best to make this exciting for the guy. i'm just giving suggestions, all right? that's number one. number two, let's face it, the bar following the previous president was pretty low. all you have to do is show up and that say, putin, my man. >> just don't get left. up >> right, don't say putin is my guy. thirdly though, you can see we're doing diplomacy. meanwhile, we all know with the pull out in afghanistan and things that just happened with australia, the u.s. seems to still be going alone. and that's upsetting a lot of the allies. however, the one thing i will see is, we are, whether you like they are not, it's a military industrial complex. military is our main thing, that's what we do. and to turn this big tanker around is going to be slow. it's going to take time. and the fact that we're not currently in a war in afghanistan, i guess that is progress? i mean, again, setting the bar