Transcripts For MSNBC News Nation 20111205 :

Transcripts For MSNBC News Nation 20111205

what these changes really mean. a father says his daughter was kidnapped during a carjacking. the 2-year-old is still missing. police are questioning the father's sorry. i'll talk with the mother of the missing girl. the money managers who won that $200 million lottery jackpot say they're donating over a million dollars right away. hey, everyone. i'm tamryn hall. the "news nation" is following two breaking stories. presidential candidate newt gingrich is about to sfeek in new york city just hours after meeting with business mogul donald trump. as we mentioned president obama is due to speak at any minute from the white house to again call on congress to extend the payroll tax cut. let's bring in nbc's kristen welker at the white house. i was listening to you speak with savannah guthrie in the last hour regarding the president's decision to come out and put the pressure on republicans, but also democrats. >> reporter: that's right. president obama, we should say, tamryn, we were told he was going to come out in two minutes. that was a few minutes ago. then someone came out and actually removed his notebook, brought it back in. i assume there's some sort of rejiggering going on. president obama expected to come out soon, and expected for republicans and democrats to pass an extension of the payroll tax cuts. the major sticking point, tamryn, is the pay for plan. how does it get paid r for? in the initial proposal that president obama put forth, it will be paid for by taxing the wealthiest americans. democrats revised that to say they would tax those making a million dollars or more. republicans said they wouldn't agree to that. they wouldn't agree to anything that increased taxes, including on the wealthiest americans. right now we're being told that democrats are working on some sort of a compromise plan that would lower the amount that the wealthiest americans would tax and would get rid of a payroll tax cut for employers. that was a part of the initial proposal put forth. still a lot of discussions and negotiations going on in the senate. this all happening as we expect president obama to come out and press both sides to get something done here and get this passed. tamryn, i've said even approximate if it passes through the senate, it still has to make its way through the house, and there's a fair amount of om opposition here. >> let's bring in the political panel with us now. abby stod guard for and former bush cheney adviser. again, we're hearing the word of compromise. the democrats and president might be willing to make changes here, but many people still ask here. if the republicans are against a tax increase for individuals, if this payroll tax expires, that would mean middle class americans, families would see $1,000 added to the bill. that's a tax increase so why would the democrats compromise? >> that's why it's foolishness at this point to look too closely at the specifics. the payroll tax cut will be extended. the republicans will do this. the republican leadership began signalling aa week ago that they were going to do this. they didn't know how to convince their members, but it will be done. it is too much of a hit to consumer demand in the economy to have the unemployment insurance and/or the payroll tax cut expire. it's just not something republicans are willing to be blamed for. it will happen. the details will change many times between now and the 11th hour, but it's not a hit republicans can take politically at christmastime. >> michael, let me bring you in. it is not a story that i think people are talking about a lot around the kitchen table, because i think, like a.b., they know they have to reach a deal here. no one wants to begin the year with, hey, you're paying more. >> i think the reason why there's going to be capitulation from the gop is that their position has been inconsistent on this vis-a-vis the other economic proposals that have been discussed and put before the congress. >> the tax cuts are inconsistent with the bush tax cuts, just that alone. >> exactly, tamryn. 1,000 of 50 k is real money. these are not folks inclined or able to save that money. if your economic agenda is one of pugts money in the hands of people to spend it and they can enhance the economy, well, then in this case wouldn't you go along with it? i think there's backlash that has caused them to come to this conclusion. >> let me bring you in as we await the president. we know the man that would like to be president of this country, newt gingrich, is meeting with the king of new york, i don't know what you want to call him. donald trump. i love this timing. the president was supposed to speak around 1:45. newt gingrich and donald trump were supposed to emerge from the meeting around 1:45. can't make this up. newt gingrich is now leading the gop. he's the front-runner in iowa and making big moves in new hampshire as well. >> you're correct. if you were to ask me six months ago, newt gingrich would be the presumptive republican nominee at the top of the polls, i would have said what are you smoking? we were talking about newt gingrich's finances and his wife. >> his wives, the wives. >> you're exactly right. what this tells us, it tells us two things. number one, the american electricity rate, the republican voter is not happy. they're not particularly happy with the republican party in terms of choices and they're not happy in terms of mitt romney being the quote-unquote presumptive nominee here. do you want a moderate, general election type candidate, i.e., mitt romney who could win in the general election because he's so good on the issues, or do you want to bonified conservative you trust who is polarizing who gets the nomination? >> michael, let me bring you in. someone said today newt gingrich is at the top of the field and madonna is performing at the super bowl. what year is this that we're living right now? with that said you have tomko burn, a republican senator. he has not forgotten newt gingrich's lack of leadership in his opinion. let me play what he had to say on an interview yesterday on fox. >> i'm not a supporter of newt gingrich have been personally experienced his leadership. >> you have tom coburn, we're hearing anonymous insiders quoted on different websites that he's not alone. he's not the lone republican who thinks this about newt gingrich, the man who could be their nominee. >> it's also the conservative punditry, the charles column that ran last week, the george will piece that appeared in thiz nationally syndicated column where they question newt and mitt. some say maybe we need to a take long, hard look at jon huntsman. i think he'll get an opportunity to shine. >> you're not alone. minka and joe have touted him, but he's not making major moves. his numbers aren't great. a.b., let me play what senator john mccain had to say about the gop and an interesting remark he made regarding people who are? this country illegally and how it would benefit the gop to change its tone regarding the hispanic community. let's take a listen. >> the republican party has to discuss this it issue in as humane a way as possible. the enthusiasm on the part of hispanics on president obama is dramat dramatically less than it was in 2008 because he hasn't fulfilled his campaign promises either. i view the hispanic vote up for grabs. >> mere you have newt gingrich a few weeks ago making a comment regarding people in this country illegally. the hard core conservatives thought that would doom him. not the case. it doomed rick perry when you add in all the other things wrong with him as a candidate. nevertheless newt gingrich offers on that topic some kind of balance. >> this is true. it was quite surprising that the party as the hour draws late became more desperately, increasingly desperate to find an anti-mitt romney candidate. when they dispose of rick perry, they knew newt gingrich took a controversial stand on immigration but they embrace him anyway for his other strengths. it is much better for newt gingrich to become the nominee to have a position like on immigration. latinos are the fastest-growing voting block in the country. despite the fact that -- i think senator mccain is wrong, despite the fact that enthusiasm -- >> i have to interrupt you both. that was a live president of newt gingrich upstaged by the president. let's listen. >> doing everything i can every single day to create jobs faster and to provide more security for middle class families and those trying to get into the middle class. at this moment that means making sure that nearly 160 million hard-working americans don't see an increase in their taxes on january 1st. a year ago at this time, both parties came together to cut payroll taxes for the typical american family by about $1,000. as soon as this year ends, so does that tax cut. approximate if congress fails to renew this tax cut before then, that same family sees a tax hike of $1,000 a year. there aren't many folks, either in the middle class or those trying to get into the middle class, who can afford to give up $1,000, not right now. that's why congress must act. although the unemployment rate went down last month, our recovery is still fragile. the situation in europe has added to that uncertainty. that's why the ma the jort of the economists believe it's important to extend the payroll tax cut. those economists would lower their growth estimates for our economy if it doesn't happen. not only is extending the payroll tax cut important for the economy as a whole, it's obviously important for individual families. it's important insurance for them against the unexpected. it will help families pay their bills. it will spur spending. it will spur hiring. it's the right thing to do. that's why in my jobs bill i proposed not only extending the tax cut but expanding it to give a typical working family a tax cut of $1500 next year. it was paid for by asking a little more from millionaires and billionaires. a few hundred thousand people paying a little bit more could have not only extended the existing payroll tax cut but expanded it. last week virtually every senate republican voted against that tax cut. now, i know many republicans have sworn an oath never to raise taxes as long as they live. how could it be that the only time there's a catch is when it comes to raising taxes on middle class families? how can you fight tooth and nail to protect high-end tax breaks for the wealthiest americans and yet barely lift a finger to prevent taxes going up for 160 million americans who really need the up help? it doesn't make sense. now, the good news is i think the american people's voices are starting to get through in this time. i know that last week speaker boehner said this tax cut helps the economy because it allows every working american to keep more of their money. i know that over the weekend senate republican leaders said we shouldn't raise taxing on working people going into next year. i couldn't agree more. i hope that the rest of their republican colleagues come around and join democrats to pass these tax cuts and put money back into the pockets of working americans. now, some republicans who have pushed back against the idea of extending this payroll tax cut have said we have to pay for these tax cuts. i just point out that they haven't always felt that way. over the last decade they didn't feel the need to pay for massive tax cuts for the wealthiest americans, which is one of the reasons we face such large deficits. indeed when the republicans took over the house at the beginning of this year, they explicitly changed the rules to say that tax cuts don't have to be paid for. so forgive me for a little bit of confusion when i hear folks insisting on tax cuts being paid for. having said that, we all recognize that we've got to make progress on the deficit, and i'm willing to work with republicans to extend the payroll tax cut in a responsible way. what i'm not willing to do is to pay for the extension in a way that actually hurts the economy. as americans are well aware, this summer i signed into law nearly $1 trillion in spending cuts with another $1 trillion in cuts in the pipeline, and it would be irresponsible to now make additional deep cuts in areas like education or innovation or our basic safety net that are critical to the economy in order to pay for an extension of the payroll tax cut. we're not going to do that. nor are we going to undo the budget agreement that i signed just a few short months ago. finally, with millions of americans still looking for work, it would be a terrible mistake for congress to go home for the holidays without extending unemployment insurance. if that happens then in january they'll be leaving 1.3 million americans out in the cold. for a the lot of families this emergency surgery is the last line of defense between hardship and catastrophe. taking that money out of the economy now would do extraordinary harm to the economy. if you believe that government shouldn't take money out of people's pockets, i hope members of congress realize that it's even worse when you take it out of the pockets of people who are unemployed and out there pounding the pavement looking for work. we are going through what is still an extraordinary time in this country and in this economy. i get letters every single day and i talk it to people who say to me, this unemployment insurance is what allowed me to keep my house before i was able to find another job. this is what allowed me to still put gas in the tank to take my kids it to school. we cannot play games with unemployment insurance when we still have an unemployment rate that is way too high. i've put forward a whole range of ideas for reform of the unemployment insurance system, and i'm happy to work with republicans on those issues. but right now the most important thing is making sure that that gets extended as well. this isn't just something that i want. this isn't just a political fight. independent economists, some of whom have in the past worked for republicans, agree that if we don't extend the payroll tax cut and we don't extend unemployment insurance it will hurt our economy. the economy won't grow as fast, and we won't see hiring improve as quickly. they will take money out of the pok pockets of americans just bh they need it. it will harm businesses that depend on the spending just at the time when the economy is trying to get some traction in this recovery. it will hurt all of us. it will be a self-inflicted wound. so my message to congress is this. keep your word to the american people, and don't raise taxes on them right now. now is not the time to slam on the brakes. now is the time to step on the gas. now is the time to keep growing the economy, to keep creating jobs, to keep giving working americans the boost that they need. now is the time to make a real difference in the lives of the people who sent us here. so let's get to work. thank you very much. >> you heard the president there making his case, again, why the payroll tax cuts need to be extended as well as unemployment insurance. still with me is a.b. stoddard and robert trainham. robert, i got to tell you, the listen to this argument the president makes, how do the republicans counter that here? anything that the american people who are working every day and nose who are looking for jobs would accept? >> it's a tough rhetorical box he put republicans in quite frankly. >> is it a rhetorical box? this is reality here. >> both, rhetorical, political and reality. the president did a good job of reminding the american viewer out there but reminding the republicans of, wait a minute. you were for tax cuts, but you changed the rules to make sure you paid for them. i'm confused here. i'm paraphrasing what he said here. this is christmastime. this is the time when unemployment is still at a very, very high level. this is a time when we should be moving forward, not moving backwards. you're for tax cuts, republicans, so am i. move forward with this along with here, because approximate if you don't it's your fault. >> a.b., your thoughts here. the president is saying this is no time to play games with unemployment insurance, for example. this is what people have been able to get by on and pay bills and keep them in their homes and keep them with a vehicle to go out and look for a job here. what is the legitimate that the counter that the republicans can put on the table here? >> well, you know, tamryn, they didn't prepare for one, and that's the problem. unemployment insurance, the many m-extensions of it, is wholly unpopular with the conservative base. however, they knew this was coming. we've known all year that at december 31 we were going to see them expire, and without extending those it's too much of a hit to the economy. republican had all the time to prepare for unemployment insurance reform and prepare a proposal to tie in an extension with reforms and time to prepare for the payroll tax cut is inconsistent with their past support in signing a pledge to always support a tax cut and to never, ever, ever support a tax increase. just to block the take roll tax cut extension woofs hypocritical and inconsistent with the past answer. they had months to prepare this. if they hoped the super committee would take care of it, they put the eggs in the wrong basket. they have to support both, and they have to figure out a way to support both before december. >> it's interesting. we got this note in that senator harry reid is about to discuss if not already discussing a new version, approximate if you will, of the payroll tax cut extension. a democratic aide is quoted as saying there's been significant movement in republicans. the basic outline of what senator reid is looking at now, the employees get an expanded tax cut. also, the millionaires tax would be reduced to less than 2% surtax on the income above a million dollars. we are seeing movement with democrats. they've had plenty of time to come up with a legitimate counter, and the president has come out swinging on this monday morning. we'll see what happens next. robert, a.b., thank you for your time. greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. the post office announces major change to mail delivery that may have a bigger impact on you than you might think. plus -- oklahoma state university's president says nothing could have been done to stop what you see on your screen. we'll have his new comments after fans stormed the field in what turned into a dangerous celebration. the money managers who hit the powerball jackpot, they've announced they're making a huge donation to charity after winning that $200 million jackpot and join our conversation online, find our twitter page. it is @newsnation. we'll be right back. rachel weeks, ceo of apparel company schoolhouse was manufactured her products in suri lank ka. she partnered with a durham, north carolina factory. she plans to expand her business locally committed to making products made in the usa. for more watch "your business" sunday morning on msnbc. ♪ imagine me and you, i do ♪ i think about you day and night ♪ ♪ it's only right ♪ to think about the girl you love ♪ ♪ and hold her tight ♪ so happy together [ male announcer ] when life changes, so can your insurances needs. use travelers free guide to better coverage to stay prepared. is your auto and home insurance keeping up with you? 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