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here's the big fat check joe biden got from china. elon musk spills his guts about the feds. they got the halloween scandal. >> everyone's talking about. >> plus, take a treat. o wh think back to when you were a kid. your parents catch you withhe your hands stuck in the cookie jar. >> your first instinct , blame your sister or play dumb. >> what cookie? mb >> despite the cookie crumbs littered across your lips, childrens will lie to survive, but deflection doesn't always go awationy with age. >> look at our president. a walking, talking cookie crumb. >> for each crumb there's a laptop, an email, a photo whistleblower, an llc. >> joe biden's been shoveling chines .e fortune cookies down his throat his whole career like a kidhis whol. >> he thinks the cookies are in his tummy and we won't find ummy andthem. where >> where's the money? i'm joe smit'sam jh, representig a bunch of malarkey. >>. biden so used to being protected that he thinks you need to find gold barse t in in his closet to get in trouble. >> as long as they don't fin as londker, cash sewn into my windbreaker, i'm fine. >> well, following the money is hard work, man. >> retrieving old bank records. y hard to do, man. or looking up your balance for your loan, your loan? kil that's a killer, man. that costs sleo much money for those banks. >> the president thought he was >> thegoing to be able to run ot the clock on having to turn over bank recordovers. the president thought, you know ,records of your bank files r are stored in cabinets,n in warehouses, and it would take years to send. a bunch of bankers to dig through boxes of bank records and xerox them and turnof bank them over. it's actually electronic. you just type in an account number and you hit print, and it doesn't take a lot of moneylot of to do it. >> you'd be surprised how muchd money bankbes have.anks joe. it's why they're banks. it's where we keep the money.. >> and james comer is finally g getting his hands on bidennk family bank records. so far, the left says there's far theno evidence incriminatig joe biden. >> they're not putting forward e any evidence that joen biden received any of this money. >> republicans have not tied the president, joe biden, to profiteering from them. >> there is no evidence that joe biden directlyctly b benefited from anything that hunter biden was doing. anter bideyrity sits completelen empty handed with no evidence of any presidential wrongdoing ,no smoking o we've established that a that smoking gun is dirty money coming from overseas intoas int biden's bank account. >> well, look what we have here. that's a check made out to joe biden for $40,000. his brother's wife wrote himhis brotthe check. but where the money come from, james comer found out $40,000 in laundered chinaman. he landed in joe biden's bank account in the form of a personal, bat in the check. >> china wired hunter's company 5 million hunter's company wired hunterany 400,000 hunter' company. wired. biden's brotheunder r money and then biden's brother's wife wrote joe a check for 40 grand. well, wait a second. what's 10% of 400,000? that's 40 grand. that's is 40 10% for the big gu >> so money hit joe biden's bank account from china and itbk added up to 10% for the bigi wo guy. i wonder if the democrats will changnder if the e what a n means.g this happened on the five on monday. >> what happens if the next check originates somewhere really bad, jessica, and i mean and ally bada, and. and it goes through hunter or it goes through james anerd itlt goes directly into joe biden's checking accountochecking. tha >> is that a smoking gun?t okay, so two things. >> yes or no? no, no, no, it's not. >> it's not. i was promised a smoking gun. >> and if i deliver a smoking gun, you have to admit that gun is smoking t. so the new excuse is it's okay to bribe politicians, family members, and now it's okay to bribe politicians themselves, and it's okay for politicians, family memberse don to shake down our enemies for bribes. hunter o was texting these chinese guys. you better pay me the money. my dad'say sitting right next to me and he's going to bee an angry and then the chinese, texted back, yeah, we want to do business with your fam. nn >> they sent him the money and the money got to the big guy and the bidenst to got e money for favors joe biden did for chin ma while he was vp.whil >> he greased approval forca the chinese to buy american car companies. >> he hosted the chinesen car ae white house. he wrote letters of recommendation to ivy leagu e schools. >> for them. no administration was softer on china than obama, a but none. and after he left office, the bidens worked on naturalnd n gas deals for the chinese, helped them take over african s. e the chinese were paying them pan in diamonds and then the chinese said, hunter, you need to help uncle joe run fo hunr president. and then china helps joe get elected president and joe shutsa down. >> the china task force. doesn't mention the lak doesn't pop the spy balloon and is invitin spyg their nucles scientists over to look into our nuclear facilities. >> sts ovetoo what's biden's lay about this now? you ready? they say the check was a loan. >> so every time joe gets dirty money directly intocount his checking account, they're going to say, oh, it's just repaying a loathsay i they just write loan repayment on the check and thinkonez it's going to fool us. >> menendez should have just written loan repaymentt on the gold bars. >> what an idiot. this is why the cit.a didn't war biden to run for reelection. they knew this was coming oueet comar has just begun to get biden family bank >> do you think this is the only chinese check joe biden gok joe bit? it's just the beginning. >> and a paulina luna is on the house oversight committeis k >> so is this the smoking gun?ng the democrats are saying? ? i absolutely believe that it is. jesse wood. i can tell you, based on the evidence and i think you know this, i've been evidchampionineeg this for a wh. you know, what we're seeing coming out now, especially t is with those screenshots of those checks. it's very interesting. the more evidence wenteresting.t with, the more they want to change the terms. and frankly, the federal code 1s 201 basically states that you cannot have public 201 brib of a us official. and so i think that he's in big, big troubl is ine. so wait a second,ress congresswoman. it's just a loanwoman.. >> biden's a loan shark. he was lending his family money. he's chargin hisg them high interest rates. >> come on. you don't believe them? not.rding and in fact, according to the fec, as well as the disclosures chat we have to do, it's publits officials. they get into the nitty gritty of all of that stuff. and so if you haveof all t a lan of money, you have to ensure that you have an alibi of where it's com e from. and frankly, as we're seeing, it's very evident that his loans and hioans ands payments e from the communist chinese party. >> okay. the comm your committee has only begun getting these family bank recordsly because this is like a decade of bank records and these aren't bank record bank res like you and i , where we have a checking account, we have a savings account, things go in, things go out. >> this is like 20 l-l c'sc and 11 different family members. >> correct and 1. that and if you recall, we had a ukrainian official that came forward and basically had caly that they were bragging at the fact that it would take ins to findrs year about find out about how they were basically transferring this money. and as you're findin were bag, oversight has been working overtime. but we are bringing forward that evidencbeen worng overtwe o believe that in my time in congres is for 118 congress, i will be taking a vote on impeachment. and that's going to be against will mjoe biden. when >> when do you think the time frame for that is going to be? wellyo , i think speaker johnson is exactly equipped to lay that out. >> but i'm thinkinto l that oug it's probably going to be at the beginning of next year. >> all right. and paulina lunaf , thank you very much. >> now go back to vote. thank you. fox news alert. pecul >> something very peculiar just happened on the floor of theia house. take a look. this is to notify you formallytl pursuant to rule eight of the rules of the e house of representatives that i. the honorable nancy pelosi, speaker emeritble nancsia and u. representative for the 11th congressional district of californi for thea have been served with third party subpoenas from the prosecutio fn and the defendant to produce documents in a criminal case. and thin a ce united states dist court for the northern district of california. >> so nancy pelosi's being subpoenaed in a criminal case. what criminal casea crimin? that person who is in nancy pelosi wouldn't sason who y. >> could it be related to the hammer attack on her husband, paul lepage, because that trial. starts next week. >> does it have something to do with her husband's dui or d is there somethingui behind doom number three, maybebe thlittle insider trading, the son's shady business dealings? we don't know. we we asked pelosi's office to explain. they said no commenti's office. but subpoenas are nothing, especially in a criminal case. it suggests there's something, c nancy does not want to hand over voluntarily. you don't subpoena the willing ? well, we call it fauci playing with bats in montana. with bats in montana. businesses need find solutionss. today. >> that's why they choose t-mobile for business. las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help power operation for one of the world's largest racing events, mlb partners with t-mobile to advance with t-mobile to advance how the game is played, ss. and t-mobile's network helps triple a stay connected nationwide to get their members back on the road. now's the time to see what america's largest and fastest 5g network can do for your business men. how many 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families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. . there's new evidence dr. anthony fauci helped deliver a coronavirus strain do america a year before the pandemic. s uncove documents uncovered by the white coat wasted byt projec t showed project show that in 2018, fauci's goons8 fa wentuci' to the wuhan lab, bottd up a virus, and then brought ita to a lab in america. then fauci's team went to a roadside zoo in maryland and grabbed a dozen egyptian fruit bats, threw them in the back of a van, and then took the egyptian fruit bats across state lines to the middle of nowhere, montana, and then spliced them up with a coronavirus. fauci frankenstein bats on our th a year before the pandemic, but then he acteds all shocked when the virus started spreading. remember, our scientistspr said, oh, this is natural. some pangolin sneezed at a wet market right next to the wuhan lab. >> the government knew the the wuhan lab was playing with the viruses. we played with them there, toos. . >> we played with them here, we funded it. we trained bat lady. t how many times do i have to say we trained her? but fauci and his goons tried to play it off like they'd never heard this beforvee. just locked down, shut up and wear a mask. >> justin goodman is the senior vice president of the white coat wastevice project.e proj >> you're telling me they grabbed a bunch of bats from a stupid maryland zoo on the side of the road, drove it into the middle of the country and started experimentin g on them with coronaviruses. unfortunately, that's that's the sad truth. fauci is a felon and a fraud whose bloodlust for torturings o animals in laboratories was so unquenchable that they were rounding up bats from zoos, rounding up pet dogs, even in some casepes, and kept ans on island of thousands of monkeys off the coast of south carolina. just a torture and experimentsri .ment and obviously, as we saw with covid going wdarod the world and collecting dangerous, incurable viruses a and stockpiling and manipulating them laboratories is a recipe forstol disaster. and it's only a matter of time until we have another pandemic it's, courtesy of the nih. >> so fauci grabs the virus from the wuhan h lab, grabs a bunch of egyptian bats from maryland and then mashes them t together in montantoa. montan not only that, but bat womana?yh from the wuhan lab and peter daszak from eco health were e cothe ones who went into the southern caves in southern china and found this bat virus in the first place. then it was shipped to this this nihth lab in montana. now, let me add the kicker is that this lab in montana,govn this government lab in montana that was overseen by she still exists, has a history of infected animals escaping, people getting into the laboratory, unauthorized people getting int o the labb an and bioweapons development. yet nih is about to spend currently spending $125 million of covid relief funds to expand its bat labs >> w >> wait a second. we're using covid money to growb more bat labs. yo you've got to be kidding meat . it's an accident waiting to happen and we're funding itao . a and then add tddo all of that that the nih nominee from a the biden administration, who's about to take over the now just told rand paul in hearing in a hearing that she supports gain ng that supportsof function exps on animals, she supports funding labs in chine suppora ae enemy nations that are completely unaccountable to american taxpayerr . >> okay, lock her up. lock fauci up, lock everybody loa. montan this response, lock up the stupid zookeeper in maryland. let' montana.s just try to savey lives as possible and keep everybody out of these labs. >> great work, great research, keep the heat on these guys. only way we're going to shut these dumb labs down is we exposelabs d them. >> thanks, jesse. and visit gain of for more information to join the campaign. >> wonderful inform website. >> we appreciate it. >> so yesterday, elon musk went on joe rogan's podcast. as we already know, twitter used to be a liberal wonderland wheroe. f anybody guilty of committing wrong think against the democrats was censored or shadow banned. mut now that musk's at the hel ,we're learning just how big of a role the government played . >> the degree to which twitter>t was simply an arm of the government was not well understood by the public, and it wasic there was no it was whatever the official go, it was like pravda basicallbasical you know, it's a state publication is the way to thinp. of all twitter. republicans were suppressed at ten times the rate of democratsans wered . now, that's because all twitter. was fundamentally controlledroll by the far left. >> and musk also sayed bes the effect was devastating. >> i wass worried about that. it was having a corrosiveas cifect on. civilization. if you've walked around downtown san francisco, tion. downtowright near f-k twitter headquarters, it's a zombie apocalypse. what is essentially a mind virus to the rest of us. s. cleathe outcome of that mind virus is very clear. if you walk around the streets of downtown san francisco, it eo is the end of civilization. >>f civi but the collusion doese end there. even though there's a new thn, all the otherr social media giants are still bending over backwardsedia to comply with democrat demands. the biden administration cy witd to stop these formal communications with, these companies, because of a lawsuith at clathat claims they violated our first amendment rights. but biden's fbi guys amendme noy telling us the truth. >> didtellin you meet with them and were you meeting with them to discuss content sam on the internet? >> my answer remains the same. ranking membere. of all that we met on a periodic basis with other federal agencies and a group of social media companies to speak with them spe about the threat environment that the homeland faced. >> is the fbi still meeting with social media companies? we're having some interaction with social media companies, but -- butinteractdi all of thov interactions have changed fundamentally in the wake fuhes rulings. >> sure, they have. charlie hertz, a fox news contributor. ri >>bu man, iftor. he hadn't bougu twitter, we would have been doomed. charlight twe oh, i think you're exactly right, jesse. >> i think are exa, you know, ib the republic survives, we will look back at this period of timactimee as at this very mt and what elon musk has done with this platform as a seminall moment, you know, the whole idea, the whole idea of having a democracy, a free republic, does not work without anrk wit educated and informed aelectorate. and the degree to which the media for a long timh the et controlled the media and has controlled the messaging on behalf of democrats in an refort to thwart republicansf om very clearly in very partisan terms. and it's been goinryg on for a long time, but it's only been exposed in the last, saytime., ten years with the combination with aof donald trump calling ot the fake media for for what they do and then a foreign born tech executive who walks in and says just, you know, with no media experience and just says, this is wrong, this is appalling. >> and the world's greatest hope is going to crumble if i don't step in and fix it. and he at great sacrifice to himself has done that.t. and i think that one day we'll build monument s to this guy and then they'll toppleill o thempp. ly exactly. they'll take a bullet, hopefully be a freer societyy be by then and maybe the lunatics e won't be able to get up a headeu of steam enough to do that. so, charlie, how great is it that now t we have a check for 40 grand for the chinese to joe biden and they wantedsupp to suppress that on social media before the election? weressiadia have the check now. >> yeah. usually these things are so convoluted, but this one is like you've got everything, you've got video, you've got bank records, you've got you even got the math, the 10% math here. >> the math up. it's so clear. yeah. even a couple of dumb guys like you and me sit there. you don't have to be columbo. we'rit there e just like, no, actually, this is complete. you've got evan. i brought a calculator. >> you know, 10% worked out.d you 40,000. was 10%. >> just. yeah. can we just agree that agun is a smoking gun is a smoking gun? >> yes. we're goin gung to. we're in agreement. charlie hurt fastest draw in the west. we appreciate it. you're up next. >> prime time saved us. you're welcome. the day you get your clear choice dental implants makes every date" day.y. fectly let's dig in day for d a chow down day a take a big bite day . >> a perfectly delicious day. i love my new teeth day because you're clear. choice day is the day everything is back on the menu. >> a clear choice day changes every day. >> 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the opportunities available here are unlike any other school. choose to be extraordinary. at high point university prime time is just scored anotherctor big victory. the whales have received a stay of along with myca beach views. >> we've been telling you for monthsith my how biden's offshore how b wind projects are destroying the jersey shore. >> but jusidt yesterday, the danish windmill company pulled the plu g on two massive t projects off the jersey coast. the company's admitting biden-nomics doesn't work despite billions in giveaways,is the windmills still won't work. they won't make money because of high rates, inflation and china. ates obut that's not all. >> offshore wind farms in massachusetts were just canceled. offshore wind in connecticut cancis collapsing and offshore n projects in new york are about to get cancele d. whole >> the whole green new deal is falling apart right beforegr our our very eyes. >> biden's favored electric bus company, proterrs.a, just fileds for bankruptcy. it's what happens when your buses catch on fire. f general motors and honda jusirt. killed their low price electric car joint venture. >> forow-priced just stopped wok on their new michigan electric battery planet. the company is losing a $36,000 per ev per. >> biden's handing out $7,000 $0 coupons to buy electric cars. and no thne's buying them. >> this is what happens whenis companies make cars for politicians instead for ompanies making cars for customers. nocustomer one even thought to k the customers if they wanted an electric car. the smart money is in that's right.exxon exxonmobil and hess havemo discovered 11 billion barrels of oil off the coast of south. america with a b, it's the biggest discovery in a decade. >> it appears as if we're going to run out of minerals for batteries before we run outl fo of oil for cars. >> joe biden tried to ru.nosep our economy like joe stalin, but just like the soviet unionan ,the math doesn't add up. >> and nowd billionup as of doi are gonellions and all we have are cars that never made it off the lot and windmillsit out that never made it out of the warehouse. now, if i know democratsouse ani do, we're about to witness one of the biggest green bailouts in history. >> marc murano's, the climate ca depot publisher and author of the green for. did you see this coming? >> i hate to say i told you so, but absolutely. i mean , i was working in the u.s. se us senate environment public works committee when the really the first governor to make a splash with this with arnold schwarzenegger in california. he did in 2006, the california climate bill, the global warming solutions act. he was praised as a man savingae the planet. it was the ultimate virtue signal. well, gues ultimatsignals what? many other governors, senators, countries all wanted in onvirtus that signal. so for decades, they kept coming ul. kepp with the net ze. the solar, the wind mandates, the tax credit solars, the subs. and it didn't really it was smal small enough that it didn't really affect the energy mix or we weren't feeling it. obviousle wereeling ity enough. and all of this happened, the inflation reduction act last year. all this ppen. collapsingng col on its own. now, you can no longer virtula eu can worlgnal this nonsense. we had world leaders at u.n. summits all limit the earth's temperatur se to two degrees, all go to 1.5 as though they were playing. price is right5 i playing witha giant dial. it's no longer possible as you just dial. laid out, jesse, on y metric of biden's green energy d agenda. it is in complete collapse, and this is the key part. coe massive inflationy reduction act, so-called subsidieparts, mandates, tax credits. and i'm talking about not just subsw, but many years in the future. and you're right, we look to europe to see the future.. germany already bailing out offshore wind. they're alreadiling ouy going tt down and start bailing off. a report came out and said, we have to spening out.d 75 trillin on this green transition. easiernd $75 t to transition your gender than energy the way the biden administration is going about it's just not happening. mark, how arrogant do you have e to think you all of al of a cadden can just build all brand new cars, all brand new energy, put windmills all up and down the coast, put solar panels all over, and just change coasthe entire world economy lit that. >> how arrogant do you have to bha te as arrogant as every person in history that you study? they always think they're different. they're smarte r, and they can do it. and in the case, although i was off with committeet. i was of for contract smart, we had a protest hour off of martha's vineyard about these windmills. we went out to ostend or stayeds directly. tewe had a 1980s radio shack rao megaphone and we had an alliance of fishermen and wef had an alliance of even trans rights activists and san francisco liberals all togethere . so we asked the question, where are the volvo driving? saveuestio the whale liberals wn you need them? well, they came out and nowhave you have 50 governors in new jersey opposing the offshore wind. this is arrogancnors oppg the as height. you can't manage an energy yoonomy, savyou cae that before you can save the world, you need to save the people in it. they forgoandt that simple rulep and they literally came up with their five, ten, 20 year plans and they're not backing down. this failure is only proof are ed it. that they haven't spent>> and mandated, and then they're going to have to bail out all these companie theshe mt that went bankrupt because none of the math adds up. i see it coming. you'd see ith it coming a mile away. but we're stopping them. we're stopping them. we are ssure. >> by sure. a this is fun because thisndcoastl is celebrationin. hey ar it is.sing they're collapsing. it's time to celebrate. pop the bottles, people. we got it. >> coming up, johnny invades the halloween parade. what do you dress? that the wicked 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before go to harry's .com slash tv to claim your $5 trial. brand new details in the deathhe of friends. actor matt perry has the result deatews of his initial toxicology tests have been revealed national correspondent bill milligan has the latest bill. biugin hasl jesse, according tot to initial toxicology reports, there was no fentanyl and no meth in matthew perry's system when he drowned in his hot tub here in l.a. over the weekend. that's according to tmz, weeks und which report more in-depth testing is now underway, which will try and determine whether or not perrh will y had any prescription me at then in his system time of his death. >> when investigators arrived at perry's home, they didn't find anygators aperry' illegal , but what they did find were prescription drugs that were property labeled properly labeled, excuse me, and also kept in storage bottles. the 54 year old friend star was found lifeless in his hot tub in pacific palisades pon saturday. throughout his life, he had been very open about his struggles with alcoholt hi and prescription drugs, and he had been helping others, he issues. h similar and jesse, despite those initial toxicology results, deofficials are warning it could be weeks, maybe even months before his officia evel cause of death is determined. we'll send it back to you. all right. thanks, bill. , gavin newsom received considerable fanfare for a wh his trip to china, where he gazed at birds, ran over children, and to bargainedt. not to be outdone, kamalaou harris decided it watdone,s hero to fly overseas and audition for president. >>overse but there was a strikig difference between these trips. >> newsom's enormous entourage u lookhildlike exuberance and photogenic excursions, titillated us. we wanted to rolisl around in tw chinese red carpet with them. we dr didn't care if our haiit messed up. >> we were living vicariouslyed. thron and can imagined, dare i say, him being president, a goofy and naive president, but still president. but when kamala went to london, it was almost as if the english were embarrassed to be seen with her pitch black. >> no entourage, no welcoming committee. people are saying she put the downer in ten downing street. >> no, i would neverning str sai have more respect for women than that. but she sitswomen down next to s british prime minister, who only became prime ministerue because he married a billionaire heiress. maied a bir, heir lt togethe crossing their legs. >> the both of them,eg t only oe of them needing notecards. >> so what was the purposeewsom? of this trip besides goosing newsom? i the benefits of aiit could are immense. it could give us the power to fight the climate crisis, make medical and scientific. >> so kamala harris wantsient robots to fight global warming. okayific>> kamal. all right. newsom was in china for global w warming, tooas, but he didn't mention robots. >> so prime time is callin did g these democrat international de. , hea draw >> johnny checks 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feldman's? i bet they have thosked men's?e cats. you hit up the whole neighborhood after everyup hous, you're big. >> gets a little heavier until a li you terrace. every house on the block has a bowl outside and every single? one is empty. but how could that be? it's only 730. >> did they not buy enough candy? no. happe >> this happened.ns it was big dog.ible this thing. ] >> this is uncivilized behavior. s isand we're calling for the dh penalty. >> it's also a crime againsta bc halloween. >> it's one thing for a bunch of the seventh graders to steal. the whole bucket. it's another thing for the parent fors to be in on it.heir k >> they're encouraging their kids to help them. exce hel translate it. >> oh, and except for the peek at you in the corner, theset ev people aren't even dressed up. >> this isn't trick or treatingv . it's just stealing. we live in a society. people.a home >> as a homeowner, you put outog the big bowl of candy. there's an understanding that each kid only takes oneh ke maybe two, is f you leave a notu >> save some for the restnote. of this. y >> when you steal the whole bucket, the whole halloween ecosystem is upended. >> what happens when there's no treats? there's no tricks or there. are tricks. re >> some punk steals your candy bowl. couple of hours later, couple hours. t pa whole house gets tepid. luckily, a helpful neighboper, o a halloween hero, stopped over and refilled the bal, stoppel. s but this isn't the norm. across the country, punks are stealing thll the candy. >> this is from long island. what do those guys told me? >> these are adults. they're stealing candy. >> plain and simple. this is bad parenting. and it won't stop here. teach your kid to knock over the neighbor's over t house on halloween. >> the next day, they're shoplifting from walgreen s. kell kelly of bondi is a mother of nine. yey s, nine from long island. god bless her soul. her neighborhood wasgod . knocke over. what the happened last night? jesse? so hell happ what i'm realizing, is that halloween apparently is now the litmus for parenting. >> okay? it's the reflection of the values refle, lack of valuese ps that we're passing on to the next generation. . >> basically, these little candy, except those are thcallya results of parenting. >> and i get it. we were all bad. we didre wer our little thing.le you know, we might have took tha a little more candy than we were supposed to.oo but if you look at the videos v that you showed, this is subpar parenting. you have parents involved. st it's just candy. well, it's just candy now, but when it's candy na car and you're putting your house up because you have to pay bail for little bobby in his bad behavior, it's like it's just marijuan, a. but when little joey is unfortunately on heroin or littletunately little joey b i, doing what he shouldn't be doing, it's the parents. >> and if you look at these videos i saw adults, i saw grown ups. deo th there was a video that is my friend and it really botheras the grown man. her kids were crying in then th house. crying in the house. she drew a pictureho, a pictureh for the little kids that didn't get the candy because e the big kid got the candy. >> he drove the car. , turnedd. t aroun he came back, he scoped out the house, scoped it out. if he scoped it out, you watch the lights. >> i watched i.t. >> this is this is this is sd o you're so you're saying it starts with a few snickersin and next thing you know, they're knocking offg you the d their snack habit? >> absolutely. because the parente smacs, noboy is taking any accountability. it's a butterfinges takir or twh >> i mean, it's not likeey they're stealing iphones. like our friend in philly. ip frien call her what was our friend in philly that got locked up? but tht goe mug shot meatball, i mean, a snickers, even a king size is a buck 50, maybe $2. >> that's thing. and a lot of these these these buckets, you see, it's lat thae night. >> it's dark. there's six pieces of candy in a dollar store. the dollar store bowl,wls. they're taking the bowls. what are you doing with the bowl are you? >> you're taking all the candy. leave the bowl if you're son or daughter and i know you have nine. >> if any one of them had tried yot caught on acamera ring camera from a neighbor and then neighbor said, excuse me fnd the, won't you come over? >> look at this ring camera footage, and you see your son or daughte on or on that camera. what happens? i don't know if i can say this,y but it wouldn't be prett y because my little klepto candy larceny child would be done kle they would have to bring the candy back. they would have to get a job for it, apologize. i would put them on. it would it wouldn't happe on, p because i'm not wrapped up and taken my selfies with my latte. sewith mi'm attention to what'so on in my house. >> like you'd murder them, wouldn'tin in you? if i can, yeah. they would be dead. they had. i would be if i saw their face. >> they would be all right. all right. our favorite person from beooklyn fac besides johnny. love you. thank you, jesse. >> i know you're from long island. i'm kidding. stile the bad kids her stealing candy, the good kids are being true patrioteas. dressing up as joe biden. but not just any joe biden b fallinideng biden. c it seems like that costume wasos a big hit this halloween. let's just hope they weren't any sand bags lying around while they were tric yingk treating. you >> we wouldn't want that. and now that you know what the good kids in the bad kids were doing this halloween, where was johnny? >> well, he was in the westge at village at the halloween parade. it's been celebrated forthe halt 50 years. >> and boy, was itry scary. >> trick or treat, jake, a trick. happy >> happy halloween. happy halloween, guys. what's the cos h!t to him today? the zombie no wicked witch. >> your nancy pelosi said to say, i am your clown, your joeoj . i'm just ken. and he where else i' biden?d a . year old. >> what's up, pussycat ? what was the scariest thing to have ever happened to, you know, getting losten to yo w person say i had a hn accident in a you couldn't have pulled over and found the restroom. no, no room, that was in the frien friendzone for a long, long time. >> i'm a zombie brother. i mean, not much scares me. grab i'm sorry, but do you believe in ghosts? >> yeah. he comes at nighttime. do they touch you? no. >> i see you're blushing. e. y might want to touch m >> you know, marley, you and danger girl.>> cri crime's going wild. we have openmeil bordersd.. war is going on. how scared are you? i have my whip now. i'm going to take care of some problems. the only crime that happens is wit>> the only crh all the sy wife does to me. >> then everybody home. >> i send them back. i feel they are in colombia. thanks, joe biden. i don't want them deport me. >> i refuse to let that happen . donald trump for joe biden scares you more. >> that that's right. and is so scary. joe byron trump is scarier. joe biden because he's a hypocrite. >> i'm going to take care of both of my women. >> stop trying to make me love you. what about kamala harris. harri president kamala harris. that's pretty spookys? . >> yeah, she. s all right. uci'm out of here, bro. >> thank you. >> that's it. i can be a scary proposition,n r but whoever is in there, just get in there and enjoy yourselef . >> bill clinton sure enjoyed himself. oh, he sure did. thisenjoyed is an amazing stor. >> it's joe biden giving us a trick or treat he's old.retire he's ready. he's ready. he should retire. s a scar >> oh, it's a scary trick, i guess. give hope hes us a train daddy s you. >> yeah. >>s. to me afterward what message you want to sendoun to jesset watters on fox news? oh, i don't know. that's a little scary. trict knk or treat. happy halloween. >> all right, let's see what lee and sophia forwe hav halloween, we have the spye twins who've could use them these days. >> we got jesse jre je lightninc mcqueen. first halloween. he canqueen. remember? and then there's gigi the unicorn. just like greg gutfeld. smug and a killer. so a lot of controversy overl g her costumtoe and we'll get to t that in a second. >> let's dexo the texts. m clar >> d.j. from claremont, california i was at theme parade and johnny didn't ask me anything. t k it's probably a good thing. matt from warren, michigan, that vampire you interviewed last night made us sick. we n thought you were better thm that. >> jesse. i'm not. i'm not better than that. if you thinketter th that. i'm i'm actually here. actu, canssachu boston you describe what you felt when the vampire stole your energse >> i can. it was quiet all of a sudden. and then we heard this was qui y suspicious horn honk. >> it was synchronistic. larry from decatur, illinois, fouche is a superherur, illio. of course, he has a bat cave. ti hm from ohio. montana. egyptian bat sounds like an mlb expansion team. >> oh, my phillies got one game. just needed one >> chuck from del mar,uck california did really need a calculator to figure out 10% of 400,000. so what if i did? just be sure. rd, oh phil from hilliard, ohio. jesse it's all funio and games until someone gets their house blown down. asur stage manager was dressed as the big bad wolf. ook me >> all right. well, it took me about three aus guesses to getes that right.ha not as smart as i look. dvr the show. happy halloween. and always remember i'm waters o ,and this is m

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Anrk Wit , Aelectorate , Long Timh The Et , Saytime , Goinryg , Combination , Behalf , Messaging , Last , Refort , Republicansf Om , Donald Trump , Media Experience , Tech Executive , Aof , Foreign Born , Hope , Don T Step In , Sacrifice , Monument , That T , Won T , Headeu , Bullet , Ly , Toppleill O Thempp , Lunatics , Freer Societyy , Social Media , Election , Steam , Weressiadia , Everything , Math , Couple , Calculator , Worked Out D You , Out It , Agun , Columbo , We Rit , Evan , Draw , West , Agreement , Charlie Hurt , Choice , Implants , Day Y , Dig , Fectly Let , Menu , Home , Name , Title , Thief , Scam , Consultation , Againsta Bc Halloween , Victim , Equity , Mortgages , Foreclosure Notices , 90 , 60 , Most , Matthew Perry , Cleaning Products , Title Status , T Shirt , Title Ask Com , Melissa , Apparel Experience , Day One , Fresh , Body Types , Tees , Fit , T Shirts , Baggy , Com , Confidence , Help , Threads , Tractor , Wear And Tear , Australian Dream , Muscles , Aches , Reach , Joints , Pains , Motion Comfort Therapy , Everyday Living , Top , Big News Saturday On Fox , Battle , Moving , Wildcats , Number One , Longhorns , Big 12 , Eastern , Austin , 12 , Games , Death Trap , Announcers , Pregame , K State , Texas , Play , Control , Line , Monday , Dreams , Dear , Kitchen Nightmares Mondays On Fox , On Hulu , Catch Brock , Smell , Ssi , I M Fine , Points , Snack , Concussion , Get Hel , Shen T Me , 200 , Fruit , Vegetables , Don T , Exercise , Mess , Servings , Doctors , Reality , Melon , Fast Food , Game Over , Health , Energy , Greens , Checkup , Field , Heart , Doctor , Lungs Kidneys , Metabolism , Weight Loss , Product , Life Insurance , Shipping , Money Back , Disease , Diagnose , Cure , Conditions , Field Green Second , Aneurysm , 47 , 15 , Selectquote , Coverage , Trust Me , Peace Of Mind , A Million , 2 Million , Life Skills University , High Point University , Policy , Career Outcomes , Exam , Initiative , Whatcom , Student Transformation , Opportunities , Knowledge , Life Skills , Textbooks , Level , Practicality , 1000001 , School , Whales , Sense , Big Victory , Executiony Th , Anotherctor , Myca Beach Views , Monthsith , Projects , Plu G On Two Massive T , Windmill Company , Offshore How B Wind , Jersey , Jersey Shore , Danish , Jusidt Yesterday , Windmills , Ates Obut , Billions , Rates , Inflation , Doesn T Work , Giveaways , Wind Farms , Won T Work , Biden Nomics , Massachusetts , Offshore Wind , Proterrs A , Eyes , Cancis Collapsing And Offshore N Projects , Green New Deal , Cancele D Whole , New York , Connecticut , Joint Venture , Bankruptcy , On Fire , Buses , Michigan Electric Battery Planet , Jusirt , General Motors , Honda , Forow , Cars , Company , Buying , Coupons , Thne , Whenis , 36000 , 000 , 7000 , 6000 , , Car , Customers , Smart Money , Making Cars , Right Exxon Exxonmobil , Nocustomer One , Oil Is , America With Ab , Outl Fo Of Oil , South , Discovery , Batteries , Soil , Barrels , Minerals , Hess Havemo , 11 Billion , Windmillsit , Economy , Doi , Nowd Billionup , Math Doesn T Add Up , Soviet Unionan , Ru Nosep , Joe Stalin , Bailouts , Warehouse , Author , Democratsouse , Marc Murano S , Climate Ca Depot Publisher , The Green , Environment Public Works Committee , Governor , Arnold Schwarzenegger , California , Coming , Splash , Senate , Governors , Signal , Countries , Planet , Virtue , California Climate Bill , Global Warming Solutions Act , Gues , Onvirtus , 2006 , Subs , Wind Mandates , Tax Credit Solars , Solar , Energy Mix , Obviousle Wereeling , Ity Enough , Ul , Net Ze , Kepp , Collapsingng Col , World Leaders , Ppen , Summits , Nonsense , Inflation Reduction Act , Temperatur Se , Eu , Earth , 1 5 , Part , Collapse , Of Biden , Agenda , Tax Credits , Mandates , Green Energy D , Laid Out , Coe Massive Inflationy Reduction Act , Subsidieparts , On Y Metric , Report , Spening Out D , Bailing Off , Europe , Germany , Alreadiling Ouy , 75 , Transition , Gender , Cadden , Brand New , It Ing , Easiernd , Meal , Mark , Dover , Solar Panels , World Economy , Up And Down , Bha Te , Smarte R , Contract Smart , Committeet , Stayeds , Tewe , Martha S Vineyard , Ostend , Radio Shack , Rao Megaphone , 1980 , Alliance , Question , Rights , Liberals , Activists , Wef , Fishermen , Driving , Togethere , Saveuestio The Whale , Volvo , Height , Nowhave , Rulep , New Jersey , Arrogancnors Oppg , Savyou Cae , Energy Yoonomy , 50 , Companie Theshe Mt , Plans , Failure , Proof , Haven T , Bed , Bottles , Thisndcoastl , Fun , Johnny Invades The Halloween Parade , Celebrationin , Collapsing , Coming Up , Sure , Ear , Ssure , Pilots , Wicked Witch , Breed , Excuses , Combat Pilots , Laser , Occasion , Top Gun School , Reputation , Dudes , 2 , Difference , Death , Receiving End , Mesh , 430 , November Sixth On Fox Nation , Talk Is Cheap , Year , Matters , Decision , Combat , Chemical Peels , Fox Nation , Dennis Quaid , Cream , Bleaching Creams , Musely Face , Rex , Tv , Customer , Skin , Alternatives , Amazing , Someone , Shop , System , Bike , Parking Spaces , S Surprisee , Motorcycle Insurer , Favor , Buttons , Quote B Uttonswith America , List , Low , Discount , Doorbuster , Furniture , 22 , 9999 , Testosterone , Fat , Dad , Bye , Nitric Oxide , 675 , 66 , Mike Huckabee , Charts , Dale , Bedroom , Production Turbochargers , Gym , Stamina , Male , Vitality , Friends Forever , Share , News Headlines , Kind , News Business End , Audio , America Is Listening , Sirius Xm , Rept , Half , Refills , Harry S , Slash , Friends , Bill , Bill Milligan , Deathhe , Result , Toxicology Tests , Details , Deatews , Hasl Jesse , Meth , Testing , Weekend , Toxicology Reports , Tot , Fentanyl , Hot Tub , Biugin , L A , Tmz , Prescription Drugs , Investigators , Property , Perry , Anygators Aperry , Friend , Star , Similar , Storage Bottles , Struggles , Others , H , Pon Saturday , Alcoholt Hi , Pacific Palisades , 54 , Gavin Newsom , Officia Evel Cause Of Death , Toxicology Results , Deofficials , Trip , Hero , Children , Overse , Birds , Fanfare , Strikig , Kamalaou Harris , Iran , Bargainedt , It Watdone , Didn T Care , Trips , Titillated Us , Exuberance , Red Carpet , Haiit , We , Entourage U Lookhildlike , Photogenic Excursions , Rolisl , Kamala Harris , London , Dare , Him , Thron , Living Vicariouslyed , English , Women , Respect , Neverning , Downer , Pitch Black , Entourage , Downing Street , Both , Prime Minister , Eg T , Billionaire Heiress , Legs , Toe , Purposeewsom , Notecards , Heir Lt Togethe , British , Maied A Bir , Benefits , Goosing Newsom , Climate Crisis , Power , Aiit , China , Kamal , Robots , Global W Warming , Okayific , Wantsient , Tooas , Hea , Johnny , Ne Everything , Next , Ofs Ou The Ghouls , Explainsntry , Best , Mountains , Fruited Plains L , Cruise Ships , Gear , The Call , Cabela S , News Programming , It S Time , News , Hunt , Adventure , Sling , Magnesium , Strength , Muscle , Value , Channels , Celebs , Bone , Nerve , High Absorption , 48 , 100 , Works , Deodorant , T Listen , Qnol The Brand , Freew , Orks , Goal , Comme , Resi Saw , Changes , Cola , Mirror , Sharon , Saw Th Hi , 52 , Results , Me And I M Real , Try Goal , Like , Actors Lik , Relaxium Sleep , Amount , Tossing , Arkansas , Night , Sleep Relaxium , Refreshed , Ingredients , Body , Relief , Hundreds , Feeling Refreshed , Wrist , Marriage , Miracle , 30 , Neurologist , My Life , Side Effects , Fears , Deal , 1000 , Bottle , Visit , Visit Try Relaxium , Risk , Dot Com , A Place To Call Home , 800 , 800 9196467 , 9196467 , Smile , Teeth , Reset , Life Changer , Cost , Dental Implants , Fraction , Stop Smiling , Thing , Color , Impression , Kit , Dentist , Mouth , Nation , Forces , Struggle , 34000 , Homelessness , Mission , Vets , Artist , Camel Worker , Cause , Camel Circa , Fox Nation Patriot Awards , 23 , Tickets , Chance , Heroes , Grand Ole Opry , The Fox Family November 16th , Pete Hegseth , 16 , November 16th , Corner , Electricity , Sale , Thanit Ut Halloween Night , Pillowcase , Dusk , Rner , Grove Street , Maskil Dus , Fox Nation Com Slash Patriot Awards , Snickers , Neighborhood , Everyup Hous , King , Men , Promise , Feldman , Millers Havee Snic , Li You Terrace , E Cats , Candy , Bowl , Single , The Block , Happened Ns , 730 , Behavior , This Thing , Isand , Dh Penalty , Kids , Bucket , Heir K , Parent Fors , Graders , Homeowner , People Aren T , Society , People , Peek , Big Bowl Of Candy , Isn T Trick Or Treatingv , Theset Ev , Outog , Save , Treats , Restnote , Understanding , Oneh Ke , Notu , Halloween Ecosystem , Tricks , Candy Bowl , Helpful Neighboper , Oa Halloween Hero , Stoppel , Isn T The Norm , Bal , Punks , Long Island , Stealing Thll , Adults , Parenting , Neighbor , Shoplifting , Mother , Over T House On Halloween , Yey S , Walgreen S Kell Kelly , Bondi , Reflection , Knocke Over , Soul , Black , Litmus For Parenting , Valuese , Values Refle , Neighborhood Wasgod , We Didre Wer , Generation , To Oo , Videos , Bail , Little Joey , Heroin , Littletunately Little Joey Bi , Shouldn T Be Doing , Deo Th , Pictureho , In The House , Th House , Grown Ups , Flights , T Aroun He , Scoped It Out , Turnedd , Sd O , Accountability , Snack Habit , Offg , Few Snickersin , Noboy , Parente Smacs , Twh , Butterfinges Takir , Ip Frien , Buck , Mug Shot Meatball , Goe , King Size , Stealing Iphones , Son , Wls , Bowls , Buckets , Pieces , Lat Thae Night , Dollar Store , Dollar Store Bowl , Yot , Camera , Daughter , Daughte , Acamera Ring Camera , Ring Camera Footage , It Wouldn T , Job , Child , Larceny , Kle , Sewith Mi M Attention To What So On In My House , Face , Selfies , Latte , Wouldn Tin , Jesse , Stealing Candy , Stile , True Patrioteas , Beooklyn Fac , Halloween , Sand Bags , Costume Wasos A Big Hit , Tric Yingk , Westge , Forthe , Village , Boy , Itry Scary , Trick , H T , Zombie , Trick Or Treat , Jake , Clown , Biden Da , Pussycat , Restroom , Frien Friendzone , Room , Hn Accident , Car Er You Couldn T Have , Getting Losten To Yo W , Scares , Ghosts , Grab , Zombie Brother , Care , War , Wild , E Y , Blushing , Danger , Cri Crime , Marley , Openmeil Bordersd , Crime , Wit , Crh , Colombia , Joe Byron Trump , Hypocrite , Harri , Spookys , Proposition , Out Of Here , Bro , Uci , Nr , Bill Clinton , Yourselef , Amazing Stor , Train , Thisenjoyed , Scar Oh , Hope Hes , Message , Jesset Watters , Sendoun , Hav Halloween , Twins , Right , Scary , Let S See What Lee , Sophia Forwe , Trict Knk , Spye , Overl G , Gigi The Unicorn , First Halloween , Jre , He Canqueen , Greg Gutfeld , Je Lightninc Mcqueen , Texts , Johnny Didn T Ask Me Anything , Theme Parade , Claremont , Costumtoe , Clar D J , Tk , Vampire , Last Night , Sick , Thm , You Thinketter Th , We N , Warren , Canssachu Boston , Actu , Larry , Qui Y Suspicious Horn Honk , Superherur , Energse , Decatur , Fouche , Illio , Illinois , All Of A Sudden , Synchronistic , Phillies , Course , Ohio , Bat Cave , Ti Hm , Egyptian , Oh Phil , Uck , Del Mar , Hilliard , Rd , Funio , Stage Manager , Big Bad Wolf , Asur , Aus , Right Ha , Waters O , Show , Dvr ,

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