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3 bad news for all of you through east baltimore.that broken pipeline on monument street that was supposed to be fixed in a couple weeks... is now expected to take three mont. months.megan gilliland is here with more on why it's taking so long and how businesses along that stretch are reacting. good morning guys,in the three weeks since the pipe broke and created a sink hole... nnarby shops on monument street have been watching and waiting... wondering when the city would get it fixed. fixed.((file from paul's 7/31 pkg) "that's all they've been doing - talk, talk - talk." talk."well now they're talking three months... to finiih the repair work here.right now, the sinkhole is at least 40 feet deep in some spots.we're told part of the problem... is that the pipeline is so old... that reconstruction is difficult. 12:02:57 "they said the pipes were down there since the 18-something. so the pipes got to be real old."12:10:17 "probably it's gonna put some of us out of business." business."until the sidewalks were open some stores had a tough time even receiving deliveries to stock up.relying purely on foot traffic now... some merccants are worried their business is going right down the hole. find out who they're going to... to ask for relief... coming up next half hour.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. anne arundel county police are searching for a hit and run su. suspect.just before 7:30 sunday morning... a man was found dead.... on the edge of solomans island road near harwood road.police determined he had been hit by a vehicle. vehicle.based on evidence gathered at the scene... police are looking for a 2003 volkswagon golf, m- k- 4 with damage to the passenger side... specifically the grille, bumper, windshield and mirror.police have not released the identity of the victim.anyone with informatioo is asked to call anne arundel county police. still no word on what sparked a townhome fire in pasadena.we were there, yesterday... as firefighters tried to put it out.officials say the 2-alarm fire began in the basement of the home on della rose court near edwin raynor boulevard. one person was taken to the hospital with sevvre burns, but is expected to be okay. . if one lawmaker has his way... peoole who commute to washington d-c will soon have to pay up.representative darrell issa... a california republican who chairs a house committee overseeing the district's affairs... says a 3- percent income tax hike is worth looking at after the presidential election.maryland is the district's largest source of employees... with almost 25- thousand commuting into the district for work. analysts say the tax would raise one-point-two billion dollars in revenue each year. 3 today, a maryland lawmaker says he will propose changing a gambling measure to create a joint house and senate panel to oversee gambling. gambling. delegate eric luedtke announced his plans during a meeting with members of the house of delegates. the measure would reshape the state lottery agency into a ánewá "state lottery and gaming control" agency. members would be appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate. some lawmakers are concerned because it doesn't include input from the house. the days of dog discrimination may soon be done.the maryland state senate passed legislation thursday that could change dog bite liability.paul gessler reports why pit bulls sparked the bill. bill. at the canton dog park,(nats) all kinds of breeds, and all kinds of people get together for some dog gone fun. (entering gate nat))veryone who enters this park knows the responsible for their dog's actions, ya dig?(katie: "she's sure there's a treasure in there somewhere.")will, bowser's owner (boxer): "i've trained him well enough. i can get him to sit down if i need to. he can come to me if i really need him to, but i'm nottreally worried about him ever attacking anybody."(dog panting)like will and his dog, bowswer, the boxer--(kicks ball)who loves soccer...will, bowser's owner (boxer): 1.01.06 "he likes to play--kinda a big doofus." katie flory, spca volunteer munchie. and, here we have little lady bird. and, we have bernard and mikey."uptown, at maryland's s-p-cca, the friday passing of a new state senate bill is welcomed. katie flory, spca volunteer manager: 36.03 "this law brings us into thee21st century."legislators want to eliminate breed- specific legislation, often targetting pit bulls.if it passes the state house, all dog owners of all breeds would be liable for attacks.katie filkins, mila's owner: 54.30 "dogs are dogs. things happen with people. things happen with dogs. it's a little bit scary to think what that may mean as a dog owner."katie flory, spca volunteer manager: 35.50 "i think it brings all dog owners or animal owners in general into being responsible for their owner."this comes on the heels of a state supreme court ruling which called pit bulls 'inherently dangerous.' (walking bishop)the new legislation basically erases that stigma.making animal shelter volunteers very happy. liz lange, sppa volunteer: 48.52 "i've been bitten by a poodle before. i've been bitten by a jack russel. why should these dogs be discriminated agaanst? just because they have more muscle and can do more damage, doesn't mean they will."katie filkins, mila's owner: 55.30 "if it's going to level the playing field for pit bulls, maybe it's not such a bad thing, but accidents-- that could soon hold all dog owners liable. the legislation aaso affects landlords.they would no longer be held strictty liable for pitbull bites.and, the bill would also make it illegal for landlords to specifically discriminate against pit bulls in housing. a frightening experience for passengers trying to get to washington d-c saturday.... a united airlines plane caught fire saturday night in seattleehe plane was headed for washiigton d-c.passengers were safetly evacuated and the fire was put out without airport spokesman says residual oil in the tailpipe caused the fire. a water gun fight gets out of countrol... leaving a popular lily pond drained and the koi fish struggling to survive. survive.the event was advertised all over social media... a midnight water gun fight at balboa park in san diego.a person at the event says things were fine until people began jumping in the lily pond to fill up their water guns... and at some point.. brokeeoff a critical drain pipe.the water in the pond was drained to less than a foot... leaving the koi fish for dead. (("it should not have been done. people need to respect stuff... other people's stuff. go home and kill your own fish, kill your own plants. just don't do it in a public place.")) the partiers also damaged the fountain in the plaza. police are reviewing videos taken at the event to see if they can hold anyone responsible for the mess.. an alligator act at an ohio county fair takes a frightening turn...when a gator attacks a trainer!and the entire ordeal is caught on . camera.take a look... danny beck... a seasoned trainer performs an act he's done many times.problem is... he gets his arm a little too close to the alligator's mouth and the 180 pound reptile snaps down on it.some quick thinking saved dannyús arm and possibly his life. 100-109"he starts crushing down on the bone muscle started coming out of the arm bleeding everywhere oh man i donút even know it was craziest thing to ever see." 115-122"the idea he that he grabbed hold of the alligator when he bit him kept him from being able to roll over which wouldúve called severe damage." damage."as bad as it looos, the wound was mainly a flesh wound... repaired with stiches. so's a clear start to your day... day...just how long this nice weather will hang around... next in your skywatch weather f. forecast. ((break 1)) so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. but we can't predict our shipping costs. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes. starting at just $5.15. only from the postal service. we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. nats of calling calling a fan favorite returns to the illinois state fair... it's the "husband calling contest"... where women are actually áencouragedá to yell at their men! men! over the weekend... wives took to the stage to to see whose method was best at luring their husbands on stage. participants were able tt use their voice.. or props... to coral the men. they were judged on such skills as volume, appeal, and originality. ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map wilkens map fiber map bel air map 3 3 3 3 political ads...getting down right ugly. did romney pay 10 percent in taxes? 5 percent? zero? but find out why some campaign insiders's necessary. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) [ radio ] it's a scorcher out there folks... stay refreshed! hey boys, i have an idea. [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. mmm...that is so good. ♪ [ female announcer ] lipton tea & honey. real is refreshing. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. lipton. drink positive! we're seeing lots of negative political ads... even negative ads about negative ads. it's enough to make you turn off your t-v but as brianna keilar reports... for some voters it's enough to get them to the polls, and that's why thess ads are here to stay through election day. 3 --reporter pkg-as ffllows -- negative ads like this one just released by the obama campaign are all over the airwaves. did romney pay 10 percent in taxes? 5 percent? zero? this one - put out by the romney campaign falsely claims president obama gutted work requirements for welfare. under obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. they just send you your welfare check. and an ad by a pro-obama super pac includes a claim that c-n-n ffund to be inaccurate - that mitt romney is responsible for the death mitt romney closed the plant i lost my healthcare. a short time after that, my wife became ill. that ad hasn't even been on t-v yet but it's gotten plenty of news coverage. it seems like the ad war is reaching a fever pitch, but campaign ad expert ken goldstein says it's actually been this way for awhile. i don't know if things are getting uglier because they've been ugly for quite some time and actually we're seeing more rotations of positive ads this past couple days than we've seen preeiously. there were weeks in late july and early august when there wasn't a single positive ad airiig most of the negative ads are running in just 8 battleground states -- colorado nevada iiwa ohio new hampshire virginia north carolina and florida the onslaught of advertising will continue, becoming even more intense. but is it working? goldstein says of course, or else hese campaigns and super pacs wouldn't be running the ads. the evidence is, if anything, negative advertisements tend to engage the electorate and/or inform the electorate. an election of course comes down to undecided voters making a decision, but the pool of undecided voters this cycle is small. smaller than it wws in 2008. and that's why it's crucial thht president obama, governor romney and the superpacs supporting them motivate the base and that is who these ads are targeting. brianna keilar, cnnn the white house. -----end-----cnn.script----- coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... barnes and noble is slashing prices on it's nook much prices are going down... and when it's rumored a new one will be launched. launched.but first... manny machado is exceeding expectations...the controversy surrounding his latest home in sports. ((break 3)) why don't we play a game of hide and seek? riright n? yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. new kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. there are projects. and there are game-changers. those ideas that start with us rolling up our sleeves... ...and end with a new favorite room in the house. and when we can save even more on those kinds of projects... ...with advice to make them even better... ...that's a game-changer in itself. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get this exclusive vanity with porcelain top for the new low price of just $99. 3 bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning sports. sports. coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... some sliced apples are under recall... the dangerous bacteria found... and the two fast food restaruants that sold them. them.and later...taking care of man's best friend.the extraordindary bond between this man... and his dog.and the picture thaa's touching people's hearts... that's going viral on the internet. 3 get ready...that repair work on the monument street sinkhole is going to last a lot longer.when it's expected to be done and why it's taking so long. kids... at high risk for catching swine flu.the one thing all childrennwho have been infected so far.. have in common. and... why the way prrsident obama signs his name... is making headlines today. 3 3 -beautiful live look of inner harbor

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