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at 5:00 eastern. [bright totone] - i want some! - it's the monopoly game, only at mcdonald's! with over 50 million prizes, it's supersized excitement... - mononopoly. do not p pass "go."" gogo directly y to mcdonala. - ifif you were e around back in n the '90s..... - nonow at mcdononald's, momonopoly is s more than n a g! yoyou can playay it... - you u heard it e everywhe. - - the game m monopoly is bacack at mcdononald's, bigger and better ththan eve. - - this year,r, there's more p prizes thanan . - - mcdonald's's ran the monopopoly game for year. - hey,y, collect the righght game pieieces.. - and win $2 millionon. - - [gasps] - but no o one... knew t the truth a about the game b being playeyed. no one.. ["been c caught steaealing" by jane'e's addictioion] ♪ - peopople everywhwhere arare winning g big! - ♪ i've bebeen cacaught stealaling ♪ ♪ once whenen i was fivive ♪ i enjoy s stealing - the mcdodonald's pririzes cocould be carars, boatats, $100,00000 upup to the mimillion dolll. - ♪ when i i want sosomething, m man ♪ ♪ i i don't wananna pay forort - but t from 1989 9 to 2001. - ♪ hey! - i wowon a dodge e viper! there werere almost nono legititimate winneners. of the higigh value gagame piecs in the mcdcdonald's monopolyly game. i mean, hohow crazy bullshit is that? [laughing]g] - - ♪ it's s mine [dramamatic music]c] ♪ [waves crashing] [e[eerie music] ♪ - - jacksonvnville fbi h d a a little bitit of a repupun of being a a sleepy hohollw retirementnt office. therere was a slslower atattitude thehere. very undndersized. yoyou know, a a fraction of a m miami or anan atlanta or somethihing like ththat, spread, yoyou know-- spread v very thin.. [l[light suspepenseful musus] ♪ at the time, in 2001, i i superviseded a squad of apppproximatelyly 12 ages chararged with i investigatg white-collllar crime,, banknk fraud, healthcacare fraud,, publblic corruptption. evenen before i i got there, i keptpt hearing a about ththis legendadary guy, rick d, mid-d-career senenior agentt and d his partnener doug mat, a newly asassigned agegent to t the divisioion. - i'm spspecial agenent math. when y you pull jajacksonvile as an ofoffice you'r're going t, i know whahat i heard d wa, "good luckck with thatat." fofor big caseses, man, yoyou - you're l like duct-t-taping stf togetherer just 'cauause you u wanna makeke it happen. that's thehe type ofof division n you were in. i was luckcky to linink up wiwith rick dedent early on and hahave him as s the old g, you know, , my trainining ag. he's a a mathematitician andns ababout as mucuch personalaly as thihis piece ofof wood right herere. veryry matter ofof fact. and soso he and i i were kindnd of opposisites there. you knowow, i'm alwaways loog for r another fufun ride, ri? if youou guys get t to rick ded, i'm tetelling youu he's gononna be... "yes." "no.o." "don't recall." ♪ [lightht music] ththe priorityty for the f i at that particicular junctctue was healththcare fraud. ♪ we'r're working g a one- to three-y-year type c cas. ththat's a lonong time. sometimemes i have t that add tg of the s shinier objbject oror whatever.r. soso i see thihis note inin the cornener part of f his, and all l i saw wass "mcdononald's mononopoly frau" wiwith a queststion mark.. and d i go, "whahat is that?" 'cause i i'm bored t to death of this s healthcarere garbag, right?t? it's imporortant, but i was s ready to m move o. i go, "i"is this thehe mcdons momonopoly gamame?" he w was like, " "yeah. evenentually i w was gonna get arouound to it."." ♪ so what t he told meme was ththat there w was an indidivl who had called in and had thisis story thatat the monopopoly game was fixexed. ♪ that w was pretty y much i. i go,, "givive me that t damn thing. i'm gonna a go check t this out" i'm seseeing the f fun meter r with that.t. like, ththat's gottata be morere fun than n this shitt that i'm'm looking a at. dent t thought it t was jujust some bsbs story.... so, "pfffff, this--y-yeah, he. run with t this for a a little , younung man." i i contacted d the source of t this call,, anand the soururce gaveve me three e names that werere previous millllion-dollarar winners and sasaid, "i know ththis is fixexed bee "thesese people arare relate. "they're o on the fafamily tree e somehow. wiwith all dififferent nama" and the peperson who's contntrolling ththis was thisis nebulous s name ofof uncle jererry. ♪ so i come e back, likeke, i'm m excited riright? i got t the biggesest case ever, riright? and i saidid, "look, all mimillion-dollllar winner. "we neneed to be o on this. screw w that healtlth--" i thk i prprobably saiaid that. "screw t that healththcare sht we're e working, r right?" oror somethingng like thata. [laughghs] i don't-t--rick, i don't knknow if thatat was , or i know w you wouldd never r agree withth that. bubut like anyny senior agagt gogoes-- and d this happepens even i in today's s bureau. the nenew young guguy goes t and findnds a nice p piece ofof gold. ththe old agenent goes, "g"give me thahat back, and let t me look atat this." [laughining] that's's about howow it was. - truth h be told, i was s a little s skeptical. you knknow, fast f food, promotionanal game fraraud was s not makingng any listt of p priorities s anywhere.. i dodon't think k anybody had realally even seseen anythg likeke this befofore, so.... there'e's always a risk thati turn these guys loose e on th, anand it turnsns out it's not t true anand that i'v've expended resosources, but you knknow, i think we all realilized... if thihis is true,e, this is, you knknow--this i is big. - what ricick did wass immedidiately get t in touh with thehe u.s. attotorneys office a and mark dedeverea, 'cause if f you don't t have anan interest t from a prorose, yoyou're wastiting your titi. [f[funky music] ♪ deverereaux was ththe go-to gy that p prosecutedd all l of our whihite-collar r. - - if there's's a chancee thisis thing canan be indictc, prosecuted, even if f it's a dififficult , he's gononna be the e guy to t becaususe he's thehe guy behind thehe wheel. ♪ - that part of the sell, to get that prosecutor on was-- thatat was a bigig deal. i don't knknow if devevereaux knew what t monopoly g game w. i have n no idea. you know, , i think he was a a burger king guy. i don't knowow. ♪ -- my name'e's mark devevere, assistant t u.s. attororney for almomost 30 years. in this case, it was, you know, i don't know if this is real, or don't know if it't's just somomebody trying to get familyly members somehohow intervieiewed and get 'em inin trouble.. [draramatic musisic] but lo a and behold.d... when w we receiveded a lilist of all l the winne, we werere able to o show, through h different t databa, thatat these indndividuals were r related. they had f family connnnectios in thehe local jacksonvnville area.a. in my worlrld, you u don't believeve in c coincidenceces very muc. and the chance of having numerous family members and relatitives win ththe ge was justst astronomimical. ♪ babasically, y you've gott lessss of a chanance than yoo of getetting strucuck by l lightning i in florid. [t[thunderclapap] atat that poinint in time,, we knenew there wawas a probl. how w big was ththat problem? we hadad no idea. - the e informatioion ththat we werere compiling is t that their r contest had bebeen infecteted years befofore we becacame awa. - i meanan, we're tatalking, you know, , altogether, potentialllly hundredsds of m millions ofof dollars of thesese prizes. wellll, how muchch of that is fraudud? ♪ - ononce devereaeaux said, " "y, i'm inteterested in n this," he's on fofor everythihing. all l the stratetegy session. some prosesecutors, you sesee that spapace, you . devereauaux, you gotot no sp. right alall up in ththere with you.. ♪ - so we e start withth whee could ththere be thehe opporty to steteal the gamame piec? - we wereren't suree if t there was s somebody ine with mcdononald's, where thatat person wawas, how w many, and how fafar that wenent. - hohow many sususpects do we hahave? we have toto figure ouout whwho makes ththe cups, who makes s the fry bobox, whwho makes ththese game p pis that youou would pulull off-- how w many peoplple arare in this s chain? - therere's all kinds of p possibilitities. thisis could be e the driver, the e delivery p people, people i in the factctory, or even, y you know, somemebody in cocorporate at mcdononald's. - we dididn't close e out anyo. ♪ - soso there reaeached a pot whwhere there e was a tonn of queststions, but t it was, i mean, , very diffificult to p pursue thatat further w wt putting some action n to it. there wasnsn't a lot o of, li, let me j just, you k know, at t the time geget on ththe internetet and do some- ththere wasn't't a lot of f t. ♪ - we clelearly had to statart somewhehere, bubut withoutt compmpromising t the case. ♪ so w we needed a a source of inforormation on n the insi. - there e was a big g decisn to be e made, and d that wa: do we contntact mcdonanald's? becacause we jusust ran into a deaead end. - - i was sitttting back g go, "don't l let 'em knonow. i don't t want them m involved . waway too soonon." but thatat's me. and i was-s--that was s just e littttle tiny vovoice, and i mn tiny when n i say thatat. - ofof course ththere's a possibibility thatat someboy in mcdonald's is involved or knows about this and is looooking the other r way, but that w was a riskk we werere willing g to, you knknow, ultimamately willlling to takake. ♪ - we didn't want to alert too many people e at mcdonald', so w we contacted their head of f global security, rob b holm, and d told him t, "it woululd probablyly be bestr you u to come toto jacksonvivi" didn't tell him why. jujust told hihim, "y"you have toto come and d s" that t this was need-t-to-know onlnly. do n not tell ananybody you're c coming to s see the, to keep itit quiet. mcmcdonald's s sent three e e and i persrsonally picicked m up here e in jacksononvill, anand we droveve over to t ti office i in the mornrning. mostlyly it was jujust, "welcome t to jacksonvnvill" ththis and thahat. didn't eveven explainn to thehem what we e had. ♪ we got t to the fbi i office.. ♪ tookok 'em up to thehe conferencnce room... ♪ - you knknow, you'rere evalug ththeir body l language or w whether thehey're twitctch. are they g genuine? are theyey legitimatate? or is ththere--you k know, is te sosomething elelse going o on ? - at t that point,t, we didid not know if mcdonalald's was ininvolve. evevery organinization can have a a bad applele. ♪ - this parart ofof the invesestigation wawas extremelely boring t to. like, i i don't wantnt anythihing to do w with this. "c"call me whehen it's ovever, " right?t? and-d--which wasas sort of my m.o.o. a lot of f time. itit's way toooo slow for me, but i was-s--"no, you u gotta be here fofor that." anand i so i t think i shohowe. i might't've had a g gold suit. [brassy mumusic] ♪ i had it i in the clososet, and i i thought, "this isis a great o opportuni, when it's s like a gololden frfry suit," r right? maman, when i i wore thatt in t there, markrk devereaux, if he cocould've ripipped it f with h his hands, , he would h. he goeoes, "are yoyou kidding " but t i had a whwhite shirirt on, righght? so i thougught i was s safe. [lauaughs] i i wasn't. - doug hasas quite a a wardr, and d there he i is sitting g. and lo andnd behold, he looksks like he's's a managerer of a mcdodon. ♪ - theyey thought i it was coo. [laughing]g] i'm kikidding. soso when you'u're there in that t meeting, v very ten. - i wentnt up to a w whiteboad and stararted puttining names d. [d[dramatic mumusic] and d i asked, "do you rerecognize ththe names" - "no,o, sir." "all thesese people are winnerers on yourr promototional gamemes." ♪ and thenen i starteded drawawing liness of familily connectitions and relatitionships. ♪ - dedevereaux's s putting it right t on the whihiteboard th. "w"well, did y you know thth? dodo you know w this?" brbrothers, sisisters, couous, a a mother-dauaughter, that type e thing. - this pererson is mararried toto this persrson's daughgh. anand the namemes, the lasast, were a all differerent. and i reremember it t was liliterally jajaws on the e t. they just could not believe it. - even though we had, it looked like, our r corporate e victim here of mcmcdonald's,, are theyey truly a v victim? i mean, ththere's alwaways th. ♪ and soso, there wawas morere informatition there than i wouould've prprobably putut out therer. certainlnly enough for them t to see, "wow, , yeah, we h have an iss" - everybybody agreeded that we needed d to keep ththis cire of indndividuals that had t this knowledge to the a absolute minimum. - you u know, devevereaux was doining most thehe talkg as he e usually dodoes, and d it just seseemed likee this meeeeting just t took fore. i don'n't even knonow if i w was hungry;y; i might'veve been hungngry twicice in that t meeting. - proving g this casee histstorically,, which is w what we traraditioy did d in white-c-collar cass whenen you rely y on paperwow, you rerely on witness s interviewsws, you relyly on bank s statemen, was gogonna be verery difficu. i mean, , almost mononumenta. so we woululd, in thisis cas, have to think outsidide the bo. and thenen we find o out ththat they wewere on the ep of rununning anothther gam. it w was kind ofof a perfectt bebecause we w were looking to d doing sometething proacact, essentntially catctch people in the a act. - we tolold them thehe only wy toto identify y this criminal e enterprise e was to havave them runun a game knowing g that therere's frad somewherere involveded in thi. ♪ - we havave this. we're e going forwrward. we w want your h help. if the a answer is n no... nothing hahappens. ♪ - - my name isis rob holm, didirector of f global sececuy for mcdodonald's. ouour brand isis, throroughout thehe world, 37,00000 restauranants in 120 couountries. so it's--i-it's a bigg responsisibility. [l[light music] ♪ when i firirst learneded abouout our mononopoly gamee being compmpromised, i was shshocked. i was s utterly shshocked. how w in the wororld coululd this havave happened? more imporortantly, wawas anyby from mcdcdonald's a a part of t? ♪ the fbfbi wanted to runun the promomotion knknowing thatat it was ririg. i wawas hesitantnt to do tha, obviouously concererned that ifif this gameme is rigged, customerers are nott even gononna get a c chance to w win the milillion dollal. - i think k we were nanaive toto think thahat they wououlde right ththen and thehere and, you know, we'd be off to, you know, off--offff and runnin. these promotions were... ofof everything mcdonaldld's, one e of the briright spots. yoyou know, i i remember the mamad cow, andnd at that , mcdodonald's wasas, you know, struggggling withh someme image things. - concern over britain's so-called mad cow disease spread late todayy to m mcdonald's s restauran. - first t mad cow, n now thi. - ♪ mcdcdonald's anand you ♪ mcdonald'd's and you,u, shararing good t times ♪ - the momost importatant thg for mcmcdonald's is t their brandnd name. they'r're a familyly restaurat ththat can be e trusted. their gogolden archehes arare a part o of america. - ♪ r remember ththere's only onene mcdonald'd's ♪ ♪ and therere's only onone you - they h have to prorotect t. - ♪ mcdcdonald's anand you - anand so, if i it's on thehe 0 news andnd the natioional nes thatat mcdonald'd's gagames are a a fraud, theyey could sufuffer irreparablble damage to t their good d name. i wasn't't in their meetings,, bubut i would d bet dollars toto doughnuts that there were a few people that said, "we can't do this. shut it off," and nobody ever finds out about this. - they wanted this big meeting. and so we went out there to illinois, at theheir headquauarters. they gotot, like, ththis... great cocoffee insidide to-- yoyou know, when youou walk in t their ple anand you're w waiting on n t. so a anyway, i k know thatat's a--asidide. - and d at that titime, wewe weren't s sure which waway they werere gonna g. ththat was a h heck of a d dec. ththere were s so many "whwha" what i if it's somomebody within o our own comompany? a traiaitor? we've gogot a problelem. theyey needed toto find thatat , because e if they hahad jut shut down, it may h have contininued. - lolook, how mamany people been p playing thihis thin? and they'r're gonna fifind t we didn'n't help bururn this . mcdonanald's kneww they h had a tickiking bom. [elevator r dings] - makingng that callll was s something g that wewe took seririously. our worrrry all alonong was that this s could be leakeded out publilically. so it t was not anan easy decic, but ultimately, we owewed it to ouour customes to do the e right thining, whwhich is to o run the gage one more time.e. - we absololutely knewew tht if we dididn't get t this ri, we're nonot getting another opportununity. itit's not likike, "don't wor. wewe'll run ththis again next mononth." we knew w that, at b best, we had t this one shotot toto move our r investigata. - ♪ this isis how we dodo it - from that point, it was lititerally, "mcdononald's, telell us how this progrgram works."." but mcdodonald's makes frfrench frieses and hahamburgers and mimilkshakes a and apple . ththey don't m make markete. theyey outsourceced it. they h hired a mararketing company,y, simon mararketing. - ♪ this is h how we do i it - sisimon marketeting actuay prproduced andnd came up w h ththe happy memeal toys back i in the '80s0s. - your kidids will lovove mcdodonald's hapappy meal. itit's food anand fun in a a . - ththe happy memeal is gonna inincrease youour businesss, but it's's for the c childr. - i've gotot a happy m meal! - theyey wanted a promomotion for r the adu. - ♪ likike mcdonaldld's can - i'm richchard white,e, started at s simon markeketig in 1981. - the game monopoly has come to life at mcdonald's. - the e monopoly g game, we designened that gamame and itit was runnining ononce a year.r. - a $2$2 million g grand priz! play m monopoly. - it w was a ridiciculous amount o of increasese in mcdcdonald's bubusiness. like, 4040% when we e ran the g. peopople love cocollecting. - the e monopoly p promotin is much h like the " "monopol" game y you would h have at ho. customerers try to match g game pieceses, like boardrdwalk and p park p. - theyey had theirir cards, and itit'd be fullll, bubut they'd b be missing g a e and a pipiece and a a piece.. anand a piece e and a piecec- 'c'cause thosese were the winnnning pieceses. - and therere was low-w-value pieces thahat you coululd win fofood items, , beverages, and ththen some of thehe high-valulue pieces: homes, vehehicles, and the mimillion dollllar. - [gasps] boardwalk. all: boardwalalk? - so they y were afterer that million-dodollar winnener. you know, , people like chahance games.s. any y game we didid for mcdods alwaways increasased theieir businessss. wewe actually y did scrabble o one year. got t to where t they started doining it twicece a year. how are wewe gonna get our sasales back up? let's run monopoly againin. - - ♪ this s is how we e do t ♪ all h hands up inin the ar - there wewere very specificic rules fofor how you u could obtain t the game pipiece. one ofof the ways s was ththat you couould just wawaln and asask, for freree, to get a gamame piece. because otherwisee it was g gambling. how else c can you get the gagame piece?? you coululd go in and bubuy a food p product, anand you coululd geget the gameme piece out of somome of the m magazine. nonowhere in t the game rules s does it sasay, "i"i can get a a game piecee fromom uncle jererry." - ♪ this is h how we do i it [tenense music]] ♪ - with a significant case, an undercover operation or something that involves a lot of people, you could give it a name. so we had a contest to come up with a name among--among the s squad. some of f the names,s, uh.. operatation unhappppy meal, fallen a arches. i think ththere were a a fw playing onon the hambuburgl, something g about stalale fr. i don't t think we sent ththat one upp to headquauarters for r approv. i ththink calmerer, morere rational l minds prevev. the new w promotionanal gameme was calleled, "whoho wants to be a mimillionaire?e?" to matatch up withth the tv shs. - playay the "who o wants to be a a millionairire" game at t mcdonald's's. - if y you remembeber the e tv show, t they aske, "is thatat your finanal answ" - finanal answer? - - final answswer. - so t that ultimately became the name of this operation. ♪ gameme time. kickofoff has stararted, anand we're inin the game.. ♪ - at t the time, i was alalways lookiking fr an undercocover angle,e, even t though i wawas being to, "y"you don't w want that.. you dodon't want t that." you know, , i was alwaways ask, "w"what about t this one?? what a about this s one?" go get t the bad guyuy, righ? i i wanna burnrn down ththe criminalal enterprisi. - maybe itit's the-- the accocountant in n him oror this waltlter mitty complex,x, bubut this wasas the oppororty to, you u know, be an undedercover agegent even beforore we couldld articuculate the n need toto do any kikind of undercov- that thehere was alwlways thi, you know, , somehow, s some w, we g gotta do an undercover in t this thing. ♪ - - every singngle meetingn, i'i'm the one e over therere, "undndercover ininvestigati, unundercover i investigatit" i dididn't thinknk anybybody was lilistening. as a matteter of fact,t, i think k a couple o of them started ouout with, "m"mathew, i don't t wanna hearar anythig "abobout an undedercover investigatation. jujust sit ovever there and listenen." rick alwayays coined t that i i was the gegeorge costataa 'c'cause "seininfeld" was big baback then. [l[laughter] - all riright, that't's it for. tatake care, e everybody.. - i'd comeme in and i'i'd s, "undercocover," and d i'm gone, , i was ou. - you coululd kind of f let hm run withth things a a little t and then b bring him b back toto reality.. okay, "yeah, t that's great, doug. "by the way, i s still needd that f fd-302 you u promised , "so why y don't youu go getet that donene, and ththen we'll t talk abouout undercovover work."" [phohone ringingng] so we get t the callll fromom mcdonald'd's that thih, mimichael hoovover, a winnnn, had claimemed the latetest p. so we hahad the advavantage of knowiwing this peperson's , and we're e able to dodo a lite bit ofof preliminanary backgro. [dramatic c music] ththink he wororked as a p pit s at a c casino. so i guessss he would'd've bebeen familiaiar with gambling a and sweepststakes anand whatnot.t. - rick wanted to t try toto do the wiwiretap. it's a a called a a title iii invevestigation,n, and it's-- the wireretap ininvestigatioion got up.. and, youou know, you're sititting-- you're notot really doing g anything,, and d that's a boringng situationon for . i i don't knowow how mamany poems i i can writee on a piecece of paperr to getet through i it. so i s said, "lookok, whwhat do you u think abouout" when you w win, part of yoyour signingng up as a winnener is to sasay, "h"hey, i'm okokay with ususg my f face in thehe big chec" oror whatever r it is for fufuture promomotions. so i saw that as an opportunity. let's use that as a platform for usus. ♪ i i said, "i t think thiss is a a great opppportunity "for an n undercoverer invevestigation n where we do "this tvtv commerciaial ofof the winneners "l"like publisishers clclearing hououse. "jumumping up, t telling uss how w they won t these "andnd what theyey did with h, that kind d of thing.. "so wewe could doo thatat with hoovover. "youou know, we'e're the prproduction c company. that's's how this s could rol" he's likike, "mathewews, whwho's gonna a do this? you u gonna do i it? 'cauause i'm notot doing it." and i i said, "y"yeah, i'm g gonna do iti" he goes,s, "well, yoyou don't know anynything abouout that" and i i said, "i'm gonnana be the didirecto. "because thehey don't dodo sh. "and thehen i'm gonnnna get mcdonaldld's to give me their publblic relatioions" that's a all i said.d. anand rick goeoes, "wait a a . "if we'r're going to do o anything,, we're gonnnna need sac authorority." ♪ - i'm tom kneir. i was the special agent in charge of the jacksonville office of the fbi. inin each offifice, you hae the e sac for ththe office. that's their special agent in charge. and then you have squads. mostst of the cocontact is u uy with the s squad supererviso. but this was--this was a particular case that, you u know, i hahad a lolot of handsds-on with chs and evererybody thatat worked on that c case. doug was almost brand new at the t time, anand he's beeeen given a badge,e, a gun, and someme credentiaials, and nonow he's gotot a supeperman's capape, right? [laughining] and d away he gogoes. - - so the nexext day, i think i i was calleded. and hehe said, "hehey, yoyou need to o come up heh" when y you hear yoyour nam, "mathehews to t the sac's o office," never goodod. nenever, ever r good. and d everybody y knows. it's likike the walklk of sh. to thehe elevatorsrs, whateve. "oh, s shit, mathehews. i hope youou still have a payaycheck." 'causese they all l know it's . and d so i come e in and d it's sac k kneir, cd, ththe chief didivision cououn, rick denent, graham,m, inin this roomom about this size,e, so small.l. ♪ and ththey all, lilike, turd to l look at me,e, and i'm l . and i go, "i'm sorry." that's allll i said. and rick g goes, "you know, i think k this mightht work. and he's gonna do it." and that r right then was probably--if i was ever, like, concerned about, "i don't know, man. this might get somewhere--" you know, whatever, be careful what you ask for, thing? maybe that was the moment for me, but t it quicklyly passed and i wawas back in.n. ♪ - we dididn't have a lot t of undercocover ages in j jacksonvilllle. you u know, you u could call headququarters andnd say, "hey, , you know, wewe need a undercover agentnt down here" "welell, he's nonot available for r three weekeks," and,d, you know.w. and so we--we'd d just kind of rolled thehe dice and said, , "you know w what? doug is s a little bit ofof an actor r anyway," so i gueuess that'ss when m my hair tururned whit. [laughs]s] no. - being g an undercocover ag, it's n not just sosomething you raraise your h hand and decidede to do. you knowow, there'ss a ststringent prprocess, a s , tetesting, allll these thihis thatat didn't exexactly mesh wiwith doug's s concept of beingng undercovever. you knknow, he wanted to.... wanted to o get rightt up there on stagage. ♪ - he was n not a a certified d undercovere, bubut for a spspecific cas, yoyou can get t what theyey call sac c authorityy to do undedercover worork, and d that's whahat doug matas did just for thahat spececific case.e. my namame's janet t pellicciot, anand i was a a special agagt fofor the fbi i in the jacksonville division. i was our undercover coordinator also, and i i tried to g get him to become e an undercocover agt becacause he was just-- he wasas a naturalal. undercoverer was like e actin, only..... itit's real. you knowow, you sit t there and there'e's a real t threa, and somemebody couldld harm y. they could really harm you. - - the jacksosonville divisi, if you talk toto agent pelellicciotti,, is a a small divivision that didn't do o a lot of t this. - - right, so o i got to do all l the fun and nonot have to o go throh all l the bullshshit. yeah, , just make e it happe. that's's what it w was. "h"hey, mathewews, justst make it happen." and i'm m thinking t to myself. and d then two i is... [jazzyzy music] - he wanteted to be ththron into the l lion's den,n, and hehe wouldn't t have gotn itit if the sasac did not tl he couldld handle hihimself. soso they got t some undercoverers, you knonow, to act as s a film crerew. - my name isis jan garvivin, and i i was videogographer. when i answewered his call, , he said, "you're gogonna love t this." nonot, "hey, j jan, how'w's it goingng? let's s go, you knknow-- hohow was the e trip?" you u know, it w was like, "you're e gonna loveve this." and afafter he expxplained what it wawas, it was s like.. and..... ♪ - we n needed to p put togethr whwhat appearsrs to be a legititimate productionon company.. a videdeo person,, an aududio person,n, a directctor and a---- an intererviewer. - i go, "y"yeah, i neeeed onone just to o act like "they'rere the lighthting person or r whatever.. "nobodody needs toto see ththat you're e bureau, riri? "so give m me somebodydy thats not stupupid, 'causese, you u know, we d don't knknow jack, r right?" in m my mind i j just though, you knknow, just g get on the ee and evererything wilill be fi; you'll j just roll r right thro. ♪ - wiwith any proroduction cocomy and d any good undercovover operatition, you need a a good nameme and inin this casese, wewe came up w with shshamrock productionsns. ♪ whwhich is gooood, bubut i alwaysys liked thehe , "'cacause you'rere just luckc" - that was----that was g goo. ♪ - we t thought abobout haviving everybobody in this undercoverer operatation be fbibi personne. they l legitimatelely tried to make e that happepen. it just--the way that this scenario had to runun, you needed somebody inside mcdonald's with that t backgroundnd. ththat would b be hard to o f. [lightht music] ♪ - - my name's s amy murraya. i've beeeen with mcdcdonald's for 22 y years. ♪ the fbi i investigatation happened 1 17 years agago, and it's's been yearars sincnce i've talalked to anyn, so, in f fact, i donon't realy tell thehe story thahat much bebecause, youou know, hohow do you d drop ininto conversrsation thatt you're p part of a an fbi invevestigation? ♪ back in 2001, i was in the communications department. i had only been working on monopoly and games for about six months. my boss's s boss called me io his s office andnd he was lil, "amy, the fbi has contacted us. "they've told us that the game pieces are being stolen "and that the entire game may be compromised by a crimiminal ring." and if you can imagine, i was completely shocked. you knknow, i feltlt sick to my stomomach. to break t that trustt was jujust devastatating. how w could thisis possibly hap? i ststarted thininking backk to allll the answewers that i'v've heard frfrom monopoly winnersrs in the past, and itit did seem like they were e almost scrcripte. hindsight't's 20/20,0, and i i started toto realie that it t did seem l like there was s a pattern.n. yoyou know, i i used that t , "patternrn" and i ththink tt was whwhen the fbibi really sa, "it would d be great to talk toto amy direcectly, since e she has soso much contnt with the w winners." ♪ - for a civilian to participate in an undercover operation doesn't happen much at all, for obvious reasons, right? it's's--if sometething happep, you want people who o are prprofessionalals that aree used to bebeing in s situations s like that. - i wawas a littlele concerne, becacause i wantnted to make se that her safety and security was first and foremost. they s said, "rob,b, don't wor. shshe will be e safe." ♪ - we really didn't know how far we would have to go to help the e fbi get evevidenc, and yes, there wewere nerves s involve, and i i was nervouous. but i i was all-inin. you know, , i wanted t to mae itit right as s fast as popossi. so i wouldld be talkining to thehe fbi sometetimes everyr, sometimemes twice a a day. pepeople were e intrigued,d, , "what's ththis specialal proje" i just c couldn't tatalk abouout this, nonot to my fafa, not t to my clososest friend, not evenen to coworkrkers. - we told d a couple p people in m mcdonald's s and then our teteam; that's's it. 'cauause we stilill didn't k , yoyou gotta reremember-- likeke, this invnvestigation- we s still didn'n't know if anybobody was infnfected througugh corporatate, righght, or who.o. - - so we set t up a time e r shamrorock productctions to gop and vivisit mr. hohoover. - hehe had alreaeady been in conontact with h amy, and hehe was very y amenabe to us cocoming by toto film this commemercial thatat we w were puttining together. - i'll n never forgeget shshowing up a at an airpopo, and a a white van n pulled p withth all of ththe fbi ages anand, you knonow, they'rere , you know, , "hi, amy."." and i was s introduceded to all o of them. you knknow, i realally had d to talk toto doug abou, "this isis what a producerer would do;o; this is whwhat the cacameraman wowould do." and i i was just p playing mys. - soso the firstst time we're gogoing out ththere, i think i i had, like, a gogolf shirt o on. i lookeded like maybybe i'd d played ninine holes or somomething likike that. ththat's what t amy told m e whatat a directotor looks lil- lookoks like somomebody thats justst come off f the golf c c. [l[laughs] so i'm excxcited, righght? but t i have a l lot of a apprehensioion as wel. it's t the first o one. you want i it to be seseamles, anand you don'n't know whwhat to expepect. - as an n agent, youou kno, you wannnna carry a a gun and wearar a bulletptproof v. but inin a situatition like tht, an undercocover operatation, that mayay be too mumuch ri. you can wewear an anklkle holsr and ththen, you knknow, and thenen you sit d down inin a chair,, anand somebodydy sees it, , s. - yoyou had thatat little exea antenna gogoing up to o makee you don't t say anythihing oror do anythihing that w would trigggger theieir suspect t to look atau crcrossways anand go, "oh,h, h" - i had d butterflieies inin my stomacach. i was s nervous ababout not wreckingng the invesestigatio. you u know, i rereally wanted to m make sure i i did a goooo, that i w wasn't causing anany suspicioion. it's a an adrenaliline that happens s through yoyour syst. yoyou know, yoyou feel fully awakake and alivive. ♪ - she e was very n nervous, and i'm m like, "youou talk to t these people all l the time, , right?" "well, yeaeah, but t not like t this." and i i go, "thehere's not l like this.. "y"you don't k know anythihg about t our investstigation. they don't't either, so forgeget about ththat." she'e's laughingng, like, "h"how am i susupposed to o ft about thatat?", right?t? and i sasaid, "you g got toto forget ababout that and jujust do whatat you u normally d do." "we're v very closose to the . we know whwhere it is.s. "just ststay as closose as yon 'c'cause i donon't know what to o expect." - any cicivilian thahat you g inin, you're g gonna tell l t, "we hahave a team.m. therere's alwaysys a team ouo. ♪ "if anytything happepens, they'll bebe there immmmediay to makake sure yoyou're safe e and securer" - wewe have diststress calls, ththings like e that. so if f the undercrcover agt saysys a certainin word, youo, "i feel lilike a teterrible flulu is comingng" somemething's rereally gone e ; we got a p problem. [knonocking] - and so they went to his home. they camame in... and d so you havave the fbi i a, unbeknowownst to mr.r. hoove, with t the camerasas on theheir shouldeder. - if we wewere set up p to recod prettyty much anytything, we d hit the rerecord buttoton. you never r know whwhat you're e gonna captpt. always golold when they don't't know it.. - the greaeatest thingng in thehe world abobout all ths is whahat? we had a a camera rorolling. ♪ [i[indistinct t chatter] - [lauaughs] - whwhat was thahat? - yoyou think yoyou could d take thatt to your lolocal bank t to cas? - i dodoubt it. [laughs]s] i doubt i it. - [indisistinct] we'll do t this at thehe end. - - amy, she, , you know,, workrked her mcdcdonald's ma, and d she had alall this confetti p popper stufuff anand the big g check. wewe never knonow wheneverr we getet a call frfrom amy sort of f where we'r're gonna- it's a always goodod to find t whwhere she alalways takesess toto a differerent area. - a goodod surprise.e. - yeah, , that's defefinitely childproroof. - [laughghs] - - i mean, itit's big chehe. i think k it was talaller ththan her, acactually. - - everythingng had toto seem veryry natural.. it h had to seemem like we hd donene this a mimillion time. we made e sure thatt i alwaways called d doug, "do" and d not "agentnt mathews," becacause it wouould have been reaeally bad ifif suddeny i was s like, "uh,h, agent mata, can you gogo do this?"?" - amy y was reallyly nervous, the e whole timeme. [lauaughs] soso--which wawas good. it wasas healthy t to be that , 'cause i t told her i i was t, and i wasnsn't--you knknow, i wasnsn't lying t to her. shshe's used t to this; i'i'm. even thougugh i said,, "oh, i g got this," " right? she had d no idea ththat i had d never donene this befof, but i i loved it.. - therere's mr. momonopoly. - there e he is! all l right. - - it's gottata be sinkining i. - nonow it's offfficial, roronald mcdononald, the officicial signatuture. - dougug mathews c could talko a wallll and get i it to respop. you u know, he's's got thatt littlele bit of a a southern dl and evererybody sort of lilikes him. he's the,, "oh, g gosh darn, , you won." - there wawas no riskk ththat somebodody's gonna a , "well, t this guy isis an fbibi agent, and this i is an u undercover r operation." i mean, nonobody-- [l[laughs] nono fbi agentnt laughs as much h as this guguy does. - i i go, "wow, , this really lolooks like t there's-- it's had a womaman's touch h here." i mean, itit was all this plalaid--just, , this sh. [lauaughs] whicich is probabably why i i d. [l[laughing] and, y you know, i i said all kinds ofof stuff, i i was-- agaiain, i was t trying to,, you knowow, move thihis out, make eveverybody seeeem real c comfortablele with uncomomfortable t thing, which is w what i'm gogood a. ♪ - tellll us the ststory about how w you won at t the monopololy game, everythihing like ththat, in y your own wowords. - okokay. um... day starteted out prpretty peaceceful. it w was a day o off, and i wentnt to the bebeach fofor a while.e. i ended d up actualllly falllling asleepep at the beb. and whwhen i woke e up, ththe wind hadad come up anand i was cocovered withth s- not a lot,t, but a a little bitit of sand- and d i picked u up my belonon, and i headaded down to the watater there to kind d of wash mymy legs of wiwith the sanand, and d i was a lilittle klutz. the "p"people" magagazine... [clears ththroat] and my towowel fellll out of ththe backpack, fell into o the water,r, and got t all wet. i enended up, uhuh... ththrowing thohose away on t the way to o the car, anand then aftfter... i i was comingng home, i decided d to stop anand get provisisions for d dinner. so i stopppped at t the mcquadede's supermamt and pipicked up a a few thing, anand i had nenever got a a ce to read ththe magazinene. and d they--therere it w was right t there at t the checkouout stand, so i boughght one. and whwhen i got h home, i i was leafining through h , and we hadad the mcmcdonald's m monopoly ga, and it h had instantnt prize e winners onon it-- or t they had ththe quick pip, whwhatever youou call 'em.. i don'n't know what they'y're called.d. uh, and ththe first onone i peeleled off, i i believe, was pepennsylvaniaia avenue. and ththe second o one i peelelf was a mimillion-dollllar inststant prize e winner, and it wasas like, "w"wow, is thihis for reala" and then i i, uh... followed t the directitions and mamade the calalls and tald toto the peoplple, and, uhuh. it was f for real. - amamy's just u used toto getting t the story.. but t for me, i'm putttting legs t to that. and hehe was mentitioning se grococery story,y, and so i , "which o one? isis it right t here?" "h"hey, can yoyou take us s the" he goeoes, "sure."." you know, , he's feediding off f the energygy part. no, i wasnsn't abouout to stop p that. ththat was grereat. itit's a fieldld trip, rigig? [engine e revving] i'm gegetting calllls, "thehe f*** are y you doing?" "i mean, w why are youou--wh" this i is, like, "are y you adlibbibing?" and i'd gogo, "hey, jajan." my camerera guy, rigight? can you u get this?"?" "y"yeah, i canan get it."" [t[tires screeeech] - dougug struck meme as one of thehe new breeded of ages who thinksks outside the box,x, if you wiwill. but he wasas gung-ho from the g get-go. - thisis is where e i got the, uh, " "people" mamagazin. and d inside we e had ththe monopolyly game with thehe instant $1 millilion winner,r, anand it was g great; itit's fantaststic! - - great! - - got it, okokay. - he's t telling us s how hen the e prize, allll the bs. his was s a magazinene-type thing whicich, at the e tie i didndn't even knknow. i'm lookining over, i i go, "really? i i thought y you gogot this offff the packakag" - and amy's lilike, "didid you read d any of that shitit i sent yoyou?" riright, and i i go, "o"of course i i did." whicich i may hahave glosseded. so i i go, "hey,y, what'd you dodo with the e money?" whwhy? becacause i wantnt to go seize thatat stuff, riright? and he's l like, "i'm buyining a boat."." and so i go, "what name would you have on the back of your boat?" and he was like, "ruthless scoundrel." - one, two, three! - - thanks, mcmcdonald's.. hey! [laughs] - so i'm'm reenactining ththat, right,t, and i go, "so, m michael, you wewere on the e beach?" "y"yes, and itit's right h h. itit's this bebeach." and i i go, "realllly? take u us to it."" and i dididn't care e what tt meanant to my cacamera guy, ,? he's like,e, "are you-u--f**, are you kikidding me?? i gotta--t-the damn bebeach?" - - there's alalways somebeby ththat could r respond tacticalally, if neeeeded. but if s something w went sou, betwtween the titime something wentnt south and the titime they gogot ther. [dramatic musisic] ♪ don'n't do anyththing stupid. ♪ - doug, yoyou know, he was a a professioional, but hehe also didd like t to have funun. so h he loved toto tease mee and d kept me onon my toes.. - thisis is what makes mymy fun meterer go. amy's backck there goioing, "look at t these shoeses i h" anand i'm not t looking at shihit like thahat. i meanan, "take yoyour high heh- why are yoyou wearingg high heelsls anyway?"" and she's s like, "arere you-" you knowow, she wass getting g on to me a about, "heyey, can you u plan ththis better?r?" but t i didn't k know. - can yoyou get enouough sound if he tetells the e story one e more time?e? - yoyou need it?t? we could t try it. - - okay. - [chuckleles] - ananybody notiticing you y ? - - not reallyly. - gogood. - when d doug's at t the hous, it w was a contrtrolled environmnment. whwhen you're e out inin the real l world, there's nonothing contntrolle. you're always a little worried ththe operatioion and the ee could be c compromiseded. - uh, thisis is where e i lot my "peoplele" magazinene. i'm gladad that afteter the e beach i ststopped and pipicked up ananother one becaususe when i d did, i found ththe mcdonaldld's mononopoly game,e, $1 millionon instanant prize wiwinner. - great. okay, gogood. - obviouslsly, you knonow, ththis was dououg's very f t unundercover, , and so youd wawanna try toto keep himm under contntrol, kekeep him sededated, so to spspeak. they donon't make itit eas. - so i i'm like, "man, i i got plentyty. i got enenough." - can i do a a couple of artsy t things, okokay, real q quick? - hey.y. [laughghs] - you knowow, he'd statand ththere smilining, and youou, you're doioing all l this artsysy stuff, and ththen some kikid ran up and grababbed the chcheck. to runun away withth it. - like, i'i'm gonna a let ththis evidencnce just wal? no w way. and i'm m trucking down t the beach..... - and it's's like, "d"dude, it's s not real."" - it w was bad newews. thatat's not a g good problem toto have, bebeing an undndercover agag. - - and this g guy is hammmme. fofortunately,y, he's runnn, like, in a z zigzag, soso it's easy to catch. this kid, he was, , like, full of f sand in hihis mouth and crap a and i'm likike, "dudude..." [stammerers] "i donon't know whwhat i'm goa do witith all thisis sand." and he's's like, "m"man, i justst saw, likek, "all those zereros and thohough. i'm just gonna go take it." anand i can't t even remememr where he wandered off,f, but he wasas out of ththere; we n never saw h him again.. [bomombastic mususic] - somemetimes on a a case, beining lucky isis better than beingng good. - - no asics, , no nothingn, and d we still c caught thatat, ofof course, h he was hammmme, anand we were e not. and we didid get the c check b. ♪ [enginine turns ovover] itit worked grgreat. amamy was phenenomenal. and d i'm like, , "man, unundercover i is awesome.e" [laughing] turned outut it reallyly tickckled our wiwire up. michael hohoover would be o on the phonones whwhich is grereat, bebecause thenen we were l lisg to thahat and recocording it. you knknow, again,n, it got h him comfortrtable. it actctually workrked. yoyou know, alall that woror. [dramatic c music] ♪ - atat that timeme, i i was here i in jacksonvne inin the-- what we e call wire e room. we w were listenening in for whatat we hoped d to be a tetelephone cacall toto this unclcle jerry. and d immediatelely therere's a phonone call byby mr. hoovever to mr. g gb dodown in soututh florida.. ♪ - we were e up on three or f four phoneses. onone was thisis guy, andrew glolomb. i mean, , andrew glolomb ws the guy y with a cheheckered . he had prereviously coconvictd for someme drug chararges on the f federal sidide withth the dea.. ♪ - he had b been in a d drug traffickining thing. he w was a fugititive for a a, eventuallyly got arreseste, and he didid some timeme. anand so, mr. . hoover had calleded mr. glombmb. - ring, riring. ring, ring. "hello?" "yeah, andy." that's andy glomb. "andy, they were here. they belieieved everytything. "e"everything g i told them ababout the wiwinning the e t on thahat 'people'e' magazine" - "and i i was telliling th, 'i didid this, andnd i did th" and d at the verery same tim, i'm m on my cellll phone talklking to dououg mathewss and tellining him, "listen n to this."" ♪ - ththe feeling g from him on the p phone call l was, "m"man, i got t them snowed, theyey bel--" you know, , it was that-- it was thahat-- i memean, it wasas perfect.. it's exaxactly what t you're af. he's talalking, "manan, yoyou're not g gonna belieie. "thihis directoror asked about ththe name of f my boat and d i said, 'ruthlhless scoundndrel.'" and they'r're just lauaughing on the phohone, how mumuch--how fufunny that s to t them becaususe they knew they hadad lied and d had ston this m money from m mcdonald'. - - in that cacall, effectctiy what he'e's doing isis config bebeyond any d doubt that,, you knknow, he dididn't win i. ♪ - it jusust doesn't t get anany better t than that.. it's likike high fivives. - that wasas why you g get up on thesese wiretaps.s. soso we're heaearing how w they did i it. ♪ atat the time,e, we didn'tt know h how big thihis was. we k knew of somome, but t we didn't t know it al. it wasas amazing t to me how w little we e did know.. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. [phonenes ringing] ♪ ththe spider w web of all-l- likeke, we hadad this unclcle . evererything wasas very geneneral, nebubulous. we stitill didn't t know, you got t to remembeber, li, we stillll didn't knknow whwho this jererry person n, if therere even was s a jer. soso all of ththe newer agage, we were e on the wiriretaps to find d out more a about the depthshs of this s sche. - back t then i was s a new a, and mymy first assssignment when i w was broughtht in was to worork the wirere. the title e iii has toto be monitored d full-time,e, 24. you hear t the phone c cal, you grab y your headseset, yoyou put it o on, yoyou listen t to the calll. - wewe're listenening inin the wire e room and i'i'm hearing,g, you kn, the e name unclele jerry thrownwn around onon the phon. "uncle jererry, uncle e jer. you u don't wannnna make uncle jejerry upset.t." - well, , i do rememember clearly fefeeling likeke i wawas in new y york and i is lilistening toto a mobsterr talking ababout runnining his s mafia empipire, some m mafia don, , 'cause thas kikind of how w this guy c cam. ♪ - so we e had to find ununcle jerry.y. i i mean, how w do you do o t? ♪ - - we did an n analysis of phonene records from p past winnerers. you lookok for that commomon number.. - we knew w when they y won ththe prizes, , what year,, and we c could probabably cordt off f to a monthth, so i thih- i i think we b backed up t o and d went forwaward two. ♪ and we wenent and pulllled ththe phone nunumbers comiminn and gogoing out for thisis period ofof tim. ♪ - lo andnd behold, each of f their phonone numbes wewere callingng common nunum. - - we saw thehe activityy heavy y coming in n right befe the prize e was awardeded or c claimed, and ththen heavy r right after, anand then notothing. and ththen none of them m were relatated; theyey didn't knknow each oto. all wewere hittingng that numb. ♪ - all thesese phone cacalls ininclude one e person.... ♪ jerorome jacobsoson. alalso known a as... jerry jacocobson. ththe absolutete head of s secy for simomon marketining. ♪ [brighght tone] [d[dramatic mumusic]

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Something , Sneezing , Coughing , Treatment , Cases , Nasal Discharge , Big Snotty Noses , Lots , Home , Nose , Vet , Productive Mucus , Dog , Emergency Situation , Sick , Dogs , Advice , Doggie Chicken Noodle , Duke , Standby , Part , Take Care , Doggies , Camera , Bright Totone , 00 , 5 , Monopoly Game , Mcdonald S , Mcdonala , Gogo , Mononopoly , P Pass , Supersized Excitement , 50 Million , Try It , Think Yoyou , Dr , Mcdononald S , Back In N The 90s , Game M Monopoly , More P Prizes Thanan , Nonow , E Everywhe , Ifif , Nag , Momonopoly , Playay , 90 , Monopololy Game , Win , Y , O One , Gasps , Righght , Monopopoly , Game B Being Playeyed , The Truth , Game Pieieces , Millionon , 2 , , One , No One , Peopople Everywhwhere , Been C Caught Steaealing , Cacaught Stealaling , Fivive , Cass Whenen , Jane E S Addictioion , Pay Forort But T , Mcdodonald , S Stealing , Want Sosomething , Mimillion Dolll , Boatats , M Man Ii Don T Wananna , Upup , Pririzes Cocould Be Carars , 1989 , 0000000 , 9 , 2001 , 10000000 , Game , Nono , Monopolyly , Legititimate Winneners , Value Gagame Piecs , Viper , There Werere , Mcdcdonald , Higigh , Hohow Crazy Bullshit , Dramamatic Music , It S Mine , Waves Crashing , The , Music , Ththe Fbi , Slslower Atattitude Thehere , Therere , Repupun Of Being Aa , Jacksonvnville , Little Bitit , Very Undndersized , Hdaa , Sleepy Hohollw Retirementnt , Yoyou Know , Informatioion Ththat , You Don T Have Anan Interest , Somethihing , Squad , Ii Superviseded , Spread , Light Suspepenseful Musus , Miami , Atlanta , Rick D , I Investigatg , Ththis Legendadary Guy , Evenen , Banknk Fraud , Healthcacare Fraud , White Collllar Crime , Publblic Corruptption , Apppproximatelyly , 12 , Senenior Agentt , Whahat , Career , Big Caseses , Partnener , Spspecial Agenent Math , Pull Jajacksonvile , Fofor , Iowa , Asassigned Agegent To T The Divisioion , Oman , Good Luckck With Thatat , Ofoffice You R , Doug Mat , Mid D , Duct T Taping Stf , Up Wiwith , Thehe Type Ofof Division N , Old G , Hahave , Togetherer Just , Cauause , Wanna Makeke , My Trainining Ag , Luckcky , Rick Dedent , Thesese Wiretaps S Soso , Parart Ofof , You Knowow , Youou Guys Get T To Rick Ded , Fact , Matter , Mucuch Personalaly , Kindnd , Opposisites , Mathematitician Andns Ababout , Ri , Veryry , Ofof Wood Right Herere , Alwaways Loog , Fufun Ride , No O , Tetelling Youu He S Gononna Be , Don T Recall , Yes , Type C Cas , Working Ga One , Kfi , Healththcare Fraud , We R , Lightht Music , Ththe Priorityty , Particicular Junctctue , Three , Familyly Restaurat Ththat , Mcdononald S Mononopoly Frau , Thihis Note Inin , This , Oror Whatever R Soso , Mali , Add Tg , Sometimemes , Saw Wass , Cornener , The S Shinier Objbject , Cause , He W , Di Go , Death , Wiwith A Queststion Mark , Mcdons Momonopoly Gamame , Imporortant , Healthcarere Garbag , Story Thatat The Monopopoly Game , Alalways Somebeby Ththat , Indidivl , There W , Meme , Evenentually Iw , Fixexed , Uncomomfortable T Thing , It T , Dent T , Gonna A Go Check T This Out , That W , I , That T Like , Bsbs Story , Seseeing , Gottata Be Morere , Givive Me That T Damn , Fun Meter , It , Source , Call , True Anand , And Ii , Me Three E , Names , T This For Aa Little , Younung Man , Contacted D , Pfffff , Soururce Gaveve , Surprise E Yeah , Peperson , Thesese People Arare , Ththis , Winners , Fafamily Tree E , Contntrolling Ththis , Millllion Dollarar , Sasaid , Wiwith All Dififferent Nama , Seseen Anythg Likeke , Riright , Winner , Nebulous S , Mimillion Dollllar , Got T The Biggesest Case , Uncle Jererry , I Don T Knknow , Say Thatat , Agagt Gogoes , Bubut , Screw T , Bureau , Screw W , Laughghs , Thata , Oror Somethingng , P Withth , You Wouldd , Healtlth , Anyny , Nenew , Young Guguy Goes T , Prprobably Saiaid , You Knknow , That S , G , P Piece , Little S , Truth H , Gold , Me Look Atat This , Ththe Old Agenent , Promotionanal , Me Thahat Back , Laughining , Fast F Food , Findnds , Game Fraraud , Guys Loose E On Th , Listt , Anybody , Risk , There E S , Realally , P Priorities , Anywhere , It Turnsns , Dodon T Think K , This Befofore , Expended Resosources , Realilized , Wass Immedidiately Get T , Office A , Mark Dedeverea , A Prorose , Thehe U S Attotorneys , Touh , Ricick , Deverereaux , Yoyou Gotta Reremember , Funky Music , P Prosecutedd , Titi , Collar R If There S , Whihite , Ththe Go To Gy , Chancee Thisis , Gononna , Prosecutor , Guy To T Becaususe He S Thehe Behind Wheel , Dififficult , Sell , Thing Canan Be Indictc , Devevereaux , Thatat , T Monopoly G Game W I Have N No Idea , I Don T Knowow , Bigig Deal , Burger King , Case , Name E S , Assistant , U S , Mark Devevere , Attororney , 30 , Lo A And Behold D When W , Lilist , Winne , Somehohow Intervieiewed , Draramatic Musisic , Familyly , Em Inin Trouble , It T S , We Receiveded , Family , O Show , You U Don T Believeve , My Worlrld , Indndividuals , Connnnectios , Thehe Local Jacksonvnville Area A , C Coincidenceces , T Databa , Chance , Family Members , Relatitives , Ththe Ge , Justst Astronomimical , Idea , Chanance , Ththat Problem , We Knenew There Wawas A Probl , Poinint , Babasically , Getetting Strucuck , Florid , Gott Lessss , Thunderclapap , We Werere Compiling Is T , Contest , Potentialllly Hundredsds Of M , Years Befofore , Tatalking , Bebeen Infecteted , We Becacame Awa , Ononce Devereaeaux , Fofor Everythihing , Inteterested In N This , Muchch , Fraudud , Thesese Prizes , Wellll , Stratetegy Session , Alall Up In Ththere , Devereauaux , Ththere Be Thehe Opporty , Prosesecutors , Start Withth Whee , Spapace , Sp , We Wereren T Suree If , Gamame Piec , Person Wawas , Many , Somebody Ine , Sususpects , Wenent , Toto , Kinds , Whwho , Ththese , Youou , Ouout Whwho , S Chain , Figure , Peoplple Arare , Game P Pis , P Possibilitities , Pulull , Fry Bobox , Ththe Cups , People , Thisis , We Dididn T , Somemebody , Factctory , Cocorporate , Driver , Delivery , Out Anyo , There E , Action N , You K Know , To P , There , There Wasnsn T A Lot O Of , Diffificult , Let Me J , Reaeached , Tonn Of Queststions , Wasn T A Lot , Ththere , Statart Somewhehere , Bubut Withoutt Compmpromising T The Case , Ththe Internetet , Time Geget , T We Clelearly , We Contntact Mcdonanald S , Inforormation On N , Back G Go , End , Don T L Let , Em Knonow , Insi , Big G Decisn To Be E Made , Becacause We Jusust Ran Into A Deaead , Sitttting , Course Ththere , Possibibility Thatat Someboy , Waway Too Soonon , Tiny Vovoice , Way , We Werere Willing G To , Riskk , Ultimamately Willlling , To Takake , Him T , At Mcdonald , Head , F Global Security , Rob B Holm , Hihim , You U , Toto Jacksonvivi , It Woululd Probablyly , Jujust , Didn T Tell Him Why , Onlnly , Toto Come And Ds , Do N , Fee , Picicked M Up Here E In Jacksononvill , Mcmcdonald S , Itit Quiet , Mornrning , Anand We Droveve , We E , Think Thahat , Welcome T To Jacksonvnvill , I Office , Mostlyly , Didn T Eveven Explainn , Thehey Re Twitctch , You Rere Evalug Ththeir , Em Up To Thehe Conferencnce Room , Theyey Legitimatate , Tookok , Point , At T , Mcdonalald , Ininvolve , Bad Applele , Sosomething Elelse , Evevery Organinization , We Didid , Lot , Itit , Yoyou Don T , Wantnt Anythihing , C , Here Fofor That , And D , Invesestigation Wawas Extremelely Boring T To , My Moo , U Gotta , Sit Ovever , Ouour Brand Isis , Maman , Thatt , Thought , Great O Opportuni , Suit , Markrk Devereaux , Brassy Mumusic , Clososet , Gololden Frfry Suit , Doug Hasas , Lauaughs , Aa Wardr , It F , Wasn T , Hands , Safe , Whwhite Shirirt On , He Cocould , Ti , H He Goeoes , Are Yoyou Kidding , T Meeting , Coo , Lo Andnd Behold , Kikidding , He S , A Managerer Of Mcdodon , Ten , Di , You Rerecognize Ththe Names , Dramatic Mumusic , Stararted Puttining Names D , Aw Whiteboad , Wentnt , O , Thenen , Yourr Promototional Gamemes , Sir , I Starteded , Relatitionships , Familily Connectitions , Thesese , Drawawing Liness , Few , Thing , Type E , Well , Dodo , Differerent , Whihiteboard Th , Namemes , Pererson , Dedevereaux , Couous , This Persrson S Daughgh , Sisisters , Mararried , Brbrothers , Mother Dauaughter , Lasast , Av Victim , Liliterally Jajaws , Are Theyey , There Wawas , Prprobably Putut Out Therer , Alwaways Th , Morere Informatition , We H Have An Iss , Certainlnly , Ththis Cire , Knowledge , He E , Likee , Minimum , Thehe Talkg , Doining , Everybybody Agreeded , D , Casee Histstorically , Just T , Iw , Hungngry Twicice , Fore , We Traraditioy , Mononumenta , They Wewere , Gogonna , Ep , We Woululd , Witness S Interviewsws , You Rerely , Verery Difficu , Thisis Cas , Bank S Statemen , On Paperwow , Outsidide , You Relyly , Bo , It W , Sometething Proacact , Tvtv Commerciaial Ofof , Essentntially Catctch People , Perfectt Bebecause We W , Rununning Anothther Gam , Wy , We Tolold , We Havave , Game Knowing G , Criminal E Enterprise , Toto Identify Y , Thi , Forwrward , Frad Somewherere Involveded , Answer , H Help , Nothing Hahappens , Mcdodonald S , Didirector , Isis Rob Holm , Global Sececuy , Bigg Responsisibility , Learneded Abouout , Light Music , Mononopoly Gamee Being Compmpromised , Throroughout Thehe World , 3700000 , 120 , Mcdcdonald S Aa , Shshocked , Wororld Coululd , Wawas Anyby , More Imporortantly , Utterly Shshocked , Milillion Dollal , Chance To W , Promomotion Knknowing Thatat , Gameme , Wanted To Runun , Ririg , Obviouously Concererned , Customerers , Fbfbi , Wawas Hesitantnt , Do Tha , One E , Ofof Everything Mcdonaldld S , Spots , Off , Runnin , Offff , Promotions , Nanaive , Headququarters Andnd , Things , First T , Anand You Mcdonald D S , Concern , Struggggling Withh Someme , Mcdodonald S Wasas , Mcdonald S Restauran , Now Thi , Mad Cow Disease , Over Britain , Mamad Cow , U , Brandnd Name , Archehes Arare A Part O Of America , They R , Shararing Good T Times , Gogolden , Momost , Importatant Thg , Arere You , Immediatelely Therere , News Andnd , Anand You So , Prorotect T Mcdcdonald , Onene Mcdonald D S , Natioional Nes , 0 , Name , Thatat Mcdonald D S Gagames , Doughnuts , Meetings , Sufuffer Irreparablble , Bet , Great Cocoffee Insidide , Meeting , Theheir Headquauarters , Nobody , Gotot , Illinois , Wewe Weren T S Sure , Titime , Werere Gonna G Ththat , Ik Know Thatat , Ple Anand You Re W Waiting On N T So A Anyway , Dec , Youou Walk In T , Asidide , Whwha , Somomebody , Find Thatat , Traiaitor , Comompany , Gogot A Problelem , Gonna Fifind T , They H , Mcdonanald , We Didn N T Help Bururn This , Playing Thihis , Contininued , Hahad Jut , Tickiking Bom , Elevator R Dings , Callll , Easy Decic , Worrrry , Alonong , Leakeded Out Publilically , Seririously , Makingng , And Itit S Right H , We Dididn T Get , Thining , Opportununity , Whwhich Is To O Run , Don T Wor , Customes , This Ri , Time E We Absololutely Knewew , R Investigata , Wewe , Progrgram Works , Mononth , Lititerally , Shotot , Telell , Company , Amy Y , Apple , Mimilkshakes , Ththey Don T M Make Markete , Hahamburgers , Frfrench Frieses , Theyey Outsourceced , Simon Mararketing , Mararketing , Pulllled Ththe , Theyey , Food Anand Fun In Aa , Lovove Mcdodonald , Gonna Inincrease , Will , C Childr , Prproduced Andnd , Adu , Wanted A Promomotion , Memeal , Youour Businesss , Hapappy Meal , Sisimon , Marketeting Actuay , 80s0s , Kidids , 80 , Game Monopoly , Monopoly G Game , Gotn Itit , Year R A , Likike Mcdonaldld , Come To Life At Mcdonald S , Simon Markeketig , Runnining Ononce , Richchard White , 1981 , Monopoly , Amount O , Game Y , Play M Monopoly , Monopol , G Peopople , Grand Priz , Love Cocollecting , Bubusiness , P Promotin , Increasese , 2 Million , A Million , 4040 , Like Boardrdwalk And P Park Theyey , Piece E , Match G , Pipiece , Game Pieceses , Itit D Be Fullll , Missing Gae , Theirir Cards , C Cause Thosese , Ththen , Wait Aa , Thehe High , Homes , You Coululd , Boardwalk , Dodollar Winnener , Winnnning Pieceses , Beverages , Items , Win Fofood , Chahance Games S , Boardwalalk , Afterer , Vehehicles , Got T , It Twicece A , Scrabble O One , Wewe Gonna , Game We Didid , Mcdods Alwaways , Sasales , Increasased Theieir Businessss , Let S Run Monopoly Againin , The Game Pipiece , Piece , Ways S , One Ofof , Gambling , Otherwisee , Hands Up Inin , Asask , Ar There Wewere Very Specificic Rules Fofor , Freree , Somome , Sasay , Bubuy A , Food P Product , Nonowhere In T , M Magazine , Anand You Coululd Geget , Gagame , Piecee Fromom , Operation , Tenense , Some , Uh , F , Something G , S Squad , The Names , Arches , Ththat One Upp , Operatation Unhappppy Meal , Stalale Fr , Playing Onon The Hambuburgl , Aa Fw , Mimillionaire , Who O , Promotionanal Gameme , Morere Rational L , At T Mcdonald S , Calleled , Matatch Up Withth , Finanal Answ , Aa Millionairire , You Remembeber The E Tv Show , Ththink Calmerer , Minds Prevev , Whoho , Tv Shs , Answswer , Gameme Time , Stararted , Kickofoff , I Wawas , Lookiking Fr , An Undercocover Angle , Dodon T Want That , Go Get T , Down Ththe , Y You Don T W , Accocountant In N , Alwaways , Waltlter Mitty Complex , Him Oror , Criminalal Enterprisi , Sex , Righ Ii Wanna Burnrn , Bad Guyuy , This Wasas The Oppororty To , Need , Kikind , Thehere , Beforore We Couldld Articuculate The N , Undercov , We G Gotta , Alwlways Thi , Undedercover Agegent , Hi , M , Lilistening , The One E , Undndercover Ininvestigati , Matteter , Unundercover I Investigatit , Abobout An Undedercover Investigatation , Mathew , Hearar Anythig , Listenen , Singngle Meetingn , I Don T Wanna , I Dididn T Thinknk Anybybody , Ouout , Everybody , Coined T , S , Laughter , Kind , That T S , Undercocover , Run Withth Things Aa Little T And Then B , Rick Alwayays , Tatake Care , Big Baback , Seininfeld , Gegeorge Costataa , You , Hm , Toto Reality , Him B , Talk Abouout Undercovover Work , Phohone Ringingng , So Why Y Don T Youu Go Getet , Donene , 302 , Knowiwing , Callll Fromom Mcdonald D S , Peperson S , Preliminanary Backgro , A Winnnn , Mimichael Hoovover , Latetest P , Advavantage , Claimemed , He Wororked , Gambling A , Pit S , C Music , Sweepststakes Anand Whatnot T Rick , Ap , Bebeen Familiaiar , Ac Casino , Aa Called Title Iii Invevestigation , Boringng Situationon For , To T , It S , Piecece , Youou Know , Anything , Ii Don T Knowow , Got Up , Try , Wiwiretap , Wireretap Ininvestigatioion , Mamany Poems Ii , Paperr , Sititting , Anand You Don N T Know Whwhat , H , Winnener , Opportunity , Ususg My F , Okokay , Say Anythihing Oror , Abouout , You W Win , Face , Fufuture Promomotions , Thehe Big Chec , Lookok , Yoyour Signingng , For An N Undercoverer Invevestigation , Winneners L , Opppportunity , Platform , Usus Ii , Publisishers Clclearing Hououse , G Gonna , He S Likike , Kind D , T Telling Uss How W , Doo Thatat , Jumumping Up , So Wewe , Mathewews , Prproduction C Company , Hoovover , This S Could Rol , Publblic Relatioions , Thehen , Notot Doing It , Ii , Know Anynything Abouout That , Gonnnna Get Mcdonaldld , Didirecto , He Goes , Thehey Don T Dodo Sh , Do Iti , O Anything , D Anand Rick Goeoes , Gonnnna Need Sac Authorority , Listenening Inin , Special Agent , Office , You Hae The E Sac For Ththe , Charge , Jacksonville , Offifice , Tom Kneir , Evererybody Thatat , C Case , Handsds On With Chs , Squads , Lolot , Cocontact , Mostst , Squad Supererviso , U Uy , He Gogoes , Calleded , He , Gun , Nexext Day , Anand He S Beeeen Given A Badge , Gotot A Supeperman S Capape , Someme Credentiaials , Mathehews To T The Sac S O Office , Need To O Come Up Heh , Whateve , Never Goodod , Hehey , Nenever , Likike The Walklk Of Sh , Thehe Elevatorsrs , Yoyour Nam , Wearar A Bulletptproof V But Inin , Causese , Ththe , Roomom , Shit , Mathehews , Cd , Size , Payaycheck , Chief Didivision Cououn , Sac K Kneir , Rick Denent , Graham , Small L , Rick G , I M Sorry , Look At Me , Lilike , Ththey All , Mightht Work , Turd , Somewhere , I Don T Know , Quicklyly , Dididn T Have A Lot Of Undercocover , Need A Undercover Agentnt Down Here , Jacksonvilllle , You Know W , Welell , Three Weekeks , Undercocover Ag , Actor R Anyway , Gueuess That Ss , Being G , Rolled Thehe , Hand , Decidede , There Ss , Dice , Ststringent Prprocess , Hair Tururned Whit , Wiwith Doug S Concept , Wanted , Allll , Beingng Undercovever , Tetesting , Thihis Thatat Didn T Exexactly , Stagage , D Undercovere , Special , Certified , Agagt Fofor , Spspecific Cas , Undedercover Worork , Whahat Doug Matas , Sac C Authorityy , Thahat Spececific Case E My Namame , Janet T Pellicciot , Him , Agt Becacause He , Undercoverer , Itit S Real , Undercover Coordinator , Division , E Actin , You Sit T There And E S A Real Threa , Naturalal , Small Divivision , Agent , Didn T Do Oa Lot Of , Somemebody Couldld Harm Y , Oi , Jacksosonville Divisi , Fun , Pelellicciotti , Like Somomebody Thats Justst , Nonot Have To O Go Throh All L The Bullshshit , Jazzyzy Music , Two , Videogographer , Wouldn T , To Act As Sa Film Crerew , My Name , You Knonow , He Wanteted , Sasac , Undercoverers , Hihimself , Lion S Den , Isis Jan Garvivin , You U Know , He Expxplained , Gogonna Love T This , Gonna Loveve This , Let S Go , It Wawas , Nonot , Goingng , How W S , Afafter , A , Togethr Whwhat Appearsrs , We N , Videdeo Person , Aududio Person , Intererviewer , Legititimate Productionon , A Directctor , See Ththat , We D , Nobodody Needs Toto , Knknow Jack , They Rere The Lighthting Person , Me Somebodydy Thats Not Stupupid , I Neeeed Onone , Riri , Nameme , Up W , Thro , Casese , Proroduction Cocomy , Undercovover Operatition , Shshamrock Productionsns , Evererything Wilill Be Fi , Whwhich , G Goo , I Alwaysys , Cacause You Rere Just Luckc , We T , Abobout Haviving Everybobody , Scenario , Undercoverer Operatation , Fbibi Personne , Happepen , Legitimatelely , Runun , T Backgroundnd , My Name S Amy Murraya , Ththat Would B Be Hard To O F , Donon T Realy Tell Thehe , Much Bebecause , I Investigatation , Story Thahat , Agago , To Anyn , Yearars Sincnce , 1 , 22 , 17 , Back , Games , Do You D , Ininto , Invevestigation , Communications Department , Six , Amy Direcectly , Office Andnd , Me Io His S , Pieces , My Boss S , Lil , Stomomach , Crimiminal Ring , Trustt , Jujust Devastatating , Frfrom Monopoly Winnersrs , Thininking Backk , Toto Realie , Answewers , Pattern , 20 200 , Patternrn , Contnt , Whwhen The Fbibi Really Sa , Ththink Tt , Bebeing , Situations , Undercover Operation Doesn T , Wawas , Becacause I Wantnted , Reasons , Civilian , Sometething Happep , Littlele Concerne , Prprofessionalals , Aree , Safety , Security , Shshe , E Safe , Rob B , Nerves , Get Evevidenc , Nervouous , Mae Itit , Popossi , What S Ththis Specialal Proje , Talkining To Thehe , Couldn T Tatalk Abouout This , Sometetimes Everyr , Friend , My Clososest , My Fafa , Pepeople , Still Didn N T , Invnvestigation We S , Teteam , Couple P , We Stilill Didn T K , Anybobody , Coworkrkers , Infnfected , Mr , Hehe , Commemercial Thatat We W , H Amy , Cocoming , Her , Hohoover , Shamrorock Productctions , Througugh Corporatate , Who O , Gop , Vivisit , Conontact , Forgeget Shshowing Up A , White Van N , They Rere , Puttining , An Airpopo , Shirt O , Gogoing Out Ththere , Cacameraman Wowould Do , Producerer , Gogolf , Doug Abou , Introduceded , P Playing Mys , Ninine , Maybybe , Laughs , T The First O One , Off F , Apprehensioion , What T Amy , Ti Have Al Lot , Wel , Somomething Likike , Directotor , Lookoks , Seseamles , Excxcited , Golf C , Undercocover Operatation , Situatition , Mayay Be Too Mumuch Ri , Tht , You Wannnna Carry Aa Gun , Expepect , Youou Kno , Anklkle Holsr , Antenna Gogoing , Suspect T , Makee You Don T , Thenen You Sit D , S Yoyou , Anand Somebodydy , Down Inin , Atau Crcrossways Anand Go , Chair , Do Anythihing , Trigggger Theieir , Thatat Little Exea , Iw Wasn T , Goooo , Invesestigatio , Adrenaliline , Ababout , Rereally , Sure Ii , Anany Suspicioion , Inin My Stomacach , Butterflieies , Yoyour Syst , Alivive , And Ii Go , Yeaeah , Youou Talk To T , She E , They Don T Either , Our Investstigation , Know Anythihg , Y You Don T K , Whatat , C Cause I Donon T , She E S Laughingng , You G Got , Is S , To O Expect , Just Ststay , Yon , Closose , You G Inin , Safe E And Securer , You Re G Gonna , Team M Therere , Cicivilian Thahat , Anytything Happepens , Alwaysys A Team Ouo , Makake , Ththings Like E , Somemething , Undercrcover , Have Diststress Calls , Youo , Problem , Knonocking , Teterrible Flulu Is Comingng , Rereally Gone E , Agt Saysys A Certainin Word , R Hoove , Anytything , We Wewere Set Up P , Rerecord Buttoton , Fbi Ia , Unbeknowownst , With T The Camerasas On Theheir Shouldeder , Recod Prettyty , They Don T , Ths , Greaeatest Thingng In Thehe World Abobout , Camera Rorolling , Gonna Captpt , Indistinct T Chatter , Bank T , Cas , Ma , Workrked , Indisistinct , Confetti P Popper Stufuff , Lolocal , Thehe End , Area , Goodod , T Whwhere , She Alalways Takesess , Big G Check , Toto A Differerent , We Getet , Frfrom , Knonow Wheneverr , Defefinitely Childproroof , It H , Talaller Ththan , Edo , Everythingng , Mimillion Time , Agentnt Mathews , We Hd Donene , Big Chehe , Veryry Natural , Acactually , It Wasas Healthy T , Like , Whole Timeme , Wasnsn T Lying , Her Ii Was T , Wawas Good , Becacause , Mata , It Wouould , Reaeally , Wasnsn T , Ifif Suddeny , Roronald Mcdononald , Gottata Be Sinkining I Nonow It S Offfficial , Twig , Befof , Got Thatt Littlele , Dougug Mathews C , Lilikes Him , Wallll , Officicial Signatuture , Respop , Aa Southern Dl , Gonna A , Touch H , Ththat Somebodody , Like T There S , Guguy Does Ii Go , Undercover R Operation , Nonobody , Guy Isis , Fbibi , Womaman , Y You Know , Stuff , Move Thihis Out , Probabably Why Ii D L , Eveverybody Seeeem Real C Comfortablele , Sh , Plalaid , Whicich , Wowords , Gogood A Tellll , Day Starteted , Um , Prpretty Peaceceful , Whwhen , Sand , Bebeach Fofor A While E , Falllling Asleepep , Day O Off , Cocovered , Actualllly , Beb , Wind Hadad , My Belonon , P , My Towowel Fellll Out , Ththe Backpack , Legs , Wiwith , Watater , Water , Magagazine , Wash Mymy , Lilittle Klutz , Sanand , Clears Ththroat , Got T All Wet , Away On T , Dinner , The Way To O Car , Comingng Home , At T The Mcquadede S Supermamt , Pipicked , Uhuh , Ththrowing Thohose , Aftfter Ii , Got Aa , Leafining Through H , Ice , Onon , Got H Home , Ththe Magazinene , T There At The Checkouout Stand , Mcmcdonald S M Monopoly Ga , Wow , Ththe Second O One I Peelelf , Is Thihis For Reala , Em , Whwhatever Youou Call , Inststant Prize E Winner , Pip , Called D Uh , And Ththe First Onone I Peeleled Off , Ii Believe , Pepennsylvaniaia Avenue , Followed T , Putttting Legs T , Story , For Real , Directitions , The Peoplple , Mentitioning Se Grococery Story , Getting T , Amamy , Mamade The Calalls , Tald , Us S The , Feediding Off F , Engine , Wasnsn T Abouout , The Energygy Part , Can , He Goeoes , Grereat , Fieldld Trip , Rigig , Tires Screeeech , Gegetting Calllls , Dougug , Camerera Guy , Are Y You Adlibbibing , Breeded , Are Youou Wh , Jajan , Rigight , Canan , Thinksks Outside The Box , G Get Go , You Wiwill , He Wasas , Gung Ho , Inside We E , Ei Got The , Ththe Monopolyly , Thehe Instant 1 Millilion Winner , Mamagazin , Fantaststic , He S T , Didndn T , Didid You Read D , Prize , Shitit , Tie , Thing Whicich , Lookining Over , Course Ii , Offff The Packakag , Boat , I M Buyining A Boat , Whwhy , So Ii Go , Money , Ruthless Scoundrel , Hahave Glosseded , Becacause I Wantnt To Go Seize Thatat Stuff , Reenactining Ththat , Thanks , This Bebeach , You Wewere On The E Beach , Tt Meanant To My Cacamera Guy , Dididn T Care E , Realllly , T The Damn Bebeach , Neeeeded , Tacticalally , Don N T , Gogot Ther , Dramatic Musisic , Betwtween , Something Wentnt South , Sou , Anyththing Stupid , Mymy Fun Meterer Go , Backck , Toes , Aa Professioional , Mee , There Goioing , At T These Shoeses Ih , Funun , Ti Didn T K Know , Yoyou , She Wass Getting G On , Heyey , Sound , Take Yoyour High Heh , Yoyou Wearingg , Shihit , At T The Hous , Reallyly , Gogood , Out Inin The Real L World , Contrtrolled Environmnment , Ananybody Notiticing , Chuckleles , Little , Ththe Operatioion , Nonothing Contntrolle , Kid , C Compromiseded , Pipicked Up Ananother One Becaususe , Peoplele Magazinene , Ei , Him Sededated , Ththe Mcdonaldld , Mononopoly Game , Youd Wawanna , Prize Wiwinner , Contntrol , Millionon Instanant , Ft Unundercover , Obviouslsly , Dououg , Kekeep , Artsy T , They Donon T , Hey Y , Spspeak , Itit Eas , Got Plentyty , Enenough , M Trucking Down T , Ran Up , I M Gonna , Away Withth , Artsysy Stuff , Kikid , The Beach , Grababbed The Chcheck , Statand Ththere Smilining , Ththis Evidencnce , Toto Have , He S Runnn , G Guy Is Hammmme , Thatat S Not Ag Good , Fofortunately , Undndercover Agag , Bad Newews , Dude , Az Zigzag , Saw , Likek , Scrap , Mouth , All Thisis Sand , Dudude , Witith , Stammerers , Those Zereros And Thohough , Remememr , Saw H , Somemetimes On Aa Case , Lucky Isis , Asics , Beingng Good , Beining , Bomombastic Mususic , No Nothingn , H He , Enginine Turns Ovover , C Check B , Ofof Course , Hammmme , Wiwire Up , Awesome E , Worked Grgreat , Reallyly Tickckled , Phenenomenal , Outut , Jacksonvne Inin The , That Timeme , Phonones Whwhich Is Grereat , Michael Hohoover , To Thahat , It Actctually Workrked , Alall , Bebecause Thenen , Woror , Atat , Recocording , Lisg , Him Comfortrtable , Phonone Call Byby , Room , Tetelephone Cacall , Unclcle Jerry , Listenening , Hoovever , G Gb Dodown , We W , Soututh Florida , Andrew Glolomb Ws , Guy Y , Cheheckered , Onone , Phoneses , Guy , Prereviously Coconvictd , Someme Drug Chararges , Andrew Glolomb , Four , Ring , Traffickining , Tb , Fugititive For Aa , Sidide Withth , Anand So , Riring , Hoover , Eventuallyly , Glombmb , Got Arreseste , And Ii Was Telliling Th , Belieieved Everytything , Andnd I Did Th , Hello , Wiwinning The Et On Thahat People E Magazine , E Everything Gi , Andy Glomb , Ththe Feeling G , P Phone Call , Listen N To This , Dououg Mathewss , Phone Talklking , Period Ofof Tim , I M On My Cellll , Theyey Bel , How Mumuch , Phohone , Exaxactly , Gonna Belieie , Talalking , Thihis Directoror , It Wasas Perfect , Ruthlhless Scoundndrel , He Dididn T , Bebeyond , Doubt , Cacall , Win I , M Money From Mcdonald , Effectctiy , Jusust Doesn T Get Anany , We Didn Tt Know H , Big Thihis , Likike High Fivives , It Wasas Amazing T To Me How W Little We E , T We Didn Know It Al , We K , Power , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Data , Power Outages , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , 4 , Phonenes Ringing , We Stitill Didn T Know , We Stillll Didn T Knknow Whwho This Jererry Person N , Jer , Evererything Wasas , Spider , Web , Wiriretaps , To Remembeber , Nebubulous , Very Geneneral , Ththe Newer Agage , Full Time , Depthshs , S Sche , Broughtht In , Wirere , Mymy First Assssignment , Title E Iii Has , 24 , Yoyou Listen T , The Wire E , It O On , Hearing , Calll , Phon , Phone C Cal , Unclele , Headseset , Jerry Thrownwn , Uncle E Jer , You Kn , Uncle Jejerry Upset T , Guy C Cam , M Mafia Don , Fefeeling Likeke , You U Don T Wannnna , Cause Thas Kikind , Talking Ababout Runnining , Rememember , His S Mafia Empipire , York , Mobsterr , Ununcle Jerry Y Ii Mean , N Analysis , Think We B , Prizes , We C , Commomon Number , Monthth , Forwaward Two , Phonene Records , Past Winnerers , Probabably Cordt , Peach , Nunumbers Comiminn , Numbes Wewere , Phonone , Thehe Activityy Heavy Y Coming In N Right Befe The Prize E , Ththen Heavy R , None , Relatated , Callingng Common Nunum , Awardeded , Notothing , Theyey Didn T Knknow , Phone Cacalls , Oto , Wewere Hittingng , Head Of S Secy , Gas , Simomon Marketining , Jerorome Jacobsoson , Jerry Jacocobson , Ththe Absolutete , Alalso , Brighght Tone ,

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