3 3 3 33 3 3 ww are following breaking neww just into our new. newsroom.police make a fourth and final arrest in connection with this beating ootside a courthouse in baltimore last month... caught on tape.you can see a tourist being beaaen, robbed and stripped na. paked.police arrested 21 year old shatia baldwin just afftr m. midnight.three other suspects... deangelo carter... shayona davis and aaron parsoos are already in custody. we have rrceived confirmation thattthe baby stabbed multiple times inside an east baltimore social service office... is expected to survive. survive.police say he baby's mother was visiting her 8 month old child... under the supervision of a social worker in the foster care office on biddle street... when she got kitchen knife and began ng - stabbing the baby again and again.this mooning, there are still questions about how she got a knife throogh security... through a metal detector... and into that office. (neighbor) "the kids are over there to be protected.. so ya know its crazy she got in there with kitchen knife past security"(neighbor)"so it goes to let you know somebody pasn't doing theirrjobbat the front because if that was the case she would have never got in with the knife" knife"the union representing social service workers issued a statement saying... the incident is the result of a lack of staffing and has launched an internal investigation. meanttme, the baby's mother is in police custody. todayy.. firefighters will go door-to-door in prince george's county... to check for working smoke alarms. alarms.the move comes afttr 5 people were killed by what appears to be caabon monoxide poisoning innoxon hill. the victims include a married couple... the woman's sister... and 2 renters.fire investigators sayyc-o levels were extraordiiarily high and that a broken eehaust pipe on been to blame.they are have reminding residents that carbon monoxide is an phat the only way to detect it is by having a c-o detector in youu home. the pain at the pump..... is not stinging quite as much pn recent ays. gas prices have continuedd and it's all happening ek. - during the same time annlysts were predicting near record hig. highs. joel d. smith is live in north baltiiore too discuss why the new predictions are much lower. good mmrning joel d. lookkat our prices here...... (ad lib) typically at this time of the year is when the refinery switch over the summer fuel blends, which is little more do see gas prices tick up a little bit. 3.84week ago 3.90year ago 3.86. md avg 3.89 3 3.89crude oil stock piles are up... demand is down. price oo crude is stabalizing. speculators have ost sooe ammunition. fears that iran would retaliate to their sanctions, by disrupting middle eastern supplies have subsided for now. gas prices are continuung to drop nationalll and locally, indicattng the possibility that they have peaked for the year, according to he aaa mid-atlantic report. pn 1998, the national average hit its high for the year on jan. 12th, at $1.09 per gallon. peak has not been reached beffre live in north baltimore, joelld. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3 football star... deion sanders and his estranged wife continue. continues.pilar sanders was released from jail tueeday in suburban dallas after being related chargessmonday night. deion tweeted a picture of him and his children filling out police reports... after he says pilar and a ffiend jumped him... a report she deniess (("i am innocent."))(("i'm a full time mom. 100% for my children and i just haven't been given a fair shake since any of this began.")) 3 began.")) pilar has been ordered not to return to the family's homee for 61 days and ccnnot threaten or harass any member of her family. family.as for deion... he is back on twitter... postiig a picture of himself with ew york giants quarterback eli in another bizarre story dealing with a football player.. a website is offering one million dollars to anyone who can prove thhy have had sex with tim tebow. tebow.the founder of the cheatersswebsiie ... ashley madison-dot-com... is offeeing cash to any wwman who cann prove she's been withhthe new york jets quarrerback.assley madison is a websiteethat helps organizz affairs between married people. tebow is an evangelical christian who says he's sving himself for marriage 3 seems like it was only a are now going interactivee interactive.this monument shoo in indiana is now 3 offering gravestonessthat ...when paired with a phone... offers a history of the &pdeceased loved one's past. all you need is a smart phone to scan the code on the gravestone... ann it will take you to a link where you can access an interactive memorial page that includes a biigraphy... guest book and audio clips. cliis.since the code is so small it can go any marker... new or ood. 3 when you think of walmart.. you may think of low prices... but if you are shoppinn for backyard fun for the kids... you may be surprised by some very pricey payhouses! plaahouses!check this out... this may look like a mansion but it's actually a playhoose. it's called theelittle cotttge sara victorian.it retails for nearly 57-hundred dollars on &pwalmart's website. if you don't believe us... check this out. out.this is walmart-dot-com... check this out we found another mini mansson... the little cottage grand portico... which retails for 75-hundred dollars. the president slow jams the news. news.((3:30 mmm mmm mmm.. the barackness monster ain't buyin' it 3::5)) 3:35))how the president gets &phissmessage across in song... it's a moment you'll wanttto see again and gainn.. coming u. up.plus... don't be fooled by a pretty face... how to choose the righttpuppy for our &pfamily.. still aheadd watching fox 45 ood day 'seven days in utopia' is now out on dvd... but it's more than just a movie about golf... "johnny understands this kid doesn't have a performance problem, he'll got a heart problem." meet the author behind this inspiring story of faith and trust... "your self worth is based on the score that you shot. that's the wrong scoreboard." "spend seven days in utopia, you'll find your game." 3 mitt romney sweeps 5 more contests... marking a ttrning point in the g-o-p presidential contest. pfter 43 primaries ann caucuses, many long days nd more than a few long nights, i can say with confidence - and gratitude - that ou have given me a great honor and solemn responsibility. and, together, we are going to win on novemmer 6th! romney's won tuesday's pennsylvania, connecticut, rhode island and delaware.it primaries since rick santorum pulled out of the race ... leaving mitt romney's path to the nomination virtually &punobstructed.despite tuesday' results... newt ggngrich saas he's still in the race. meanwhile... omney is trying tt raise some cammaign cash... by offering supporters a chance to get to know ii wife. the romney campaign has launched a fundraising ventt supporterss ave to donate at " campaign web sste to be entered into the draaing to share a meal with mrs. romney. while romney was celebbating his wins ... president barack obama went on late night t-v ... trying o conneet with voters.he sat down with jimmy fallon at the university of north carolina-chapel hill... where jimmy asked hii about romney. ((jimmy: do you know mitt romney?pres. obama: i'veemet hii, but we're not friends. ((a) (laughter)obama went on the shhw as part of a week-long push to pressure congressional republicans to renew a student loan measure.it would keep loan interest rates from doubli. doubling.he talked about it with jimmy... as they slow jammed the news. ((4404 the reason its so improtant to keep down costs... he's the potus with the mostest! 4:28)) 4:28))((ááááad libáááá)) 3 a hollywood star gets jiggy with it... and brings along a few friends. friends.((music nats)) aafonso ribeiro he's still got it... alfonso ribeiro brings back the "carlton" ... atth this flash mob form... next. next. you're watching fox 45 good day ballimore. (((reak 2)) p, carlton dance... it's not unnsual to be loved by anyone. it's not unusual to have fun with anyone. anyone.recognize this guy? guy?it's alfonso ribeiro... or you may remember him as "carlton"... from the hittshow "fresh prince offbee air.""ver the eekend... he joined thousands of daacers... to "carlton dance" flash mob. - mob.other dances were planned at locations across the pountry... in an attempt to break a world record.no ord yet if the recorddhas been broken. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 bring home the perfect pooch for you. you.coming up... what you need to ask yourself ábeforeá you are right for your home. theyy - home.and later... how one bbltimore raven is maaing a big nameefor himself in the movie industry. industry. you''e watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 3)) 3 ç=ç=ç= ñ;wo a puppy can be a great addition to your family.bbt ii can also be an added responsibility that really puts your family to the test. first!it'll help you figgue out if that particclar puppy family.paul sheinberg from pawsiiive paul's dog training joins us with more on puppy aptitude tests. --first... what are some do's and dont's of getting a puppy --what are puppy aptitutde tests and do they reaaly show what your puppy's temperament will be like?--here are some puppy on its back andd rub it's tummm. how easily does it on its back with its tummy eing touched? it could or submissive-- play with the puppies ears, does its ears are touched and gently tugged? --be careful not to hurt the puppy. react. you are see how well he tolerates being -- how and the other dogs in the mans - standing high and proud, or is he low, assif he was little sad? what does his say -- if possible, at feeding time. which ppp s the most which pup tries does this mean? --if you're getting a second how they and bring your to see - just a few minutes to answer n anyyquessions you have about your puppy's behavior.send them to us on faceeook or twitter. what is the best seat on ann airline?a new study ápinpointsá the exact seat number... where they say it is... coming up. up.plus... why the name of a newwline of sunglasses is controversy. you're watching fox 45 gooddday baltimore. ((break 4)) 'seven days in utopia' is now out on dvd... but it's more than just a movie about golf... "johnny understands this kid doesn't have a performance problem, he'll got a heart problem." meet the author behind this inspiring story of faith and trust... "your self worth is based on the score that you shot. that's the wrong scoreboard." "spend seven days in utopia, you'll find your game." 3 3 3 3 33 p map 65 mapp, 3 opening statements begin today.. in the trial f two jewish brotherr accused of beating a black ttenager while on neighborhooddpatrol.. patrol.. eli and avi werdeshhim will have their guilt or innocence decided by a judge rather than jury... after defense attorneys say the teen was wrongly attacked by the brothers back in 2010.but the werdesheims say they were actinggin self defenne. 13:36:32 i believe this case was a racially based case that this young man was identifiid because he was black and like the people who victimized him said he was in the wrongg &pplace(or something)13:37:27 postponements in this case already so i think they're trying to evade justice i think the defenseestragedy was what happened in trayvon martin died. died.the teen appeared the teen appeared in court and testfied regarding the photo array used to identify eli werdesheim on monday.defense attorneys say they may ask be moved.er foo he trial to the country's fourtt case of in a dairy cow in california. california.unlike the global mad cow outbreak in the 0s... hhalth officials say thhre's nooreason to worry.the cow was euthanized and its arcass will be destroyed.eating contammnnted meat or animal products from cattle with "mad &pthe cause of a fatal brain disease in humans. gift cards may beehard to find in new jersey. jersey. american express and some other companies gift cards in the state.that's - because of a 2010 law about to go into effect that givee the garden state the right to claim gift card balances if the cards haven't been used within 2 years. new jersey's treasury departmenttsays he abandoned money would help the state prevent tax iicreases and service cutbacks. for the first time this year, gas prices are less than they were at the ame time a ear ago. joel d. smith is live in north baltimore with more good news and some reasons, why analysts now say the predictions of 5 dollar a gallon gas are over. good morning joel d. lookkat our prices here...... (ad lib) typically at this time of the switch over the summer fuel blends, which is a littte more costly to produce , so we do see gas prices to produce , so we little more costly blends, phich is a summer fuel blends, which is a little more costly to produce , so we do see gas prices to produce , so we little more costly blends, which is a summer fuel switch over the when the refineryy ttme of the year is when the refinery switch over the summer fuel blends, which is a little more costly to prrduce , so we do see gas prices tick up a little bit. bit.national prices ago 3.86.md avg 3.8990year- 3.89crudd oil stook piles are up... demand is down. price of crude is stabalizing. gas prices are continuing to drop nationally and locally, indicating the possibility that they have peakkd for the year, accordinn to the aaa mid-aalantic weekenddgas report. in 1998, the national average hit its high for the year on jan. 2th, at $1.09 per gallon. since then, &pthe peak has not been reached before may 14th. in 1998, the national average hit its high for the year onn jan. 12th, at $1.09 per gallon. since then, the peak has not been reached before may 14thh.in los angelas, gas has dropped for 28 straight days. live in north baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3 if ou're planning to book a flight anytime oon... we now know the best place to sit on aappane. new research claims to have found the best seat on a plane. it???6-a apparently.the ssudy by skyscanner says the seat is well-pooitioned foo those panting to exit quickly... pithout being oo close to the bathrooms. now we know the best seat... so here is what researchers say is thh worst seat. seat.it is 31-e.ii's a middle seat... tooards tte ack it's a middle seat... it is 31-e. it's middle seat... tooards the back of the plann. is a baltimore ravvn leaving the gridiron for hollywood? terrell suggs is doinn off the pield that's making waves in the movie bussness. the sun is peeking out this when you mmy need the raincoat... with youu forrcast next. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. pt's tim5)) i found out he's a bad breaker-upper. this!today on our acebook page we posted aapicture of a cct with wig made out of frui. ffuit.here's what some of you captiinnd it.lynn says, "nicki " minaj!"rodney says, "feline gag" gaga!"maxine says, "cleopatra has arrived!" arrived!" herees some of youu other captions...((áááad libáááá)if you want to play along... join us on our facebook page at facebook dot com slash fox baltimore. ((toss tt weather)) ((aa lib meteorologist)) frrm whining... to signs of agr. aaressionnhow to keep your dog from doing both.pawsitive paul is back to answer your qussions aboot your pet's behav. behavior.plus... if you have a behavior... now is the time to pet it answered.call 410-481-4545 right now. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimooe. ((break 6) we're back with paul sheinberg from pawsitive paul's dog praining.he's here to answer any questions you have about your pets behavior.our phhne lines are open now...call us at 410-481-4545...or send us your questions on facebooo or twitter. 3 iggg says, "what are somm good exercises to work on with a pit who shows dog aggression? my wife and i foster and have &prun into this situation." psituution." darlene sparroo point point dawn says, "my 6 month old cat who dawn says, "my 6 ppint pointdarlene sparrow darlene sparrow point3 pointdawn says, "my 66 month old cat who useeto be afraid of darts out the chance he gets. i just had him fixed problem but it laurie says, "my dog has just aurie says, "my laurie says, my dog has just startee whining & walking in circles at night, and doesn't any ideas on this new ted... behaviir?"she's been fed, gone outside, even given attention. it's a touchdown for terrell suggs. suggs.but it's not on the football field... what the baltimore raven is doing that &phollywood. you're watching fox 455good day baltimore. ((break 7)) aabaltimore raven is making the headllnes about is work off the gridiron. gridiron. and a new company creates a stir on sociallmedia over a new line of sunglasses.candace is here with the latest foo todays tinseltown on twitter. we begin by talking about news surrounding a favorite balttmore ravens player.. terrell suggs suggs has been in the news a lot latelyyhe was the ap nfl defensive player of the year for the 2011 season. he's been working out a lot to get ready for next season.but he'' alsoo been busy with his other endeavors...in the film industry.. and he's tweeting about it. not sure if y'all heard, bbt team sizzle films got another film accepted into cannes film &pfestival. his film committment was accepted nto the prrstigious ten years ago, syyia came back - under a new regime.the head of the government did wwat he could to leave his government post for a new life in america. he gets a new neighbor with an unnerving curiosity about his past and this leads to a vicious altercation.the festival will be held from may 16-27.so 3 here's the big question... will we still see him on the gridiron? if i win the lottery i'm only going to do what i want to do from now on! play football and make movies! (((can))) from all good news... to controversy. a company is creating a stir after debuting aa ad for it's new liie of sungllsses amed after helen ker keller. in this commerical forrthe eyewear, you see a stylish woman stepping off a plann and walkiig pasttthe line of photographers.when she puts on the hellen keller glasses.. they begin snnpping pictures. the line's slogaa? "you see the world, the world sees you." a spokespersoo for the line said they areewell aware of keller's blindness, but said it valued the womanns philanthropic spirit, which spread oottmism throughout the worldd a lot offpeople in hollywood are unhappy about this. we always want to keep yyu up to date on the latest news whether its from hollywood or right here in baltimore.make sure to follow us on twittee. just log on to fox baltimore dot com and cllck on twitter pnder the community features section. the sunshine is hereetoday. tooay.but will it last into your weekend?your 7-day forecaat right after the break. break. you're watching fox 45 good daa baltimore. brother's accused in a neighborhood watch beating. trial. tonight on fox 45 news - oh say can you sing? sing?then you should enterrour monster jam star-spangled sing off!go to our website foxbaltimore ddo com and upload a videooof yourself singing the national annhem. you could win a chance to sing the star spangled banner wwen monsterrjam comes to m & t bank stadium on une 2nd. - 3 >> reporter: