Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170516 : vimarsana

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170516

20-mile-per-hour winds in oakland throughout the oakland hills into berkeley, alameda and emeryville. 11 right now in berkeley. 20 fairfield. 14 antioch. we do have three things i want you to remember today. our temperatures will bottom out today. and it will probablying the coolest day in quite some time. small chance of a shower primarily to the north and east. the winds have a shift tomorrow which contributes to an offshore push and warm to hot weather on friday through the weekend. today, however, 50s and 60s. that's as good as it gets. outside number 62 in livermore. that's a good 12 degrees below average. full forecast at 18 after the hour. good morning. we'll begin by taking a look at the san mateo bridge. we have a wind advisory in place as you make your way across the span so keep a firm grip on that steering wheel. also a wind advisory for folks making their way through the altamont pass this morning. westbound 580 sluggish in the yellow. about 25 minutes as you make your way from 205 towards 680. still looking like you're in good shape at the bay bridge toll plaza a bit of a backup in the cash lanes. in just a few hours the sentencing phase is expected to begin for the man convicted of killing sierra lamar. he could face the death penalty. sandra osborne is live outside the courthouse in san jose with the latest. >> reporter: there was a hearing showing us what to expect today and the defense is actually moving forward as the 26-year-old antolin garcia- torres is still innocent even though he has been found guilty of abducting and killing sierra lamar back in 2012. and also three attempted kidnappings of other women back in 2009. garcia-torres faces death penalty or life without parole. the jury will hear important temperature before making their decision. >> not going to speculate what the jury will do. it's their decision. it's a very significant one to be made. >> reporter: now, in yesterday's hearing, both the prosecution and the defense spoke with the judge about whether garcia-torres's past can be used in testimony from a psychiatrist. the defense alleges poverty, abuse and neglect wanting some sympathy from the jurors. the judge and prosecution felt those factors weren't important if the defense still claims innocence. now, another thing the prosecution plans to focus on, they say that since he has been found guilty of murder for sierra lamar but her body hasn't been found they are saying this is showing a lack of remorse something they are planning to show the jurors today. reporting live from the santa clara hall of justice, sandra osborne, kpix 5. today attorneys for family members of ghost ship fire victims will announce plans to consolidate lawsuits into one case saying that conditions were dangerous at the oakland warehouse long before the december 2 fire killed 36 people. alameda county's district attorney may file criminal charges against the owner of the building. desperately needed road repairs are on the way in san francisco. mayor ed lee announced plans to spend $90 million over the next two years to pictures roads but says that's not enough -- to fix the roads. but he says that's not enough because of the winter damage. >> we always can use more money. maybe if the federal government will give us money we can do more. >> a study found that san francisco-oakland has the highest percentage of roads in poor condition in the nation. after one of the biggest comebacks in nba play-off history, the warriors today are hoping to keep up their perfect record in the post-season this year. kpix 5's anne makovec is live at oracle arena ahead of game 2 of the western conference finals. >> reporter: and this could be the final game of the western conference finals if the "dubs" are able to make it here and their next two games in san antonio. the floor at oracle arena is covered up. they are going to keep it pristine before tonight's game that tsat 6 p.m., not the usual 7:30. the warriors own the number one seed in the western conference. they are up against the spurs. spurs star kawhi leonard left the game after injuring his ankle in the 3rd quarter when golden state's zaza pachulia's foot slid under it. >> we're playing very possibly the best team in the league. we played fairly well in the play-offs. i think we're getting better and we're up 23 points in the 3rd quarter against golden state. and kawhi goes down. like that. and you want to know if our chances are less? you want to know how we feel? that's how we feel. >> reporter: yikes. yeah. spurs coach gregg popovich has ruled leonard out for game 2. if you are planning to come out tonight, there are tickets available starting at $150. those are for the nosebleeds. they have sold out 234 games at oracle consecutive. they have behind me the seats dressed up with the t-shirts for the fans. they have thunder sticks for the fans. what am i talking about? the hoops? it's 5 a.m. it's going to be an exciting night. 13 hours from now at oracle arena it will be exciting. anne makovec, kpix 5. >> i don't know if she knows a lot about basketball. the hoop. >> got to get into warriors mode this morning. thank you, anne. [ laughter ] president trump is under fire for allegedly sharing classified information with the russians. >> we have learned it could seriously undermine ican intelligence efforts in syria to. explain it, we turn to marc sandalow our washington insider. good morning, marc. so let's first go over what the president is being falsely accused of. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. so last week the president had a meeting at the oval office with the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov as well as the russia ambassador to the united states in that meeting according to the "washington post," the president boasted about the great intel he gets and talking about it he discussed specifically some threats that they had uncovered of isis trying to use laptops as bombs on airplanes and mentioned specifics in ways that would highly classified information the word they used in word is code word information meaning it was ultimately, um, um, as top secret as it gets secrets that hadn't even been shared yet with u.s. allies. now, there's nothing unlawful about that. nothing unlawful about this. the russians should be able to figure out where this information is coming from which may compromise further information gathering in the future. >> what did you make of the white house denials yesterday? >> reporter: you know, that was a classic, um, nondenial denial, as they call it here in washington. if you look at what mcmasters said, specifically said, look, the president "never" discussed modes of intelligence, he never discussed personnel, the story does not suggest he ever did that. it suggests he boasted about information that could have only come from certain places. and if the russians will figure that out. in the last 30 minutes, the president has taken to twitter. and in those tweets, the president essentially seems to confirm that he gave the russians information. he says, i shared information because we want to share information with the russians. now, he doesn't say what information. but it's the second time in a week that after the white house has tried to deny things, the president has admitted them. >> right. and that might change in maybe the next couple of hours, too. so tell us how serious of a breach this is. >> reporter: so this is what we don't know, michelle, because it is so secret. in fact, the "washington post" said it has a lot of this information but it won't divulge it because it is so secret. the danger is this. the reports are that there's a middle eastern country which has gotten this information from the united states. whether that means it's israel or saudi arabia, we don't know. but if this information came to the united states through a source, and the source sees this information is going to the russians, that source is going to stop talking. that is dangerous! so the consequences to be the drying up of information that's precisely the kind of thing that somebody who knows what they're doing in a meeting like this would not divulge. >> marc what could be other ramifications? >> there's a poll that came out over the weekend. quinnipiac does a poll. he had a -- [ signal breakup ] [ no audio ] >> reporter: idiot was the number one choice. and the words that were coming out after that are not exactly complimentary. think about what our president trump has done in the last week. he fired the fbi director who was investigationing about what our president calls this russian thing. he discloses top information to the russians. republicans will come to trump's defense as long as it's about policy about repealing obamacare or lowering tax. they are on his side. republicans are not crazy about this. senator bob corker the republican from tennessee last night said the white house appears to be spiraling out of control. >> marc sandalow for us in washington, dc, thank you. time now 5:11. a bay area community is rallying behind two men who showed up for work only to be detained by immigration agents. >> from the kpix weather center, windy. that will be the operative word today. plus, cooler. but 90 degrees. i'll tell you when to expect that. >> expect to keep a firm grip on the steering wheel. we have wind advisories in place if you are making your way across the bay area bridges. we'll have details coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a bay area community is throwing its support behind can you hear the wind? great job from our photojournalist brian kiley. he is providing with us a beautiful skyline view, the city of san francisco. traffic in a few minutes. a bay area community is supporting two illegal immigrants in federal custody. had he were trying to work a construction job at a hospital only a military base, travis air force base. they couldn't produce the proper paperwork. they were detained and will be deported. the men were hard workers according to the boss and he didn't know they were illegal immigrants. >> we're asked to ask for a driver's license, social security card. what else? >> i.c.e. will follow proper procedure. they say that the two men were already on a deportation list because they were caught crossing the mexicaner border and were deported at least once before. people called for their release. it is 5:16. time to check on traffic. >> reporter: good morning, happy tuesday, everyone. if you are getting ready to head out the door. everyone looks like they're on their best driving behavior. no delays and accidents. here's a live look at the 580 and 680. you can see our speeds still in the green. please keep in mind there is a high wind advisory in place on various bridges in the area. eastbound 4 no accidents or stalls. westbound is 30 minutes over to i-80. it's starting to get crowded at the san mateo bridge. so give yourself some extra time. here's roberta with the forecast. i believe today will be the coolest day we'll have for quite some time. after this, we begin a warming trend and then we start entering the spring warm days and the summer days to come. thin overcast as we look at the bright lights for the port of oakland. transamerica pyramid looking due east no restricted visibility. as you step out, you'll feel the difference this morning. we are in the 40s in santa rosa and san francisco. otherwise low to mid-50s. but it's the winds that are very brisk adding to the morning chill. 15 san francisco. 11 berkeley. 15 half moon bay. get the feel for this? winds 10 to 20 miles per hour. fairfield at 20. these winds will continue to blow 10 to 20 throughout the day. occasionally a stronger gust. dave our weather watcher with his copilot there yeager righting shod gun, 44 and clear skies he reports this morning in napa. clear skies inland. clouds hanging tight to the coast and bay. and this right here is the approaching front with the passage of the area of low pressure yesterday. that little weak disturbance as the low moves out and the front pushes in we have a pressure gradient still so we have the windy conditions and we have that chance of a spotty shower in the far north and in the far east bays today. if we see any kind of precipitation, very minimal. high pressure is nudging in. we see a shift in the wind more of an offshore component. end result, a warming trend beginning tomorrow all the way through the weekend. meanwhile, today around the state we're talking about some light showers from sacramento, stockton, davis, merced, moats and to the north ukiah, redding. rain in yosemite. outside chance of showers. 50s, 60s, cool and brisk. slightly warmer wednesday. terrific thursday. almost 90 friday inland. we'll top off in the low 90s on saturday and sunday. and can we say we have some baseball going on? it's the dodgers in town against our giants. we are going to try to make it 5 in a row? breezy and cool conditions at 56 degrees. bundle up. good advice, roberta. thank you. time to see what's trending today. it's officially harry styles week. excuse me, on the "late late show." he kicked off his week last night. >> whoo! >> he had a little trouble getting into the cbs studios. take a look. >> you don't have any sound. >> sure, fine. i'm katy perry. >> no, i'm [ indiscernible ] >> i'm doing a solo thing now. >> how did that work out for justin timberlake? >> really well, actually. >> he eventually got in with his charm and as our traffic producer would say good looks and great hair and everything, ah!!! he is debuting his first solo album and will be on the "late late show" all week and it's going to be a big night thursday. styles and corden will debut a brand any carpool karaoke. you can watch it here on kpix 5 after "the late show." we have seen an expensive rock, pricy mud jeans and sneakers. there's a $1,300 boomerang. yup. chanel created it. it's made with wood and resin. it's part of the company's 2017 spring and summer collection. also in the line, some fancy tennis balls, a ping pong set and a surfboard. there is a new world recordholder. a 101-year-old man from england is officially the world's oldest tandem skydiver. he made the 1500-foot jump for his birthday. >> over the moon. it's beautiful. >> 8 of his family members did it with him. they are all doing it for a good cause. hayes is raising money for the royal british legion. the charity supports veterans and their families and so far he has raised over $3,000. we'll be right back. ,, what made two guys build race car engines in their own shop? what made them believe that a two-ton behemoth could compete in a track race? or that they could take on the elite in world motor racing, and win? we may never truly understand what drives mercedes-amg. but here's to another 50 years of it. mercedes-amg. half a century of driving performance. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. good morning. kawhi leonard will miss tonight's game 2 with an ankle injury suffered in sunday's game 1. san antonio blew a 2 3- point lead after leonard got hurt. leonard rolled his ankle when he came down on the foot of zaza pachulia. it wasn't the first time pachulia was involved with a san antonio player. today spurs coach gregg popovich said pachulia putting his foot into leonard's landing area was dangerous and unsportsmanlike. >> because he has this history can't just be always inadvertent. he didn't have intent. who gives a damn about what his intent was! you had ever hear of manslaughter? you still go to jail. i think when you text and kill somebody you might not have intended to do that, all i care is what i saw. all i care is about is what happened. and the history there exacerbates the whole situation and makes me very, very angry. >> he guess he is angry. dodger fans taking over the bleachers at at&t but they didn't have a good night last night at the ballpark. buster posey homers for the sixth time this month to make it 7-1 in the 7th inning. and the giants go on to win their fourth straight final 8- 4. a's in seattle adam rosales up with oakland trailing by a run but rosales struck out looking with the bases loaded. seattle wins 6-5. a's have lost four straight but reports of the giants demise greatly exaggerated and tonight the warriors trying to make it 2-0 and kawhi leonard will not play for the san antonio spurs. i'm dennis o'donnell see you tonight. san jose lawmakers want to make it easier for residents to go green. residents could leave pg&e. coming up i'll have the details on the plan. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ intelligence to the russians... and still big concerns at the scene of a fire in the east bay that tore through a construction site over the trump is responding to reports he liked secret intelligence to the russians. >> and still big concerns at the scene of a fire in the east bay that tore through a construction site over the weekend. >> imagine this. you're wearing shorts. it's 90 degrees. well, that's going to happen but not so much today. we have cool weather. we'll talk about that and the chance of rain. >> and we are tracking delays. we just saw those metering lights turn on over at the bay bridge toll plaza. how far that backup extends coming up. good morning, it's tuesday, may 16. i'm kenny choi. >> i'm michelle griego. the man who was convicted of killing 15-year-old sierra lamar will face a jury today during the sentencing phase of the trial. antolin garcia-torres could get the death penalty. kpix 5's sandra osborne is live outside the courthouse in san jose with the latest on the case. sandra. >> reporter: the death penalty or life behind bars without parole. the jurors today will be back inside this courthouse hearing some very important testimony before they make that big decision. now, the defense right now continues to maintain that 26- year-old antolin garcia-torres is innocent even though he was convicted for sierra lamar's murder and the attempted kidnapping of three other women back in 2009. defense attorneys plan to try to get sympathy for the juror that he has two children and has a troubled past. there may be testimony about his past. friends and family can also testify during the phase. we heard from the mother right after the verdict last week. >> grateful to the jurors coming up with the right decision. and it gives us peace as a family, knowing that this is not going to happen to another child and that they can't get away with something like this. [ crying ] >> reporter: the family didn't comment on the penalty they would like for the man convicted of killing sierra lamar. now, as far as what happens next, the next sentencing phase, the penalty phase, begins at 9 a.m. it would take some time. just the prosecution alone had a list during a hearing yesterday of over 11 witnesses. live in san jose, sandra osborne, kpix 5. firefighters are still keeping an eye on hot spots from a massive fire in emeryville. it started at a construction site three days ago. they are using drones to spot hot spots. and they are working to remove debris. the developer says this is the second suspicious fire in less than a year. federal investigators are looking into as a possible case of arson. today san jose city council will vote on a plan to give people more say on how their homes are powered. >> reporter: san jose residents could soon have the choice to cut the cord with pg&e. san jose is set to decide on whether to start its own power company. it would start the first community choice energy program. it promises to give consumers options to create their own mix of energy sources. under the plan, which goes to the city council today, residents can choose to stay with pg&e or they can opt in to a range of green energy choices like solar stations and wind farms. those can be cheaper because they don't have to deliver profits to shareholders like investor-owned utility companies do. >> they are saving 1 to 2% over pg&e. >> other cities have similar plans but san jose would be the largest to offer an electricity utility. it could save customers more than $20 million a year. in the newsroom, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. >> how much does the city rely on renewable energy sources now? >> reporter: san jose gets abt 30% of its energy from renewable sources. the city says with the community choice plan to could go up to 50%. 5:33. we are waiting for roberta to join us on the set. >> i was taking a look at the very latest winds out there. we have a beautiful shot for you this morning our live weather camera towards the ferry building. you can see the flag on the fly. in 1962, president kennedy ordered all flags at half-staff in order to honor -- [ pause ] -- in the line of duty. so you see it there. it's actually for a 24-hour period. it began at noon yesterday and will continue through noon today. you see the flag, it's blustery out there this morning. that's because the winds are brisk and will continue to remain brisk all day increasing to 30 miles per hour. this is the scene looking out towards mount vaca this morning. a few high, thin clouds temperature-wise upper 40s in san francisco. it's now 44 degrees in santa rosa. winds have been picking up to 17 in san francisco across the bay at 20 in oakland. 18 at sfo. 11 now in napa and 20 in fairfield. these are three things i'd like you to remember. the temperatures are bottoming out today. and i really believe this is going to be the coolest day for quite some days to come. i'm talking weeks or months. so then after today you can put that jacket away. the winds do shift beginning tomorrow to more of an offshore push sunnier and milder, hot through the weekend. temperatures in the 90s. we'll have the seven-day forecast coming up. >> we have a sizzling commute, roberta, right now tracking a few new hot spots for drivers. if you are going out the door, the bay bridge toll plaza speeds in the yellow. look at the backup, man. they turned on the metering lights. and we immediately saw traffic start to back up. it's beyond the 880 overcrossing at this point. 25 minutes ride into downtown san francisco from the maze. if you are heading along westbound 580 keep a firm grip on the steering wheel at the altamont pass we have a wind advisory in place 25 minutes for drivers heading out towards 680 from 205 and highway 4 out of antioch sluggish. 30 minutes as you connect with 80. a big project in the south bay kicks off today. there's a groundbreaking ceremony for construction on highway 101 and willow road interchange. this is in menlo park. some of the upgrades will include more lanes, bigger ramps and new bike and pedestrian access. today president trump will host the prime minister of turkey at the white house to discuss the fight against terrorism. it comes as members of congress express grave concern over reports that the president shared secret intelligence with russia. the president met wednesday with the russian foreign minister and the ambassador to the u.s. the "washington post" first reported that president trump gave them details about how isis hopes to use laptop computers as bombs on planes. the concern is that the russians could use what president trump did tell them to figure out the highly sensitive source of the information. >> this is a very serious matter. this is, um, code word source highly classified information given to an adversarial country. >> this morning the president said he shared facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety with the russian officials for humanitarian reasons. it is on track to be one of the biggest cyber attacks ever with hundreds of thousands affected in countries. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger here to help you protect yourself from ransomware. so jill, how common is this and how does it work? >> reporter: ransomware is more and more of a problem. the government report found a 300% increase in ransomware attacks last year from 2015. so this is what happened. ransomware takes over a computer and locks out users prevents you from accessing any of your files until you pay a ransom. here's how it works. hackers will try to spam tons of people with email carrying a malicious attachment or they might instruct to you click on the url. but that's where the malware crawls into your machine and freezes you out. that's why security experts caution not to click on unfamiliar links. don't download files from people you don't know personally. beware of ads. those are also increasingly finding some infections in them. also, don't download apps that haven't been verified by an official store. read the reviews before you install programs. if you are infected, do not pay the ransom. but do alert law enforcement. >> so jill, what other actions can we take? >> reporter: you know, this particular program called "wannacry" it took advantage of a known flaw in microsoft windows and windows -- there was a patch issued for it. but if you didn't actually install that update or notice the patch, you better do that immediately. make it a regular habit. in fact, that's really good advice for everyone to make sure you're updating your software when you're notified by the providers. tech analysts say we should be using antivirus programs. they can stop the malicious software from being downloaded. but ultimately, the best defense, i'm sorry to say, add this to your workload, it means you should be backing up your important data daily! like brushing your teeth. so really why do you do this? because even if your computer is locked up, you're not forced to pay anything to see your data again. if you back up to a local storage device or server make sure it's offline, not directly connected to desktop systems. that's where attackers can reach them. if you back up with an external hard drive it should only be connected to a machine when doing backups. then you disconnect it. if you do it every day, it will save you a lot of grief down the line. >> thank you. 5:40 right now. some bay area students are stunned to find out they are going to have to retake their ap tests. we'll explain why. >> western conference finals game 2 tonight at oracle arena but not without controversy. we'll tell you about it and check some of the ticket prices next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tonight in cupterino, friends and loved ones will hold a vigil good morning. 5:42. this is our look at the skyline of san francisco. it's a cool start to your day. it's going to be a brisk cloudy day. but we have warmer weather on the way. the details coming up. raffic and weather in ju st a moment. tonight in cupertino there will be a vigil for a 16-year- old girl who collapsed during a basketball game and died. sophomore kimberly nuestro was a captain for homestead high school jv girls basketball team. her dad says she fell during an aau game this month and hit her head on the court. she was a big fan of the warriors and family members say her smile touched a lot of people. an autopsy is under way to determine the cause of her death. tonight's vigil starts at 6 p.m. at homestead high. after months of study and preparation, some north bay high school students are getting devastating news because of one tweet. the school president of marin catholic high school tweeted out a picture of students beginning testing last week. but when the photo made its way to the ap college board, administrators discovered that the students were apparently seated 24 inches too close. now more than 177 students will have to retake the exams. >> to have such a monumental failure to follow the rules is stunning. >> it means a lot to me because it has a lot to do with college credit. but also even college admissions. >> the president apologized to students and submitted multiple appeals with the ap college board but they wouldn't budge. retakes begin next week. all right. warriors center zaza pachulia speaking out after being criticized for a play in which he injured a san antonio spurs player. kpix 5's anne makovec reports. kicking back, hanging out? >> reporter: yeah. it's pretty chill inside oracle arena right now. but, of course, 12 hours from now, this place this seat will be worth thousands. some are going for $9,000 if you can believe it. so i'm sitting pretty right now courtside here at oracle arena. the game starts at 6 p.m. it is game number 2 in the western conference finals. golden state warriors are number one right now and their opponents the san antonio spurs are seeded number 2 in the conference. and some of the spurs are angry after sunday's game. the spurs star kawhi leonard had to leave the game after injuring his ankle in the 3rd quarter when zaza pachulia's foot slid under it. >> i wish he hadn't landed on my foot and honestly i had no idea that he landed on my foot until i turned back and he was already on the ground. >> spurs coach gregg popovich says zaza did it on purpose. regardless, leonard is out for the game. if you are planning out to oracle tonight, there are still tickets available. some of them right around $100 but, of course, that is not for the courtside seats. that's for some of the nosebleeds. everybody to comes gets a shirt as they do during the finals. we have two differentization right now. the "dubs" stand up and then we have the old classic that you might remember from last time around, which is, strength in numbers. so they are trying to, um, actually my photographer is saying i got this up side down. [ laughter ] >> they are trying to shake it up on each stage of the finals right now with a new saying. so keeping it fresh. we'll see how they do game 2. live in oracle arena, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> she is having a good time. >> sitting pretty like she said. >> i know. >> air-conditioned in there. >> that's a new shirt to sleep n extra large and they are great sleeping shirts. >> you're going to the game? >> yeah. it's super cool that my son has been attending university in oklahoma for four years. big katie fan. so tonight he just got home from graduating i'm taking him to the game so he is so excited to see katie. he always wears his warriors jersey. >> katy and the warriors. >> so much for the community. cool. if you are heading out to the warriors game tonight, you can always use mass transit 880 likely to be a "full house." and very busy out on the roads. you can expect some delays. right now an easy ride in both directions along 880. and you can see as you make your way from 238 to the maze still under 25 minutes. looking good. we'll take it over to the bay bridge toll plaza. not looking so great. traffic in the maze. san mateo bridge wind advisory in place. we are still in the green 16 minutes from hayward to foster city. northbound 101 stretch tapping the brakes speeds below 30 miles per hour. people boarding the ferry for work this morning from alameda to san francisco, what a choppy brisk ride. look at the bay waters. small craft advisory in place for today as winds blow up to 30 knots around the bay waters. sfo i have been noticing that the ceiling is lowering but so far no reports of any local airport delays. but we'll kind posted. meanwhile, temperatures 4 in santa rosa to 54 in oakland but when you factor in a brisk wind, it's raw. you need the light jacket. westerlies in oakland. windy on the bay bridge. the winds are at 17. 18 sfo. 15 half moon bay. 12 pleasanton. so 10 to 20-mile-per-hour winds. these winds will be sustained 20 to 30 during the afternoon hours. and they will be variable. good morning to our new weather watcher alan in lower lake reporting 49 degrees and clear skies. other areas in the 40s and 50s. thanks for checking in. here's our satellite-radar. couple of different things going on. what's happening is the area of low pressure is pushing out and the front is now pushing in. we have a pressure gradient and thus the wind. mostly cloudy skies today with the scattered hit-and-miss showers far north and east bay. nothing measurable. then high pressure builds in about this time tomorrow. and when that happens the winds rotate. they shift to more of an offshore component. and that's when we will begin a warmup and it will get hot in our inland areas away from the bay over the weekend. 60s, 70s throughout the central valley today with a scattered hit-and-run shower around the sacramento valley. mid-40s in the greater lake tahoe area with rain, rain in yosemite upper 50s in monterey. we have rain around ukiah, redding and eureka, as well. today slight chance of isolated rain shower temperatures in the 50s and 60s under 70 degrees everywhere. in fact, 9 degrees below average in san jose. about 12 degrees below average in the tri-valley. extended forecast calls for slight warming on wednesday. high pressure in control on thursday through monday. check out the low 90s away from the bay on saturday and sunday. that's a look at your tuesday forecast. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (man) hmm. what do you think? ♪ (stranger) good mornin'! ♪ (store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. now line the ohio home - where this fire killed 7 people from the same family. crews got the call just before 3 crumbling shingles and charred walls in a fire in ohio where 7 people in a family whether killed. crews got the call before 3 a.m. yesterday morning. flames were bursting out of every window plus the roof. the fire is one of the deadliest house fires in akron's him. the youngest victim was a year old it may be arson. he cause is under investigation. a woman has been arrested for driving under the influence influence. last september the woman crashed into another car on 680 killing a 3-year-old boy. that was just a few months after she was arrested on suspicion of another dui. the woman was facing charges of felony dui and gross vehicular manslaughter. but we're told she was never charged. we have learned that disney has fallen prey to hackers. its upcoming "pirates of the caribbean" movie is being held for ransom. the movie isn't going to be released for weeks but disney's ceo reportedly told shareholders this week that someone had stolen the film. le this release it online unless ransom is paid in bit coins. it's the latest string of attacks on hollywood and it puts executives in a bind. >> if they are asking for less than you would lose if people choose to go watch this movie for free online instead of going to see it in a theater, then you might have to make that call. >> netflix learned it last month after refusing to pay hackers who held new episodes of "orange is the new black." eventually the hackers released the see ahead of schedule. a new system -- the season ahead of schedule. a new system with delta is testing kiosks to scan your face to check your bags. they match your identity to your passport photo. all you have to do is put a tag on your bag. you pay the fee and then you drop off your luggage on the belt. delta says it could allow them to check in twice as many passengers per hour. test of the new system starts in minneapolis this summer. 5:56. proposed water hikes next a bay area agency considering increasing rates. we'll tell you how much more users will have to pay. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, sentencing phase begins for the man convicted of murdering a morgan hill teen. jurors will make a decision between the death penalty and life in prison--for antolin garcia- torres. today the sentencing phase begins for the convicted murderer of sierra lamar. jurors will decide between the death penalty and life in prison for antolin garcia- torres. >> i was in the room. it didn't happen. >> reports say president trump handed over classified information to russia. how he is defending the allegations on twitter this morning. good morning. it's tuesday, may 16. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. first let's start with weather and traffic. >> good morning, happy tuesday. >> right now a backup at the richmond/san rafael bridge. over at the toll plaza there, just a few cars. nothing to write home about. you take that over to the bay bridge, it's a completely different story. we have those metering lights on. 37-minute ride as you make your way from the maze into downtown san francisco. no delays along interstate 80 from the carquinez bridge to the toll plaza although it's starting to back up into livermore from the bay bridge backup there. 580 in the yellow, we have about a 30-minute ride as you make your way from 205 to 680 and highway 4 out of antioch into hercules. it's 42es

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