for paying it, too, then go through the process of paying the person who they owe the money to and then having the appellate rights go through and they end up not having owed in the first place. it helps defendant if you're the person who's bringing the case in this case, the attorney general's office, if people have new york if you are going to the appellate process, they never had the money or spending it all and not have it in the end. and the people of new york have often lost. and so the bond is supposed to give some level of assurance either way. and if it's not, the money somebody has to have the money. laura coates and joe patrice. thank you both for being here. and don't miss more of laura coates live coming up next at the 11:00 hour eastern time. i'll be there. i'll see you there up next for us though today. a disturbing scene did unfold outside of that courthouse. a man set himself on fire. is security at the courthouse adequate for this trial as a begins on monday plus breaking news out of iraq, we are getting word of explosion sends out a military