Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20171207

Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20171207

>> charles: great to have you on we could see the finish line. we can see it. >> yes. i think it's there. >> charles: i think it's there, but there's still a little bit of pushing and pulling and i think it feels like the house has the most confidence going into this. they've been on the same page together, i think they've delivered closer to what president trump wanted. so how do you see this coming out the final version of this bill? >> yeah, well on the tax plan first we just had a cr vote with all 218 republicans passed in the budget so that's a good hint , we had conference last week and this week, and leadership said we're all on the same team so while that holds that is just tremendously good news so on the tax bill, i mean there's a few things hanging out on the senate side. the senate side delays the corporate rate reduction until next year and hopefully they fix that up the amt like you said is in play and there's a few other pieces but the senate also did good heavy lifting getting rid of the individual mandate that freed up $340 billion to help pay for some of the other stuff and lately there's a rumor that the corporate rate is going up to 22. that's not good news. the major piece that's non- negotiable in my book i taught economics for 20 years is getting the rates down, right? larry cudlow and all the economists you meet with, the pro-growth piece is the most important by far right? you can have compromise about deductions and who wins and who loses on some of the smaller pieces but getting the rates down is the whole thing the pro- growth piece. that will provide the kids jobs increase wages for the first time in 30 years so that's the piece i've got my eye on but it's all good news to answer your question. >> charles: the problem though since spending cuts never factor ed into the equation and now that there will be perhaps getting rid of the amt, now you've got to fill that economic void. that's where your 22% comes in instead of 20%. would it make that much of a difference if a company is paying 31% effective tax rate, 36% effective tax rate, 29%, you know, across-the-board many of the biggest companies in america are paying those kind of effective tax rates right now. >> yeah, no, i mean it's still a good thing, right? there's so much politics in the air. everybody is getting a rate reduction cut, we're trying to make the statement that every person will get a cut. that's hard to do but kevin brady has been working like crazy doing a great job on that, so you're right. it's not a deal stopper, but getting the rates down the economist will tell you justine a couple more points. ireland right now is at 13 and they're debating going down to eight so you'd think they have the market cornered if they're already at 13 corporate rate they're thinking about going lower and we're in a globally competitive environment at the other side just so you know. people don't know this but the democrats had a plan that got 107 votes called the progressive caucus budget. they raised taxes 10 trillion, raised spending 11 trillion and have more debt than we do when we cut taxes so just to put it in context we're doing a pretty solid job. >> charles: before i let you go let's circle back to the cr, because there's another battle between the house republicans and republicans in the senate and an article out this morning, the house saying listen, we've got 12 appropriation bills we sent to the senate. we've got any number of other 300 other house passed bills. you and your brother in the house really pushing your senate colleagues on the republican side of the aisle to get some things done and it feel like ultimately the cr could be the ultimate battleground. >> it's a big deal right? we work like crazy. he got 12 bills through in record time and we did heavy lifting and nobody is total are ly happy with the rise in spending but as a team we all got to that and now the senate didn't even take action. 77 days they've had and they can't do anything, so we stuck together on that one. we would love to see a vote. we would love to see the senate do its homework on that one. we voted for a cr today and then it all comes down to schumer and pelosi will say you need our eight democrat senators so that's fair, you compromise but we have the house. we earned the entire house of representatives, the entire senate, and the white house, and so it ought to be proportional right? we should not be playing calls out of the democrat platform, we should be doing republican policy and then compromise with the democrats on some of the spending issues they have, but it should represent eight senators not the totality. >> charles: right and of course that's going to probably include a serious battle with daca but great progress, congressman dave pratt thank you very very much. i know you've been busy. it's early for the victory lap but certainly we can all see the finish line thanks a lot. >> thanks charles. >> charles: now to our panel, roy murdock fox news contributor , national review contribute contributing editor, bob cusack, and a washington examiner commentary writer. my man is no fan of the senate and no fan of mitch mcconnell, no fan of the corporate taxes starting a year late, so should they be taking a victory lap? >> it's too early for that but i like what dave brat had to say. i wish he were the senate majority leader rather than mitch mcconnell. i think the most important thing the conference committee has to do is have that 20% not 22%, but 20% corporate tax rate kick in new years day of this year not 2019. >> charles: are you resigned to the fact that's not going to happen? >> i'm not at all resigned to the fact, no no, we need to fight for this. everybody wants to see this economy grow. >> charles: do you think the house will fight for that? >> it's very simple. there's a brilliant idea and she has a wonderful idea which is the money that you need to bring the corporate tax down to 20% starting in three weeks, januar. you could do that by raising the child tax credit according to the house's version from a thousand to 1600 rather than a thousand to 2000 which is what the senate wants, you'll have 60 % more child credit than you have now, you opt double it and if you do that you get the money to bring the corporate tax rate down to 20% starting january 1 of 2018 the economy will boom and you'll have economic growth and happiness from coast to coast. >> charles: emily is some happiness brewing already in gop circles even though there's a couple of serious battles still to go the continuing resolution a couple weeks from now will be a real knock down in my mind but as far as the tax bill is concerned it seems like no matter what they're resigned to getting it done. >> right and i think the read on what we're seeing from republicans right now is that though there are some loose ends that need to be tied up, no obstacle is in sir mountable to them at this point. everything that's out there that needs to be, that needs to be brought together that we need to find unity on is not impossible to get to that point as far as they see it. the child tax credit is an interesting one because the $2000 child tax credit is very important to marco rubio, it's very important to mike lee and very important to ivanka trump so that issue in particular is one of many you look at the estate tax all these other things, and we see really people dug in very firmly on either side but what's interesting is they're optimistic they come together all those loose threads need to be tied up without budging the corporate tax rate and that's where it's really going to get tough. >> charles: bob do you know what i'm hearing more and more folks involved in the process that seems like they're okay not necessarily okay but they're coming to grips with the fact that maybe the will be 22% and already putting the message in that it's not bad compared to what we currently have. >> yeah, but a big stumbling block is the freedom caucus, mark meadows the chairman of it really wants 20% and they are going to need the freedom caucus vote so it comes down and they can get a compromise and get a bill to president's desk within a couple weeks, two and a half weeks perhaps, but they got to have the votes and i think if they budge off that 20% number, that could cost them a fair amount of votes. >> charles: so then what would we see, bob? in other words if you say at 20% does amt comes back and the senate bill is shocking to many people but now, to get rid of it to make it work that's where the 22% increase comes from. seems like both sides are okay with salt, where they compromis ed there so where do they find the extra funding if it stays at 20%? that's a good question. there's not a lot of funding out there and the will though is they are going to find some type of compromise at 20 because remember trump initially he was at 15 and then 20 but that was his line in the sand and they have to pass something and just get the votes even if it's by one vote it doesn't matter. >> charles: but emily in the art of the deal ultimately is about getting the w, so i'm not sure if 15% was a true line in the sand i'm sure when it's all said and done president trump will say i always wanted 20% knew it would be that or whatever it is, it's going to be a dramatic change from where it is right now. it feels like this is a done deal but the math has to work. >> and that's the thing is we have 15% was always a negotiat ing point and he said something interesting which is that he signaled some willingness to go up to maybe i believe it was 22% although i don't think with the freedom caucus that's a great point they will have to go to 22% or they will be able to go to 22% but you could see something that's a little bit over 20% that's maybe not even quite to 21%. you know how these numbers crunch maybe they're at 20.5 or 21%. there might be some middle ground between 20 and 22 no matter how small it is. >> i'd much prefer to take the growth option and keep it at 20 and give the children 60% more than they get now rather than 100% more. i think that's the solution. >> charles: guys thank you all very much we'll be right back. you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. ...from godaddy! in fact, 68% of people who have built their... using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy. or a little internet machine? 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here to discuss mark lauder, former special assistant to president trump and former press secretary to vice president pence, and back with us, deroy murdock as well. let me start with you mark because you know, there's the obvious battles that they are going to have with the democrats , democrats have already used strong language with respect to shutting down this government and daca is not involved but before you can even get there it feels fiscal conservatives are saying okay this is our moment to make a stand and get back to our core conviction and that is less government spending. is that the wrong time or will it work? >> well i think long term, you will see republicans address that. let's remember president trump laid out a budget blueprint earlier this year that actually balanced the budget within 10 years, he was the first president to do that in quite some time so right now the focus is keeping the doors open on government it looks like the house has done that the senate is following suit, they will do that so there won't be a shutdown this week and that will also give lawmakers another two weeks, a to get tax cuts passed and on the president's desk and also come up with a longer term plan to keep the government going. >> charles: i'm talking about that longer term plan that going to be more difficult hurdle if in fact this is the first time any republicans talk about cutting spending. the american public has been looking forward i think we'll cheer them on particularly the house freedom caucus and so what's going to happen? >> well at the end of the day you'll have to have democrats come on in support of those spending packages, so to me as i look forward into 2018 this is a very powerful issue the republicans talked to their voters about that we're going to have a president and president donald trump who wants to cut taxes, to raise revenue, but we've also got to deal with the spending side. we need more republicans and congress to do that. >> charles: deroy, so interesting that we're talking about all this shenanigans now going down with the tax bill if indeed they got rid of obamacare and if indeed they cut spending they would have a lot of room to do a lot of smart things so we heard representative brad talk about these appropriations bills he sent to the senate 300 other bills that passed this year. they talked about this continuing resolution in effect we've raised the debt limit 78 times since 1960 it's a charade, and good news that perhaps someone is really finally ready to step up rather than just talking about it as rhetoric. >> one thing would help is if the senate did its job. the house to their credit passed 12 different appropriations bills sent them to the senate and they just sat there. if they were to vote on one appropriations bill and another one and take their time and look at the spending each one and say we don't need this program or we have three programs doing this we boil them down to one then you actually get some actual serious scrutiny and maybe some of the programs can be paired back. the other thing to do is perhaps just free spending for a year. we can't cut anything how about we freeze it have to break for a year that would slowdown the overall spending baseline into the future and you could do that without shutting down the government and causing poor people to suffer. >> charles: mark of course democrats have always railed that the idea the very notion of cutting or shutting down the government. president trump has been very vocal that this is indeed something that may happen and it looks like the battle between parties will be over daca right? the deferred program for children brought here when they were younger, when their parents illegal illegally immigrated into the country. is that the right battleground for republicans to allow the government to be shutdown or should they use that as an opportunity to perhaps come up with a compromise that includes a border wall? >> well the president met with the congressional leaders a few hours ago at the white house and had a productive meeting but no agreements were reached and one of the things the republicans were firm on was that we need to have the spending bills and immigration bills to be separated and that the president has his commitment to strong national security border security which includes a wall but let's also remember too chuck schumer just recently said he compared shutting down the government over budget and policy differences as someone breaking into your house, holding your wife and kids hostage and negotiating over the price of your house. he did not support doing that then. he should not do it now, and so i think you're going to see the budget continue to move forward and hopefully with republican and democrats coming together we can find a solution that will strengthen our border security like the president has asked for include a wall and have those issues be separate. >> charles: so they're separate deroy, then how do you get democrats on board, what do they give up for saying okay, we'll negotiate daca separately in good faith? >> look, i think it ought to be a very simple deal if we won't to do something generous for these people who came here, through no control of their own we also have to make it clear so more people don't keep coming across-the-boarder illegally. you have this case where this man who killed, of course was acquitted of murder charges but he was the guy who killed her. five times he came across-the-boarder. if we had a wall, we should fight this not just in terms of illegal immigration but terrorists. >> charles: gentlemen by the way breaking news for the audience. the senate has passed that house -approved interim government spending bill and the government will stay open until december 22 a big margin 81-14 by the way so our government stays open for a couple more weeks. real quick, deroy, are you happy with this? >> you know, i wish these people would do their jobs rather than cram like they cram for finals. it happens every year. we wait until the last minute get last minute train wrecks. it's not pretty and i think this country deserves better. >> charles: mark does the size of the vote tell you anything about the ultimate vote? i think it shows neither party wants to shutdown the government with the things going on in the world right now and the fact that we're also on the verge of passing historic tax reforms now is not the time for the united states to be taking a step backwards and so i think this was a good victory today for the american people even though it's only two weeks it gives us more time to get tax cuts done and get the longer term spending bill done. >> charles: 81-14 is a wide margin now thank you both very much appreciate it. coming up special council robert mueller's probe facing new credibility issues from the gop as fbi director christopher ray testified today on capitol hill we'll be right back. ron! something's going on at schwab. oh really? thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms... again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? 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>> my thoughts are the american people deserve better than this, the house passed the 12 appropriation bills and sent it over to the senate good grief. almost three months ago and the senate can't get it together to produce a real budget. this is a problem and that's what we see happening over and over again, over a hundred times in the last 20 years continuing resolutions, that leads to imbalance, that has led to quadrupling of the national debt in the last 20 years as well. we need to get back to actually passing real budgets and that's why i'm disappointed actually. >> charles: is this the right battleground with this short amount of time that would be needed to bring something together that perhaps would make the house freedom caucus and other conservative members on the senate side happy with the idea that maybe fiscal sanity was coming to washington d.c. you've got two weeks to get something done or do you revisit this fight later? >> well you know the reality is they always, we always kick this can down the road. we always say it's never the right time. we shut these artificial deadlines. they're real deadlines but we push everything back up against that deadline so we can't do it the right way and that leads us always saying well we couldn't get it it done. we'll fix it next time and it never does get fixed and that's the problem with what we did today and what we'll do in two weeks and do five weeks after that so it's just going to keep going. >> charles: that's the reason americans are so skeptical when it comes to congress. you're right. i do want to ask you though about the mueller probe. the latest is the top doj official was demoted bruce orr who had contacts with the former british spy who authored the dossier. it's almost hard to believe it's either gross in competence or deliberate attempt to side track this investigation from day one. >> well you're exactly right. what i see happening is this is dripping out bit by bit by bit, you know, now this guy, mr. orr, and it just happens over and over and over and why is that? it's because they won't come clean with congress. congress is saying what's happened here? why does mr. mueller have a team that is heavily bias, heavily conflicted? well because he's conflicted. they're proceeding as if they have an agenda and it's not an agenda for objective outcomes so this just keeps dribbling out and it's only dribbling out because like there's foia requests by someone they have to respond to, the inspector general got something, the intelligence got something and they won't come clean and this is the problem why people miss trust the mueller investigation and the current subleadership of the fbi. >> charles: there's no doubt whatever the outcome will be, it's going to be tainted for many many people. representative andy biggs i want to say thank you. a lot of folks go to d.c. and don't live up to their promises. you are trying to do the right thing and i think a lot of people appreciate that thank you very much. >> thanks charles. >> charles: appreciate it. we'll be right back. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. appearing next to me in plain sight. hallucinations and delusions. these are the unknown parts of living with parkinson's disease. what stories they tell. but for my ears only. what plots they unfold. but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. and these can worsen over time, making things even more challenging. but there are advances that have led to treatment options that can help. if someone you love has parkinson's and is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, talk to your parkinson's specialist. because there's more to parkinson's. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. learn more at >> today i am announcing that in the coming weeks, i will be resigning as a member of the united states senate, but this decision is not about me. it's about the people of minnesota. let me be clear. i may be resigning my seat but i am not giving up my voice. i will continue to stand up for the things i believe in as a citizen and as an activist. >> charles: senator al franken resigning from the senate amid multiple sexual misconduct allegations. franken didn't apologize but did take parting shots at president trump and roy moore. a majority of the senators were calling for his resignation and franken was already also facing a senate ethics committee investigation after claims by several women that franken groped them or tried to kiss them. with me now to discuss katrina pierson, america first policy spokesperson, also former trump campaign national spokeswoman, jenny beth martin tea party patriots president and co- founder and katrina let me start with you because on one hand, franken was very defiant, never admitting to any of the charges, and almost saying he made a mistake at least my interpretation of trying to when his initial response was sort of not to derail the movement so to speak and that automatically cast him as being guilty, but he stayed along party lines and he put the ball back in the court of republicans and the democrats now feeling that they have the higher moral ground. >> well you know charles, i think that the senators remarks were indicative of the real problem here today. he supposedly took responsibility for his actions and apologized and it wasn't good enough for his party. he caved to the pressure and resigned that's his decision to make; however what he's trying to do now is somehow align himself with everyone else as if all of the allegations and accusations were the same. there were pictures of al franken's hands-on women where they should not have been. there are things he admitted to doing and just assumed that the women took it differently so it's very different so this idea there even is a moral high ground anywhere in this discussion is absolutely absurd and i do think moving forward now that we have an opportunity to address these issues is to actually do something instead of just talking about it. >> charles: jenny beth of course roy moore now potentially winning in alabama. the democrats will seize upon that what are your thoughts? >> well i think there's a difference between what's going on with franken and what's going on with roy moore. the first is that roy moore denies the allegations against him and there's photographic evidence of the things that franken has done, so that's the first thing. the second thing is that the voters in alabama have this information in front of them right now and they're going to make a decision with all of the facts before them. al franken won in 2008 by 312 votes. his voters did not know all of this information when they were making their decision when they first elected him. do you think it's possible that maybe 312 people might have voted differently or even half that number? >> charles: well there's no doubt that could have possibly happened but now of course that's all history now looking ahead emily. we do know that some will say this was done in part to give the democrats the higher authority or talking points and it's going to come into play perhaps in about a week. >> yeah, that is the big takeaway here and listening to that speech i think it was clear that al franken is frustrated and he doesn't believe he should have had to resign. that's my interpretation of the speech and he's resigning after the tax cut vote. >> charles: emily give me one second because i've got breaking news i want to share with you and the audience. the house ethics committee has an investigating subcommittee of trent franks on sexual harassment. let me ask you since this is breaking news and you guys weren't prepared for it, but there were some rumblings earlier in the day, he will resign what are your thoughts? >> absolutely this is something we heard around the last couple of hours this was possible and the takeaway again here is that sexual harassment is not a partisan issue. it happens in both parties and both parties have to take steps to properly address it. unfortunately it's used like a political football and we're see ing that happen especially with al franken who resigned after the tax cut vote and after by the way this picture of him which in my opinion is one of the most disturbing of all of the allegations to be made against al franken. that picture has been out for weeks and it's used too often like a political football and leaders in both parties whether republicans like trent frank or democrats need to take the appropriate steps. >> charles: in fact real quick katrina i guess the argument is if al franken came out today and said he was not guilty that this is not the person that he is but these folks are going to have to make decisions when these allegations come up. do you think the right thing to do for the party is with respect to congress is whether you feel like you're innocent or not? >> well i don't think this is necessarily a party issue. this is a person issue and we're hearing everything that's coming out now with frank. this has been going on for a very long time charles and the difference here we're talking about with sitting members of congress whether you're in the house or the senate these things were not put out to the voters to vote on as jenny beth mentioned whereas roy moore is being tested at the ballot box and they keep wanting to bring up president trump also tested at the ballot box. these individuals however were not and now is their day. >> charles: ladies thank you all very very much appreciate it. we'll be right back. >> thank you. #stuffynose #nosleep i got it... #mouthbreather yep, we've got a mouth breather. well just put on a breathe right strip and... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone so you can breathe... ...and sleep. go to today to request a free sample. >> charles: more on that massive uber hack reports from reuters citing sources familiar with the source saying the hacker behind that massive data breach that uber paid to destroy the data was a 20 year old man from florida. who could possibly be against that? well, the national debt is $20 trillion. as we keep adding to it, guess who pays the bill? him. and her. and her. congress, we should grow the economy. not the debt. ♪ >> charles: more now on that breaking news on congressman front franks, adam shapiro has the details. adam? >> and he was reporting he was expected to announce his resignation from the house of representatives but now we've learned the house ethics committee decided to investigate him on sexual harassment charges and i'm going to read to you from the statement from the house committee and this was a unanimous vote to go into this investigation. it's an investigative subcommittee and they said the investigative subcommittee will have jurisdiction to determine whether representative trent franks engaged in conduct that constitutes sexual harassment and/or retaliation for opposing sexual harassment in violation of house rules law regulations or other standards of conduct and they go on to point the committee notes that the mere fact of establishing an investigative subcommittee does not excell indicate any violation has occurred the committee will announce the members who will serve on the investigative subcommittee next week. so, bottom line, trent franks who is from representative from north of phoenix from arizona, he had said when asked are you resigning he said the statement will explain it all not referring perhaps to this statement but his own statement which we're waiting to get. this is setting up an investigative subcommittee that will investigate conduct that constitutes sexual harassment and/or retaliation for opposing sexual harassment. charles? >> charles: yeah, adam before i let you go, we did just get a copy of congressman trent franks statement about leaving congress and it's rather lengthy. he talks about all he's trying to create a warm and supportive atmosphere for every person who worked in a congressional office and he does offer it's his deepest conviction that many staffers former and present would readily volunteer to substantiate that fact. he talks about his wife and his struggles that they have with infertility including three miscarriages and they pursued adoption on more than one occasion and apparently this involves a wonderful and loving lady with whom we will forever be grateful that acted as a surrogate for their twins was able to carry them successfully to the process by which they were conceived was a pro-life approach that did not throw away or discard any embryos and he talks about his sons and daughters being unspeakable gifts of god that brought the greatest earthly happiness in the 37 years he and his wife have been married and of course, again, he continues to go on and he does sort of conclude in the midst of this current culture and the climate i am deeply convinced i would be unable to complete a fair house ethics investigation before distorted and sensationalized versions of this story would put me, my family, my staff and my colleagues in the house of representatives through public each crash crating rather than allow it by media, damage those things i love most, this morning i notified house leadership that i will leave congress as of january 31, 2018. so again, not unlike senator al franken suggesting that he has not done anything wrong but in this current climate, adam, of sort of guilty first and the eyes of the public, he feels he has no chance even with a senate ethics committee to be able to defend himself. what are your thoughts on that? >> well, you know, this is when you're up on capitol hill and these stories are now proliferating, it's kind of like with hollywood people are wondering who might be next, but from a political standpoint, he does come from what the republicans consider a secure part, the district that he represents i think it voted 21% in favor for donald trump, so i don't think the republicans are worried about losing a seat but i do think leadership on the hill is worried about these kinds of stories they continue. we move from senator al franken today now to representative trent franks who will be part of the news cycle tomorrow and the morning shows will be talking about this and whether you're a democrat or republican leadership would like to move on to other issues. >> charles: adam shapiro thank you very very much appreciate it we'll be right back. infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. bring amlp into the game. before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at >> charles: more on that breaking news on congressman trent franks announcing he's retiring amid a probe by the house ethics committee joining me to discuss shelby holiday and bob cousack. shelby i'll start with you i'm not sure if you heard part of his statement from trent franks, but essentially, he talks in a final paragraph about the midst of the current cultural and media climate and he's deeply convinced that he would be unable to complete a fair house ethics investigation before distorted versions of his story would put him and his family, his staff and colleagues through all kinds of different pains and agony. not unlike the message we got from al franken today as well what are your thoughts? >> so on one hand, you have both of these lawmakers saying this ethics investigation would taint my ability to represent the people i'm supposed to represent so in one way that's a nobel thing. you're there to represent the people who elected you. if you can't do that effectively it might be time to go. on the other hand there's a lot of controversy right now over what constitutes sexual harassment and behavior that would force you out or would pressure you to resign and as al franken said today you also have senate candidate whose accused of touching inappropriately young women age of 14 and he's staying in the race so there is sort of this juggle right now of how far is too far and what means you shouldn't be in congress and the last point i'd make is that congress doesn't have an hr department. they can't just fire people like we've seen companies do so it does rest largely on these congressmen and the pressure that congress has been putting on them. >> charles: bob obviously this movement has been long coming and an amazing beautiful movement that hopefully will right wrongs, not just from the past but you know, set the stage for better work environment for everybody, by the same token, you have some rumblings out there about people who say well you know, that's not who i am, al franken is saying it's not the person he is and yet he's feeling like at this stage of the game in the heat of it all that it's better for him to bow out and now of course trent franks saying the same thing. >> yeah, that's right and i think it's a matter of how many members of congress will have to resign for this and i think in the past, the accusers were not believed but there's a danger here of due process and whether it's members of congress or people in various industries, i think in the social media 24/7 they feel like they can't get due process on it, so it's a matter of fairness. you want to have a workplace that is fair and just and not make people feel uncomfortable. the problem with the house ethics committee is that it looks after its members and the process on capitol hill on sexual harassment is terrible because it favors the member of congress way over the person making the accusations. that needs to be changed. >> charles: of course the accountability act i think will be change but because of that certainly they won't make any miss takes with the glare of the heat that the public watching any ethics investigation would have to be aboveboard. >> yeah, and i mean there's a lot of pressure and eyeballs and so far we've seen some lawmakers who denied claims out right even with pretty compelling evidence, they're staying in the game so i'm curious to see how that changes or if the senate would move to ex prel roy moore for example, like they've threatened >> charles: i don't think so. >> it doesn't seem to be a standard across-the-board. >> charles: mcconnell has changed his tune on that and a lot of people are saying let the voters of alabama be there for that. guys thank you very much we have a lot of fast moving news and got to switch gears here because we've got four raging wildfires rapidly burning in southern california really no end in sight. exclusive neighborhoods busy freeways all been hit pretty hard, harsh winds and low humidity persists that's one of the big problems here adam housley is ventura county with the latest. adam? >> yeah, charles good news is theres no winds but still humidity is very low and we now have two new fires that started in san diego county which is riverside county so significantly further south than i am right now behind me this is the front line at least one of the fingers of the thompson fire or thomas fire i should say which has been burning since monday evening burned more than 100,000-acres and a couple hundred homes ventura. this is 30 miles from where it started to tell you how far this fire burned this is the front edge and a pretty good fire line in here. some of those flames you're see ing are part of the fire and some are part of a back fire being set by hand crew on the ground to basically stop it right here. they have a chance to really put out this part, this flank of the fire because there's no winds right now or very little wind so they're doing what they can before night comes here and made pretty good head way charles but its been quite a fire fight in southern california and will continue for a number of days a red flag warning goes until saturday but again the good news is those forecasted santa ana winds haven't come back like we're told they would an we're all hoping they stay away so firefighters can make head way. this fire could burn for a couple more weeks before they get it all the way out charles. >> charles: adam housley couple more weeks hard to believe thank you very much appreciate it. >> all right. >> charles: we'll be right back. at fidelity, trades are now just $4.95. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. .. charles: hamas urging palestinians to launch a day of a rage tomorrow as a wave of protests spark clashes between palestinians and israeli troops. whawalid phares joins me. the action that president trump took yesterday, the genesis of that goes back to 1995 and other presidents punted on that decision. >> as of 1995 there is a consensus, almost all the presidential candidates agreed they should move the embassy to jerusalem, because they recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. however, there is another component. president trump said we'll consider the borders of jerusalem. he wants to see a two-state solution. he wants to see a capital but the question is where and how. charles: some made the point even recognizing jerusalem and moving the embassy there, is it possible or will this be used not only for calls of a day of rage, and as a rally cry for terrorists in the middle east and around the world to take action? >> hamas, the iranian regime, all the jihadists. with us moving or not moving the embassy, they don't care about that. so that is not the issue we are look at. we are look at the moderate plins and arabs. as you said, there is a solution for that. arabs including the saudis and other moderate arabs are considering to build in jerusalem and asking them to bring their government and start from there. and there is a possibility the israelis will negotiate with the palestinians, and some neighborhoods will be added to the capital of the palestinians. charles: what bult mat solution of a two-state negotiation? president trump saying perhaps he would be open to that if both sides agree. >> negotiations have been on for many years. what he has done is given them what they committed to. now he will talk with the arab commission to see what they can add to the leadership if they are ready to move to their own capital with their own borders. charles: do you think the palestinians will be beholding to the outsiders. >> the jihadists support them. and everybody else, including corrupt and non-corrupt good people. so they need to work with them. charles: here is lou dobbs. keep it here on fox business. lou: good evening. breaking tonight, new evidence that special counsel robert mueller's legal team is little more than political hacks on a mission to take down president trump and his administration. another top investigator has been exposed over her ties to the democratic party. she represented former obama top aide ben rhodes and the clinton foundation. the

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