Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 11 20121011

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police first busted down their door, but when the husband arved during the search he was handcuffed, though no charges were filed. the couple said their home was ransacked and they were wrongly linked to a crime. this is the damage police did when they forced their way into the crofton townhome of jennifer and randy staley. >> i told the officers they could have called me. i would have let them in to search. they didn't have to use a battering ram. >> reporter: police won't name suspects or shea they found but tell us the judge issued the search warrant for probable cause. >> i think that they have a misconstrued the whole situation. >> reporter: the search was for debit and credit cards and other items that had been stolen. >> i've never stolen a credit camp. >> reporter: have you ever been a member of l.a. fitness? >> never been there. >> reporter: on september 27th mrs. staley went to the toys r us to buy legos for her nephew. >> clerk said are you a reward member? i said yes, my husband is. he said i can look you up by your phone number. >> reporter: she rattled off her phone number. now she thinks the customer behind her might have had a stolen credit card to buy a playstation and used her overheard rewards number which allows you to get a discount. i'm a guy with a credit card that i stole. why do i want a discount? >> right. ght. well, it's not. it's to link the transaction to someone else. >> reporter: she says to throw the cops off the trail. the search warrant the couple has says surveillance video at toys r us and at a target store where the stolen credit card was used shows randy staley's jeep cherokee and him getting into it. >> but they don't have all the facts correct. that was not my vehicle. it wasn't my tag number that they saw. >> the staleys are upset, angry and embarrassed about all this. the couple is talking to a lawyer. mostly they just want their good name back they say. as for toys r us, a spokeswoman says they are cooperating with local police and their investigation of stolen credit cards. >> karen gray houston tonight. the edge on the district and a murder investigation. a 21-year-old man was shot to death this afternoon in the 1100 block of eighth street near florida avenue near galludet university. the man's name has not been released. they have not said whether he was a student. one of d.c. mayor vincent gray's aides now released from jail time. he got two years probation, 200 hours community service. he pled guilty to lying to the fbi. brooks admitted he helped pay sulaimon brown to stay in the race and verbally attack mayor fenty. his attorney continues to investigate mayor gray's campaign. the u.s. anti-doping agency releasing details of it's investigation into lance armstrong. the agency claims the cyclist played a key role in what it calls the most sophisticated doping program in recent sports history. jonathan hunt has details. >> reporter: the u.s. anti- doping agency releasing a report on its case against lance armstrong. the agency accuses armstrong of using performance enhancing drugs during his ar names 11 former teammates as key witnesses and details the way they say drugs were delivered and administered to armstrong's teams. the report also claims winning and doping went hand in demand cycling and says armstrong's teams were the best at getting it done without being caught. armstrong's lawyers call the findings a one-sided hatchet job. >> this outcome was predetermined months, if not years ago. if their affidavits that are dated after august 23rd when we notified usada that we were not going to arbitrate that matter, whoever signed those affidavits knew they weren't ever going to get questioned or cross- examined. >> armstrong who overcame cancer insisting he never cheated, but in august he decided not to fight the usada charges giving up all seven tour de france titles and was banned for life from competitive cycling. armstrong's lawyers also argue the usada ignored hundreds of doping tests the cyclist passed during his career. in new york jonathan hunt, fox news. to a developing story involving the transportation security administration. the tsa said its agents followed protocol patting down a leukemia patient who was flying out of seattle. michelle denai said she was forced to pull up her shirt so agents could check under our bandages and she says agents opened up one of her saline bags because the machine couldn't read it. that contaminated the fluid she needs to stay hydrated. tsa says none of that is true. nationality zoo will announce what killed a panda cub tomorrow. the mother alerted zookeepers to the problem by making a particular distressed noise. preliminary tests showed the cub had liver abnormalities and fls abdomen. a fox 5 consumer alert for anyone whose car has air bags. the national highway traffic safety administration is warning people about counterfeit air bags. they've been sold to repair shops as replacement parts and look almost exactly like the real deal but consistently malfunction in testing. sometimes they shoot out pieces of metal. >> this is literally an assault on u.s. industry. everything that can be made or manufactured can be counterfeit and if you can sell it for profit, the criminals will do that and there's absolutely no reason why counterfeiters would focus on one particular brand or kind of air bag. if they can counterfeit it, they will and they do. >> so far no injuries or deaths connected to the counterfeit bags. drivers are encouraged to check the website for a list of affected vehicles. it's a case that could have major implications for every college and university in america. race can be a factor in determining which students a university admits. today arguments were heard before the u.s. supreme court. fox 5's beth parker has this story. >> reporter: the university of texas at austin was her dream school, but she did not get in. abigail fisher came to the u.s. supreme court court today. she says she didn't get into the -- supreme court today. she says she didn't get into the university because she was white. >> i hope the court rules a student's race and ethnicity should not be applied in allowing entrance. >> i'm very proud of this young lady. she had the courage to stand up for equality and what was right and the guarantee fun mental to all of us that, we're entitled to the equal protection of the law. >> reporter: the university automatically admits most of its students based upon their rank in their high school class, put 1/4 of texas freshman are admitted based upon a formula made up of many factors, one of which is race. texas president bill powers said if the supreme court prevents that -- >> we would not be giving the kind of education to all of our students that would be preparing them to work in a global and diverse world, be a setback for our students and our society. >> reporter: powers says diversity benefits all students, but chief justice john roberts wanted to know how the university would determine when it had a critical mass of diversity on campus. justice anthony kennedy could be a key swing vote. he appeared skeptical telling the texas delegation what you're saying is what counts is race above all. justice sonia sotomayer said the decision looks to gut the law. a decision is not expected until spring. beth parker, fox 5 news. bricks and mortar trying to compete with online retailers could mean good news for you, why it could lead to easier shipping of your holiday purchases this year coming up. >> and a rough day for the nats. >> the hopes of a historic season hang in the balance. the nats are in trouble blown out the second game in a row by the cardinals. they look back at what went wrong today at nats park when the news edge continues. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. let me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. the holidays still months a way, but competition for your businesonline is heating up. amazon's rivals taking aim with new policies and products. fox's tracy burns has more. >> reporter: ten dollars for same day shipping? it actually could be coming to a city near you, the latest attempt to compete with amazon this holiday season. wal-mart is testing same day service for oine orders. regardless of size the company will ship products from local stores eliminating time spent in a warehouse. it started last week in philadelphia and northern virginia. now wal-mart is expected to expand the program to more cities later this month and the goal? to compete with amazon in online sales during the busiest shopping season of the year and they're not the only ones. new rumors of apple's ipad mini could pose a new threat to the tablet market. >> if you look at the landscape, there is a lot of competition in terms of innovation. >> reporter: though late to the game, a lot is expected from apple's newest product. it takes direct aim at its rival's popular devices, amazon's kindle fire and google's nexus 7. while the kindle fire has seen success at its low price point analysts attribute that success to foundations laid by apple itself. >> they've done a nice job in terms of the user experience and it's all geared towards consuming amazon's content. so they're actually following apple's model a lot. it's very similar toyota tunes. >> reporter: apple is yet to officially confirm or deny plans for the ipad mini, but chinese suppliers say apple ordered 10 million earlier this month. log onto for more. in new york i'm tracy burns. today metro showed off a replica of its latest railcars, will thomas up now with your fox 5 top five. >> metro says the new cars will be safer and stepping on them will be quicker. no. 5, the pressure is on metro to replace its oldest cars because the ntsb concluded they crumple too easily in crashes. metro is going about replacing 1/4 of its 3 . at roughly $2 million each metro's -- of its fleet. at roughly $2 million each metro's fleet will be expanded. no. 4, raising fares depending on distance, the 12th attempt by united this year to raise fares, but only four succeeded. united could roll back the hikes if key competitors don't match them because they know you might switch airlines. no. 3, you're addicted to facebook, twitter or both, you are not alone. a new study shows the cravings could be worse than addictions to sex or cigarettes. researchers followed 250 people with smartphones for a week and found people were checking their facebook or twitter accounts every 30 minutes. no. 2, get ready to pay more to heat your home this winter as we likely feel something we didn't feel much of last year, cold. last winter was the warmest on record. the energy department says heating bills will rise an estimated 20% for heating oil customers, 15% for natural gas customers and 5% for customers using electric heating. no. 1 tonight, toyota is recalling millions of cars to fix a fire hazard. $7.4million around the world will be recalled to fix a faulty power window switch. at least 2.5 million of those toyotas were sold in the united states. the faulty switch has been linked to several hundred reports of smoke and fires. toyota says customers will be contacted by their car dealer. that is your fox 5 top five. ready to do some snow shoveling safety stories yet? >> absolutely not. i want indian summer. got a nice day tomorrow and i thought today was pretty perfect, too 71 degrees. it will be cooler than that tomorrow, some of you at least 10 degrees cooler. it's a little chilly out there now, a little bit gusty as our frontal boundary has been sliding through the city this evening bringing cooler air into town. it will visit for at least one day and probably two. you might even describe saturday as a bit on the cool side, but very refreshing indeed. let's go ahead and check out high temperatures today, 71 degrees in the district, one of the warmer spots in the east. we had the benefit of that south wind ahead of the front and the front slowed down enough to postpone cooler temperatures from rolling into town, but they'll roll on in now. cincinnati, high temperature today was 59 degrees, chicago 52, international falls 44 where they had a little rain and snow mix for a little bit of the day. across the rest of the country, definitely still some heat and a little warmth down through the southern a plans rolling into town sunday, so another day in probably the low 70s sunday, but between now and then we'll have to work our way up from the low 60s. temperatures in the district dropped to 58 degrees, frederick 46, baltimore 54 degrees. i know a lot of o's fans are still up waiting to see what's going to happen, 58 at quantico and in the district, our temperature at culpeper and manassas 52 degrees. they match up a lot. have you ever noticed that? [ audio difficulties ] >> bring them some of their most significant rain in many months and may hatcher travel out there, too. -- hamper travel out there, too. so keep an eye on that. in the meantime futurecast will show you a dry pattern. we'll roll through tomorrow sunny. we may have cloud cover early friday, another weak front coming through. notice showers in the mountains? they don't seem to want to hang together coming through the district, but boy, it will be cold friday night and saturday starts out on the cool side. we increase the clouds late saturday, but i think we'll probably have a warmer day as a result of that on sunday and high pressure rules tomorrow. here's your fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast, 62 tomorrow, about 60 degrees for first pitch for the nats. friday 67 and saturday again a little on the cool side. we warm it up a bit sunday, but we will have a bit more cloud cover and a few showers on monday. that's it for your seven-day forecast. on to more nats talk with scott smith. this is the verizon sports desk with scott smith. >> they're one of the hottest hitting teams in regular season. now the nats have gone ice cold in the playoffs. four starters, adam laroche, bryce harper, kirk suzuki and danny espinosa have combined for four hits in four at bats. game three today in front of a record crowd, davey johnson getting his guys ready. top of the 2nd nats down 1-0. pete kozma, two on, a three-run blast, cards take a 4-0 lead. edwin jackson after five innings, eight hits, four runs allowed. bottom of the 2nd, runner on for danny etch most. david freese bare -- espinosa. david freese bare hands it. espinosa should have been called safe at first and a thing kept alive. bottom of the 5th still 4 -0. michael morse, bases loaded, two out, a chance to tie it up. nats shut out 8-0, now trail the series 2-1. >> we didn't score runs, just missing pitches. that's the thing right now. we had some pitches that hit and me and a couple other guys are missing pitches just by a hair. it's just baseball. >> put ourselves in the spot, not something we had planned on, but if is what it is. so we need to -- it is what it is. so we need to go out from the first pitch and be aggressive. >> come out tomorrow and hopefully put a couple early runs up and give our pitchers some leeway and go out and attack our guys and don't have so much pressure to make perfect pitches all the time. >> all in all we've done a great job all year. we've played great baseball. we've got a chance to prove that again tomorrow. >> we will be back out there at nats park tomorrow to cover the game starting at 4:07. the orioles left the comfort of camden yards with a series split at one apiece. buck showalter, manager of the yankees many moons ago, top of the 5th, mane machado a solo homer to -- manny machado, a solo homer to left. o's take a 2-1 lead. in the bottom of the 9th good call, a solo shot to tie it up. jim johnson blows the save. bottom of the 12th in extras, delivers again, a solo walkoff shot. yankees win 3-2. game four reds and giants, top of the 2nd, game tied 1-1. blanco, home run to right center, a two-run shot. giants up 3-1. in the top of the 7th giants up 6-3. pablo sandoval, the kung fu panda, sends a bomb to right field way over the fence, a two-run shot, giants winning 8-3. the deciding game tomorrow at 1:00. guess who was at redskins practice today? if you can tell me the score in the quarter of the game, i'll let you know after the break. ny means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." pumpkin. ha ha! you've never tasted pumpkin like this. try new pumpkin white chocolate or pumpkin mocha coffees and lattes today. robert griffin, iii wants to take a page from his college playbook. his last season at baylor he suffered a concussion against texas tech. he bounced back the very next week and took down texas in a game that may have cemented his heisman trophy. he was cleared to return to practice today. he said he felt good, there was no lingering symptoms. he did not take his normal number of snaps but took a significant amount still. griffin said the injury taught him an important lesson. >> the one thing i learned was i can't do that to my team, to the fans or to my family because life is more important than the game of football. so these things that happen to us, getting hurt, getting hit in the head that, affects us down the road and i got to make sure i limit that and make sure i keep myself safe while still being the same player that i am but keep myself safe on that my family and fans and the teammates aren't let down. >> vikings at home sunday. brian is back to wrap up the edge. are you ready ? share everything by turning your smartphone into a mobile hotspot for up to 8 wifi-enabled devices at no extra charge. like the new droid razr m by motorola only $99.99. when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. taking the edge off, a newborn baby arrived at the new york aquarium in brooklyn, may be the biggest baby you've ever seen, 234 pounds, a walrus calf rescued after being orphaned in alaska. mitt is so big he took up the entire holding area of a fedex cargo jet. only a few zoos in the country have walruses as an exhibit. back here tomorrow. >> fox 5 news isn't over go. to now for news, weather and entertainment updates. fox 5 news is washington's best news on air and online at brought to you by verizon 4g lte.

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United States , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Alaska , China , Quantico , Maryland , Houston , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , France , Cincinnati , Ohio , Chicago , Illinois , Baltimore , America , Chinese , Davey Johnson , Randy Staley , Michael Morse , Abigail Fisher , Adam Laroche , John Roberts , Pablo Sandoval , Pete Kozma , Danny Espinosa , Manny Machado , Kirk Suzuki , Beth Parker , Edwin Jackson , Anthony Kennedy , Robert Griffin , Scott Smith , David Freese , Fox Tracy , Bryce Harper , Jim Johnson , Lance Armstrong ,

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