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and this year in the 102 minute, morgan who scores the first goal, to abby wambach and his 13th career world cup goal and the u.s. up 2-1. and in the 117th minute, sowa heads it in and we are tied at 2-2. it would go to penalty kicks. u.s. missed on 3 of 4 and japan made 4 of 4. japan shocks the united states to win the first world cup ever for that country. the u.s. is now 2-1 all-time in world title matches. abbyabby wambach had a heart- breaking defeat but congrats to japan because they beat the u.s. and upset host germany and this is miracle team like we had back in 1980, the miracle on ice. >> a great shot in the arm for japan. thank you. world cup fever hitting soccer fans close to home. soccer gathered to watch the women's team take on japan. one of many viewing parties. there was a packed audience at university of maryland where dozens of girls are spending their summer going to soccer camp. tisha thompson shows us why today's game has inspired a whole new generation of future stars. >> reporter: they drove ten hours from canada to attend the maryland soccer camp for girls, but all they could talk about how the u.s. women's soccer team was finally helping them get respect from the boys. >> it's so good to be a female. >> the facebook from all of my guy friends was team u.s. they are finally understanding how proud we have. >> reporter: as the head coach, brian penske is the director. >> when we get moments like this, the women's world cup final, we have to celebrate it. >> reporter: he encouraged to watch japan's handling of the ball and the athleticism of the americans. they come here to hope to get on penske's radar. carla is halfway there. she received the biggest prize, a shoe from abby wambach who scores the last two goals for the u.s. in the world cup finals. >> it is signed by abby wambach. >> reporter: she said her whole purpose in life is to follow in abby's footsteps and she's confident she'll make the national team. >> oh, yeah, no worries. >> reporter: because for carlin and a whole new generation of soccer players, the women will be number one again. at the university of maryland, tisha thompson, fox 5 news. >> to give you an idea of how seriously carolyn wants to be on the national team, she spent her morning at soccer canalp, took a few hours off to watch the world cup and then headed straight to practice for her club team. she said it's just a typical day. three years and one day since her initial arrest, casey anthony is now a free woman. nearly two weeks ago she was found not guilty of first- degree murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter caylee. the florida mother was officially released from the orange county jail shortly after midnight and no one knows where she is. at least the media doesn't. casey steigel has more. >> reporter: after spending three years behind bars, casey anthony walking out of jail a free woman. she was released from the orange county correctional facility just after midnight. there were only three journalists allowed inside. >> as a cameraman, you see a sign of relief and you see she's not intense, she has a relief. there is a smile but not a very bright smile but there is a sign of being glad to be out therefore. >> reporter: there was unusual security for her release as angry protestors gathered outside. >> she had such a jury trial that was a bunch of a joke. a 6-year-old would have made a more conscious effort for a decision than what they did. >> reporter: casey was given $500 in cash from her jail account when she left. she and her attorney jose baes getting into an suv. the vehicle pulled into a covered gather at a nearby office building but never re- emerged. a short time later there was police activity as two vehicles pulled up to a private jet at an executive airport. but there is no come firmation that casey boarded a plane. officials at the airport saying that the jet was merely carrying some golfers from their vacation headed back to ohio. meantime, some supporters of casey anthony saying she deserves a new life. >> people need to respect the judicial system and respect due prose and let her and her -- process and let her and her family live their lives. >> reporter: it is not clear what casey anthony will do next or what she'll do. dozens have come to this spot here. the woods behind me the same woods the remains of where little caylee anthony was found in 2008. some were here to pay respects and others to protest her release and some just to snap a photo. in orlando, casey stegall, fox news. >> her attorney released a statement saying it is my hope that casey anthony can receive the counseling she needs to move forward with her life. the london police chief has quit over his connection to the british hacking scandal. he said he left his post over speculation about his links to neal wallace who was arrested last week. wallace also worked for london police as a part-time p.r. consultant. the biggest arrest happened today. this woman here with the red hair, 43-year-old rebecca brooks was taken into custody in london. she served as editor of news of the world. she is now the 10th person arrested by british police over allegations of phone hacking and police bribery by the newspaper that was shut down for good amid the scandal. we're following another developing story. this one in our area. democrat police are now -- d.c. police are seeing thieves along a buy trail. and the guardian angels are asking for help. we report from the metropolitan branch trail. >> reporter: the metropolitan branch trail runs from union station through eckington in northeast, all the way up to silver spring. it snakes alongside metro and amtrak in the shadow of the capitol in an urban environment dotted with heavy machinery, sometimes bordered by a fence. >> i was thinking if something did go down, where would you go? there is nowhere to run if somebody did attack you. >> reporter: earl smith and his wife robin were surprised to learn of five incidents from early may to early june and two robberies in the last two weeks. >> that makes it odd. is it gang violence? >> reporter: in one of the more recent incidents, a man and woman were riding bikes, confronted by two young men who assaulted a man stole a bike. last friday around 8:15 a.m. police say a man was robbed at a gunpoint near our street. the suspect approached asking for the time of day. the victim took out the iphone to see and the robber stole his phone. >> we have to be safe out here, even during the day. >> reporter: the guardian angels have started safety patrols from 6-9 on wednesday and thursday evenings. some civilians have joined in and the angels are asking for more help. >> so we're trying to get an extra patrol in the morning. >> reporter: some average citizens have their own answers to what to do when accosted by strangers. >> if they reach for you, hit them, full on, with entire bike and land on them. hurt them with your weight and your bike. that is your weapon. if they are going to try to snatch you off the bike, let them pay the price. >> reporter: police say call 911 if you see anything suspicious. karen gray houston, fox 5 news. >> we now know the name of a mab killed in a glider crash in st. mary's county. james dayton of mechanicsville was killed when the glider he was riding crashed into trees in the airport in hollywood. the ntsb said the crash happened shortly after takeoff. authorities say the pilot was flown to a hospital in critical condition. a bicyclist is in critical condition after colliding with an suv in frederick, maryland. just after 11:30 this morning on route 85 at lillie ponds road, frank vetter was entering on to the interstate when he as hit. he was flown to baltimore shock trauma with serious injuries. officers say neither speed nor alcohol appear to be a factor in the collision. a war of words or the debt crisis on sunday morning talk shows but will any real work get done on making the deal. that's coming up as we continue.  somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital's working together, there's a family who can breathe easy, right now. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest healthcare questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. former egyptian president mubarak is in a coma. that's the word tonight. medical official where he's been held under arrest denied the reports saying the ex leader only suffered from low barometric pressure and is in stable condition. today his lawyer and doctors were working to bring him back to consciousness. nato missiles continue to fall on libya's capital city. the government strong hold of tripoli saw more air strikes this morning. lash flashes of light along with anti-aircraft fire were heard. they called the attack a nato crusade and said the military targets were struck in an eastern suburb. gadhafi has made threats against the u.s. and europe over the last week. president obama is expected to announce a nominee to head up the new consumer financial protection agency tomorrow. richard cord ray is the director of enforcement at the bureau. he would be head of the agency if president obama can get approval from the-- senate. the agency will begin it's regulatory work july 21st. the battle lines are drawn over how to lower the nation's debt. while the president has recently shown a willingness to cut entitlement programs like social security, the white house still wants to close tax loopholes for the wealthy. republicans say they need to see more cuts before they'll sign off on any deal. >> it's not fair to ask senior citizens to pay a price, to ask families paying for college educations for their children to pay a price. but to leave the most privileged out of the bargains. >> americans know we're spending too much and we're headed for a cliff and bankruptcy and let's cut spending in year one and cap it going forward. >> the treasury department said congress needs to raise the debt ceiling by august 2nd to avoid the nation going into default. summer heat is making a comeback. we're going to see just how hot your work week is going to get. and could car-mageddon be the most overhyped story of the summer. how the look at the closure of one of california biggest arteries really affected people. stay with us. r r lt jury selection in the high profile trial of an accused soldier killer started tomorrow. as david begin shows us, police are preparing now for security. >> reporter: 26-year-old mohammed made headlines in arkansas and the nation when he admitted opening fire on two soldiers outside of this army recruiting office. now more than two years later, he is set to face a jury of 12 starting on monday. >> we understand that there will be a lot of attention drawn to this particular case. >> reporter: sergeant davis said expect to see a mix of uniform and plain-clothes officers on sight and the special investigative decision doing background work on possible threats toward mohammed. >> there could be a threat there. but we're going to be prepared. >> reporter: the sheriff's department staying tight-lipped other to say that precautions are in place for the safety. changes are happening on the inside. the judge moved the trial out of his relatively closey courtroom to one with much more seating. designed to accommodate additional press and the public who want to watch. >> we know and we are aware that the public has a freedom to be an on-looker. we are not trying to stop that or impede that. we just want to make sure that everyone is safe. >> reporter: and to expect more security. david goen, fox 16 news. it looks like drivers in california have been spared from the so-called car-mageddon traffic nightmare. there is no major problems and traffic is light since the 405 was shut down on friday. authorities say the 10-mile stretch will reopen 16 hour as head of schedule because work on the roadway was completed early. the heat wave gripping the midwest appears to be making it's way east. heat advisories and warnings are in place 14 states from texas to michigan with triple- digits in some states. forecasters say the northeast isn't as strong as the plains. and i guess you know this, but i've been working through illness this weekend and this is the one time i'm going to tell you, i'm welcoming some really hot temperatures because the heat is the only thing that makes me feel halfway decent. well you'll feel spectacular by the end of the week. >> like a world blanket. >> major heat. in fact, to be on a serious note, it's dangerous heat that we're headed for. >> you had to say that when i'm smiling. >> well i'm being honest. we have to prepare for what is to come. but in the meantime, not too bad tonight. fairly comfortable out there before things start to change. as we move through the beginning of the workweek, a nice shot outside. a little bit on the hazy side. a few low clouds as you can see. but other than that, not a bad day. we've had a great weekend. it's been fairly comfortable. so the week is going to start out sunny. we'll be off to that on a hit note. and then the heat wave on the way. temperatures on rise. the new hampshire will -- the humidity will turn. and we have something to keep our eye on in the tropics. but for today, it was a warm day outside. highs of 89 at national. the same at dulles. baltimore is 91 degrees. so fairly warm day. not quite as humid but still a little bit more humid today than it was yesterday. but not quite as humid as what we are in for through the rest of the week. and i'm giving you fair warning here. 88 degrees at national airport. the same at gaithersburg. look at the double 8's. the same for culpeper, manassas. we have 89 to the north at hagerstown. and 88 as far as baltimore, turning 86 at annapolis. and here is a look at the humidity right now. 49% at national airport. a southerly wind at 16 miles per hour. so we saw the camera moving a little bit. but things are going to change. and the heat that will was speaking about in the mid section of the country extends down to the south and this entire region here has been dealing with triple-digit highs. but it's felt like it's warmer than that. they've had heatin doozies ranging -- heat index up to 105 degrees. and it will start to move its way east and we'll start to feel the impact of that as we head into the later part of the week. so it's going to be extremely hot weather. in the meantime, a few clouds to our southwest. not much happening elsewhere. but things are heating up in the tropics. we've got a tropical depreciation northwest of the bahamas and right now it doesn't look like it will affect everything too much. watching it moving very slowly. but you can see the track is pushing it well out to sea. so we'll keep an eye on this. there are tropical storm watches in effect for the bahamas right now and if it does develop it will be named brett and -- it will be named brett. and the heat is heading our way. a chance of storms overnight on monday. same story foo tuesday. we have a frontal system we are dealing with and could see that kicking up across the mason- dixon line by monday. areas across the northwest, dealing with rainfall today and could see a storm or two popping up there. but otherwise, looking at hazy, hot and humid and dry conditions but that storm activity could kick in monday in the overnight hours and lingering into tuesday and we could see rainfall with it as well. can't be too safe in the heat. we're talking temperatures at end of the week in triple- digits and factor in the humidity and our heat index is high. more than 105 probably. so drink plenty of water and stay very hydrated. wear light, loose clothing and check on elderly neighbors and make sure they have a.c. and are cool and do not leave your pets outside. it is very dangerous for them. try to get them inside where it is nice and cool with plenty of water and do not leave pet ors children in cars for any length of time whatsoever. so for tonight, mostly clear and comfortable. 71 degrees. and as far as our -- as tomorrow is concerned, we have a code orange air quality. here is a look at your five-day forecast. as you can see, triple-digit highs in the forecast as move through into the later part of the week. we'll be back right after the break. this is where -- we still have a moment. >> i thought i was running over. >> no, but i think you do make a good point. these temperatures, triple- digit along with humidity can be very dangerous. so thanks for your warning there. >> everybody be careful. still to come, we're talking about sports. let's roll the video. first talking about nat and then what d.r. is going to be surprising you with. some good highlights you don't want to miss. stay with us. hello, everybody. i'm dave ross and today the stage was set. a team that gripped the nation was ready to play in the sports -- claim the sports top prize. theys soccer team one win away. abby wambach and team u.s. looking to win the first world cup title since 1999. scoreless in the 69th minute. megan europeinea, sends it up to morgan. thed second goal in the last three games. usa up 1-0. and then heading to over time. and then morgan to abby wambach. us looking great and they are up 2-1. but wait a second. 117th minute, off the corner kick, a net and the equalizer and a shootout to decide the world cup final. u.s. would miss the first three penalty kicks which meant japan made two of the first three. and the clincher right there and that is a stunner. japan takes home their first world cup title ever beating the u.s. in penalty kicks. >> it's obviously heart- breaking. japan played well. they never gave up. it's unfortunate we couldn't pull it out. it's tough to do two rounds of penalties and know where we're going. we made some great saves. we had chances throughout the game and we didn't put them away. >> congratulations to japan. more american heart break today, this time in england. for much of the day it appeared phil mickelson will charge to the top of the leaderboard but in the end it would be an irishman lifting the jug. windy conditions across the pond in england. gusts upwards of 35 mile-per- hour. phil mickelson started at even par but birdies three of the first six. this is on 7 and for eagle. and the left-hander is charging, tieing darryn clark for the lead. but clarke will answer his own on 7 as well. the eagle of his own and yes, the northern ireman goes back up by 2. now mickelson birdies 10. he had a short putt on 11 and this is his achilles heel. but that's only good enough tofy for 2nd. and the other american, justin johnson began one-shot back. this is a lay-up on 14. out of bounds. the white stakes are o.b. and that's gone and he would tie for second as well. to clarke leads by 3 shots. he can tap this in and going to play with the crowd and a little smile and the 42-year- old makes it official. clarke 5 under wins by 3 and his first major comes 20 years into his open championship career. the third major winner from northern ireland in the last 13 months alone. how about your nats visiting the braves. gorzelanny on the hill but had trouble on the base path. this is in the 3rd and the nats down 2-0. and burnadina at the dish. and here comes gorzelanny, waved home and to collide with the catcher. here comes burnadina and he's safe. we're tied at two but take another look, gorzelanny has to leave the game with a twisted ankle. and now espinosa to the left, did he get enough of it? gone, a two run jack and nats up 8-7. this is a wild one. bottom of the 9, tied at 8 and freddie freeman delivers the base hit to right offer ryan emergenciy us. and the braves win 9-8. and the o's bashed four home runs and defeat the indians 8-3. what a wild day of sports. phil mickelson in england and then the ladies. >> what a great story in golf. this guy at it for 20 years, darryn clarke enjoying it tonight. >> i'm sure he enjoys a cold beverage tonight. >> i'm sure he does. we'll be back tonight at 11:00.

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Arkansas , United States , Canada , Japan , New Hampshire , Germany , Texas , Florida , Gaithersburg , Maryland , California , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Libya , Michigan , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , United Kingdom , Bahamas , The , London , City Of , Egypt , Hagerstown , Hollywood , Houston , Annapolis , Ireland , Ohio , Orlando , Mechanicsville , Baltimore , Americans , America , British , Irishman , American , Egyptian , Casey Stegall , Phil Mickelson , James Dayton , Frank Vetter , Neal Wallace , Earl Smith , Jose Baes , Justin Johnson , Freddie Freeman , Tisha Thompson , Caylee Anthony , Casey Anthony , Dave Ross , Brian Penske ,

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