Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20160824 : v

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20160824

good morning, alex holley. >> hello. >> i love to be out there. i've been out there at temple. such a need day, the parent saying good-bye, trying to get the mini fledges in. we will be out there today. >> all morning we've been doing this thing, on our facebook page, trying to get to 700,000 likes. if we reach 700,000 likes mike injury lick get his election washings dollars on the air. first he said oh, i'm cool. then, no, we will never get to 700,000 i'm confident, now very close to 700,000. i think how many more? of away. now kind find the man, because he knows he's going to get waxed live on tv. >> help us get it, you know he doesn't like his feet touched. mike doesn't like any of those kind of things. he be freaking out. >> very sensitive, balls he did the pedicure last week, that was quit funny. so now that i look, okay, now let's do this, us a plucked and prodded by the time we're through with him. >> get his eyebrows waxed, full on spa connection. >> happy wednesday to you, it is august 24, 2016. from fill toy rio, nia ali will join us live in the studio. we'll get to see the beautiful silver medal, also little son, so cute. we are will be prepared in our area, to help the us sweep the track there. gold medal, and silver medal, and bronze. >> also we need your opinion of this one, how about this? real life spiderman. this guy, oh, tries to impress a girl. from the movie spiderman. and he does a stunt, like right out of the movie, but it did not work out so well. >> no hollywood ending on that one. >> staying young, courtney cox is opening up about her fight against aging. what she regrets doing, and also, her new motto on getting older. >> i really like that one, she is such a natural beauty. we'll discuss what it is, i adopted my own self. i like that. >> i want to start working on it, too. all right. let's get back to facebook likes, we want to make sure we get to 700,000. all started yesterday, when we were talking about line lochte, how he lost his endorsements, one hair removal. i was trying to why is it called gentle? it hair removal is never gentle. you remember this clip from the 40 year old virgin. >> ahh, kelly clarkson! ahh. oh, oh, oh. >> it is pretty painful. have you been waxed before, karen? >> i have. i have not done it recently. i used to do part of my, ahem girl parts. >> oh, ya. >> you know what? i would say up in new york city, it is very common for women to go in, i even had people talk me into getting my arms waxed right before my wedding. when you are getting married people can convince to you do anything. oh, too shiny. anyway i got those waxed. >> did you like it? do you still -- >> did it one time. >> all right. well, i also, i go to get waxed so it will be interesting to see mike and semen go through what we go through. you know what i mean? his legs are not that cute. we don't get to see them that often, luckily hidden by pant. but here they are. when he takes off his pants, make sure, because i believe this is going to happen, we'll have 700,000, make sure to notice around the bottom of his calves before his ankles, there is no hair there, no hair. so this will be good for jena, i guess worn socks for so many years, yes, so you will it to see. trust me you want to stick around for this. however would you go to impress a date? would you get waxed before go on a date? one pennsylvania man, he didn't get waxed but maybe was trying too hard t landed him in the hospital. >> the university of pittsburgh, one of the student takes his date to rooftop. you can see, he wound up on stretcher. so they're up there, romantic, in the sun setting, on the rooftop, like i'm an impress err, like right out of a movie from one rooftop to another. like all of those superheros. but he didn't stick the lan g. he gets stuck. wedged, stuck for long time. really embarrassing. spent more than three hours trying to free him. had to go through brick wall to get him out. so embarrassing. he hurt his ankle, no word on whether he faces any charges or even if he'll get that second date. >> oh, my gosh. now, would you go on second date with him, karen? >> no, it is so embarrassing. it is like in a category of trying wawrinka way too hard. >> i mean, ya, kind of be like freaking out little bit. but second date, man, tried to impress you. at least give him pitty date or something to make sure he's good. hole, mike. >> camera again? >> did you. >> i see you've been changed for the occasion. >> i've been warned. >> we reached 700,000? yes! oh, we're passed 700,000, 700,072. thank you. >> we have the best viewers. thank you everybody. >> you just made my day. >> come here. >> what? >> i want you to meet this person. >> don't blame me, guys. okay? this is not my idea. i'm enjoying it, but not my idea. common. this is kit cat kline ladies and gentlemen. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. >> i'm going to enjoy every second of watching this. >> who was the idea behind this? where did you come up with the identify me? >> because you and hollow were talking on the show. >> do we have that clip, meg snap. >> you guys were talking about ryan lochte. and how he lost some of his sponsorships and i forget the one name -- >> gentle hair removal. >> and then alex asked you, have you ever gotten waxed before? and you said no. so i thought this would be a great -- >> you said yes but you said it was lick a small thing, like a long time ago, and you never did it? >> i did hair wax off my hand. that was it. >> but the real reason is that it is kind of basically turn about, that mike inflict so much pain on us on daily basis and to poor, revel in watching him. >> that's what i like, gentle hair removal. >> that's what would you like? >> in certain areas. >> oh, my gosh. i saw that movie 40 year old virgin. right. kelly clarkson! >> had you ever wax in the. >> only, only for tv segment. >> it is ridiculous. >> did you react that way? >> pretty much. you saw what happened at my pedicure. don't be removing hair that way. >> all right. so, jena is getting ready, the name of her salon is heads and tails. >> in rittenhouse. rittenhouse square. >> i know that place, did i story over thereon women, whole business, whole business of women where they have wet hair. and they blow out their hair. >> why didn't i think of that? all you need is a hair dryer, a chair? >> it sound like you're delaying. delay, delay, excuse, excuse. other stories, come on over. let's go now. >> hold on, karen. she has to get set up. >> no, no, she said she is red. >> i she is ready. >> okay. >> trying delay this. but that's tv. that's tv stuff. >> we can still try, we should drag this out little bit. >> oh, let's get started. here we go. what do i do, jena? >> your head will be here, face down. >> of course not. lay on your back. >> so what we will do, megan do you have a picture of me in the shorts? did you show that? >> no, we have not. >> let's put this up. this is what i am looking for, but i have to do it. oh. this guy had very harry legs, welshing he waxed from his those down to his feet. so it look like he has shorts made out of hair. can you duplicate that on me? >> roll these suckers up. back in the day when i was growing up in kansas, we were shorts so tight that when you put change into your pocket it, rubbed away all of the hair. did you ever see anything like that, jennifer. >> all the time actually. >> see it all the time? >> sock lines. >> when you weren't here mikey warned people about that. i toll them to make sure to look for your sock loins. >> sock loins. >> and hike cents those shorts up, so nice. >> that's something. >> you can relax. (laughing). >> i'm definitely getting this on snap chat. that's for sure. >> are you nervous? >> alec, no. yes, i don't want to do it. >> i saw that stupid movie 40 year old virgin. >> shoes on? don't want to get comfortable? >> don't be mad at me. do you have give the people what they want. >> hi, jena. >> mike, do you want me for like support? do you want me to hold your hand? >> oh, my gosh. >> mike, i want you to find a zen place in your mind. >> i'm not going it lie. it is painful. >> setting him up. >> can we get a chair? >> deep breath. >> like you're having a baby or something? >> all right. so, clear lip, a set up. >> oh, no. >> okay. here we go. >> do we have a camera behind here? can you even see what's going on? common around, bring your camera around. >> do you see the cable man, just staring at jena? >> jena, let us know the moment -- >> you won't be able to miss it. >> okay. >> here we go. mike? >> what? >> is it happening now? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. >> ahh. >> are you okay? >> oh, oh, it is happening oh. oh. >> oh, my gosh. we have to make it quick, right? >> that's what he said. >> oh. >> sweet mother of pearl. >> oh, mommy. >> mike? >> good job, good job. >> are you okay? how are you feeling? are you all right? >> i'm fine. >> are you okay? >> fine, fine. >> row load? >> reload? >> i mean, there is a lot of hair left. you did say bermuda short, mike. >> i have a whole lot of leg. i got a whole lot of leg. >> oh. >> where did jena go? >> she is here. oh, she's still here. >> not going to get rid of me. >> oh, hurt. oh, stop. >> mike, we know we love you. do you know we love you? >> ya. >> and you did agree to do this. i just want remind you? >> the hire we go on facebook likes, the hire the leg? >> we can do full leg. >> oh, my gosh. oh, that's a lot of leg, man. she is doing a lot of leg. >> all right, like i said. here we go. >> don't look. don't look. >> ouch. >> do you hear the ripping off? >> yes, i do. alec hole. >> i why are you saying my name? >> yeah. >> look, his hands are like white. >> now you look like a biker, with the shaved legs, and obviously swimmers. >> mike, is it easier now couple of rips? >> no. >> no? >> oh. >> i can't feel my hand any more. >> my gosh. >> oh. >> look at that. >> pretty. >> that's good. >> not since birth. have they been that smooth. >> oh, my god. >> do ladies do this every day, every week. >> no, like once a month, depend on how fast your hair gross, your hair pattern. she would know more than me. >> four to six weeks, if you do it in that time frame, you save yourself a lot of trouble in the longrun. >> why is this going to hurt because it is on the shin? >> how would you know? kit can kline how do you know? >> the inside. >> she knows when it will hurt more. >> kit cat kline. >> oh, mike. >> oh, king of prussia. >> oh, that one, good one. >> yikes. >> mike, do you still need me? >> okay. >> okay. >> i can't. >> we'll continue on with the show, we'll get the other leg done. >> because i can't, i feel bad. >> oh, the knee hurt. oh,. >> all right, mike, maybe take a little break? we ' do some more, talk about women that like men? >> go, go, go. >> you can join us, you can take a break. >> you know? >> hey way -- halfway down the first leg. >> go, go. >> all right. we will. >> (laughing, are. >> oh, my gosh. doing leg lift? >> it is like swimmers back in the day. >> synchronized swimming? >> yes, that's what i say. and up, one, two, three, up, one, two, three. esther williams. >> that's it. >> oh, my gosh. >> no! >> talking about doing something to impress a date, or first date. here's a tip foremen, who want to smell good. women, we love a man who smells good. it is all about what they eat. yes. >> so. eat more fruits and veggies, apparently that's the key, fellows, if you want to smell good. research finds women think men smell better when they eat a diet heavy on the fruits and veggies. guys, who eat low carb diet, a full fruit i sweet and also like medicinal sweat. women prefer that according to popular science. and that's for guys who eat a lot of carbs we give off less pleasant body odor. mike, what's your die net what do you normally eat? >> i eat nothing but blueberries and drink pineapple juice. >> you agree? no one would ever believe you. but i do have to say, mike and i, he loves drinking pine al he will juice. >> oh,. >> so one time we were out, when he was doing a cleanse. and he said oh, no, i just want to make sure everything is right here. and this is mike, look at this picture of mike, eating his fruits and veggies. don't know how happy you were. >> oh, jena. seriously. up around the knee hurts. >> i know. >> oh, gosh. >> i can't wait until he they get to the inner thigh. it will be so painful up there. >> no, not doing inner thigh. >> now that i mention it, i think inner thigh is okay. >> mike? you wanted to do this, you wanted some shorts. >> you want her to keep going? >> you haven't even gotten to the back of my leg yet? >> no. there is still a lot more to go. yes. >> so mike has been eating a lot of vegtables, pineapple juice. the other thing i was at a party, sunday, had rooftop party, and when i walk in they gave us little things of like pine al epps -- pineapple, welcome drink in it. and i just want to apologize, picture of me and my friend, don't think i cropped you out, because you can't crop people, but editors cropped her. i would never crop you, carla. so we are drinking pineapple juice. now you know what? i see what they were doing, they wanted people to mingle, think that you're going to smell good. they gave everybody pineapples. >> alex? >> yes, mike? >> every guy watching knows about the pineapple juice? >> do they? oh, okay. >> is it a fertility thing? >> let's just move on. >> i might have to explain it later, karen. >> karen? >> all right. hey, alec, do you know, i took a tour of old city one time, and you ever see pineapples, made out of i guess metal, above people's doors? >> yes. >> you know with a we talk about this welcome gifts. >> yes, somebody buys a new house, house warming gift is like a sculpture of opine apple. it means welcome. >> maybe you guys will get me opine apple? >> for good luck. >> trying to think of something different. maybe, mike, just trying to welcome us to the party. >> probably what it was. >> exactly, me? >> coconuts, too. >> yes? >> i think -- the one up on 17th or whatever? >> walnut st. >> thank you. they do this amazing drink that's in a coconut. ya, it is worth it. >> well, national waffle day. celebrating with watches. and outside all morning, celebrating with us, and bonn kelly is out there now, bob kelly is out there now eating some watches. hey, bob? >> ouch. >> when the waffle truck pulls up in front of the station here, look at this, be foolish not to celebrate waffle day here out front of our station, with me, is robin, from the foolish waffle truck, all waffles all the time. is that right? >> all day every day. >> now, go from different spots to spot here every day? >> we do. we move around, every saturday we're in chestnut hill at farmers market there. and then we move around love park, maybe yard. >> and how do we know where you are? >> on our calendar. >> all right, enough talking, let's eat. what's this one on the end? >> our famous fried chicken and waffles. butter milk fried chicken, chilly honey glaze, pickle, some cabbage and some burbon pickles pal mean yo. >> what's this? >> sweet and salty, salted carmel, black pepper bacon topping, with cream, and some satisfy salt. >> i will call this on the stack and pact. what this one smear. >> our waffles the base of our sweet and salt. >> i then this one here? >> this is our roasted blue berry peach crisp. it is on a buffalo waffle. it has locally roasted blueberries, peaches, some salsa carmel whip cream and our oatmeal crisp. >> delicious. you definitely won the wendy waffle cup here, we will take some waffles back into mike. he will need more than waffles i think to get through this next segment. guys, back to you. >> you're so right, bob. i think we need to apologize to mike, mike, someone just tweeted me, and they said, her name sin thee arc mike, do you have take advil 30 minute in advance. didn't your girls hook you up? >> well, nobody said that. >> i didn't even know that. >> i've never done that. >> jena, thanks for the tip. >> well, it is too late now. ladies, maybe he can take it after? >> last eastbound snow. >> real quick birthday shout out to a daughter. nine years old, her name is klaia. happy birthday. >> happy nine year birthday. >> 9:20. please join us this friday for some fun at our school supply drive. it will be -- >> ouch. >> clementon park splash world clementon new jersey. >> ahh. >> you get 15-dollar admission into the park, even a chance -- >> hey. >> will be there live all morning, again, that's this friday, eight to 10:00 a.m. >> look how sexy mike's legs are looking. >> how about the secret to staying young? is it about waxing? is it about botox? courtney cox opening up about her fight against aging. and things regret doing. >> new motto on getting older. >> poor mike? >> he dear serves it. iso let me tell you what i knowe about senator pat toomey.. my mom was the principal at sandy hook school in newtown. she died that day protecting the young children in her care. when it came time to vote on background checks, pat toomey crossed party lines to do the right thing. that's who he is, and i'm grateful. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. this is the tough part here, the knee. >> you all right, mike? >> i don't like the knee. >> always a tough part, isn't there? >> yes. >> that's what makes it sweeter, little pain, for the gain? >> karen? >> i'm really enjoying this, mike. he thought he could get away with one tiny patch. we're going all in. you de is her of it -- you deserve it, not just a tiny bit. the real deal. >> are you okay? >> ya. >> do you need some water or anything? >> no, i'm fine. >> love you. >> pineapple juice. >> thank you for everyone for clueing me in, and i learned something new to do. >> seriously, jena, stop it. >> courtney cox said she is done fighting, father time. father time. >> because i love the cast of friend, all just natural beauties, then as you get older specially 40's, in cougar town, she did, and she is open about it, a lot of cosmetic things, you can see, almost like she has some filner her cheeks, whatever those things, just beautiful woman. so she is 52 now. we new her, rose to fame from the ten years she was on friend, but she says i regret doing it. i wouldn't put all of those collagens and fill nears my face, she said luckily they all dissolved. and she has got new project right now, so, she says at this point she has whole new motto, listen to what she has to say. >> i have learned lessons, you know, i think i was trying to keep up with getting older, trying to change. the more you relax into it, the less i try. because sometimes i'm just trying, then you look at a picture of yourself and you go, oh, gosh. >> yes. >> i look horrible. you know, i had done things that i, you know, regret and luckily things that dissolve and go away. so that's good. because not my best look for now, i just have a new motto, just be me. >> ouch. >> just let it be. >> i like it, so encouraging. >> ya, behind -- >> it is encouraging, because, i mean, that's the way life goes, embrace all of the as peck of life. >> you want it fight it, but lock how bad it looks, megaron with the puffed up lips, and the desperate housewives, huge lips, all every these fish faces, so i think it is better sometimes you age as well as you can. >> yep. just let it happen. >> hey, putting calm oil on me now. >> do you feel calm? >> no. >> does that feel better though? >> it means you're done. >> feels a lot better. >> are you done, smoke. >> no, we have to do the back side, so to speak. >> so now you have to flip over? >> no, the back of my leg. >> ahh. >> could you do that too. >> all right, well, we get to 800,000 likes. >> oh, stop it. >> kevin here, celebrity judge on the new season of master chef, outside right now, a master chef spin on -- you know what? i think he is cooking up rabbit. >> rabbit? >> rabbit. hop on over. >> yikes. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] and as of now, i'd have to say no. but how did we end up here? his mom thought he had the flu and that he was covered by the meningococcal meningitis vaccine he had received. until 2014 there were no vaccines for meningitis b in the u.s. now there are. while uncommon, meningitis b can lead to death within 24 hours. trumenba is a vaccine for 10 through 25 year olds to help prevent group b meningococcal disease. trumenba should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. most common side effects were injection-site pain, fatigue... headache, muscle pain, and chills. ask your doctor or pharmacist about all the risks and benefits of trumenba and tell them if you've received any other meningitis b vaccines. meningitis b can be spread by typical sharing like... a drink... a spoon... a kiss. it all started here... it might have been prevented with trumenba. ask your doctor or pharmacist about trumenba. kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. well, we're taking a look at temple move in day as students are getting ready to go to school packing up the dorm rooms at temple university. that is what is going on, pretty much all day. >> yes, they have to move that stuff in. >> one of of our favorite friend kevin sraga back on master chef. lets take a look at a clip, right now. >> half of you will be made safe. the other four will be edging closer toe limb nation. closer to. >> the next battle. from the battle at each station, a half of you will be made safe, the other two will be staringe limb nation in the face. >> kevin is making a very special dish for us right now. what are you making and why. >> we will make a rabbit if the chin i, one of my favorite, i love pasta, however if you do not like rabbit or scared of it, you can just do chicken. >> alex is scared of the rabbit. >> but luckily, karen is not the. >> that is right. >> absolutely. >> they eat rabbit all the time in the south. so, it is right there. >> what do we start with. >> a little bit of olive oil. we have a nice hot pan. we have a condiment. we will get that hot in there. just like that. >> so you just chop that up and mix it. what else is in there. >> we have lemon peel, a little bit of jalapeno because i like heat, shalllet and fennell, and we have rabbit that has been cook off. you can roast it. you can braced it, this one has a little bit of chicken stock and you can use chicken if not rabbit. so do not be scared. >> and, i had neighbors who were jamaican and they would raise rabbits and they gave me one and i grilled it. it was fabulous. >> you grilled it. >> yes. >> did you have a name for it. >> it was just for food. >> okay. >> we have sweet 100 tomatoes. those are really good. >> yes. >> amazing. >> a little bit of rabbit stock or chicken stock like that. and making it soft. a little bit of butter. >> a little bit and just like throw it on in there. >> yes, just a little bit. >> now we will add some pasta. i have already cooked that off. we homemade this at sbraga restaurant. >> help you you cook that you have have that in and out of the water in two minutes. >> when it is fresh like that it is only about two minutes. >> someone who has never had rabbit, does it taste like chicken or how would you describe it. >> it tastes different then chicken. it is more gameier but if i told you it was chicken would you never know but i wouldn't do that. one of my favorites we have romano cheese, we will add that in. >> yes. >> and it will add a saltiness to it as well. >> all right. let's figure it out. >> yes. >> i think, that the rabbit is really lean. >> it is very, very lean. >> cheese on top. >> and that is it, simple. >> there you go, i think you got the this, karen. >> it is delicious meal. thank you you. >> it is better than chicken? we will get to mike. he is screaming again because we are doing the back of his legs. >> i saw that. >> you can hear him out here. >> mike, are you okay. >> sbraga, kevin sbraga, manayunk. ♪ what's that?! a bird? no, it's gus, the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania! have no fear, wonder gus is here! wonder bucks! whaaa... wonder bucks, the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300 grand! one can dream. you can say that again. (giggles) keep on scratchin'! yes, look at that. >> yes. >> okay. >> mike will be vogueing real soon with those legs. >> look at how red they are. >> they are real red i'm not vogueing anywhere. >> oh, man. >> it will get better, it is red in the beginning and it gets better. >> is that true. >> yes, it is true. >> alex, do you get this done, do you wax your legs. >> yes, so 9:39. it is almost that time, time for students to head back to school and some students already in school, so one fourth grade teacher has come up with a creative way to say hi, you might not be thrilled. >> hello. >> ♪ i'm from chicago i love being a teacher and dress to impress but i still rock sneakers. it is my first year teacher so it is all real exciting, ask my kids i really like to try them like making to remember what you hear, we will be learning so much like the end of the year. tell my friend and my peers... >> i love this guy. he is dwayne reid. he wrote this to welcome back his students. >> look at that, okay. >> trying to connect to the students. >> yes. >> it is like the store. >> dwayne reid. >> there is a chain of like cvs's. >> yes. >> okay. >> and isn't that funny. that is what i thought of too. >> that is funny. >> so, it is all about the the first day of school, and one back to school photo just how different kid can be when it comes to how they feel about school. >> there is the daughter, all excited standing straight and tall with her backpack, big smile. and then on the floor in the background, the son, yeah, curled up in the fetal position. i don't want summer to even. >> so cute. so, i think it was pretty exciting. you are nervous. exited to meet new year, meet new friend, show off if you got new clothes. >> new backpack, new school supplies. and in the first time we had homework that is help i was like, no, no, no it is already over. >> especially in the first day of school. >> yes. >> mike, are you okay. >> the last segment was a little wax. >> the exact word is what is wrong with you. >> we want to see bermuda shorts. >> we're doing shorts. we do do speedo. >> no. >> we don't want to go that high up. >> are you sure. >> we want to keep people watching. >> behind the knee is the worst. >> maybe this is good you you are getting this done so when you see our olympian in the studio. hi nia, good to see you girl. nia is here. so she has been training in our area. she's from our area. she went to rio. girl, you did your thing. >> wow. >> look at her. >> and she has a silver medal. >> hi there. >> we will talk to them when we come back. >> look at the that medal. >> u.s.a. and sniffers, all giant produce is triple checked. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. everything naand it doesn't take is so wholesothe whole paycheck. giant's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. my giant. okay. well, 9:44. mike, so mike are you okay. >> what are you confused about. >> oh, we have nia ali here. >> hi, nia. thanks for coming in. sorry, i was than the up to meet you. >> congratulations. >> good to see you. >> we will be back over to finish up. hi titus. >> adorable. >> look you got a smile. >> look at that. >> hi, nia so nice to meet you you. >> nice to meet you. >> you have been home for how long. >> twenty-four hours. >> forty-eight hours maybe. >> how does it feel to be back home. >> so good. >> i mean i didn't expect, i don't know what i expect, there was just so huge and even when i get in uber they are like silver medalist. >> well, did we set up what she has done and why she is here. >> no i'm just excited she was here. >> basically you went to rio you won the silver medal. you are part of the big u.s.a. sweep. here's the picture. >> you are excited. >> my goodness. >> so clean sweep for the americans. >> yes. >> mommy. >> yes, mommy, yes. >> and so in the middle is gold medalist brianna rollins and to the lefties bronze medalist christie kaplan and we have been coined the triple threat. >> yes. >> of course, because, that was a huge deal. >> history. >> you made history. >> yes. >> how long have you been dreaming of this. >> i mean, i could not have dreamed for history, like i honestly had no idea what we were in for but just to go to the olympics it has always been a dream. it was so huge when i made the team, it took so long for me to be able to process that and realize like what i actually did and i had to come down and kind of like, get ready for. >> lets go back to the beginning. >> yes. >> when did you start running? when did you know you were fast. >> i knew i was fast when i was a kid. >> like three or four. >> six years old. >> six years old. >> were you always racing and everything. >> yes. >> no, titus, no titus. >> yes,. >> exactly. >> you can put him in track. >> here you go. >> whatever he decides to do. >> yes. mommy does so well it has got to be in his jeans. >> whatever titus decides to do. >> is he running yet. >> he is running. >> oh, yeah. >> go, go. >> so, you know, did you know at 6:00 like hey i'm good at this. look at you, you are so cute. i will win some medals. >> i was just like i want to win everything. i didn't care, guy or girl whoever i was like oh, i want to win. >> go ahead. >> how old was i? i don't know. i think maybe three. >> three. >> maybe. >> so would you go to all of the guys neighborhood like i will race you. >> no, other people would run from me like she can beat you. they would be like race. i'm like okay good would you smoke them in the end. >> yes good give me five girl. >> so where did you go to elementary. >> i went to northwest. >> middle school. >> well, northwest. >> and high school. >> west catholic and then to pleasantville. >> west catholic. >> yes. >> i love it. >> transferred to where. >> pleasantville, new jersey, my senior year. >> have you heard from everybody. >> i have heard from teachers. it has been great. i mean to see that so many people were watching, and i'm like so happy i did well because i'm like my gosh. we crossed the finish line how many people were watching you. you have been doing this since were you six. who is this. >> this had to be what high school. >> yeah. >> this is at west catholic high school. it might have been junior year. >> you are a professional. my goodness. were you still nervous when you got in the block there before the gun went off before the race. >> before the finally was super nervous because girl and i prayed about doing our part. i just wanted to pull my weight so we can sweep this thing. >> the plan was to always sweep. >> the plan was to go for gold. >> all three of us. >> yes, we were like, you know, everyone wants to win gold so if we all shoot for gold, so the best outcome after this that is one, two, three. >> excuse me with the microphone. >> it is real interesting because i'm not going to lie we were stalking your instagram page. you were posting about your journey. when it comes to the olympics you always talk about so great you are here and we talk about the journey that it takes. you posted this photo. you said you guys don't see how we work, you don't see blood, sweat, tears but it is real. real supporters, real haters, real doubts, real pain, real glory, everything about the process is real. tell us about the process. >> the process is grueling. you go through ups, downs, when you are training from let's say august, for me because i had, titus in may. so, you know, may 2015 i had titus. i had to get right back and kind of start grinding early, and feeling out my body to see how it would operate for me differently then before. it has been a definite journey with that and just training so long without competition sometimes it is a mental head game and you will not always feel like you are the best. sometimes you will not feel like you can do it. >> yes. >> yes. >> that is what it was. >> here's the thing when you were pregnant with titus did they say this will be rough to come back from this. >> a lot of parents, like a lot of mothers say it is going to be tough, hard and i'm just like i will change that. i think i will change that outlook. >> yes. >> that is what i'm hoping to do. that is a message i want to send. i was able to do it and able to come back and come out with the silver and i feel like i want to be able to do it. >> we have seen a picture you brought titus along the way. >> difficult. >> how exciting was it to have titus there in brazil. >> that is titus thing, i got to to it for him. i have to get that victory lap going so he can shine because everybody is like we just want to see titus. >> that is the thing, i fell in love with titus. i love he was there for the interviews. and silver medal is second because i was just thinking titus went all the way to brazil. he stole america's heart. i think titus should get a medal of his own. it is a silver good day medal. >> do you like that. >> yes. >> do you want to put it on. >> there we go. >> wait, wait for the camera, titus. >> wait. >> you are just like mommy. >> let's compare these two. >> my gosh. >> there you go. >> well, it is thought that counts. >> it is nice. >> say thank you. >> thank you. >> i love it. >> where are you going to put it. >> we have a nice case that it goes in so i don't know. >> hold on now. >> so are you done now? are you going to try for another olympics. >> well, for 2020 we have world championships every other year. next year is london definitely going to try out for that and i'll just take it year to year. >> are you going to rest and take sometime off. >> six weeks off. >> where are you going. >> i don't know. >> celebrate, girl. >> yes. >> thank you for coming to our area and congratulations. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. >> listen, nia, i'm a lot lighter now. >> i may be able to take you. >> you might. >> we will see. >> i love it. >> thank you so much. >> 9:52. we are learning more about the feud between meek mill and drake since drake was just here and this is meek right in his hometown. what meek did to make sure drake didn't get too comfortable in philly. for senate, a clear difference. katie mcginty: for background checks, for banning assault weapons, and banning high-capacity ammunition clips. and pat toomey? against an assault weapons ban and against banning high capacity ammo clips like those used in the orlando massacre. listen to pat toomey brag: "i have had a perfect record with the nra." pat toomey gets an "a" from the nra. he's not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. well, it sound like meek mill did not want drake, here on his turf in philadelphia but he feuded for a while. >> yes. >> i know, i know. >> well, we all know that that drake has been trying, single handily to end meek mill's career. and, meek mill took his opportunity while drake was in his city, philly to shut down his club, career. and, so they said that meek mill went to all of the clubs in the city and were like listen drake is in town doing his show but i don't want him to come to any of your clubs. so he basically blocked him on the money side and on the partying side because we although drake will get paid to be at these clubs. so, anyway, drake heard these rumors and what have you and would you think he would be nicer on the stage, there in philly and say nice things to roll role meek mill, he didn't. he got on stage and he dissed meek mill even more. needless to say he didn't get to party at all. >> it is meek's city. we are in philly. >> yes, you are. >> all right, thanks very much. >> we will be watching dish nation. >> okay, mike. >> you said you wanted bermuda short. >> are we done. >> are we done. >> we're done. >> can i feel it. >> touching it. >> wow. >> hey. >> do that again. >> well, well redness go down. >> yes. >> okay, did i get the same look as the dude in the picture. >> yes. >> and then lets look at that. >> he looked like a sendar. >> yes. >> you are not that hairy. >> i think it looks good and feels nice. >> way to be a trooper, mike. thanks for liking our facebook page. >> today. >> thank you. >> have a good day. >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i have to say. with all due respect, my girls are are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chasers. >> announcer: now here's wendy! >> back at you! hi! welcome to our show. thank you so much for watching.

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