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>> we did it for the candy. >> yeah, we did. you can change them real fast and go back to the door. the forecast today, clouds to start the day and getting nicer as the day progresses and tony and have i been talking about it, it will get out cooler by the end of the week with an increasing chance of rain. right now 53 degrees, humidity is up, winds out of south at 5 miles per hour. winds shifting litter today and that will clear things out and it will get breezy around here later today with winds out of the north and west at about 15- 20 miles per hour. here is your warning satellite radar, most of the action across northern new england and some snow into the mountains of vermont and new hampshire. clouds as we're getting out the door and later today breaking out into partial sunshine. and no rain here today, so that's good news. and it should be a nice afternoon with our temperatures 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. so yesterday, upper 50s, today upper 60s to about 70. should feel great. by 4:00, 59 for a high and partial sunshine. and more clouds on the horizon and that means rain and cooler temperatures. i'll have those details in a few. >> tucker, thank you very much. we're following a developing story out of maryland a traffic alert in frederick county, cleanup continues on interstate 70 this morning. after a tractor-trailer accident. the truck jackknifed and spilled metal railings all over the road. now the driver of a pickup then crashed into the jackknifed truck. a third vehicle crashed when it hit debris there. no one was hurt, but two eastbound lanes are still closed, only one lane is getting by. another big story we're following this morning, the biggest step yet in the push to reform the health care system. >> in just about an hour the senate financcommittee is expected to vote on sweeping legislation requiring nearly all americans to purchase insurance. fox 5 sarah simons is live on capitol hill with a preview. sarah, good morning. >> reporte good morning, tony and allison. it is a big step. because if it passes the senate finance committee, it will have moved father than it did under bill clinton. now after this, we'll have to go to the senate floor for a debate but there is a contentious debate brewing over this controversial report released, taking shots at the health care reform bill. a new insuran industry audit is taking aim at the health care reform bill, due up for a vote at the senate finance committee today. the report has ignited a fiery debate. >> they're attacking the balkous bill because it doesn't tax the healthy enough and force them to pay health insurance. >> it's showing that the cost will sky rocket. >> reporter: the accounting firm pricewaterhouse cooper claims reform legislation in the senate will increase a typical family's private insurance premm $1,700 over the next five years and up to $4,000 in the next decade. they say watered down penalties for those who refuse to buy health insurance, encourage those to wait until they get sick to buy a premium. >> if we want these to work, we have to find a to get everybody in the system. >> reporter: the insurance audit says it will mean more cost. and a chairman to the finance committee says it ignores a tax credit. and other points out it was paid for by the insurance industry. the arguments on both sides heighten the tension going into today's vote. >> there is a lot left to be done here and a lot of opportunity to contain costs and that's what people are talking about. >> repoer: now with 13 democrats and 10 republicans making up the senate finance committee, it is expected to pass there. but then this bill would have to be merged with another version from the senate health committee. then after that is merged it goes to the senate floor for debate. it still has a lot of areas to move through but the major yes is whether or not the senate majority leader will push for a so-called public option to go into the senate version. right now house democrats have already put the public option into their plan. these two versions of course would then have to be merged so it's still a possibility, tony and allison, that a public option could make it into the health care reform plan. back to you. >> sarah simmons on capol hill, thank you, sarah. trailing in the polls, democrat creigh deeds came out swinging against his republican rival in last night's debate. real clear politics has bob mcdonnell ahead 51% to deeds' 42% in the race for virginia's next governor. >> gurvir is here now with more on this debate. good morning. >> reporte good morning. during the debate, deeds labeled mcdonnell as no friend of working women or gays and twice accused him of lying. mcdonnell shook it off. >> welcome to the people's debate. >> reporter: in their first statewide televised debate, bob mcdonnell through the first punch on the issue of taxes. >> he's proposed another billion dollars in tax this is year. >> reporter: democrat creigh deeds struck back saying mcdonnell was lying. >> you just heard him restate a lie just now. i've never proposed a billion dollars in tax increases. >> reporter: women are' kai voting block in virginia where they represent 54% of the electorate. deeds charged mcdonnell's past would overshadow the future on women's issues. >> bob mcdonnell was a member of the board of regent university which had a blatant policy which gave men a preference in hiring. >> reporter: after a college paper came to light during his university work. >> i support clear equal work for equal pay. >> reporter: so why is deeds trailing? some women voters told us deeds campaign has lacked focus. >> i don't know. i don't think he's very exciting. he doesn't appeal to me. i'm not going to vote for him. >>eporter: others have big reservations about mcdonnell and the 20-year-old thesis paper critical of working women. >> the things that mcdonnell had in that paper really did turn me off on him. initially i did think he was a stronger candidate. >> reporter: with three weeks remaining, if creigh deeds is a comeback kid, time is running out to show it. >> bob mcdonnell campaigns in virginia today with multi- millionaire supporter sheila johnson. in tysons corner, you might remember johnson recently apologized to creigh deeds for her impersonation of him studderring. and this election is just right around the corner. november 3rd is the election day and this race is back and forth. we'll see what happens. >> thank you, gurvir. so the district where police are investigating what they are calling a random and brutal attack at george washington university this. happened friday afternoon at the school of business. police say a man entered a business building and attacked a man in the bathroom on the second floor, hitting him twice in the back of his head with a hammer. the victim had to get stitches later. the incident is stirring up questions about campus security. >> random and startling because it could be any of the buildings in any of the schools and there is no security basically in any of our buildings and we have builds way down on g. street and those are connected to business buildings. >> having the increased presence of police is something good to show and show the students they are taking it seriously and it's important that students are safe. >> safe. >> police do not have a motive. the suspect is middle eastern between 5-10 and 6 tall. with a stalky build. he was wearing three quarter length pants. in greenbelt, a gunman tried to rob a 34-year-old man moments after he pulled into a parking space. the driver was able to speed off. the gunman fired off one shot grazing him in the head. the victim was able to drive to a relatives home and is expected to be okay. if you see some unusual military activity around today, don't be alarmed. national and regional military will team up in lorton, virginia today, to test their response actions to mass casualty incidents. exercises will include search and rescue missions in collapsed structures and evacuations. and marion barry is out of the hospital. he checked into howard university hospital nearly a week ago. doctors treated him for dehydration and an infection. he spent several days in intensive care. this video is from last february following his kidney transplant. in a statement, the former mayor thanks the doctors and staff at howard and said he's ready to get back to work. well another story that has folks talking this morning, backlash by a bid from rush limbaugh to buy the st. louis rams. >> he made the statement several years ago and since then player have threatened to quit and now al sharpton and jessie jackson are chiming in. they say his race track on race should exclude him from owning a team. in 2003 he resigned from the nfl pregame show after saying philadelphia eagles quarterback donovan mcnabb was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed. her son was one of two teenagerresponsible for the deadliest high school shooting in history. now the mother of dylan klee bold has to say about her son. and a 6-year-old boy punished for bringing a boy scout tool to school. why his sentence set off a national outrage. much more ahead this morning. keep it here for more. before we take to you break, we want to show you live pictures out of the crescent city, new orleans, as the uss new york heads out to sea. this is the new navy vessel. incorporating in that vessel, some of the remaining parts of the world trade center. we'll be right back. and that's how verizon fios works. any questions? so will the tv in my house look that amazing? yep. fios has 100fiber optics straight to your home. and i get $150 back when i switch to fios? that's correct. i got a question, i got a question. is anybody here buying this? read it and weep pal. switch to fios now and get $150 back. unlike cable, fios delivers 100% true fiber optics straight to your home. for hd picture 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vaccine for their children. is that surprising to you and what is your message to those parents? >> it's not surprising to me. because we have a lot of folks that don't take the flu -- the seasonal flu shot every year. my message to those folks is we've had several children die from swine flu. we haven't had the vaccine available yet. so for those parents, i've done all i could, couldn't be helped. when the vaccine is available, it's a much tougher call to say, i was afraid, i didn't want my kid to have it when there really aren't factual reasons for leaving your child unprotected. so i would say to those parents, get your child the shot, don't look back afterward and say i wish i did, i wish i had. >> we don't have factual reasons because this version of the swine flu hasn't been around, the vaccine hasn't been around for a long time. and i'm a parent. i hear parents talking and we're talking about this stuff. here is one of the questions, the perception is and i think the reality is, wasn't the vaccine or maybe it wasn't the reality, was it rushed into production? >> the vaccine is made quickly every year for seasonal flu. they decide to make a vaccine. and this vaccine for the h1n1 swine flu is made the same way. so rushed would not be the word i would used. i would say typically quick, because every year you maka new batch for what you think will the flu that year. so there is no difference between how the seasonal flu vaccine is made, and the swine flu vaccine is made. so all of these things about rushed, i think is more perception than reality. >> because that's great. for the layman, we don't know that the regular vaccine is made the same way. so that's good information. isn't it impossible to know, you may have answered this question, because it would be the same as the seasonal flu vaccine, isn't it impossible to know what the possible long- term ramifications of taking this vaccine might be? >> well if it's made the same way as seasonal flu, and seasonal flu vaccine has been around for years, then we would expect the same source of long- term ramifications, which are really not that remarkable. we don't see a lot of long-term side affects from seasonal flu. we would not expect to see a lot of long-term side affects from the swine flu vaccine for those same reasons. >> and so far with the vaccine given and the test groups, there have been no reports of any particularly adverse side affects. >> we say the same type of things. soreness at the site of the shot and evidence your immune system is respondg to the vaccine. but we haven't seen the things people fear, that i'm going to get me horrible disease that will debilitate me for a long time. we do some people getting the swine flu are having a bad out come. so most of the evidence is saying if you get it, it can be ally bad. if you take the vaccine, you'll have some soreness buyou're okay. >> this is great information. you're helping me out, i appreciate it. and there are now stories out that some of the signs that parents, not just parents but anyone can determine if you have a swine flu or if it's a serious case of swine flu. these are some of the warning signs. >> 're looking at fast, troubled breathing, bluish skin color, lack of thirst, failure to wake up early or interact. basically what this is saying in a nut shell is, if you are not oxygen ating your blood well, your lungs have a problem, the flu attacks you there, you aren't able to exchange air very well, you become lethargic, your skin becomes blue or gray and you're not interacting, those are signs something bad is happening. and no matter what, if you see someone that is not oxygen ating well, getting blue and gray and lethargic, they need to be in an emergency room right away. >> okay. very important. thank you very much, doctor. you cleared up some stuff for us. >> always good to see you. >> thank you. the mother of one of the columbine gunman is breaking her silence for the first time. dylan clebold's mother susan wrote an he is kay that appeared in next month's issue of o magazine. she is still trying to make sense of when her son and friend were going to do. she said for the rest of my life i will be haunted by the horror and anguish dylan caused. she said he changed everything i believed about myself, about god and about family and love. she hopes by breaking her silence she can get parents to watch for signs of depression in their children and to take those signs really seriously. a child's excitement over joining the cub scouts may have gotten him suspended from his school in delaware. the 6-year-old boy was kicked out for 45 days for bringing a camping utensil for lunch. the device has a knife, fork and spoon. his mother believes the zero tolerance punishment is too severe. >> i agree with zero tolerance where it is needed but i agree with a leve add -- leveraged approach to that. you can't have a black and white rule, it's not one size fits all. >> the school district is reviewing the ruling. and the boy is being home schooled while his mother fight the ruling. and john and kate meet with a court appointed arbitrator this morning and we have a live report coming up. plus holly is exriencing everything pet related. holly, good morning. >> reporter: you're going to love this. right now i'm experiencing ziek, ziek the circus freak. they gave him that name, not me. we are live at the mclean community center where they are gearing up for the mclean expo. yes, it includes a halloween costume competition. we're going to talk about it live later. i love you ziek, you're so cute. >> first its time for a look at our trivi of thday. what does charlie brown's father do for a living in is he a barber, butcher, dentist or accountant? the answer is coming up later. do you remember, tony? >> i do. that's a great question. ♪ (announcer) "new simply cookies from pillsbury. how do you decide between crunchy and soft tacos? why don't we have both? old el paso. hard n soft tacos. true genius. mexican style. this just in, john and kate gosselin have a date this morning. >> they're getting back together. >> no. >> you said a date. they're meeting with a court- appointed arbitrator to hammer out their divorce. so the exact opposite. fox is in pennsylvania now. what is the latest. >> reporter: the latest is their date is over. john and kate gosselin have just walked out of the courthouse here after meeting with a judge and presenting their sides. and the judge decided, keep your stuff to yourself until october 26th, which is when the next hearing is. so this has all been postponed as these two went inside of the montgomery county courthouse behind me trying to face off in front of the judge after recently airing their dirty laundry. as it relates to their money issues to the worldch you guys remember that. kate gosselin asked jon to be forced to return over $200,000 in their bank account. kate recently appeared on national tv saying that job left her and the kids with only $1,000 and unable to pay the bills. but jon denied those accusations and said he did not leave her high and dry. he says the couple has 11bank accounts and she's the one who is stashing and hiding away money. he claims in court documents that she's withdrawn over $1 million in the past year. the judge decided that he could not make that decision as to who was telling the truth today. so he had postponed everything until october 26th. he says if any money has been widrawn from any of the accounts, that whoever is responsible for it, should make sure they give it back by october 26th and behindful the first priority here should be the 8 kids. so that is the latest as far as this drama is here today. for now, that is the latest from north town, pennsylvania. back to you. >> thank you very much. >> that's sad, isn't it? >> very sad. and in the tabloids they talk about the kids crying and stuff. it's just terrible. >> all right. on to something else. it's one of the most watched shows on tv so why is the cast from glee getting the boot from the macy's thanksgiving day parade. plus, ladies, you are working it and the hair and outfit great, but the guys don't notice it. >> i notice those things. >> we're talking to jj davis and she brought the fellas along and we'll try to talk about whether the guy is interested and tips if he's not. why you need to dump him like the cast of glee if not. >> we have more. we're checking out the most popular halloween costumes. we'll have that shortly. still tired of morning coming in the middle of the night? rooster crow. still tired the next day too? when you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, remember 2-layer ambi cr. the first layer helps you fall asleep quickly. and unlike other sleep aids, a second helps you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machiry. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the evt as well abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day. ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. coming up now, we are check out some of the hot -- >> later in hour. >> halloween costumes out there for kids and adults and the cost. >> there are some costumes that can break the bank in money and taste. we won't say what catalog these come from, because they're not just sold in this one catalog, they're sold in a variety of places. listen to this music. this is so funny. this halloween check out the flamingo. for girls as young as four. the whole outfit you see, guess how much? $142. but guess what, it is sold out. staying with the bird theme, this bird at $124. it seems not age appropriate as well. they look like show girls. >> it looks like a show girl. >> it's for kids as young as 4. >> and let your little girl go, she can go as carmen miranda, not that most little girls would know who that is. this is for as young as 4. but the kid has to be able to balance the headpiece. this outfit is $115. >> and you can get the puppet as well. >> did miranda have a puppet? >> no. with the flamingo. >> and the boy's outfit, $126 for the boy and $126 for the girl. girls can add an $88 cape. >> i made a cape when i was 4. lastly. nothing says i'm adorable like marie antoinete. the caption says let them meet candy. that whole thing is $168. >> there is no kid walking around saying i want to be marie antoinete. this is for the parents. >> but guess what, like we said, a lot of these are sold out. >> they wouldn't make them if people weren't going to buy them. >> don't you love dan using the scary halloween music. scary for your pocket book. >> and their original, too. >> that's true. >> if a little marie on the won et came to your door, you would laugh. >> well this is not going out. you canid kidding me. this is a party wre a child receives gifts. let's look at what is happening with the weather. and tucker barnes is here with that. >> it will be a nice day today and my advice is to get out and enjoy -- >> we are listening. >> you are not. >> i was. >> go ahead. >> it should be a beautiful afternoon. a decent amount of sunshine. should be partly sunny and warmer. yesterday's daytime highs in the 50s and today in the mid to upper 60s. enjoy because it will get cooler at the end of the week. 54 right now. winds out of the south and west at 5-10 miles per hour. the winds will shift later and they'll be gusting later this afternoon at 15-20. so breezy around here. that's the wrst of the forecast. 54 here in washington. check out the cool air. 45 in detroit. cool air on the map across its northern plains. we did it again today. minneapolis is 26 and bismarck 24. denver, colorado, 35. that's better than yesterday at this hour when they were in the 20s. out twoaft, los angeles is 60. san francisco is 59. i mentioned california because california is being hit at this moment with the remnants of a typhoon that impacted asia about a week ago and there you can see it. that's the represents of the typhoon millar. very heavy rain into northern california. forecast calling for up to 6-7 inches of rape in the mountains of california so we're likely to have problems from flooding and powerful winds out there today. more sunshine today and we're watching this storm across central sections of the country. you can see it parked across texas and arkansas. that will be headed in our direction as we get into the day tomorrow and during the day on thursday and friday. so the clouds will increase and the temperatures will cool down around here as we get into the day tomorrow. so enjoy today. lots of sunshine by afternoon. warmer than yesterday. becoming breezy. i mentioned the breezes out of the north and west at 15-20. high temperature out there in the upper 60s to about 70. there is your five-day forecast. we'll cloud up again tomorrow. temperatures back in the mid- 50s. look at thursday, friday and saturday. lots of clouds out there, cool temperatures. friday's afternoon high only about 50 degrees. so it's going to be cool with soaking rain likely here by friday. that will do it for your forecast. now let's get relationship advice from allison and the gang. you have your best outfit on, your shoes are exist right and the hair and makeup perfect, but does the guy that you are with notice how perfect you are for him? jj smith says there are ways of telling if a man really wants to be with you or if you are spinning your wheels with a guy that will never commit. and j.j. has brought a couple of her fellas to the round table this morning. how is able. >> we are great, how are you. >> i'm doing okay. i'm excited to talk to you guys. a lot of folks out there, i hear from my single girlfriends all of the time, we can't find a good man out there. so we're going to talk about ways to see that. and j.j. smith >> yes. that's where they can get information about the show and the book. >> and this is j.j. and this is russ bell, one of the fellas. how are you doing? and comedian jay ras. what is happening. >> not too much. glad to be here. >> and today we're talking about tips. and this is found in your book. tips on how to tell if somebody is not that into you. when you should bail out. >> right. and sometimes as women, we sit around and say well why hasn't he called and why hasn't he asked me out and the simple answer is, he's not that into you. if a guy is into you, he's going to call and court you, he's going to ask you out and so there is some signs and ways you can tell if he's into you. and we're going to provide some of those to you today. >> let me take a second to get some input. when you don't call, what are you really trying to say? are you that busy, that you can't call? >> it kind of depends. i'm a pretty busy person, if i don't call,ly call you later. but for the most part, i try my best to be open and honest at the start. >> and now is it a warning sign to you if the ladies is like, you didn't call me in four hours. >> yeah. that's a queue that we might be deal with someone too high maintenance for right now. >> do you agree. >> i agree. >> see how they like to throw that in. >> they kill me with that. >> so some of the tips you say, if you want to spend significant time with -- if you're the woman, if he wants to spend time with you. >> so no matter if a guy is busy, if he's interested, he will want to spend time wit you and he will go out in public with you and you'll get those pda's, public displays of afaction. he'll hug and kiss you and be romantic with you in public. that's a good sign he's into you. >> now i love this one. we have a whole list of tips here but the one i love is that he trusts you with his house and his phone. i love the phone. these days everything is in that little phone. >> if a man leaves his phone unattended or better yet if he leaves his home and leaves me there, he knows i'm going to look around. i'm not going to snoop, but i will look around, that means he's comfortable with me and has nothing to hide. >> that's a good indication. i know the fellas have good idea. >> and for me if we go to a wedding reception and i dive for the garter belt and wink at you, that's a sign i'm into you. >> and if he introduces you to his momma, and his family and friends, he's saying this person is going to be around, i would imagine. >> exactly. >> and in my book i tack about understanding the relationship between a man and his mother. if a man introduces you to his mother, he is saying i want you to be a part of my family, my social lifestyle. >> right. you would agree. >> i would take it a step further. be it your family, friends, co- workers and sundays. for guys, sundays is football time. so if i can share my sunday with you, i can share my life with you. >> and another one that you pass on in your book, why i love men, is basically if you take them to funerals and weddings and you all would agree with that? >> yes. >> absolutely. they're so emotionally charged. you have to be comfortable and care for someone because if they cry you have to hug them and comfort them. d if you're not into that person, you don't want that type of interaction with them. >> you don't want them around. we have to wrap it here. you guys -- this is good. i like the insight. thanks for bringing e fellas with you. >> absolutely, this is jj and the fellas and you can check out more information and advice at jjsmith >> thanks for having us. tony to you. >> who is taking who so a funeral? >> if you happen to go. >> okay. >> if you set that up as a date. >> generally not a good date. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. they sing, dance and act, so why have the cast of glee been booted from the macy's thanksgiving day parade? we'll answer that question for you. first another look at today's trivia questionment love this question. what does charlie brown's father do for a living? he's a barber, a butcher, a dentist or an accountant? the answer is coming up. we'll be right back. you've got a strawberry pop-tart, but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do. (announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. that, on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas. glee is the new smash hit on fox. so macy's was thrilled to land the cast for the thanksgiving day parade. but now they're getting the boot. according to tmz, nbc, which airs the parade, pulled e plug. macy's released a statement saying they like any live event guest -- like any other live event guests are fluid. nbc has not commented yet. i don't know why. >> nbc should be happy to have anybody on the parade, even if they're from another network because that will draw viewers to your parade. >> and they're musical and fun. >> they would be perfect for the parade. >> once they have been booked, i think they should stay booked. >> there you go. still trying to figure out what to do for this year's halloween costume. coming up next, a look at affordable costumes available this year. >> and if you're in the mood to pamper your pet, holly is live at the perfect spot. she joins us from the mclean pet expo. there is more ahead this morning. don't go anywhere. h c we all know the pet business is booming these days. from pet clothing and training, there are endless possibilities for fido these days and holly morris has found a perfect place to experience it all in one spot. she's at the mclean pet expo this morning. holly, it's been fun so far. >> reporter: and we feature a lot of pet expos and i think this will be one of the best going on here at the make community--- mclean community center. and we've focused on the leroy, but a great show to meet with dog trainers to help your dog be a better dog and have a better family. that's where carrie comes in. she's with unleashed abilities. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: and leroy was doing tricks and those are great and entertaining but not all of our dogs will go that route? >> right. and at unleashed stability we try to approach a balanced holistic approach. a sit, stay or down is only good if you can apply it to a situation that will make your life easier, help your dog be a member of the family, allow to you take your dog places and enjoy your dog and not be worried too much about their behavior. >> and this is rudy. >> and rudy is a canine that is an akc program and i'm an evaluator for them. in money environment with a lot of distractions like this, we want to make sure we have something good, hot dog pieces or tasty treats and so i need my dog's attention first. so i use this treat as a lure. come and sit. same thing withholding the treat in my hand. i can lure him into a down by luring it down to the floor and give him a treat and tell him stay. dogs are very visual so have a viral coup like your hand up like a stop sign. >> reporter: he is watching you the whole time. you can see you have his total attention. >> exactly. and when you're doing training and in yor home our your own backyard, you may not need a treat quite this motivating. you may not need a treat at all. but a place with other distractions and people and camera man with lights, you need to make sure you are armed with whatever treats that will motivate your dog because the most important is that he's paying attention to me. >> reporter: so come on out and talk to her. she has a lot of good advice to give. and she said i'm not about breaking the dog's spirit but he needs to listento what i have to say. and speaking of spirits. how about the halloween spirit, that is strong this weekend. and this is alex bowen. there is a dog-tonia and you are hoping the halloween competition. >> we are. we have some excited participants. >> reporter: let's coup up the costume fashion show. >> and this is a 6-year-old terrier and she has a nice lady bug outfit. >> reporter: and it doesn't strict the dog's legs because when your picking out the costume, you need to pick out what they will be comfortable in. >> and that's true. and she has a hook up in the front there. >> reporter: so we'll unhook you. and let's talk about our second podel. >> this isely. she's a 3-year-old chocolate lab and a huge mountaineer fan. so she's sporting her blue and gold today. >> and that's an outfit you could make up out of the closet, you don't have to go to the pet store and buy something. >> you have a couple different examples. kennedy was wearing something store-bought,ely has something from home and our third is something that was made. >> if you're resourceful at home, we have ziek, ziek the circus freak. this fashion show seems to be a little bit of a circus right now. but you guys are giving an award out for different categories. >> we are. sponsors are giving out awards. >> reporter: the awards are most adorable and best couple and funiest. and so come to the mclean community center from 11:00 to 5:00 and check out the community center itself. they have a wonderful theater, lots of different classes and the fall is a busy time. so go to our website and you can find theirs and you might find yourself having a whole lot of fun in the fall time. we go from pets in costume to people in costume. allison has that in studio b. >> and halloween is approaching very quickly and for those of us who haven't figured out what we want to be. and some want to dress up when you take the kids out. we're getting some professional help from andre from jean's halloween costume with some of the coolest and cost friendly costumes out there. and we showed some costumes earlier, i know you can spend whatever you want to, but these in this catalog were like $160. so you brought an alternative and you can get something like this little princess costume that is still hot for $20 at jean's. >> yes. >> and you can rent or buy a costume from jeans. and it's a 10636 connecticut avenue in kinsington, maryland. what is hot this year? >> this year are pirates for kids. and adults, it's a nice family scene. we have lots of harry potter costumes, both for kids and adults. and star wars is always popular. >> an old stand by. >> the newest thing is michael jackson and we do carry some michael jackson things. we didn't bring them today but we do have a hit that has a wig, glasses and a black mask and the glove. sell just the single glove. >> where are these pirates going. we want to stop and see you. so the entire michael jackson outfit. >> and we do have a michael jackson jacket for rent in our rentals. tell us what we're seeing here. >> these are two pirates of the caribbean costumes. there is the captain and the pirate. they sell for $29.95 and the ts are $4.95. amelia has a do rag under there. >> and they are cute. who is next? >> and next we have a ninja. they are also very popular. this is affordable costume. this is $14.95. and we sell lots of ninja accessories as well. >> thank you, ninja. we're moving into the older kids, young adult. >> these are adult costumes. we have the cat in the has which is a one size fits most. slayer is 13 but it fits adults. >> thank you, sawyer. >> and it's a classic piece. >> now the older pirates. >> now we have two adult pirate costumes. tyler has a satin shirt which is $24.95 the hat is $4.95 and the sash is # dollars 95 and we have swords and sabers and eye patches and yucky teeth. livia is wearing a maiden of the sea, it's $59.95. her hat is $14.95. and we have lots of other female pirates as well. >> look at that face. that's a young model right there. all right, thank you so much. so it's really just about what you want to spend. >> right. >> and there is something for everybody. and we have the king of pop. i'm goi to bring it in so we can see how elaborate this is. and i'm not surprised. michael jackson is hot right now. folks reinterred in him and that's the jacket and the famous surgical mask. >> and i think people want to honor him. but the jacket is in rental. we were supposed to get some. we don't know if we'll have them yet, but we do have a lot of jackets log that in rental and losts of costumes in rental here. >> we appreciate you being here with us. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, everybody. and we'll be right back. every single day in aruba is a nice day. i mean how do you people get anything done? you're in a meeting and you say, "the fourth quarter report is -- " "wow, what a nice day." and everyone agrees, and the meeting's over. i mean, how do you do anything? well, it is a nice day. yeah. it is a nice day. there! see?! i have no idea what we were talking about!! oh look, a crab... time for the answer to today's trivia question. the answer is he is a barber. >> tucker barnes. five-day forecast, today beautiful, upper 50s. and beautiful sunshine. enjoy it because it will get cooler. remember the fox is always on >> rachael ray is up next. we'll see you tomorrow. >> rachael: thank you very much! have a seat, guys. so check this out. he was separated

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