who responded first to call and treated two of the victims before ambulance personnel arrived and taken to the hospital. >> a third victim was able to make his way up street and down barry to intersection of barry avenue to a mcdonald's restaurant where he was found and taken to a hospital as well. all three of the victims are in serious condition, two of them with life-threatening injuries. cob servers close to the investigation say that all three persons involved have maryland i.d.s. apparently, by one of the two persons -- in the struggle the third person was shot as well. paloos are looking for the third shooter. no connection to the 930 club other than the off-duty police officers were the first to respond, police looking for the one shooter as three men are in the hospital in serious condition in a drug deal gone bad. back to you. >> reporter: you mentioned the off-duty cops got there quickly. obviously that cut down on the response time. >> no question about. that jim graham was here, impressed by fact that the off- duty officers were able to respond. the response time may have helped people survive the shooting. lord knows how long it would have taken had they not been here. we thank you for that. only on 9, a local teenager recounts his terrible ordeal after robbers broke into his home, held him at gunpoint and tied him up. the home invasion robbery unfolded yesterday in a quite neighborhood. tonight andrea mckaren spoke to the brave 16-year-old who lived to tell the tale. >> look closely at this face. police say the suspect was armed with a handgun, wore white gloves and old black work boots splattered with paint and demanded money. his 16-year-old victim is still too traumatized to show his face. >> say, "we have your mom, and that's when i really got scared, because, like, my mom and my dad are the only people i have in my life right now. >> reporter: not only did the suspect and accomplice falsely claim to have abducted the boy's mother; they threatened him at gunpoint and bound his hands and feet. >> they said, "we're treating you as a gentleman and treating your mom with respect. >> reporter: the teenager came home from school to this quiet neighborhood tuesday afternoon and answered a knock at the door. >> [ knocking at door ]. >> certainly a frightening situation. i can't imagine being home alone. alone. then you get a knock on the door. >> they knew my mom's name, my name and my dad's name, and they told me, like, "we know everything about you." >> reporter: police believe this was not a random act, that the boy's family was somehow targeted. even so, neighbors find the case unnerving. >> i certainly hope they catch this person. i certainly hope it's an isolated incident, and i certainly hope they're not concentrating just on this neighborhood. >> reporter: police are looking for the gunman, believed to be 25 to 30 years old; 5, 8; 5, 9, 230 pounds. they are also searching for his accomplice. 0 news now. a missing 12-year-old girl from dc is safe tonight after police rescued her from a motel room in laurel. now the 42-year-old man she was with is charged with human trafficking for allegedly turning that young girl into a prostitute in two states and the district of columbia. anne arundel county police say the girl had been reported missing from d.c. since may. they said she met up with durham daniel smith while working the streets. >> the suspect went into an area in washington, d.c., a known prostitution area, where it was believed she was working at. he picked her up, and she willingly went initially. >> according to court documents after the pair had sex, smith took her to atlanta, new jersey, where she was sold for sex to eight men for about 300 bucks total. the pair then returned to d.c. around monday. after getting a tip, police found her at the motel. when smith got back to the room, the officers arrested him. you see a panhandler at the shopping center; you give him a little change. you see a panhandler who's only 12 years old, and you do something about it. marry fresno called the cops. she manages the dump-free shopping center in northern virginia, an she says she couldn't let it go on, the 12- year-old boy out there err day offering to wash windows or carry groceries, because he was desperate for money to buy food. >> we were worrying he was going to molest him. he's a 12-year-old boy, a little kid. he's never been to school. >> all he wanted -- >> food. he's hungry. >> at the boy's home, police found his three brothers, 14, 16 and 17 years old. we're told the home had no electricity or running water. officers arrested the mother, charged with neglect. it's been one year, and still no police report involved in the shooting death of a 24- year-old in d.c.'s trinidad neighborhood. tre joiner died after a police officer shot and killed him. the officer, along with four other cops were in plain clothes, and they were patrolling the neighborhood as part of an fbi task force called safe streets. they reported receiving a call about a man with a gun when they found joiner; and what happened after that is still in question. >> i feel as though, that if it had happened in another area in washington, d.c., like du pont circle or upper northwest, i believe that the investigation wouldn't have been over with. >> witnesses say police shot him in the back as he tried to run away; but park police claim joiner pointed his gun at the officers. five government entities so far have been handling the investigation since the shooting happened. fifty one days since the disaster in the gulf began, people have stopped asking for answers; now they are demanding them. >> they need some oversight, and someone to come in and take over this situation. they're not doing their job. >> gulf coast fishermen, businesses and property owners who filed damage claims with bp say they're on the verge of going under, and they complain excessive paperwork and skimpy payments from bp are not helping. meanwhile the oil giant says, by early next week a second pipe will funnel oil to a mobile rig, which will burn it. bp says its oil collection could spike to 28,000 barrels a day. well, chances are, we adults will be living with the effects of the gulf disaster the rest of our lives; but our kids will have to grow up with the mess. a teacher in alexandria is letting her students do some venting about that. >> fishermen can't fish anymore. and then they can't make a living. >> birds that die because the oil suffocates their skin, and i think it's really sad, because i love a lot of animals. >> and those are just some of the concerns from the fourth grade class at hayfield elementary, and the teacher is not letting it end there. these students are also writing letters to bp with those concerns and a few of their ideas on how to clean up this mess. >> they want to give us a plaque and a wreath and go out to lunch. doesn't bring my sister back. new yes nearly a year after that tragic metro crash. here emotional reaction from the family of the victim. >> the husband. >> it's your husband? >> yes. >> you're calling 911 to get a husband. >> talk about your drunk dialing. a woman calls 911 while drinking and asks for dating help? . also ahead, life saving underwear. see how it works by monitoring your health. >> the showers are over. we'll take you out with your wake-up weather, and temperatures actually pretty reasonable. winds picking up westerly at 10 to 15, and partly cloudy skies. we'll come back and tell you what the west wind means for the rest of the day and make some more changes to the weekend. stay tuned. tonight on an all-new late show, dave has got the a team's bradley cooper, chloe and courtney kardashian and music from christina aguilera. wñññçy complain this is just an after-thought. >> it's a shame. me and my grandbabies are suffer sgrg many families plan to be on this bridge over new hampshire avenue for a memorial service honoring those killed on metro a year earlier. >> we're going to let go of 12 doves, and the reason for letting go of the 12 doves is to let her go. >> reporter: veronica dubois's family says they have been planing the ceremony for several months; but this morning they were contacted by metro about different plans. >> i think that we should have been contacted months in advance. i think that we should have been able to have a say in this, not them dictating to us what they want us to do. >> they want us to come and give us a reef and take us out to a luncheon. >> reporter: they believe metro's plans an afterthought. >> yes. i think they're trying to save face. >> reporter: kenneth hawkins believes the metro has left families out of the loop because of on going lawsuits, but wishes he could have a say in how his brother is honored. >> an empty train draped in black from the site into the station. >> reporter: we contacted metro about their plans for the one- year anniversary, but they would not comment. dubois's family says the best way to honor victims is to make metro safe for others. >> instead of buying a plaque, put the money into the train. that's what i think. >> tomorrow a proposal is going before the board to establish a permanent bronze plaque inside the station. it will include the names of the victims. derek? well, the fbi is carrying out a sting operation against murder suspectior ran van der sloot when he killed a woman in peru. agents were trying to build a case against the man for the murder of natalie holloway. the alabama teenager disappeared while celebrating her high-school graduation in aruba back in 2005. they said van der sloot tried to extort money from natalie holloway's mom. two undercover agents paid him $25,000 for information on the location of her body. the dutchman is now accused of killing a woman in his lima hotel room. nations from around the world ordered new sanctions against iran for its nuclear program. several countries, including the united states, believe iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. the sanctions ban iran from building systems capable of delivering nuclear weapons. it prohibits the government from buying heavy weapons, including attack helicopters. >> this resolution will put in place the toughest sanctions. >> iran claims it's only trying to develop nuclear energy and insists there's no basis for the new sanctions. the corruption trial for rob blagojevich is underway. the former illinois governor is accused of trying to sell the senate seat barack obama gave up after being elect. today he told a crowd of reporters, he is eager for the evidence to come out. >> the government has hidden behind their lies about court action, ceiling evidence and keeping it in a lockbox and preventing it from being heard to show what i said is true. >> blagojevich's former chief of staff took the stand today. he testified blagojevich talked about how they could make money from the state actions. monk has pled guilty in the case and is testifying in hopes of getting a lighter sentence. well, there's new insight tonight into the ben roethlisberger investigation. investigators released more than 50 audio and video interviews stemming from their probe into allegations that roethlisberger sexually assaulted a college student in a small georgia town. the alleged victim says the pittsburgh steelers quarterback followed her into a bathroom during a night of heavy drinking and partying. >> i got up, and i, like, went to the first drawer that i saw, which happened to be, like, a bathroom, and he, like, followed me in and shut the door. that's when he proceeded to have sex with me. the whole time i said, "no, we don't need to do this. this isn't okay." >> prosecutors dropped the case against roethlisberger. however, he did receive a six- game suspension from the national football league. taking a quick look at news from across the nation, in utah larry king's wife is recovering after an apparent prescription drug overdose last month. shawn king's father called 911 after finding finding the 50- year-old in her bed and unresponsive. the couple filed for divorce back in april; but a spokesperson says their marriage is still together. in south carolina, two people are amazingly somehow alive after this violently crash. state troopers say a semitruck got too close to a car that caused the vehicle to get caught in the back axle and pulled under the trailer. the 18-wheeler pulled the car for more than 200 feet. the victim suffered some cuts and bruises, but that's about it. >> i need a husband. >> you need to get a husband? >> yes. >> you're calling 911 to get a husband. >> yeah. talking about looking for love in all the wrong places. ohio, a woman calls 911 pleading for help to find a husband. well, the police showed up, but they were not there to help. they arrested her. she went behind bars for three days. turns out the woman admits maybe she had had a few beverages the night she made that call. we call that drunk dialing. up now, underwear, the next generation developed by a guy named wang, an, no, we were not making that up. professor joseph wang has created underwear that actually might save your life. though it's a little tighty whity kind of thing, for folks at home, the soldier is out on the battlefield. san diego engineer is the first to use screen printing technology to print chemical sensors directly on to fabric. now the sensors can measure your blood pressure, heart rate and other vital signs. >> one moment it's white -- any stroke, potential stroke, diabetic changes and other changes relate to any medical scenario. >> not sure exactly what he said there. but it's still in development, and tests show the medical sensors can handle the everyday wear and tear, an we all know the very important washing of underwear. an all new david letterman is on after 9 news now. >> they say it's going to take forever to clean this mess up, even longer than to clean up lindsey lohan! that was bad. >> tonight actor bradley cooper will be there with musical guest christina aguilera. the showers are out of here, and a pretty strong finish to the week. the weekend still up in the air. >> a little breezy tomorrow. >> breezy tomorrow, but not a humid breeze. here's your forecast. the next three days out of the gate, sunshine, yes, breezy yes. high temperatures upper 80s, low 80s on friday. a spectacular lower humidity, sunshine and, of course, to celebrate fairfax began at 6 p.m. what a great night to check it out. and then, saturday, a shower or thunderstorm late. temps on saturday generally in the upper 80s. so that's a good deal. we are looking at overnight partial clearing and mild, low temperature 65 to 70, winds westerly at 10 to 15, so all of the showers are gone. now tomorrow morning, partly cloudy, breezy and mild. a great start. 60s and 70s, winds westerly 10 to 15. by afternoon, it will go more west, northwesterly. it will be 85 to 90, partly cloudy, breezy and warm not humid. >> satellite and radar picture combined. we see that the showers associated with the front are now south of us or east of us -- we're still in good shape. still big storms to the south. they will be interested to the south of us, and mainly showers and storms going north or south of us. we had light showers and light rain. the high occurred an hour ago, 76 at nashville, 10:00. high temperatures tomorrow near 90 springfield, 89 arlington, 87 buoy. everybody in the upper 80s, 89 or 88 up toward fairfax, toward store -- zone forecast, sunshine for the mountains, for the coast, in the 70s in oakland, a great day, about 81 or so encumbered for sunshine. down a little further south, okay, you might hit 90 in culpepper, but leesburg and warren and manassas will stay in the 80s. downtown upper 80s, upper 80s in baltimore, down to the south into waldorf and huesville and down to leonardtown and hollywood. on the bay, 86 for annapolis. s of the bay under an advisory for tomorrow. next 7 days, upper 80s tomorrow, warm, not humid. spectacular on friday, 83 great. celebrate fairfax saturday and sunday. two days, warmer on saturday, maybe a thunderstorm. a better chance of storms on saturday. back up to 91, and on flag day, temps at 90 with more storms. the second front should clear us out on tuesday and wednesday with highs in the mid 80s. live out there friday evening and see you saturday at noon. >> soil see you, too, tom. now, i hear there is a rumor that they have to play professional baseball even with the guy with a rocket on his arm is not throwing. >> that is the one shame of steven strasburg. what are they going to do with the four days in between? how long will the afterglow last for the gnats? trying to keep the mo joe going tonight with the kids on the sidelines. that will help. plus the ball boy who committed the cardinal sin. his crime and punishment next. it's time for 9 sport with brad haber, the best sports in town. >> the old saying in show business is you don't ever want to follow a cute kid or an animal act. for does it seem you want to follow john strasburg, what john landon had to do tonight in what would be the textbook definition of a tough act to follow. just like he did for strasburg last night, adam dunn giving landon a big piece of support. a two-run crush job in the 1st, 2-0 gnats. landon in trouble in the third. he punches it into center. he beats the throw home, an the bucs now lead 3-2; put in the tied at 5, franchise ryan zimmerman off the pitcher, christian guzman scores here, the save for matt taft, and the gnats win 7-5. as for the afterglow from strasburg's disabu, you knew it was taking on a life of its own when harry reid and mitch mcconnell opened debate by talking about strasburg's fastball. as for the kid himself announcing his arrival with the 14 strikeouts and a national lovefest in the hours that followed he took a jog this afternoon and admitted that his television viewing habits won't ever be the same. >> i used to watch sports center all the time, and now there's just too much to watch. so, you know, i've been trying to find new channels to watch. just want to go out there and worry about why can't control and excuse pitches. >> too much news about himself. >> the o's hosting the yankees, tied at 2 in the. jorge pay sad the rolls into the double play. not exactly. cesar yanks the relay. falls 4-2. the os have dropped 12 of 1. the redskins continue to corner market on 30 something receivers. the team signing mike furry. the 33-year-old -- the 33-year- old former brown and lion has also been a starter at safety. for all the brash and distasteful fans of philly have done over the years they got a taste of their own medicine from the people of chicago in the finals. chris pronger has been the target of chicago's ire, including this poster. check the thing out so they can see. yes, they've got him wearing a skirt and calling him chrissy. game 0 tonight went into overtime, tied at 3, and 4 minutes in, patrick cane, 5 holes, a sharp angle; and for the first time in 49 years, the black hawks hoist the stanley cup. they win the series 4 games to 2, and christy pronger gets the last laugh on philly. finally we have the little brother, hershey's game for al championship. john carlson who played 29 games for the cats this year puts hershey ahead. finally in toronto, the ball boy's nightmare. he steals a spare ball in left field. that's the cardinal sin. watch the umpire meet tout swift justice, takes his fwlov away. watch him give it to the police officer on the sideline, and then they wrap up the ball boy in yellow crime scene tape to keep him from committing the crime again. >> some things just have to be punished. >> we'll be right back. woman: my husband is very much a meat and potatoes guy, and i'm kind of the healthy one. i like to eat as healthy as i can, and i like to know that i'm serving good food. when it comes to shopping, it is an art of 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Leonardtown ,Maryland ,United States ,Alabama ,Alexandria ,Al Iskandariyah ,Egypt ,Fresno ,California ,Oakland ,Iran ,Atlanta ,Georgia ,Illinois ,Springfield ,San Diego ,Virginia ,Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,New Jersey ,Leesburg ,Netherlands ,South Carolina ,Aruba ,Hollywood ,Lima ,Peru ,Ohio ,Howard University Hospital ,Chicago ,Utah ,Baltimore ,Anne Arundel County ,Dutchman ,Jim Graham ,Natalie Holloway ,Veronica Dubois ,Christian Guzman ,Shawn King ,Kenneth Hawkins ,Adam Dunn ,John Landon ,Harry Reid ,Durham Daniel Smith ,David Letterman ,Lindsey Lohan ,Matt Taft ,Barack Obama ,Smo Joe ,John Strasburg ,Steven Strasburg ,Larry King ,Christina Aguilera ,John Carlson ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Bradley Cooper ,Ryan Zimmerman ,Courtney Kardashian ,Joseph Wang ,

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