Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140804 : vima

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140804

it destroyed eight homes and 20 out buildings and forced the evacuation os of a number of homes and small hospital in the town of bernie. this is just one of the fires. more evacuations could be announced. >> you have to have your bags packed, all of your clothes ready, tent, sleeping bag, all that stuff ready to go and be out the door within an hour of the call. >> a slew of bay area fire agencies have in on this battle. christie smith is joining us now from san jose where crews took off two hours a i go. >> firefighters have been leaving from the south bay and peninsula all evening. the latest group left from san jose. what firefighters are telling us is that state of the emergency declaration is very important because it opens the door for more resources given the magnitude of the these fires. >> it's early august. california historically, the season gets going in september and october. >> reporter: strike teams from santa clara county deployed this etching from san jose with more than a dozen fires burning in northern and central california, their exact destination hasn't been determined yet. >> in this case the engines in this strike team are your normal mu physical structure type. >> they could help in other ways as local, state, and federal crews try to battle fires raging during the state's on-going drought. the situation prompted governor jerry brown to issue a state of emergency. >> finances come in. in addition to that it helps with getting the military provide personnel and apparatus and commitment. >> reporter: alameda county have already sent out strike team. they want to stay 100% staffed in the bay area. and near the fire lines, the crews keep fighting. >> when we get there they're going to do whatever it takes. >> the firefighters tell us this evening these strike teams are called very strategically so not to tie up the resources in any one area. reporting live in santa fe, christie smith, nbc bay area news. the weather playing a big role in all that and we've got some very strange weather coming our way this week. let's check in with anthony right now for more on that. >> hard to believe they were talking about showers in the forecast not only for tomorrow but tuesday as well. 23 you lived in the bay area you know about the monsoon season. we are tracking showers across the sierra. no rain in the radar just yet. you have to head down to southern california where they've seen copious amounts of rain. even four in some higher elevations. the able of the system is down towards our south. as we head through the next 24 to 48 hours, this system is going to move up and eventually pull out. what that means for us is we can be looking for a better chance for showers as we head through monday afternoon and tuesday afternoon. we're doing to be looking at popcorn thunderstorms. not everybody is going to see rain. more like that popcorn look on the radar. we may have a cell here, may have another here. most of the bay area is not going to actually see the shower activity. you will notice the computer model link is pinpoint that we will see a better chance from the golden gate bridge points northward where we could see the heavier downpours. we will talk about the timing and the nature and what they could mean for more wildfires coming up. you mentioned those -- the rainstorms going on in southern california. here they are. thunderstorms brought flooding and mudslides in southern california tonight. san bernardino county. according to the national weather service storms dumped as much as four i rememberes of rain on some areas in one hour. look at this. first responders rescued five people in san gabriel mountains. and you can see some of the damage there including those vehicles buried in the mud. oakland police tonight are still not saying if investigators recovered a weapon from a man shot and killed this morning by an alameda county deputy. cop front tags unfolded earller this morning during a traffic stop. police officers say they were trying to pull over a driver wanted in connection with a violent home invasion and robbery. the driver sped away and later got out and ran at 105th and eads avenue. it was launched and a canine unit was called in to help. they ended up shooting and killing him. police spent the rest of the morning searching the aarea for a weapon. the suspect has not been identified. deputy is now on paid administrative leave. a normally quiet south bay neighborhood is on edge tonight after a shooting and two armed robberies. police say it began about midnight last night in campbell when a gunman shot two people outside the first bank at campbell and union avenues. both victims were rushed to the hospital and a few blocks away the man matching the same description robbed someone at gun point. they say crime in the area is practically nonexistent. the second incident, he was not hurt. leland yi is due back in court one week after he pleaded not guilty to racketeering. racketeering just the latest charge from april but also the most serious charge. if found glity yee and another defendant could face up to 20 years in prison. they would also have to pay back any money made in illegal deals. 27 people in all are facing charges in this case which is a result of a five-year undercover probe. now to the latest in the middle east. israel has withdrawn most of its ground forces from gaza tonight but the war with hamas goes on. this was another deadly day for palestinians who got caught in the middle. richard engel reports from gaza. >> reporter:his is what israel has been doing to hamas' tunnels, in three, two, one. israel says it's blown up most of the tunnels, a labyrinth of passageways for hamas fighters to hide, attack, and escape. even on motorcycles. it was at a tunnel where an israeli soldier was feared taken captive, was killed. as he was laid to rest israel took a major step to make sure the rest of its soldiers are safer. pulling most of its forces out of the gaza strip, sending relief soldiers back to israel. the withdrawal means israeli troops who have been gathered along gaza's border for weeks will be far less vulnerable to attack. for israel, the ground will be ending p. here in xwaz sa it doesn't feel like the war is winding down. all day, rockets launched from here toward israel. we've watched them fly overhead. there have been more israeli air strikes. one of those strikes caused yet another tragedy. u.n. officials say israel fired on a suspected palestinian militant on a motorcycle just as he passed in front of a u.n. school full of 3,000 palestinians taking shelter. at least ten civilians were killed. robert turner, director of the u.n. program in gaza, is stunned israel chose to attack so close to the school. >> do you think israel should have waited a few more seconds, a few more minutes until he was further away from this location? >> why? if this is a moving target and you're tracking him, why there? why at the gate of the shelter, the location you've given 33 times, the last time not more than an hour before the attack. >> reporter: the u.s. state department said it was appalled by today's disgraceful shelling outside the school. >> that's richard engel reporting. death toll is mounting in southwestern china after an earthquake pounded that region. 370 people are dead, 1800 others hurt. rescuers are searching through debris for survivors. 6.1 magnitude struck in the unnan province. 2,000 buildings or homes were damaged or destroyed. aftershocks continue to rock the region hampering the rescue mission this evening. 400,000 people plagued by toxic water in toledo, ohio. the tour that led experts to take a closer look at the source of the problem. also -- >> i'm marianne. they're calling it a beta test. coming up, find out what the 49ers learned after hosting nearly 49,000 people here at the new levi stadium. the countdown is on for the 49ers to play their first game at the new levi stadium. thanks to a dress he searsal last night with the san jose earthquakes game the 49ers have a clear to do list. nbc bay area maryis joining us live at the stadium for the lessons learned from last night's run-through. >> terry, the 49ers say that hosting nearly 49,000 people here last night was a perfect opportunity to see what works and what doesn't. and that is important because they only have two weeks before they host nearlile 69,000 people here for the 49ers game. traffic, parking, trains, security, hosting nearly 49,000 fans for the san jose earthquakes game last night was a beta test for the new levi stadium. most fans gave the experience a thumbs up, saying it was easy to get to parking. >> concern us, the traffic. >> reporter: neighbors hearsay it was a little too easy. >> there were people pashi ipar our carports. it just got way crazy and out of hand. we can't park on our own streets. >> reporter: only people with the stickers on the cars were supposed to be allowed into the neighborhoods. the closer to game time residents hearsay nobody checked for the stickers. and people drove right past these signs. >> part of me can tell you that there's going to be a lot of things that will change. you know, we're going to look to hear from the neighbors to see what they've experienced yesterday and try to constantly improve upon that. we'll look at how we might be able to bring in, you know, additional staff if that's what it means. >> reporter: one thing fans did complain about, crowded trains. more than 8,000 people used light rail to get to the stadium and many passengers complained about the long waits to catch a train home. bta says it will work to improve that. >> we think our plan is pretty solid. it's just the pocket track is going to help us and we are going to be taking a look, making few changes here and the there. and i think we will redifficult for august 17th. >> reporter: that's when nearly 20,000 additional fans will pour into the new stadium to watch the first 49ers game. the hope is lessons learned last night will prevent gridlock heading to the gridiron. the 49ers also say last night was a good chance to test the cellphone service and the wi-fi service inside the stadium and they tell me, so far, so good. reporting live in santa clara, marianne favro. a water emergency remains in effect tonight in and around toledo, ohio, where high levels of a toxin prompted a ban on drinking the water for a second day. nbc's anne thompson has more. >> reporter: this is no way to spend a weekend. the city of toledo for the second straight day is under a state of emergency with no usable tap water. >> yesterday morning, the individuals are coming from all over the -- from all over, different suburbs, different cities. >> reporter: nearly half million people in and around the city all of the way up to parts of neighboring michigan have tap water tainted by a toxin from lake erie. >> i'm concerned about doing the dishes, doing my laundry, taking a shower. >> reporter: safe water rolled into the area. the ohio national guard alone provided some 50,000 gallons of water. tonight the city awaits results from testing conducted at a federal environmental protection agency lab. >> the numbers that we're waiting for now in order to make a final evaluation as to what our next step will be, those numbers aren't in, so we have no foundation whatsoever to go forward. >> reporter: today the national wildlife federation took journalists for a boat ride on lake erie to see what it says is the source of the problem. >> here's the growth of the algae. >> reporter: an algae bloom that one federal agency says is close to the intake valve for the area's water supply. the bloom is fueled by water runoff and treatment plant, a problem environmentalists say won't end with this crisis. >> this is a systemic challenge that we face here in the great lakes but much bigger than this one crisis. unfortunately this crisis could be the tip of the iceberg unless we begin to address it. >> reporter: tonight residents are under order not to drink, wash dishes, brush their teeth, or give tap water to their pets and not to boil it for use. because that makes the tox xip more concentrated and more harmful. that's because ingesting the toxin can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and diz s.ness. it can also do serious damage to the liver. one more they lining up for water in what nobody wants to become a late summer tradition. >> anne thompson reporting. speaking of toxic water, pg&e is shutting down a program in the town known for erin brockovich. in the '90s it was contaminated with plutonium 6. everything hly announced the levels had fallen well below allowed for drinking water. pg&e will no longer provide bottle water this fam. they put in some 30 homes, some hinckley residents are still concerned the water may not be safe to drink. summer ends up in california takes an unusual turn with flash flood warnings in some places. this guy didn't really care about that. he's out there on his inflatable swan, i guess it is, 100 miles east of l.a. riding do unthe flood waters. i'm thinking there are some ernlg many crews who would be saying that is not a good idea. heaviest storms are passed through. flash flood advisories have expired. the hardest hit area has more than four inches of rain in one hour. some of the moisture coming this we gets our a tension. anthony is here to talk about it. >> definitely don't to that. if you see flash flooding, a big no. makes great tv but not a good a do. let's set you up with what we're looking at. you can see the live radar, fired up. no shower activity here in the bay area just yet. but jazz towards our east. they've been firing up across the sierra all down long. that's going to general trend through tomorrow and wednesday. some of the activity will drift this way. let's step outside and show you what it's looking like. lots of cloud kov. lots of low clouds up at the goulding gate grinlg. and then you've got the high. temperatures are comfortable. tomorrow temperatures are going to be more comfortable coming down just a little bit from where they have been over the past couple of days. no more 80s and 90s. back in the 60s an 70s. it's all because of the cloud cover we're going to continue to see. lots of that heavy rain will continue to be pumped this way. unfortunately for us we're going to be in that dead zone where the thunderstorms erupt and then die down. unfortunate unfortunately we're not going to get a lot of the heavy rain. but one or two of these thunderstorms could hold together. if they do and you get caught up under it you're talking about heavy rain and if you don't have your umbrella and you got a nice outfit on, you're going to be ruined. yeah. may want to keep that umbrella with you at least for tomorrow and tuesday. it husbandn't look like the showers are going to be isolated. if you want to dress nice, carry that umbrella. for tomorrow, temperatures president 78 there. 69 in san mateo. just highlighted areas that could see a shower or downpour, especially near san francisco. the north bay this is where we're going to have the best chance of measurable precipitation. even as far as infromwood, antioch, those locations will see the better chance of activity. never less, those thunderstorms in mace. a atmosphere will be set to here loo lightning and thunder. if we do, out side of the thunderstorm, we will talking about more wildfires. oef all, the general trend, showers for tomorrow and tuesday. very isolated in nature. we will see more m cloud cover this weekend. once again, tips soar, close to 90 as we head in to next weekend. up and down roller coaster ride. you know what? at least it will be somewhat of a wet ride. we need the rain. >> thank you. >> all right. antho anthony, thank you. from a wild week coming up in weather to a wild week in sports. as you mentioned earlier, football is here. >> yes, it seems strange like getting rain in august, as well. it is. it's august, sunday night. nfl is back. another setback for tiger woods unfortunately. we'll tell you about that and we'll head to new york where madison g bum garner. all that and more coming up in sports. you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq™ start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ go! go! wow! go power...oats! go! made from oats cheerios! cheerios! go, go, go! go power oats! go! cheerios! go power! go...power! yayyyy! it's a i think stra scene for the giants this season. they're playing much better away from at&t this season. they entered sunday nine games over .500 on the road. compare that to one game under .500 at their own ballpark. the same olds true for madison bumgarner, 5.60 era at home. that goes well for the giants as they play game three in a four-game set against the mets. hunter pence has not played well on the road. that would be ruled a two-run home run. and then in the top of the ninth, pence goes deep again. this one off dana. second home run of the day. 9-0, giants. bumgarner looking to finish a two-hit shutout. he gets travis darnell on the check swing to end it. tenth strikeout of the fwam. if madison bumgarner's first exact game of the season and the giants win big. >> when you feel good on a day like today you can get guys and get quick outs and get your team back in the dugout. give you a lead like that it makes it a whole lot easier. >> throw it, it's great. the way he pitch hit today, it was fun to watch. >> giants could get a key piece of their lineup back as pagan is expected to return this week. the outfielder has been out since mid june with back issues. wet peexpected to play well. if all goes well he will join the team in milwaukee next week. the rubber match between the as and royals. top of the seventh. as down by three. he hits it deep to right. watch josh reddick. he doubles off escobar at first. a beautiful play. that's worth a little bit of praise. reddick not done. in the eighth. a solo shot for him. that's his second home run of the game. but the as would lose 4-2. >> our bats aren't really where we want them right now. the last week or so, coming back from texas and houston, we're not swinging the bat as well as we should be. besides one inning yesterday. you don't really expect anything so we got to keep going and keep working. >> the final round is a wgc wood bridge invitational. on the second hole he takes an awkward fall on the shot from the lift of the bunker and he was not the same from there on out. he had to withdraw from the tournament on the 9th hole. you can tell he's clearly in pain. status is in question for next week's pga championship. rory mci'll loy birdied four of his first five holes and never looked back. two-shot win. also picked back up the number one ranking in the world. the bills, jgiants, nfl hal of fame game here. bills quarterback finds robert woods for the touchdown. then in the third quarter with the bills up by three it's new york ryan, he finds cory washington. 73-yard strike. the giants go on to win the first preseason game of the nfl season, 17-13. the 49ers making roster moves. tinkering with the wide receivers. they waived john baldwin. remember they picked him up last august in a trade with jenkins but then signed la damien. a lot of machinations taking place leading up to their first preseason game this week. >> whether mind, thank you. still to come, taking it down piece by piece. we'll explain the artistic campaign that will transform salvage steel from the bay bridge. 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auctioned off his medals. they were later returned. he was in his 90s. most parents will tell you they're willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the health and welfare of their kids. only some parents though have to act on those emotions. nbc bay area thomas shows us one couple who did in tonight's "bay area proud." >> reporter: for a family with a very sick child, a place like lucile pack card children's hospital at stanford can become something of a home away from home. >> put your chest against the plate. >> reporter: but for katie grace and her family, lucile packard is the last in the string away from home, the end hopefully to a journey her mom and glad are so glad they've taken. the story starts in the hometown of mankato, minnesota, whereby every account life was perfect. good jobs, close friends, a great church, they would likely still be living there except katie grace, their younger daughter, wasn't live thing like she should have. >> passing out. behind in her development. >> reporter: a surgery to repair a hole in her heart revealed the hole wasn't fixable and much worse. >> that she would die within a year. the only hope she had was a heart and lung transplant. they did not do those in minnesota. >> now you see the right -- >> reporter: but they do in california. and that's when they decided to trust dr. jeffrey feinstein with katie grace's care. they put their house on the market, sold their belongings, and came to the bay area in 2008, living in their rv. >> it was -- there was no other decision to be made. >> reporter: hey eventually landed their next in the string of homes in clayton. katie grace getting the treatment she needed but still getting worse. in march she went on the transplant list and, last month, successfully received a new heart and lungs. one of only a hand fl of such transplants done on children in the united states. which brings us to the next home away from home, a hotel in san carlos. transplant patients you see are required to stay close during their follow-up care. they are happy to be here and happy to give credit to the doctors for saving their child's life. the doctors who give it right back. >> if you look at the amount of work that i do compared to the amount of work that katie grace's mom did, there's no comparison. there's absolutely no comparison. you want to find a hero, talk about the parents. they're unbelievable. >> reporter: garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. coming up in our next half hour, signs of hope for the american doctor who is being treated for the ebola virus. and a prominent bay area businessman accused of stealing more than a million dollars. now a surprising twist after we started investigating. you gotta get to subway for the protein packed black forest ham and cheese. enjoy lean, sliced ham with a hint of sweetness, piled high with all your favorite veggies like green peppers and juicy tomatoes. now yours at a great price as our $3 six-inch select of august. subway. eat fresh. very encouraging news tonight about the condition of an american doctor infected with ebola. he's now in atlanta. dr. kent brantley appears to have a good chance of survival even though ebola is extreelly deadly killing 90% of those infected. the ebola outbreak has killed over 700 people in africa. nbc kate snow has the latest on this developing story. >> reporter: at kent brantley's church in ft. worth this morning praise for his rescue and prayers for his recovery. >> after seeing him walk into the hospital yesterday we are certainly praising god and looking forward to an upbeat time of worship. >> reporter: liberians came out to thank the doctor for helping their country. >> we sympathize. >> reporter: brantley's wife amber sent an e-mail to church members today saying she was rejoicing over her husband's safe arrival. i want to ask you for continued prayers for kent and nancy. on "meet the press," the head for the cdc says brantley's pro dpres is encouraging. >> ebola can be deadly but in people who are healthy,the case fatality rate may be lower than the ones that we're usually quoting. >> you were in the car right behind the ambulance? >> right behind the ambulance. >> reporter: lax rupps the team that transported brantley, something they been practicing for years. >> there are doctors and nurses tending to his needs. there's a very tight knit support network for lab and for environmental hazards. >> reporter: here he said they know how to contain a deadly virus. in west africa it's much more difficult. >> ebola is scary. >> reporter: ebola is often spread at funerals when bodies are most infectious. today in liberia 21 were buried by workers in protective gear. it all comes as leaders flew to washington today ahead of a summit this week at the white house. the president saying, precautions are in place. >> we're making sure we're doing screening. as they leave the country, additional screening while they're here. >> the same kind that dawson just went through. peace corps stebt in sierra leone was cut short. >> i was screened by my in-country peace corps doctor. checking the vital signs, checking our temperature. we were all aware of the symptoms of ebola. we have been well versed in them. it's part of our training process. >> that was kate snow reporting. a new gun control measure in the state ledgely chur is gaining national attention. they're calling it gun violence restraining order. if approved california may become the first state to allow family members and health care providers to take away firearms from someone who has shown signs that they could harm themselves or others. assembly member nancy skinner represented this after a shooting out page in uc santa barbara. when the session resumes tomorrow state lawmakers will decide several key measures. one bill calls for all smartphones sold in california to be equipped with anti-theft kill switches. another guarantees all people who work 30 days in one year to be siit into med to receive sic leaf. legislation to regulate medical marijuana shops and measure to ban plastic grocery bags statewide. the da says a well-known local car dealer swindled more than a million dollars from bay area investors part of a ponzi scheme. it's a story we first exposed last year. tonight a new twist that surprised a lot of people. here's chief investigative reporter. >> reporter: he pled no contest. it's the legal equivalent of guilty to nine felony charges, all connect to more than a million dollars he now admits to taking from bay area investors. >> he came into court and he said, you got me. i'm not going to contest those charges. >> reporter: reaction from a deputy district attorney to ron's decision to admit defleecing bay area investors. >> the defendant was running a ponzi scheme, essentially. he was lying to investors. >> he's essentially entered a glity plea. he's going to prison for what he did. your reaction. >> i'm stunned. i'm very stunned. >> she's asked us to protect her identity. she's one of nearly two dozen bay area investors who believed in ron. >> we are just overwhelmed with emotion of hearing that finally justice is going to be done. >> reporter: he admitted to nine felony kouchbts. crimes that grew out of $1.3 million he received from investors. they saw this ad in bay area newspapers. it promised a 10% return on their investment. he ultimately walked away with their money. >> why do you think he entered that guilty plea? >> look at the evidence against him and you realize i can't defend this. >> reporter: the district attorney arrested him and filed charges a year after our investigation uncovered a trail of broken promises and missing noen any. he didn't like our story, and he didn't answer our questions. >> the right thing to do. will you explain, will you explain, sir? >> please stay away from him. meese don't touch the camera. please don't push. excuse me. >> what do you say to the people who want to know where their money is? >> what's the likelihood victims are going to get their money back? >> at the time of sentencing? there's been no indication that the defendant is prepared to make any significant restitution towards the victims. >> this whole experience has broken our erts a, but we are glad to see justice is finally being done. >> by entering the plea and not taking it to trial, he now faces four to five years in a state prison. we contacted his attorney and he said they will not have a comment until after the sentencing. ron returns to court for that sentence on august 21st. i'm tony, nbc bay area news. if you have a tip for our investigative unit, call us at 888-996-tips or send us an e-mail to the santa clara county leaders will consider a new ban op marijuana medical procedures. there are none operating in the areas but some worry that might change now that san jose has launched tight new restrictions. if june the board past a moratorium in unincorporated areas. it gave them time to come up with a plan. a san francisco start-up is making it possible to get pot dlif delivered right to your doorstep in a matter of minutes. you need a smartphone and legitimate bay area card. we will explain this on demand delivery service. >> reporter: san francisco state flores has a new summer job. >> i treat them at least, like a regular old delivery company, you know, delivering medicine to our patients. >> reporter: the medicine in this case is marijuana. flores works for' >> at the begin og of the shift they will watch you pick up the med sip for the day so they will have it on them already. >> reporter: it's essentially on demand delivery of medical pot in san francisco. the services free for patients who register with the company. >> the process of acquiring medical marijuana can be somewhat cumbersome and we want to make that easier for patients to allow us a source of verification. no matter where they are, select a strand of medicine, the quantity they need and quick request delivery and we'll be there in a matter of minutes. >> for me, being busy and having a service like this is beneficial to someone like myself. but i do see, you know, patients that have trouble getting around for them. this will be a good send. >> company drivers are paid ten bucks be i the dispensaries by each delivery. they can own their own vehicle and carry insurance. >> the patients can carry eight oupss of dried flowers. some people know them as buds. that's 64 deliveries of one eight pound which is the most pop plaer quantity. >> reporter: flores made a dozen deliveries within the first three hours of his shift, which amounts to $40 an hour. kim berry terry, nbc bay area news. the company's founder says they work closely with attorneys to abide by all the rules set by the city and county of san francisco. coming up next, tapped out? the key ingredient in short supply that could make it i did to get your favorite bay area craft beer. a big worry for beer fans. historical drought may have breweries running dry. some production could drop if this dry weather extends to next year. nbc bay area explains. >> reporter: hop, barley, malt, all important to beer but water is essential. >> the future is the thing we have to worry about right now. >> reporter: brewing company cofounder dan gordon says the lack of water with tweak the test. >> we notice when the water supply gets lower the hardness of the water absolutely been an ipd cater that we're running low. >> reporter: the brewery uses 2.5 gallons of water to use gallon of beer. most use seven. if water companies impose mandatory restricts, production could drop. >> if we were put in a position where we had to go on a 20% restriction on the water usage, i have no idea how we would be able to cope with that. >> reporter: the concern is statewide. the california craft brewers association says if the drought extends another two or three years, prices would jump. >> so the industry has been good and about water conservation in the past but i think we need to get better and this year we're learning how to do that. >> reporter: now california's 400 plus craft breweries hoping those essential ingredients will be here in the years to come. >> you have to prioritize. lawns may have to go empty but we have to keep on brewing beer. we would have a lot of angry people out there. >> of course, one of the people most shaken by all that, anthony joining us now with the micro s microclimate forecast. >> i need my booze. it's almost midnight. let's talk about your forecast. unusual to mention that we are talking about rape here in august. in fact, tomorrow and tuesday we're looking at a pretty good chance for showers and thunderstorms now. here's the thing about it. i'm not going to be a wide spread rain that comes through. it's going to be more of a popcorn in its nature. popping up with the heating of the daytime. not everybody is going to see it. isolated. the thing about it though with the lightning strikes could spark some new wildfires. of course, do get heavy rain on some of those dry hilltops we could be looking at debris flows because we just don't have a whole lot of vegetation to absorb a lot of that rain. we could be looking at pretty catastrophic weather as we head through the next couple of days. right now things are quiet. we don't have any showers in the bay area. also east, showers and thunderstorms have been erupting across sierra and southern california. tomorrow's highs are going to be noticeably cooler, especially considering we were in the 90s for weeks on end. and a lot of our inland valleys tomorrow, back into the 70s. comfortable. even today it was not too bad. again, with that mix of sun and clouds. tomorrow, i do think we're going to be looking at another repeat performance of sun and clouds. morning fog in the morningnd then afternoon with that heating of the day. we could see a few isolated thunderstorms. again, not everybody is going to see it. i do think it's going to be isolated in nature. when you do get caught up in a downpour you want to make sure to have that umbrella. the showers are off towards the south and east for tonight. tomorrow afternoon, better chance of showers pushes in. computer modeling is not a good one to follow if we were going to go for rain tomorrow. each and every run, the computer models change. gives you an idea of the system really not organized. computer modeling don't have a good idea as to what's going to happen. because of that we just have rain in the forecast aross cross most of the bay because if it's going to get close enough we could definitely be talking about showers. not only here in the bay but up towards the north bay as well. pick out your location. very hit and miss shower activity. even in the san francisco and you will notice the temperatures much more cool back in the 70s across most of the board. again, i do think a few of us may see isolated thunderstorms for tomorrow. most of us will stay dry. in fact, the general trend will be a good mix of sun and clouds tomorrow. that isolated thunderstorm chance better for monday and tuesday. after that it really starts to get hot. close to 90 by friday. a little bit of a roller coaster ride. but summer is not over. we still have a chance of seeing mormon soon moisture for tomorrow and tuesday. and then hopefully as we get into the fall and winter things will change up around here. >> i'm curious. as soon as you hear that beer makers need rain, you put it in the forecast. maybe just wishing thinking. we'll see how it pans out. >> i don't write the script. i just deliver it. coming up, the new gadget helping doctors save lives. how google glass is chapging the way they treat patients. nging te way they treat patients. gookle glass is now far more than a fad at some bay area medical schools. it's become part of the standard operating operate procedure. they're now wearing the devices and they are used to transmit in realtime to med school instructors via the internet. last october ucsf rolled out google glass as a tool for cardio thoracic surgeons. at stanford google is partnering with crowd optic to provide that service. we'll be right back. every mercedes-benz is made with the highest level of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week relish the taste of summer. fresh sweet corn is 4 for just $1.00. rancher's reserve t-bone steaks are a mouthwatering $6.99 a pound. and nabisco oreo cookies are only $1.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. fans and families today took part in a fun-filled farewell at candlestick park. they called it the candlestick farewell community day. this was the last -- i can't get over this guy's kick. not easy to do. this was the last free event at the stadium before it closes once and for all. carnival rides, food trucks, stadium tours. fans called it family fun with a nice touch of nostalgia. >> this is awesome to be here because it's going to be no longer. so it's like really awesome for our children that's doing to experience this day like they had never experienced it before. >> today is the day to let every kid have one last memory on the field. >> fan favorites lucille and sour dough sam were there for photo ops and also former 49ers and jigiants on hand. the curtain is coming down on candlestick on august 14th. you got a concert by paul mccartney. and next spring, kaboom and it's gone. just like that. >> thanks for joining us. have a great night. ♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans! you're watching an nbc bay area news special. "bay area proud". >> without love i wouldn't be where i'm at. >> reporter: love, the therapy dog, helped him through his toughest times. and in return he helped others. >> never give up. keep pushing. stay positive. >> reporter: when someone snatched the toy poodle the good will of others turned heartbreak into joy. >> it felt great to be able to have that support and it felt even better to get it back. >> reporter: after the unthinkable happened to a san jose family in idaho, a 17-year-old friend took action. >> at lot of prayers, a lot of anxiety about being able to step up to this role i had taken

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