fact is nahla deserves a mom, deserves a dad. ultimately if i were the judge you had have to work something out but the allegations going back and forth is no good for nahla who is going to be 3 years old next month. >> so richard, pretty serious if halle berry pulls out of that movie in south africa, somebody else is now in for her. she's standing by her claim, isn't she? >> she's standing by her claim and i don't think we should shed a tear for her financially. there will be other movies for her. but this area of law, this domestic relations area, this is the highest level of just vicious commentary back and forth between the parties of any other area of law, and at the end of the day the best interests of the children are what's paramount. that's what a judge will weed through. a lot of these comments that are being head in the prose, they're just going to be discarded as just hurt feelings and just ridiculous statements. the courts will deal with it. >> now lindsay lohan back in the spotlight in the legal spotlight once again, but this time over a