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neighbors said he parked here for more than go months. they say they are shocked that the man is a accused of stockpiling weapons and ammunition. 37-year-old robert clinton johns is now in jail facing four felony weapons and drug charges. law shared with us these photographs of what they found inside his jeep when they arrested him. 5800 rounds of ammunition, a shot gun, hand gun, marijuana, $900 in cash and a knife. >> we will do all we can to make sure we handle this case appropriately so this individual is unable to continue to be on the street. >> reporter: the da said investigators are still trying to find how he got the weapons. he first came to the attention of the police last month when he harassed threatened neighbors. >> he liked to say how he was in special ops. i know -- those people that tried to engage him. >> reporter: police say during the first encounter with him he allowed them to search the vehicle. at that time they found a loaded shot gun and a rifle. he was taken to the hospital and later release. investigators want to know how he got more ammunition and weapons in the three weeks between the two times they had contact with him. police credit alert neighbors for keeping him off the street. >> we have a great working relationship with the community and they didn't hesitate to let us know what was going on. >> reporter: in a police report one officer wrote that johns may be preparing to engage in a violent act. police said they are still trying to find who he is, one listed address for him is in reno. his bail is at $100,000. >> james holmes the man accused of the colorado shooting made his second court appearance today. he faces 24 counts of murder which is double the number of victims killed. 12 of the counts are deliberatation and 12 site extreme indifference to the value human life. he faces 116 counts of attempted murder, and other charges related to weapons and explosives. about half of the people in the court were family of the victims. >> expression and kind of a personality of evil to him. he looked very sane to me. >> cameras weren't allowed into the hearing. prosecutors are talking to victims and their family members about if they will seek the death penalty. americans remain divide on the issue of gun control verses gun rights. according to a new poll 47% of americans say it's more important to control gun ownership while 46% say it's more important to protect the rights of americans to own guns. the results fall in the margin of error. more than one thousand were pulled from thursday through sunday. >> it started as a street fight, ended with two young men dead in one of san francisco's troubled neighborhoods. shortly after one this afternoon a brawl broke out on burr avenue. by the time police arrived two men in their 20s had be shot in the head. they were pronounced dead at the hospital . officers called for back up to deal with the angry crowd. >> the police got here, it was -- a pretty crazy scene it required additional resources from neighboring police districts. >> police are asking anyone who knows anything to contact them on the anonymous tip line. the gang task force is also helping the investigation. in seven minutes the unsolved killing of an east bay father and the one item police are showing us tonight in hopes it'll lead them to the killer. >> new, some call it a mass exodus, the city's biggest city seeing a record number of resignations and retirements its police force. we are live in san jose with what's causing it. >> reporter: san jose police are looking for a lot of good men and women as you can see by the sign. the department is losing several current officers at an aalarming rate. san jose has a reputation as one of the safest big cities in america but officers say once the recent pension reform known as measure b passed in june it started an exodus. >> this is the first time in our history we have had this it happen . >> reporter: the police department revealed that 29 officers have resigned this year compared to 19 retiring. police staffing has declined dramaticly in the pastt. the department has about 1, 60 on the street. the department officials said an acad my is scheduled for september. the police officer's association believes more could resign by the end of the year. >> now i see violence going up, i see us unable to respond. it's tough. it's tough right now. >> reporter: city councilmember wants the department to be more aggressive in recruiting an increased officer hiring by several hundred. he believes other local government also have to face the same tough pension reforms creating a more even playing field for san jose. >> as other agencies in the area look at their pension systems and figure what they will do all the way from local jurisdictions, changes will be made and people will be facing the same thing. >> reporter: we got the update on the progress in court. the city attorney expects a ruling in the next 60o days. a decision isn't expected until next spring. reporting live in san jose. >> more details now. we checked with sfpd on its staffing. theyey said they have more than 1700 officers and an authorized strength of nearly 2,000. the oakland police department once had as many as 837 officers but has struggled to maintain that. a department spokesperson couldn't give us a current number but has been in the mid600's in recent months. >> we have new information about what sparked a four alarm fire at san francisco's pier29 last month causing almost 2.5 million dollars in damage. investigators say construction can crews were welding a ladder to a wall when a spark fell into a crack in the concrete seth the building on fire. the structure was empty but crews were on site to prepare it for next year's america's cup sailing race. techs at six flags in vallejo are planning to test their new super man ride to try to find why it stopped yesterday stranding a dozen passengers 150 feet in the area. we are there to tell you if they are finding anything. >> reporter: when that ride opened a month cal they required the park to have this crane ono site in order to rescue people from that ride if needed. nobody knew the safety plan would be put in practice so soon. six flags won't be specific about when but sometime tonight or tomorrow morning inspectors will bring the ride to life, running tests to find what caused the ride to stop yesterday, stranding people at its highest point for two hours. >> so high up you just -- you don't think straight. >> reporter: brandon said his cousin called police and his brother started praying when super man the ride didn't live up to its comic name sake. able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. this ride was more of a lumberton uphill. >> we shoot straight up and right when you hit a loop it showed down and then i was like what's going on? is this part of the ride if. >> reporter: it wasn't a planned part of the ride. today park officials and cal ocea used a crane to inspect the tracks. >> we determined that the situation was not mechanical. >> reporter: until the park knows what went wrong and how to fix it the roller coaster remains closed. >> did you come out to go on it? >> yeah. i did. >> reporter: that sound fun the rest of the rides are still running. people waited in long lines to get authorial twisting and turning and spinning. >> i'm not scared but i just won't go on the super man until if he they fix it. >> reporter: after its fixed another review will be done before it can be opened again. >> only ten university campuses will accept spring admissions for 2013. the chancellor's office announced today that san francisco, east bay and sonoma are the only local campuses taking applications. budget cuts and a possible 250 million-dollar trippinger cut depending on the passage tax initiative are behind it. the pentagon said that a young soldier has been killed in afghanistan. he was take '2and a member of the california national guard. he was killed last thursday by an ied. his family shared a picture that he sent home posing with two youngsters. they are working on funeral arrangements. >> rising from the earth the major construction now underway on the 49ers future home and what lays ahead. >> tech titans in court. the battle over smart phones and what it means fo consumers. but first. >> take a look. what oakland police are are you saying about this large mexican peso note and it's connection to a recent killing. . oakland police taking an unusual step as they search for clowes in the city's latest homicide. heather holmes is live where she talked about an item taken from the victim. >> reporter: investigators rarely release this information but in this case they believe it could be useful. the victim has carrying a very unusual wallet. it looked just like this 1,000 mexican peso note. it and the man's phone were both taken before he was shot once in the head. the mourning family lit candles tonight and put them at the very spot where the 41-year-old was gunned down early friday evening. >> everybody -- we can't believet. >> reporter: his cousin doesn't hide the emotions he is feeling. losing a loved one on the front steps of their home. >> to painful. right in front of the door every time you come out. >> reporter: he had just arrived home from his job job when he was confronted by at least one man. he stole the unusual wallet that looked like a stack of cash, the robber then tried to rip the gold chain off him but failed. >> suddenly we hear the pop. >> reporter: investigators believe that the wallet may help them catch the killer. >> could provide clues, lead to the identification and the location of the suspect or suspects. >> reporter: until that happens, fear grips the garcia family. >> all the people who live here now, everybody is scared. they can't even walk to the grocery store. >> reporter: relatives say he had been working really hard to savor up enough money to bring his wife from mexico. tonight his wife is here in oakland planning his funeral. i'm heather holmes. >> a suspect car thief led them on a chase through oakland hitting two vehicles, and sending a man to the hospital. the incident started around two this afternoon near fruitvale avenue. deputies saw the suspect car thief and tried to pull him over but instead he sped away. deputies say he hit a pickup truck and then went down to foothill and 28th avenue where he hit a car injuring the driver. deputies say the suspect appeared to be armed and was able to run away. the injured driver is expected to survive. >> a sate assembly man will go on trial for drunk driving. roger hernandez is a democrat. he denied being drunk when he was pulled over for driving erratically . >> the highway patrol is digging deeper into a party bus accident that killed a woman who fell out of the bus on highway 17. one officer spent the morning at a tow yard where the bus involved in the accident is parked. another officer spent the day at the party bus lot in santa cruz. the bus was filled with people returning a concert last friday. the victim and another woman had reportedly been fighting when both fell out a door. >> don't know if the door was faulty, if someone pushed the release and told them to get off. >> 25-year-old was run over by the bus and killed. the other woman was hurt but will be okay. officers arrested two people for drunk in public including the boyfriend of the victim. a woman died at a hotel hours after attending the same concert. authorities say carry michelle long was found unresponsive early saturday morning in the jacuzzi of the best western. police arrived to find her friend and hotel staff preforming cpr. police say they have no signs of foul play. >> the new 49 erstad jump in santa clara quickly taking shape. robert honda house us how much progress is made in just one day. >> reporter: an american flag was mounted on the first steel beam of each new section of the stadium today. the four corners of the structure are being built at the same time with the use of four large cranes. >> steel and it's big time. it's something you can look at and ski seat framework of the new home being built. >> reporter: the 300 workers putting up the framework fast. from this morning to the late afternoon they put up the frames. >> each will average between 35 and 50 pieces a day, 14,000 needs to go up. >> reporter: when you get this close it's impressive to see all the pieces being put together but there is also a lot of work because they say the stadium isn't just new but state-of-the-art. >> obviously the -- from a fan perspective ability to look at replays, get content on their phone and smart phone and to be interacting. >> reporter: in october they will start putting in these concrete ricers for the seats and start work on the stadium bowl. >> inviting, have the largest lower bowl in the nfl and we -- 32 cities with nfl cities and that -- we will be one. >> reporter: the first beam was the flag are on solid flames. it's all expected to be ready for the 2014 season ; robert honda. >> the stock market fizzled today after a two day rally at end of last week. the dow dropped two points, nasdaq fell 12. analysts said investors are waiting to see what happens at the wednesday federal reserve meeting. yahoo said the interim ceo is leaving. he was named ceo in may and two weeks ago they hired someone else passing him over again. is he getting a year's salary, bonus and a million dollars of stock. tonight at 10:30 new pictures of what is called the next i-phone. when it may be revealed what else we may see. >> and it did warm up today. it was real hot inland. upper 80's. 98 degrees, livermore, high pressure squishing down the fog. it got real tight -- the fog is gone. its clear at the coast. that fog comes back in tonight but it'll stick tight along the coast. visibility will below in the morning, tomorrow morning, less fog than we had today. there will be fog in the inland bay areas, in daytime highs warm up. these are the highs today. highs for tuesday, not much difference. i think the 90 will drop down to 96 or 97, the temperature spread is what we are look for. tomorrow just like today. there are changes coming, we will see a change in the fog and temperatures drop and as we get in to the five-day i will have all the specifics on that, back here at 10:45. >> it may taste strong but maron says it's safe to drink. they say water in some part parts has a musty taste because of a algae bloom. they say the taste is still a little officer. they say it should get better in a few days. >> a slick situation, how cook oil ended up all over a san francisco intersection. >> police are investigating whether an online video game may have had a role in a stabbing that put a teen in juvenile hall. what the victim's mother said about the attack. must be nice, cheering on team usa from the shallow end. back in '08, we didn't have these u-verse wireless receivers that let you move the tv around wherever. no siree, bob. who's bob? and if you didn't have a tv outlet, well then you couldn't watch diddly-squat. you talk a lot. you have no idea how good you have it. that's not working. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver, only from at&t. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. . happening now, late word of a power outage affecting part of richmond. 1100 are without power in the eastern side of richmond. that's down from more than 2200 earlier this evening. pg&e blames a downed power line on south 50th the street. the utility didn't give us an estimate of when power will be restored. police in contra costa arrested a 17-year-old who may have had a dispute with ion man over an internet video game. the frightening violent confrontation at the victim's home. >> reporter: medics rushed the victim by helicopter to the hospital this afternoon. the 20-year-old was stabbed several times inside his house. deputies got the call a little after one. the victim's mother said a family friend barged in to the the house and started shooting. >> had the gun aimed at me and shot at my son. i went down stairs, he came down and ran up and start -- i thought they were fighting he was stabbing him. >> reporter: the 17-year-old was tracked back to his house about two mile away. deputies spotted him on the street and after a briefcase on foot arrested him. >> a knife was recovered as well as a rifle. . >> reporter: they say they are looking in to a motive. they have learned that the suspect was playing a video game over the internet with the victim shortly before the attack. >> just prior to the incident the two of them were in their homes, online, playing video games against each other. as far as what prompted the suspect to go to the victim's home that's still under investigation. >> reporter: a chair spokesman said they aren't releasing the name of the suspect because is he a minor. he was booked on charges ofa temperatured-- attempted murder. the victim is expected to survive. >> there was a messy situation in san francisco this afternoon after trucks spilled about a hundred gallons of cooking oil onto the street. it happened shortly after three at the intersection of 4th and howard street. a spokesperson for oakland based company said a bin fell off the vehicle. fire crews responded closed nearby sewer grates. a blown transformer led to a fire in lafayette this afternoon. pg&e said the transformer knocked downpour lines and that sparked the fire. officials say a natural fire break helped crews gain control and firefighters put out the flames before they spread to nearby homes. the fire burned about two acres. >> authorities in wyoming said they hope a test will reveal what killed a rodoe star. he was found dead in his trailer saturday after competing in the frontier days rodeo. an autopsy showed no clear reason why he died in his sleep. he was a two time final's team roper was ranked 12th in the world. >> tech giant as ceusing each other of stealing. apple and samsung square off. how that coulda affect you. >> it's a true success story. >> a major milestone for an endangered species. donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] . juror selection started in a case that pits two titans against each other. it's apple verses samsung. tom has a look at how all of it affects not corporate titans but common consumers. >> reporter: the claims that the other stole patented technologies. that even includes both company's claiming the other infringed on their right to market a product with dunked evenings, something they both have in common. other issues of what the devices do, how they work, how you control them, even if they have a position in the market blaze itself are in question. >> hard to see how one legal case can reform or change the entire patent. >> the problem is the patent system is a bit off the rails right now. >> reporter: robin feldman is author of rethinking patent law. >> they are using litigation as a competition tool. that's a problem. >> reporter: what hangs in the balance is whether high technology can survive if every time another new product comes out someone else tries to sue it out of existence. >> maybe grant companies to much power over certain design elements. >> you also run the rick of having one company be able to kind of clear the market and be the only one. that's always bad because then the prices stay high. >> reporter: apple even has a patent for the taper you sometimes see in a laptop. >> the latest chatter includes a possible release date for the newest i-phone. a blogger posted this it video on youtube today. according to room -- they will reveal the next one and the rum eared i-pad min," on september 12th. it's anticipated after that on september 21st. they correctly predicted the release of the i-pad 3. >> pittsburgh city councilmembers voted to extend a temporary stop on the opposite of internet cafes due to worry over online sweepstakes. it means it'll remain in place until june of next year. the concerns around online sweep stake competitions in customer dear sir win money or more time on a computer terminal. they consider them illegal but have left enforcement to cities. >> amber alert in effect for a 16-year-old from monterey. her boyfriend may have kidnapped her following a double homicide in the girl's family home. she was reported missing saturday night after the bodies of two men were found in her family's home. investigators believe juan salazar junior may have kidnapped her. they may be traveling to mexico with another man. they say that they are looking for a tan, 2007, honda civic with a california license plate number 6juk098. >> oakland police offer an award for the arrest of a 16- year-old wanted for -- attempted murder. the teen is kenyon thomas. . police say he may be armed and should be considered dangerous. he was involved in the july 21st incident where a black acura rammed a police car. someone in the car shot several rounds into the police car shattering the rear window but missing the officer. police have arrested three others in connection. >> democrats are reportedly planning to endorse same sex marriage at their convention in north carolina in september. democrats are also planning to bring out their heavy hitters, bill clinton is scheduled to give the nominating speech and the president and vice president are taking them the following night. it's not clear if they will call for national action to legalize gay marriage. a new controversy around mitt romney. he was in poland lay age wreath at a world war ii memorial. it was moments he petitioned that are draw agriculture tension. he said its culture lets israel be more successful than palestine. palestine called the remarks racist and they said romney ignored the economic restrictions put on them by israel are. >> in syria the largest city, it's commercial capitol is a city under seige. tens of thousands of people have escaped intense fighting and rita williams reports it's weighing on the neighbors. >> reporter: why would anyone leave home to live in a camp like this? as bad as it may seem for the mostly women and children here it's still better than this. increased fighting in the largest city of syria has sent people flooding across the border. 200,000 in ten days. that's causing problems for the neighbors. turkey is strengthening its border after 43,000 have taken refuge there. this after fighting got worse in a city of 3 million. once the bastion of support for the president. this is very significant. is it the thought of a civil war? i would argue that a civil war has been going on. >> reporter: the chair of uc berkeley seven was in syria a week before it started 16 months ago. without outside help the he said home grown fighters have taken on a small but growing role with rebels. he said most do not want foreign forces involved, not iran, european, or american. >> what's with -- as a result of the fall of the regime and unclear. >> reporter: that victory he said most likely is still many months away. rita williams. >> the operator of the troubled nuclear plant in southern california hopes to restart it before the end of the year. tubes carrying radio active water needed to be replaced because of excessive wear. they could restart one reactor november 18th and the second on december 31st. they must first approve the move. >> when you can expect a big drop in airfare. check your mailbox the state could send you a bill for $150. what. >> and big heat inland but when i come back which areas will cool off for your tuesday. . >> and coming up in eight minutes making easier to see food safety ratings, where the changes are taking place and how to read the new system. . rural property owners being billed $150 for state firefighting services. this shows where homeowner also have to pay a fee. the first 4,000 notices went out today in alameda with hundreds of thousands more to follow statewide. napa supervisorrer said it's essentially a tax on a few property owners. >> a fee for fire prevention, shouldn't be borne only by those in a certain part of the state. >> reporter: they said the fee is essential in preventing fires in tight budgetary times. some residents say they plan to file lawsuits as soon as the first bills arrive. >> janitors went through downtown this afternoon protesting a proposed increase in health care co pays. they say demonstrators want to send a message to contractors and the corporations that hire them. they say they are willing to strike. their contract expires tomorrow. >> in news of the world tonight in india the worst blackout in a decade caused massive problems in the northern part of the country. traffic was gridlocked, trains didn't run and someplaces had no running water. 370million people were affected. that's more than the population of the united states and conda combined. ed power demand has gone up but it's about to produce power hasn't kept up? in ugunda an outbreak of ebola has spread and aequorin teen is now in place. previously it was reported in the western part of the country. at least 14 people are dead, the president has called on people to avoid all physical contact to try to keep the disease from spreading. and in japan the main nuclear power plant held the first large scale disaster drill since last year. it was to improve the power company's response to a 7.3 quake. the company has criticized sides for the disaster. it's new president said that drills will help regain the confidence of the public. >> this wednesday the postal service will bring a $5.5 billion payment but they said they have to default. the service said that it's the first in their history and will not cause interruptions in service or keep them from paying suppliers and employees. they are expected to default on another $5.6 billion payment in september. right now they are losing about $25 million a day. relief from airfares may be in eight. in the first three moss of the year the average domestic airfare went to $373. that's up 4.8% from the same period last year. airline passengers could see airfares drop 10, 20% in the coming weeks due to the start of the slow fall travel season. >> gilroy garlic festival says just over 100,000 people attended the three day event and raised just under two million dollars. that's slightly less than last year but the festival spokesman said it was a great success. about $300,000 of the money will be divided among 185 local charities. you can get the news to go, down load the ktvu app. click on the live icon and watch all of the newscasts live on the smart phone. >> bright colored signs in one county. what they tell customers about the restaurant they are visiting and why environmentists are cheering sight in the the sykes. >> and bill martin fine tuning his forecast. he is back with what we can expect. . eagles 234 the bay area seem to be a clear sign something is getting better in the environment. rob roth got a look at one and said there are more if you know where to look. >> flying high in the sky this afternoon a 3-month-old baby bald eagle went soaring its mother. that's as close as the camera could get but the eagles could have been scout around for food. >> that's one of their first major flights, that the two have been taking together in the last couple weeks. >> reporter: these are the baby eagles in its nest. this is the first bald eagle to hatch in the area in modern times, development and chemicals destroyed the population a half century ago. >> 50 years ago there were no eagles, no bald eagles nesting in greater san francisco bay area. mainly due to the use of pesticides like ddt causing them to loose their ability to mate. >> reporter: the slow return still on the endangered species list is assiento environment is improving. >> the food they are eating is clean, has less pesticide, persistent pestsides and they can reproduce. it's a true success story. >> reporter: regular park visitors first noticed the adults earlier this year and said they put on a great show. >> some of their antics when they lock talons and come swing down toward the water. that's part of their mating ritual. >> reporter: they say what's happening could be a sign that the bald eagle is making a bay area come back. in castro valley. >> the recall of onions eyebrower in oxnard has grown. it started a recall by gill's onions due to possible listeria. then it expanded to several products where they were use such as salads and salsa in a dozen states. you can go to the website for a westbound link to the recall list. >> alameda about to make ratings easier to find. they are just starting to change its food service rating. a grown sign means they got a good score on its health inspection. yellow means a major violation but it was corrected while the inspector was still on the scene. red shows a problem. >> red means you have critical violations that can't be corrected while the inspector is there so you need to close your doors until it's fixed. >> right now if you want to know how most polices rated in alameda, look online or ask someone inside the facility for the rating. new signs should be posted in the windows of all restaurants with in the next six to nine months. you can check the rating online at your favorite restaurant. >> it was a hot one today, especially inland and it's hot outside right now. check out the live storm tracker. current temperatures and 91 degrees right now in sacramento. that's significant. 91 degrees. a lot of heat just east of the bay area. we are down in to the 70s in san jose, 83 out in the livermore valley. real warm right now. that is how we know. tomorrow will be another warm day. probably as warm as today, maybe a little cooler in someplaces, maybe a bit warmer in others, a very similar day tomorrow to what we saw today. we hit 98 degrees today in antioch. we could see that tomorrow in the east bay and far east bay approximate. that's pretty hot. forecast highs then, typical summer weather pattern taking us through this week. the changes are going to be sarks btle. the fog at the coast. it's coming back in just a few -- a few miles off shore. it'll be back and will be com pressed, visibility will below and it'll stick along the coastal hills, it'll creep in to the bay -- not like where it was making up into the delta and the santa rosa area. that's how you get the heat. that's how it warms up. here is the forecast for fog tomorrow morning. you see in to the berkeley area, that's aboutt. the day goes on. the fog gets real dense and the heat in the valley. tomorrow, tuesday, just like today. if you are hot today you will be hot tomorrow. if you are along the coast you will get a break. coastal temperatures in the 50's and low 60's. over the east bay it gets hot quickly as you get toward clayton. antioch the mid90's. modesto -- toward stock phone or sacramento, the upper 90's. forecast high, 93 fairfield. 93 clear lake, 87 saint helena. real heat going to be further inland. just east of our area. 92 livermore. 85 san jose, 90 morgan hill. 90 in gilroy. we do have a slight northwest wind but we are looking at fairly significant heat in the inland bay valleys, records, no, hard to get records, you have big numbers when you deal with records late july and august. another warm day tomorrown. this five-day forecast with the weekend in view it's -- we are running 90's across the top and we have had a lot of 80's but it's a warm to hot week. >> kind of steady all week. >> yeah. the first time this warm. >> thank you it. >> a new study suggests walkers distracted by their electronic devices are getting hurt at unprecedented rates. you may recall this video of a woman who fell into a fountain while texting. the associated press analysis found the number of injuries has more than quadrupled in the past seven years but that adds that these cases often under report. >> two bay area cities made it to a top 20 list of coolest in the nation. san francisco was 9th while oakland made 16th. the number one place may surprise you, houston in the top spot because of a hot job market that attracted 50,000 people last year and along with it a youthful downtown. >> we still think we are cool. >> every two seconds someone needs blood and these donors got a special thank you. . giving blood comes your heart. >> former police officer, larry frederick knows the importance of blood donors. in 1982 he was hit by a car and was just one heartbeat away from being gone. 110 units of blood helped save him. today he thanked donors. blood drive is a month long event that stops at dozens of churches throughout the bay area. >> mark with sports. the a's and the giants at home tonight. what was a wild game. >> yeah. they are still in progress. with both teams at home tonight. both going extra innings action we have the rare opportunity, could have been a double walkoff where just plain ticked off and looks like it'll go that way for the giants, at least now. try to break out of a four game funk. they had a 4-2 lead. they were trailing 6-4 but rally back. posey in to the alley. cabrera into score, and suddenly it's 6-5. giants trailing. nate rolling a sure out to first but under the glove of the mets first baseman ike davis. down the right field it goes. in comes the tying run. 6-6 in to the 10th. this guy, scott hairston. already hit a go run himmer in the game. off romo. this time he gets santiago and it's a solo. they added another. go to the bottom of the 10th. it's 8-6 mets giants, just a few outs losing another one. the a's the major league kings of the walk off with another shot tonight. they are in the 11th right now early on against the ray as, look like they would take care of their business early. carter continues to shouldn't first baseman. shot down the left field line. it's tough but all the way from first to score. curt, trying to got it together with his bat. right center field. that's going to go for a double and it's 2-0. however, the rays, the team in the east. rally back. they lead 3-2 in the 7th but hicks, the rookie, going high and deep and over the wall, solo homer to tie it 3-3. that is how it stabbeds right now in the bottom of the 11th inning. the raider new regi me with the same problem. that of the unruly, most penal eyed team. may top the team's to do list. first day for allen on the field. the focus don't beat yourself. >> the national league you have to learn how not to beat yourself and that's one of the things that causes you to loose, it's my job to get them to understand that and then at the independent the day it's their jobs to make sure they correct it. >> very to be in tune and be mentally tough and that's what everybody wants. i say we still have a long way to go but i'm encouraged by where we are headed. >> its been different ever since. we have a new coaching staff and everything else. it's -- it's for the better though and it's not nothing but positive energy. everybody is adjusting real well. >> warriors getting in to the news. landry, veteran forward signs a two year, 8 million-dollar deal. that's the sporting life. >> thank you. and before we go we want to tell you about developing news we are following. these are live pictures east oakland where firefighters on the scene of a two alarm house fire. it's located at 82nd avenue. the firefighters say when they arrived they spotted heavy smoke from the house's second floor. crew on the scene said seven people live in the home and all got out safely. the morning team will work on this beginning at 4:30. they are here until nine. thank you for trusting us.

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