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screenwriter and sorkin not aere fan of? and what is the latest on wiki leaks? probably not the stuff we will be talking about because we taped this six hours ago. >> go away.>> >> gladly, greg. >> let's welcome our guests.. i can't stand him. she has five e's in her name. it would have been a great fiv name for "wheel of fortune." she is host of "poker after dark." wie is so hot that during the winter hobos huddle around her for and the comedy sen -- central record album is available on itunes and amazon. i own three. one for each saw purr flew us. with nipple.huz, and bill shultz who stinks ofgr playgrounds and spit. and he is cooler than a drafty a toilet. standing next to me, nick gillespie, reason .tv. if sharp commentary were christmas ornaments, i wouldents hang his glittering orbs ally over my tree. a and he smells like a llama. it is our "new york times" cory spawn department. pinch. good to see you, pinch. >> smells like a llama?own to >> we are get together bottom. i the latest revelations are la good or etevil. poiler alert -- spoiler alert. >> isn't that the safe wayo out? >> by gum? i i am sitting here smellingsmel like llama, greg. >> >> yes, you are. >> >> smelling like >> it is a delightful stench. t to the greg-alogue. i it is a trail mix of madness. a so as julian assange is inimn a jail, they wonder who will i play him in movie. d suggestions are the douggie houser kid. not me, i am rooting for sfi graph.n i know julian is in it for the fame. and mind you, what he was arrested for seems add. the women may be feminist, but e they were famous.them once they realized they gui treated them like resepta cals , but once they figured out he s was using them, mark my word,h k he will be doing shots with jlo -- and he is holding the u.s. accountable.great. great. since i don't do diplomacy. i rely on the u.s. to do itpl for me.on the u now that we are logging the d death of secrecy, who will do it?? julian? doogie?oogie? stefi? some say the con tepts -- thehei contents are not the maine issue. when we were told about the o bank of america leaks, i could t hear hearts drop around me.our who knew your bank accounts matter? try medical records. if i am gooding to date you,ansr shouldn't i know if you hads i herpes in college?ef look, i am tired of thisit transparency bs. thank god uh -- assange was not alive during thealivurin resistance.. the left loves assange because he is attacking america, and our lives demand secrecyeman whether during times of war orf warts. if you disagree, you, sir, are worse than hitler.s not >> i don't noah loft c >> is wikileaks like y2k, onene of those things where everybody is freaking out t about it. and then five years ago, ten one years ago people won't talk about it.r >> it is like killer bees. by the way, i just wanted to t k point out for the kids, if yougo had herpes in college, you, y still have herpes.ey >> i was hoping they wouldcotio. make that w it just goes >> claw midyaw is the biggest scam. big it is like one hour dry-cleaning. >> i had no idea. >> herpes visits like once every six months, like the uncle from tallahassee,ee, uninvited as usual. it fr >> you got it from your unclehas in tallahassee.ase, my >> that's my pet i it is like my aunt flue. >> i have an uncle from tallahassee that visits.a t >> camera to me.we we will try to bring this back to wiki leaks.nce we will go through it t here is the thing.h you have this operation pay back thing where it is like -- > by the way which is a great name. it explains what it is about. >> they are going after paypal,ayp. master card and visa. doesn't it strike you as a bit childish? >> yeah, maybe. i'm a big fan of wikileaks. i think wikileaks is a goodf thing. of e whether or not julian assange a reminds me too much ofmind christopher watkin in "a viewo to a kill." he should be running zoran b industries, this is an architecture that will go out. i totally agree that if theov government says we have aht right to torture people andnd w then war, then people have a right to know how the government is doing. >> don't you get my point about diplomacy?t dloma we can't do diplomacy.o we need diplomacy.if you if you compromise it who will >> it? >> do you have to go to the bathroom?'m get >> yes. >> in the latest dump,ing speaking of toilet humor, the u.s. came out pretty well. agr >> i agree.nothing i >> there is nothing in tnhereu ' you don't know. >> the bad guys look like bad guys. >> yeah. but i'm scared, leeann -- let's get away from himm because he is a weird owe.d did wiki harm the publicst, an y interest, and do you worry at t some point your own personal information may be vulnerable? >> it is a thing that goes across the floor. i don't care if my medical records are out there. o >> i do. >> whatever. i have nothing to hide. wit i you don't have an uncle fromtl tallahassee? >> i have three uncles from tallahassee. c >> value -- valtrex will go up a couple bucks. assange is a pran e -- a [explative]. you are right diplomacy happens under secrecy.di not for the fact we should know, but things we shouldly shk know. ow governments de deal with each other.some some governments playoff eachhe other.k at look at saudi arabia asking usia to attack iran. they are concerned about theirhr other countries in the middle east. so a lot of times thing as have to be down. d't people don't understand that. >> yemen didn't run -- theydi didn't shoot the missiles, the u.s. what is the harm in finding that out?inng would you say the pentagonntagon papers was a bad thing we found out the government hade concluded it was unwinable?seri? >> was that a "life tile" --" lifetime" series. >> yes, judith light. >> and tom hanks is in it. >> there is no crime. >> don't you think it is attention seeking. nit >> how dare you? you >> his moral relativism has toor stop. >> i have a feeling he jumped on my answer.>> g it is the first thanes. boom, cut me off. speak >> this is what he does. youav of course it is attention seeking. i think all of it ison. attention. i thinking is a dog and pony show. i can't blame someone for not respecting our government when we don't defend our government. >> you know, women that sleep with guys -- they went to hisna seminar. they knew exactly who he was and he was famous.ou and then the girls are getting t together weeks later and months later and crying rape? that's tons of bs. i'm a female, but when you go to a guy's hotel room and go t later you are like, he rapede, e me. please? really?? i don't fall for that. the >> both of these women feel he e may have given them both uncles from tallahassee.s that is the issue.rmatio that is the issue. >> and who knew they had an uncle from tallahassee? a >> what if someone stole your phone and posted your e-mails? isn't this a global version of that? >> these are stolen. >> i would be like you are welcome world. if we are geting on casting, i think the earlier julian should be casted by one of the puppets in the dark crystal. can we look at that? both are made by jim henson. >> and i don't -- greg, i don't think this is the case of somebody taking your phoneuro without permission and posting e them you and i met at a bar and we made a sex tape the first night we met and i and i trusted you not to put my sexy x tape on-line, but you did. sau we are talking about saudiie arabia asking the white slaves to do the bidding.lave he is not posting your medical records that are on-line anysk f anyway.-- wikileaks has leaked the e-mails about global warmingabot and stuff like that. they are not looking for stuff. they are doing stuff that is a o public interest. >> i don't see it -- i don't see them looking at other othetries and going, we are going to hurt them.l it is always about america. >> this stuff is. unintentional.o >> we are number one, and everybody comes after you. i hear rumors anyway. there is another thing russia is getting screwed byia this more than us. saudi arabia is taking it on ari the chin. no one cares until their name is on it. >> i disagree with the facthe h that the left would resign. >> i tell you, i typed my name in and i lost interest in the story when i realized i wasn't in p >> it is a point of pride now.n. from a cyber rebellion to aaron sorkin yelling. it seems the screenwriter is not a fan of sarah palin's alaska or the former governor herself. sorkin calls palin deranged c and blasts her for shooting a h cariboo, you know that is reindeer, on last sunday's episode of her tlc show. they called it heartas stoppingly disgusting and saytop it was the first moose is murdered for political gain. fst it wasn't a moose, you dope.oo. he is obviously a liberal fromer hollywood. sorki tells palin, he is not aw hipocrite for eating meat and wearing leather. he said, quote, you killed it for fun.kille i you enjoy killing animals. can't i can't make a stinks betweenn u what you get paid to do orhat mh what michael vick went toriso prison for doing. now we go to salsa dancing dog. >> not the lesson is never hire acing salsa dancing dog. we will be right back. wl be just kidding. leeann, you are a hollywoodeann, a you spend a lot of time inrs hollywood. i bet you agree 180%. >> please, really? absolutely not. i think he was just mad he was not the executive producer of this show on tlc.op people like him obviously areve very out of touch with the rest of the world including a a lot of middle america who are hunters and people hunt everyvey day. i'm sure she did not kill that moose and it laid there and and died and turned into a carcass.i' s somebody ate it.te there was moose stew to be had. it is probably in somebody'ste let's talk about tucker t carlson's bad dancing onls "dancing with the stars" or the justification of women on rock of love. >> it was like three years ago and it is still burning aol hole.e. >> when does any of your -- you any member of your band comee outlooking tough on" rock of love."hey are >> they are like royalty. es >> my testicles were grabbed. >> that's the affect. >> i can see you squirming.irng >> regardless of the stance on meat or leather, i can't believe he shocked. be shocked when you see sarahah palin on the show reciting thego exchange of the seagull. the s then it would be like -- >> she would shut the seagull.te that's what she would do. >> pull. >> can i make a point aboutuit peta. he mentioned peta and that peta is in an uproar. aro for a group that is willing --w- that is so held up on e defending animals, why are you w named after something that is shoved with meat? >> you know what i love? actua it was idiotic which was well written.ritten in the end h.e talked about his coke habit. he said, yeah i had a problem with coke.bout he did it as a preemptivet strike against people like use making fun of him. lik was that brilliant?. >> by the way, for the record,wt i have a coke problem. i have bp seeking help and -- i have been seeking help. g what were you saying, greg?k he >> i have no idea. i think he is mad because he ofd sarah palin got rich off facebook. and i think he has a point a . with the michael vick thing. then i you can tad to dancing salsa dog about this. i realized if we ever lost himul we wouldn't have a show. dogs are different than carao. bhiew. -- cariboo. i am on record. did >> torturing dogs, what michael vick did, is that soinks wrong? >> i think it alt >> you don't want to go intot t that realm of defending michael swrik. -- michael vick. >> for the record, michael vick is very much known forha spreading uncles from >> my rule of thumb if it diss f off aaron sorkin it has to be good.n he is a very good writer. >> but not a good coke user. >> getting busted for coke at the airport, not good. coming up, robin williamsil is dead, tired of being on alleo the time. first, a montage of story people. this story is about famous people. either that or that's whattr hell looks like. will obama's compromisepr lead to his demise? or did the new deal lead to his appeal. t as the "new york times" reports, this profound betrayal as some see it is intensifying a debate whether captain awesome should face a sl primary challenge in 2012.n yep, could owema be one andnd done? and what candidate could takeou him on? mad props to jonathon crone. or are the left noisy threatsat] a theatrical attempt to make the president uh appear a sen terrorist -- centrist to win over america. h at least he has oberman on his side. >> i will>> confess i won't fight if anyone wants to drawnyo a comparison with what youpason have done to our policies of our day to chamberlain did to his his. >> i totally miss read he was the british prime h minister wanted for nazioward germany. and he was the quiet guy inand s wham. democrats are hopingers downwha. and plotting what to do next. >> i'm worried. >> when is sarah palin pulling the gun? >> y >> you never shoot kittens,ou w nick. >> you wait until they are fully grown.nimal >> stop with the animal cruelty. >> is this whole thing mainly just the theatrics to makeeatr obama seem like a less flaky liberal? >> i just want to go back to keith and it is not like heal said to hitler, okay, you cano extend your tax rates. he really is just like joseph garbles. if any of you wanted to argue with me, i would not argue.ost obama, and the reason most hate obama is not because of what he didn't do, but because w of what he did whether it wasil, the stimulus doubling down in afghanistan, you name. it he hs has been a disaster for the mobile american. and then on the left he didn't do anything heed said he would do including sticking it to the rich man.- >> i am running out of time. doesn't this always happen?ea a liberal gets in and realizes's the population is not so mov liberal and moves it to the middle. isn't this how it works? >> yeah. and i am surprised there istha still in the year 2010 and approaching 2011 there is still such ach belief that anysi president is working for the people. he is not working for theple. people. they are working for bigheeo business. they are telling him what eimes to be done, and h will -- none of it is real. why am i the only one that sees that? >> you are such a bad religion fan. you are such a fan.- i do you think he reallyjust believes in this or is thise show man ship? >> would he just go away a already? i he is out of control. w i think he is more left of the president. i think he does it to stir everybody up. he hates them so much and he hates the fact that he thinkse e that. he is making comparisons of giving up land and it seems like, really? that's what you got? that's what you are putting out to america? you are spewing the hatredwa every day? him o he needs to go away.. can you take him off the air? >> no, i love his hire. i -- i love his hair. how can you not like his gray madness?is oka >> that was a great bad quote.te the best was kristineri e o'donnell. we have to bring that up. she told an audience, tragedyin comes in pearl harbor, elizabethed dwards passing and barack obama extending theg th unemployment benefits. first of all, the tragedy comes in three she doesn't understand the time line there. she doesn't get that. other than that i thought it was bo vow.. >> what defined funny aboutl h pearl harbor, bill? >> absolutely nothing. >> it was a tragedy. >> the trajly is she got -- the tragedy is she got a book s deal. >> she is already a millionaire. >> if she reads a book does certai she get a certain amount of money? >> we made fun of everybody. y h do you have a comment on the show -- except me. e-mail us, red eye at fox news m line, to leave a voice male calloere 212-462-5050. tell us how much you like thellc green coming up, a half time reportra. from andy levy. >> tonight, the rubbing of parts of the body to aide in you circulation or provide sensual stimulation. thanks, massages. t's fi welcome back.en let's find out if we have that gotten anything wrong so far.y. what's up with that?reg. >> really, greg, really? >> yeah. >> really? >> what a hack. just w greg-alogue, wikileaks. said thank god assange was not not alive during the frenches resistance or we would all speak australian now. >> yeah.h. >> what does that mean? mea >> the germans would have invaded the united states and then the australians would have come to fight the germans and he would beat the germans and we would be speaking uh strail general.d >> english with an australian accent, is that what you meant. >> no. >> have you ever had a wallaby?ick, as >> as you pointed out, it ishe p not just the people on the left.. you yourself said you were a big fan of wikileaks. a don't you see a difference o between something like thewi pentagon papers which showed that the u.s. government was lying to the american people and dumping a bunch of diplomatic cables? >> yeah, you can say that. cab but it is also -- we learned a lot of stuff in one of the earlier wikileaks about the prosecution of the war inn afghanistan and a lot of stuff about the government covering up friendly fire. so there is a difference. one of the big differences is the architecture of transparency embedded in wikima. leaks is the new normal. and everybody has to get usededt to it. >> which will make secrecy even more important. it will get rid of the transparency. >> do you not think the government should have anymeho secrets? >> you know, well, one of the things interesting about thishas is the government, if it knewatw what it was doing none of thisi' would have been out there. kn there are hundreds if not thousands or millions of documents of people withcy security clearances, and theynca are not doing a good job keepre. keeping these things secret. >> how do you copy unhappybran weirdie? >> bill's uncle from tallahassee. >> i do love the fact -- the fact that this bradley manning guy brought in a lady gaga-cd, erased it and put on the documents and walked out, thatt, was the >> by the way -- by the way -- by the way, if bradley manningmn as is alleged had lady gaga songs burned on to a cd, he may be in violation.llou >> i will tell you what he isbea in violation of -- gite man is>o a monster.g, >> no one was asking, but he was telling with that cd. >> greg, you pointed out in the last few days wikileaksers supporters hacked visa and va master card. >> you know what was not hacked? >> what? >> gold. my choice for playing julian c uh assange,ly yes, ma'am knee sen or maybe this guy. >> jonathon crow.i i think that kid can do anything.t s >> he can if he puts his mind sd to it. >> don't you respect the fact that mr. champion of transparency refuses to take an std test?pect t >> exactly.hey are those girls itching or>>heyr something? >> they are burning. >> i want to tell you we are>>'m not sure we should minimize m the charges. to do it to one girl sleepingug and physically hold down another girl. >> here is the thing. the charges seem like theykept kept changing or maybe it had to do with the translation. and she spent time with him. it is murky. it is you don't know, but it smellss r back. >> did you say murphy? >> murky. >> gu checking. >> was i talking to you, joe? >> dmot is yet so far in the whole segment. a >> allen sorkin does not likeor it. here is a clip from "sports f night." era, can we roll it. >> what we did wasn't food or shelter or sports. it was just mean. >> he is ripping himself off, greg.ff >> i don't know what is moret ow impressive or depressing. dep you. >>- q. i i i knew it right away. >> you are the only person in america who caught that. >> i don't even think josh j molena who may have caught that. >> a couple twitter friends c caught it too. >> leeann, if i would have got -- sorry, leeann. >> left rebelling against obama. sai joe, are you shocked anyones the thinks the president iseo working for all presidentre obamas services. just say to the jews. it is shorter. >> we know what you meant, joe., >> i will work in hollywood soou i want to thank you about that clip in "sports night." >> and greg, the quiet guy in w wham was andrew ridgely. >> i am talking about the really quiet guy. >> the super quiet guy. he funded the whole tour. he drives white shirts. >> relaxed he came up with the whole phrase. m my exit prediction, there will t be no primary challenger toge obama in 2012. >> i'm done.'m >> i'm board with you.s b was nasa's big discovery be hum pumember her? >> i have discovered something i i have been thinking about many years. i have thought about areas of substitution. what does it mean to be substitution and what does itts mean to be toxic? >> that is her. we had her on last week. last week she said they hadrium bacterium that grew, arsonic. they would have to redefine the so so-called building blocks of life and the planet may be hospitable. they interviewed tons who almost unanimously described the violence involved. and they echoed shelly copeley's claim. the sciences didn't wash the molecules. o off. everybody knows you wash the molecules off. let that would allow them to be after the fact. many ripe with flaws and whyto c did russia rush to the mic to begin with. i suspect nasa may be so a desperate for a positive storyed yoey didn't look for serious advice, ., ., .te >> it is not like fitting andotl oversized cat into an >>ersized bottle. >> it is like bill after last call. aec >> the special affect secret. we super glued the bottle. >> what is the cap behind. are the questioned eye" lifts the curtain.ce this is a show that comes to enjoy. joe, there there wasn't much. that lady was nuts. tha >> yes. it still went over my head. >> she's smart.make >> it makes me wonder how many other things nasa mailed in. the older i get, i realize- oth that's what life is.s it is winging it and hopefully nobody discovered them., of they say, good job and of course it is a job.ela is it because we don't understand science?on't >> i don't even understand the question. i am disappointed because nasa h was able to fake the moonoon landing. this doesn't even holdup. >> i didn't spop smoking --cisi top smoking and drinking so i could talk to nasa. >> is nasa a shell of what it w? was? >> if that's what nasa is going to mean, the spaceouslyhe program is losing money and it will be defuncted.te we will pay somebody to launchng rockets into space. it is pathetic that's what it has come out to. if you lookhif at it, there has been mailing things in. have facing of them. >> bill, as an alien life form you were offended by this whole >> i was born in canada. aon >> i smell of mapleleaf.wo >> space travel is becominging a and ought to be privatized. you can't trust scientists toir condescendingly answer their own questions. why not look at arsonic?tocity? what is toxicity. i was condescended the press of confrence. joy where was her aterol and she didn't have it. coming up, a story so mindi. blowing i have forgotten what it is.ed e >> it is a red eye first. it is a cooking record or i wril beat your face to death. >>a mail time and the address re is red eye at fox news .com. .c. you write and i read and we pretend nothing happened. nothi connie fromng junction city,cone california leads things off. o you said the black eyed peas will be appearing at this bowlee year's super bowl feed live tir puppies to their aquarium of fh. piranha fish.ou were you joking or is thishis something they really do?'t i i can't imagine anyone this rark clarify please. to clarify, the black eyed peas who are appearing at thepe super bowl, absolutely feed live puppies to their aquariume of piranha fish.ould glad i can help.h steven writes, what did you do with your fat?when you los can i have it? it is not like the fat ends uplg in a bucket and keep it in thehe basement and then perhaps you dress it up. and dance around the damp room that would be gross. and totally something i wouldeti never don't be so cheap and buy your s mom a tivo so she won't have to stay up late. you have a lot of money.ou use some for your loving mother. ron, that is funny, i have aunny lot of money.a lo anyway, i offered to get tivo, but tivo is a foreign made.onlyp the only people that would from steel are her family. she still thinks her sell veerm wear was stolen by a band of gypsies. totally coul when she saw him. and finally craig from san mateo, have you ever e considered using the word milu. it does, and it means pudding. i will make you a batch ofch o famous brown knees. and you can enjoy the faint smell of schnitzel. > didyou want to learn neway recipes before the holidays? you are weird. well why not take up the most bad ass cook book that wills rip your taste buds out and feed them back to you on aas spoon made of evil. it is called more potatoes. it is mayhem from the heavy heavyweights of heavy metal. it features dishes from anthrax, and mega death. we are tickled to death.e, i i love this idea. can you get a close up of this? this is the first meal. what is this called? >> rick's prison meal from a band called off spring. >> this is -- it is warm and soft. it is like the crushed skulld su after a biker accident. and it smell had delicious. what is it? >> it is roman noodles,ooes cheetoes and i put chicken, c corn and sausage. sme >> it smells great. >> it is great. >> off springs are hip critsbe because they are not keeping them accept operated.s wh >> well done. >> it looks kind of good.. >> it tastes great. why is it called priss -- well, > when you are in prison you don't have the luxury of hav having a lot of stuff to work with. they basically took all of their stuff, cheetoes and put it in a bag and mixed it up. >> prison spread usually meansse something else to me. m >> often resulting in that. >> so your book basically has recipes like this from rockers, heavy metal rockers? y, >> yes, hard rock and heavy met metal from guns and roseshe. and anthrax and stuff. i came up with the idea forn charity, meals on wheels and it is an awesome c >> i hate charity. >> i want to look at thise t dish. it is called mashed potatod sandwich. can you focus on this, people? are you that high? that here you go.chhe the people that palm the showhe are all high. >> you don't have to be a chef c to make this, am i right? >> is some recipes very, very involved. but any idiot can make them. >> what is this? >> the mashed potato sand witch. it is baskly at christmas or thanksgiving and you dak your left officers after you areg hung over and throw it in the ba microwave and bang, done. >> you are holding it together.i >> that's hour presentation.duod >> that is terrific. >> by the way, you arecheating cheating on your >> i have about been good all be week.ll w i can have one why are you watching your figure.i >> somebody that is to and by the way, i enjoyed everythat. minute. >> each recipe has a story, bicl right? >> yes, basically you get to bki open the doors and see your favorite rock stars.he k it is in the window of their kitchen and you find out why the this is their favorite recipe. some are different and most people don't get to their their favorite bands. > metal is making the food, i would be worried about the hair. you accidentally get meth in the hair? wou >> yeah. >> i would just be feuar russ fo if i am up for 14 days saying this is the best damn sandwich i have ever had. >> hair is a substitute for the recipe.s there is no -- there is not a lot. lik >> who is the best musician i t cook desm?es out of all of the recipes i didn't see anthrax.r they had amazing rescues. we shade some up for thanksgiving. >> i hear your catch phrase is beers up. >> beers up, man. who doesn't want a good beer? >> that is true. >> sorry, have to raise a beer. >> what is the worst meal in the book.f it i >> i don't know if it is aut it worst meal but it is strange.l. a gentleman named lemmy from guy the band called "motor head" mot and he is a god to me. his recipe is super f-ed up.. >> it is not really food, is it? he is cooking stuff he foundtuff on the street. >> you know what the book is -- >> a syringe. oh yeah, it is just a syringe. s >> it has like flower and brandy and you light it on o fire. it is metal. >> it is a great book.oo i got it in the mail and ili - was -- i went through it and thought i am getting i wabed to eat and throw up.up >> it is a great diet book.ook. >> it is. >> the name of the book is called "more toe day toes.called you can find it on we will close things outlose with the post game wrap upwith s with tv's andy levy. coming up tomorrow on thecot next "redom eye." eye." return appearances from entertainment journalist jill dobson and kenzie scofield. >> back to tv's andy levy for fr our post game wrap up. >> thanks, greg. lee app, where are you --ly anne, where are you heading? >> overseas to visit our tops troops.rm it is my 16th uso tour. th is 14 to iraq and afghanistan for -- since 9/ and thank you for youro. >>rvice, andy. >> he was helping you move? >> no. >> these service in the army. >> did he set up a table for you? >> after the army.yo >> nick, i have a thousand dollars or one large as illar would like to call it, burning a hole in my pocket. k as you know, i am a freee speech defender. i am looking for somebody to give this money.oney. do you have any suggestions? what what i would suggest is tomo if you are in new yorkdecember tomorrow, thursday, december 9 9th or whatever it is, check out reason .org slashh weee speech. we are putting on a benefit toct celebrate free speech and free w expression where car cartoonistswho are not funny have to go underground. a police come. >> all right.

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New York , United States , Canada , Australia , Germany , Iran , Afghanistan , California , Russia , United Kingdom , Maine , Iraq , Saudi Arabia , Hollywood , Ohio , Yemen , Australian , America , British , Germans , Australians , American , Allen Sorkin , Jill Dobson , Nick Gillespie , Bradley Manning , Barack Obama , Tom Hanks , Aaron Sorkin , Sarah Palin , Julian Assange , Andrew Ridgely , Jonathon Crone , Michael Vick , Jim Henson , Kenzie Scofield ,

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