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>>hank you, justin. see you later. >> matt, thank you for the ride. >> hey! hoda, guess what, it's thirst-day thursday, may 3rd, and welcome to "very special edition of our show we're calling "needles, knives or nothing." >> this really looks like we should be serving food at the school cafeteria. everyone who wants extra mashed potatoes, please line up. this will be a different show. here's the deal. we're talking about different cosmetic procedures. people have heard of botox and different types of procedures but they've never actually seen them happen, figure out how much they cost in case they wanted those. >> right. >> we are going to go through -- >> there's a huge curiosity factor. we will be human guinea pigs today and do five different procedures. >> live. >> i will ask you one probing question. do you think those earrings actually help the way you look? that kills me! >> ever since i played -- i was yoda on halloween and i had the ugly green and i kept applying lipstick -- >> it's kind of the same thing. we'll be going through those procedures. >> at home. >> and especially one you guys will be dying to know about because we teased it before. it's called cellulase. you know when you have cellulite in your butt or whatever -- >> no! >> -- and you've been trying to get rid of it but it's really difficult even if you work out, and diet, you can't get rid of it. there is a new procedure dr. nancy said on the air was very safe she thought. >> with excellent results as well. >> there is actually somebody doing this procedure. the way it works, if you know what a mattress looks like with buttons in it, it actually cuts through the buttons and separates the skin so there's no puckering. it's unbelievable. they're doing it close by. >> close by. we will be going there. i think they're going to start it very soon. of all days for our dear friend to be visiting us, the one person on the planet who does not need one thing done to him, picks today to visit us. the one and only eduardo is here to say hello. >> he's like the latino brad pitt, very hot, and we're humiliated. >> for me, brad pitt is the caucasian of eduardo. he has a magnificent new movie out called "for greater good"? >> "for greater glory." >> see youater, alligator. >> don't look at us. we look ugly. >> to dr. bruce katz, about to perform cellulase on his pati t patient. how are you? >> hi, ladies. i'm here with collette. we're ready to start. >> tell us what you're going to be doing to collette. >> we're using this cellulase device. >> hello, collette! >> she's not wearing spanx. >> you have these depressed areas and we're going to lower those raised areas by taking way the fat and cut those collagen bands that pull down on the skin and allow them to be released. the third thing we're going to do is stimulate collagen and tighten the skin. >> so how quickly will colette see some results? >> usually within a few weeks. some people have bruising and swelling for a while. appears in a few weeks and keeps getting better. >> is it pricey? >> well, it depends on how many areas. some people have a lot of different areas. i will start here. you might want to turn away for your viewers. >> no. i want to see every bit of. >> do it, dr. katz. >> don't look, don't look. i told you. >> colette, can you hear us? >> yeah. >> you've had a mild anesthetic, right, on the area? >> yes. >> okay. feeling anything yet? a little pressure? >> tiny tiny bit of pressure but not much at all. >> really? it doesn't feel painful? okay. >> i feel pretty numb. >> okay. >> that's the key. >> she's very numb. >> i have some numbing gel on my forehead, too, for the procedure i'm going to have. that really helps. >> here's what we're going to do. we're going to continue to check in and watch you. this takes about 45 minutes. >> right. >> that's unbelievable it's happening right now. i got a little bit of chills. >> it's happening all over the world as we speak. cosmetic surgery and these kinds of procedures that don't require the knife are a huge, huge business. >> i think a lot of people have tried and tried to get rid of cellulite, sometimes it's just genetic and you can't get rid of it. >> this is a weird day to bring it, but we've got to tell you about a show we saw yesterday. "nice working if you can get it," brilliant cast. go enjoy. it's an absolute delight. now go and say your thing. >> here we go. there are a lot of different procedures out there. >> right. >> your boob job is the number one -- get rid of that. you don't need that anymore. boob jobs are the number one procedures. a lot of women are doing that. boob reductions is another one. we'll talk to tamra barney from "the real housewives." >> 20 years ago she had them augmented and recently took out her sacks. >> we haven't revealed what we're going to do. >> what am i going to do? >> you're going to have something done to your forehead. >> i will have an eyebrow transplant. just kidding! i will have a lift, a little lift. >> what is that? >> i don't know. you'll get your bushy hair removed. >> stop talking about it being bushy. jennifer is coming up. you have to shave my arms. >> i don't have to. she's going to do that. dr. wechsler is going to take off my numbing cream. not the first time you've done this. >> and not the last either, i assume. >> who shaves their arms? >> lots of people. >> no one i know. >> come on! >> stubble. this is not going to be good. >> what have you been doing before? >> leaving it alone. >> my god, that is hairy. >> you have never waxed it? >> i want you to look. you will be astonished how much hair i have on my arm. >> for those who have overplucked your eyebrow hair, you can have some of that hair into your eyebrow. so save that for me. dr. wechsler will do my eyebrow transplant. >> you will get half your head done during this show. >> i want my entire head done. >> i will get one arm done and hopefully the other. so you're going to burn the hair right off the arm? >> we're going to laser it, absolutely. >> it's extremely painful, just preparing you. >> i'm scared of even the shaving process. i don't know why. >> here's the deal, guys. we're going to take a commercial break so we can continue to get prepped and we will do not only our two procedures but two others. >> we will also have two other procedures. >> getting something different done at the same time. this is so much fun! >> i'm scared. >> from botox to vein removal and so much more. plus, later in the show we're going to talk about two men who are very open about their procedures they've gotten as well. >> my arm is getti ting chaf ti. will i'm distracted. >> so what? >> we'll be right back. come on jenni. ♪ thank you. [ cellphone rings ] workin on it. ♪ hi. hi. how are you? [ female announcer ] outlast your day any day. with secret's 48 hour odor protection technology. secret outlast. with secret's 48 hour odor protection technology. why should golfers take 5-hour energy? playing golf all day can make you tired. i've been taking the product for about a year. and, after taking 5-hour energy, i feel more energized. i have more energy. you know, i'm not tired anymore after taking it. i was skeptical but i decided one day i'd try it. 5-hour energy works fast. i have the energy to get through a meeting, to get through a workout. it keeps me alert for a long period of time, and keeps me going. on or off the course, play with energy, 5-hour energy. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. my sister had plastic surgery and she's so much more confident now. she did her nose. she looks so cute. i hope she won't be upset i'm saying this. >> she's outed now. we'r back with a special anti-aging show. called "needles knives or nothing." and you just saw the doctor working on cellulite. now, we have four more procedures to show you including botox, spider vein removal, eyebrow lift and laser hair removal. >> two of those procedures are on us. first let's say hello to dermatologist, dr. susan taylor about to perform a vein removal procedure. on patient kelly o'neil. >> hi, kelly! >> hi. >> these are the little red squiggly veins that overtake our legs as we mature. >> i can barely see them. >> well, they will progress. that's the reason why we have scarotherapy. >> they won't come back? >> new ones can develop over time but these will go away. >> you will inject the teeny veins? >> are you nervous? >> no. >> i will hold your hand. >> i will use a vibrator on your back. >> to calm her. >> we're just cleaning the skin. you see these little red squiggly vessels. >> hoda can't look at that. >> what i'm doing is i'm inserting the needle right into the vessel. >> how does it feel? >> i don't even feel it. >> look, look. >> my god, it's gone away. >> right then. >> what happens is this material irritates the blood vessel and ultimately makes the vessel go away. >> just by irritating it? >> yes. but -- >> does that work with people? >> sorry. >> i wish. >> what we're going to do, we did this cluster. now, you will see it after a few minutes, but over the next week or two, it will go away permanently. >> next, to miss janine downey, a dermatologist. with her is jody. she's getting botox done and jody doesn't look like she needs it. >> jody doesn't need anything. >> tell us about this. when should you start getting botox? >> as soon as you start seeing the first lines of sun damage, bring it on. if you don't crease the envelope, you'll never get the wrinkles. >> young girls are getting it -- >> i'm an ex-lifeguard and started at 29. you know what i'm saying, early 20s is probably too soon. >> a little, a lot. jody is 48. >> 48, you look amazing. >> she can't frown in here. she can't raise her eyebrows because she's already botoxed. >> a little numbing. >> she had a little numbing. basically, it is a liquid that blocks the impulses so you can't contract the muscle anymore. if you don't crease the envelope, your most prized accessory stays the same. >> you have to be careful you don't do too much or you won't have any movement. >> you don't want to look astonished. >> how much is botox? >> it varies from place to place, $300 to $400. it can be $1,000 that lasts three to four months. i believe in it. i believe in botox. >> and you are numb four to six hours afterwards. >> how do you know? >> because i've been getting it sings i was 6 years old. hello. >> i'm a little nervous. kath is going to get in the chair. what will happen? >> it is an fda approved process which lifts and tightens the skin. >> okay. >> so here we're going to do the eyebrows. >> and this is dr. francesca, my partner. she specializes in this procedure. >> what is it? >> some people don't want to do botox or they want something adjunctive to botox. this is doing what a brow lift would do. it's delivering deep heat to the muscle. >> how does it feel? >> she's just putting gel on. >> when does the pain start? >> no pain. no pain. >> the pain starts when you give her the consultation. >> when you get the bill. >> here we go with our first one now. ready? >> i have my vibrator. >> do it! >> you have to understand this delivers different levels of pain. >> how did that feel? >> weird. >> the first level of heat -- this is giving you the ability to see where you're delivering the energy. so you're giving -- it's giving you visualization of where you're delivering your lift. >> it's uncomfortable but it's not painful painful. that one hurt. jerry! >> over several months, you see stimulation of collagen. >> ow. that one hurt. >> there we go. she's in pain. >> ow! >> it's done. >> you look younger! >> yes! >> it's done. >> you have to realize that over several months, she's stimulating her own collagen. you will see a progressive lifter and tightening. >> you're going to get my other side done i hope or i will look ridiculous. >> we will leave you like this. >> great. i'll be back. this is cindy. she's here to talk hair removal. >> first things first. everyone put your glasses on. or please run out of the room. hoda! >> you don't need them. >> kath, i need you by me. >> hold her hand. >> tell me what's going to happen. >> this is the hand she's getting done because this is the one that was shaved earlier. >> can i ask a question? where's the numbing cream? >> you don't need it! >> you can handle it. >> we set the setting for your skin and hair type. and through pulses and light, we cut the -- >> is that smoke? >> no. that's not smoke. it's freezing cold. you don't feel it. >> it feels like a cold blast. >> a cold blast of air with this new laser that we have. what we do is put that on and you don't feel it as much. >> do you need the vibrator? >> keep going. do it. >> she doesn't like it. you can tell that. >> what do you mean in two weeks she has to do it again? >> no. in two weeks it falls out, and you come back every four to six weeks. >> i don't really have any there. it's all -- >> it's great. you can do it anywhere on your face or body. >> you're doing great. >> it's not every follicle you need to hit, just the general area. >> no, no, she's hitting every follicle. it will kill the follicle from underneath, it falls out. then when it's going back to the growth stage, that's when she comes back in. >> how many times before it never comes back at all? >> a minimum of six treatments. >> how does it look? >> not so good. >> cindy, you rock! thank you so much. wow, this is exciting. up next, the doctor is in the house and she's answering your biggest questions about cosmetic procedures after this. >> i need wine. >> i know. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. introducing one-a-day vitacraves for men! it's a gummy multivitamin... with more vitamin b, to convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. new one-a-day vitacraves for men. of all time. congrats, michael. you really made a splash. there is no competition. 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[ both ] subway. eat fresh. what would stop me from getting work done? probably the image. if i got my calves done, i would want people to think i had done that on my own. >> we're back with a special age-defying show today. if you are thinking of a procedure, you probably have questions on your mind. we asked you to go to our facebook page and ask us what you want to know. >> we call in the experts. we have a board-certified plastic surgeon from right here on park avenue. glad to see you. >> glad to see you, too. >> stephanie says -- what are the best options for a disappearing jaw and saggy neck? that's one of those you want to get rid of. >> the jowl and a saggy neck is the biggest giveaway of any woman's age and the first thing that will bring them to a plastic surgeon's office for a facelift. >> even before your eyes go. >> even before your eyes go. >> if you start having that jowl -- >> you need a full face-lift? >> you can take it out, what i found. there's a teaspoon of fat in the jowl area and the saggy neck skin. take out a couple teaspoons of fat from the neck. lift lipo and i use the internal ultrasound that's hot and it takes the fat out and shrinks up and there's no cutting. >> what does that procedure cost and how long does it take? >> costs about $5,000 and takes 45 minutes. >> the fat is gone for a long, long time? >> the fat is removed permanently. puts off the time when someone needs to get a face-lift the first time. now you can wait a little while. >> maria asked -- is there a limit to how many liposuction procedures one might have in a lifetime? how many can we have? in other words, i've got so much money, how long is it going to last me? >> or so much fat. i say it depends. overall, yes. liposuction is the gold standard for removing fat permanently. if you take out what you need to take out once, you're done. what happens and why some people say, i've had liposuction but then some fat grew somewhere else. it really just wasn't taken out right the first time. in this girl we had here, a nice slim girl. i took a little bit of fat from her belly, love handles, inner thigh, outer thighs. so now if she gains or loses weight, it's going to be in the after-pattern. she never will go back to how she was before. >> just to underscore, you said if you take fat from your stomach, people say you end up getting it elsewhere. you say that doesn't happen. will >> if you take it all the first time. if you had fat on your belly and arms and only took out your belly fat, you gained 20 pounds, it's going right to the arms. that will bring you back. you want to get it right the first time because it's all out permanently in one shot. >> angela wants to know -- can you have liposuction anywhere and everywhere? >> yes. that's very exciting. this year we have two new devices on the market that will melt a layer of fat through the skin. you don't have to have surgeries, like hot stone, rubbing. >> it was painful, and i didn't get the results. >> me, too. >> one's a little bit painful and one feels like a hot stone. >> thank you, doctor. >> thank you so much. we will go back across the street and check in with our cellulase patients. >> and the guys will complain about their stuff. i feel more energized. i have more energy. you know, i'm not tired anymore after taking it. i was skeptical but i decided one day i'd try it. 5-hour energy works fast. i have the energy to get through a meeting, to get through a workout. it keeps me alert for a long period of time, and keeps me going. on or off the course, play with energy, 5-hour energy. ♪ any day can have a magnum mini moment. magnum ice cream, now in a mini size. new magnum mini. now in a mini size. you know, ronny... folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? i'd say happier than a bodybuilder directing traffic. he does look happy. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ i had plastic surgery we're back with more on our special edition of "today," "needles, knives or nothing," getting worked on as we look at all kinds of cosmetic procedures for men and women. hoda and i are half done. i had one eye and she had one arm. >> earlier we showed you dr. bruce katz. he's aperforming cellulase on one of his patients, this brand new thing happening. how's it going, dr. katz? >> we're doing really well. colette is doing really well, relaxing, taking a nap actually. >> we can't hear him. we're having technical difficulties. looks like it's going fine. colette can't speak us to right now because she's turned over, as you can see. he's working on the other part of her anatomy. >> i can hear him. dr. katz, can you hear us now? >> i can hear you. can you hear me? >> we can hear you, too. so are you about half done? >> more than half done, actually, sort of in the final stretch. probably another ten minutes or so. but it's going beautifully. >> just for people who are watching, when you get this treatment done, is your se cellulite gone forever? >> well, we've been doing this over two years now, and the cellulite hasn't come back. so we're hoping it's a long-term result. but we can only say for two years so far. >> we should also point out these procedures, although they're done widely, they're done everywhere, you really have to check with your doctor to see how much something will cost. there's always additional costs as well. >> and risks. >> it can vary like crazy all over the country. pf we're going to come back and check with you in a bit. in the meantime, some say celebrities drive a lot of people to seek perfection with surgery. >> here is o"housewife" tamra barney and psychologist and former model vivian and author from "us" magazine. >> tamra, you've been very vocal about plastic surgery, stuff you've had. you had your breasts reduced. you don't hide any of that. >> no. i live my life openly on the reality show. i've always been one who just kind of puts it out there. >> what do you say about a lot of celebrities that say, i have good genes and i drink my water, do my yoga. >> i want to throw my wine at them. i love, i just drink aa lot of water! >> you decided to get a breast reduction. why is that? >> it was a long time coming. i had them done in my early 20s. i had them reduced on the show four years ago. i took baby steps. i knew i wanted to get rid of them, but i don't think i had the self-esteem -- my self-esteem was low back then. i was going through a divorce, i was thinking, my god, if i lose my fun bags, what's going to happen? >> fun bags. >> the thing about being 40, you're a little more secure about who you are, i don't know if it's being in your 40s or losing your eyesight, i feel better about myself. >> dr. dillard, what is this fascination we have, tremendous fear of what's ultimately going to happen to all of us anyway. if you're blessed, you will live to be a big old age, right? >> i'm really glad you're bringing up the psychological component about the physical changes because it's actually much more complicated than we think. patients i have in the public eye they know they're going to be under scrutiny. but what they don't know is how complicated their reactions will be and the people watching them. this is a very polarizing issue. there are people who take sides. you are either supposed to age naturally or do whatever you possibly can to aavoid this aging illness. really, aging has become in some ways a defect. we have to really shift the way we think about it. otherwise, people will be panicked about it, even at age 20. >> it's psychological and all about self-esteem and sometimes if self-esteem needs fixing, you need a psychologists. >> plastic surgeons need to ask the important questions. >> let's talk celebs because celebs are kind of driving this bus, right? >> all of them in some way. they either have an opinion or are getting it done. >> ashley judd, we showed her, she got something done, yes, she did. she was outraged people were saying those things. >> it set off a whole debate. of course she said, i had nothing done. it was a reaction to surgery problem, that it was steroids and her face puffed out. she said women should not be judged this way. everyone pointing fingers and dissecting what someone has done. >> like that has been that way it has always been and never going to change. >> like heidi montag. >> ten procedures in one day. everybody agreed was way too much. now, the difference is she is now saying she regrets that. >> she regrets it but she wouldn't do it again but yet she's stuck now. some of these things are irreversible. things like liposuction or you can grow it back if you need to. a nose job. some procedures she had done so extreme are irreversible. >> we used to just have the question does she or doesn't she? i don't know if you remember that at my age, it was just about hair color, there are so many options now, people are confused. what celebrities are confronting is the confusion an entire generation of women are feeling. >> people don't love themselves first in the right way. the healthy way. >> thanks, guys. thanks for coming to see us, we appreciate it. up next, the guys get their turn. find out what they're nipping and tucking right after this. >> cellulase still at work. theys ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? 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[ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you'll have to remind your family they can use less. charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. don't worry, there's plenty left for you dad. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft? why not enjoy the go have you heard for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number? you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! i think men and plastic surgery is a little weird. they end up looking like ken dolls a little bit. it's kind of awkward to see so i'm not really a fan of that so much. >> oh, really? >> well, we're back with a special plastic surgery episode. we've been talking about ladies all day, but what about the guys? >> men are the fastest growing demographic undergoing plastic surgery. here to discuss brotox and more we have plastic surgeon along with a few of his manly patients. joseph, frank and bruno. hi, guys. welcome. >> what kind of procedures are men undergoing these days? >> a lot of procedures include chin implants, rhinoplasty, which is nose surgery, sometimes hair transplantation. a lot of new techniques and technology, lasers and everyone, including men are doing what you guys did this morning, non-surgical things to make you look good. >> look at joseph, adorable, the next guy in line, you look at his face, i wonder if you think what has joseph had done. joseph is 22 years old. you've had what done? >> a rhinoplasty, chin implant and restylane fillers in my cheeks. >> that was my before. >> that's a heck of a head of hair. >> that was downstairs. they do great work. >> it makes a huge difference. has it done something to your self-esteem? >> of course. night and day. made a huge businesses. definitely improved my business. my outlook everyday, really, changed everything. >> i think plastic surgery can be a good thing. if you're worried about yourself all day long, it affects you. if you can just do it, and it looks great, forget it. >> find a doctor that will give you natural results. can't beat it. >> speaking of natural, look at frank, mr. 40-year-old over there. you had a couple of things done. tell us what you had done. >> i had my turbinates reduced. >> your what? >> i used to snore like a freight train. >> it can mess up with your love life. >> you're absolutely right. essentially i had the inside plumbing done. i had my uvula clipped, my turbinates done, my sinuses and while i was on the table, figured i might as well have it straightened out a little bit. >> your schnoz. >> what has your family said or noticed? >> surprisingly, only my sister. it was such a conservative job, i didn't want anything over the top, my profile fixed a lit bit. >> good for you. and the love life's good? >> good. single, by the way. >> bruno at the end is doing a lot of what men are wanting to do with their hair. tell us what you did, bruno. >> i was losing it and being a macho italian, i couldn't do it. i don't have a face like bruce willis or yule brenner. >> i think it's a beautiful face. >> tell us what you did. >> i heard about dr. sear over and over again. i figured let me check him out. i did and went with him. >> it was actually implants? what did you do? >> i guess they call it microsurgery. >> you put single hairs in. >> single hair. what's amazing is, how do they put them in your head to grow the right way. i was panicking in six months, my hair would be all over like dr. no, you know? >> yes, yes. >> how expensive, basically, are the different procedures, doctor? >> well, they're not inexpensive. the non-surgical ones you guys just did are relatively inexpensive. no surgery and hair transplant, depending how much you're doing for hair transplants can be in the thousands. >> and chins are huge now, aren't they? >> chins are huge. i was telling joe chin implants are very important balancing out a male face. there are very few ceos that have a retrucive chin. >> some are soulless, too, but that's another story. >> thanks for coming. up next, forget the needles and knives. we're going to show you what a little hair and makeup can do. good morning, everyone. i'm meteorologist kelly cass and we are still going to be dealing with isaac as it slowly works its way through louisiana into arkansas. look for some heavy downpours as well as some gusty winds and unfortunately several inches of rain that could lead to even more flooding in some of these areas. now, underneath the clouds and rain from isaac a, temperatures held down in the 70s and low 80s. otherwise, a lot of humidity in the south, heating up as far as chicago, your high getting up to 94 degrees. no the mid-80s in new york city, 90 in the nation's capital, d.c. friday, we'll continue to see the rain showers from isaac continuing to work its way up into kansas city, as well as st. louis, memphis. somebody in here could see more of a foot of rainfall. mind you, some of you need the rain, but unfortunately that could still lead to flooding especially when it comes down too quickly. look at your temperatures heading into friday, mid to upper 80s in minneapolis, new york city getting all the way up to 95. a good day to head to the hamptons and cool off at the beaches. the weekend, more rain showers of course courtesy of isaac, 81 degrees in chicago, 84 in louisvil louisville. we'll see the rain showers even down toward new orleans. unfortunately with all the flooding we've had we'll see some problems with obviously more rain in the forecast. and then eventually we'll see that heavy rain shift to the east into portions of the upper ohio valley, all the way down towards columbia, south carolina, charleston we've had some flooding rains lately as well. so watch out for that. back to work on monday, we see the rain showers moving into pittsburgh as well as washington, d.c. drier weather behind that, but hot on the plaza in kansas city, 96 degrees for your high temperature. tuesday, the showers line up from the gulf coast all the way into new england with boston's high 75 degrees. you can always catch your forecast on "wake up with al" weekday mornings on the weather channel. why should golfers take 5-hour energy? 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