Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6am 20141203

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a pregnancy discrimination case against ups. >> the suit involves a former driver who said she was told to take unpaid leave because she couldn't lift heavy packages. delia goncalves is live at the supreme court with details. delia, when is this case actually going to be heard today? >> reporter: the court will resume at 10:00 this morning and that's when they will hear the case. this case certainly has implications across the country and every employer no doubt is saying -- paying close attention. this decision could decide whether or not employers have to offer special accommodations to pregnant employees. now, this all started with a woman who lives in lorton, virginia. her name is peggy young. she's 42 years old and she says when she was pregnant in 2006, ups discriminated against her because she was unable to carry packages more than 20 pounds. you see, she was a driver and drivers were expected to lift packages up to 70 pounds. she says instead of offering her lie duty, the company refused to -- light duty, the company refused to accommodate her, even though she had a doctor's note. now the supreme court is weighing in whether they violated the discrimination act because it gave temporary assignments for injured workers or employees covered by the americans with disabilities act. we talked with peggy young and her attorney some time ago. >> women should not have to choose between their work and having a child. >> a woman working as a cashier and her employer says cashiers can't sit down. she was on her feet eight hours a day and it led to pregnancy complications where she was having early labor and bleeding and going to the emergency room regularly just because she doesn't have a -- didn't have a stool. >> reporter: peggy young has since left ups. she left back in 2009. the shipping company insists they did nothing wrong, did not violate federal law. they have since changed their policy and are offering pregnant employees light duty. back you to in the studio. >> delia, thank you. executives from the takata airbag company are scheduled to testify today on scapt hill. >> so far -- capitol hill. >> so far the company hasn't responded to calls for a nationwide recall. federal officials have placed the company under a midnight deadline. a woman from minnesota was hurt when the takata airbag in the bmw she was driving exploded. the defect has been linked to at least five deaths. >> i just told my husband, i cannot see anything with both my eyes. i'm totally blind. >> the executive -- an executive is expected to testify before a house panel today. the same executive apologized to victims at a senate hearing two weeks ago. new this morning, doctors in boston are treating a patient who may have the ebola virus. >> nikki burdine is live in the newsroom with more details. nikki, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, andrea and nick. the top word search this year was in fact ebol latch no doubt that will continue to be a topic now especially in light of this latest person showing symptoms. doctors in boston say they are treating a person with the virus but they say the patient is in good spirits and in stable condition. the patient arrived at mass general yesterday afternoon around 2:00. the hospital says the patient being treated does meet the center for disease control's criteria having traveled to an area where ebola is present as well as exposure to the disease. they also say the patience is showing symptoms of that virus. the patient has been set up in an area specifically prepared for this instance and general testing is under way but it could be days before we know the rules. doctors said last night in a press conference, this is something they've been preparing for at the hospital for months now. >> it's very important to notice that many, many patients who can meet the definition of a person under investigation may have other diseases that may be much more likely than ebola because of the definition after person under investigation. >> reporter: doctors with mass general say they are confident they can keep all patients, staff and visitors safe. back in october, massachusetts state health officials said several suspected ebola patients were treated there, but the virus was ruled out in each case. back to you. >> nikki, thank you for that update. it is 6:05. as part after plea agreement, a former u.s. senate aide has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulted two women. donny ray williams was staff director for the senate homeland security subcommittee. >> prosecutors say he invited one of the women to his apartment and spiked her drink with am by yen. when she fell asleep, williams raped her. the second woman was assault add month later. >> as part of the plea deal, prosecutors are asking for a suspended prison term and five years of supervised probation. williams would have to register as a sex offender. sentencing is set for march. comedian bill cosby faces new allegations this morning. a california woman claims cosby abused her when she was 15. judith putt has filed a lawsuit in the case. she claims cosby molested her in a bedroom at the playboy mansion in 1974. she claims she suffered emotional distress and just recently realized the impact. the stepfather of michael brown is under investigation this morning in ferguson, missouri. authorities want to know whether he intended to start a riot when he shouted in anger to a crowd of protesters. he is heard on video screaming after the grand jury's decision not to indict officer darren wilson. the violent protests broke out across ferguson later that nye and several buildings and cars were set on fire. the brown family's attorney calls it raw emotion but completely inappropriate. protesters in our area angry over ferguson and race relations across the country staged a march around midnight. police were called to the scene around the 3rd street tunnel a. few dozen demonstrators turned out. officers trailed the group to keep them from disrupting traffic. it's 7 after the hour. two key roads in our region could drive you crazy today. >> plus, local malls are going high-tech to try and draw in more shoppers this holiday season. we'll have that when we return. it is 6:09 on this wednesday morning. it's chilly out there. 30s and 40s but we're above freezing. kind of raw and nasty. still some showers coming through. look at that line right along i- 95 through fredricksburg, d.c. and parts of montgomery and howard counties n. will leave us in the the next hour. we still have a couple of showers here and there today. should be warmer this afternoon into the 50s. back with more doppler and your seven-day forecast coming up at around 6:16. now checking in with beverly farmer and see how the showers are affecting the morning commute. >> reporter: i've certainly got some good news. not so much the showers but the good news in the fact that the gw parkway has been reopened. southbound completely opened. they fixed the pavement. maybe not a good fix but good enough for you to go. southbound gw parkway past 123to spout run. no longer need to detour. if you're traveling on the stretch of east-west highway from connecticut avenue, wisconsin avenue, bethesda, that has been completely reopened from an earlier crash. the good news to deal with there. and the volume building in cheverly, yeah, we see that on 50 and the parkway to go south on kenilworth avenue most of the way down to east capitol street but with lanes open this morning. back to you. you just heard it from beverly. the sinkhole-related traffic nightmares are over on the george washington parkway. >> workers have finished emergency repairs for the most part on a 30-foot sinkhole. it washed away a chunk of road monday night forcing authorities to close the southbound lanes all day yesterday. >> but everything is open this morning. that's good news. drivers in our area could still face some rough sledding on another busy roadway. the national park service is using sharpshooters to reduce the deer population along the rock creek parkway. >> rangers are going to shut down roads to the park to keep the public out while sharpshooters do their work. closings are expected to run through next march. the holiday shopping season is here and more and more of us are enjoying the ease of shopping online right from the comfort of our homes. >> how are they -- [indiscernible] they're breaking out the mobile and online technology to do so to tie and get customers into the store -- try and get customers into stores this holiday season. we have more from tysons corner. >> ho, ho, ho. >> reporter: at the tysons corner mall in virginia, the wait to see santa will be a lot more fun this year. there are games, dancing elves and a machine that knows if you've been naturey or nice. -- naughty or nice. >> you made the nice list. >> i haven't been to anything like this in a number of years but this is definitely i think a better experience because there are things to do. you aren't just standing there bored. >> reporter: santa's interactive workshop is all part of the plan to get customers off their computers and into the mall to shop. >> they first love coming to see santa and it brings santa into the digital age as well. >> reporter: they also offer apps that allow shoppers to make dinner reservations, get discounts and have their packages delivered right to their front door. brook richards uses the app every time she comes to the mall. she gets special offers delivered on her phone and can contact a concierge for package delivery. requests are handled insides the mall's high-tech command center. >> the guest is looking for lunch options. i'm going to recommend some great restaurants. >> reporter: tysons corner and other malls hope this technology and convenience will get shoppers spending in stores instead of online. paula reed, cbs news, mclean, virginia. >> at the tysons mall, visits to see santa at the high-tech headquarters are already up 200% over last year. >> by getting people off the computer to come in. >> and get back on the computer. it's 6:13. here's another look at our question of the morning. a survey finds doing this on a date is the number one way to guarantee there will be no second date. is it a, forget the date's name. hey, ow you -- hey, you. or b, say i love you? or c, flirt with other people? >> susan agrees. she's going with all of the above. how could it not be any of those. >> definitely one of them for sure. we'll have more of your responses and the correct survey answer inova. join the future oftinge is-that's prhealth.e medicine. merry christmas! thanks but this gift, it's kind of half-fast. what's wrong? we still have cable internet, so our uploads are half the speed of our downloads. so i'll be half-fast when i share my photos. and i'll do a half-fast job updating my blog. wait, is everything under this tree half-fast? who wants eggnog? don't settle for half fast cable internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch. uploads as fast as downloads. get this great price online guaranteed for two full years plus $400 back with a 2-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v at 6:16, we are following some breaking news overseas. an american schoolteacher has been stabbed to death at a shopping mall. we're told it happened in a restroom. the woman, a mother of two was 37 years old. her name has not been released but investigators say the suspect was wearing a black robe and full face vail. he had got -- veil. he had gotten into an argument with the woman. the suspect did get away. we'll continue following this throughout the morning. the wife of isis leader al- baghdadi is being held in lob non. the woman and one of his children were stopped while trying to cross from lebanon -- from lebanon from syria. no other details have been made available. the suns offering a $10 million reward for information leading to baghdadi's arrest. classes are canceled at a pair of schools in knoxville, tennessee after a deadly crash involving two school buses. two children and one adult were killed in the crash. 27 other passengers were injured. police say one bus crossed a concrete median striking the second bus flipping it on to its side. new york city mayor bill de blasio is expected to introduce a controversial bill to eliminate all horse-drawn carriages if city streets. it would fulfill a campaign promise to animal rights act vires of the they claim the horses are mistreated and vulnerable to accidents and traffic. the bill would phase out the industry by 2016. unemployed drivers would be offered job training and free permits to operate green taxicabs. federal regulators are reassessing nuclear power plants can withstands earthquakes. they argue public safety demands -- [indiscernible] -- located between los angeles and san francisco. the nuclear regulatory commission and pge have long defended diablo canyon's safety. earlier today japan launch add spacecraft to try and reach an asteroid. just a few weeks ago the european space agency land add spacecraft on a moving comet. japan's rocket will take 18 months to reach the targeted asteroid. once there the plan is to blast out a small crater on the asteroid to collect soil samples samples. >> does the rocket have its own twitter handle? >> it will. >> by the time it reaches the asteroid, it will have twitter and everything else it needs. what do today? >> a coat, raincoat early. tonight a cold front comes our way so enjoy the brief warm-up into the 50s for your wednesday. this morning it is not warm. it's still kind of nasty. 30s and 40s as we look at our temperature maps. 42 in town. we've got mid-30s to upper 30s in many areas. thankfully it's above freezing. if you see elkins in the far west, they're in the 50s so there's warmer air lurking and wanting to come in but we also have some showers that are falling across the i-95 corridor, especially d.c. and points south. in montgomery county and howard and northern prince george's. this is lighter stuff. here in d.c. back into fairfax, down 395 over toward burke, annandale, springfield, we've got showers coming up that way. in toward prince george's, most of the activity along and north of route 50. down along 95, there are the showers. more showers later on. for your day planner, temperatures climbing into the mid, even upper 50s with a spotty shower or two. back in the 40s tonight by 10:00 with 30s by tomorrow morning. the forecast no alerts but we do have a shower or two, 58. 30s tonight. mid-40s tomorrow. blustery thursday with a late shower possible friday but i'm thinking really friday night more like saturday will be a rain day so saturday like the yellow alert day, 50. drying out early sunday. should be okay for the skins home game and a high of 50. itc#'s 6:20. good morning, beverly. >> good morning, howard. the wet pavement, patchy fog out there we'll -- will take some extra time. eastbound lanes of 66, finding the volume making your way into manassas and toward centreville, fair lakes and on in toward vienna. no longer need to detour on the gw parkway. the southbound lanes now completely reopened between 123 and spout run. they've made the emergency repair so that should make a little bit of an easier commute for folks this morning. beltway out of college park, west into silver spring, yes, you have the volume heading west colesville road getting past georgia avenue with lanes open there and downtown anacostia river routes all building volume. lanes open as you make your way into southwest on the freeway. thanks for joining us. wusa9 news will continue this wednesday morning as a toddler, i enjoy three activities. breaking things... spilling things... and just general destruction, in the abstract sense. so i, for one, am not a big fan of nest. you see, the dropcam is always watching... even when my folks are in another room. i rue the day that this product was invented. but i'm not 100% sure what rue means. nest dropcam. welcome to a more thoughtful at 6:24 in case you missed it, leaders from all four major sports leagues went to capitol hill to testify about domestic violence in professional sports. >> as mark albert tells us, the senate hearing focused on whether leagues are doing enough to deter violent acts and punish players who commit domestic violence. >> reporter: top executives from the n.f.l. , nba, nhl and major republican baseball faced questions about when -- major league baseball faced questions about what to do to stop domestic violence. >> they have done little to hold those who commit this crime accountable. >> reporter: this video of former baltimore ravens player ray rice put the spotlight on domestic violence. >> as a father of to daughters, i found the graphic security camera footage of running back ray rice and his then fiance to be sickening. >> reporter: former n.f.l. player troy vincent now works for the league and says it was initially too lenient on rice. for him the issue is personal. >> domestic violence was a way of life for my home growing up. i relate to the 20 million victims, survivors of dom most i violence. >> reporter: all four leagues say they're changing policies, including education for players. >> major league baseball is a social institution and as our national past time, has an obligation to set a positive example. >> reporter: kim gandy is president of the national network to end domestic violence. >> the high profile cases mean that more people are coming forward and the bad news is we don't have the resources to serve all of them. >> reporter: her group is pushing congress to quadruple funding to the family violence and prevention services act. mark albert for cbs news, capitol hill. >> the national domestic violence hot line says call volume to its hot line doubled in the days following the release of the ray rice video. >> three months later it's still nearly 50% higher than it was prior to that. a new system is being developed to protect military drones from enemy hackers. wnew radio reports the hacking is an urgent issue for the pentagon. >> researchers from the university of virginia and the georgia institute of technology have created a system to keep hackers from taking control of drones. scientists simulatednt attempts on attacking several drones and they were successful at maintaining control. there could be a partial shutdown of the federal government next week. that's because the government will run out of money on december 11 unless congress reaches a deal on a spending plan. republicans are said to be working on a strategy to prevent a shutdown from happening. no social security for nazis. that's the name after house bill aimed at cutting off benefits for a handful of nazis still receiving sz benefit -- social security benefits. the house has approved new legislation to stop the practice. texas republican sam johnson who was a pow during the vietnam war is the lead sponsor of the bill. the council has okayed a plan which allows workers to discuss their salaries without fear of retaliation. it's part of a move for what supporters call wage transparency. >> president obama has signed to executive orders this year to address the issue. the orders are an attempt to encourage the private sector to raise pay for women and avoid costly lawsuits over paid disparity. -- pay disparity. plans to build a new soccer stadium in the district are one step closer to reality this morning. that's because the city council has approved plans to buy property for the stadium at buzzard point. but there could still be some hitches. the plan could involve the use of imminent domain if the current owners don't agree on a sale price. the cost of building a new stadium could reach $200 million. it is 6:27. let take a live look outside n. is at the airport -- outside. this is at the airport. the rain has stopped for the most part but that cool december air remains. let's see if allyson rae is rocking the umbrella out there. >> indeed she is. >> i wasn't going to use it and then it started to come down a little stronger here at our station. you are probably going to need the umbrella for the morning hours but not all day. we are going to see some showers kind of go in and out for the rest of the afternoon. take a look at our radar. just this light showers pushing through the district. you can see the back end of that through tysons corner. it's cold out here. we are looking at temperatures in the 40s. feels about 36 degrees. those winds out of south, that's going to help warm us up a little bit today into the 50s. there is a good sign for this afternoon. let's go to beverly with traffic. >> reporter: checking out the ride for southbound 270 travelers, allyson. everybody dealing with some wet pavement, patchy fog out there. but southbound lanes of 270, it's been the volume heading south of frederick, urbana, getting past the truck scales in hyattstown. lanes are open as you make the trip from germantown, gaithersburg, rockville. no worries for you. beltway south of town the wilson bridge, volume starting to build on the outer loop of oxon hill. lanes open across the bridge into alexandria. toward andrews, no early problems. no problems for virginia 95 heading up out of woodbridge into newington, 395 loading up through landmark. the george washington parkway, no worries. southbound lanes completely open now south of 123. back to you. >> thank you. today the supreme court will debate the rights of pregnant women in the workplace. the focus of today's arguments will center around a pregnancy discrimination case which was filed against ups. >> the suit involves a former driver who said she was told to take unpaid leave because she could not lift heavy packages. delia goncalves has been looking at this all morning long. she joins us live from the supreme court. delia, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the court will begin hearing arguments on this case at 10:00 a.m. there is already a long line of folks waiting in the rain to get inside. there is one woman at the center of this case. her name is peggy young. she's a mom from lorton, virginia. she used to be a driver for ups and she says when she became pregnant in 2006, the company treated her unfairly. that's because she could not carry packages more than 20 pounds. drivers are typically expected to lift packages up to 70 pounds. she says instead of offering her light duty, the shipping company refused to accommodate her, even though she had a doctor's note and she was forced to take unpaid leave. the court is now weighing whether the company's actions violated the federal pregnancy discrimination act because it gave temporary assignments to injured workers or employees covered by the americans with disabilities act. she left in 2009. even though shipping company insists they did not violate the law, they have changed its policy now offering preg nancy women -- pregnant women light duty. >> delia, thank you. president obama will host a private meeting today with the incoming senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. >> it's set for this afternoon in the oval office. the meeting will be the first one on one since republicans won control of the senate in november. a manual accused of being a police im-- man accused of being a police impersonator is under arrest this morning in the district. >> detectives say the man was dressed as an officer and carried a weapon along with other police equipment. the suspect's name has not been released but he was arrested around the same time as protesters were marching downtown. students in three ferguson, missouri area high schools walked out of class this week in protest of the grand jury's decision in the michael brown case. >> meanwhile students around the country are weighing in on the case, including these criminal justice students at rutgers university. kyle reardon hopes to become a police officer. >> there's already a distrust. when you add a racial component, it's like it's never going to work in that area. >> missouri's governor called up about 2200 members of the national guard to help keep the peace after the grand jury decision. the extra guard members are expected to return to normal duty today. it's 6:32. a person is being treated at mass general hospital in boston with a suspected case of ebola virus. >> the hospital says the patient meets the cdc criteria having traveled to an area where ebola is present. now that patient is showing some potential symptoms of the virus. nikki burdine joins us from the newsroom with more. nikki, good morning. >> reporter: that's right. we don't have any specific details about the patience, but doctors say they are in good spirits and in stable condition. the patient was admitted to mass general hospital yesterday afternoon. doctors said in a press conference the patient does meet criteria set by the cdc of having traveled to an area where ebola is present although we don't know where that is. doctors also said the patient is showing symptoms of the virus. they are being treated in an area specially prepared for this. doctors also say the patience was already being monitored by the boston public health commission. back in october several suspected ebola patients were treated in massachusetts but the virus was ruled out. doctors last night said they are prepared no matter the outcome. >> we ear valuating a patient who meets that person under investigation diagnosis, but again this absolutely does not mean the person may or may not have ebola. it certainly just means we're expecting and that we're very, very confident we can keep all of our patients, our staff, our visitors safe. >> testing is still under way but doctors say it could be days before we know for sure if this person has the deadly virus. if it is confirmed, this person has ebola, he or she could be moved to be treated at one of 35 facilities throughout the u.s. several of which are right here in the d.c. area. back to you. >> nikki, thank you. turning our attention now to maryland. the incoming governor larry hogan says the fee for storm water is one he would like to get rid. he says changes are possible. there is a new push to increase the minute mum wage in v.a. -- minimum wage in virginia. [ inaudible ] right now extra v.a.'s minimum wage is $-- virginia's minimum wage is $7.12k5 an hour. -- $7.25 an hour. wusa9 and d.c. jobs wants to get you hired. the psychiatric institute of washington is hiring a nurse practitioner. this is a full-time position requiring more than five years experience. find out more at we want to congratulate today's facebook fan of the day. kim barnes-ohanwe from riverdale. kim says as a transplant from way up north to this area from baltimore. i lover the way the news and weather are presented. it gets me up if my slumber. >> now we want you to become our next facebook fan of the day. this week's winners each get a pair of tickets to see five guys named moe at arena stage. you can go to our facebook page and fill out the entire form, including a photo. new dove body wash with at one breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. new and improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils, purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. new and improved i can't believe it's not butter. it's time to believe. 6:38 on this still damp and cold wednesday morning. temps now in the 30s and 40s. we've got a few showers coming through. our forecast today does call for some milder temperatures this afternoon. mid- to upper 50s. might even flirt with 60 toward fredricksburg. still could see a passing shower during the day. looks like we have another shot of cold air coming for tomorrow. more on that coming up in about seven minutes. beverly farmer, are we moving or not on the roads? >> we're moving slow. southbound lanes of 270, that's not too unusual, especially in the rain. the volume as you try to make your way south out of frederick county headed for hyattstown. caution for northbound travelers. there is report of a crash on 270 northbound between 121 and 109 near the scale house. you may see the impact in each direction there. check out the trip for the 301- 5 corridor. heavy rain coming out of waldorf and into brandywine headed for clinton but no accidents to report from police. 66 volume delays heading into fair oaks and into vienna. then again slow in falls church where the lanes are open. nick, back to you. topping today's your money segment, a recent cyberattack at sony pictures. hackers appear to have stolen data on thousands of sony employees including salary information and social security numbers. that's according to the cybersecurity blog which cited multiple sources. the fbi has confirmed it's investigating the hack attack at sony which caused major internal computer problems last week. black friday may have been a bust for retailers but early indications suggest cyber monday was not wal-mart -- [indiscernible] the retailer has been promoting hundreds of items as part of its week-long cybersale. a new promotion from sprint is trying to lure competitors' customers. beginning friday sprint will match the data allowance of a customer's current plan for half the price. the carrier will pay up to $350 for an early termination fee. the event comes as sprint has faced subscriber losses and seen its stock price you can in half this year. they are doing whatever it takes, throw in the kitchen sink. >> whatever it takes. the wonder years was popular, an award winning sitcom which appeared 188 -- 1988 to 1983. it chronicled a boy through school. >> stephanie ramirez tess us it's be -- tells us it's being remembered in a big way right here in our nation's capital. >> reporter: remember this song senate smithsonian national mao seem of american history got a little help from the cast of the wonder years. the actors who played kevin arnold, wayne arnold and paul piper here to donate some of their most prized possessions from the show to the museum. >> it's completely overwhelming to know that this stuff is going to be here. >> reporter: fred savage's mother joking about holding on to the jacket. >> thank you for turn manager he from a hoarder overnight into a preserver of national treasures. >> reporter: and the crew got to share more about their work behind the scenes of one of america's most iconic tv series. remembering moments like win any and kevin's first kiss. >> about five minutes before the scene, fred was in my dressing room asking for advice because it really was their first kiss. >> it was in front after crew like 120 people and their mothers were up on top watching. >> reporter: but it was these moments depicted that viewers fell in love with and the museum curator felt it should be preserved. >> i liked the realness of it all. it was very much like a friend. >> it's truly a wonderful example of integrity in network television programming. >> this is one of the coolest things i've ever been a part of. >> reporter: items donated today won't go on display just yet. the museum is working on a special pop culture exhibit they hope will open in a few years. here at the smithsonian, stephanie ramirez, wusa9. >> some of the donated items were almost lost. >> josh who played paul said he lost a great deal of his items to superstorm sandy. some was actually able to be salvaged and donated. >> it's incredible they would keep all of that, like his mom said. not a hoarder anymore. time to answer the question of the morning. a survey finds doing this on a first date is the number one way to guarantee there will be no second date. is it a, folk the date's name, b, say i love you, or c, flirt with other people? >> our facebook friend susan is going with b. you love me after one date? susan says uh, creepy. >> that's what we thought but guess what? the answer a, forget the day's name. >> apparently that's lights out on that date. on that date. >> nice meeting you, whatever ♪i want it all! ♪and i want it now! your toys want more. they need more. so get more guaranteed from verizon fios. including your favorite movie channels, blazing fast internet and $400 back. good morng. time to see what cbs this morning is covering. >> gayle king joins us. good morning, partner. >> good to see you. hello part near, nick. good to see -- partner, nick. good to see you too. we have a closer look at ashton carter. and saudi women define the law to dry. and the cofounder of paypal is in studio 57. he's back with a new product that he says could replace the credit card. what's he talking about? news is back in the morning. we'll seyou at 7:00. andrea, back to you. you drive, don't you? >> i drive? >> yeah. >> yeah. oh, i drive. >> i know. i'm thinking about the women in saudi arabia that can't drive. i can't imagine what that would be like not being able to get in the car and drive. that's what i meant. >> yeah, i drive. all right, gayle. i'm back. >> earth to andrea. >> all right. >> we'll see you at 7:00. >> gayle, have a good morning. >> real you back in-- >> reel you back in. >> that is an amazing story, that driving can be seen as something that is revolutionary. >> different cultures. hopefully we'll all get on the same page, soon. >> the way you forecast is revolutionary, howard bernstein. >> wow. hey, weather wise, let's get to radar this morning. something is in the air here. we'll get you doppler because we have some rain that is falling across parts ever the region. a line of showers crossing i-95 along and east of it basically now. if you're on 95 west, you're quieting down. still can't rule out a shower here or there later today but heavier showers coming through now pushing through d.c. you see them mainly through most of montgomery county into howard. prince george's, you're looking rather wet. back to bowie back to the beltway there. in clinton toward piscataway and accokeek, more moderate showers on 210 coming toward the 301 corridor. so brandywine get ready. andrews, get ready for the heavier shower. western charles county, this is going to approach the 301 corridor. so la plata and down in toward virginia, dahlgren, colonial beach, port royal all seeing that headed toward st. mary's and cal vempt. then we get a -- calvert. then we get a break. 30s and low 40s but 50s in elkin. we're expecting the warmer air returning here a little later. outside we have low clouds on our michael & son weather camera. low to mid-50s by early afternoon. potentially 58 with a break or two in the cloud cover. southwesterly winds today will turn northwesterly tonight behind a front. temperatures are going to drop once again. today 58. we're -- i'm going to keep my fingers crossed on that one. an isolated shower. 34 tonight. it gets cold. tomorrow mid possibly upper 40s. mix of sun and clouds, blustery. wind chills closer to 40. 48 on friday. a late shower possible but it really looks like it's going to hold off till friday night and saturday. so saturday looks wet. likely a yellow alert day, 50. sunday drying out after maybe an early shower but decent for the skins game 50. then on monday still looks okay, dry, and 54 before we get colder again on tuesday. 6:49. hey, bev, what's happening? >> reporter: had a vehicle broken down in your path northbound on 395 getting up past edsall road, howard. but vdot managed to move it over to the right shoulder. northbound out of springfield still going to cost you time to get past edsall. there are separate delays in landmark and getting to the inbound 14th street bridge. a lot of areas dealing with dense fog. you have to allow extra time for that inbound lanes of route 50 heading past 202 cheverly. you'll be on the brakes to get to kenilworth. the outer loop of the beltway from college park west getting past colesville and around to georgia avenue, crews went to look northbound 270 right near the scale house between 121 and 109 for the crash. southbound it's already been slow with the volume through there and, yes, the gw parkway southbound reopened south of 123. thanks for joining wusa9 this wednesday morning. we'll be right back with more. . at 6:52, here's a look at some of the things in the news right now. the senior executive of takata is said to testify on capitol hill today. it's still unclear whether the company will comply with u.s. demands to expand the recall of its defective airbags. takata has now ignored a midnight deadline by regulators calling for a nationwide recall. >> reporter: a midnight deadline for takata to expand a recall of its defective airbags nationwide has now passed with no move by the company. the u.s. government is demanding the japanese auto parts maker take its recall nationwide after the airbags were found to explode sending metal pieces flying through vehicles. >> i went through a living hell. >> reporter: she was injured when the takata airbag in the 2002 bmw she was riding in exploded last year. >> i just told my husband, i said i cannot see anything with both my eyes. i'm totally blind. >> reporter: the defect had been linked to at least five deaths. takata says expanding the recall could take resources away from fixing airbags in high humidity states where the company believes more explosions are likely. today a house panel will hear from a takata executive as well as several u.s. automakers about the need for a nationwide recall. two weeks ago at a senate hearing, the same company executive apologized to victims. >> our sincerest condolences go out to all those who have suffered in these accidents and to their families. >> reporter: in a statement yesterday, takata's ceo outlined steps the company will take immediately, including forming a panel to investigate its manufacturing process. federal regulators are now exploring their next steps including fines and legal action. susan mcginnis, cbs news, washington. glz. >> takata stands by its position that automakers should be the ones to issue a recall. so far 14 million vehicles have been recalled worldwide. >> in fact, seven automakers now beginning their own investigation into that deadly defect. the pentagon's former number two ashton carter is a leading candidate to be president obama's pick to succeed chuck hagel as secretary of defense. yesterday we learned department of homeland security secretary jay johnson is no longer being considered for the job. the obama administration confirms carter is on the president's short list. out west drought stricken california is getting pounded by a powerful pacific storm. by the time it ends later today, as much as 6 inches may fall in parts of southern california. dozens of homes have been evacuated amid concerns about possible mud slides in areas stripped bare by wildfires. the rockefeller center christmas tree lighting ceremony takes place tonight in new york city. it will be broadcast live on nbc. mariah carey, darius rucker and the rockets are scheduled to perform. the tradition dates back to the great depression. hundreds of thousands of people visit the tree every year and it will be on display until january 7. howard? cool and damp this morning, 30s and 40s. we'll be in the 50s this afternoon. mid- to upper 50s. a break or two, still a stray shower. blustery tomorrow. mainly dry friday but chilly and wet on saturday. drier on sunday. beverly? >> reporter: between the fog and wet pavement, your ride right now heading southbound, going to find delays getting into germantown but with lanes open. 395 northbound, a broken down vehicle out of the way and on the shoulder. back to you. cbs this morning is next. eating your way to a longer life from healthy fats to fruits, even wine. >> now we're talking. new evidence that a mediterranean diet could have far-reaching health benefits. >> bev and i will be back in 25 with another update with traffic and weather to keep you safe. >> get your news, weather and traffic 24 hours a day on the wusa9 app. >> howard and i will see you at noon. the olive oil part of the mediterranean diet. >> a little vino. that's the words we're going to leave you with here today, life lessons, including a mediterranean diet. that's coming up on cbs this morning. >> cheers. >> have a great day. >> we'll see you later. be a weekender and book weekeyour stay at hampton. good morning. it is wednesday, december 3rd, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." relebltless rain causes mudslides while the midwest faces winter. cosby and the playboy mansion. and holly williams goes inside saudi arabia with women and driving. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> we're going to ride that situation out. that could be for a year or two or literal. >> dangerous rain drenches calirn

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