himself but he listens to advice. for goodness's sake. they wrote him a list and he put out the list. trump didn't know those people on the list. he knew like three of them. he released a list in the campaign. he listens to advice. he knows how important that list was to his victory. he is proud of gorsuch. he wants kavanaugh to be confirmed. and it has been rammed into his head by the people around him, forgoodness's take, if you say anything incendiary today, there's collins and mccowsky and flake gone. >> he doesn't know anyone from adam. the federalist society clicks, she's a these are not his circles. he didn't run into them in his -- >> trump is not steeped in constitutional law. i don't think that's a controversial, like, assertion to make. trump had no idea really about the supreme court beyond a very pop culture conception of it. >> had you picked up any sense that this period between ford's