 2006. we've sent him a couple of letters and i've tried to call a couple of times to update him on what's going on with the family. because we are family. and i've gotten no response. >> you haven't talked to your brother, your blood since 2006. now there has to be something else going on. was there some tension of some kind? why would he just cut the family off? >> there were reports that i had borrowed money from him and not paid him back. there was a family argument that split the family up. and none of that's true. >> in fact, the last time he says he saw his little brother was at their father's funeral. >> he was gracious enough to allow us to join him on the jet to take my dad to kansas to bury his remains. and i remember we came off the jet, walked down the runway, hugged. hey, how are you doing? he went that way with the entourage and we went this way. that was the last i ever saw of him. >> earl woods jr. says their father's death had a major impact on tiger. >> what i saw was that he lost a part of himself. i think that our father was a part of tiger so much that when he passed, tiger became lost. that he didn't know how to fill that void. >> a few months before tiger's father lost his battle to cancer, former porn actress veronica dallas who also goes by the stage name of jocelyn james, claims her three-year relationship with the golfer began. >> it was around march of 2006. we would text every day throughout the day. >> how often would you see him after that initial meeting? >> a few times a month. he would either come to vegas or have me come out to wherever he was playing. >> did you feel like you had a boyfriend? >> yeah. i did. i stopped seeing other people. i got out of the adult business because it was something that really bothered him. >> why were you making these types of sacrifices and changes in your life for him? did you ever ask him to make any kinds of changes in his life for you? >> the only thing i told him is please be honest with me. you tell me i'm the only other woman in your life besides your wife. just don't break my trust and don't hurt my feelings. >> daniels claims she last spoke to tiger was thanksgiving day 2009. tiger on thanksgiving day, 2009. hours later she heard about his accident. >> i called my best friend and i'm like, i hope he's okay. >> when tiger woods came forward and admitted cheating on his wife, daniels learned she wasn't the only one. >> i was like, i knew it. i knew it. i was like, he bold-faced lied to me. not only through text messages, but he lied to my face. >> daniels was so upset, she posted 120 text messages online that she claimed the golfer september her during the relationship. today, her anger seems to have subsided. >> i don't think he was playing me and using me, i think there was something each of us brought to the relationship and gave to each other that we both needed, and that's why we couldn't walk away from each other. >> did you ever feel bad for elin? >> all the time. i knew what it felt like. i've been in her shoes before. >> we reached out to tiger woods' management company. there was no response to daniel's claim or to comments made by his older brother. veronica daniels released those text messages two days after tiger woods announced he was coming back to golf. tiger's comeback would be on golf's grandest stage. the masters. it was at the masters in 1997. tiger woods had become a household name. he won by a record 12 strokes, becoming the first man of color to wear the green jacket and the youngest champion in masters history. but in 2010, tiger failed to reclaim the magic tying for fourth. and his game went downhill from there. tiger finished the year winless for the first time in his professional career. >> he missed some cuts. he looked as bad a golfer as he has ever looked at times. i think tiger hit professionally rock bottom. >> in october 2010, tiger's poor performances cost him the ranking of the best golfer in the world. a title he held for a record 281 straight weeks. >> how difficult was it looking back for you to focus on the game of golf when you were on the golf course this year? >> hardly anyone can ever imagine unless you've gone through it before yourself. >> the tough course ahead for tiger? the comeback challenge of his career. >> i believe in deeds, not words. he's trying to rehabilitate his image. there's a lot at stake. ♪ [ male announcer ] let's be honest. no one ever wished for a smaller holiday gift. ♪ it's the lexus december to remember sales event, and for a limited time, we're celebrating some of our greatest offers of the year. lease the 2011 is 250 for $349 a month for 36 months with $3,399 due at signing. see your lexus dealer. nearly a year after scandal rocked his personal and professional life -- >> it's been a very successful year even though it was a very painful year as well. >> -- tiger woods goes on a media blitz. he starts communicating with fans via twitter. and appears on espn's talk radio show, "mike and mike." >> the only way to rebuild it is basically to come to grips with who i am. and if i'm not in a position to where i'm happy, then obviously the fans are going to know it. >> in a "newsweek" article, he also shares his soul. it reads, self-reliance made me think i could tackle the world by myself. it made me think that if i was successful in golf, then i was invincible. some believe it's a ploy. just another carefully crafted branding campaign. >> as a guy who still relishes control, those are very controlled ways of bringing yourself into the public eye. >> he's trying to rehabilitate his image. there is a lot at stake. millions and millions, hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake in endorsements and sponsorships. >> according to "sports illustrated," in 2010, tiger woods raked in $70 million in endorsements. but the scandal cost him several sponsors. deals worth an estimated $22 million. >> it's up to the sponsor if they feel i can help their brand in some shape or form, it's up to them to decide that. my whole goal is to try to become a better person, a better golfer each and every day. and that hasn't changed. >> but away from the tweets, the headlines, and the microphones, the question remains, who is tiger woods? in august of 2010, his six-year marriage ended. elin nordegren sent her own carefully crafted message to the public through "people" magazine's reporter. >> it was clear she was holding on to the good memories. she had made a decision. she was going to focus on what was happy. >> but the scandal had taken a noticeable physical toll. >> the woman that i sat down with at her kitchen table had lost a lot of weight. her hair was falling out. she was clearly a woman who had gone through an awful lot of stress. >> nordegren's children also noticed her pain. >> she said, i tried really hard not to cry in front of the kids. but sammy said she needed to heal mommy's boo-boo, and her boo-boo was on her heart. she said in the end a marriage without love or trust wasn't going to be good for her children. >> a child of divorce herself, her plan is to return to private life. >> do you think we'll hear from her again? >> i am absolutely convinced we won't hear from her again. we'll probably see her again. she is interested in doing charitable work once she gets her college degree in psychology. >> has she gotten to the point of forgiving him yet? >> she said she had gone through the stages of grief. the last one being forgiveness and she was still working on that. >> but veronica daniels who claims to be one of tiger's mistresses is committed to speaking out. >> given the website that you do have up with the text messages, why put that up if you're not trying to seek, if not some kind of financial benefit or maybe that 15 minutes of fame? why even have that up? >> that was like my ability to let the public know what i was being told. >> do you think a lot of people around the country really don't have sympathy for you? >> not at all. there are some that do but they're like, you should have known better. you're the bad one. i never lied to him. >> they are entitled to be treated as human beings. >> attorney gloria allred publicly represented two of tiger woods' alleged mistresses. >> hurt a woman, lie to a woman, take responsibility and say you're sorry and in some cases, do a lot more. i'm still waiting for tiger to take responsibility. full responsibility for what he's done. >> do you wish him well? >> of course i do. >> have you forgiven him? >> i'm over it. >> have you foregiven him? >> i'm over it. there is nothing to forgive. there is no emotion anymore. >> as daniels puts the scandal behind her, earl woods jr. still believes in his famous brother's core values. >> that's not the true tiger. and, you know, he's not a womanizer. he may have done it but that's not what he's about. >> it sounds like in some way, a brother's love here. you're still defending your brother no matter what your relationship has been like. >> you get to know somebody when they're a family member and that core person doesn't really change. and i would have to say in his heart, he is a good man. >> from a distance, he is rooting for his little brother's comeback. >> do you think tiger woods will be able to ever dominate the game of golf like he once did? >> no doubt in my mind he can be as dominant, if not even better, to the end of his career. >> but his confidence isn't echoed by professionals who follow the game. >> tiger will never dominate golf the way he did before. that's because his aura of invincibility has been cracked if not shattered completely. >> at stake, jack nicklaus' coveted record of 18 major championships. who will be known as the greatest golfer in history? tiger woods is not giving up the chase. >> my goal is to win every tournament i tee up in and i'm very excited about the future. ♪ [ male announcer ] you know her. we know diamonds. together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you can get up to $1,000 off now through sunday. because they have 20% more calcium per chew than viactiv or for the delicious flavors like chocolate truffle and vanilla creme? mmm. -mmm. -mmm. [ female announcer ] hard to say really. new caltrate soft chews, we put the yum in calcium. [ exclaims ] ...with...stage presence. ♪ now get an htc surround for $199.99, and get one free. only from at&t. rethink possible. in a bold move, police in los angeles release dozens of photos of women they believe could be victims of an alleged serial killer known as the grim sleeper. plus, we'll take you inside a secretive place where americans can't and may never be allowed to visit and where few reporters have dared to go. we'll take you there live in just a few minutes. watch out for the slippery roads. this highway in washington state turns into a demolition derby. we start with breaking news tonight involving north korea, where cnn's wolf blitzer has exclusive access to new mexico governor bill richardson. richardson has just wrapped up a meeting with north korean generals, a meeting he said made some progress. we cannot stress how dangerous the situation is right now, with super heated rhetoric from the north, while the south prepares for exercises. he's visiting pyongyang in an unofficial capacity at the invitation of north korea. wolf joints me by phone with richardson's latest diplomatic efforts and the north korean response. >> there has been dramatic developments. richardson just wrapped up an an hour and a half meeting with the top north korean military official in charge of the demilitarized zone. he offered, richardson, two proposals. and the north koreans were open to them. establishing a u.s., north korea, south korea issue in the disputed areas. also the establishment of a hotline between commanders to deal with these issues that the north korean general was open, he didn't make a firm commitment. what he did do is offer the united states photographs of what they say they just discovered hundreds of u.s. remains, of u.s. military personnel who were killed during the korean war. and they're open to having a united states delegation come over and bring those remains back. i saw some of the photographs, by the way, including a dog tag of one american soldier who was killed. richardson's going to notify the department of defense and they'll notify next of kin. he's here with me right now. let's get his quick reaction on what, if any, progress was achieved during this meeting. governor richardson? >> it was a very tough, sobering meeting. they are very concerned, the north koreans, about the artillery drill. i told them the united states and south korea have aalliance and they're united. i floated a couple of proposals. he didn't accept them. one was for a hotline between north and south korea. this has been talked about before. but it's never actually happened. between the military commands in terms of times of crisis. the second was a military commission, representatives of the united states, north korea, south korea, to monitor the disputed areas in the west sea, to see if there are any potential altercations that can be avoided by this commission. now, again, i'm not an envoy of the administration. these are ideas that i've floated out to them. and the best news is, i've been involved before in the recovery of remains. six were given to me four years ago to a bipartisan delegation that i brought out here. they said that they recovered scores more recently. and they want to resume the joint recovery efforts with the u.s. that's good news. but at the same time, before north korea and the u.s. engage, north korea has to stop some of this behavior, susms the showing of individuals and many other measures that have been very provocative. >> thanks, governor richardson. there you have it, don. it's a very, very fluid situation, very tense right now. as you know, the north koreans say they'll respond militarily if the saudia arabians outh kor with these measures. they're scheduled to meet in emergency session in new york sunday morning. it's still a fluid situation. the north koreans watching it extremely closely as is everyone else. don? >> wolf blitzer and governor bill richardson in pyongyang. new news now. a landmark moment for gay rights here in the united states. gays and lesbians will be able to serve openly in the military after the senate repealed the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. now is awaiting the president's signature. let's get to our congressional correspondent on capitol hill. briana? >> reporter: the breakdown in the vote, 65-31. you had eight republican senators joining with 57 democrats and independents who were present in voting to repeal "don't ask, don't tell." the practice of the u.s. military, where gay and lesbian service men and women couldn't serve, if they were going to be open about their sexual orientation. this has been a very controversial topic. it's had a very long and winding road. especially in the senate. most recently this was attached to a larger defense measure, defense authorization bill. and this was one of the reasons that that defense authorization bill failed. because of this controversial topic, as well as some others. in the end, the house ended up passing a stand-alone "don't ask, don't tell" repeal. that is what went through the senate today. today you're hearing from supporters like senator joe lieberman, an independent from connecticut who said this is about righting a wrong. and susan collins of maine who said this is making sure anyone can serve in the military as long as they're willing to put on a uniform and fight for the freedoms of all americans. but senator john mccain, he stood on the senate floor today and said he is concerned this is going to be a distraction that will cost lives. in the end, though, this -- the plan is for president obama, this is according to the white house, to sign this into law this week. and for then the military to go ahead and implement it in the coming weeks. even after the president signs the repeal, it won't go into effect right away. there will be a certification process for a few months to verify the change won't impact military readiness or effectiveness. if all that checks out, the repeal will go into effect once and for all 60 days later. so for now, guy service members are advised not to do anything. but former army lieutenant dan choy isn't one to stay quiet. he was still in the service when he came out on national tv last year. that earned him a discharge. and he became one of the loudest voices in the push for repealing "don't ask, don't tell." here's what he had to say when i spoke with him. >> we know that when you're on the right side of justice and history, you don't ever go backwards. this is a real moment. it's not for me, that is the most excited. i'm sure that this is sending shock waves to all the closeted and fearful and self-hating people all throughout america who are afraid to come out because they're gay. and they're saying, finally, the government is saying that we're taking steps closer for you to access your integrity. that's why it's so amazing. not just amazing for me. i'm already out. i'm fairly openly gay, i guess you could say. but this is for all of those people in the military who are languishing, not able to come out to themselves because they're so ingrained with this self-hatred. it's a message that i think really stiffens their spine. >> listen, dan, you're in the military. is it not true that most people in the military know who the gay men and women are around them and they're okay with it? so this is something that seems, you know, sort of -- what's the word i'm looking for -- not hypocritical, that people are already there. and now people will know? >> it's already a reality that, look, we're not only acknowledging the truth that we already know, we know that we're serving with openly gay people in other countries as well. you know, wherein these operations with nato allies, there's openly gay people we're already serving with. it's ridiculous when you hear people say, omg, as john mccain said, wow, this is going to cause the amputations of soldiers and marines. that's probably the most ridiculous thing that i've heard. >> i should tell you, dan choi just got out of the hospital after suffering a breakdown that he says is related to both post-traumatic stress and the fight against "don't ask, don't tell." we want to wish our best to him. i also spoke with someone who is gay and currently serving in active military officer using the assume oh nim j.d. smith. he's the founder the outserved, an underground network. >> it was amazing to watch today, it was just -- it was like a knife came out of your back. because you know this is going to be over in the next few months. it was amazing to see it happen. >> any concern for any backlashes, especially for like the marines who were opposed more than any other branch of the military? >> i don't think there's going to be any backlash at all. i think that even some of the marines that may not think they've ever known a gay and lesbian in their experience, when their best friend or one of their friends comes out as being gay, they're going to realize it's not an issue at all. >> there was another big senate vote today on another big issue, immigration. supporters fell five votes short of the 60 votes needed to advance the dream act that offers a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants who entered the united states as children. president barack obama issued a statement calling it "incredibly disappointing vote" and vowed to keep fighting for the legislation. the president did sign a short-term spending bill today to keep the government in business through tuesday. it passed both houses of congress on friday. it's necessary because senate budget negotiations broke down thursday night and the current budget resolution expired today. the goal now is to pass another temporary spending bill that will last into the new year. when the new congress has taken office. still ahead on cnn, 15 minutes of fame and a ticket to the unemployment line. that is the hand that velma hart was dealt. now she's become one of the millions looking for work this holiday season. and she's here to tell us about it. plus, did the accused grim sleeper serial killer have more victims than originally thought. investigators are now turning to the public for help. your core competency... is competency. and you rent from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i'm getting an upgrade. [ male announcer ] indeed, business pro. indeed. go national. go like a pro. everyone's eating tacos outside bill's office. [ chuckles ] you think that is some information i would have liked to know? i like tacos. you invited eric? i thought eric gave you the creeps. [ phone buzzes ] oh. [ chuckles ] yeah. hey. [ male announcer ] don't be left behind. get it first with at&t. the nation's fastest mobile broadband network. period. rethink possible. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] here's hoping you find something special in your driveway this holiday. ♪ [ santa ] ho ho ho! [ male announcer ] get an exceptional offer on the mercedes-benz you've always wanted at the winter event going on now. and stay connected with three years of mbrace service complimentary. now to los angeles and the bizarre case of the alleged serial killer known as the grim sleeper. after police released 150 photos of women found in the possession of lonnie franklin jr., hundred of tips have been pouring in. jou rub be of the joe ruben of "the new york times" have identified some of these photos. >> yeah, day after they released, it was actually 180 images showing what they estimate to be about 160 individual women. after they released them, they, the day after, they said they had tentatively identified five of the women. and they said they were going to take the weekend off and get right back at it on monday. that's where they stand now. >> to be clear, do we know if the women who are alive or deceased? >> no. they were very clear to say they could not comment on the status of the women. they simply had names for five of the women, whereas before they had no names. in the days to come, they will be clearly talking to relatives who have contacted them. but they weren't clear whether the actual women themselves had contacted them or relatives. >> here's the interesting thing, joel. so we have over 1,000 images, and they've released just over 100 of them. we don't know who the women are. police don't know if they're alive or dead. >> that is true. yeah. that was really the conundrum that was the detectives were facing when this went into this man's house after arresting him, discovered this trove of images and hundreds of hours of video. they said, we've got to try to identify who these women are. they tried to do it privately. and got to the end of all their routes on that front. and said we feel we have no other option but to go to the public and say do you know who these people are. >> describe some of these photos. i think some of the women they believe may have -- he may have lured them into his yard? describe the photos and situation surrounding the pictures. >> right. so the image that is were released are very tightly cropped, just to show the face fs the women. but the photos themselves and the video that were found have been described as most of them showing sexually provocative poses. various states of nudity. and the working theory is that somehow he encountered these women along the way, and the photos seem to range from 20 years old, 30 years old, back from the '80s to present day until he was arrested. somehow lured them into the backyard and had them get in front of the camera. >> listen, joel, in the short time we have left, i'm looking at the images here, most of the images i'm seeing are of african-american women. is that a pattern here? >> he lived in south l.a., at the time he was most active, allegedly active, predominantly african-american. he himself is african-american. his m.o. by all accounts is focus on allegedly young african-american women. it didn't come as any surprise to the detectives. >> why the grim sleeper, joel? >> it goes back to the fact he allegedly had a lot period of time between the two sets of killings that he's accused of. active in the mid-'80s and then later. >> joel rubin, with the "los angeles times." thank you for coming on and sharing that with us. >> thanks for having me. coming up, more than 140 inmates escape from a mexican prison near the texas border. plus wild weather out west. check out these cars, just trying to get up a hill. we'll have more when we come back.♪ phone was hot like me?... ♪ the droid pro by motorola knows you need business on the go. with its powerful 1 gigahertz processor... ♪ da da da don't cha... ♪ its globetrotting wi-fi hotspotting swagger... it knows you want a rich web experience with adobe flash and access to over 100,000 android apps. finally a work phone worth taking home. let's check your top stories. police in mexico are searching for at least 141 inmates who escaped from a prison near the u.s. border. authorities say the escapees apparently had help from prison workers. the inmates broke out of a penitentiary in nuevo laredo, mexico. amanda knox won a major victory when an italian appeals court agreed to key pieces of evidence in her murder case. she was convicted of murdering her english roommate in 2007. the judge is allowing new forensic test on the knife believed used in the attack and agreed to allow new testimony for witnesses for the defense who are said to have information showing knox was not involved in the killing. a massive winter storm has grounded all flights at london's heath throw airport. as of right now it is closed indefinitely. it was the same story across much of europe today with blizzard conditions from northern ireland to bulgaria. up to 40 inches, more than three feet, has fallen in parts of bulgaria. if you're in washington state tonight, be careful behind the wheel. look at that. it was like bumper cars on a skating rink at spokane's south hill today. cars slid all over the place and smashed into each other on the icy surface. it led to a pileup that last for about two hours. no reports of serious injuries but lots of damage. never, ever do this. driving across a flooded road is a big no no. a major pacific storm dumping huge amounts of rain on the west coast. that's in sacramento, california. there's good news for skiers. higher elevations are seeing snowfalls measured in feet. she did something that many americans only wish they had the opportunity to do. earlier this year, velma hart confronted the president about the economy during a town hall meeting. coming up, hear what she has to say about the president now and her passionate views on the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." you probably tonight remember her name, but you might remember her moment in the spotlight. thelma hart questioned president obama about how worried she was about the economy. she had good reason to be. she was laid off, a casualty of the recession. she was so concerned about. i talked with her about the president, his policies and even today's senate vote on don"don' ask, don't tell". >> i want to believe that the passage of this bill is significant in that it recognizes a wrong. civil rights violations in any capacity should never be tolerated. so i see that as a correction that is long overdue. and i'm very, very excited about this for the president, and quite frankly, for the congress. because it looked like a bipartisan support on this bill. >> do you blame the president for your layoff? >> absolutely not. i don't know what country everybody else lives in, but i live in a democracy. and that means that there are three ledge slasive branches of government and there are lots of people, more than 500 who make decisions about what happens in this country. am i disappointed? absolutely. i don't know anybody who wouldn't be. the community that i reach out to are certainly concerned. the fact of the matter is, this is not a problem for one man. this is a problem, though, that at least from the base that i come from, we want leadership and results. it's time. and it's long overdue. >> you said that you were exhaust exhausted. you still support him? >> absolutely, i support this president. >> let's talk about the tax cut deal that -- between the president and republicans. what do you think? >> well, here's where i come down on it. i listened to the president's message that wednesday, i believe it was a wednesday, when he talked about why he thought this was the right direction for the country to go in. and i believed what he said. i bought off on it. because at the end of the day, his driving agenda was constituent based. he absolutely wanted to make sure that they could be supported through what were unprecedented economic challenges. and so i think that his heart was in the right place and the agenda was in the right place. the concern i have is the concern i think he shares and many in congress share. and that's the added debt. i also believe that that was the first in many decisions that will have to be made, don. some of them are going to be very hard. i'm hoping for the people, can be further -- that the effect on people can be averted. >> velma hart told me she's not worried about finding a job, she's focused on christmas and celebrating the holidays with her family. happy holidays to the hart family. a soulful sounds of avaunt, who will sing his new single for us. 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