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plane flew over kansas. let's go to chief meteorologist topper shutt. >> there were a line of storms across i70. we'll go to titan 9,000 and we had reports of wind gusts up to 70 miles an hour from these storms from kansas city all the way across to western kansas and in the foot hills to denver. can you see the storms right there along the enter cess and that was the cause -- interstate and that was the cause of the problems. planes can fly 30-40,000 feet but they can't fly over the storms that may be 55,000 feet. and when they go around them, they have some turbulence. they are quieting down now and all ends well that ends well. anita, back to you. >> lrts, topper. she was -- all right, topper. she was 45 years old and spent her life cultivating her expertise and love for beauty. >> but tonight police are investigating an ugly death. her body found in northwest dc yesterday morning. brittany morehouse just spoke with officers. she joins us live with the latest on what they had to say. >> reporter: derek and anita, i can tell you they do have a suspect in custody. first i want to show you this is the 300-block of fair street northwest. that's where her body was found yesterday morning around 7:30. police won't say whether she was found in the car or on the road. we do know it's very far from her montgomery county home where relatives reported her missing around 3:30 in the morning yesterday. that was after she was last seen around 7:00 p.m., so sometime killed after sunday. now, azid niemi is a world re found art collector. she has a website up saying she works in hollywood, travels with -- studied in london, italy. police believe she was killed in montgomery county. how do they know that? let's get to the suspect in custody. they say they've been talking to that person and that's where they're getting that information. we do know that that person is an acquaintance. >> this was not a stranger related homicide. i think it's important for the community to know that the suspect and victim were known to one another. >> reporter: now, their relationship, that pt is unclear and the suspect's name is not being released because no charges have yet to be filed. these are all questions, as you said, earlier that remain unanswered. but hopefully come tomorrow morning we will get more answers. reporting live in northwest, brittany morehouse, 9news now. brand new at 11:00, smile, you're on camera. police hope you can pin a name on this guy. he is suspected of breaking into a car but police believe he could be responsible for as many as eight car break-ins, all of them earlier this month in the stone gate community of silver spring. detectives believe the suspect has a red tattoo on his upper right arm. if you recognize him, please call montgomery county police. well, bp back in the news again tonight, but the reason is a little different this time. some senators want to know if the giant oil company helped to free the lib yin terrorist convicted in the pan am 103 bombing over scotland. gary nurenberg talked with a local family, the members of those killed and brings us up-to-date. >> reporter: that is a man freed last year for the bombing of pan am flight 103 that killed 270 victims in 2008. >> it was a decision that should not have been made and one that we should learn from. >> reporter: the senate will hold hearings to determine whether bp helped negotiate his release in exchange for a multi-billion dollar oil deal with libya. >> bp and any lobbying they have done is an issue they should explain themself. >> reporter: secretary of state clinton called for an investigation. >> we should have all of the facts. they should be laid out there. >> it's an oil company. oil companies don't have souls. they make money, they make deals. >> reporter: frank dugan oppose opposed his release. >> what can you do? the prisoner is back home. it's pretty clear what all the parties are going to say. >> everybody is pointing the finger at everybody else and it's disgusting. >> reporter: he was set free when doctors said his cancer would kill him in three months. now doctors say he could live for more than ten years. >> with phony evidence. we all knew that he wasn't that sick. they have been saying for a year he had one foot in the grave. >> reporter: and the possible roll of bp. >> this story is not about an oil company. it's not about politicians. either scottish, english or u.s. senators. >> it's about 270 innocent souls that lost their lives. that's the story. >> reporter: still family members would like to know if bp helped free the man who killed their loved ones. a senate committee will be asking next week. the top cop in prince george's county believes his officers have taken a serial killer off the streets. he is the prime suspect in a pair of mother-daughter murders last year in largo. the victims delores dewitt and her daughter ebony. karen lofton and her daughter karissa. this man, they believe, has a lot more blood on his hands. >> by the time you actually find out what this person is all did about, you'll see that -- all about, you'll see this is one of america's most famous criminals that they're going to be responsible in identifying. >> police are not releasing the man's name just yet, not until he's formally charged. but according to court records, he has a history of charges including armed robbery, assault, burglary and sex crimes. ruth rowan is a mom on a mission. she wants to get a particular driver off the road and make the streets safer for everybody. that driver, marco fuentes. two years ago he ran over and killed her daughter alice swanson. she was on a bike. he was in a garbage truck. it all happened near dupont circle. and after investigating, police and prosecutors decided not to pursue fuentes. to this day, ruth cannot believe it. >> this man is still driving. this man had five driving violations before alice was killed, within just five months before she was killed. he had three accidents. he had one accident eight days before he hit allison. >> and there is still more. court documents from a lawsuit showed fuentes was once convicted on drug charges and deported only to return to the country. >> we did call dc police for comment on this story. they have yet to get back to us. 9news now also stopped by the driver's home. a woman that answered the door told us to call the company. kmg hauling would not comment on this driver's record. however, the company says it did reach an out of court settlement with alice's family. a lawyer for the company tells us despite that confidential settlement, we never admitted any liability in this case but we extend our sympathies to the family. tonight traffic on the 14th street bridge is back to normal after a rescue during this morning's rush hour brought drivers to a stand still. a construction worker got hit on the cat walk below the span of the bridge unable to move at all. that made it tough for emergency crews to reach him but not impossible. >> the best way of evacuating him from this area would most likely be set up a station above us. >> crews used ropes and pulleys to lower a medic under the bridge. he then secured the construction worker to a rescue stretcher and lowered the victim to a boat. from there medics transferred him to a hospital and he is expected to be okay. unemployment benefits will be extended to the millions who have been out of work for more than six months now. the legislation broke free of senate republican stall tactics today, and that was mostly because of the newly sworn in senator from west virginia. cart goodwin cast his first vote today and he was honored to have the vote be something to help millions of americans. red light runners be ready to pay up. as of midnight to more warnings will be given if you run red lights in the county. so far, though, no fines have been levied. if you're caught running on one of the lights, it will cost you 50 bucks. disappointing news about a cancer drug in tonight's health alert. late today, an fda advisory panel voted the agency should withdraw approval for avastin as a treatment for spreading breast cancer. it got fast tracked when early studies seemed to show it could shrink tumors but it does not slow down any more than chemotherapy alone and adds to the side effect. >> it means it should be taken off the market. >> it works by blocking blood vessels and it is approved for other kind of cancers. now, a couple years ago the fda green lighted it for met static breast cancer. patients wanted it with the caveat that they would keep studying it. >> does the fda have to follow the advice, though? >> they don't have to. today it was 12-1 to get rid of the breast cancer indication. this was a panel of scientists. it's reasonable to believe they'll follow that. >> sometimes doctors can prescribe off label? >> they certainly can. and it's powerful in the suppression of blood vessel growth. >> thanks. i appreciate that. >> uh-huh. still ahead, a pizza that is truly priceless. find out how a delivery man saved a customer's life. disturbing video. a group of women beating a guy outside a mcdonald's. one man wanted to buy a play station. the other an iphone. but when they answered the ad, they're assaulted. and i'm meteorologist topper shutt. all of the thunderstorms have diminished. we'll take you out with the wakeup weather. there could be some fogs tomorrow as you're getting the kids off to camp or first cup of coffee. temps in the 70s. kind of muggy. southwesterly winds at ten. we'll come back and talk about the prospects of more storm tomorrow and talk about the prospect of hotter weather ahead. stay tuned. this doesn't have to be our future. not if the senate acts now on legislation to promote energy efficiency, biofuels, and renewable energy sources. let's make america more energy independent, protect our environment, and create millions of new jobs right here at home - instead of losing those jobs to other countries. if you want to change america's energy future, call your senators and tell them to support clean energy legislation now. well, talk about your bait and switch. tonight police in stafford say two menus the a popular -- men used a popular website like craigslist to look for a deal and then robbed them instead. the crime went down in an open church parking lot. >> it's a sad commentary. you can't trust anybody. >> even if they want to meet you in a church parking lot, that's where three thieves tried to rob two sets of suspects they had tricked online. they posted a play station three for sale. an out of town buyer responded and agreed to meet them at this church parking lot. when the buyer came with his wife, the three men were waiting. >> it looked at one point where one of the suspect went around the wood line, a fence line, came back with something in his pocket. the victim assumed it was a play station. it was a bottle and attempted to hit the victim. >> reporter: instead of taking on the three suspects, the man and wife got in their car and drove away finding the stafford county sheriff's department next door. as the men and the wife told the sheriffs deputy what had just happened to them, back to the church a second set of victims showed up this time to buy an iphone from the same three suspects. >> he confronted the three suspects, same description as the first incident. they were discussing the iphone at which point one of the suspects then hit the victim in the head. the victim and his friend took off running. >> reporter: the victim and his girlfriend ran right towards the sheriffs decht and the suspects -- department and the suspects gave chase and took off when they saw where they were headed. police say it's good the victims did not come alone but they advise meeting a stranger in a dark empty parking lot is not a good idea. in stafford county, peggy fox, 9news now. well, perhaps this was inevitable, but nobody expected it all to happen so fast. says for the last three months it sold far more electronic books for the e reader kendall than hard covers. shocking? well, yes. but the numbers do not lie. 143 digital books sold for every 100 hard covers. and the sales of the kindle itself has tripled. local book lovers are sad but hardly surprised. >> it makes sense. these are products that enable people to access literature very easily. i understand that. but i prefer a hard cover. i prefer to sort of hold the book and handling the book. >> i'm still old fashion. i like to hold these books in my hand. but there is a real great utility about being able to get that book instantly wherever you are and pay less and read it online. >> keep it around. maybe 10 or 12 books on one little device. and this is all especially amazing when you consider books have been around basically forever. but the kindle and it's fellow readers like the ipad or the nook have been on sale for less than three years. these numbers do not include sales of paperback books which so far still outstrip the digital version. but tonight we have to ask for how long. anita. derek, if you search girl's fight on youtube, dozens if not hundreds of responses pop up. one is the latest in detroit where girls attack each other on the playground. the video is disturbing. >> what the. [ bleep ] >> get off. >> all right. enough. let's go. >> police say the two girls decided to have that fight because they didn't like each other. officers say the mother of the 13-year-old girl was there at the brawl but didn't break it up until her daughter had beat up the 11-year-old. that girl's mother who did not want her face shown on camera says she is shocked and upset. >> it's very, very heart-breaking to see another mother watching children fight like this and basically she was -- this is like okay to do. this is not okay to do. >> police are now involved. now, to some disturbing pictures of grown women in a fight. a group of women attacking a man in a car. this is outside a mcdonald's in dayton, ohio. one woman actually stabbed the man right in the eye with the heel of his stiletto and he could actually lose the eye. a mcdonald's employee shot the video and just recently came forward. until now he kept quiet worried about getting on the wrong side of this group. police hope the new video brings in new leads. a quick update now in the late breaking news out of denver. a flight from dulles airport has made an emergency landing there after running into some serious turbulence. topper says it was all spawned by thunderstorms. it's united airlines flight 967. it was headed to la. emergency crews have now taken 25 people to the hospital with injuries. the pilot had to bring the plane down. it happened safely in denver. and we'll have more information about it as soon as we know more. a pizza man in colorado is being called a hero tonight after saving a customer's life during a delivery. cammy lynn says her family was sitting home waiting for a late night pizza when her husband collapsed. he called 911 and the pizza man got there and he performed cpr on the man as he laid there lifeless on the floor. >> he looked at me and he saw my panic and he said i'm a paramedic. and, boom, he just -- he threw the pizza thing on the floor. >> i would give him the biggest hug and say thank you so much because i cannot be a widow right now. there is no way. we have to raise these boys and, yes, thank you. >> the paramedic monday lighting as a delivery -- moonlighting as a delivery man. he was able to revive the man. her husband had actually suffered a heart attack and he's now recovering. >> wow. >> that's quite a story. >> yes, it is. >> i wonder what the tip was for crying out loud. [ laughing ] >> a big one. >> priceless is about right. >> yes. we have thunderstorms dying out. they're gone. patch y fog possible tonight. it was only 93 today and only because it's going to get hotter. here is the forecast. the next three days low 90s again tomorrow but with the humidity heat index probably 88, #89d. a couple of thunderstorms possible tomorrow and then just isolated activity on thursday. we're up to 94. and isolated activity on friday. we're up to 99. record highs 91. upper 70s tomorrow morning. upper 80s by lunch time. and, again, with the humidity it's going to feel like it's about 94 as you're walking to lunch. coming home a few of you will run into thunderstorms. temperatures in the low 90s. tomorrow is our best chance for storms for a while. overnight partly cloudy and muggy. a little patchy fog. especially the areas that had thunderstorms earlier. winds turn north, northwest at about ten. tomorrow sunny and humid. 70s and 80s. winds southwesterly at ten. air quality moderate. that's the best we can expect. by afternoon partly sunny. hot and humid. some thunderstorms. high temperatures in the low 90s. winds southwesterly at about 10-15. let's talk about the 90s for just a minute, shall we. here is the outside story. stay with me here. we average from june -august, june, july and august which is meteorological summer, we average 39 days of 90 degrees or higher. we've already had 32. and six of the seven days have temperatures in the 90s. that is going to be 38. the record is 55 and the record for the year is 67. both of those we might just threaten. we'll see. high temps tomorrow we're going to add one more day to it so it will be day 33 tomorrow. 92 at national. 91 at andrews. 91 out towards reston. future cast, we'll put this into motion. tomorrow morning heading to work just some clouds and maybe a little patchy fog. roads should be dry. mr. bernstein is back at 4:25 in the morning. in the afternoon some thunderstorms develop. don't see anything crazy heavy or crazy widespread. and after tomorrow the chances really go down. let's talk about the tropics. this could become tropical storm bonnie in the next 48-72 hours. right now heavy rain over puerto rico headed for the dr. next seven days, 92 tomorrow. 94 on thursday. some storms. and then isolated activity friday. 99. isolated activity on saturday. 95. and both of those days will be very close to records. 93 on sunday. maybe we get to stay in the 80s for the day because of clouds. we'll take it. back to 90 next tuesday. >> a little bit of time in the 80s. >> yes. like a minute. >> thanks, topper. brett has your sports up next. stay with us. i spent my childhood in the summertime with my grandparents up at their farm, and that's where i learned all about vegetables -- when they're ready to be picked and the best time and season to eat them. nothing beats the taste of fruits and vegetables in the summer. that's why at giant, you'll find farm-stand quality fruits and vegetables at prices you'll love. this week, enjoy northwest cherries, $1.88 a pound, and dole salad blends, 2 for $5. if something's in season, i know my store is going to have it, and that works for me. celebrate summer, every time you shop with your giant card. i'm from the gulf coast. my family spends a lot of time here. i have a personal interest in ensuring that we get this job done right. i'm keith seilhan. i'm in charge of bp's clean up on the gulf coast. bp's taken full responsibility for the clean up, and that includes keeping you informed. over 25,000 people are included in the clean up operation. our crews are cleaning the gulf beaches 24/7. we're going to be here as long as it takes to make this right. it's time for 9 sports with brett haber, the best sports in town. >> you can't turn my mike on until i'm done talking. [ laughing ] >> so cute. the reason ryan zimmerman didn't make the all star game is because he finished second. nats fans have darn sure heard of him now. nats and reds in cincinnati. lewis fassing that man voto and that is why he went to the all star game. his 23rd, 3-0 reds. nats had a chance to make a ball game out of it. two on for esmond. the rains came. a nearly three-hour delay. nats down 6-1 in the 5th. meanwhile, big addition for the nationals tonight as they agree to terms with that mandy fekted cuban pitcher -- man defected cuban fisher including the yankees and red sox. he went 14-3 in his final year in cuba. he is a stud. at camden yards tonight, first lady michelle obama part of the first pitch ceremony. she didn't throw. she just observed. although hard to imagine she wouldn't have vested that effort from back in april and apparently the first lady inspired the o's. luke scott and adam jones go back-to-back to back in the second inning. however, the o's still trail the rays 10-9. john mcenroe had won wimbeldon twice by the time bobby reynolds turned one. that was 27 years ago. mcenroe is now 51 and still beating guys half his age. but tonight was not one of those nights. mcenroe taking on reynolds and the castles. mcenroe still crafty. looking the lefty ace. mcenroe pushes it wide and takes it out on his stick. >> yes. >> he lost the singles 5-1. mcenroe is a stafford guy so no tears for him over u.s. seas turmoil as the schools vowed to return reggie bush's heisman trophy. he accepted cash and gifts causing massive penalties from the program. the school disowning him today. it takes a lot for the teammate to turn against a teammate in the nfl but albert haynesworth managed to get his to do it. when he skipped mini camp, a number of redskins spoke out. so what happens when albert shows up to training camp next week. alexander was in sterling today helping with outfits with back to school supplies when we asked him about albert's relationship with his teammates and he said that losing those 30 pounds was a good first step for albert showing his commitment. >> that's the first thing he could have done as far as getting everybody's trust back is being in shape coming in. that's been his thing. he didn't come to camp in shape last year. so if he comes to camp in shape and has a great attitude, the guys are going to open their arms up. >> finally tonight these fishermen were feeling good after hours on water and they were trying to real the fish in when a sea lion not only took the fish but the entire net with him because. >> it's his dinner. >> he can. >> we'll be right back. and that is 9news now for tonight. >> it's only tuesday night and we're already gidy. >> letterman is next. 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