going to face when he came into a country that is pillaging to conquer. that's the point about the hospitals and schools and targeting the bread lines. this is about conquering a foreign land to him. >> cal, this number that's out today, confirmed by nato and u.s. intelligence, of 7,000 dead russian soldiers is in line with the estimate -- i think the ukrainians gave us the figure 6,000 to 8,000 a couple days ago. i wonder, with it stipulated that it's difficult to get the truth into russia, i'm just thinking of president zelenskyy's message to the woman who held up the "no war" sign. i mean, is there an effort on ukraine's part to make sure the russians, even their friends and family in russia, understand that 7,000 people died in 20 days? >> reporter: we hear it from the president consistently on this telegram channel. he's trying to talk to the mothers of these soldiers. he goes out of his way to speak