Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20150912

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probably gone. >> reporter: others are looking for friends, concerned about who left behind. >> it's not the normal business that, you know, as if it was down. >> reporter: a rancher says he was forced to leave his home. he waits on highway 49 looking over the animals he couldn't get out. >> the mamas won't leave with the babies. they guard and protected the babies. they were saying at the baseball diamond and that once it hits this dry grass it would be on top of us. >> reporter: the fire has burned 50,000 acres so far. cal fire says even more evacuations will be likely before the day is done. >> like the rest of california, the brush in calaveras county and amador county, they are very dry because of the drought. you're looking at live pictures now. firefighters say this fire has the potential to be a major disaster. >> late -- late this afternoon the lawmakers passed the "right to die" legislation after emotional lobbying by the family of brittany maynard the woman had brain cancer who moved to oregon so she could kill herself legally. so far the governor has not said whether or not he will sign the bill. if he does, we wanted to know what happens next. maria medina has more tonight on what the process would be like for patients. >> i would like to see all americans have access to the same healthcare rights. >> reporter: it was brittany maynard's wish that terminally ill californians get access to life-ending drugs. >> my goals really are quite simple. >> reporter: her goal now almost reality. if governor brown signs the bill into law, the process would include making an oral and written request to a doctor for the assisted suicide drugs, then making another request with the same doctor within 15 days. lastly, a second doctor must sign off the patient is mentally stable and has a diagnosis of at most six months to live before a prescription is given. >> physicians are not bound to do this. so it's really finding a physician who is willing to write the prescription for the patients. >> reporter: but david magnus the director for stanford center for biomedical ethics says in oregon of the thousands who die of a terminal illness a year, only a few dozen actually choose this option. he believes it would be the same in california. >> for most patients in a terminal condition and very sick you're going to have other options for how the send going to go. and if you understand everything there are a lot of options beside suicide. >> reporter: to david he says the silver lining to assisted suicide is that it forces doctors to talk to their patients about all their options like hospice or using pain medication to make patients as comfortable as possible until they die naturally. >> my mom was real, real sick, you know? and, um, she was ready. >> reporter: michael moses says if california were a "right to die" state when his mother was suffering, and she chose to end her life with a lethal drug, it's a choice he would have respected. >> if somebody is in that much pain they should make their own decision. >> reporter: maria medina, kpix 5. california lawmakers are heading into the 11th hour. they have yet to vote on a regulatory framework for the state's medical marijuana industry. both chambers plan to vote on three bills regulating the industry before the adjournment tonight. the package of bills would create the first statewide licensing and operating rules for pot growers and weed retailers. tonight at 11, we'll introduce you to a bay area group looking to medical pot for relief but the average age of these patients might surprise you. it's about 76. the pot club meets regularly at the rossmoor retirement community. tonight at 11, hear why membership has grown from 20 to more than 100. san francisco's former mayor willie brown says nothing shady happened when a bay area ceo came to him for a little league help. gurbaksh chahal a ceo of a digital ad company was facing 45 counts of domestic abuse after video surfaced of him beating up his then girlfriend. the "wall street journal" reported that chahal was willing to pay willie brown a million dollars to use his influence with the d.a. to make the charges go away. chahal sent him $250,000 as a retainer. we caught up to willie brown today and here's what he had to say. >> i could see you saying for a million bucks we could make it go away. i can hear you say that. >> no. that's not the way i operate. i never have operated that way, as a matter of fact. i would tell you in a very direct way i can put together a team that based on the facts you tell me if they're true, the methods in the court system says that evidence can be introduced and you will be free. >> for the rest of the interview with willie brown including what he says really happened with that $250,000, you can tune in right here at 7:30 a.m. on sunday morning. the construction cranes in the bay area skylines tell the story. building is booming. but filling those jobs is a bust. new at 6:00 kpix 5's cate caugiran is live with a look at just how desperate the situation is. cate. >> reporter: well, the good news is it's not that desperate over here and if anyone has any question as to why construction workers come to the bay area, all they have to do is look around because construction is everywhere. bay area construction is booming. >> anyone that lives in the bay area can see that we're building lots of stuff most places. there are cranes everywhere. there's road widening. >> reporter: a contractor's trade association found 91% of construction firms in the state are struggling to find workers because most of them are coming here. >> they are bidding up so the costs are rising because some workers retire during the recession. >> reporter: the downside is the rest of the state suffers. other companies are hiring lesser skilled works. but despite the boom, the bay area is still playing catch-up. in 2007, san francisco lost 10,000 construction jobs and so far got only 9,000 back. the south bay lost 16,000 construction jobs and has 13,000 back today. >> all the stuff we need to do to make the economy competitive will increase construction spending and construction jobs and that's where the middle class jobs are going to be in the future. >> reporter: just in this one corner at first and mission we can see several projects. we have the new "salesforce" tower as well as the new transbay terminal. all signs that stephen says points to a growing and booming economy. reporting live in san francisco, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> construction has been halted tonight at a south bay medical center. the county has locked out the contractor. kpix 5's len ramirez is in san jose and says next week the county executive will go a step further. len. >> reporter: that's right. that's when they will actually pull the plug. but right now county officials are out at the construction site to literally lock out turner construction from the project. now, they have been posting these notices on the construction gates and changing the locks as we speak. santa clara county says it sent out numerous warnings that this could happen but as of today, the warnings are over. the county has suspended turner construction with the intent to fire the company on tuesday. [ noise and screaming ] >> reporter: this was a big reason. why a major steam explosion at th project. no one was killed. there have been several delays pushing the project back two years. the county says it's costing $36 million a year in lost revenue by not being open. >> what it says here is that at least one client has been extremely unsatisfied. we have given them many opportunities to cure the defects to solve the problems. they have not. >> now, this afternoon turner construction did send out a response a kind tongue in cheek response saying this is the quickest decision the county has made on this project. they also sent out a statement saying that this is another example of bad county management and that this is going to cost the taxpayers. now, the county says that it has identified at least two other construction companies that could step in to complete the project. live in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. the governor has declared a state of emergency right there in amador and calaveras counties. the butte fire has consumed 50,000 acres in the last "48 hours." and there are at least 6,000 homes threatened tonight. six have been destroyed. two outbuildings, almost 1800 firefighters on the line. this one only 10% contained. >> it's a first for san jose's police department. a vietnamese-american woman is promoted to sergeant. her unusual path into law enforcement. >> clouds you saw outside earlier today, a sign that the heat wave everywhere is now over. big changes coming up tomorrow. and it's not just clouds. we'll talk about it and what's , ♪ great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. [female announcer] through susave up to $400 on train's beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. but mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. today we're gonna talk about trucks. works for me. which truck brand do you think offers best in class hd towing? ford. i would say the ram. ok, lets move to the second door. best v8 horsepower. the ram. i say ford on the v8. chevy. what about this year's motortrend truck of the year? chevy. what do you think? the ford. there's no reason why they shouldn't be. let's see how you did. oohh! that's the chevy silverado hd, the chevy silverado, and the chevy colorado. no way?! chevy, chevy, chevy. wow. that's a clean sweep. city of berkeley is seeing a spike in crime. the numbers tell the story. overall crime up 23% in the first six months of 2015. robberies are way up 53%. burglaries are way up 38%. assault is up as well, 44%. the good news, no homicides in berkeley this year. on the same day that former 49er aldon smith was signed to the raiders he is charged with misdemeanors. the three charges stem from an alleged dui hit-and-run last month in santa clara. hours earlier, the oakland raiders announced a one-year contract with the 25-year-old nfl linebacker. he was released from the 49ers back in august after several run-ins with the law. aldon smith is still eligible to play on sunday. the uc system is pulling $200 million in coal and tar sands investments. university says that decision is part of a new sustainable investing policy. environmentalists have been pressuring universities to divest from those industries because of pollution concerns. last year stanford sold off its coal stocks. a first tonight for the san jose police department. this afternoon samantha nguyen became the first vietnamese woman ever promoted to sergeant. she is a 13-year veteran and mother of two. getting the promotion what the knows easy. it takes more than a year's worth of studying, tests and interviews to become a sergeant in san jose. >> i am being humble because i think maybe because the fact that i will worked damn hard to be here. and frankly, this is -- you earned it. >> the department says the promotion gives sergeant nguyen the chance to be a role model and hope to attract more female and minority recruits. ♪[ music ] they promised a parade fit for a king. today the city of sacramento made good. thousands of people lining the streets to welcome home three local heroes who thwarted a terrorist attack on a paris- bound train. cbs' laura abrams was at the parade route. >> i'm so proud. >> reporter: sacramento mayor kevin johnson arrived in style flanked by some very satisfied parents. >> i got to say, some great parenting. good parenting. >> well, i don't know if i had much to do with it but i'm very proud of the boys. >> reporter: from classic cars to marching bands to fire trucks, and the consul-general of france himself. >> my heart was racing. it was so wonderful to be able to be part of this. >> reporter: the proud procession finally made way for our hometown heroes riding in on a float down capital mall. >> what these guys done is the reason i'm able to stand here? >> do you know them? >> no, i don't but i feel like i do. >> reporter: three childhood friends who made history while on vacation in europe, officially given keys to the city. >> i want to thank you very much for an opportunity to present these three senate resolutions. >> reporter: and recognized by the state assembly with a symbolic flyover. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: last months, servicemen spencer stone and alex skarlatos and college student anthony sadler stopped a terror attack on a train bound for paris. today they got the chance to address their new fans on the capital steps. >> i know it's really hot out and that just means that much more that you showed up and we really appreciate it and we're so grateful. >> we all love you. we love sacramento. and we're proud to be here on this day, thank god we could all make it back in time. >> it's kind of surreal for us because we feel like our actions compared to those -- all the brave people that did their thing on september 11th, we want to take the time to remember that. >> i'm so proud. >> reporter: sacramento proud is the theme. >> i'm proud of our fellow americans that saved a lot of lives. >> reporter: but the joy was tempered by reflection on one of the darkest days in american history. >> everybody remembers where they were on 9/11. and you go in there just brings it all back. ♪[ music ] >> amazing. sometimes you have to do. you can't sit there and hope for the best. you got to get up off your seat and do ising something. mother nature is acting. we are tired of the heat wave. all it takes is a change in wind direction. we don't need some huge big thing to get us out of a heat wave. it took a while but tomorrow we won't see temperatures like 105 in livermore, you will be about 16 degrees cooler tomorrow. high in san jose today, you got some of the cooler air. 89 degrees. petaluma 82. el cerrito 72. san francisco 68. weekend time need i know the remind you it's friday? cal bears hosting solved state in berkeley tomorrow. should be pleasant. still warm, kind of humid. and 80 degrees. up in saint helena the hall cabernet release party a big party up there not as hot in napa. you have been 100 all week long tomorrow a more comfortable 87 degrees. so changes. what's going on? that big blocking ridge of high pressure which induced a north- to-northeast wind the offshore wind eliminating any influence from the ocean is moving. there are low pressure system areas acting like pirhana waiting to move in. the first will stay to the south giving a south wind but even that is an onshore flow. tomorrow, cloudier, more humid, but most importantly, it will not be hot because we're grabbing a little bit of that ocean influence. we'll do that for the weekend. next week that ridge slides away even more. this is low pressure area number 2 this one to our north will give us west wind or northwest wind a couple of days next week could be chilly and breezy so we swung the pendulum to the hot stuff. temperatures dropping for everybody tomorrow. no 90s on the map. forget about the 100s. livermore 89. concord 87. san jose 86. san rafael 84. and redwood city 83 degrees tomorrow. we will stay in the 80s inland. 70s near the bay on sunday. sunday would be the sunnier choice of the two days over the weekend and next week with the stronger onshore flow we are back to the pleasant stuff. it won't be cold but it will be cooler with morning cloud cover. >> nobody is arguing. >> exactly. >> normal is nice in september. >> thank you. well, let's go ahead and take another look right now at this fire exploding in amador and calaveras counties. we're looking at live pictures right now. authorities are urging about 3,000 residents to evacuate and do it quickly. 18,000 firefighters there working that fire. the "butte fire" growing fast. right now it's 50,000 acres. and that's up from 30,000 earlier today. 6,000 structures are being threatened, eight have already been destroyed. 2700 people evacuated so far. new evacuations have been ordered tonight for the "rough fire." this one is burning for more than a month in the southern sierra nevada. it's burned nearly 120,000 acres in the sequoia and kings canyon national park area. that area is home to some of california's oldest largest sequoias. more residents were ordered out this morning. so far the "rough fire" is less than 40% contained. still ahead there con trouble for some ferry commuters. -- there could be some trouble for some ferry commuters. new at 6:00 the privately operated ferry service linking san francisco to tiburon is in financial straits. the blue and gold has approached the golden gate bridge district which already serves sausalito and larkspur, asking if it would be willing to take over the tiburon line, as well. the district says that it's looking into it but there are several things to consider like negotiating a lease for the dock making sure that its existing vessels will fit and whether or not it has enough boats to pull it off. >> we would need to consider looking for another boat in order to operate this service and ferry boats aren't that easy to come by. it's not like there is a boatyard with used ferries to pick one up. >> if the bridge district decides to take it over state regulators would have to approve the deal. bart is making schedule changes they say will make your commute a little less crowded. kpix 5's morning traffic reporter gianna franco with what you can expect on monday. >> reporter: schedule changes begin on monday for bart so be sure to check that before you met out out. some things to look out for, rush hour trains have been added to the pittsburg bay points to sfo lines. also, richmond to millbrae line they will have direct weekday service extended until 9:00 at night. train cars have been added during rush hour so all other transbay routes and they have eliminated the three-car train and another change, more shop and go service from bart to oakland. check out for more. >> there are some people however who won't have an easier bart commute. riders who are used to catching one of the trains that turns back to san francisco at the concord station will now have to wait an extra five minutes for that train. at the top of the newscast we showed you some video that we obtained from an oakland police officer's body camera showing what happened right before that officer shot and killed the suspect. >> we have had a chance to review that video to see what is appropriate to air. our reporter da lin will have a live report and put that video into context for us all coming up. >> also ahead, 1800 bucks to aren't a bunk bed? only on "5" we confront the family who is making a fortune off san francisco's newest kind of rental. >> to our friends, we miss you. we will always miss you. >> that message from a survivor of the berkeley balcony of the berkeley balcony collap,,,,,, of the berkeley balcony collap,,,,,, ♪ ♪ it took leonardo and miriam years to master the toss. but just a few little steps to master depositing checks with the chase mobile® app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. our top stories tonight. santa clara county's troubles with turner construction have come to a head. tonight, the county has locked the contractor out of the project at valley medical center in san jose. next week, the county executives say turner will be fired over delays and an explosion that injured a worker. state of emergency has been declared in the sierra foothills where firefighters are battling a huge wildfire. it has exploded from 30,000 acres this morning to 50,000 this afternoon. tonight, a first look at what happened moments before oakland police officers shot and killed a malast month. the officers were wearing body cameras. kpix 5's da lin has the exclusive video you will see only on "5". >> reporter: veronica, they gave us the footage after we filed the public records act request. we cut out a lot of the graphic stuff from the, um, officers chest cam footage. at times it's hard to make out what's happening. you do see a lot of running. that's because the officers -- [ yelling ] >> reporter: you also hear officers screaming, get down, get down. now, this all happened on august 12th in west oakland. police say they chased after a wanted man who had a gun. they say when the suspect failed to carjack someone, he turned toward officers with the gun in his hand. oakland police say officers fearing for their lives shot and killed the suspect. now, in the chest cam footage it appears the suspect had something in his left hand. and it looks like a handgun. witnesses back in august also told us the man would not drop his gun after police killed the man it sparked outrage. some people marched in downtown oakland and protested the shooting. now, we have more angles of this shooting. we also have footage from another incident and this was an incidents where a man died after -- an incident where a man died after a police chase in july. christin ayers will break it out to you in our 11 p.m. newscast. back to you. >> thank you. a video posted on instagram shows two san francisco police officers inside a donut shop joking but shooting suspects and what they would want captured on body cameras. [ very bad audio ] >> what you want on video is a guy holding a gun still [ indiscernible ] pop, pop -- you know -- [ inaudible ] still pointing at you -- and then down -- [ laughter ] >> splatter -- >> a second clip the officer raises his arms and points to spots on his chest as if getting hit by bullets. he describes what he would not want captured on a body camera. the officer with his back to the camera says, red splatter. and the first officer jokes, cherry pie all over the wall. the police chief says the officers have been identified and will be spoken to. >> we want our officers to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen with some class and not to have these sort of conversations. >> the video was shot at the happy donut store in noe valley. it appears to be part of a longer clip. the chief says he would like the person who shot it to come forward so they can turn it over to internal affairs. $1,800 a month for a bunk bed? hard to imagine rent like that anywhere but right here in san francisco. the people sleeping in those beds are not complaining. in fact, they apparently like it. but only on "5" tonight, mark kelly says the real winner is that landlord. >> we hadn't even heard the building had sold. >> reporter: she suspected it was bad news when a san francisco real estate speculator became her new landlord last year. >> he said here's the different ways i could evict you. i expect to have you out soon. >> reporter: most tenants took buy-outs but she held out. the landlord embarked on a noisy remodel. >> backhoes, jackhammers, sledgehammers. >> reporter: then remodeled units started filling with lots of people. the building in the heart of san francisco's mission district had turned into a hostel for hipsters. >> over 6 months there were probably 50 or 60 different people occupying those beds over time. >> reporter: in an undercover visit we found 30 people currently bunking together in two to four-person shared rooms. it's apparently a new trend. we found dozens of similar rental offers on "airbnb." the planning department says the so-called hacker or coliving hostels are legal under the city's short-term rental law because guest versus to stay 30 days or more but neighbors who find themselves living next to one of these, not happy about it at all. the attorney has filed nuisance complaints on behalf of neighbors of several other similar establishments. >> it disrupts tenants' lives. and so one of our lawsuits our climbed lived below a hacker home, he had bedbugs as a result. constant noise and difficulties. >> reporter: the business model is so lucrative landlords are jumping on the bandwagon. three renters are rented out for $10,000 a month each. once the other side of the property is remodeled, the landlord could be raking in $60,000 a month from one building alone. and we have learned fergus so sullivan has filed similar floor plans for three more residential buildings he owns in the city. would we be able to talk to you about the rentals? we wanted to talk to him but the only person we could locate was his brother with the construction side of the business. is your brother the main person to talk to? is it you to get these answers? is there a chance we could talk to you in the future and sit down with you and fergus or -- [ pause ] >> no comment. >> we just want to talk to him for the news story. is there a way to get a hold of him? we never got a hold of fergus and they are not surprised. >> he is a cold character. he doesn't care about people at all. the only thing he cares about is money. >> reporter: in san francisco, mark kelly, kpix 5. >> yeah. it turns out money is exactly what finally persuaded him to move after almost a year of living in essentially a construction zone, she finally took a buy-out and is currently homeless she says house sitting for friends. we are hearing for the first time tonight from one of the irish students who survived the summer's deadly balcony collapse in berkeley. >> it was going great like, you know, we loved it out here, you know, and especially [ indiscernible ] [ very heavy accent ] >> like home. >> he broke several bones when the balcony he was standing on suddenly collapsed. more than a dozen people plummeted to the pavement below. six died. >> to our friends, we miss you. we will always miss you. we'll never forget you. someday, i look forward to seeing all again. >> of the six who died, five were irish nationals in the u.s. on work visas. the sixth was an irish-american woman from the bay area. and the cousin of one of the other victims. murray plans to return to ireland to continue his physical therapy. he has months of work ahead before he will be able to walk again. today marks the 14th anniversary of a day that most of us will never forget, 9/11. people here in the bay area paused to reflect on the events of that day. in san francisco the american flag raised to half-staff at fire station 7. the fire and police chiefs joined mayor lee to remember the first responders who died on 9/11. >> over 400 police officers and firefighters died that day, another 1400 have passed from related illnesses after 9/11. nearly 25,000 other people may have died had they had not done what they did. >> station 7 was one of 44 fire stations in san francisco that participated in a moment of remembrance at 6:59 this morning and that's the time the south tower fell. in san jose people honored today's anniversary with a day of service. a color guard carried flags to kick off to an early-morning ceremony. volunteers spent the day doing service projects at eight south bay nonprofit organizations. of course, ceremonies were held all across the country to honor those who died. cbs' marlie hall reports from new york. >> reporter: the first bell rang at 8:46 the moment american airlines flight 11 slammed into the north tower of the world trade center. for family members who returned to ground zero year after year emotions are still raw. 2,753 people died when both towers of the world trade center collapsed. >> if i were to have one wish in this world, it would be to meet my dad. >> reporter: many clutched photos of their loved ones as the names of the victims were read. >> michael george artinski. >> reporter: 14 years after the attacks, lower manhattan is rebuilt and thriving again. but new yorkers and visitors say they will always treat this area as hallowed ground. >> when i'm down here, i constantly think about it. i look at what's going on now, and, um, it's a great sense of pride. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: at the white house, president and mrs. obama paid tribute to the victims. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: there was also a ceremony at the pentagon where 184 people died. and in shanksville, pennsylvania, where passengers and crew fought back against the terrorists and brought down united flight 93 before it could reach washington. at ground zero, families and friends visit the two reflecting pools and rub the names of their loved ones determined to fulfill their promise to never forget. marlie hall, cbs news, new york. >> 14 years later doesn't get any easier. >> no, no. i still get tears in my eyes. it's hard. still ahead, one down in the race for president. the race for president. >> who is out of the,,,, today we're gonna talk about trucks. works for me. which truck brand do you think offers best in class hd towing? ford. i would say the ram. ok, lets move to the second door. best v8 horsepower. the ram. i say ford on the v8. chevy. what about this year's motortrend truck of the year? chevy. what do you think? the ford. there's no reason why they shouldn't be. let's see how you did. oohh! that's the chevy silverado hd, the chevy silverado, and the chevy colorado. no way?! chevy, chevy, chevy. wow. that's a clean sweep. the rents think list of republican -- the lengthy list of republican candidates for president is reduced by one with texas governor rick perry out. it was his second run for the white house. he told supporters the party is in good hands but he said the party nominee must put the causing of conservative ahead of celebrity. newly surfaced audio recordings reveal donald trump's timeline to deport illegal immigrants. weijia jang reports from washington. >> reporter: donald trump has made immigration the key issue in his run for president but is vague in public about a plan. on friday parts of a conference call where he discussions a solution with the alabama state gop were leaks online. >> we have to get them out and if we have wonderful cases, they can come back in but they have to come back in legally. i think it's a process that can take 18 months to two years if properly handled. >> reporter: trump will sit center stage during a republican debate next week. cnn invited the top 11 candidates based on an average of 6 national polls. while the republican field is crowded, democrats barely have a handful of serious candidates. and the main hopeful still can't commit. during an emotional interview on "the late show with stephen colbert," vice president joe biden said he doesn't know if he is prepared to run for president. >> i would be lying if i said that i knew i was there. >> reporter: in a national survey of democratic voters, he has jumped 6 points in the last month stealing support from hillary clinton, who dropped 10. bernie sanders held steady at 27%. weijia jang, cbs news, washington. >> on the republican side of things, trump tops the latest quinnipiac university poll of republican voters in iowa with 27%. ben carson has jumped into second with 21% followed by ted cruz with 9%. the margin of error is plus or minus 3%. one week after a security guard allegedly beat up a customer at whole foods in oakland, whole foods says it is going to disarm its guards. and tonight that's not the only change. i'll tell you exactly what's happening tonight on bay area nightbeat; come join me at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw 44/cable 12. antioch, livermore sweated through another day with triple digits but did you see the cloud cover? that cloud cover at about 20,000 feet in the sky is the key to your heat wave ending. details and find out how cool we're going to get next. here's what we got in moments this friday. the raiders made an investment, an italian job cost a favorite big dime at the u.s. open, and how far would you swim to help a guy walk again? sports ahead and it can't miss. [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part... ( gun shot ) sleep train has your ticket to a better night's sleep. because when brands compete, you save. through sunday, during mattress price wars, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. but mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ before we get to weather a quick update on the "butte fire" burning in the sierra foothills. only 5% containment. new information just in, 5% contained. it has grown once again. it is now 64,000 acres in size. last night it was 2,000 acres. this evening, 64,000 acres with only 5% containment currently burning in amador and calaveras counties. it's dry here as well but the big story is that the heat wave is finished after today. the kpix 5 weather watchers showing some changes near san francisco bay where it's only 65 in san francisco right now. george hughes reporting in. you got the sunshine in the city but it's not hot because you have the onshore flow returning. we head down toward the south bay a little away from the water and it's not cooling off much yesterday. a little hazy conditions with 90 degrees and you head toward antioch, brentwood and the delta still in the triple digits. paul smith reporting 102. 80s tomorrow. the beautiful san francisco bay. sometimes we just take it for granted the fact that we have 7 million people that live here and right in the middle of all of it is one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the country and there it is live. livermore 99. san francisco only 68. in between we find san jose 85. and oakland currently 79 degrees. look at the week you had in livermore and most communities away from the water. nearly 100 monday. 104, 107, 108, and today's 105. tomorrow, back to the 80s. tonight in livermore 65. oakland 61. mountain view 63. so a mild night. we have football coming up on kpix 5 if you are a 9ers fan, you're pining, aching for that first game. you got to wait until monday. and it's right here on kpix 7:20 the kickoff. changes our ridge of high pressure moving away. the remnants of former hurricane linda bringing up some tropical moisture tomorrow. the most significant change for us is the wind change. it would be a wind coming out of the south dropping temperatures but it's going to be stickier outside and markedly cloudier. tomorrow cloudy and clouds lingering into sunday, as well. low pressure to the north next week, cranks up the onshore. the west flow even the northwest wind dropping temperatures further even when we get the sunshine back. temperatures will continue to drop. heat wave done. mainly cloudy humid tomorrow but inland highs will be in the 80s and will be even cooler and breezy coming up next week. san jose 86. fremont 83. it will be a breath of fresh air in redwood city with a high of 83. cloudy in walnut creek and dublin and antioch with highs tomorrow only in the 80s. 72 in san francisco. mill valley 84. napa 87. you want the hot stuff? if you jut can't get away from it head to lake county where it will be 95 in lakeport. we'll be sunny or sunday but pretty cloudy weekend all in all. monday, tuesday, wednesday next week temperatures drop even as the sunshine comes back. we'll have morning cloud cover with afternoon sunshine. ,,,, introducing starbucks® small-batch cold brew coffee. in stores now. nfl up tomorrow. guess who is back in the spotlight? this time with the raiders. aldon smith inked a one-year deal this morning and 99 was at practice midday. he was released by the 49ers all 7 following an arrest for dui and off field incidents. has a one-year deal valued at a million dollars. reportedly, he chose the raiders over the rams, buccaneers and jaguars. shortly after the signing was announced santa clara county d.a. charged smith with dui, hit-and- run and vandalism from that august 6 incident. smith who has had a history of legal troubles could be suspended by roger goodell but as of now, he is eligible to line up opposite khalil mack in the opener sunday against the bengals. >> i don't know about [ indiscernible ] past really. aldon is a grown man. and so whatever he has to deal with, i'm sure he'll deal with it accordingly. you know? i mean, i'm not a babysitter. i don't think anybody expects anybody on this team to be his babysitter. >> i don't like talking about the past. i like talking about the future and the future is bright with this team. hey, it's drake! at the u.s. open! he is watching roberta vinci ranked 45th serena williams number within in the near court on the run. vinci made her work. matt every she woke up thinking she had no shot. wins it on a dropshot. she will face flavia pennetta in the final tomorrow after what's been called the biggest upset in modern women's tennis history. >> what gave you the belief that this moment was possible? >> no. [ laughter ] >> really. >> it's true. [ laughter ] no, no. i wake up i say, okay, i'm in semifinals today. try to enjoy. don't think about serena, enjoy. i didn't expect to win, no. >> love that. lindsay vonn in the house watching men's semis. roger federer and stan wawrinka far court. federer owned this. this is the end of a 20-shot rally. federer is on his way to his first finals since 2009. now, the other semifinal top- seeded novak djokovic just dominant overpower marin cilic. djokovic lost only three games in reaching his fifth u.s. open final in the last six years. how far would you swim to help another? i found six who went the extra miles. >> whoo! >> reporter: 10 a.m. last sunday, grace the start of a six-person relay for a world record 300-mile six-day-night trek around san francisco bay. and this is who they are swimming for. arthur renowits ki, shot in san francisco tethered to this suit. years ago he was told he would never walk or talk again. >> 20 years old being cut down and paralyzed from the chest down. there are a lot of thoughts that go through your heard and it's heartbreaking but at the same time, i had to accept it and move on and keep telling myself every day to not give up to keep pushing forward and that life goes on. >> reporter: these six athletes from night train swimmers are hoping to raise at least $50,000 so arthur can afford this suit. by swimming from benicia to at&t park and back. they are going for 300 miles. but current longest relay swim record 269. >> i'll be rooting for you and i promise i will never give up on this walking again and spread my message which is life goes on never to give up and keep pushing forward every day. so thank you guys. >> whoo! [ applause ] >> they went 300 miles, finished at 5 a.m. this morning, 311 miles and they raised $25,000 so far. >> not a swimming pool, either. >> no. >> they are out there in the real deal. >> rock on night train swimmers. >> thanks, vern. >> thanks, vern. for the latest throughout the just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. today we're gonna talk about trucks. works for me. which truck brand do you think offers best in class hd towing? ford. i would say the ram. ok, lets move to the second door. best v8 horsepower. the ram. i say ford on the v8. chevy. what about this year's motortrend truck of the year? chevy. what do you think? the ford. there's no reason why they shouldn't be. let's see how you did. oohh! that's the chevy silverado hd, the chevy silverado, and the chevy colorado. no way?! chevy, chevy, chevy. wow. that's a clean sweep. announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey. steve: come on, man. come on, baby. let's go, fitzgeralds. how are you folks doing? good, good. thank you very much. i appreciate you now. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we've got a good one for you today. returning for their second day, from dayton, tennessee, it's the fitzgerald family. [cheering and applause] uh-oh. from columbia, south carolina, home of the big dm, it's the kennedy family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here, trying to win theirself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand new, head-turning, ford fusion hybrid. [cheering and applause] let's go, let's play "feud"! give me jeremy. give me brandon. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] guys, top 8 answers are on the board. name someone a cool teenager wouldn't want to show up at their party. [ring] jeremy. >> their grandparents. steve: their grandparents. [bell] >> their parents. steve: their parents. [bell] [cheering and applause] pass or play? they're going to play. [applause] hey, tiffany, let's go. name someone a cool teenager wouldn't want to show up at their party. >> their neighbor. steve: their neighbors. [applause] [buzzer] audience: aw! steve: latasha. >> yes, sir. steve: hi, darling. what do you do? >> i actually go to other people's jobs and tell them how to do them better and what they're doing wrong. this is what i do. steve: have you been married before? >> i have not. not married, no kids. steve: oh, wow. whoo! [laughter] steve: go and get you some,

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