>> but that's a joke. listen, remember when he was running and he said ok, we'll drill off the continental shelf, that was an opportunity there. we'll be three years into that, the gulf oil disaster ended up being an opportunity to play politics. we shut down deep water drilling, shallow drilling, drilling on government-owned land. by the way, the government owns about 45% of the land in this country and a lot of prime drilling land is down 20% to 30% and the president could have done so many things. so many things to make this better. >> you know what he did? the day before, he announced how he's going to change the corporate tax structure and effectively sock oil and gas companies with higher taxes. maybe he doesn't know when you tax somebody more, they produce less. >> you know, so many people out there would be shocked if they ever looked actually at the taxes. if you look at what exxon mobile pays and a hip company like apple pays, it's night and day. exxon mobile is paying 40% on taxes and apple is paying like 17%.