county getting the heaviest showers. elsewhee, scattered lig showers around the region. right now low to mid-60s parts of west virginia. and on the etern shore, low 70s. northern neck, near 70. more rain on the way. more showers coming south. conveyor belt moisture off the gulf of mechanics will bring in showers and perhaps song storms late this afternoon, overnight into tomorrow morning. individual storms could produce damaging winds tonight, into tomorrow morning. highs around 70. tomorrow we should make it to near 80. might get another passing shower on thursday. how is the monday commute? >> already getting quite busy volumewise. through green belt, that's a you have to worry about. inner loop and outer loop incident free. b.w. parkway, police on the scene dealing with those. interstate 66, lanes are open. a little activity to the far right side as you pass 123 so be very cautious out there. joe, eun? >> tnks very much, jerry. seems americans are becoming less and less confident in our school systems. 77% of people give the nation's public schools a c grade or lower. only 2% give public schools an a grade. 58% also believe major changes or a complete overhaul is needed to make things better. one leader who pushed for dramatic changes in the way public schools operate is chancellor michelle rhee. some believe that's why s may soon be out of a job. a week long summit by nbc news. and she voiced her opinion on meet the press. she has more. good morning, tracee. >> reporter: she is seen as the face of urban school reform. it's been very long road in washinon. she has supporters and other folks who are anxious to see the possibility of her being let go here. yesterday she discussed all this and more on meet the press. she addressed why hundreds of teach. he asked arne duncan why he didn't support fenty's reelection. >> there are thousands of local primaries around the countriment i can't weigh on every single one. but mayor fenty did a remarkable job of dramatically improving the quality of educati. >> now, fenty of course hired rhee to come in and take care of major reform. when asked yesterday on meet the press would e continue as chancellor under a new mayor she said she will have to continue with the preshump shou shumsump. back to you in the studio. >> thanks very much. coming up at 5:15, our education nation coverage contues. live to new york city to the plaza which has been transformed for this week's education summit. new oday, police in prince george's county are on the hunt for a gunman overnight. one man had been shot. he w tak to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. the victim's name has not been released. this morning, the hit and run ive who struck and seriously injured a 21-year-old woman on carroll avenue in silver spring. the car was speing when it hit the woman who was thrown under a parked truck after being hit. her name has not been released. and the action was so violent part of the side mirror was ripped off the car. >> the will be some kind of indicator that we'll be able to tell what it belongs to. ideally something that would be helpful is the color of the mirror could conceivably match the car. >> people around the area say traffic can be a problem and would like to see speed bumps installed. they are looking for a dark sedan that might have damage on the front d as well as the windshield. a state of emergency in central wisconsin due to flooding. 300 people who live in portage area are being urged to lve their homes and head to a nearby shelter. high water made some roads iassable. forecasters expect the water to keep rising the next self days. gulf oil disaster will be the focus on the capitol hill today. president on obama signed an executive order establishing that panel back in may. today the group will dress the response to april's spill, th environmental impact of it, and reforming regulations for offshoredrilling. lisa jacks, ken salazar and thad allen are among the witnesses. the burgundy and goal helped th snap their 14-game streak. after getting behind early, the redskins climbed their way back into it by the third quarter staying the lead, 16-14. but it was all rams for there as they go on to win, 30-16. this morning many are questioning if this redskins team has changed at all from last year. it's a completely different team. >> they struggled on offense the entire second half. ended the game with only 44 yards rushing another painful loss. >> looks like the motto now is we aim to please, the opnents. >> got to get back into it. >> not good. 5:08 is the time. an alert for drivers this early morning. a popular car recalled for steering problems. >> plus, major changes to vice president biden's home. >> tomorrow says it could be an ugly start to the week. that c building wind farms and expanding clean energy manufacturing. but in america, gridlockhas. now, the senate can change that - by passing a reneble electricity standard. it will spur development of clean energy and boos manufacturing in america, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs. so we can make our own energy future - not just buy it from china. call your senators andurgea renewable electricity standard today. or 100 calories? withlait delights, now you can finally have both. two indulgently rich layers of chocolate and raspberry yogurt... and oy 0 calories. for every pi lid you send in, yoplait will donate 10 cents to susan g. komen for the cure. with your help, we've donated $25 million over 12 years. so let's continue to make a differen one lid at a time. time for weather and traffic early on this monday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist team krein. leave early. wet paveme all around the region. blue and green. light rain falling. areas of yellow, it's a little bit heavier. all of these are moving south to north at a prty good clip. from time to time we'll have passing showers. right now we're in the six around most of the region. 65 at national airport. afternoon highs around 70 or so with occasional showers likely. late afternoon, into this evening, strong storms are possible. some could produce damaging winds. things settle dwn tomorrow afternoon with clearing. mostly sunny wednesday. into the md-70s. upper 70s thursday. iday and the weekend in ten minutes. tom, had a couple accidents earlier. things settled down just a bit. not too much to worry about. i-95 north pound. loading very quickly already. no cidents. just volume now as we begin the commute. let's head ov along 270. clearly lot of looked spray but incident free. ? that you know, jerry. >> 5:12. ahead on news 4, just in time for the morning rush, a new option for drivers. and a covert attack being aimed at iran. >> and national summit blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack. 5:14. a tough morning for redskins fans. they lost to the -- the team lost to the st. rams, 30-16. the loss means the rams broke a 14-game losing streak. the seven is on for the hit and run driver who struck nd injured a 24 yoerld woman. the woman was thrown under a parked truck after being hit and that car wasspeeding. d.c. schools chancellor said d.c. reform can tomorrow with on without her. she spaerd on meet the press this weekend. the nbc spn sored event is set spark sdz discussion about what can be done. >> enter stiff forum or teachers, students. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. certainly education nation takes a ha look at what works in classrooms around the country and what doesn't. it is the start of a national conversation that many sayis ng overdue. at a town hall kicking off education nati. >> good afternoon and welcome to our teacher town hall. >> reporter: teachers highlighted ways to inspire children ithe classroom. >> all students with learn as long as teachers are committed, passionate. >> there shouldn't be a lottery for a good education. >> controversy for problems and for being made the scape gates for much, much longer of ills in society. a recently polls give a grade of c or lower. 58% believe major chang or complete overhaul is needed. >> we have to educate our way to a better economy. >> the new documentary, waiting for perman, underscores some of the struggles facing families. >> y kay how much they will go to college. they number of gate out of a system. weather o big screen or the classroom will shape the way they learn and dream. >> it's been turning into a learning. it includes the teachingguard. a place are students and teachers from all along the country are able to learn more. >> reporter: and will be taking part. a lot of educationors at ceter participate. they will interact with each other and find out organically what's working thisheir classrooms. >> shi shell, thanks so much. fewer americans are making it on to college. the u.s. ranks behind developed countries. about # 44% of marylanders hold college degrees. of of adults hold degrees. only 3%. 44% of ought virginia answerness we will. it would need to grow ery year. the debate continues on the "today" show. matt lauer will sit down with president obama to talk about schools across the country. the exclusive live interview begins at 8:00 a.m. on nbc 4. startedingtoay, new check points farther away during weekdays. signs will be posted alerting riders to the new walking pattern. it is in connection to a shooting earlier this year that ended with the gunman dead. metro riders on the orange line will experience single tracking. between st fls church and west falls church will cause trains to share a track between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. this will last until 8th of october. riders should not expect any delays during those hours from the work. a traffic alert for drivers in virginia. new ramps are opening at the telegraph road interchange. a new ramp will be open from inner loop to telegraph ro north. 176b will give access to telegraph north or eisenhower avenue. a temporary ramp will be shut down. a car company recalling 140,000 of its car citing defect that can cause drivers to lose control. al affected cars are sonata cars that can cause dvers to lose control. l of the affected cars are sonata sedans sold in the u.s. 2011 models between december 11, 2009 and december 10th, 2010. some have steering column shafts with connections that may not have been tightened enough or may have been improperly assembled which would cause the steering column to separate. owners can take their cars to a dealer for inspection. we have had passing showers. this evening we could get some thunderstorms. rit now, though, we have passing showers. light to moderate showers where you see the moving color moving uth to north, virginia, maryland, eastern shore, district of columbia continuing to see this this morning. right now in the 60s throughout the region. 65 at national airport. passing showers lukely throughout the day. we could get damaging winds. into the week and weekend lookg dry and cooler. >> everything looking pretty good. pennsylvania avenue towards minnesota, up to the bridge, no concerns. let's see if that's the case as well. 395 to 14th street, good. initial reports of an accident inner loop, monlt goalry county rescue crews headed that way now. metro vre starting off fine on this mob. penn 401, six minutes late. joe, eun. >> thank you, jerry. cong up, hitting selves this morning, bombshell book that goes inside the white house. >> iran's brand-ew nuclear facility under attack. and the major security ♪ [ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world. four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of maryland. the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. for good reason. first, he prected tax loopholes for giancable cable companies. then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%. and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for big corporations, even a bank that r funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks an'l middle cde do. vice president joe biden's residence is getting security upgrade according to the washington examiner. the navy plans to install a 10-foot security fence and additional check pots, guard houses, gates and vehicle barriers around the vp's home at the naval observatory in northwest washington. the secret service, which is paying forhe $1 million upgrade, said these are not in any particular response to mr. bide especially or his family. some country may be using a computer worm. >> 60% of the computers infected ere in iran. it is made for software tt controls factory equipment. experts say that iran has not reported this particular virus but did report computer trouble at a uranium enrichment facility. >> redskins fans already had enough. what albert haynesworth has to say about the disappointing play. a particularly violent crash. a woman run down and left in the roadway. ring ring. progresso. everyday i eat your soups instead of going out to lunch, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your delicious rich and hearty ups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. well, i'm rich because... i know, i get it. i laughed. and m hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes, your pearl onions. well, you know, everything you want to eat for lunch is right in there. so you're really, rich and hap. yeah see, i like rich and hearty better. [ male announcer ] progresso you gotta taste this soup. [ninstrumental music ]] rainy ride. the roads will be wet this morning and some heavy rain expected to fall later today. nional debate today. a summit on schools. and michelle rhee at the cenr of it. rams teach the redskins a lesson were embarrassing loss for the skins. i'm eun yang. >>'m joe krebs. welcome this monday, the 27th day of september. let's take a look outside. it israining. we're getting drizzle at least in most areas. that's a good thing, because we need it. >> will i be pouring, tom? >> yeah. we have fender-benders. wet pavement from passing shores. this is the radar the last couple hours. heavy pest is yil and dark or clean green. scattered lighter showers farther the our south. temperatures around the region in the 60s. 50s, shenandoah, into the mountains. 65 in washington. near 70 near the bay and lower eastern shore. cooler in the mountains. we had this continual flow south andouthwest at the upper levels. likely showers from time to time. maybe strong storms with heavy downpours. drying out wednesday and thursday. w is the traffic? >> going to be a challenge this morning extra travel time. certainly a good idea. we take a live look over in virginia. right side is the inner loop. left side, the outer loop. watch out for the road spray. let's look at the american legion bridge. outer loop, no worries. inner loop, just a little volume. an accident at green welt, 202. an accident reported of 197. self vehicles moved to the shoulder. be wear of the cl. out to the rails we go. metro, vre, doing fine. 401, nine machines late. joe? >> thank you, very much, jerry. today marks education week. a week lock focus of schools by the american school system. this weekend news anchor brian williams moderated teachers anchors. many blameds from tradition for the problems occurring within the psychologist. >> teachers cannot fix every problem. try as we do. and as responsible as we feel for every problem. we can't fix them all. >> if we are ever going to get this ght, everyone needs to be held possible. teachers, administrators, parents and students. >> only 2% would give public schools an a approximate michelle rhee is taking part in the event and has voiced her opinions to meet the price. tracy will since joins us life in northeast washington and has more. good morning, tracy. >> reporter: good morning, joe. some folks support her. others, not so much so much. featured during a discussion on school reform on sauntd's meet the press, michelle explained why she fired huneds of teachers. >> we didn't fire th to be mean. we wanted to remove ineffective teachers simply because we feel our children deserve better. we said it's no longer going to be acceptable for teachers ineffective to stayin the classroom. >> reform was a major priority. now, since fenty's loss to gray, rhee's future remains unclear. >> education reform can continue regardless of whether i'm there or no. it can continue as long as the leadership is willing to continue to make the incredibly tough decisions thate have made. >> moderaor david gregory asked arne duncan why he didn't campaign for fenty in the imary. >> i can't weigh on every single one. but mayor fenty did a remarkable job of dramatically improving the quality of education. >> reporter: it has risen from bottom performer in the nation. >> if you prioritizprioritize, number one, and the kurn to make tough decisions you can sew tre husband short j this means they could possibly lose their next election. some local folks would say there was more to it with a loss from mayor adrian fenty. but the conversation continues. live in northeast. back to you in the studio. >> thanks very much. to talk about education continues this morning on the today shoempt matt lauer sits down with president obama to talk about schooling across the country. exclusive live interview begins at 8:00 a.m. right here on nbc 4. this morning the battle over whether or not you should pay higher taxes is still not settled. republicans want to vote to extend them for all americans for november's midterm elections. democrats only want to extend them for folks who make $200,000 a year. thebl they have a better chance of compromise after election day. >> we want to make sure working americans don't have a tax increase. and it has not allowed us to move forward. >> we meet and adjourn for the election without preventing the tax increases on the american people. i will be the mostry duck louse thing i have seen and i've been here a while. a battle inside the white house over the war in afghanistan is the focus of a new book out today. obama's war by bob woodward details intenseebate within president obama's national security team. in the book hes he pushed for an exit strategy to apiece supporters. his aids, however, wanted to im increase troop levels. officers called to 3400 block of dodge park landover for a report of a shooting. when they arrived they found a man was shot. he was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. his name ha not been released. this morning the search is on for a hit and run driver who struck and seriously injured a 24-year-old woman at 8:15 saturday evening on carroll avenue in silver spring. witnesses told police e car was speeding when it hit the woman who was under a parked truck. the accident was so violent part of the side view mirror ripped off the car. they are looking for a dark sedan but don't have many other details. skins got behind early but climbed back into it by the third quarter taking a slight -14 lead. but from there it was all st. louis rams. they go on to win, 30-16. defensive lineman albert haysworth said the skins let the rams off the hook. >> might not think you're letting them off the hook. but you look at the record. you look at a young quarterback. gave up nine sacks. thingsike that. little keys that probably make you think that way. >> haynesworth and the rest of his defensive teammates allowed the rams to gain 365 yards. ugly game. >> very ugly. disgraceful. 5:39 is your time. degrees. still to many can, a bizarre case o vapd limp targeting cars of a certain color. rush hour jt got a little easier. the suspect was a suspect in a high profile crime. it's going to be a wet commute. weat building wind farms and expanding clean energy manufacturing. but in ameca, gridlock has held us back now, the senate can change that - by passing a renewable electricity standard. it will spur development of clean energy and boost manufacturing in america, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs. so we can make our ownenert buy it from china. call your senators and urge tm to pass a renewable electricity standard today. right here in this neiborhood, i grew up learning strong families and hard work means opportunity. and that starts with good schools. it's a tradition here in maryland-- and why in these tough times i've put education first. we've made record investments in our classrooms... doubled the number of charter schools... and we've frozen college tuition for four years in a row. and it's working. experts say we now have the number one schools in the nation. when it comes to expanding opportunity in every neighborhood, i knowhat weust do even better. time tore weather and traffic. good morning. wet pavement from passing showers coming through overnight and continue mong south to north throughout the region. prepare yourself for that. bring an umbrella. highs should reach into the uper 60s and low 70s. right now low to mid-60s. strong storms this evening into tomorrow mornin to a tough one. loading up earlyon interstate 66, centerville, fair oaks and beyond. no accidents. maryland, had an accident. couple of them, actually, on route 50. be carel. bet way inner loop and route 29. police checking on reports of yet another accident. back to you. thank you very much, jery. 5:42. ahead, security changes metro riders will see today. once a murder suspect in a high profile crime. he is now a victim. who is suspected of killing her. threatening landing caught on videotape. sparks fly when a wing scrapes the run way. and next, the morning commute is about to get easier # hampt here's a look at the top stories we' following in news 4 today. today marks the start of education nation here at nbc. the goal is to stimulate a national conversation about the changes needed to make the public school systems work better. a two-day summit in new york hosted by teachers, students and education leaders, including d.c. chancellor. redskins help the st. louis rams to their first win of the season. they dominated the second half of the game, even without johnson. led the rams to the 30-16 win. this morning police searching for a hit and run ive who struck a 21-year-old woman in carroll avenue, silver spring. she was hit so hard by the speeding car she was thrown under a parked truck. we have a traffic alert for virginia drivers. if you val near the wilson bridge, expect to see some big changes. two new ramps are open. is this good news? >> hopefully it will be. wo ramps have opened up. hopefully this will ease congestion and make the enter changes a little bit safer. we're talking the area of the beltway. as you look behind me you can see the sign for one of the new ramps. 176b. this is going to connect motorists on the ier loop directly with northbound telegraph road. now, there's a second ramp that's going to provide direct access from the our loop of the beltway to eisenhower. that's something new that could help with congestion. this will hopefully cut down on all the weaving. it was dangerous the way people would have to cut over to get to their exit. that is going to go away. the hope here is it will not only be safer but cut down on traffic congestion. remember the temporary detour ramp from the outer loop to northbound tell dpraf road? well, that temporary ramp has been closed as well. they've done away with this as rt of the new configuration with the two new ramps that have opened up. this is two months ahead of schedule. that's good news for motorists. this is the first rush hour we have seen the two ramps in operation. we'll have to wait and see. hope is it will cut down on some of the congestion out here. >> thanks so much. if you take metro to the pentagon, in security measures at the station. new pedestrian traffic patterns will be in place at th main visitoren trance. officials are moving employee check points farther away during weekdays. signs will be posted alerting riders to the new walking patterns. the changes are in chance to that shooting at the station earlier this year that ended up with two security guards wounded and a gunman shot to death. metro riders wl experience single tracking between two stations on the orange. daytime between east falls and west falls churchtations will cause trains to share between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. metro says riders should not experience any dlays of the stations during work hours. well, the leader of a georgia megachurch says he will fight allegations that he lured four young men into homexual relationships. lawsuits by the four men claim long offered lavish gifts in exchange for sex. he d say he's morthan willing to take the case to court. i've been accused. i'm under attack. i want you to know, as i said earlier, i am not a perfect man. but this thing i'm going to fight. >> long is married with four children and a strong opponent f homesexuality. >> a virginia teen is dead after a gunfire broke out at seton hall university, new jersey. a gunman walked into a house party and started shooting. a gunman opened fire killing 19-year-old jessica moore of the richmond are four others were also injured. witnesses say the gunman was angry because he was kicked out of a house party for refusing to pay a cover charge. testimony on the gulf oil dister. national commission on the bp deepwater horizon oil spill. president obama signed an executive order establishing the panel back in may. today the group will address the response to april's spill, the environmental impact and regulations for offshore drilling. a broken levee led to an evacuation this morning. 300 people who live in portage area are being urged to leave their homes and head to a neby shelter. the dikes are ilt mainly out of nd in he 1890s. if it's built out of sapped it's not going to hold up. >> more than 100 years, but they are wearing out. >> they have had persistent rain. we finally have rain he. our deficit at the month at national airport is 2, 2 1/2, to as much as 3 inches. we may make that up today and tomorrow the last couple hours looking at the radar in time lapse. we have seen these passing showers south to north. most of which have been light to moderate. heavier downpours where you see areas of yellow east and northeast of washington. right now the local view of the radar showing scattered light showers across northern virginia. right from dale city and charles county right across the potomac river into stafford, all the way to culpepper and charlottesville. north of there on the pap handle of west virginia getting light showers. light rain in frederick county, northern maryland. another shower moving out of fairfax, southern montgomery county. this is going to continue from time to time here throughout the rest of the day. this is the rainfall totals we have had from this system. not a lot. 0.1. north we have had as much as 0.6. over an inch in charlottesville to the central shenandoah valley. upper 50s and low to mid 60s and eastern shore. low 70s in the mountains of west virginia. we do have more rain on the way. this conveyor belt of moisture off the gulf of mexico into our region. we will continue here throughout he rest of the day. for students waiting for the school buses, bring the umbrella. it's going to be a wet morning. low t mi60s. occasional showers through the rest of the day. heavier downpours this afternoon and this evening. could produce thunder and lightning and damaging winds this afternoon and into this evening. we'll hover near 70 into tonight and tomorrow morning. on tuesday, morning storms should be dissipating. sun pack during the afternoon with a high near 80. wednesday, mid-70s. partly sunny thursday. ahance of a passing shower. try weather, cooler, into the weekend. >> overall concern, weather doing pretty wel make the trip from frederick to urbana here at germantown, 118, all the way down. reduced visibility. might be a bit slick. but no accidents. good news there. see if the good news continues into town by way of new york avnue. no hangups. the traffic lights are working, as they should. both directions looking pretty good. do be aware of the accident on route 50, 197. accidents reported both directions and high water reported. on the rails, looking good, looking good, looking good, looking good. joe, eun. >> we like that, jerry. >> so are you,jerry. >> well, thank you. thank you very much. you can press your luck in perriville as the first slots casino in maryland opened for business. hollywoodasino opens three days ahead of schedule and features 1,500 slot machines. the casino is also helping out the local job situation as 350 jobs have already been created. this morning the woman committed to a state psychiatric hospital for the murder of a prominent chevy chase psychiatrist is dead. investigators say she was murdered by another patient at the hospital for the criminally insane in jessup. >> reporter: susan sacks, accus of the 2004 murder of joyce hedel was found in jessup. she had been strangled by a former patient and convicted killer. she is charged with fist and second degree murder in the killing. he was committed to the psychiatric hospital in 1997 aft committing a murder in baltimore. policeay sacks, who was 45 years old, was found by a nurse face down in her bed with a string ligature around her neck. police don't have a motive for the killing. back in 2004, socks, who was rentaling a room a lot dr. hedel's home, sacks, who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, was found not criminallyesponsible for hedel's death. her body was found in a garage on ts farm in rural westminster, maryland. darcy spencer, news 4 today. police say sacks's body will be transported for an autopsy. police inrederick county are looking for a tire slasher who apparently has a problem with white or light colored cars. between 1:30 and 5:30 yesterday morning, 31 cars this her tires slashed. police say they don't know the vandal's motive or why. so far no arrests have been made. scary moments during an emergency landing at jfk airport. take a look and listen. >> stay down, stay down, stay dn, stay down. >> that's the fght attendant telling passengers to take the heads down position. the landing gear got stuck, making th emergency laing necessary. in this video shot by a passenger you can actually see sparks out a window as one of the wings drags alonghe run way. none of the 60 ssengers aboard the delta flight was injured. how the obama administration is making it easier for the government to eavesdrop on your e-mail. how local school leaders will play a role in a national education summit. raining, drizzling monday morning out there. 66 degrees now. weather and traffic on the ones and althe news when news 4 conties at 6:00 a.m. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try'? isn't this the yogurt th, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really od! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia. and stick to it. like seriously low prices. 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Charlottesville ,Virginia ,United States ,China ,Minnesota ,Chang Or ,Parvan ,Afghanistan ,Howard County ,Maryland ,Charles County ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Richmond ,West Falls ,New York ,West Virginia ,Mexico ,Dale City ,West Falls Church ,Shenandoah ,Frederick County ,Baltimore ,Seton Hall University ,New Jersey ,Iran ,Wisconsin ,Georgia ,Germantown ,Centerville ,Prince George County ,Capitol Hill ,Town Hall ,Montgomery County ,Americans ,America ,Marylanders ,American ,Matt Lauer ,Susan G Komen ,Michelle Rhee ,Joe Biden ,Arne Duncan ,Bob Ehrlich ,Darcy Spencer ,Jessica Moore ,Bob Woodward ,Ken Salazar ,Brian Williams ,David Gregory ,Adrian Fenty ,Joe Krebs ,Eun Yang ,Thad Allen ,

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