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you know if it's blocking anything. live shot of the bay bridge toll plaza. there is still a wind advisory for the san mateo bridge. >> kristen: it is a monday, thank you so much for joining us. i'm kristen sze. a man is being held in the san mateo county jail accused of backing on a cockpit door headed to san francisco last night. authorities say he fought with a flight attendant and other passengers had to take action. terry mcsweeney is live. >> federal investigators are interrogating this man. it is disturbing he had a yemini passport. his city of residence unknown but he did have a california i.d. on him. take a look at the situation outside sfo. a flight 1561, 30 minutes out of san francisco over modesto and again, the man is one identified as having get up out of coach, heading toward first class. he rushed, is the word he is using also he rushed the cockpit door and started screaming. >> the passenger proceeded to the front of the aircraft and began to bang on the cockpit door. the flight air ten can't asked the passenger return back to the seat. when he refused the flight attendant put his hands on the passenger and physically pulled him away from the door. >> asked for help and got that help from the flight attendant as well as two passengers. one a retired san mateo police officer. person was arrested, injured a bit in a scuffle. keep in mind this happened hours after a continental flight had to be diverted to st. louis after a passenger tried to open the plane door. it happened at 35,000 feet, a note saying bomb was found on another flight. the situation here they are trying to figure out what his connection to any terrorist organization may or may not be. he did have a yemini passport coming into sfo and he does have a california i.d. we're waiting to get more information and possibly federal air marshals coming up. >> kristen: investigators in the east contra costa town of oakley are trying to determine what started an overnight fire that caused major damage to a family home. the fire broke out shortly after 11:00 last night. flames were shooting out of the second floor of the building. firefighters were able to keep the fire from spreading to asierra sent homes. there were no injuries. fire officials say no one was home at the time of the fire. tonight, the san carlos city council will decide whether to lower salaries for firefighters. the plan approved last month calls for the city and redwood city to combine to make a new fire department. our media partner reports that city staff recommends cutting pay 5% lower to put san carlos more in line about other cities. they also recommend reducing vacation and other benefits. >> ciarlts are gathering in the state to begin a journey to sacramento. they are planning a week of high profile activities to urge lawmakers to take tax concessions into their own hands to save schools. >> you may see your teachers in the classroom today but you'll see them in downtown san francisco boarding buses and heading to sacramento. teachers say they feel it's their duty to get into the faces of lawmakers. really let them now how drastic the situation in the state's public schools. they want lawmakers to extend the taxes on sales, income and vehicles otherwise they warn of a shortened school year and massive teacher layoffs. the governor has been calling for a special election so the voters can decide on the taxes but the teachers say lawmakers need to be the ones that take action on this issue. the republicans believe the schools can be funded without raising taxes and they point to the $2.5 billion the state now has in unexpected state revenues. they say that money should go to the schools. expect to hear a lot about all all week long. they have a week protests planned, you'll see them from sacramento to shopping malls. they have all kinds of demonstrations planned to bring attention to this issue. >> kristen: u.c. regents are thinking of tuition and charging more to attend more popular campuses. u.c. berkeley and ucla and less to attend campuses elsewhere. they are seeing state funds forcing tuition hikes and layoffs. opponents say the idea is inherently elitist. nurses plan to end a five-day strike against oakland's children's hospital. they held a mother's day brunch while they continued to protest. nurses are protesting a hospital proposal to change their health benefits co-pay system. they will reduce coverage for them and their families. hospital officials deny that. they say the nurses are making demands that are out of touch with the hospital's economic situation. >> it's 5:07 and below average temperatures and probably pretty high wind speeds. let's check in with mike. >> cool conditions will persist, it will be cooling down but not quite as cool as yesterday and not quite as windy but stuck in the tail end of that that air mass. we're looking at temperatures 24 hours ago until now in half moon bay and antioch are the same. everybody else at least 3-11 degrees cooler than this time yesterday morning. that puts napa at 39 degrees. 42 in santa rosa. mid 40s for san rafael and fairfield. 40 in los gatos and 43 in redwood city. everybody else to near 50 degrees. afternoon hours, sliding down the jetstream could spread scattered showers mainly the north bay. your temperatures in the mid to upper 50s, possibly 70 in santa rosa. mid-50s throughout the bay shore and to the south bay, upper 50s to near 70 degrees in the east bay valleys and along coast, breezy with upper 50s. 50 in monterey. mid to upper 50s for the rest of the monterey bay and low 70s as you head inland. accu-weather seven-day forecast, two warmest days are tomorrow and wednesday. that means temperatures barely back to average before the cooling trend begins on thursday and culminates with cooler than normal weather. even a chance of shower on sunday. good morning. better news about the crash in oakland. it's been cleared, northbound 880 past the coliseum. nothing slowing you down. live shot of san mateo bridge. earlier we did see signs of warning drivers of a high wind advisory. it doesn't look that windy out there. traffic is fine, westbound is on the right. also head to the golden gate bridge for you. very nice and quiet commute this morning. out of marin county heading into san francisco and also 101 on the peninsula is delay free if you are heading toward sfo. headlights moving toward san francisco, southbound is good all the way down to the south bay where it is also a very good commute. no accidents reported right now in the south bay. we're talking about prices of gas. when we can expect a significant drop of gasoline prices. also, their own version of torture and the influence that facebook is beginning to have. amazing technology developing right here in the bay area that could bring amazing details to what you watch on tv. ♪ [ female announcer ] we all want cleaner laundry. we all want a world with fewer chemicals. we all want the best of both worlds. introducing all free clear oxi-active. a powerful new detergent without dyes or perfumes that helps get out your toughest dirt and stains. its added natural cleaning boosters help get your whole family's wash incredibly clean. tough on stains. gentle on skin. new all free clear oxi-active. >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. good morning, foreign car prices, they hit a record high last month and heading higher. prices are up since last year because of japan's earthquake. but it's not dampening plans to shut down the other nuclear reactors. biggest u.s. company was up 11% last year. wall street says they average $9.3 million, salaries and bonuses and stock. that is money, i'm peggy bunker. >> drivers may soon get a repreview from four dollar a gallon gas. they expect it to drop by 50 cents by june. it's due to the fall of crude prices. currently the national average for a gallon of gas is $4. in san francisco, of course, it's more. the average price is 4:24. >> sony play station users have to wait longer to play online games. they missed its own weekend deadline to restart online gaming services. company needs to do more tests on security improve in the wake of a massive data breach. hackers got into accounts exposing personal information and even posting some on line. facebook is playing a role in what news gets spread online and to share and recommend content. a new study released this morning for excellence of journalism facebook a averaged 3% of traffic to 21 major news sites. it's small compared to google. google pushes about 30% of traffic to the top news sites but facebook could eat into google's dominance as the social networking giant influence grows. >> they are making extremely high resolution videos with consumer cameras. they call it the giga time machine. here is the drive to see better. >> its highest resolution you can view. it's painted with only 2 million pixels. this movie is made of billions of pictures. you can continue to zoom in while zooming in. >> you can do it over long periods of time and when you look at it with an interface, a giga pan website you can pan around. >> they developed the technology jointly with randy sergeant's create lab. each movie is composite of dozens of hd videos by playing at the same time. it pan the lens while it is taking the images, hence the name of gigapan. anybody can punch in the number of views and locations. robotic camera mounts are available to anyone online in a variety sizes for all kinds of cameras so you can enjoy gigapan technology in a web browser, you can make a time machine movie yourself and show it online. >> the server can play them over the internet because it streams only the part of the movie you have zoomed in. that is the secret part. thanks to powerful modern computer processors and a new web technology called html 5. when combined with time lapse, you can zoom backward and forward in time and space. >> people will be able to come back and answer questions they might have. >> they call that the gigapan time machine. >> san jose sharks failed to wrap it up at the tank and will head back to detroit for game sticks. sharks led a 3-1 lead get away from them last night. red wings scored the winning goal with six minutes left in the game. stunned sharks still have a less commanding, 3-2 series lead in their western conference semifinals. >> at least the giants game wasn't torture yesterday. it was windy at the ballpark. >> a lot of fans out there. let's take a look show you what is going on today. we'll still have the weather spill into the week. it won't be quite as cool as it was yesterday but still well below average. nice look from downtown san francisco all the way out to some of the lingering clouds in central valley where it is raining east of sacramento. who is on the transmission this morning. that was beautiful pan, it's peter. peter, that looks good. let's talk about the temperatures, 39 in napa. 42 in santa rosa. mid to upper 40s in most other neighborhoods. half moon bay, oakland, fremont and antioch around the monterey bay, monterey 50. 53 at salinas and mid to upper 40s for watsonville a, gilroy and santa cruz. so cool and breezy today. stray shower especially across the north bay. warmest afternoon tomorrow and wednesday. another cool weekend with more rain possible. we still get some rain during the month. mid to upper 50s in the south bay. san jose, 74 degrees is average they are only 66. heading up the peninsula, dropping down to low 60s by millbrae. breezy mid to upper 50s around the coast. downtown san francisco low 50s. north bay valleys, mid to upper 50s with a stray shower sets in. 70 possible in santa rosa. upper 50s at your beaches and low to mid-50s along the east bay shore. see a few clouds develop in the north bay blow in the east bay valleys but the rain should hold off the carquinez straits. same thing with gilroy upper 50s. monterey bay, low to mid-50s. clouds will clear out. mid to upper 40s and low 40s around livermore and some of the north bay valleys. area of low pressure pulling away taking most of the cold weather with it. behind that, this high pressure is going november in and when it does that is when we're going to see some of the warmer weather that will develop tomorrow. notice we only get back to average barely before the cool weather returns on thursday. more clouds, friday, saturday and sunday and temperatures, low 50s inland by sunday? that is incredible. >> good morning everyone. a lot of road work being cleared from antioch but westbound 4 is starting to slow as you make your way from lone tree to leverage then through redwood city it is moving well. -- walnut creek it is moving well. east shore freeway, in berkeley. westbound traffic looks great. 19 minutes the drive time from the carquinez bridge. it's also smooth ride in the north bay for drivers heading through san rafael. southbound traffic out of novato is crowded but light enough to go the speed limit. and 101 and 880 headlights on north 101 and that is north 880 moving across your screen. get traffic when you want. go to next, the disturbing discovery some grieving families made on a mother's day visit to a cemetery. and the eye-opening exhibit today that will change the way you think about the earth's rip tiles is opening today. switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. good monday morning, 5:24. a look at the airport. a little breezy out there today. whether there is delays we'll check later on. major story from sfo the airlines flight when an unruly passenger approached the cockpit and other passengers had to subdue him. we'll have live from terry mcsweeney. >> a new research that puts accident rates as any other previous study. they found 1 in 38 children have some sort of autism ranging from severe to other. that is more than the previous estimate. many children are not being diagnosed because they are slipping by in the mainstream tests. >> a new exhibit at california academy of sciences is just for you. big star of the exhibit is a 15 foot long python. his name is lemon drop. you can see why the name. he is missing the dark pigment that would help him hide in natural environment and better off in a secure cage that keeps him safe from people. >> we are trying to create a connection that people that view the exhibit and animals and their wild spaces. >> the summer of slither features 60 other snakes and lizards on loan from the zoo in new york. if they were placed end to end they would stretch the length of a football field. go to and click on see it on tv. >> 5:25. next at 5:30. why pg&e are telling residents in mountain view and antioch not to panic if they smell natural gas this morning. >> i'm terry mcsweeney live at san francisco international airport. it was terrifying but was it terrorism aboard inbound flight last night when a passenger rushed the cockpit door and had to be restrained. the story coming up in a live report. >> i feel terrible for what i did. >> also a san jose city councilman's apology after a weekend arrest. and president obama reveals what went on behind the scenes in a raid that killed terrorist mastermind, osama bin laden. >> if you are traveling today, most of the country than us. phoenix, 79 and upper 80s to 90s st. louis and dallas. that comes with the humidity that could spark some showers, even some strong thunderstorms from minneapolis to chicago and st. louis. no delays but when they develop our flight tracker will have them. go to i'm terry mcsweeney live at san francisco international airport. federal investigators involved in trying to figure out if it was a terrorist attempt on a jet coming into sfo. i'll tell you about it. more coming up in a live report. i'm amy hollyfield live in san francisco where teachers will be soon boarding buses and heading to sacramento. they plan to teach lawmakers a lesson. >> here is a live look from downtown san francisco. windy, chilly, raw weekend is over. small warming trend before more of that cool weather is on the way and we'll throw in couple of chances of rain. >> the wind advisories from san mateo bridge was recently cancelled. right now no accidents or stalls to slow you down. bay bridge toll plaza is looking good. >> 5:30 and thank you so much for starting with us. i'm kristen sze. a string of security scares in the air. the latest on a flight approaching san francisco, a yemini man tried to storm the cockpit and had to be subdued by passengers. terry mcsweeney has the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: this flight out of chicago coming into sfo, half an hour out when 28-year-old man was a yemen passport, california i.d. surges toward the cockpit door, screaming and pounding on the door. joining me now is a sergeant of san francisco police department. he gets up out of coach, runs toward the front of the plane, we pick up the story what happened hand how was he stopped? >> the report that i have, went to the first class cabin area where he bypass add flight attendant who was working there and continued on to the cockpit door where he grabbed on to it and begin yelling. at that point the flight attendant asked him to return to his seat. he refused to return to his seat. flight attendant did grab him and try to push him away from the door. he also called for help. another flight attendant arrived as well as two passengers and the four of them were able to subdue this passenger using some flex handcuffs that the flight attendants have for these types of incidents. the fact he was put into a first class seat and helped him arrive at sfo around 9:12 last night. >> what people want to know, is this person with a yemen passport related in any way to terrorist groups? >> there is a federal agency involved trying to develop the motive of why this occurred as well as san mateo county sheriffs and san francisco police department. i don't have any liberty to say this is a terrorist act. the investigation is ongoing. >> reporter: thank you very much for taking a moment to talk with us this morning. i do want to mention, two other incidents, one a passenger tried to open a plane door at 35,000 feet over the midwest. another flight bound for san diego had to be landing on albuquerque because of a note found on that plane, the word said bomb. the investigation underway into both of those and certainly into the one out here. it happened last night in san francisco. educators are up early this morning and gathering in san francisco kicking off a week long campaign in state of emergency to get lawmakers to break a political logjam to further hurt california schools. amy hollyfield is live in san francisco with more. >> teachers say the situation is dire and they say they have no choice but to go to sacramento and confront lawmakers. teachers have declared a state of emergency. they have protest plans for this entire week. they say they want some of the current taxes extended and say if they aren't, teachers will be laid off. that will mean larger class sizes and a shortened school year. republicans are pushing back on the tax issue. they believe we can fund education without raising taxes and they give the example of the unexpected $2.5 billion the state now has in additional tax revenue. republicans say give that money to the schools. the governor's office warns that costs are expected to go up, too. that money will be used in other ways. governor brown has been pushing this issue to voters. teachers are going to push for legislators to take this into their own hands and vote on it themselves. that is why you'll see them at capital today. you'll see them everywhere. they will be in shopping malls. they want to bring the issue to the forefront and want it addressed as soon as possible. amy hollyfield, "abc 7 news." president obama says the 40 minutes he waited to see if navy seals had found osama bin laden were some of the longest minutes in his life. in an interview last night, the president he knew some of the special forces to get bin laden was risky but it was the best way to make sure they had their man. bin laden was killed where he lived for five years, raising questions of a support network there. >> we don't know whether there might have been some people inside of government, people outside of government. that is something that we have to investigate. president obama says he lost no sleep over the possibility bin laden might be killed in the raid because the terror leader earned his fate. pg&e will begin pressure testing in pipelines in mountain view and antioch. they warn residents might smell natural gas when it gets vented. they will file the pipelines with water and pressurize them to higher levels. sections of pipes that show weakness will be replaced. in east contra costa county, investigators are looking into the cause of an overnight fire that left major damage to a home in oakley. this fire broke out shortly after 11:00 last night. flames were shooting out of the second floor after two story house. firefighters were able to keep the fire from spreading. no one was home at the time of the fire. there were no injuries reported. a san jose city councilmember says he made an error in judgment by driving under the influence of alcohol. ash kalra admits to drink before driving. a test found his blood-alcohol level was .12 well over the legal limit of .0 8. >> i feel terrible what i did. bottom line is i shouldn't have gotten behind the wheel and i did. >> kristen: he is serving his first term representing district two in san jose. it's 5:36, time to turn things over to mike. after a windy and cool weekend. >> things will taper a little bit. the wind and also i believe the temperatures will jump a little bit. good morning to you. i hope you had had great mother's day. west wind at sfo at 14 but everybody else around calm to about 8 miles an hour. that is west wind blowing through fairfield. let's take a look at the temperatures. they are relatively cool in the deepest valleys. 39 in napa. 42 in santa rosa. we have a lot of upper 40s to near 50 degrees and starting to see clouds spill from the central valley into the east bay valleys as a little small speck of rain is moving through. 39 in napa. then we'll have upper 40s to low 50s during the rest of the morning commute. by noon, look at a few clouds, upper 50s throughout the bay shore and out to the coast. low to mid-50s in inland valleys and then by 4:00 in the afternoon, a stray shower, watch it develop in the north bay with temperatures in the low to mid-50s. mid to upper 50s in the east bay valleys, and low to mid-50s throughout the bay shore with upper 50s at the coast. seven-day forecast, warmest weather tomorrow and wednesday. temperatures back to average and then a cooling trend on thursday. you could be cooler this week with another chance of rain on sunday. good morning, frances. we're starting to see some crowded on interstate 80. head lights moving westbound and closer to the limit near university. really no accidents to slow you down, as well. there are some minor slowing, typical stuff out of antioch on westbound 4. here another shot, northbound 280 headlights moving throughout of downtown san jose up to cupertino and highway 17 coming out of santa cruz mountains. mass transit, so far all systems reporting no delays. still ahead, dispute that is preventing work to shore up a hillside. somber commemoration of mother's day in san francisco. why police are hopeful these families will get some closure this year. ♪it's the way you bring out the sun♪ my mom makes any day sunny. sunnyd does, too. with 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands. ♪ >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld work to shore up a hillside weak end by rain is on hold after homeowners objected to the city's terms to do the job. part of wyman street started sliding and city wants to be released during repairs. they want to avoid risk of lawsuits. but our media partner, contra costa times reports that six of the seven homeowners are refusing to sign off on that. the proposed temporary fix will cost hundred thousand dollars. >> a group of mother's who lost their children to violence protested outside of city hall to call attention that their cases are unsolved. her son was killed in 2007. paulette's brown son was killed in 2006. the suspects in his shooting arrested but released after lack of evidence. >> they are probably standing looking at us now. >> we just need to people to get involved. a lot of times, they see homicides, as many as 200 people witness a homicide. >> this year there is new face among the demonstrators. her son tyson was shot to death last october by a friend that claimed self-defense. is it mcdonald's or starbucks? they get a huge makeover. bloomberg business report is coming up. florida's loss may be california's big gain. but significant boost that high speed rail system will be getting. an incredible story of survival. a woman found alive in a stranded remote part of nevada. second miracle they are now hoping for. people along the mississippi river are preparing for something that happens once a essential. thousands of people are evacuating. live doppler 7 hd. radar returns coming in. clouds prevalent along the coast. up in the mountains you see one storm heading towards stockton. there is more on the way as we head in the afternoon hours. even upper level snow in the mountain around tahoe and rain around palm springs and 74. through the central valley, low 70s and al-qaeda and san diego morning drizzle giving way to clouds, mid to upper 60s. >> kristen: listen to this story. several atlanta families are wondering if there are any limits how they will go to make a buck. they visited a atlanta cemetery to pay tribute to mothers that passed away but someone had stolen 80 copper plates. the cemetery says they pay to replace the plates because it can run up to $600 each. >> they are bracing for a once in a lifetime flood as the waters of the mississippi river continue to rise. here is more from memphis. >> tennessee's largest city is in the crosshairs. memphis has the most high risk population for flooding. authorities expect the mississippi to crest at 48 feet outside the city. less than a foot shy of the record set in 1937. with it swollen by a month of abnormally high rainfalls, it's overflowing with nowhere for the water to flow. 1100 homes and mobile homes have been evacuated. on sunday officials went door to door to alert others that they may also need to leave their homes. memphis is the latest in a string of towns along the mississippi to be affected by the swal swollen river. last week the army corps of engineers blew up levees to help alleviate the threat. while there is a great pressure around levees on mfs they are currently performing as expected. >> kristen: forecasters say it may crest tonight instead of tomorrow. it has spared northwest tennessee from catastrophic flooding but low lying towns have been inundated with water. wow, just looking at that video. >> it's stunning, it's almost like that all over again. you never know. >> here, we have pretty calm conditions except for winds. >> they are with us a little bit. not like yesterday. they started tapering. let's take a look outside and show you. beautiful picture from the roof cam as we shoot over to the berkeley hills. as we pull out you can see some of the clouds that are associated with a disturbance that is bringing the rain through the central valley. our rain is possible in the afternoon and that will mainly in the north bay. anybody could see a scattered shower this afternoon. temperatures is still coolest in napa, 39. warmest in antioch at 52. most of us in the mid to upper 40s to near 50 degrees. same thing around monterey bay, cloud cover lingering in your neighborhoods. cool and breezy today. a stray shower is possible, best in the north bay but it could pop up just about everywhere. warmest afternoons tomorrow and wednesday and at another time cool weekend with more rain possible. yes, it's may but we still get rain from time to time. temperatures should be about five degrees concord, fremont, oakland, san francisco. four in san jose and three in santa rosa. 14 hours and nearly 2 minutes of sunshine. south bay, mid to upper 60s. these temperatures are warmer today but good five to ten degrees cooler than average. upper 50s along the coast with some of the breezes will be the fastest. low 50s in south san francisco. upper 50s at your beaches. over in the east bay, low to mid-50s as you head into the valleys. mid to upper 60s, even a 70 out on highway 4 and stray shower spilling into the east bay hills as they move from north to south across the north bay today. 60 in monterey to mid to upper 60s to rest of the bay to low 70s toward guilt roy and hollister. clouds will dissipate somewhat, low to mid 40s in the valleys, mid 40s elsewhere. low is responsible for all the cold weather and some of the brief light rain we had over the weekend is pulling away and so is the jetstream. that is why the winds were calm compared to the weekend. tuesday and wednesday this area of high pressure is calming influence will also bring us warmer weather but it will be brief. thursday, temperatures start dropping and by friday, clouds are gathering. saturday and sunday, limited sunshine and temperatures back in the mid to upper 50s around the coast and bay. low 60s by sunday with a chance of a shower again. hope you have a great day. here a frances with a new accident. >> just reported in san francisco, as you come off the bay bridge, on ninth street off-ramp, it won't be blocking any lanes. here is traffic slow. bay bridge toll plaza, notice how they are squeezed into a couple of them so some of them are closed. these guys are backed up toward west grand, everyone else is delay free at this point. also we'll check out san mateo bridge, there was a wind advisory earlier this morning but it's been cancelled. traffic is flowing well across the span. no major trouble at all in the east bay. and it's fine in the south bay with a live shot and headlights moving northbound 101. get traffic when you want it by going to california may be getting hundreds of millions of dollars in high speed rail fund that go florida has rejected. the u.s. department of transportation have privately notified officials they will get $213 million of $2.4 billion that had been earmarked for florida high speed rail until they decided against it. california still needs nearly $15 billion to build a bullet line that will run between san francisco and los angeles. house republicans are threatening to derail funding for the project. two citizens groups plan to file an appeal to expand the oakland zoo. debate over the zoo's expansion into neighboring nolan park goes back to 1988 when they approved a master plan covering the next 20 years. the zoo amended plan. last week oakland's planning commission approved the plan to expand into 54 acres of prime park land with sweeping views of san francisco. opponents say the expansion would destroy the popular park. next time you to go mcdonald's, you might be surprised. >> good morning. mcdonald's saying biggest make over ever. they are working out a billion dollars, and furniture and hoping customers will like to linger longer. they say mcdonald's is trying to make good of their strong position to outdo zbliefls as crude oil prices fell 15 am over the last week, gas prices continue to go up. average price rising more than a penny to almost 3.96 according to aaa where if crude oil stays at current levels we could see pump prices dropping 12 cents by memorial day. >> apple brand plunged went up 84% knocking google as the top company. i'm jane king with the bloomberg business report. >> they are investigating a deadly car crash. highway patrol said a car drove of highway 1 north of bodega bay. it traveled down 60 feet and landed o a its roof. the driver was killed. officers say she was the only person in the vehicle. investigators are still trying to figure out why the car went off the road. >> plans to resume a search this morning on a remote section of northeastern nevada for a man who had been missing for seven weeks. they found his wife alive on friday. she was inside her van when rescuers spotted her. she says she and her husband, she hasn't seen him since he set off on foot a few days after they got stuck. she survived on bottled water, trail mix and candy. >> she is coherent and speaking with my nephew. >> kristen: doctors at the hospital where she is being treated say she is doing better. her condition has been upgraded to fair. just ahead at 6:00, should you pay more for going to u.c. berkeley say going to u.c. merced? the answer could be yes, a proposal they are now considering. i'm terry mcsweeney live at san francisco international airport. federal terrorism experts are talking to a man who tried to get into cockpit of a san francisco bound plane last night. was eight case of terrorism? there are suggestions that it may be. story coming up in a live ♪ you're unpacking already? yeah. help me find some mugs? sure. ♪ [ beep ] hey. okay. -these'll do. -yeah. 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