with no trouble and now this talk about legalizing cannabis cultivation tell us how that came about. it's not a new idea in lebanon i mean i've talked to some farmers i've talked to various farmers and some of them have been saying so that they've been talking to their local officials about this for over twenty years and to be around the same time that lebanon actually criminalized the growing of cannabis but it became recent now because at the beginning of the year the lebanese government commissioned mckinsey the global consulting company to come up with proposals to boost lebanon's cash strapped economy and this was one of the proposals that they came up with how far could it go in fact to improve the economic situation had they given some sort of estimate or indication i don't think the kids even estimate but the caretaker economy minister of lebanon last gave an estimated one of our own one billion u.s. dollars that could come into the economy if this were to be legalized of course natural absolutely it could really help lebanon as as mentioned in the lead and it