>> i started talking women out of having abortions. >> even at the clinic or-- >> at the clinic. >> that couldn't be profitable or popular to ask people not to get an abortion at abortion clinic. >> they wanted me out of there fast. >> i bet they do. you've spent the last 25 years working with women who keep them from having an abortion. warri -- are we getting closer to ending this horrible holocaust in this country? >> i'm encouraged by what i see. the last year, 24 states passed 92 laws and of course, texas is my home and i stepped out of my nonprofit and lobby and we defunded planned parenthood in texas this past year, and we passed a very strong and consent law to require the abortionist to sit down with the woman in a face to taste private, confidential meeting and we thought we would save babies and cut abortion in half and see the same thing across the countries. >> carol everett, i thank you for your powerful story and