The Kamala Harris you don’t know Since Harris announced her presidential bid in early 2019, she was met with pushback and reservations from progressives in the country due to her law enforcement record. People on the right view her as leftist. Some on the left see her as not progressive enough. She is, on some levels, a work in progress and, no doubt, will fall short of some people’s expectations. But as her biographer, I’m here to tell you there’s much more to Kamala Harris than meets the eye. When she became California attorney general at the start of 2011, Kamala Harris made clear that she had big plans for herself. Harris announced that former US secretaries of state Warren Christopher and George Shultz would co-chair the team leading her transition to an office with no discernible foreign policy portfolio. It was too easy for me, then a political affairs columnist for the Sacramento Bee, to be snarky. I wrote that Harris either was aiming for higher office or would have “the best darned foreign policy of any attorney general in America.”