Transcripts For CNNW Sanjay Gupta MD 20140907 :

Transcripts For CNNW Sanjay Gupta MD 20140907

i hope sunday has been good to you so far. i know it's probably early. 32 minutes past the hour now. i'm christi paul. >> i'm martin savidge. five things you need to know for your new day. number one, u.s. warplanes carried out a new round of air strikes in iraq. happened overnight for most of us t strikes launched near iraq's second largest dam. officials fear isis could use the dam to flood villages and take over iraq's electricity grid. u.s. bombers hit isis near the mosul dam. the attacks bring to 138 the number of u.s. air strikes in the latest campaign. >> two, family and friends of joan rivers are getting ready to say a final farewell to the outspoken beloved comedienne. her funeral is scheduled to begin at 11:00 a.m. eastern. this is private invitation only. rivers died at 81 years old. she had been on life support after she stopped breathing during a routine throat procedure. >> number three, more than 200,000 homes still without power in michigan and one man was killed after being electrocuted by falling power lines. fierce thunderstorms slammed the area, strong winds ripping up trees and pulling down the power lines. >> and four, a jamaican military search team has spotted what could be debris from a single engine plane, one they believe crashed on friday. the aircraft plunged into the caribbean several hours after air traffic controllers lost contact with the pilot. it was headed from new york to florida. the the coast guard confirms what is called a quote high impact debris field. >> if you are a fan of nascar it was a scary moment for you. jimmie johnson who collapsed last night in richmond, virginia, suffering from severe cramping and dizziness as a result of dehydration. he climbed from his car, laid on the ground after saturday's federated auto parts 400. johnson is feeling much better but required five liters of fluid after being rushed to the medical center. okay. to parents but really all of us need to be alert to what's happening in the denver area right now. doctors suspect a rare respiratory virus is to blame for sickening hundreds of children, even landing some of them in intensive care. >> seems like this came out of the blue. colorado is the latest where doctors ewhat resembles enterovirus d-68. state have reported outbreaks. >> it's related to the cold. the symptoms include cough and runny nose but this can be particularly dangerous. >> it can especially for children with asthma. and of course for all kids that are under the age or younger than 5. joining us is dr. shatner at vanderbilt medical center. doctor, thanks for being with us. what make this is virus so dangerous? >> well, what makes it dangerous is that it is spread so readily and it is spread in a widespread fashion, late in the summer. and then although it makes only a mild respiratory illness for many children, occasionally as you say, it can set off an asthma attack or cause difficulty breathing that requires the child to be admitted to a hospital and perhaps even intensive care unit. >> i think that's what is alarming you hear they are going into intensive care. what should be the greatest worry, do you think, with this virus t respiratory aspect of it? >> it's respiratory aspect. this is the time of year when these viruses spread around. this is unusual because it causes primarily respiratory infection. the good news is those kids will recover and recover very quickly, although it's a scary day or two for a few parents and children. >> absolutely. what's the best advice for trying to protect your family? >> because it's spread from the intestinal track lots of good hand washing and stay away from other people who are coughing and sneezing. >> i know that the virus is so easy to transmit. it's not commonly fatal though i have heard that it can be deadly in some cases. are there any lasting effects of it? >> there should be no lasting effects. that kids that recover and that's the vast majority, recover completely, they go about their activities in just a few days as if they have never been sick. >> will this just run its course? it's going to eventually fade away or what will happen? >> yeah, martin, that's generally what happens. this is the time of year when these kind of viruses spread and after a week or two they just go away. >> this isn't the flu but we know that the flu we're getting into that season where we have to get the flu vaccine. do you still recommend that for all kids especially the elderly? >> yeah, christi, thanks for reminding all of us. it's influenza vaccination season, that started, the recommendations are for all of us age 6 months and older. that's everybody watching. they should all get vaccinated each and every year against influenza because it's coming, it usually peaks in this country in february, but the time to get vaccinated is right now. >> very good point. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, doctor. >> thank you. the wife of an american doctor infected with ebola says he's still really sick, weak, but he is improving even had a little chicken soup which we know is good for the soul. >> it is. for all things. dr. rick sacra we're talking about being treated in omaha, nebraska. his doctors trying to figure out how he got the disease. he was working in a hospital in liberia delivering babies. sacra is the third american with ebola to return to the united states from africa for treatment. >> congress is getting back to washington this week and immigration is expected to take center stage. how president obama's decision to delay executive action on immigration reform could impact the upcoming midterm elections and really fuel some partisan bickering. >> some are saying it's an about face. e future? the future of kids? like a stock. not the kind of stock that's about making money. but a stock for social change. a whole new kind of investment called better futures. when you invest, it helps kids go to college. believe in us, invest in us. watch us grow. my name is sydni and i'm your dividend. 42 minutes past the hour. president obama let's say he's under a little heat right now for what some are calling a broken promise. >> really came as a surprise in fact during this program yesterday. the white house announced the president will delay executive action on immigration reform until after the midterm elections. >> that decision has critics on both sides of the aisle including proism grags groups accusing the president of playing politics. >> erin mcpike has more. >> reporter: christi, martin, the white house is thinking if democrats can hold the senate republicans could come to the table to help pass comprehensive immigration reform later this year, or early next year but the white house insists they have a plan by the end of the year. president obama under attack for breaking his promise made in june that he'd take executive action on immigration reform by the end of the summer. >> if congress cannot do their job we can do ours. >> delaying action until after the elections would stop those who would use to the score points. the move could help democrats in tight races in arkansas, north carolina and iowa keeping seats from flipping to the gop and causing democrats from losing control of the senate. but the sigh of relief for endangered democrats sparked fury from groups pushing for immigration reform like unite we'd dream which blasted the president's latest broken promise is a slap to the face of the latino and immigrant community and latino groups were just as angry. >> i think it's terrible. they always use our community and believe me i'm a democrat but i'm tired of waiting. it's time for him to comply, and actually do something about this. now. not tomorrow. now. >> reporter: white house officials insist immigration reform is coming before the end of the year. president obama defended reversing himself in an interview with nbc news. >> what i'm saying is that i'm going to act because it's the right thing for the country. but it's going to be more sustainable and more effective if the public understands what the facts are on immigration, what we've done on unaccompanied children and why it's necessary. and the truth of the matter is that the politics did shift midsummer because of that problem. >> reporter: republican leaders like house speaker john boehner and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell are accusing the president of playing politics with the issue. republican strategists working on elections say they will continue to use this as a campaign issue in the final sprint to election day. christi, martin. >> thank you, erin. as she pointed out among the president's loudest critics john boehner who went on the attack saying the decision to delay this possibly unconstitutional unilateral action until after the election instead of abanding the idea altogether smacks of raw politics. >> let's talk about this with john king. good morning. >> good morning to you. both sides are playing raw politics, that's the shame on this issue and so many where many of the people would like some action or like to have an up or down vote. the president on the one hand says no, this isn't about protecting the senate, then you heard him there in the piece telling nbc news well, the politics did shift this summer. they shifted in a way you have a number, a half dozen, probably a list of ten vulnerable senate democrats saying mr. president don't do this. if you give amnesty to millions of undocumented workers we'll probably lose our seats. those races are tight but democrats don't want is a firedp conservative base because if you look in many of the states where there are tough senate races you don't have much of a latino population. they are in arkansas, alaska, like louisiana. republicans who thought the president was going to act and they thought they would fire up the base by saying look what he just did, now their argument has to be well, don't send more democrats to congress in november because then he'll do even more after the election. so no action, more politics. >> let's talk about beyond the midterm elections and there is that presidential election that is going to come up. is there a window opened here for say the republicans and their potential candidates? >> if they would take it. yes. there is a window open. the latino population is perhaps the most important swing demographics when you come to presidential politics. you want to win the presidency you probably need to win florida. you probably need to win nevada. nice to win new mexico, colorado. look how president obama did it in the last two elections. study data and see the growth of the latino population. there is a window of opportunity for republicans, the question is will any of their leaders try to take it. because they are worried about their own base. the president is worried losing senate seats so he is going to wait. you heard that woman again in the package, the president promised he would do this his first year. he hasn't. there is such profound disappointment in the latino community that somebody could get their attention. somebody could say hey, i'm the alternative here. but republicans are so afraid of the tea party base, so afraid that if they gave legal status never mind even citizenship to undocumented workers they would have a revolution in their ranks. so everybody's afraid because of the politics and because of that this issue keeps getting kicked and kicked. >> all right. john king, so appreciate your insight. thank you. >> nice to see you this morning. >> good to see you. you can catch john king on inside politics today at 8:30 a.m. eastern in about 50 minutes. >> take a look at this. watch the grin on this boy's face. as he tries on his new iron man hand. we'll tell you how it has changed his life. ñzóó if i told you that a free ten-second test could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads you'd take that test, right? what are you waiting for? you could literally be done with the test by now. now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. good morning to new york and take a look at that image. freedom tower looking spectacular in this new morning. >> yes, it is, martin. you are right and on this morning, i know it's sunday so a lot of us are looking ahead to what's going to happen during the week. on monday, congress is getting back to work after august recess issues on their plate include spending bills, a possible military strikes against isis as well and monday, listen, if monday night football is not enough for you, check out the men's u.s. open tennis finals, marin cilic will face kei nishikori, after they pulled off huge upset spots this weekend and tuesday, if apple is unveiling the iphone. it may have a larger display screen we've heard, mobile payment options which turns your phone into a credit card if you choose and possible to see an apple smartwatch as well. do you believe thursday it's 13 years ago that a total of 2,977 people were killed in the worst terrorist attack in u.s. history. observances for 9/11 will be held across the country, martin. >> remember it very well, as we all do. how about this story a boy born with no fingers wanted his hands to look like everyone else's. we'll tell you how a little technology helped that dream come true. and a choice. take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. onward! that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. ♪ this is a very nice story. little boy in hawaii has had his wish come true thanks to some good samaritans. bubba as he is called was born without some fingers. trying to get a prosthetic hand would cost thousands of dollars. >> his family turned to the internet. get this, they got a mechanical hand made by 3-d printing technology. we've been talking about this stuff but who knew. look how happy he is when he's wearing this. it usually costs apparently thousands of dollars but the non-profit grubl enable gave him his customized iron handyman for $50 to get the 3-d printing technology. look at him. we're happy for you, bubba. another cute video alert here, this antsy lion in botswana, i want out, i want out, but only for a hug. this video was shot by john hopkins for look at this. would you be so brave that founded by mikhail lagra and valentine brynner. i love that. >> it is a great video. really is. >> all righty. now the dear. drum roll. >> we've been waiting for this video all morning. could you ever imagine two deer sprinting down, get this, where is that? the golden gate bridge in san francisco. >> needless to say, they brought traffic to a complete stop, the highway patrol rushed to the spot but by the time they got there, the deer were gone. they're not dumb. they are not dumb. an officer said the slow evening traffic prevented the deer from getting hurt and apparently they paid no toll. >> very nice. >> got away scott free. >> thank you so much for starting your morning with us. >> the next hour of your "new day" and ours starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- >> stop rushing around, sit back and relax and take a breather on this sunday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm martin savidge for victor blackwell. new isis mill assistant strikes in iraq. >> isis vehicles at a checkpoint were destroyed, it followed a separate strike saturday near the mosul dam. the failure of the hadithah dam which provides water to millions of iraqi, they could use the water to fillville annuals and take over iraq's electricity industry. president obama gearing up to discuss how to counter this isis threat. he returned from the nato summit where world leaders united in their call to destroy isis. our next guest believes the key to quelg tling extremism is brokering israeli/palestinian middle east peace. >> ambassador mitchell, thank you very much for being with us. you've written extensively, a three-part op-ed that started running this morning in ""the boston globe"" and in today's piece you write the u.s. "should continue the active pursuit of an agreement to end the conflict between israel and the palestinians. it could dramatically improve america's credibility in the region and could make it possible for israel and the sunni dom-nated monarchies to work together to combat their common foe and ours. the extremist forces are now menacing the entire region." why do you think this is the path to take? >> the israeli/palestinian conflict is important in itself. i don't suggest it will solve all the problems in the region but it will be a central and major step forward and the fact is, of course, that most of the sunni monarchies in the region are very much concerned about both iran and the threat it poses to them as the israelis are worried about iran and the threat it poses to them and also to the extremists that are now rampaging through the region. it's

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