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commitment. an overwhelming majority of comments on theship's facebook page suppo then execive officer now commanding officer of the enterpris captain owen honors. >> the best officer by far that i've worked under. >> reporte the former enterprise sailor says the skits were wildly popular with the majority of the crew. >> hesaturday, we crammed around the television. >>y no means do this will be tail hook part two. >> rorter: the former fighter pilot admits errors were made by captain honors but she i not sure aut the severity of those mistakes. >> at the end of the day we need to let the navy work through process. >> reporter: it a decision the na must make soon. the enterprises scheduled to deoy to afghanistan in the next couple of weeks. jay gray, news4. hile there is support for captain honors, other saors apparentlywent public with hese videos because they are concerned about his leadership. the police in delaware say a man who fought to get the vietnam veteran memorial built and who rve in the two bush administratio has been murders. his name is jo wheeler iii. his body was found at the chry island ladfull in wilmington, delawar on new year eve. he was a decorated veteran who serve the vietnam. he was a chairman of the vietnam veterans memorial fund. he served as the special assistant to t secretary of the air force here in washington for three ars. and he was a west point grad. his death was ruled a homicide but investigators wi not say how he died. the fundssued a statement. it is only fitting that we use now to rememberack wheeler who served his couny honorabl then dedicated himse to ensuring our tion's servi members are always given the respect tey deserve. >> is there a cancer cluster near ft. dietrich or not? the army base is in frederick, maryland. le believe that agent orae which is tested near th for decades, or decades ago, may be causing cancer in hundreds of people who live near the facility. agent orange is an herbicide. hower, aexperts will announce that there does not appear to be higher rate of cancer near the base than the rest of frederick county. pnce george's county police e investigating a deadly hit and run. the woman's body was found earlier this mning in ft. washingn. police stay victim was about 50. she may have been lying on the side of the road for several hours. police say the drer may not have realize th had they hit somne. >> right here in this portio of the southernart of the indian head highway, a very wooded area. very dark at night. the pedesian here had on dark clothing. no lights at all o here. it is very possible to hit something and not see it at all. >> police say they have no indication of what type of car struck the ctim. in 2010, the murder rate in d.c. hit a 46-year low. it's already been a violent start t 2011 with homicide victim in two separate shootings. among them, a tnager who was shot and killed in broad daylight in the petworth ar of nortest d.c. pa collins has our report. >> reporter: the 4500 block of new hampshi avenue northwest. a peaceful sunday afternoon, shattered by a brazen act o violence. people who live here, th heard the shots. how many gunshots did you hea >> pop, pop, pop. that's four. >> reporter: they sa the victim. >> i saw a young man live in the street. he didn't have any movent. >> reporter:eople who have lived here long time say they can't remember anything like this happening here before. i've lived here about 30 years now. and this is the rst. >> living here 14 years. i've never seen is happen before here. >> i'm really shocked. weve lived here over 40 years and i've never seen anything like this happ. >> reporter: police and sources tell the story this way. they say 16-year-old bryant and his cousin were standing here at this bus stop. they were both weang brand new north face jackets. jackets they had tten for christmas. they're approaed by to guys. one of theuys has agun. those with guys wanthe jackets. they hand the jackets oh to the two robbers and then the robber, the robberho doesn't have the gun, tells the gunman to sot him. but the gunman dsn't do it. so that roer, he gets t gun and fires off a nber of sts. bryant, he fall dead to t ground. his cousin wnded. bryant lives with his family here in hyattsville. there are pictures him on the internet. but ts is theone his family has frmed. this is the one they keep in thir house. it is his first communn picture. tan when he was 8 years old. thomas is friend. >> a sadthing. it doesn't make any sense. it doesn't make a lot of sense at all. >> what wilyou remember most abou im? his smile. his smile. he had a very impressionable smile. >> police looking for two suspects. young men. possib teenagers themselves. i'm pat collins, news4, washington. >> the victim in the other shootingesterday has been identifi as 21-year-old brian scott in upper marlboro. police say he was among three people shot in the 1300 ock. all of them wereaken to the hospital. scott later died. police are offering a $25,000 rewar in both ses. >> after a festive inaugural weekend, d.c. mayor vincent gray had hisfirst day on t job. today hehowed reportersis new offices on theixth floor of the john wilson building. the modern space was origally occupied by the former may or tony william rarelysed by the more recent mayor, adrian fenty. >> we found plants that were dead. and it didn't look like it had been used a lot. we woed hard to make it a place that feels lived in. >> repter: the new mayor has sever major appointments to make including the director of transportation. gr said he expects to make more announce. s this week. you can stay on p of his announcements on twitter. m sherwood will be tweeting about the first f days. the 112th cgress will convene on wednesday. they are planning to roll back much of president obama's agenda as quickly as they an. >> reporter: the world will be watching for the next days, weeks and months. republicans know it anthey have a plan. the first gop target will be what republicans call oba care. the plan the president signed into law last marc with all of his new members, the republican majority, new house speaker john boehr can win the appeal and it cld be close in the senate ere 23 democrats are up for re-election next year. >> peop like ben nelson in nebraska, joe manchin in west virginia. these are conservative states and they'll be lookg at how these people will beoting. presidt obama plans toeto any repeal. at the same time, keep youryes on this republica darrell issa of california he vows to investigate the obama bail youm of fannie and eddie and the oba stimulus plan, forcing white hou officials to testify. democrats a worried. bringing in people, taking them through depositis, ruining their reputations. >> reporter: and some republicans worry. the new congress won focus enough on jobs. if the projection to the public as in th media, if the projection sver time you look on tvhere is a republican screaming at president obama, that is not going to play well. >> reporter: so both sides will pl up bipartisanship like they did last month. but o all the bigissues, the battle royal is about to begin. and jim andwendy, now we know when thebig first vote will take place. a week after republicans take majority control of the huse this wednesday,to a week fm wednesday, the 12th they plan to vote to repe what they cal obama care. back to you. ocks are beginning the new year with some ne gains, thanks to some encouraging news. the dow jones average up 93 points today. e nasdaq closed 38 points higher. the s&p 500 14 points. reports released "today" show that both manufacturing activi a construction spending were up more th analysts had predicted. still ahead, australia dealing with its worstflooding in adecade. chuck berry llapsed on stage in the midle of a performance. man murdered a suburban hospital may have been targeted by a killer. agunman shot u a cruiser. arewe still seeing snow? >> we could see a lile snow in the forect. it is in the foreca and i'll have it for you comi up. will he head out to washington park. >> reporter: happy ne year. redskins park camera. you know that. the redskin season is over. that means a lot of change. and guess who is in the house. bert haynesworth. bert haynesworth. and randy sal the next, you start one feelinbit off.l fine. the moment y feel run down or achy, nip flu-like symptoms in thbud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like youelf again. oscillococcinum, nip in the bud. we want to pay tribute. last week tommy holman died. he came to work here at nbc 60 years ago. until his retirement, 41 years later, back in 1992. his j description was stage managr. but for all of us fornate enough to have known him, he was so much more than that. tommy was a frien a supporter, a mentor. a quiet and steadingingforce, especially forome of us young ones who came inhe late '60s. we thought wwere lions and tommy let us know, we'd better grow some trteeth and mostly so brain cel. mmy made his mo to his heavenly home last week and we are so grateful for the little bitf time he was allowed to share with us. a deep well of christian anger in egypt. th bombing killed 21 peoples they left a church service on new years day. christians have vented their fury at the yptian government. yesterday a riot began afterop muslim and government officials mewith christian leaders. the christians are accusing the government of a longstanding failre to address persistent discriminaon and violence against their mmunity. 10% of egypt's population is christian. offials have described it as a natural disasterf iblical proportions. australia is dealing with its worst flooding a decade. more than 20000 people are now affected by these rising waters. chr clackum has more. >> reporter: wh an ar larg than texas underwater, austrian officials are stggling to cope with the problems they're facig. qunsland premier ys the last route into the coastal city has been inundated. a tn of 75,000 cut off by road andrail and the airpo is cled due to the flooding. >> wt's happening here is, well, i don't think we'll see it again for another 50 or 100 yes. that's the thought ofhis evenl. >> reporter: the overflong have i ever abou 30 feet above normal. and it is not expect to peak until later this week. hundreds of home have be evacuated. the military helps carry supplies to ctims. at least 2 towns and cites have been flooded or cut off. some 200,000 people affected. >> everythig. everything. >> i don't know. >> even tho not directly affected by the flooding will be feeling its effects. qensland is an important farng region and a steep surge in farming prices is expted. for those who tch the waters sllow their home and lively hoods, the price of groceries couldn'te further from their minds. chris clackum, nbcnews. president obamaas offered his conlences to the flood victim, saying the united stas is ready to offer assistance. rock 'n' rl legend chuck berry recovering from xau exhaustion. chuck berry is 84 years old now. he collaps during a concert in chicago on saturday. they escorted him off the stage. you know, thehow must go on and so chuck went back out on stag if only to geto the mike to apologize to the audience that he had to go take a rest. and one might suggest that he is, he has earned as much rest as he wants to ke. good f chuck. coming up, a burglar cght in the act thanks to cell phone app. >> one of the most active volcanos in the world. and doug returns with a look at our full forecast. [ male announcer ] rockin out to the big hot pastram big. hot. pastrami. don't dare call it a cover nd -- unless youe talking about covering fresh baked bread with layer upon layer of flavor-packed pastrami. this sub lays down power cords of tasteocity with pickles, mean licks of mustard and riffs of meltybubbly cheese. catch 'ebefore the fresh toasted tour leavetown. subway big hot pastrami. crank up the flavor at subway. oh yes hi. can you put my grandma on the phone please? thanks. excuse me a sec. another person calng for her grandmother. she thinks it's her soup huh? i'm told she's in the rden picking herbs. she is scute. ay i'll hold. she's holding. a? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste this soup. can you enjoy vegetables with sauce and still reach your weit loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green gianfrozen vegetables with sauce. europe's most active volcano is eruptingagain. mount etna is onhe italian island sicily. it erup yesterday spewing ash nd lava into the air. it towers about 10,000 feet above sicily. it springs to life every few months. the last majoeruption was back in 2008. they're playing their song. that'she welcome song of a new york city trash truck. trash was picked today for the first time since the blizzard. the sanitation department was only able to deploy half the crew. people who live in some areas cticized the response because the snow. michael blmberg said he will work to figure out what went wrong with the whole clean-up process. >> they won't get anyore snow later this week, could they? >> they could. a storm that could come through us and then intensify once again off the coast of new england. as far as our weather concern, a little on the cold side. first day below noral in about a week. high temperature struggled rough the 40-degree mark. were looking at clear skies. a niceight if youike it cold during the winter moths. we areitting right nowt the upper 30s. at least 38 degrees. the hig today, 31. the low this morning, 28. the averge high is 43. first daybelow normal in about a week. we saw some nice days, at least on saturday high temperatur 58 degrees. very warm out there. outside,we're sitting at 37 degrees. the dew point at 10. win out of the west at fi miles r hour. temperature will fall overnight. it will be cold nig. 28 in sterling already. 30 in frederick. 30 in manassas. a littlewindchill. weave winds about five to ten miles an hour. that puts us dow to about 33 in the c. area. 27, frederick, and 31 in ltimore. the winds aren't rlly that much of a factor. even aive to ten miles an hour wind will make it feel five degrees coder. across theregion, clear ski. here's a lite system. this is a little clipper system. a very weak system but it will be enoug of a system that it will bring in somewarmer air. at least milder air. thetemperature down to the south today. mphis around 50degrees. 50 in atlanta. it doesn't seem like a lot but it will help usher in some of he more mild airnto our region for th day tomorrow. rlly, the entire nation has been on cold spell. very cold. a matter of fact, southern california piing up some snow in san diego county, a place that dsn't see a lot of snow. they definitely got sme snow over the st couple days above 3,000eet forecast to eight nches. above 4,500eet eric to2 incs. look at that snow othe palm trees. that's one place that does not see snow very often. i'm sure that guy had a hard time riding his bic back home. high essure over our area. the high makes its wayto the south and east, here come t south westerly flow dung the day tomorrow. winds, 1 to 20 miles an hour. hat will help our temperatures to rise aboutive degrees from where they were. withsome sunshie, i think we're looking at a pretty nice day. wednesday will see a frontal boundary make its way through very early in the rning. that will allow for some colder air to move back down. wednesy, a day very much like today. although i think we'll see a little more ithe way of cloud cover. stillsome sunshine. so temperare, very similar to what we saw out there tod. high presre moving back in before t anotherarea of low pressure. another clipper system moves in for the end of the week. that's the e that could pose at least someminor problems for our area as i do speck to see at least som snowfall on friday and maybe into sarday. how much? still a lot ofquestions to be answered on that. we'll continue to watch it for u. mostly lear. quite chiy. watch out for the meteor show between 8:00 and 2:00. at will be the height of the meteor shwer. 36 degrees this evenin tonight into tomorrow morning, look f partly cloudy skies to start off the day. a cold start. 21 to 28 degrees. and as we move through the day, high temperatures, a little warr. 43 to 47 degrees. not near as cold. 're calling it a nice afternoon. winds out of the southwest at 10 to 20 miles an hour. don't get used to those afternos because it will be a lile colder. a hi of 41. a high of 42 degrees on tuesday. and then there's at chance of snow. we have a list the% chance on friday and i will il call it a 30% chance on saturday as well. i do not think is will be a big one for the mid-atlantic so don't worry about that here. it could be big for plac like vermont and maine. we'll continue to watch it for you. coming up, a lot of constructionrojects to watch out for. and what washe moti for murder in the marand hospital? and a n blood test that could detect cancer cells. in haymarket, virginia, a running gun battle that started in this gat community and ended with the suspect shot. now faces attempted capital mur charges. coming up in sports, maryland introduces the new head football coach. and out here, albert haynesrth returns but he is n greeted withll smiles. now that the season is overor the redskins, players wonde the redskins, players wonde what will happen in 2011. the nextyou start onmifeeling bit the moment you feel run down or achy, nip flu-ke symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel ke yourself again. osllococcinum, nip it in the bud. the navy is questioning the actions of a commander who appears in a video loaded with profanity, homosexal slurs and sexually suggestive skits. the video was shot and aired on board the uss enterprise four years ago. it wasade public over the weekend. the new congress convenes o wedsday. republicans are coming to washington ready for a fight. now thathey have control of the house and a few more se in the senate, they plan to rll back president bama's health care plan. police say a man who fought to get the vinam memorial built a who serve in the two bush ainistrations was found murded. john wheeler iii wasound at th cherry island landfill in wilmington, delawe, on new years e. investigators won'tay how he died. tonigh we're learning more abouthe murder of an employee this week at the suburban hospital in bethea. there are still a loof unanswered questions. >> police say that murder was not a random act but the motive is still a mystery. >> reporter: who killed rooselt brockington? the 40-year-old hva engineer was ound dead in a hospital bler room on newyears day. police have released some new information regarding the crime. >>t has been confirmed that this is a homicide and that the cause of death was stab wounds. ts has been a very active investigation and at this stage of the investigati, detectives believe that the is more reason to beeve that this was not a random act. >> that comes as a b of comfo to those who live in the adow who were concerned at the height of things, thatthere may be a murderer in their midst. the fality was on lockdown afterhe crime was discovered. some of those who lived closest were tol stay locked in their me. and others say they weren't told that much. >> there should be some sort of mandated protoc to notify the immedia residential community. >> reporter: while this neighborhood may be a bit more ease, there is no such thing for the viim's family. >> for ts to happenike this, you're not even safein your own job that you work in every day and you'renot safe. it is hard. >>his mother and other family members went to the hospital at the height of the incident after speaking with a frie of roosevelt brockinon's. a friend who had en on the phone with the victim around the time he was killed. and they tt that they drew a sadonclusion about the circumsnces before they got ther >> he w hurt -- we heard tere was a suspiciousdeath. there was not anything se to think than it was myson. >> reporter: mnwhile, police continue an extensive investigation working with hospital security. >> every hospital has security cameras. wll be examining that video to seeif that would be helpful to us a pitcher for the baltimore orioles is in police cusdy. he is charge inonnection with a deadly shooting on new years eve. he surrended to authorities in the minican republic. he is suspected of killing his twif-year-old usin and wounding a 17-year-old. s lawy said he wasiring celebratory shots into the area. prosecutors say he was trying to break up an an argument. a man in prince george's county is facing capital murder charges. this come after police say that man got involved in a shoot-out with police over the week. police say the incide began as an argument between a husban and wife but then turned into a high-speed chase. >> as you can see in here, it came straight through there. >> reporte prince william countyolice chief chaie dean describing a suspect's shot that pierce ad uiser's windshield. >> it is chilling to think how cle they came to thes officers. two offirs in this car. >> reporter: prince willm county police chief charlie dn said the call forhelp came just after 1:00 sunday morng from a home in the gated dominion valley communicate nar haymarket. a woman said her husband had been shooting at her. >> he fid shots at her. e escape. went to a nghbor's house. >> reporte police rushing to the scene encountered paul as he sped away in an suv. the used stingers in the road. the first exchange of gun fire tooklace at this intersection. the corner of dominion valley. that's when the suspect hithe median, got out of his vehicle and started firi a ofcers. that's when a bullet from paul's gun hithe windshield. lkily they had just jped out of the vehicle, tang fire and returng fire fr behind the doors. had they moved out of that seat a few seconds later -- >> it coulhave been a fatality. it could have been a much more serious circumsnce. officers are trained well. and they followed their training. >> reporter: this restaurant just down thestreet was closing en the shootin began. patrons thought the barrage was fire rk. >> beingin the national guard, i said no, that's actually gunshots. then we hea another one aew seconds later. the we heard a whole lot of them going off which we assumed was the poli shooting back at the person. >> report: the suspect eventually raced off again before stopping two mile up route 215. the g fire started over. only ts time paul was h in the hand. >> i struck. it went thugh his hand and h the butt of the pistol that he ha it took the fight out of him. >> reporter: chief dean credits the training an brave for hs officers. it could have been much much worse. prince william county. >> that suspect's hand wound i not seriou we're told. allow, he is still in th hospital. he has not yet appeared in court. drive who use the toll road will need some extra change. the 25 cent toll hike is now i fect at the main toll plaza. you'll now have to pay $1.25. that hike is part of a two-part plan. the last hit coming in 2012. the extra moy will that i for thedullesetro rail project. weon't understand that two of a toll irease or whatever. and construction to build that dulles connectionor in tys's corner. will changeraffic tonight. the northbound les of route 123ill be closed from 11:00 tonit until 5:00 tomorrow morning. the ra will be open. southbound lanes of root 123 will closed from 11:00 uil :00 every night this week. the exit ramp westbound route 2 to southbound 12 also closed. these closures are expected to happen again over the next month. > more road work in d.c. has shut down the ramp a major route into and out of the ciy. the on rmp to the ninth reet bridge from westbound new york avenue csed tay for construction. that bridge in northst d.c. connects new york and rhode land avenues tow around the world road tcks. use this are building a new bridge and ramp there and will soon demolish the old bridge. you ca still accesshe nine strt bridge by taking detour using pnn street and the entwood park way. the deto will stay in place until next may. coming up, a woman with a bcam caught anntruder in her bedroom. cebook. now one of thmost valuable companies in amica. and we'll too poli in colorad say a young woman's puppy cam help capture aurglar on camera. the woman's name claire blevins. she bought an app so she can check on her wheaton terrier. her motion activated snap shots. she was at work when e checked the feed and found a man ransacking her bedroom she contacted police. the stills aid on a denver tv staton that night. and a viewer recognized the guy, tipped off police. she said the app may be t best $5 she ever spent. a story about facebook. apparently goldman sachs h invested $450 million in facebook. a r investment firm put up another$50 million. according to the new york imes, because of thatdeal, faceboo isalued now at $50 biion. representatives from all have t parties chose not to say anythg about this. we wouldike to know more. >> yes, we would. coming u in sports -- >> i'm over her me firs >> i thought -- >> she's at rekins park. i called it washington prk earlier. i lt horrible abouthat. lindsay made me feel bad. 37 degrees right now. the dew point, ten. a windchill of 33 degrees. a littlen the cold side tonight. out there toward redskins park, 24 tomorrow out there toward ashburn and leeurg. the high temperature, 48 at home to the south. i think tomorrow shou be a nice afternoon andhen it will cool down wednesday into thursday. highemperature at or below average. then i think we have a pretty good chance of seeing some snow. it is looking like a light snow. th could linger on saturday as well. temperate only arou 36 degrees. i'm done. now it's spor. >> how was t weather throughout at the park? >> it is good but i want to clarify, it i because i'm a virgia girl that i had to point out to doug who is a maryland guy that it is redsns park and n washington park. i know he knows all about the redskins. let's just leave it there. >> you got him good. you got him. all right. >> anyway,peaking of marylandful their new football coach rdy edsall talk about h exptations. the redskins brace for an fscene of change. and guess what. and guess what. [honking] they were having a sale! announcer: the ikesale. i'm going back for more! announcer: december 26th through january 9th. save up to 60%. ikea. the life improvement store. day at the park. do they do physicals? do you do a psychological test as wel? >> i hope not. no, no psychological tests that i'm aware of. they do come in and get tir exit physicals because they're reired to do so. then the guys cleaout their lockers and also, mike shanahan had his postseason press conference. the thing that caught my tan off the bat was when he said the one regret he had was the way he handled that benching of donovan mcnabb thfirst time when he ut rex grossman in there for the o-minute drill. i found that verytelling. he did not ha any regretbout the way he handled t albert haynesworth situation. speaking of haynesworth, he was he at the park because he had to take that exit exam. i was told he was in a great mood with certain personnel around hre and they were talking movies and other topics. his teammate said it was a little awkward. after all, he is suspende they said when he walked in, it asn't all smiles all over the place. i can tell you he did n talk to jim haasslet. he did not speak to me shanahan. what we did seeas albert haynesworth in the locker room. he went over to his locker. he took some ting out. he was required to show up to take tt exit physical. his teamates said that the guys were not all lollipopsnd gum drops to see him when he showed up. mean whale we know that mike shanahan did not seek him out and haynesworth certainly did not do it his way either. >> no, i did no meet with him. last time in the building, he would not meet with me so it is at it is. >> reporter: mike, have you expected that he might t to talk to you or that maybe you would meet with him today? >> i didn't think much about it. knew he had to come in for a ysical. i thought he may stop by. i wasn't realy sure. he did not. >> was it a little weird, hill comingin? yes, it is. after bei suspended four games, him not being around, the tension. i think the guys they gve him a hard time. is i a laughing matter? it is not. when a guy,e had a lot -- the ghest played defensive player in the league. and a lot ofexpectations that go with tha and i know he wants to do well and i kno he wants to be, talk about it all the time. the hall of fame type player. and unfortunately, for a long of reasons, that didn' work out. and moving forward, i don't ow what happens. but i hope that he uses this as a motivatn. if he is here or wherever he is, to take it tthat next level, to playnd learns androws fr this. >> reporter: haynesworth' time here is done. he is nothe only player thinks he will not be back with the redskins next season. there are several vetans that have really done well for this organation. but that now are simplyacing the fact that ty're no longer a fit in thissystem. one of those guys would be andre carter. after five years with this le, carter, th defensive en said that he would be shocked in the redskins wanted him bafblg it has been no secret. carter has struggled adjusting to te 3-4 defense. today if was cleaning up his locker he said the hisry with this organition makes it very difficult to say goodbye. meanwhile, players to be like santana ss, a career ar, was in a struggling seaso he like his tale mates knowhe current roster is in for a huge orhaul. >> i lo forward to being back. i'm a redskin, le i said before. once i got here in 2005, i ft like this was right. for me to do what i did these past few years, i felt likehey should feelhe same way. so hopefully, he verything can t taken ca of. >> there's s much history here. i'm very appreciative of the guys i play. with we've had a lot o great battlestogether. and with the run tt we've made in 2007 that was just suca bi part of my career. a lot of memories. the game continues. that's just life. >> andre carter does have time left onis contract but he truly does believe he wl be released or traded for the redski. so now mike shanan will take the next couple weeks and evaluated. what kind of strategy they'll use, headin toward free agency and the draft. moving the college football, the sexy choice for the university of mryland would have been to hire mike leech as their football coach. they were worried it was too controversial they went the safe route. hired randy edsall. today he was introduced as the succsor of ralph friedgen. 52 years old, become the 34th coach i maryland history inis 12 years at connectut. he led the program from a division 1 aa toivision 1. compiled a 74-70 rerd that iluded five bowl appearances at uco and a pair of big east title. he was 2010 bigast coach of e year. he leaves conn winningest coach. >> we'll put t effort and the time we do as coaches and thse you men do as student athletes, he year our goals to win the acc change-up. that's what we're going to shoot for eachnd he have year. you don't, there's no sense to be her >> i would say that we t a good football coach here. if youlook at -- >> my response to that is, the reason why i knows because i do have so friends, some people who understand football, because i hav a budge of e-mails andech messages tking about the great hire from people in the fooall community that know this man and s body of work. >> reporter: he said he kws they made the right choi. >> if y're playing in the winterlassic and if you can score a goal in that game, it is prey cool. if yo get in a fight in the winter class ig, it is even cooler. that's what the capitals' jhn erskinedid. pittsburgh's mike rupp slams the caps john into the board. and here wgo. they drop the gloves. they get a cole punches. they art going he gets himself rit back up. he gets a couple jabs in. but he actuallyind holds back a little bit. the question is why? >> just look at me like you wt to go? so always fun to get a fight in one of these winterclassics. we're going back and for pretty good. they asked me to stop. then it was in his eyer something. we stopped. >> hisontact slipped in his eye. good excuse. >> he said he wted to get in a fight in the wint classic because tt was a really cool thing to do. is that what he said? >> on that stage ifou can do that,f you can get you team amped up, they hadit is a cool thing. >> okay. thank you. everyone would go through the roof if we had a fight. >> thanks. still ahead, a blood test that could monitor howancer spreads. for all your ne, we invite to you llow online. orty years ago, he wasn't wried about retirement. hd yet to hear of mutual fun, iras, or annuities. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retireme solutions for our military, veters and their families. from investments... life insurance... to health re options. earn more with our free usaa retement guide. cal877-242-usaa. aren't getting the lcium they need. but yoplait wants change that. only yopla original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's0% of the daily value ♪ pass on the new and we can help close this calcium gap togher. to get you started, we're ving away a milln free cups at yoplait dot com. the yoplt you love, now in a 4-pack. trit today. there's a udy out that says many babies in america are considered obese even before they have taken their first bite of food. the study was done out at wayne state university. researchers there found one out three babies w eitherbese or at sk of become obe by the time it reached nine months old. this was also truef 34% of oddlers. boys, according to t study, were more likely to be obese than girls. latino children and those living below theoverty line also had a higher chan of being overweight. in this study, the was no specic link to the cldhood obesity findings. but a 2007 study out of harvard found the more weight a mother puts on during pregnanc the more likly her child would be overweight at 3 yrs old. a new test under development could change the way doctors are able toind and treatcancer. it is a blood tes researchers sayt is so sensitive, itan spot aingle cancer cell lurking amo billions of healthy cells. >> reporte even wen surgery, chemotherapy andadiation effectively cure cancer patients, survivors often ha lingering questions. >> is somne truly cured or are there a few cel that five to ten years later might come back and starto grow? >> reporter: as h lung cancer expert ihouston. he is one. ny around the country scheduled to begin clinical ials on a blood test predicted to detect even a single cancer cell still circating in the body after trement. cells that don show up on typical ans. >> youon't see a tumor a scat scan until it has grn to a certain size. this coulbe potentially mo sensitive. >> reporter: i the tests prove to be successful, it has the potential to replace painful biopsies used now to check for cancer cells that have spread. it could give doctors an early heads up o whether a treaent is working. and to better understanding of what's causing tumors to grow. >> if we can do that, we can fure out what the achilles' he is about it so we can personalize the treatmt. >reporter: although the potential is great, the blood testemains years awayrom use. nbc news. >> and four largeancer centers are going to carry out these trials. anyone interested taking part can go to our website and search the word clinical trials. >> how are weooking? >> pretty good. any time you mention the word snow, that's all people wan to tal about. we do have over the next two week, i said it last week. a pret good patrn for some snow. we have enough ld air in place andll we need is a storm system or tw to give us that chanceful we ve that chance coming up o friday. he temperature tomorrow, looking good. around . there's that chan of snow. could it ling ente saturday. and the there could be another one towd the middle portions ofext week. his does not look like a big one on fray o saturday. just som flurries. we'll continue to watch both the systems over the next couple days. theris a lake over in siberia that does not freeze in winter for reasons that e still not entirely clear. that laketakes its name from a nearby mountain range whose name translates to mountai of gold. but the people who live there have niname it white swan lake. they call it that because thousandsof swa and other water fowl have cosen to make the lake their home. these sws do not mike rate south in winter. their human neighborshave made it comfortable place to stay. they makeure the swans don't go hungry there. that' one reason to keep them

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