Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20160329

Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20160329

take a listen. >> there are pictures where -- there are pictures where she is grabbing my arm and i'm trying to get her off. i think it's a disgrace that something like that could take place and i'm shocked by the and i'll stick by people. i know it's not even politically good for me to do. but when somebody is maligned like that i'll stick by them. she was grabbing me. does that mean imposed to file charges against her? maybe he was trying to get her off of me. i can't stand by and watch a man's life be destroyed. charles: let's go straight out to jeff flock in mil in milwauk. reporter: in janesville unfolding as we speak, 300 protesters and that number is growing as we speak. let's, clear about this. on social media, most of the chatter was about getting people out there, and a lot of it was we want to be heard. we want our voices heard. we are not trying to drown out mr. trump, we are not trying to stop the rally. there is. >> the thread that says we want to shut it down. two strand, fair to say. here in milwaukee, these are people that will be attending the town hall. you see them file past and hoping to go inside and hear from the candidates. they want to hear what the candidates have to say. they hope no one is here to drown hose voices out. i don't know. but whether this fella has or not. he has a smile. >> i'm going to be voting for senator cruz. reporter: you want to be here to hear from him and the others as well. >> absolutely. it's a great opportunity to see donald trump and governor kasich. i'll enjoy that. reporter: are you worried the voices might be drowned out? we have protests in janesville going on at the trump rally. >> i'm not concerned about that. my hope is that as republicans, no matter who gets nominated that we can come together and get behind one candidate. i told some of thigh friend that if donald trump gets in, i will support him. but i'm hoping some of my friend that are for donald trump will also say we'll get behind someone else if they get the nomination. >> good luck tonight. i hope you have a good time in the riverside theater. we'll set the scene for you, charles. police are preparing for the worst out you remember in chicago. we are about 100 miles or so up the road. the street have been shut down. a main thoroughfare here in milwaukee. they have begun to shut it down to people as well. protesters, the police told us are free to come and free to protest. but they need to do so outside the bowfned this area which is devoted to the town halls. they will not let people come in presumably they have taken precautions to make sure nobody makes their way through this. police are out in heavy force. of course, the situation? janesville, that one is growing. some people have said they will come from here up here after that one is done. it could be a night. charles: joining me now is tammy bruce, steve rogers and adriana cohen. a lot of news out today. we have this town hall later on tonight. we heard the guy that jeff flock just interviewed. he said he will support cruz, but he would support any nominee. he says he hopes we can all come together. do you think that sentiment will evolve. right now what happening is utter destruction. >> you are right. the party is divided right now. i think we can thank some of that division from the establishment like mitt romney who decided to intervene themselves and make it public he wanted to sabotage the frontrunner's chances of becoming the nominee. he want everything settled, the dust settles and the party does pick a nominee. if they don't unify they will hand the house to the democrats for another four years. by the time cleveland comes we'll have to circle the wagons and unify as a party, we have no choice. charles: what do you think of the news today, corey lewandowski, and trump supporting him. >> first of all, i have seen more pushing and shoving at a shoe sale in a department store all across america. come on. i think this is really been overblown. i watched the video. it looks as though corey lewandowski is trying to corral traffic and reporters away from donald trump because it's leaving. it's not like he punched her. charles: we want to take the guy you are rooting for, donald trump, he's approaching the stage now in janesville, wisconsin. before donald trump speaks, steve, you are a law enforcement guy. hold on. trump has the mic. >> outside there are 5,000 people and they can't get in. i feel badly. we have speakers outside. we have over 5,000 people cannot get in. does anybody want to leave and give your place to somebody else? [crowd shouts no] >> i had an idea you would say that. millions of votes ahead of cruz. millions. i get a kick. i call him lyin' ted cruz. he stand up and when i win, i have been wing all of the evangelical vote. but he stand up bible high, put it down and then he lies. it's amazing to watch it. he said, i'm the only one that can beat donald trump. i have don't time after time. i said wait a minute. i have won like most of the states. i think he had five or six and i had 20 or 22. i said i can't believe it. and i have million the of votes more. he says i'm the only one who can outvote him. i'll tell you something. there is something happening, like a movement. it's incredible. it's a movement. and we are part of the movement. i'm a messenger. and this is something that's so special and so amazing. and it's on the cover of "time" magazine, it's on the cover every newspaper. it has maybe never happened, and they are saying it's a phenomenon. some say i'm a phenomenon. and i'm not. the message is the phenomenon. we want jobs, we want trade deals that are smart deal, not stupid deals. i wrote down some notes and it's like devastating. so walker came out today -- i wrote down notes about wisconsin. he certainly can't endorse me after what i did to him in the race. but look at this. by the summer of 2015, wisconsin was facing a $2.2 billion two-year budget deficit. these are out of books. this isn't trump. this out of books. total state debt is $45 billion. maybe somebody will tell me that's wrong. $45 billion, very high. one of the higher ones. 20,000 fewer people in labor force in wisconsin than seven years ago, even though population has grown by 100,000. so your population is higher. i wouldn't have done this. but he endorsed cruz. am i going to say he's doing a great job? he's not doing a great job. he comes in his motorcycle jacket. but the motorcycle guys like trump. and he doesn't look like a motorcycle guy to me, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. unemployment rate. they say that can't be possible. unemployment rate, down 20%? that can't be possible. charles: the unemployment was 4.6% for wisconsin. we just lost blake. i want to bring in the panel. pick up what we are talking about, these charges against corey lewandowski. you look at the video over and over again. the law reads a certain way. if somebody is touched against their will, apparently that is committing a crime. do you agree with that? >> first of all, i have seen -- has been more video footage and instant replay footage of anything i have ever sooner. charles: as a law enforcement officer. if you were the investigating officer in this what would your conclusion have been? >> i would not have charged him or arrested him. you have to look at totality of circumstances surrounding the incidents it's clear to me that there has been more shoving and pushing in department stores. you are in a situation where there will be shoving and pushing. i looked at that video four or five times. i tried to find where she was shoved to the ground. char rrl this particular charge is she said it was unwanted -- someone grabbed her, put their hands on her. >> intent is very important. >> basic simple battery is this, the use of force against another resulting in harmful oh offensive or sexual assault. it has to be the context of the entire environment. the witnesses, the nature of the injury which is a hand print. we have all been jostled in new york. i have never been left with the briewfs d with the bruise of a hand print on my body. lewandowski was charged with bringing a gun on to the capitol grounds. it's the nature of other complaints. all of these things now will be discussed. and people are going to have to decide if -- charles: adriana, before we go to break, how much of an impact do you think this will have on the campaign? >> i think it's a point they are going to use it against him. the war on women kinds of thing. but she touched him. it's been reported that michelle field, the reporter touched donald trump. is he supposed to press charges against her because she put her hands on him, unwarrant, urn welt come? it will be left to the judge to balance those two things. charles: more than likely this will have to happen. donald trump wants cory sliewn do you ski to take it all the way through. he's adamant about that. wisconsin governor scott walker endorsed ted cruz for president. there is already 300 people at janesville, and later on a lot of them say they are going up to milwaukee. sow it could be a -- so it could be a crazy night inside and outside.mouthb stay right there. p which instany opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right whewhat does it look like?ss, is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? 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>> i think it will make a difference because scott walker was a presidential candidate and shared the stage with ted cruz. while he may not be the number one pick by the establishment. ted cruz is their far quarterback, an has been barnstorming wisconsin. his mess ran is resonating very well in the southern part of the state in addition to the eastern and western parts. he is a principled conservative, and real clear politics polls said today 7 out of 10 voting republicans think he is honest and trustworthy. charles: let me ask mark were ra -- markserrano. if donald trump is going to get the amount of delegates needed not to have a contested convention -- >> how do you define winning? charles: getting more votes and delegates than the next guy. >> it's so tight in wisconsin, so it will be split frankly. you have 18 delegates 8 wide, 234 -- statewide, 24 by district. i don't think it will be a dramatic victory on riter side. -- on either side. as endorsements go, this was more like kissing yourer and starting a romance. scott walker was sort of limp. i think what going to happen is we need to see if cot walker is going to barnstorm with ted cruz. he should have done this weeks ago fit was going to make a difference. charles: that might be the reason he was the first one to drop out of the campaign. it may not be his bailiwick to hype up the crowd. i never found him to be exciting. >> i like what cot walker did for wisconsin. this is going to matter. it's not necessarily a guy out there like it's a broadway show. what matters is cruz's ground game in that state. today is the first time donald trump has gone to wisconsin. he does not have any ground game. donald trump thinks winning the state matters. if he wins even by one vote, it's what matters. i think it' the seriousness -- the difference in the seriousness of how you take each day, this is where ted cruz wins because of his commitment to those details. >> protests beginning to get under way. important to note and one of the protesters made it clear to me. this is not just an anti-trump protest. they are protesting this town hall that contains all three of the republican candidate. so i might ask someone why are you here tonight? >> i'm here to protest against donald trump. specifically against him. the hatred he's showing to humanity is not right. not on as a latina, but as a human being. what right dose have to treat people any different. i don't judge him for being white. reporter: this is a non-violent protest, you just want your voiced heard in. >> exactly. we want him to know. so far all we are seen is nothing but hatred and violence toward the minority and it's not right. reporter: a lot of protesters said if trump had a different message they were open to listening to donald trump. he's a businessman and a lot of people feel he would have a valid message. but what they don't like is what appears on this sign. >> racism. how can you be racist and be a part of america. we are all mixed races. where is the melting pot. how can you say one people is right aboth offer persons. >> he says he's just speaking the truth. he says in the mum limb community, for example, that's where the problems are and we need to focus on that. what do you say? >> i don't think you can single out one particular group of people for what is wrong. you find it in any different group. i don't care if you are black, white, puerto rican, muslim. we all have our goods and bad. you can't single out one person, one race. you can't say that. you find it everywhere. he where. reporter: i understand. charles -- charles: let me ask, there were report that some of these protesters -- were being paid. there is an ad on craigslist, $15 to attend. have you been able to ask about that? how many people are being paid to be at the protest. reporter: the people i talk to without exception, the ones i talk to are here for their own personal reasons. reports that some protesters are being paid to be here. you sound to me your passion is pretty genuine. >> i'm here because i believe in humanity. i believe in what's right, and what he's doing is not right. i don't need to be paid for that. >> we'll be live in milwaukee monitoring as this protest. which looks to be small right now. but we hear it may pick up big time. we want to discuss this rift between republicans and the 8 of north carolina. -- the state of north carolina. it mirrors the civil war at the national level. the state party chair is being kicked to the curb. next. charles: there is a growing rift between republicans in north carolina as they are facing widespread backlash from the lgbt movement after passing a law that prohibits them from using bathrooms that don't match their biological sex. what is going on? somehow you offended the north carolina republican establishment? >> well, you know, the republican party is a big family. so there are sometimes going to be disagreements. currently i am -- don't have access to my email accounts and websites as well as access to the headquarters at this time. charles: central command said you violated at least 8 party rules, they call it gross violations of these party rules. what do you say to that? >> we have to look at all the facts. what they presented is something based on something that's not correct. charles: is this about you being an outsider? we see this playing out on a national level. is that posing a threat to these folks who have been established and comfortable? most of the establishment lives high on the hog from these party politics. >> there is a civil war going on as to what is the direction of our party here in north carolina. some want things to go along the same way as it has always gone, and others are look to for a more an inclusion type of party that is open, fair and welcoming. >> what do you make on the national level? we see the rights of the non-establishment candidate donald trump and i consider ted cruz to be non-establishment. ben carson did extraordinarily well. what do you make of this and a lot of people in the party for a long time say after this election they will become independent or the gop better morph into what the general public wants it to be. >> the national and state politics are marrying each other. here is what i can tell you. the national politics, there are a lot of folks looking at whether they will stay in the party. like wiets's the same same thing on a state level. >> good luck on your battle. we appreciate you coming on tonight. charles: donald trump speaking exclusively with fox's sean hannity. for now here is a sneak peek. >> i was almost at the entrance in the lobby walk out briskly and she jumps in. she grabbed meed a she had something in her hand. it looked like could it have been a pen. but from the standpoint of where we are, who knows what it is. she grabs me and he maybe brushed her aside and we are going to destroy his life for that? i don't think so. hey. good to meet you dennis. 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>> i think so. club for growth and other organizations spending millions to take down donald trump instead fighting against hillary clinton. the truth is ted cruz needs 80% of the votes to be the nominee. it's not going to happen. what i would rather see is for conservative movements to pressure donald trump on these conservative issues. pressure him to put a running mate on who is a constitutional conservative. the movement is behind trump. trump has a general election coalition that he built through the primaries. i'm upset with the conservative movement for not look at this race and helping pick a running-mate who will be very conservative and take to it win in november. charles: there was an article in the "washington post" saying rush limbaugh's blessing of trump is going to kill the conservatives. >> i have been agnostic as well. we understand from many trump supporters, if the country doesn't exist as we not, what good is conservatism. if conservative is so weak and undefended, why would donald trump be the one to destroy it all. watch got in ted cruz only i support as well is a constitutional conservative. but i will not lose sleep if donald trump is the nominee. my biggest come plain with the gop or conservative leaders is the implication they will support hillary over donald trump when it comes to the supreme court, the nature of where we have to go forward. trump can be suede, and i do agree this an existential issue. ted cruz i think we have all of what we need in addition. charles: at some point donald trump is talking about uniting the country. it's got begin with the party, right? >> i hope he chooses as a vice president an establishment pick. it would bring the party together. i don't know if him and ted cruz could put bad blood behind them. they are really fighting or maybe it's a john kasich or somebody from the outside. maybe governor scott, who knows. but it important tomorrow unify the party. i agree these attack ads will can better served going after hillary clinton and her fraud record as secretary of state john kerry. our country is facing flawed policies. the world is a much more dangerous place under president obama and hillary clinton's. charles: the gop has wasted $100 million. not a good return on investment. tomorrow morning ohio governor john kasich will join us on the show. and he will south line why he's not dropping out of the race. here is a sneak preview. >> i'm running for president because we have unbelievable international situation. we have two guys running who don't have the experience. i have got experience. i have been articulating it in terms of brussels. i have been a person who has been able to turn economies around. >> you can telecast entire interview tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern on the fox business network. we are monitoring the latest out of wisconsin. we have trump protesters, a little bit building up in milwaukee. but the question is which candidate has the best gop economic plan. we'll talk about trump's and cruz's economic plans. we'll be right back. charles: in janesville there is 300 people protesting. which gop candidate has the best economic plan next. charles: on the economy donald trump has hammered home how trade has crushed the american work. but there is a recent study that claim his tariff policies will cost americans $250 billion a year. which candidate does have the best economic policy? douglas? great piece you guys put together where people can go over their 8 and see how much extra they pay. is the assumption we go into a full-blown trade war? how did you couple with $250 billion? >> there is another study done by "the washington post" that goes into the trade war scenario. 40% on china, and mexico. those will be taxes consumers pay. add them up and look at the state buying the goods. this is not a complicated calculation. charles: this is what people tell me. forget about how much this is going to cost me. it does not matter if i don't have a job. we need a president who will bring these jobs back to america and make sure these people play fair. it's time we have someone who can make them play fair. >> i think we should have a president who gets good trade agreement and makes sure there is a level playing field. the money is outside the u.s. 95% of the consumers are outside the u.s. american workers have to have access to them in the future. retreating inside a trade barrier will not solve the problem. you also need the other thing that generate economic growth. charles: donald trump is talking about his campaign manager. >> if somebody squeeze your arm or hurt you, wouldn't you cream or something? did you see any change in her face? it's horrible, it's horrible. honestly, it's horrible. the best thing i can do is say i can't destroy the man. he has a beautiful wife and children. i'm not going to destroy a man for that. when i saw that i said oh, this is terrible. than i saw the tape, it's my tape. it's on the ceiling of this incredible club in jupiter, florida. we are all leaving and we have a press conference. the press conference was 45 minute. that was enough. i'm leaving with a whole big gaining of people pushing left and right. she bolts into the picture. she grabs me or hit me like this on the arm, and he goes by and maybe he touched her a little bit. but it was almost like he was try hg to her her off me, right? like he was helping her? did you see her fall to the ground? because she talked about falling. after -- i must tell you, her statement changed bigley. because she said, go to the ground. i could read it to you. does anybody want to hear it? i mean, i want to be accurate because i like the press. so before she knew she was on tape, she said, i was jolted backward. was she jolted backward? if she was, her face stayed the same. i was jolted backward. someone grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. campaign managers aren't supposed to forcefully throw reporters to the ground. she never went to the ground. she never even came -- she never even flinched. somebody grabs you, even the bikers. if somebody grabs even a biker or punches you, the toughest guy, the toughest woman, look at her face. it's zero. they are going to destroy a man's life in then we have cruz saying that was a terrible thing. let me tell you something, if i win or i lose. i didn't need to do this. i'm doing this base just had a beautiful grandchild. ivanka and jared, beautiful grandchild. it's my 8th. i'm doing this all for them. i didn't need to do this. and i had no idea. maybe none of us did. i had no idea the mess and was going to get across. it's a message of competence. it's a message of commend sense and message of competence. i had no idea we have millions of more votes than we had when we had that stiff mitt romney, by the way be he's a dope. he's not a smart person. that was an elect we should have won and he lost. he should go away and let the big boys do it. because you know what? that's an election that should have been won. reporter: that's donald trump in janesville in front of his supporters talking about the big news of the day. the campaign manager being charged with a misdemeanor, simple assault, battery, don't want to mix up the terms. but a lot of these terms have been mixed up. there are a lot of different opinions on this. but the police in jupiter looked at it. the prosecutors looked at it and apparently they think there is enough there. they did level charges. donald trump is adamantly, vigorously supporting cory, saying that's not the guy he knows. and he said he didn't see that michelle field was under any duress. this is going to stick around for a long time. i'm not sure it' the kind of news we want in the backdrop of a tightly contested presidential race. we'll bring him back on again. he's one of the top economic mind out there. we need to know who has the best economic plans. this is the news and this is going to sway lot of people. out in milwaukee, dozens of anti-trump protesters are beginning to gather. there are reports some of them have been paid. we'll try to get to the bottom of that as well. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. : you both have a perfect driving record. >>perfect. no tickets. no accidents... >>that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. >>yup... now, you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? 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>> well, you know, i like to take people at their word, and ted cruz has issued a statement, he denounced the story, and so i'm going to take him at his word unless there is new evidence. if something breaks in the news the next couple of weeks, the media will cross that bridge when they get to it. he's issued a statement so i think that's where we're going to be until something changes. charles: you know, kirsten, i understand politically correct is out, and it has harmed our society in many different ways. the c part of it, correct, or c part of it civility or chivalry, people are saying that is poison on a society. have we gone too far? >> why in a presidential election where you're fighting to prove yourself worthy it is ugly, it's gross, we don't want to watch our candidates act like this. what i'm afraid for, for the republicans, this makes the democrats look like the adults at the party. i think all of this is going to blow over by the general election, new battles between hillary and whoever is the new candidate. for now it makes the republicans look immature and silly and with donald trump and the way he's kept the reality tv antics going -- charles: you are blaming trump for most of this? >> the reality tv mentality most americans have. this is on us. we need to say what kind of culture have we turned into that this is what we demand from celebrities and political leaders. charles: a lot of people blame the media as well. the media focuses on this, gets ratings, and it's been a great deal for everybody? >> it's becoming disheartening, discouraging. i'm alarmed over hearing the people telling me i've had it, i'm not going to vote. it's not trump's fault, it's not cruz's fault, maybe our society's fault. we've gone down a road, charles where, we separated ourselves 've got to wake up as a country and realize we need to come together spiritually as well as a nation wholly. charles: are you concerned that this will cost the eventual gop nomneat election now? we know that hillary is sitting back, repackaging all this stuff. all we're hearing may fade away but it will come back again. if it's ted cruz you will hear about the national enquirer. if it's donald trump, women don't like him and it goes on and on. >> if they handle these problems in a presidential way, they can overcome that. handle it with diplomacy, handle it intellectualy, let's do what's right for america this time around. >> with this opportunity comes great chaos. charles: showing milwaukee, the protest crowd has gone up to 500 people. at some point jeff flock is going to come down, jeff flock is in the middle of it. adrianna, 30 seconds left here, you've been provocative about the non-trump candidates, who extends the olive branch here first? >> in terms of unifying the party? charles: yes. >> well, i think they all need to do it. of course, i'd like to see donald trump do, it but ted cruz, they all have a responsibility to extend the olive branch to one another and same with the party establishment types. but i think this isn't going to happen until the convention, a lot of battling. charles: all right, guys, we got to leave it there. lou dobbs is next. . lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. this election season has been something of a circus to many observers. the latest side show about as crazy as it gets. police in jupiter, florida today charging trump campaign manager corey lewandowski with misdemeanor battery for allegedly grabbing a reporter working at the time for breitbart news, the reporter, michelle fields. the reporter showed a police officer her arm from bruising what appeared to be several finger marks indicating a type of injury. the officer rele

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