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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> happy birthday america! the fourth of july in the bay area. picnics. parades independence freedom patriotism good evening, i'm pam moore. happy 4th of july. preparations for the fireworks celebrations are getting underway right now. kron-4 reporters are stationed across the bay area. here are live pictures from the marin county fair, milpitas and pleasant hill. we'll bring you the fireworks from all these locations. live later tonight. now at eight -- we start our special 4th of july coverage charles clifford. >> reporter: eddie money just performed. thousands of people just got here what the fair has to offer. this year's marin county features the usual attractions, carnivals. attractions... carnival rides.. a midway... lots of food... along with nightly concerts.. but there is a controversy here. several weeks ago the marin county board of supervisors passed an ordance that would prevent anyone wearing or showing symbols related to criminal the fair. the aclu has said that the new rules could lead to racial profiling but fair organizers say that it is not racial profiling and that their goal is simply to provide a fun and safe experience for everyone. they add that anyone is welcome to enter and enjoy the fair as long as they cover or remove any gang symbols. fairgoers i spoke to today seemed to agree with the policy. >> if they're not wearing gang symbols then how can they be profiling. >> safety is the number on priority. if you have gangs out here flashing different anything but cause a whole lot of disturbance and violence and people won't be able to enjoy themselves. we are all here to have good fun. >> reporter: the other big event that is happening is that the fireworks at 9:30. if you cannot make it out here you can see it on our fourth of july special at 9:00 p.m., 9:30 and marin county, charles clifford, kron 4 news. >> pam: continuing our team coverage as people are getting ready, daniel is live in milpitas. daniel? >> reporter: right now, there is a concert going on at the sports complex. there was a swimming pool party and a big day because it has been hot. it is finally starting to cool off. and they are getting ready for the big fireworks show. i spoke with the people today and they have 400 lbs. of these explosives. they are expecting about 10,000 people. and another 10,000 people will be in the surrounding areas. it is a great deal. and. >> pam: a beautiful day around the bay on this 4th of july. kron 4's brian van aken is in the weather center. problem tonight for fireworks spectators? >> pam, i can tell we are looking great. with fog-free conditions. a complete absence of any type of cloud coverage and even along the coast it is sunny. it does not look like it will be here until after midnight. as we take a look at temperatures it is still pretty warm. 102 degrees in antioch. the 80s. '70s in the south bay. the weather looks outstanding. 60s in san francisco. the pleasantville fireworks temperatures are in the low mid '80s with clear skies. wind speeds at 10-15 m.p.h. beautiful weather. not a cloud in the sky and great for san rafeal. the fog could definitely be a problem but it looks like it should be decent. temperatures in the 60s. andjoin us at 9-o-clock tonight for kron 4's july 4th live. it's the only local, live fireworks show in the bay area. we'll bring you the biggest and best fireworks from san rafael, milpitas, pleasant hill and san francisco. kron 4's july 4th live.starting in less than one hour. >> pam: day 4 of the bart strike. negotiations underway on the 4th of july holiday. after a short dinner break-- both sides are now back at it. things got a little heated today. union leaders at a rally. telling their members that bart management is trying to break apart the unions and *impose a contract. kron4's scott rates is live in oakland. with the latest on the negotiations. scott, things don't seem to be going so well today? >> reporter: pam, as you mentioned, after a short and dinner break. two of the largest unions are speaking with the board members. however, the mediators are going back and forth to try to get some type of resolution. they have been meeting behind closed doors cents a 11:00 a.m. when they returned, i asked them about the latest developments and of the was any progress. >> was there any progress? >> not really. are you feeling better? >> no. >> why not? >> hopefully, things will get better. >> that is not what wanted to hear. >> reporter: and i did speak to a member of one of local union members. she believes the bart management is trying to bust up the union. the more general manager says that this is going to be a long and intensive it strike. they wanted to do everything we want to do was pressed the common worker on the street. we have been waiting day after day after day for them to come to the table and the refuse. nobody wants to hear our side because it is not sensational. >> reporter: a bart spent spokesperson saying that that is just not the case. and again, it sounds like there is not a lot of progress being made. we will just keep monitoring this situation. anything that makes a comment or statement or indication will pass it along to you. another interesting note is that if they get a resolution or a contract negotiation the 12-18 hours is the timeframe for things to be up and running. >> continuing our team coverage on the bart strike. kron 4's haaziq madyun talks to two bart employees. to what some people are saying, they are not being greedy. when it comes to asking for a pay raise. >> "a hundred million dollar pay cut" >> reporter: bart communications specialist and atu local 1555 member deborah sullivan explains why she believes when it comes to negotiating for more money for bart's striking union employeesthat it is a matter of payback >> "four years ago everybody knows the economy was in terrible shapewe would like to share in that" bart ask for our help so we gave them a $100 million in concessions. and according to a bart board member there is a $127 million surplus. >> reporter: however as the strike drags on there is a growing perception among some who accuse bart employees of being greedy >> "no we are not being greedy. it's fair. a station agent that has been here 25- years makes 61-thousand dollars a year >> reporter: this station agent says he has been employeed at bart for 12- years >> "my base salary was between 60 and 61 thousand >> "that is not an exorbitant amount of money here in the bay areai don't think that we are asking for a lot" >> reporter: in oakland haaziq madyun kron4news >> and stay with kron 4. as we continue our coverage on the bart strike. >> pam: we'll have the latest on the negotiations and any traffic chaos. on kron 4 news at 11 tonight. you can also find the latest information on our website kron 4 -dot-com. as well as on our 24-7 news channel. on comcast channel 193. >> a san francisco police officer, who is credited with saving a woman from a burning building, has been released from the hospital tonight. after being treated for smoke inhalation. kron 4's dan kerman tells us now the rescue took place, and why the officer is being called a hero >> reporter: it was about 1- 25 when fire brokeout in the rear of this blue 3 story apartment building in the 2000 block of pine street >> my sister came on of the cellar and smelled smoke. she looked out and said that there is smoke coming out of the bedroom upstairs! i looked outside and i said that a 92 year old resident is in that apartment. i ran outside. and i saw a police officer and they sent the san francisco police officer. >> reporter: and firefighter. with the fire raging, san francisco police officer matthew lobre entered the second floor unit with two neighbors, and climbed the back stairs to the third floor to save the elderly woman who was asleep inside the woman suffered minor hospital. >> they take in the door and they got her out. >> this officer is an absolute hero for doing what he did. he took an immediate action and it is phenomenal. i think that he did a phenomenal job. >> reporter: the fire was put out in about a half hour? with firefighters preventing its spread into the building next door dan kerman kron 4 news. >> pam: preparations for 4th july fireworks happening around the bay area. these are preparations from pleasant hill. where the fireworks will be handlit. you can see the people organizing the fireworks. all getting ready for the performance tonight now let's take a live look from pleasant hill. the fireworks show is set to start there at 9-15. and we'll bring you the show look at them kids... they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> warning of an imposter on campus. a man accused of posing as a campus escort. to prey on at least one student. kron-4's alecia reid has our story tonight. >> it was on university and shattuck one this university student was waiting for a. when asked for the student to let in, he asked to use the bathroom. he asked to use a. the bathroom. after that, he asked if she would perform a sexual act. she refused. his jacket simply said fan'bear'... however, the uc security clearly 6 their first and last name. there is a police sketch, circulating around campus. alecia reed, kron 4 news. >> the highs in the mid upper 80s that is down by 15-20 degrees from what we had today. finally, that heat is dissipating. highs in the upper 70's. here is fog tracker at midnight and notice the clear skies. as we go for the early morning getting into the bay. near the livermore valley. and to the north bay. it will gradually start to clear out. some patches but i think that it will clear out by noon. clearing to the beaches. high temperatures down quite a bit. '70s and san jose. 74 degrees and evergreen and making it to 80 degrees. temperatures inland not that bad. cripple digits with the '60s and '70s. the north bay, getting into the 80s. 66, with -- triple digits into the inland areas. saturday even cooler. drizzle. los fog on sunday with a warm up. and a nice summer-like weather for next week. >> pam: president obama celebrated the fourth of july at the white house thursday. the president and the first lady hosted military heroes for a barbecue. then in the evening, the president delivered remarks. of the military. >> you the fighting men of women. and of thoscame before you, have defended our nation and here and abroad to make the world a better and safer place. and right there people and scattered corners of the world are making their world a better place todaythe grammy award- winning band "fun". gave an hour- in attendance and the first family. a festive sight in alameda. as the city held its 4th of service men and women and local authorities. all came independence day. with great fanfare and the support of families young and old. the city's parade is the one of the longest independence day parades in the nation. with more than 170 floats and 25-hundred participants. >> pam: people around the bay area getting ready to watch fireworks. this is a live look from the marin county fair. in san rafael. we'll bring fireworks from your t-v. stay with us. our special coverage of the july 4th fireworks starts at 9. fireworks starts at 9. [ male announcer ] to all you burger aficionados... show your love. 'cause mcdonald's just topped perfection with the all-new quarter pounder burgers. three delectable choices. new quarter pounder burgers. another new way to love mcdonald's. ♪ another new way to love mcdonald's. we don't have a ten step filtering process for our water. we don't need it. because crystal geyser is made by nature, not by man. crystal geyser is always bottled at the mountain source. developing right now.the obama administration.working on this fourth of july. assessing the voiltle situation in egypt.just one day after president mohamed morsi was forced out by the egyptian military. today the country's interim president was sworn in. adly mansour is the country's top judge. today the obama administratiom said calls have been made to leaders in egypt to stress the importance of a quick and responsible return to a democratically elected cvilian government. morsi is reportedly under house arrest - and has refused an offer to leave the country. the military is cracking down on morsi's muslim brotherhood.and making arrests. the threat of violence remains high in egypt. former south african president nelson mandela has been hospitalized since early june with a recurring lung infection, but today we're learning his condition is dire. medical documents obtained by a french press agency say mandela is in a -- quote -- permanent vegetative state -- and his breathing is mechanically assisted. the documents were dated eight days ago, and the family has been advised by medical practitioners that his life support apparatus should be turned off. the family says publicly they considered turning off the machine before his health suddenly improved. mandela remains hospitalized critical condition. people around the bay area getting ready to watch the 4th of july fireworks. kron 4 reporters are stationed in san rafael, milpitas, pleasant hill and san francisco. we'll bring you the fireworks shows. on our special coverage of kron4's july 4th live. starting at 9 p-m. kron4 news at eight. continues, next! next at 8-30. just in time for the fourth of july, the iconic statue of liberty reopened to visitors. a look at the special ceremony in new york. notice, the sioux were broke. leading to these -- the su wer--the subway city sewr gave way. >> the husband was standing on the sidelines watching everything. >> there could have been cars behind her and her could have been a pileup. so, it was a miracle. >> catherine: they later found out that they thought that they would never get her out alive. they brought in a letter and gently encouraging her. >> they were my guardian angels. so i want to thank each and every one of them. coming up later in sports, the a's of hottest team. we will show you the highlights in the giants in cincinnati. competitive hot dog eating joey chestnut. >> people are run the bay area are getting ready for the fourth of july. this is a live look and we will bring you the latest coverage starting at 9:00 p.m. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tvve lasted one dayfor just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. getting ready to watchwe'll bring fireworks from around the bay. right to your t-v. stay with us. our special coverage of the july 4that 9. sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic ends sunday. experience the pressure-relieving comfort of tempur-pedic, and sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. get 36 months interest-free financing: no down, and no interest for 3 years. plus, get free same-day delivery. sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee, interest-free financing, and free delivery? that's the ticket! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic ends sunday. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ just in time for the fourth visitors. a look at the special ceremony in new york. 4th live. fireworks show in the baywe'll bring you the biggest and best fireworks from sankron 4's july 4that 8-30. continues. pleasant hill. where the fireworks show is set to start at 9-15. atand in treasure island. you gathering at the marin county fair in san rafael. yesterday. this is a live picture. >> reporter: literally thousands of people to watch the fireworks that will start in about one hour. over to the left the performance of eddie money and the pointer sisters, the nitty gritty dirt band, and the wailers. $16 for admission and $14 for seniors and kids. and at 9: 30. however, we also have live coverage charles clifford, kron 4 news. >> we are at the bill becausmilpitas area. there are thousands of people. and more in the area expecting 10,000 people here. it started at 9:50 and people are ready to have a great time to. it will start at 9: 15 >> pam: most of the country has already celebrated the fourth. here's what it looked like on the east coast. miami's biltmore golf course in coral gables as itsyou can see atlanta in the middle. and of course washington d=c with the monument in the foreground >> the weather could not be better in the bay area. fireworks, clear skies in the fog is not out there. here is a live you of san francisco. 20 m.p.h.-30 m.p.h. bills were, pretty warm. + and help, 91 degrees. livermore, 86 degrees. milpitas 70's clear skies tonight there will be fog and after midnight. the sea breeze in the afternoon and it is going to be cool. look for a beautiful night tonight. mid-60s and in san francisco. join us for kron 4's july 4th live tonight. it's the only local, live rafael, milpitas, pleasant hill and san francisco. kron 4's july 4th minutes. >> pam: lady liberty is once again ready for her close- up. for the first time since last october, visitors are allowed back on liberty island. catherine heenan is here with a look at the statue of liberty's comeback after >> catherine: sandy didn't damage the statue itself. but the storm surge covered almost three-quarters of liberty island, ripping up bricks, destroying docks, and debris everywhere. the monument had just reopened the day before the storm after a year of renovations. park officials worked around the clock to make sure the island reopened just in time for this independence day. coming here and seeing visitors from all over the world standing out in front with tears in their eyes look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. where a fireworks show will light up the night sky. in just a short while. kron4 will bring you the fireworks from across the bay area live. stay with us. kron4's july >> coming up jason applebaum quit sports.-- with sports at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪ it's summer time which means there's a ton of new movies in theaters and there's a bunch of new releases hitting the rental market. so which ones are worth your prescious time? i journeyed to google's campus in mountain view to meet up with mildred padilla. she is a very unique movie guru she is with the movie division of google play. >> part of my job is to determine what movies will be big sellers before they are released >> reporter: for homework. mildred had to see dispicle me 2 out now in theaters, she says fans of the first one will not be disapointed. nats - d me 2 mildred predicts dispicable me 2 will top the movie charts on google play when they offer it in the near future she is probabaly right considering google play is now offering 3 original dispicle me shorts which are selling like hot cakes if you don't want to deal with opening weekend crowds for despicalbe me 2 theese shorts are a good alternative to get your minnion fix. 31-17/31:38 $499 for 3 movies, they are super cute who does not like the minions. shorts here's one other option for fun family movies. right now google play is offering pixar's greatest hits at a discount price you can rent these classics for just $2.99. but. perhaps you crave something a little less animated, something rated r check this out. >> crash boom movie - white house down or snitch one of the hotest movies right now on google play has been a big surprise. it's part of a phenomenon mildred told me about that is unfolding on google play. apparently. some movies that flop at the box office end up doing really well once they are offered digitally through google play. the call remember this movie? with halle berry titled "the call" it was a big budget crime thriller it was a dud at theaters. 25-20 could be timing at this time oz well "the call" is now topping charts on google play 28-20 good acting if you like thrillers you'll like. if you like action movies here's one mildred recommends. redemption redemption with jason staytham. you can find it in the "in theaters and google play" that's right didigital entertainment is shaking up the industry. some movies you can section featuring movies that are still in theaters google play makes it easy to rent or buy movies. and if you want to take your movies with you and play them on a mobile device when you're offline like in a car, boat, airplane, hotel room, hot air balloon where ever you are that's easy too 45-23-43 once you've rented or purchased the film you can pin it what that is there will be a thumbtack google play is giving kron access to the most popular downloads for movie's, apps, games, and more. check out and look for our special google play section. gabe slate kron 4 news. thise is lagoon park... keep in mindif you'd like to see some spectacular fireworks tonight, join us for kron 4's july 4th live. it's the only local, live fireworks show in the bay we'll we'll have the biggest rafael, milpitas, pleasant hill and san francisco. kron 4's july 4th live. it's starts in less than 15 minutes. this heat wave is finally coming off to an end. sunday, pretty much the same. with a few degrees warmer. it should clear more. the fog tracker in the good news is that for right now it is not out there it has completely vanished. that is what the fog tracker is showing into the morning hours. look for the fog to redevelop. temperatures? for the south bay. temperatures in the upper 70's and low 80s. for the inland location how about the 80s. and the 90's in antioch. for the east shore relatively cool because of the sea breeze. '60s and '70s and oakland, hayward, fremont. san francisco will also reached the 60s. near the beaches. and for the north bay look for 80s with a really nice day. your kron 4 7 day around the bay saturday will be cooler with a lot of fog. faster cooling on sunday and next week we are looking at a typical sunday with perfect for the summer. >> hello everyone.i'm jason tonight how bout those a's.who just keep finding new ways to win. nice aerial shot of the colsieum this afternoon. and a pretty good crowd of 27-thousand plus for this fourth of july matinee with the cubs a's/cubs 26, 967 at the colesium for the 4th of july it was a patriotic crowd with plenty of fans holding up flags on independence day the nation's 237th birthday top 2nd/ scoreless dan straily recalled from triple-a sacramento earlier today strikes out dioner navarro looking straily allowed only 1 hit and notop 4th/ scoreless runer on 1st alfonso soriano singles to left yoesnis cespedes comes up throwing starlin castro loafs a bit rounding third and is gunned down at the plate bottom 7th/ scoreless runnertravis wood's pitch gets by cubs catcher welington castillo derek norris scores on the passed ball 1-0 a's top 8th/ 1-0 a's navarro lines one right back to pitcher ryan cook who snags it for the out losing his hat in the process final: 1-0 a's but >> the way things have been going for the giants lately - probably best they didn't play today their game with the reds postponed due to rain. so they limp home to face the dodgers tomorrow night after a 1-8 road trip.had they played and lost today it would have marked their worst trip since 1956.when they traveled by train. no date given yet for the makeup game >> no-one thinks the warriors have a shot at landing dwight howard.except the warriors. according to sources. the warriors are frantically trying to clear some cap space in order to have enough money to sign the all-star center who was reportedly impressed with the warriors when he met with them on monday the warriors are have been calling teams with cap space and offering andrew bogut, andris biedrins and richard jefferson in various trades scenerios.each of whom makes over $10 million per year. if successful they wouldn't have to do a sign and trade with the lakers. .speaking of the lakers if this is a little hard to believe. but if it's true.don't bet on howard returning to the lakers according to a witness in the room during the lakers pitch to the all-star center, kobe bryant reportedly told dwight, "you need to learn how it's done first, and i can teach you." kobe also reportedly said, "instead of trying to do things your way, just listen and learn." now it's widely known howard and kobe aren't exactly bff's so how that sales pitch could possibly help their cause i have no idea anyhow, howard has indicated he'll make his decision by tomorrow stay tuned warrior fans >> the sacramento kings have made a trade tyreke evans - who was the 2009 rookie of the year.has been traded to the new orleans pelicans for a fella named grievis vasquez and two second round draft picks evans averaged 20 points per game his rookie year, but his scoring has dropped every year, all the way down to 15 last year.and there are concerns about his attitude as well so it's adios evans. as the kings try and rebuild up in sacramento. bartoli - lisicki not exactly your dream wimbeldon matchup for the finals but that's what we've got after 23rd seeded german sabine lisicki. -lisicki & bartoli ladies semifinals at wimbledon 23rd seeded german sabine lisicki who beat serena willams in the round of 16 defeated 4th seeded agnieszka radwanska 6-4, 2-6, 9-7 lisicki into her 1st wimbledon final in the 2nd semi france's marion bartoli the 15th seed took just 62 minutes to beat belguim's kirsten flipkens 6-1, 6-2. it's bartoli's second time reaching the final. she lost to venus williams on centrecourt in 2007. bryans brothers into finals stanford's bryan brothers mike and bob advanced to the mens doubles finals with a 6-7 , 6-4, 6-3, 5-7, 6-3 wins over rohan bopanna and edouard roger-vasselin. they are going for their fourth straight major doubles title and 3rd wimbledon title as a pair he's the king of competitive eating! san jose's own. joey chestnut. .does it again at the nathan's hot dog eating contest at coney island in brooklyn, new york braving 85 degree heat to scarf down dog after dog. it's not fact quite the's pretty gross.but chestnut, for the 7th straight year wouldn't be denied. it's a new record ladies and gentleman! 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes.bettering his own record of 68 by a single dog. that's over 20,000 calories and nearly 1,200 grams of fat.or 18 days worth of the recommended intake but hey, he did win $10- grand for his efforts return to index of stories... ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ black widow wins women's-vo we're not done with hot dog eating just yet sonya "black widow" thomas won on the women's side, stuffing 36 hot dogs down her throat - barely edging out juliet lee by less than one hot dog thomas has now won three straight nathan events - though she said she was disapointed with her total.last year she at no record for the black widow hehe j just said it's big. hohow big?g? rerealallyly big. tetellll h him to send a pic. nonoo!o!! ! ok..... whwhoaoa.. whwhoaoa.. itit's's j jack's big stack. tw, ststacked with onion rings,ststs alall l ststacked on toasted so. ohoh, , tetell her i'm easy... .....'.'cacause of the drive-. bulldog: oh, the dog days of summer! bulldog: time to celebrate with your mates. grill a few dogs... eh, hot dogs. bacon burgers... dachshund: mattress discounters' 4th of july sale ends sunday? bulldog: that cloud reminds me... radio: the tempur-pedic cloud collection-- bulldog: that's it! radio: now with 48 months interest-free financing-- basset hound: free financing? radio: or get a queen-size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497. bulldog: that's a ringer of a deal! radio: mattress discounters' 4th of july sale ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters thsave on sleep train's train's 4tmost popular mattress sets. plus, pay no interest for 36 months on tempur-pedic and icomfort. sleep train's 4th of july sale ends sunday. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> six stages down at the tour de france. andre of germany and outsprints to win the competitition and darrell impy to win the southe african, the first ever. will there be good visibility? >> absolutely!. crystal clear and >> sometimes that is usually not a forecast we are usually dealing with the threat of fog. >> however, tonight we should have great conditions. >> pam: just a few moments away, stay tuned. ♪ [ roars ] ♪ ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. ♪ but when it comes to what your family really loves, you shouldn't have to sacrifice. and that goes double for ice cream. now you don't have to give up. you can give in with dreyer's slow churned light ice cream. we churn it slowly for all the rich and creamy taste with just half the fat. ♪ dreyer's slow churned light ice cream. ♪ nestlé -- good food, good life. (music) >> pam: good evening everyone. i'm pam moore. thanks for joining us for kron 4's july 4-th live special. tonight, we will bring you the fireworks from around the bay. san francisco, pleasant county. the first of the shows start in about 10- minutes. and while we wait. lets

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