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but instead of having this red light district in san francisco, i have a bettera cauo idea. why don't wen just put a giant piece of caution tape around the perimeter of california and let the lawlessness and the craziness and the regulations?eh why don't we let it all juste tt live there and leave the resthe of us alone? >> maybe that's the only solution in california, california, oregon, washington they can b state, they could be the only country we'll give it to them. all right. shifting gears, i want to wishge everyone celebrating a happy valentine's day. vat notele, is it a real holiday or is it just another ae made up excuse to get americans to spend money and splurge on another pointless holiday? a now, i actually think it is aay tode up holiday if you look at its origins. tommy laughing i'm not sure why it's a made up holiday. holiday. however, i would recommend to every guy out there, don't screw up and don't mess up. s to you have that special valentine in your life, tommy will start with you. yeah, i'm a capitalist, solike i like any holiday that putsof

Related Keywords

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