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constellation energy group] >> welcome to "11 news sunday morning". i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm sarah caldwell. first let's look outside with john collins. >> i stepped out the door this morning, and it is not as chilly as i thought, but it felt that way walking out the door. beautiful cressent moon today. gorgeous, but breezey. we will finish the holiday weekend off in great, great shape. let's look at a number. we have several numbers. it is 57 degrees officially at b.w.i. marshall. 72% the humidity. 29.93 the barometric pressure. we got a cold front out of the way. there is a disturbance up to our north. we will figure that out later on in the radar. at the moment, the winds are calm. it says west, calm. the last puff of wind was from the west. our winds will primarily be from the west or northwest during the day today, bringing in nice, mild conditions. not hot or humid, just pleasant and mild. our forecast to finish off this labor day weekend coming up. >> our big story, a baltimore city family wants justice a year after their loved one was murdered. >> >> george lettis has more on what haze family and friends are doing to keep his memory and murder case alive. >> only those who have lost a child know what she is going through. >> that was my only son. >> it hurts even more when justice hasn't been served. >> that was my child, and everyone around here knows and won't talk. >> a year to the day after jamaal holmes was shot and killed. his family and friends organized a vigil to keep his memory and his case alive. >> what i hope is that everyone would hear us. it is not just us. it is so many different teem that are crying out. that this has to stop. >> my son was shot 18 times. >> holmes was her nephew. she had a son, too. >> his name is reynard. they haven't caught anyone yet. i think about he's not here to be a father to his son. he has an 8-year-old. i think about i won't see him walk in my door no more. there is so much to think about. >> the injustice and the loss that these mothers and others are stuck with. right now they hope gatherings like this help send a message about their pain. >> this has got to stop. they are taking people's children. >> you-all taking people's children. you-all don't know what you are doing to people's family. >> so far baltimore police have solved half of its 148 murder. last year it solved about 60% of its 238 murders. at police head quarters, george lettis wbal-tv 11 news. >> while jamaal's family was praying, a 15-year-old boy was shot in the face. the victim was taken to a local hospital and at last check was in stable condition. >> a shooting in west baltimore is now a homicide. a 25-year-old man was shot just after 10:00 in the 2000 of baker street. he died later at shock drama. >> a 17-year-old boy is behind bars is behind -- this morning charged with a deadly shooting. marcus mcfadden is one of three suspects that approached eric javonn hill who -- in a park last month. he tried to drive off, and police say that's when he was shot. mcfadden is charged as an adult in first-dree degree murder. >> fire officials found a boy around 8:30 yesterday. the toddler was in cardiac arrest p his jears appear to be -- injuries appear to be life-threatening due to drowning. >> the investigation into the oil leak in the gulf may take a turn. a huge stack of pipes of valves and failed that will allowed the tank to spill has been hauled to the surface. it could be the lead into discovering how it happened. >> crews hoist aid 300-ton piece of evidence to the surface. f.b.i. agents were on hand to take possession of the failed blow-out preventer which expected to give investigators new insight into the disaster. >> i am pleased to announce with the new blow-out preventer that is on this well, that this well did not constitute a threat to the gulf of mexico at this point. >> a new blow-out preventer was maneuvered into place on friday, and bp hopes once tests are completed, crews will be able to seal off the ruptured well for good. >> we can also take the final steps to plug and abandon. at that point it will shift to the department of oversight and the bureau of ocean energy manage many. >> the leak was stopped in mid-july, but the clean-up will continue for a long, long time. for those demanding to know what went wrong, new answers may emerge from the gulf. brian mooar, wbal-tv 11 news. >> if all goes according to plan, experts say the well could be abandoned within days. >> meanwhile, demonstrators called on president obama to protect the gulf. following the 4.9 million barrels of oil that spilled into the gulf, protesters say politicians need to make a stronger push for clean energy options. >> the day of dignity took place providing toiletries and clothing to area homeless. the baltimore community together with the church of latter day saints. it looked to help those in need. >> they are looking for help, they are looking to survive. we are going to let them survive this day so they feel good about themselves and who they are. >> free health screenings and school supplies were offered as well. >> more than 100 philadelphia police and correctional officers rode across the state to honor 9/11 victims. they rayed money to -- raised money to honor the passengers and crews. a perm meant memorial is planned for that site. >> yesterday was also the kickoff to the historic pennsylvania avenue homecoming festival. it continues through the labor day weekend. the theme this year is celebrate, educate, participate. always a favorite is the famous cadillac parade with a combination of marching bands, floats, and vintage cars. today the festival will have a faith-based focus. >> 5:08 and 53 degrees. ahead in medical alert, what doctors want to do to make sure your child is healthy. >> and e-books are the craze, and many libraries are jumping on the bandwagon. coming up, the program that let's you borrow for free. coming up, john has jury insta-wea >> really nice morning this morning. this is the kind of weekend where you throw up the windows and save money on electricity by not having that electricity going. clear skies overhead. the only weather going on, clouds up in pennsylvania and new york state, and a few of those are producing some showers, mostly in upstate new york. that's a little disturbance that's been spinning over the great lakes. it is not really related to earl. it is more connected to the cool front that went through after earl had gone up through new england. that will be a future that's going to be mill milling around up there for a while. come wednesday, we may actually see something come down from that part of the corled and provide us with a slight chance for rain. more on that for a minute. let's look outside for now. our camera is pointed in the wrong direction. i wish you could see the beautiful cressent moon that's out there this morning. b.w.i. marshall, 72% the humidity. 29.94 the barometer. it's been a little low. especially since that tropical storm and hurricane went by. it's beginning to rise now that everything is pulling away from us. at the moment, the winds are calm. if we do have a breeze today, it was quite breezey yesterday. today it will be predominantly from the west and northwest. 82 is the hyatt the airport. 82 normal. we are right on target. morning lows right before midnight last night. lows yesterday right before midnight last night were 59 and 69 respectively at those two locations. it just took all day for temperatures to get down that far. temperatures right now as we mentioned at b.w.i. marshall, it is 67. 55 camebridge. on the boardwalk it is 55 degrees. 57 elkton. parkton down to 54. 52 at frederick. 49 at mchenry out in far western maryland in garet county -- garrett county. look at all this fair weather out west. there is a storm system in the dakotas. again, that's so far north and so far away, it is not going to affect our weather for a couple days. high pressure. this is what the map will look like during the day today and in the evening hours. temperatures on the cool side of normal. 82 would be a typical high, and i'm not sure we'll get that far today. out in the tropics we do have what's left of gsaton. it lost its strength but may recharge its batteries and get into the caribbean. that will take a number of days if it occurs. our forecast, subpoenay and pleasant -- sunny and pleasant. the insta-weather plus forecast 83 tomorrow, sunny skies. then up to 90. hot. humidity up tuesday. wednesday hot and humid. 92 the high. a cold front comes in. maybe an isolated shower. not a big chance for that. if your lawn needs water, don't depend on this. then temperatures drop off the rest of the week. >> many americans are turning reading habits toward the growing phenomenon of e-books. >> many are finding they can get free book content right in their neighborhoods. kristin dahlgren has the story. >> she is reading on e-book. most e-books cost between $5 and $15, but you can get some for free from your library. >> libraries require the use of the e-book. the book will disappear from your device after your two-week check-out time is over. some books work well. but the most popular e-reader these days, amazon kindles is a different story. >> the amazon kindles doesn't support e-pub. >> the staff at this library in arlington, virginia say they have a foot in both worlds, old media and electronic. and libraries across the country are joining their ranks. an american association study found 83% offer books and audio content online. >> we can help members of the public if they come and say i want to start downloading, how do i do it? >> the libraries are still a place to sit quietly and read, but if it is an e-book, you no longer have to worry about late fees. >> high cholesterol is threatening thousands of children across the country. >> what doctors say should be done to catch the problem. >> plus it was like christmas in august. a story of how their community came together and remodeled the home of a ♪ [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. the yoplait you can't get enough of. now ia four pack. >> mom and dad were right -- eating fruits and vegetables can help save your life. a new study out found a variety of fruits and vegetables may help you avoid lung cancer. not smoking is the best way to avoid lung cancer. there are compounds in the foods that have a protective effect in the foods. this is the first to note the benefits of the variety. >> high cholesterol is usually an adult problem, right? maybe not. 10's of thousands of kids may be affected by high cholesterol and not realize it because they are not screened. johns hopkins is trying to change that. >> ultimately if i hadn't checked my heart, i would have dropped dead before age 40. >> erin had no idea she had heart disease. even though her cholesterol level was high, doctors told her she wasn't at risk because she was young and in good shape. at the age of 39, she had a heart attack and needed emergency surgery to clear a blockage in one of her arteries. >> after the surgery at hopkins they were interested, because i was a bit of an -- so they asked if my three children get bloodwork done. >> her two sons both had cholesterol levels over 300, more than double what's normal for a child. >> while both boys are now on medication to lower their cholesterol, she said her sons would never have been tested if she hpt had a heart attack. >> children are not routinely tested for cholesterol at the moment. it is the exception rather than the rule at the moment. >> new studies are encouraging universal cholesterol testing for all children. >> one report published this summer looked at 20,000 west virginia fifth graders. 29% of those kids would never have been tested because they didn't have a family history of heart disease. of that drupe -- group, 10% had high cholesterol, some of them in need of medication. >> the parents are young, in their 30's. >> this doctor says arteries can start building plaque at a young age. there is evidence that shows that early intervention can mep people later in life. >> the most important treatment is modifying the diet in saturated fat and transfat and cholesterol. trying to help children be more ideal weight and trying to get exercise. >> the pfeiffer family has followed that advice. they changed their diet. >> we have healthier foods in the health. skim milk. >> it is a simple test. the more kids that can get tested for it the better. >> there are concerns about universal screening. some experts worry drug companies are pushing testing so they can sell cholesterol-lowering drugs. most kids should do ok with diet and exercise and very few would need medication. >> you may soon find certain over-the-counter drugs have been moved. robo-tripping refers to downing robe does-in -- robetussin and other medications to get high. some kids think medications are safe because they are available over-the-counter. >> don't go away. we have much more news coming up next. first, a look at events going on around town. knock knock. hey! it's finally ready. [ female announcer ] just because a counter looks clean, doesn't mean it is clean. but with one sheet of bounty, you'll have confidence in your clean. in this lab test, just one sheet of bounty leaves this surface three times cleaner than the bargain brands. want confidence that your surfaces can get really clean? even with just one sheet? bring it. super durable... super absorbent... super clean. bounty. the clean picker upper. and for huge value? try bounty huge roll. [technical difficulty] >> rob roblin has that story. >> it doesn't feel like christmas lane, but to the family that lives doub the street, it is christmas in august. >> danny barry was showing off his newly renovated home today. it was when danny was 8 years old 14 years ago when he had a die betic stroke. for a long time, it didn't look like danny would make it. >> we're six months past stroke. basically they told us he would never hold his head up, walk, talk. >> danny did make it. there are some things he needs help with. today it was the ribbon cutting of their newly renovated home, especially done for danny. >> it is a whole new world for him. the way the house was set up before, we couldn't work on the independent needs that he needed. having these independent needs, we will help him become more independent as an adult. >> danny's brother michael was on leave in iraq. >> i hope next time you are as lucky as we are. >> all this work was done by the partnership for housing foundation. many of those here gave their time and money to help fix up the barry home. >> in this terrible, terrible economy people just stepped up to the plate, people who were doing terribly themselves were captivated by danny's story. >> for the barry family, this was a dream come true. >> one thing we have always prayeded for is to have peace in our lives, and this house definitely gives us peace. >> very touching story. the time is 5:28. >> an unexpected campaign issue, maryland's $3 4 million budget surplus. >> the budget surplus has the governor encouraged. his opponents are cap fliesing on the -- capitalizing on the flip side of this. >> you name it, anything on wheels all to raise money for a good cause. i'm jennifer franciotti. details straight ahead. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics. in washington, i'm trying to do the same. that's why i voted to crackdown on wall street and protect the bay. and why i voted against the $3 trillion budget, the big bank bailout, and against the health care bill. you see for me it's not about democrats or republicans it's about common sense and doing what's best for our families. maybe that's why i'm ranked one of the most independent members of congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. >> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thanks for joining us. >> the humidity was down like 29% or 30%. we don't see that often around here when it is warm out. >> a similar set-up, but we won't be quite as breezey. there is a weather disturbance to our north. it will stay there during the day today. in fact, yesterday it generated a few scattered clouds in the area, but that was about it. the rain stayed north of us, and this morning the rain is in upstate new york. it is scattered rain shower activity. so our forecast is another good one, and we'll try to produce that not only for today, but for tomorrow as well. enjoy the picnic or barbecue or tennis game or golf game or whatever. we'll have details on that forecast in just a minute. >> thanks, john. in our commitment 2010 report this morning, official word that maryland has a budget surplus is making waves among candidates viing to be the next cover. reaction from this and major candidates including governor martin o'malley. >> it is actually some hopeful and good news. >> that is governor o'malley's reaction at a baltimore county campaign stop tonight to the -- that the official world that the city has a budget surplus. this comes after the state cut a billion in spending and furrowed 30,000 state workers just to balance the budget. >> we have had five months in a row of pod -- positive. >> the biggest came from personal tax, corporate tax, and sales tax revenue. >> we are not out of the woods yet. >> the state's overall revenue total is the third lowest in the last 40 years. bob ehrlich's spokesperson. >> governor o'malley thinks its great. bob ehrlich thinks we can do better. >> no one should be surprised that we have surpluses and deaf ithssits and they don't know what they are doing. it started the last eight years. ehrlich spent more money than anybody in history. and he paid for it with record taxes. that's why we are where we are. i want to fix it. >> meanwhile, o'malley will butt the money in the state's savings account. depending on the economy, he says he may spend it. >> if we see the trend continue, i might have some announcement for you about rolling back some of the furlough days that the state employees are anticipating in the next year. >> george lettis, wbal-tv 11 news. >> maryland is expected to face another big deficit. >> the national aquarium in baltimore is expanding once again. last week the quareyum announced the launch of its conservation center which will focus on proytecting underwater ecosystems around the world. quareyum officials say they are working on projects for management, dolphin protection, and ocean advocacy. >> three mayor commercial properties head to the chopping block including the towson commons. >> the kent lounge is a towson institution. the owner has seen businesses come and go, and he's been puzzled by the towson complex across the street. >> it was a white elephant all the time. >> the movie -- theater, raupt, and bookstore did well in the past, but said the recession stalled plans to overhall towson commons and bring in an upscale 10ant -- tenant. now it is in foreclosure. >> we believe there is an opportunity for a much higher end very wellment that would serve the towson community. >> in the five years leading up to the recession, baltimore county added 16,000 new jobs. when the downturn started at the end of 2007, 12,000 jobs were lost. the owings mills has born the brunt. including more bad news for owings mills mall. what formerly held -- >> we are unhappy with general growth properties that they need to invest in that property. they need to take a fresh look at that community and understand the resources there now that weren't there a few years ago. >> disposable income is still flowing in baltimore county, but developers need to come up with the right product and revite lies properties like towson commons. everything else has been tried and failed. i would say a nice hotel would be the only thing that would work there. >> kerry cavanaugh, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the commercial vacancy rate in baltimore county is 7% which is slightly less than the national average. >> coming up, a popular social networking site removes content. >> beautiful cars like these are bringing guys together to talk about prostate cancer. i'm jennifer franciotti. coming up, an event this weekend that will be fun, informtive, and could change a life. >> right now, there is a big old cressent moon out there. eventually, though, we get lots of sunshine today and tomorrow. the insta- when the stage is set. and the cast has been gathered. when the curtain rises. and the spotlight is yours. having a strong signal at your back... is like having invisible power everywhere. because in that moment... you're not there to take up space. you're there to fill the room. rule the air. verizon. right now, buy a blackberry smartphone and get a second one free. like the bold. only at verizon. you'll never go back to your old mop. 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[ female announcer ] sorry, mop, but swiffer wetjet has a dirt dissolving solution and super absorbent pads that trap and lock dirty water deep inside the gradient core while mops can just spread it around. swiffer cleans better, or your money back. ♪ she blinded me with science >> nice quiet morning this morning. stars. take a look at our radar. no clouds here. there are clouds when you get up into pennsylvania. a few clouds in upstate new york associated with a disturbance over canada but reaching southward over -- below the great lakes. it is too far south to affect us. everything going on in the atmosphere will be to our north. let's take a wlook at wlats going on right here, right now. i mention the clear skies. very comfortable with b.w.i. marshall. down to 67. 64 at the inner harbor. 72% the humidity. 29.94 the barometric pressure. it is rising. we finally -- what's left of our hurricane is now just a low pressure center way up in eastern canada. the cold front that came through following earl is now way out to sea. so everything is quieted down considerably. the winds are down. let's put temperatures in there and show you what's going on temperature-wise. i thought it would be a little cooler than this. maybe tomorrow morning will be the coolest morning. it is still down there. easton, camebridge, and salisbury all 55. on the boardwalk it is 357. parkton is chilly at 54. 57 west minister. 54 frederick. 56 at hancock. 39 at mchenry. i thought we would see a 49 closer to us. join us again tomorrow morning and we'll check up on that and see what happens. clear skies and dry air is allowing the coolest temperatures to settle into the valleys. here is that disturbance up in canada producing some clouds up in pennsylvania and those spotty showers in upstate, new york. that will sweep across the area today. again, too far north to have an affect on our area. it is an area of high pressure coming in. once the high passes to our east and builds up a bit, we'll get the more sutherly flow. that will bring warmer air. out in the tropics we have what is left of gaston. just a bunch of clouds and it will get into the caribbean and maybe strengthen again. >> west winds 7 to 12. high pressure 75 to 79 degrees. tomorrow 83 the high. just about on target. labor day lo looks great with sunny skies. we start to heat up on tuesday. hot temperatures, 92. maybe -- a big maybe a shower with that front. it will be isolate -- isolated if it occurs. temperatures back off the rest of the week. >> getting men to talk about medical issues can be difficult. when it comes to prostate cancer, a local organization is trying to change that. >> today a big event in baltimore county is expected to get the event rolling literally. jennifer franciotti has more. >> he has a lot of passions. his antique car is just one. another is spreading the word about prostate cancer. >> i have prostate cancer, and not only had it, but had it return. >> gil got together and created wheels for prostate cancer. a nonprofit that raises money for local prostate cancer research. cars are expected to fill the fire station in lutlerville with anything that rolls. >> each car represents money to us. the bottom line goes to what we contribute to prostate cancer research. >> if i only help one person get a p.s.a. and get in early for testing, then this mission will be accomplished. >> p.s.a. saved my life. >> a p.s.a. is a simple blood test that dan says detected his cancer a year and a half ago. prostate cancer is the second-leading cancer among men. it is something 1-6 men will get in their lifetime. it is something dan said men don't talk enough about it. >> a lot of people that get prostate cancer don't want to talk about it. >> the color is blue and they hope it is one day going to be as well known as the pink ribbons are for breast cancer. >> there will be plenty of time to get out of here before bieber mania in ti ammonium. >> big discounts of baltimore restaurants. businesses just a mouse click away. >> coming up, how you can take advantage of the deals and help low charities at the same time. >> first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. we go through them all the time. doors that mark the day's events. new beginnings. endings. routines. revealing the stories and dramas -- the victories and challenges -- that help us go through new doors of our own. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. >> a big change after -- a black box with the world censored. craig's list has been accused of promoting prostitution through the web site. he hopes other web sites will follow suit. >> they either cannot or will not effectively screen out the ads. so cragse list voluntarily did the right -- craig's list did the right thing as a result of our talking to them. i think it can be a model for other sites that may either enable or encourage prostitution ads. >> it is not clear if this is a permanent tchay. the link is still -- change. the link is still active for sites outh outside the u.s. >> kim dacey shows us a site that could save consumers big bucks. >> the reserve restaurant is l always looking for dew customers. they don't get a lot of foot traffic, so they kinded up with a new web site called ever save baltimore. >> we're trying to get new clientele in here. any time we have an opportunity to offer people to come down and check us out at a new price, it doesn't benefit us. we hope they will keep coming back and tell their friends. >> a deal a day on restaurants, shops, and services if a specific city for those who sign up. frequent, the reserve is offering a $40 gift card for $20. the difference for ever save is some of those profits go to a local charity. >> of course being a business and a neighborhood business, we do want to give back to charities, and we chose to do luke ma and limb phonia, so a -- lukemia and lymphhoma. >> the owners hope it will be just as successful for them as some of the other sites they already use. >> we get a lot of conscious shoppers. so it offers us to give them a deal and also a chance to come out and see our place. >> in south baltimore, kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> bieber fever is taking over baltimore. >> in just hours a teen heartthrob will take the stage at the ti ammonium fair -- timonium fairgrounds. >> what the ravens did as they cut their roster down from 75 to 53. >> cut day has come and gone for the ravens, and indeed they go from 75 to 53. the battle for kicker, that was the only starting job open going into saturday. john harbaugh goes with a guy that's picking better of late as opposed to experience. billy cundiff. he ended the battle and came out on top. shayne graham owns the fourth best field goal percentage in the nfl but he proved less accurate in a ravens uniform. also, a bit surprising, you could say, the decision to keep just two quarterbacks, meaning the highs man trophy winner -- heisman trophy winner relegated to third string. ozzie newsome said keeping ravens defensive back -- couldn't find any takers. the fifth year wide-out didn't have the health to match. couldn't stay on the field long enough to prove worthy. for more information log on to our web site at and click on "sports ." >> baltimore sends antwan barnes to the eagles. he was selected in the 2007 draft and showed promise but lacked skinsy. -- skinsy. -- consistency. >> nick wins that battle. a two-run shot. orioles take a two-run lead. good pitch there. two on to end the four. bottom six. trying to make it eight. up and firing. ty wigginton. swinging and missing. a good call. he missed. orioles end that three-game skid. a final 8-4. a series victory later today at camden yards. that's a look at sports. i'm pete gilbert. see you back here tonight at 6:00. >> here's a look ahead to our next hour of "11 news sunday morning". >> one family, two cousins gunned down. we'll take you to an emotional vigil. >> plus, a shift in the bp oil leak investigation. a key piece of evidence finally pulled from the gulf. john? >> rain shower activity north and south of us. we're in the sweet spot here. a great spot to be in for the labor day weekend. we'll talk about it coming up. >> we have entered one of the busiest times of year on our highways and neighborhood streets. school buses, mini vans, and s.u.v.'s filled with students are once again on the road. add with drivers, it became more dangerous. cars and students are filling the cross-walks, texting, walk, and tweeting. beginning in october, maryland, like many other states, and the district of columbia, will require hands-free devices for cell phones while driving. you don't have to wait until october to commit to safer driving. log on to right now and make the 3-d pledge. don't drive distracted. in partnership with shock trauma and maryland public schools, we are encouraging all drivers to put down the phone and pay attention to the road. there is no phone call or message as important as a life, and the life you save could be your own. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics. in washington, i'm trying to do the same. that's why i voted to crackdown on wall street and protect the bay. and why i voted against the $3 trillion budget, the big bank bailout, and against the health care bill. you see for me it's not about democrats or republicans it's about common sense and doing what's best for our families. maybe that's why i'm ranked one of the most independent members of congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. >> hello, and welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm sarah caldwell. >> and i'm lisa robinson. our top stories in just a moment. first, let's take a look outside with john collins. >> we could get a whole dictionary of words to explain how nice it is. and then we can do the same thing again tomorrow. as least as far as the weather experience is concerned. now the airport is down to 53 degrees. just a couple minutes ago, it came in to 57. that update has taken us down to a considerable amount there. and this is our low so far this morning. 86% the humidity. 29.95 the barometric pressure. we have a light west breeze at 3 miles per hour. the airport is 53. there are probably a couple locations somewhere else. perhaps your backyard. we'll talk about the details of a cool forecast coming up. >> thanks, john. our big story, a baltimore city family wants justice a year after their loved one was murdered. >> jamal holmes was fately shot. more -- fatally shot. what his family and friends are doing to keep his memory alive. >> only people who have lost a child know what shermane is going through. >> that was my om son. >> -- my only son. >> it hurts even more when justice is not done. >> everyone around here knows who killed my son. >> everyone may know, but no one is talking. his family and friends organized a vigil on the anniversary saturday to keep his memory and his case alive. >> what i hope is that everyone would hear us. it is not just us, it is so many people crying out that are trying to stop. >> they don't have to go faror sympathy. >> my son was shot 18 times. >> holmes is her nephew. she had a son, too, until july 3rd. >> his name is reynard, and they still haven't called anyone yet. >> i think about, he's not here to be a father to his son. they have an 8-year-old. i think about -- there's just so many things to think about. >> there are only so many things one can do about. the injustice and others encounter. right now they hope gatherings like this send a message to whomever is responsible for their pain. >> this has got to stop. they are taking people's children left and right. >> you are taking people's children. you-all don't know what you are doing to people's family. >> so far baltimore city police has solved half of its 148 murders. last year it solved about 60% of its 238 murders. at police head quarters, george lettis, wbal-tv 11 news. >> a 15-year-old boy was shot in the face after 6:00 saturday evening near north fulton and pennsylvania avenue. the victim was taken to a local hospital and at last check was in stable condition. >> a late-night shooting in west baltimore is now a homicide. a 20-year-old man was shot just after 10:00 in the 2,000 block of baker street. >> a 17-year-old boy is behind bars charged with a deadly shooting. marcus mcfadden of baltimore was one of three suspects who approached 30-year-old eric hill as he sat in his car in brooklyn park last month. detectives believe that hill tried to drive off, and they say that's when he was shot. mcfadden was charged as an adult with first-degree murder and armed robbery. >> no word on the condition of a 2-year-old boy pulled from a swimming pool in ann arundel county. the family found the boy around 8:30. the toddler was in cardiac arrest when medics arrived and was taken to a local hospital. fire officials said his injuries appeared to be life-threatening. >> the investigation into the gulf oil leak may be about to take an important new turn. the blow-out preventer, a huge stack of pipes and valves that failed and allowed the massive spill. it was hauled to the surface in a delicate, day-long process. it could be the key to understanding how the leak happened. brian mooar has the latest. >> at the site of the gulf oil spill, crews hoisted a $3 hundred hookup ton piece of evidence to the surface. f.b.i. agents were on hand to take possession of the failed blow-out preventer which is expected to give investigators new insight into the disaster. >> i am pleased to announce with this new blow-out preventer, the cement that was previously put into the static kill, it does not constitute a threat to the gulf of mexico at this point. >> a new blow-out preventer was maneuvered into place on friday. bp hopes once tests are completed, crews will able to seal off the well for good. >> we can take the steps to plug and abandon. at that point it will shift to the oversight of the department of the interest year and the bureau of ocean energy management. >> the leak was stopped in mid july. the clean-up will continue, of course, for a long, long time. for those demanding to know what went wrong, new answers may be emerging from the depths of the louisiana coast. brian mooar, wbal-tv 11 news. >> experts say if all goes according to plan, the well could be killed and abandoned in a matter of days. >> oil domination is our anihalation! >> protesters calling for the president to protect the gulf. protesters say politicians in washington need to make a stronger push for clean, safe energy options. >> back here in baltimore, the annual day of dignity took place providing clothing and food. the muslim community together with the church of latter day saints promoted this event. area organizers are looking to help those in need. >> they are looking for help. they are looking to survive. we are just going to help them survive and feel like they feel good about themselves. and feel good about who they are. >> free health screenings and school supplies were offered as well. >> more than 100 philadelphia police and correctional officers rode across the state to honor 9/11 victims. the people on board fought back against september 11 hijackers and theled plane crashed in a -- the plane crashed in a field in shanksville and a permanent memorial is planned for that site. >> yesterday a kickoff that continues through the labor day weekend. the theme is celebrate, educate, participate. always a favorite, the cadillac parade. today the festival will have a faith-based focus. >> looks like fun. the time is 6:07. 63 degrees on tv hill. actually, i think it has gone down. >> ahead in "consumer alert" the latest numbers on mortgage fraud. >> and justin bieber. more on bieber fever and the lucky fan that gets to meet him thanks to wbal. >> first you are looking at a live picture outside. john collins is up next with it the people who walked these streets before us were just like you and me. with hopes. dreams. challenges. today, we do more than just walk the same streets. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. >> we had to look hard on radar to find any echos at all. a weather disturbance spinning over eastern canada. down in the gulf of mexico there are scattered thunderstorms, and a few thundershowers out in the plain states, the dakotas and nebraska back into montana and wyoming. that's coming from a weather system that eventually will pass through the great lakes and to our north throughout the middle of the week. a cool front will sweep through with that one in the middle of the week, and the rain chances with that acool front are slim. so the week ahead looks fairly dry, and this is our 13th day now. we assume it won't rain now. our 13th day of no rain, of any kind of significant or measurable rain in the area. things are getting parched. it is a beautiful morning. here we are with that first light of dawn. 53 at the airport. 64 at the inner harbor. that number will drop dramatically by 10:00 or 11:00 or so. the barometer has been on the rise this morning, with all these storms pulling away from us. we have a light wind with about 3 miles per hour. rainfall rise, i mentioned the shortage. the numbers aren't too great. but combined with the heat and everything, the rain is getting dry. a raste trace of rain. we're about a half inch short for the month and the year, and for the dwrear we're running a half-inch as well. again, not big numbers. but it is getting parched out there in the garden. we need to do a little watering. 53 we mentioned at the airport. and on the boardwalk at ocean city, a lot of folks there this weekend. elkton 56. frederick 57. 47 at mchenry out in garrett county. a few clouds in pennsylvania ahead of this front. rain shower activity in upstate new york. there is this weather disturbance that's been out in the gulf of mexico. much more humid out there. big area of high pressure up and down the mississippi valley. on the west side of this high, there is a flow of sutherly air. some of that warm, humid air will eventually divot into our area tuesday or wednesday. late wednesday into thursday, the storm that's up in montana, wyoming, and the dakotas will be going through canada and the great lakes with a front sweeping to the south. ahead of the front, it will get kind of hot, as the front goes through, that will change the temperatures, but probably not generate rain. sunny skies today, though. anything but rain. it is beautiful today. 75 to 79 the high. west winds at 12 miles per hour. ocean city's forecast, 80 today. pleasant, lighter winds than yesterday. 55 tonight. clear skies. 80 tomorrow. lots of sunshine. what a way to spend the labor day weekend, right? insta-weather futurecast shows these disturbances to thnorth of us, but high pressure over us, and that keeps the rain away to the north and to the south. as i mentioned earlier, we're kind of in the sweet spot here. it warms to 83 tomorrow. tomorrow like today, plenty of sunshine, hotter and humid. hot, humid, haze -- hazy. on wednesday that front comes through ahead of it. maybe an isolated rain shower. don't bank on it for wednesday evening. thursday, friday, and saturday temperatures back off just a little bit. >> well, it is the day area tweens and teens have been waiting for. justin bieber will take the stage at the maryland state fair. >> a local girl is getting a chance to meet the star. >> the reality is sinking in for the parents of an 11-year-old daughter who gets to meet justin bieberment she said she is so excited, she is speechless and kpt speak. >> she still didn't believe it this morning. it's sinking in today i'm sure at school. >> she's getting a new hair and new nails done and new outfit. donna hamilton, wbal-tv 11 news. >> ♪ baby emily baby sorry. even the m.t.a. is getting into the bieber smeert -- spirit. light-rail will be extended to accommodate fans traveling to and from the fair. don't forget -- i thought that was a good rendition. it is free. log on to and click on "u local." >> i think it is a little early for you to sing "baby and me." so-called zombie debt collectors are haunting consumers. low to deal with them. >> and after years of lagging behind when it comes to paychecks, there is good news for women. >> and a classroom make-over. >> in this morning's "consumer alert" zombies are haunting consumers, ancient and -- these are hard to kill. one family got a call about a debt that was 11 years old. a $14 credit card bill that was allegedly in his wife's maiden name, a card they were sure never existed. >> they were like, ok, you owe this much money. they didn't even make sure it was our debt. >> jason smith that lives in pittsburgh together with susan arsnip that lives in pitsfield, and they will push the two together and they will push the two together that you still owe us $140. when a statute of limitation expires, it means debt collectors can no longer take you to court. >> if you have ever looked at an ad and seen it poup pop up all over the place? you are not alobe lone. it is a company that allows you to track you all over the web. sellers say retarget sg effective, many consumers are concerned about privacy issues that have yet to be addressed. >> mortgage fraud made a 17% rise last year. $14 billion of loans last year were made with bogus identification. unscrupulous loan officers pull off the crimes since regulations tightened up after the crisis hit. mortgage fraud shows up in bank balance sheets when they are forced to write off the loan fal ewe. >> private student loans could be making a comeback. there is ai push to grab some of the market for students needing to cover room and board. private lenders has doubled to 23. private loans may cost borrowers more and conditions may not be as favor rabble as federal loans. >> women between the ages of 22 and 30 without children have bigger change checks than male county parts. -- counter part. that was true in 47 of the 50 largest cities in the u.s. women fared best in atlanta where the target group is making 121% of what men make. researchers say more education for women and the chances for young single men are on the decline played a role in the shift. >> and the "weekend bloomberg business report." >> this week on wall street a financial grave card from the federal reserve. the fed releasing its beige book which released information on the economic conditions in all districts. we'll see how markets react to august's better than expected unemployment report. the economy adding 57,000 private jobs last month and this week president obama planning to add new measures aimed at getting more americans back to work. and what a way to kick off september. for the week the dow, s&p 500, and nasdaq all higher. meantime, banks may soon be suffering from another mortgage crisis hangover. u.s. banks face $22,000 in costs. that according to analysts. lenders are dealing with an uptick in claims from mortgage backers like fan fan -- fannie mae and fred yi mac. a special treat for tennis fans this labor day weekend. you will be able to watch players battle it out at the u.s. open live and in 3-d, this includes the men's and women's fourth rounds. finally, facebook has a new friend in target. the first place you will be able to buy a facebook credit gift card will be target. this includes farmville, and the happy aquarium. >> starbucks wants to add flavor to your life in an instant. it is announcing four new arrivals of its coffee. the new flavors will be vanilla, mokia, caramel and sin minute. -- cinamin. >> don't go away. much more news going up. first a look at events going on around town. >> a group of lucky first graders in baltimore have a newly redecorated classroom to start the school year. that is thanks to a new contest by the baltimore teacher's union. this for one deserving teacher. >> do you think i'm going to take my cue cube and put it here? >> miss nicole howser and her students are starting their first day. this year they walked into a newly decorated and more inviting classroom. >> i love the windows. you request see out the windows, so we have new light coming in. new curtains. i love them. new cubies. >> miss houser won the baltimore teacher's union first ever teacher make-over contest. her classroom bazz transformed into a bright and welcoming space. >> i wanted to make it nice for kids to work. >> one of the greatest things was this hallway to separate miss howser's classroom from another. >> i had to walk through my classroom to get to my classroom. it was very distracting for two classrooms. that was my main reason for doing it. >> she says it will help the students learn. >> it is an important thing for first graders to have. it is more inviting. i think it also shows the parents i really want to make a change in this school. >> and it looks like she's well on her way. the baltimore school district plans to make the extreme makeover a an annual event. >> it is 61 degrees on tv hill. >> coming up, a look at our top stories. >> including the latest in the craig's list controversy over charges of promoting prostitution. >> and then to pakistan and three million people still without food after devastating floods when 11 news continues. >> it's going to be a beautiful day. take advantage of that. it is the labor day weekend. what great timing. we're in the sweet spot here in the baltimore area. you really have to look for it. showers coming off lake ontario, that's from a little disturbance moving through canada. down in the gulf of mexico the air is more humid down there, and sthr a weather disturbance producing rain. and there is a front jal system, a new storm out in montmopt and the dakotas generating some rain. that will come through about the middle of the week much it is doubtful it will make rain here. it will have an affect on our temperatures and we'll detail that coming up with the insta-weather plus forecast. >> craig's list makes a big change following criticism from states generals including maryland's. a black box with the word censored. craig's list has been accused of promoting prostitution through the web site. >> craig's list either cannot or will not effectively screen out the ads. so craig's list did the right thing as a result of our jawboning and talking to them. i think it can be a model to other sites that may encourage prostitution ads. >> it is unclear if this is a permanent change. the link is active for users outside the u.s. >> in our commitment 2010 report, bob ehrlich charged his democratic opponent plans to expand the sales tax to cover services like cell phones and car repairs. the o'malley campaign fired back saying there is no plan to do that. david collins has more. >> it is not politics as usual where you run around saying, this could happen, that could happen. we have services. >> bob ehrlich charges that if his democratic opponent is re-elected he will expand the sales tax to include car repairs, cell phones, and gym memberships. >> 43? probably not. a subset? probably so. o'malley says the government has no plans to expand the sales tax and charges ehrlich is using scare tactics to drum up support. ehrlich began his campaign. he has yet to detail how he plans to recover the lost revenue. he says it will lead to fewer people crossing state lines to shop. >> we will certainly negotiate. >> as ehrlich spoke, the state controller's sophisticated revenues by taxes and fees declined by 3.7%. one of the worst showings in four decades, but better than analysts projected and it leaves the state with a fund balance. according to estimates maryland will face a budget shortfall next fiscal year and for years to come. ehrlich is counting on slots revenues to help make ends meet. he will consider allowing card games at rosecroft to keep it open. he said he will eliminate wasteful spending and higher education and through medicaid reform. he did not offer further details. he said he's hoping to defer the cost teacher pensions. >> an age-old rivalry comes to m&t stadium. they are hoping it will bring an economic boost. >> plus, triple digit temperatures are sending some homes in southern california up in flames. the latest coming up. >> the sunshine continues on this labor day holiday weekend.w we go through them all the time. doors that mark the day's events. new beginnings. endings. routines. revealing the stories and dramas -- the victories and challenges -- that help us go through new doors of our own. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. >> take a look at our live h.d. doppler radar. we focused on the ohio river valley and upstate new york where the rain is. you can see a few clouds passing through pennsylvania. now, yesterday in pennsylvania, they had isolated rain shower activity, but i don't think that stuff will get that close during the day today. there are clouds also out over the atlantic ocean. really, it is clear as a bell here. the sun is coming up. let's look at that now. a few from our sky cam overlooking the sunrise coming up now. 53 at the airport. 54 at the inner harbor. the barometer is showing a rising tendency. west wind at 3. the sun is just coming up now and will be setting around 7:30 this evening. the days are getting shorter. i guess it is because summer is winding down. we're having a nice, cool morning this morning. some of the temperatures have chilled down considerably. camebridge 54. 53 salisbury. edgewood 59. elk ton 56. chestertown 59. 59 west minister. and 47 at mchenry out in garrett county. that's chilly out in far western county. here's a weak cool front that has showers and a few wispy clouds. this will not have much affect on our weather at all. a big area of high pressure. we're on the east side of the high. that tends to be the cooler, drier side. the high pressure gets centered over the eastern seaboard or over the atlantic. that's like tuesday and wednesday. then there will be a front, which is now in nont montana will come in late kens and change things over once again. so until then, we have some pretty nice weather here in the next day or two. sunny and pleasant. that means low humidity. 75 to 79 the high. west winds at 7 to 12 miles an hour. for boaters on the bay today, not as windy as yesterday. still 10 to 15 knots. 81, 79, 80, so the bay water temperatures are showing these stations temperatures are nice and mild. you see the storm track to the north. that's where the rain activity will be as high pressure will be over us and block moisture from coming in from the south. by wednesday we begin to see the stream of moisture coming up from the southwest. let's take a look at right now, the labor day forecast. this is the monday forecast. sunny and pleasant. 83 the high. southeast winds 5 to 10 miles per hour. we'll take a look at the seven-day forecast. 77-83. 90. more humid tuesday. wednesday hazy, hot, humid. 92 the high. the front may generate an isolated shower. i'm saying isolated. only 20%. odds are, it is not going to water your lawn. we will be parched this week. temperatures and humidity drop at the end of the week. >> the powerful earthquake that twisted rail lines around in new zealand has ripped what could be a new 11-foot wide fault in the earth's surface. a geologist says some surface areas have been pushed up three feet. a dairy farmer near the quake's epicenter said his property is like the sea now. with soil waves across the property. many buildings in christchurch have sustained damage. only two serious injuries reported. >> a u.n. official is describing the situation in pakistan as devastating floods. more than three million people have yet to receive the food and aid they need. the red cross has twice halted aid distributions after being confronted by mobs of people upset because they were not getting enough. >> in california officials dealing with fire after brush fires broke out yesterday. this is one of the five different fires burning in the los angeles area. it took firefighters several hours to con tain this one. triple digit temperatures and low humidity are to blame for the fires which have all been contained. >> maryland will have a stronger influence on decide whag tested students take in the near future. >> plus, the make-up of the harford county school board will change. why it is up to voters to decide who gets in. first, a look at local lottery numbers. good luck. >> maryland will have a hand in developing a new testing plan. the state will join dozens of other state -- a race to the top fund to very well a new test. researchers say this latest grant program is more about change than money. >> it is not as though it is a little money to very well assessments. we are doing it collectively, because there is much more expertise and we'll have a much better product. >> some of those new federal dollars whether also lep very well state programs to prepare students for the job mark et and college. >> up until now, all of the board members were appointed by the governor. but that's about to change with this month's election. 11 news education reporter tim tooten has more. >> and this is the software that we can also print. >> at the harford county political election, machines have been tested, and staff members trained as the county begins the process of electing its first school board members. >> i am excited about it because we have a say instead of someone being appointed by the governor. >> district b, and council district d which represents voters in north harford. there are forecandidates on the ballot for district a and five in district's b and d. election officials say that's why voters should pay close attention to their ballotted. >> they will see the candidates for board of education, but they won't be identified by any party, so they will choose one and then the top two vote getters will go and face each other in the general election. >> even though some voters in district b haven't made up their minds about how they will vote, those we talked to say they will support an elected school board. >> that would give us a say-so as to who we want to elect and to, you know, help for the kids and everything. >> the public should have the right to vote who thre want in -- they want in there. >> so you will brush up? >> i probably will. >> tim tooten, wbal-tv 11 news. >> school board members will begin serving four-year terms next summer. >> and stay with us, there is much more news coming up on "11 news sunday morning". >> an unbelievable day of high school football. you don't want to miss that. stay tuned. >> it has been five years since maryland took on navy, but the turfs take on the midshipmen, and it turps out they have >> high school football off and running this weekend, and the i-95 classic delivered some great games. basically the baltimore area vs. the d.c. area. they had four games friday night. they kick things off as we look at spalding. going against calvert hall. they are familiar foes. look at the crusaders inside and around. 16 yard touchdown. lake forest. robert washington on the screen. you got to love the effort. spinning. enough balance to get the edge on a 38 yard score sent the game to o.t. now in triple overtime. that's your game winner. calvert hall in a classic. spaldin 26-20. working it. deporgeous. 7-0 loyola. delon tefment morgan, freight train coming. goodness gracious. bowling his way into the end zone. game tied at 7 in the second. why would you look anywhere else? what a gorgeous pitch and catch. loyola up 21-7 at the break. knocking off loyla. the grayhounds rise to the occasion. owens. great blocking. untouched 24 yards. dareous jennings and his -- darius jennings and his scholarship run. you can see why. zach. hits the pick and the 6. turbo in for the touchdown. gillman, that's a big win. 28-7. for much more on high school sports in general around the area log on to and click on "extra sports ." >> tomorrow, an age-old rivalry will be renewed on the stadium. >> jennifer franciotti has more. >> it has been a factor on the drive. >> it was a match-up 40 years in the making when the terps took on the navy midshipmen. a rivalry renewed. the two teams go back to 1995 when the then aggies traveled to annapolis. it took until 1991 to get their first win against navy. the teams have been like a couple that break up and get back together. years passing before they get together. following some object seen gestures made by a maryland player. it was the baltimore ravens that stepped in as a marriage counselor of sorts and bringing them back. >> we got the coaches and athletic directors together. we that's why we have the dwame game generally -- that's why we have the game again. >> that means big tourism dollars for maryland and the city of baltimore. >> the director of the maryland md office of sports management. already drawing alumni from both colleges into the city inform spend money. >> you're talking hotels, restaurants, you're talking about who now extended this stay because it's labor day. are you starting to see people putting a stay-cation together so they can stay around for the monday 4:00 football game. >> five years ago the interprets were able to pull it out beating the midship mep 23-20. can they do it again? jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> this terp says they can do it again. >> should be a good game. >> 6:54. here's a look ahead to our next hour of "11 news sunday morning". >> at 7:12, details on a break-through treatment for knee pain the f.d.a. just approved. >> and holiday drinks to sip and savor while you are enjoying labor day at the beach or your back yard pool. >> and then back to work. tips on how to stay productive on the job even when it is a dog-day afternoon. >> plus more news, weather, and sports when "11 news sunday morning" continues. >> maryland is one of nine states recently awarded one of the federal government's coveted race-to--top grants. kudos to nancy grasmick and the maryland delegation that brought home $250 for maryland students. it will help turn around failing schools. education officials will be working on revisions to the curriculum to ensure all graduates are college or career ready upon grad graduation, improve the system's technology infrastructure, and transform local low-performing schools and districts. the unprecedented federal program is aimed at boosting student achievement, turning around struggling schools, and improving the teaching profession. as one of the first schools in the nation to launch school accountability in the nation, this grant has those same goals in mind. this once in a life-time opportunity is a great dunt for the taxpayers and students of maryland. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics. in washington, i'm trying to do the same. that's why i voted to crackdown on wall street and protect the bay. and why i voted against the $3 trillion budget, the big bank bailout, and against the health care bill. you see for me it's not about democrats or republicans it's about common sense and doing what's best for our families. maybe that's why i'm ranked one of the most independent members of congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. >> clouds move into the mix. we have a weather disturbance over canada producing a few showers in upstate new york. we also have clouds over the atlantic. two -- a few wispy clouds in pennsylvania. we'll detail how warm it will get coming up. >> our big story this morning, a baltimore family a year after their loved one was murdered. >> jamaal holmes was fately shot -- fatally shot on his way home. >> only those who have lost a child know what shermanishermane branch is going through now. it hurts even more when justice is not served. >> everyone knows who killed my schiled. >> everyone knows, but no one is talking. >> >> mall holmes was shot and killed on a west baltimore city street. his friends and families organized a vigil to keep his memory and his case alive. >> what i hope is that everyone would hear us. it is not just us, it is so many different people that are crying out that are trying to stop. >> they don't have to go far for sympathy. >> my son was shot 18 times. >> benita glass was here tonight. holmes was her nephew. she had ason son, too. >> his name is reynard. they haven't caught anyone yet. i think about he is not here to be a father to his son. he has an 8-year-old. i think about i won't seeing him walk in my door no more. there are so many things to think about. >> but only so much these mothers can do about it. right now they hope gaurgs -- gatherings like this help send a message to those responsible for their pain. >> this has got to stop. they just keep taking people left and right. >> you-all don't know what are you doing to people's families. >> so far baltimore city police have solved half of its 138 murders. last year it solved 60% of its 238 murders. at police head quarters, george lettis. >> while jamaal holmes' family is praying for answers to his murder, a 15-year-old was shot in the face. the victim was taken to a local hospital. at last check, was in stable condition. >> a late-night shooting is now a homicide. police say an unidentified 20-year-old man was shot after 10:00 in the 2000 of baker street. he tied later at shock trauma. >> a 17-year-old boy is behind bars charged with a deadly shooting. marcus mcfadden of baltimore according to police was one of three suspects who approached eric hill as he sat in his car on west edgevale road. police believe hill tried to drive off, and that's when he was shot. mcfadden is charged as an adult for first-degree murder and armed robbery. >> no word on the condition of a 2-year-old boy fulled from a swimming pool. he was found yesterday. the toddler was in cardiac arrest when medics arrived and was taken to a local hospital. fire officials his injuries appeared to be life-threatening. >> investigators now have the failed blow-out preventer, a key piece of evidence in the gulf oil spill. it is heading to a nasa facility where it will be analyzed for clues. many engineers took almost 30 hours to lift the 300-foot, 300-ton device from the sea. >> crews hoisted a 300-ton piece of evidence to the surface at the gulf of mexico oil spill site. they are expecting to gain new insight into the disaster. >> i am pleased to announce there was a new blow-out preventer on this well. this well does not constitute a threat to the gulf of mexico at this point. >> bp hopes once tests are completed, crews will be able to seal off the ruptured well for good. >> we will plug and abandon, and at that point we will shift to the department of oversight and the bureau of ocean emergency management. >> the leak was stopped mid-july. but the clean-up will continue for a long, long time with those demanding to know what went wrong. new answers may be emerging from the depths of the louisiana gulf. brian mooar, wbal-tv 11 news. >> experts say if all goes according to plan, the well could be permanently killed and abandoned in a matter of days. >> oil domination for our annihilation! >> protesters say politicians in washington need to make a stronger push for clean, safe energy options. >> back here in baltimore, the annual day of dignitary took place providing clollingting and food -- clothing and homeless to area -- clothing and food to area homeless. they are looking to help those in need. >> they are looking -- >> we want people to feel good about themselves and good about who they are. >> free health screenings and schools in -- supplies were offered as well. >> police officers rode across the state to honor victims. the ride is to honor the maffers and crew of unabomerited flight 593. the plane crashed into a field -- the ride is to honor the passengers and crew of the flight 593 on 9/11. >> the theme this weekend is celebrate, education indicate, participate. always a favorite at the famous cadillac parade with floats and vintage cards. >> a new noninvasive approach to helps those with knee surgery. >> and if the gang sl staying at your house this labor day weekend, serve up the drinks we'll show you how to create just ahead. >> and john is up next with your >> and john is up next with your insta-weather plus fo host: couo really save you 15% or more on car insurance? did the little piggy cry wee wee wee all the way home? piggy: weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeee weeeeeeee. mom: max. ...maxwell! piggy: yeah? mom: you're home. piggy: oh,cool, thanks mrs. a. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. >> this labor day weekend we are in the sweet spot. well, once we got past earl and all the activity happening on the beaches. north, south, or west of us, take a look at the national radar image here. to the north, there is a disturbance up in canada producing a few rain showers in upstate new york coming off lake ontario. down in the gulf coast area, sthr a disturbance that reaches from texas eastward. it is producing thunderstorm activity. much more humid out there. then there is a front out in montana and wyoming producing rains from the dakotas back into the mountains. and that disturbance actually will move into the great lakes and in the mid-atlantic region. we'll see what happens now. beautiful morning this morning as we look at the inner harbor from our skycam. morning low this morning was 53. we weren't threatening that. a pleasant morning. 77% the humidity. that number is dropping and will drop clamcally. we expect 82 -- 82 was the high yesterday. the lows yesterday were right before midnight as temperatures were falling. 59 at b.w.i. and 69 downtown. right now, 61 at annapolis. elkton 58. parkton up to 56 now. temperature beginning to rise. frederick still at 54. in the 40's, fort mchenry and the mountains to the west. satellite image, here is that little disturbance reaching down into pennsylvania and up north. that will pass to our north and be dry. yesterday the same disturbance generated clouds this far south with shower activity with the clouds in pennsylvania. once the high center gets positioned over the atlantic and just off shore, which will be by tuesday or so, we will get into this warmer, humid air on the west side of the sky, and you will notice it. computer models indicate gaston will drift and be -- recharge itself. tomorrow we go to 83. by tuesday, 90 and kind of hot. by wednesday, hazy, hot, and humid. 92 the high. by the end of the day, a small chance for an isolated shower. it's not going to fix your lawn. >> coming up in "medical alert" expert advice on knee pain. >> and give your labor day celebration some pizzazz. >> then, do you find yourself reaching twt red bull come afternoon time. >> 7:14. "medical alert." nbc's correspondent with more on the pain treatment that relies on mind over matter. >> tell me when you are comfortable. >> it is a land of cool blues and greens, ice, penguins and polar bears. there is no warmth or heat. there is -- no reds or orange that might remind you of harsh pain. as the viewer becomes i mersed in this world -- emersed in this world, he hears a familiar song. ♪ i feel no pain >> when they hear the words their brains show less pain. >> they lessen pain, especially pain caused by burns. in the lab i get a demonstration. first a device to give me an electric hot foot and he keeps turning up the temperature. next, as i put on the goggles and earphones, i not only hear sight and sound, as a further distraction, i can hurl snowballs at the animated creatures. in this virt wall world, i -- virtual world i hardly notice the hot foot. at first -- force this man >> he burned his arm, and he discovered this releaves pain. >> this is powerful because the patient can no longer see the hospital room, they can't see the wound being worked on, and they can't hear the hospital room. >> the success is a demonstration of what doctors have long known. that pain is perceived in the brain, and even distraction can bring amazing relief. nbc news, seattle. >> now to another kind of pain, knee pain and ways to manage that, including a new treatment called bionocare active. here to talk about that a doctor to tell us more. >> good to see you, lisa. >> before we get starteded on this device let's talk about knee pain and how many people experience this? >> well, there are 40 million americans with ostoeparitis that is symptommatic. >> and a knee replacement is being done at some 400,000 a year. >> i think the number might even be 600,000 this year. >> let's look at what a bad knee looks like. i think we have some slides we can show the viewers. so what has happened there? >> well, on the left hand x-ray there on the right-hand side of it, can you see that the normal black space that has cart lidge has disappeared. and so that there is actually collapse and bone on bone or very severe osteoarthritis. >> so some of the things that people can do before they get to devices is lose weight, exercise, and do things to strengthen their muscles that link to their knee? >> exactly. weight loss obviously takes less pressure pounds per square inch on your knee. for every 10 pounds you lose, that's a big thing. in terms of weight loss, exercise in strengthening the quadriceps muscle because that gives you stability in your knee. >> let's talk a little about this device that you say is just now approached by the f.d.a. and it will help. talk about it. >> well, the bionicare has a brace on the outside of the knee, and inside is some electrical signal that basically delivers a specific pulse and a specific electrical signal to the knee that mimics the normal signal that the knee makes with weight-bearing and improves the overall health of the joint as well as relieving pain and symptoms. >> so you wear it all day? >> actually, the bionicared device inside the brace has an electrode over the knee and thigh so you can work during the day and produce a signal, and you also have a night wrap you can wraparound the knee without a brace and with it another night. so you could get treated 24-seven. >> how is this going to improve my knee? >> it will improve your knee by delivering the normal electrical signal that we believe is why knees continue to work even after long periods of exercise. and in animals, the specific signal has grown cart lidge -- cartilage. we have not gotten f.d.a. approval for cartilage growth, but there have been anecdotal examples. from deprs and patients who -- from doctors and patients who have had improvement in their osteoarthritis. >> is this good for people of any age at any weight? >> any age, any weight. particularly valuable in that it prevents 30% or 60% of knee replacements. so people who are too old or too young or too fat or too medically swift for a knee replacement, this is a good alternative. >> and for more information people can call 1-800-444-1456. thank you for coming in. >> thank you, lisa. >> if you need something to wow your labor day party crowd, we have some things to show you. first a look at events going on around town. i'm a dancer. and until now, my feet showed it. [ female announcer ] gold bond ultimate healing foot cream. 7 penetrating moisturizers and vitamins, 'cause foot skin's 20 times thicker. this stuff really works. >> welcome back. labor day weekend has arrived. we have some drinks to close out summer in style. thank you both for being here. this is a good alternative because a lot of people go with beer and wine, but you can spice it up a little for labor day weekend. >> a little bit. we have come in to show you our speciality drinks not just for labor day, but also year round. i have linda here with us to mix up some drinks. the first we will offer is a sea monkey. it is not your traditional vodka martini. this is a great alternative. what's cool about this drink, we put a lemon slice in there. she's going to go over a tropical lemon slice that kind of layers the drink and gives it a nice look. a good drink for the summertime. it is pretty cool. our next drink we're going to do is our more popular drink we offer. any time you want to come in monday through saturday 3:00 to 7:00 we offer this drink. it is sky rasberry and black rasberry, lemonade, and sierra midst. >> can a novice make these drinks? >> you can definitely make these. >> people don't like to wait for their drinks at your party, you know what i mean? >> yes, we try to get them out quickly, and 9-10 times we do. >> tell me that's not for one person. >> no, it is definitely for two. you come with a loved one or a date, day good drink to share. we put in southern comfort, sky vodka, amretto, and saki. it gives it a nice teast -- taste. it is a tropical drink. nice in the summertime. we will finish it off with gren dean, -- grenadine. >> how would you describe the flavor? >> it is a rice wine. as an acquired taste. a lot of people tend to go with our hot saki, but the finer quality wines are the cold sakis, filtered, unfiltered. it is definitely an acquired taste. it is garnished with lemon and lime. >> look how beautiful. >> yeah, it is a really, really good summer drink. >> i think that's really for, like, six people? >> well, you'd be surprised. yeah, you can definitely enjoy this. we will have happy hour again today. it runs from 8:00 until midnight. we are located in harbor east. come and see us. >> come get sushi as well. amazing sushi. thank you, linda, for your mep -- help. you can get these rezz bies on our web -- recipes on our website at >> there is much more news ahead coming up on "11 news >> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thanks for joining us. >> let's take another look outside with john. >> this has been a very nice weekend so far. >> it has. >> interesting weather. friday was kind of cloudy. >> more humid. >> then earl got out of the way, and yesterday was great. it was a little breezey, a little blustery for a while. but very nice. today we will change the flavor a little bit by taking the wind out of the factor, but still low humid and sunshine. here's a look at the doppler radar. i'm giving you a national view because we have to look far and wide for any rain. there is some rain somewhat close to us, in a manner of speaking. it would take several hours to drive up there. rain shower activity for a weather disturbance in canada. down in the gulf coast area, there is a disturbance in texas that is generating rains generally in the western gulf, and also the eastern gulf around florida. there is some unsettled weather. then a cold front coming through the mountains in the west is generating rain as far east as the dakotas. that cool front will come through the area on wednesday, and until then, nice weather. we'll talk about it all on the insta-weather plus forecast in just a minute. >> time for a look at what's coming up on "meet the press." david gregory has a preview. top senate republican lindsey graham will be returning from afghanistan after serving reserve duty. >> right for the air force. i think it will be interesting to hear him talk about the president's remarks on iraq and also the ongoing war in afghanistan. defense secretary gates was talking about how uncertain the road is ahead. senator graham has broken with some of his republican colleagues and suggested that the president's timeline for withdrawal may, in fact, be able to be met. we'll talk about that as well as what the republicans are prepared to do on economic growth. the president has proposals he'll outline this week. is there room for compromise where there hasn't been any? we'll talk about that. >> and we'll be hearing from the campaign manager with his thoughts on the challenges facing the president. >> well, this is a big moment, sara. this is labor day weekend. this is the kickoff to the fall campaign. i think the president is prepared to unveil how he will campaign. how he will try to help democrats around the country and with what message as we move deeper into the fall. >> and your roundtable will weigh in on a lot, including the rise of unemployment and mid-term electrics. a lot of people -- mid-term elections. a lot of people paying attention to those. >> yes, whether the senate in addition to the house may be in jep jeopardy for democrats. >> you can watch "meet the press" following "11 news sunday morning" at 9:00 a.m.. >> it is the day area teens and tweens have been waiting for. justin bieber will take the stage at the maryland state fair. one lucky teen is getting a chance to meet justin bieber. she won meet and greet passes to tonight's show. >> to help with traffic nightmares, m.t.a. is getting into the bieber fever. they will accommodate fans to and from the fair grounds. don't forget, send us your photos. it is free and easy. click on "u local" and we could show your pictures on >> still ahead on 11 news, animal rescue jones us with a pet looking for a good home. >> are you constantly battling the afternoon slowdown? how to avoid the slump and maximize productivity. >> summer is out this morning. >> live h.d. doppler radar all clear here. the radar does show rain shower activity in new york. that's the closest to us of anything going on. eastern carolina has a few clouds. we are in a nice slot where we will experience clouds today. yesterday awas a little breezey. today we are not dealing with that. we're just dealing with all the sunshine and comfortable readings. we've been down to 53 for the low this morning. at the airport officially the record was 47, so we didn't break that. right now it is 55 at the airport. 66 at the inner harbor. humidity, 77%. normally a high number in the early morning hours, but i'll bet you by 10:00 or 11:00 that will be dropping into the 50's, and later this afternoon probably about 30% or so for the relative humidity. barometer rising. we have a sowlingt wind at about 5 miles per hour. the predominant breeze will be a more demorget westerly wind coming out of the mountains out in western maryland and va -- virginia. the boardwalk, 63 degrees. elkton 58. still in the 50's in west minister -- westminster and frederick. here is the front. that weather disturbance creating the showers in upstate new york. kind of a stalled boundary. tropical air in the gulf coast region. today our forecast sunny and pleasant. much like yesterday, maybe a degree or two cooler really. without the. wednesday you will see cooling up north. there will be a cool front coming in wednesday, and when that comes through, it may increase the clouds a bit. it will be warm ahead of the front, almost hot, low 90's. there might be isolated showers with it. but the chance is small. it will be humid. take a look at the forecast for labor day. sunny and pleanlt. 83 the high. very pleasant weather. southeast winds at 5 to 10 miles per hour. seven-day forecast. we'll heat up to 90. a bit more humid on tuesday. with the front may be an isolated shower. but it is a small chance. if your lawn is burning -- if your lawn is burning up, this is not going to fix it. >> according to a new report, the more time you spend at the gym could help you clinal the corporate ladder. >> there are hoaches that the compli is slowly leaning toward recovery. the job outlook is still gloomy. americans have been looking for work for months. those that still have jobs are often overloaded and overstressed due to company downsizing. one expert offers an unusual suggestion for helping those out of work or over-worked. according to a writer at men's fitness magazine, it is time to workout. >> those among us with a fashion for fitness are most likely to be the most successful. >> writing as a guest blogger for "life -- for >> when you have a healthy, fit body, you carry yourself differently, and that confidence carries you through job interviews, high-level interviews, job deadlines, and more. >> this may be the secret you need to hoist yourself up the ladder of success. ron allen, nbc news, new york. >> how productive are you at work and what can you do to be more productive? how to survive those dog days at work. >> let's look at the survey you did. you looked at the most productive time of day. >> the afternoon is the least productive time of day. if you look at survey results, 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. at 10%, and then people get a little more unproductive. look at the afternoon. 2% to 4%, that's really what we're talking about. at the end of the day and you are tired, and you can't just drink energy drinks. >> is the workday too long? >> i wouldn't say that now. i can't go to your boss and advocate a four-hour workday. >> let's talk about solutions. the first thing is, you said avoid the slump and maximize your productivity by doing what? >> plan ahead. know yourself. know that you are probably like most of us, more productive. you saw those numbers when you get to work in the "world news this morning." try to get complex problems done and save more routine tasks until the end of the day. >> you say get up and smell the roses. >> right. maybe just get up and stretch, take a short walk. now that the weather is better, maybe eat a meal outside. i wouldn't have suggested that last week. just move around a little bit. >> how many times are you allowed to get up and walk around and stretch? people see you walk around and they are like, what are you doing? >> i think there is a strategic component why the coffee maker is at the end of the hallway. i think companies understand you may need to get up from your desk and stretch your legs. >> eat well. >> i think eating a good lunch and nutritious snacks during the day. you can't just live on caffeine and energy drinks. your body needs energy. >> we have a big candy dish. >> well, sugar high, there's still a big crash that goes on after, so you have to be careful. >> and track your goals? >> i am a big believer on having a task list at your desk. there is nothing more powerful than seeing those things get checked off. especially at the end of the day, if you can check off a couple things at the end of the day, i think that's a good motivateor. >> and you say switch gears. >> dep you are looking at something and -- if you are looking at something and you read that sentence over and over and over it might be telling you, you need something else to focus on. so pick a different task to rejuvenate you. >> do you find this is across -- this is not just the worker bees, it is the managers going through this, too? >> it is everybody. human beings have a biological clock, and we all get tires. nobody can work eight hours at full productivity. you can't do it. you have to take a break. >> thanks, john. >> and stay with us. animal rescue joins us next with a pet looking for a good home. first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. >> welcome back. joining us now, animal rescue. >> we have a rough-coat jack russell terrier. >> jack russells are normally active and jumping and all that. she's a little scared. >> she is a puppy from a rescue. she's 4 1/2 years old. she's from a breeder. she's gentle, sweet. doesn't have the typical like you say jack russell, high energy -- >> that's from confinement, right? >> they are confined 24-seven in a little tiny cage, horrible conditions. >> will she eventually get that back and revert to a normal jack russell behavior given good environment and all that? >> she's 4 1/2 years in that environment, so she may stay pretty calm. she has a great person flalt. she's not nippy at all. she's gentle. she's just starting to get used to the leash. she wants to -- she tugs a little bit on the leash. a little -- very little social zation. they do well if they are with another dog. >> and they probably learn from that dog, too. >> she starting to realize that she knows how to behave. she is doing very well. >> so if you are interested in mandy or any of the hundreds of cats and dogs under the care of animal rescue and their foster homes or anything else. 717-993-3232. anything else going on? >> we are having a ride for the animals next week. you can bring your motorcycle or car. we have details on our web site. >> and the object is? >> to raise money to help us keep going. >> and the big thing is what, food? >> and medical care. she's a rutch coat jack russell terrier. bill, thanks for joining us. >> thanks guys. the time is 7:48. coming up, time for "sunday brunch." >> plus john has another look at the >> welcome back knew -- now. time for "sunday brunch." what are we going to be cooking? >> we will be doing a few dishes that can be cooked outside on the grill as well as in the kitchen, a grilled, mayor natured shrimp. and then later, the next segment, we'll be doing a blackened swordfish and steak. the marinades are easy to assemble. they freeze well. the butters and the toppings freeze well so you can make them and use them two or three times. >> tell us a little about what we are seeing here. obviously we are not going to be cooking here because we are a little behind, but in the 9:00 hour -- >> that's right. we'll take our new york strip and use some black peppercorn and then top it with shallot and red-wine reduction with some other ingredients and that glazes over the top of the steak in the final preparation as a topping, and then we'll do our blackened placement which is a combination of a nice liquor and you sear a skillet hot with a steak or swordfish and it comes out really well. >> those who haven't been to prime rib, tell us about your restaurant. >> we're at north cavern chase. we are celebrating our 45th year in business in baltimore. we want to thank all our loyal friends and patrons that have come by, three and four generations of some of the same families. i guess the best-kept secret is our seafood. >> we'll talk more about it in the 9:00 hour. we appreciate you being here. we'll toss it to sports. >> 11 sports with pete gilbert. >> cut day has come and gone for the ravens. the battle for kicker is the only starting job that was open going into saturday, and john harbaugh with a guy that was kicking better of late as opposed to a guy with a record, billy cundiff. he came out on top and beat out shayne graham. graham owns the fourth best record in the nfl, but proved less accurate in the -- for the ravens. a bit surprising the decision to keep just two quarterbacks meaning that athe 2006 heisman trophy winner relegated to third string. ozzie newsome keeping an extra defensive back offers them more value. ravens tried to trade smith but couldn't find takers. also cut saturday williams. his fifth year wide out that continuously showed promise with you but didn't stay healthy enough to help out. also saturday, the ravens make another move villa trade. baltimore sends antwan barnes to the eagles. selected in the fourth round of the 2007 draft. he lacked consistency. bottom one. nick markaikis. wins that battle. for the man aboard to right center, it is. a two-run shot. seven strong innings. gets b.j. with two on to end the fourth. that threat done. orioles up brig big. trying to make it eight. up and firing. wiggington slighting there. the throw was there, but the tag was not. swinging and missing. comes out a little confused, but yes, it was a good call. orioles end that three-game stint winning it by a final of 8-4. they go for a series victory today at camden yards. >> one check of the weather. perfect. lots of sun today. 77. the high 83 tomorrow. another nice day. great for the labor day weekend. then it gets hot and humid on tuesday and wednesday. >> all right. once again, prime rib will join us at 9:00. >> have a good day. >> with the flip of the calendar to september, we have entered one of the busiest times of the year on our highway neighborhoods and streets. school buses, minivans filled with students again are on the road. and you add students ready to claim a place in the high school parking lot, and your days just became more dwruss. cars and students are texting, talking, and tweeting. all daily distractions. maryland, like many other states and the district of columbia, will require hands free devices for cell phones while driving, and all teching while driving is against the law. you don't have to wait until october to commit to safer driving. log on to and make the 3-d pledge. don't drive distracted. in partnership with shock trauma, we are encouraging all drivers to put down the phone and pay attention to the road. there is no phone call or message as important as a life. and the life you save could be your own.

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