Something that i really did want to witness for myself. >> having worked in the mueller investigation and, you know, we could not charge the sitting president, then donald trump, that was a department of justice reel. now in a full-fledged criminal case it was kind of remarkable. >> i thought there'd be a lot of people there, a lot of pro-trump people in particular, and there really weren't. and then found my nbc fam, found the spot where we do stand-up, found all the producers and camera operators and everything and then just got in line and stood in line for a really long time. i will say the thing that i learned was it is not what you are wearing that makes a difference, it is what you are wearing on your feet, because where you are going to get cold is through the soles of your dress shoes, you idiot, why didn't you wear sneakers? >> so people understand, it's not that you walk up to the courthouse and they whisk you in and it's this easy, breezy kind