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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Sunday 20240609

will: it s the 7 a.m. hour of fox & friends weekend starting with this, four israeli hostages are finally reunited with their families. the intel that led to this daring rescue. rachel: plus, calling in the cabinet, president biden dispatching his top secretaries to help sell legislative achievements in key battleground states. th if president can t wait to hear from them. and spreading salvation. hundreds of believers pack times square to worship jesus. that saved a wretch like me pete: that s amazing grace. that beats the normal times square vibe on a saturday rachel: yeah, what happened to times swear? i m liking this makeover. pete: i know. second hour of fox and friends weekend starts right now. if. turn it up and sing along if. rachel: did you want to guess that? it is tampa, florida. pete: i did. do you know, i ll confess, we have in this fancy new studio, we have fancy new screens that are different from the other studio. see, in tv you have what s happening on your tv x then you have a preview screen, and we get to see it. i was kind of hoping e got an eye of tampa, florida, but then when they showed it, they weren t going to show the identifier, but i would have already seen it, and i could say fam, florida, and you guys would be amazed, but they popped it rachel: the problem is we can all see tampa, florida. pete: well,, i was hoping you didn t catch it. that s all i m saying. [laughter] will: that was your scheme. pete: concocted in one second, but i m confessing right now. will: that s kind of how it works with you. pete: really? will: yeah. you did something wrong, then you confess [laughter] and then we offer forgiveness. pete: if i guess that s a good thing? rachel: it s a good thing you re a christian. pete: oh, man, i immediate that bad with. without grace, i d be with in a bad spot. [laughter] rachel: well, here we are, and we re grateful to all of you who are here with us this morning. will, pete, good morning. will: good morning. pete: thanks for joining us. stay in bed, don t get up and hope it s wonderful, beautiful weather wherever you re at. we start this hour with thousands of anti-israeli protesters descending on the white house upset with the biden administration over its response to the ongoing israel-hamas war. rachel: the destructive demonstrations coming as president biden wraps up his trip in france. will: madeleine rivera joins us now with the details. reporter: hey, guys. president biden is returning to wilmington, delaware, today. by the time he gets back to the white house, remnants of that massive pro-palestinian protest should be gone, but this was the scene on saturday, folks traveling from across the country to the nation s capital calling on president biden to stop sending military aid to israel. finish they wore red clothes and held a red banner around the white house. protesters say it symbolizes president biden s red line on rafah. president biden had said he would stop sending offensive weapons to israel if they carried out a major operation in the city. so far the president says israel hasn t crossed that line. clearly, the demonstrators feel he s compromised though on that pledge. to show their anger, they even vandalized a statue of andrew jackson with paint, making red hasn t prints hand prints suggesting the biden administration has blood on its hands. if as pro-a palestinian protesters showcased their fury, overseas in israel there was elation after four hostages reunited with their families. israeli forces rescued them in a daring operation. now we re learning that the united states reportedly helped with that mission if by providing intelligence on the hostages and if other logistic support. here s the president s reaction to the hostages returning home. i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages that were returned to their families in israel. we won t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen. reporter: the biden administration says it is continuing to support the release of the remaining 120 hostages through negotiations and other means. secretary of state antony blinken is heading back to the middle east tomorrow. will, and rachel. pete: madeleine, thank you. you know, those protests outside the white house are not getting small ifer if if democrats mauler. you feel like the restraints they re outing on israel is only prolonging the conflict which only prolongs their problem because they re not satisfying either constituency of their base, people that support israel, people that a support the palestinians in gaza, that has hamas. rachel: can and poem who aren t on either people who aren t on either side who just want peace mt. region pete: they re not going to get it. will: meanwhile, this rescue success of hostages is straight out of hollywood, straight out of the movies. a little bit earlier we had a former idf spokesperson, and he said to the us off camera, i believe, have you ever seen the israeli television show that you can see on netflix about potential forces running a lot of counterterrorism operations behind enemy lines in gaza, for example. or in the west bank. and he said it s pretty much exactly how this went down, this hostage rescue. this was him talking earlier to pete. what the israeli troops did was go in simultaneous ily, get the hostages out, and the more difficult part became actually the vehicle exfiltration. and this is a very densely populated area, very small alleys, very lots and lots of people around it. and what basically happened was that one of the vehicles got stuck. and when they got stuck, they came urn tremendous fire under tremendous fire, massive machine gunfire, rp if g rockets, it was a really intense situation. and then finally, thanks to an envelope of fire and the if israeli soldiers fighting their way with out, made their way towards the coast where who two helicopters awaited. the first helicopter took noa to safety, and the second helicopter took the other three israeli hostages out. pete: wow with. yeah, he gave a staggering amount of great information. it took great human intelligence and signal intelligence. ultimately, think of finishing auda meets black hawk down. once something had gone wrong and a vehicle was disabled even though they had the hostages, that s when hamas and the gazans swarmed x they couldn t move. and that s when the helicopters came in, the uniform aspect, and the fight got bigger. the volume of fire gets larger the you re going to will: and like those movie scenes, it s indistinguishable, militant versus is civilian when these vehicles get swarmed. everyone, a mob around it. once the israelis are here, disreillies are here is called out, and gunfire registers, it is a mob on the street. and he said to the us that is where most of the deaths on the palestinian side to occurred. at that point they have to call in the cavalry. at that point it s save the lives of the hostages and the operators. rachel: yeah. it was a remarkable rescue. it was not a release as cnn reported. it was a rescue, indeed. i m curious though, pete, i mean, i go to you because i don t know the answer to this, if anyone if on this couch does, it s probably you. what this is like for netanyahu domestically. he was receiving a lot of heat domestically in his own politics in israel because this were people saying focus if more on the hostages, less on the war. finish if is and here he is doing this. how is this all playing out in the domestic politics for net an ya hue pete: that s a good scene for him right there, greeting hostages, especially a high profile female like that. i did ask the colonel, does this mean they have more intelligence on where the hostages are. ful he said, unfortunately, probably not. this is an example where they brought them aboveground in civilian areas which means the ability for some intelligence was available. most of them are underground, not reachable, and as a result trying to do things like that to get all of them back is not the case. the argument from my sense, if most of the israeli public is we want to finish this, let s defeat hamas. the question what happens next. they re being held back in that approach on hamas, and that s, i think, the political consternation bibi would like the finish a lot of people still blame him for the fact that it happened in the first place. rachel: yeah. pete: but the s israeli public are largely united over let s finish hamas and a lot of israeli casualties too. ray there has been. and there has been a pretty vocal contingency saying prioritize the hostages. pete: and netanyahu s view military pressure is what will bring on the opportunity for a hostage exchange, otherwise e it will go on forever. will: meanwhile, to domestic politics, joe biden s been in france this week, the 800th anniversary of d-day 80th also several state meetings with the french president. his cabinet if campaigning across the united states. in fact, his cabinet in charge of raising campaign funds. this is axios. by day, they tout the president s agenda. by night, they help collect checks on his behalf. transportation secretary pete butte judge and commerce if secretary gina if raimondo are particularly active and give donors an inside view of how the biden team s plan to prevent donald trump from returning to the white house. dual jobs. pete: i guess. i mean, they can. it s such a reflection of how weak their candidate is the rachel: right. pete: i mean, he can t do it, so you re going to win it on the back of mayor pete and on the back of gina raimondo, you know, who with whose name idea is about as high as, you know nobody knows who these people are. and so maybe inside democrat circles there s some utility there, but they re not going to raise $33 million the way donald trump is in one event in newport beach. rachel: unless joe biden ends up in jail [laughter] that a seemed to raise a lot of money for donald trump. but i think the reason hay want to put pete buttigieg out there for exactly the reason you say, but they see him as an heir aa parent. he s out there, he s going to be also doing funnel if raisers for joe biden because joe biden can t make all the fundraisers, so he s going to be hop knobbing with all of these big donors if hopefully starting to connect with them because they see him as the heir apparent. what s interesting is hering seeing how the left is divide over joe biden. the left had a very scathing article a blaming joe biden for being stubborn and insisting on running when he knew he was not up for the game. i would say that that was probably a jill biden, jill biden decision. but here s what the atlantic said. they said bind remains a comprehensively weak incumbent weighed down by the same liabilities that burdened him from the start beginning with the largest and completely unfixable one. at a 81. he s just too old to run for president. his bullheaded insistence on doing something no one has ever done along with the unwillingness on inability of democrats to stop him means a potentially disastrous proposition in its ongoing effort to console democrats, biden keeps trotting out its usual barrage of, don t worry, voters haven t tuned in yet. it is now june. is this reassurance or wishful thinking? does biden s team have think if coherent message if about what he hopes to accomplish in a second term apart from thwarting trump and staying alive in. will: and the headline is ruth bader biden. this is, again, libertied in the atlantic. so publishes in the atlantic. you know, ruth bader ginsburg and and her legacy on the left is the stuff of legend now, but those in the know, the fact that she didn t step down when her health was failing actually did the trick for donald trump, for conservatives, for appointing supreme court justices. she could have stepped down under barack obama and allowed him to appoint a supreme court justice. she hung on. rachel: and it s so ironic because she s this pro-abortion advocate on the court, and some people now blame her for why roe v. wade was overturned will: strategically, it s exactly it s not just blame, it s easy math. rachel: right. pete: and you ve heard some calls amongst democrats, i can t remember who the most senior, left-wing justice is on the court, for them to step down so they can appoint if a younger one i don t think that s going to happen. that s where you could make a supreme court appointment of kamala harris will: oh! of her? pete: i m just saying because you can t drop joe and and go to kamala, you take your most senior left-winger on the court, they retire, kamala some people is have suggested. i don t think it s going to happen, but this goes to the point, this is an op-ed from mark leibovitz who s a new york times, d.c. correspondent. he s going to know what the chattering class is saying in washington d.c. this probably reflects the thinking of a lot of people who say this guy s incapability but he s bullheaded, he won t move will: he s either going to the lose, or he wins and then, god forbid, he can t make it through his 4-year term and you have a president kamala harris? his age is a real issue even getting beyond, hey, he physically cannot do this job. president ifth yeah. rachel: i think what all of this tells me as i kind of put all the pieces together is barack obama wanted joe biden in place for the last election, and he got him. and then they want do at one point they realized they wanted him off the stage, and they put a lot of pressure on him to do that through leaks, through newspaper articles and these types of things. and i think jill biden, i mean, look at her in france. she is so thirsty for this role. she loves it. i mean, she went to hunter s trial and then she flew back on the american dime because she could not miss that state dinner. she loves this. she is in that place, and she said we are not leaving the white house. i firmly believe that that s what happened, and i think they re in a pickle because they re the ones that originally picked this old guy running from the basement pete: now he s saying i ain t going anywhere. rachel: and you have the problems you talked about with kamala and everything else. pete: one of the guys that s been in the discussion is gavin newsom potentially, but he s said time and time again, a i m not running, but if he did, have to deal with the type of things he s done in his own state which is hiking up the minimum wage which in the restaurant industry, you know what the real minimum wage is when you increase the-in if mum wage? zero dollars because people lose their jobs is and businesses go out of business. so how many this is the number , you know, what this 10,000 number is. california jobs lost after the bill was signed. so this bill was signed for a $20 minimum wage, and there s now a full-page ad that s been put out in me here yum of the victims memoriam of different restaurant chain or franchises that have left the state will: rubio s, pizza hut, maude s, excalibur pizza, subway, burger king, mcdonald s, cinnabon, all of these chains closing locations in california after the hike in minimum wage. rachel: some of them shutting down altogether in california, some of them leaving restaurants open but moving their a headquarters out so they don t have to face the corporate tax, you know, moving it to another state, the headquarters to another state. here s tom manzo,, the president of california business, of the california business and industrial alliance. he says you can only charge to your point, pete you can only charge so much for a big mac. what business owners are doing is either they re selling, they re not expanding in california, they have expansion plans in different states or going out of business. the biggest lap was going to give the health care workers a minimum if wage of $25 per hour and then he was this budget deficit and then they re, like, we re not sure if the government can afford that. well, wait a minute, you can t afford it, but business owners are supposed to? again, that difference in the way private businesses have to deal with all the regulations and problems out of government. if. pete: you have 10,000 jobs that have left california where they previously were making, what, i don t know, $is 12, $14 an hour, whatever the business could support. their wage goes up to $20, hey, they re happy until they don t have a job at all if businesses flee. rachel: and, by the way, 75 of americans say 75% of americans saying buying fast food is a luxury these days. they can t do it anymore. pete: yeah. remember when i may have even referenced it on the show, and this is not an original thought from he, but just a few years ago it was a $5 foot long at subway and now it s, like $13. you just can t it s, i don t know. will: we re going to turn now to your headlines. alvin bragg agreeing to testify in front of a house judiciary panel after former president trump was found guilty in his new york fraud trial. it comes after committee chair jim jordan demanded bragg and prosecutor matthew coangelo testify this thursday in a letter last month. both prosecutors, however, say they have scheduling conflicts and will testify at a later, agreed upon date. the nypd is cracking down on reckless and unregistered moped drivers in the new york city. officers carrying out a joint moped operation in which they seized 39 illegal mopeds and motorcycles. the move comes just a few days after two nypd officers were hurt in a shootout with with a robbery suspect who had taken off on a moped after he was recognized by police. and spring football, the birmingham stallions are heading to the ufl championship game after a huge second half comeback to beat the michigan panthers 31-18. martinez [cheers and applause] running back, parsons. headed for the pie louis vuitton, touchdown! will: tonight on fox at 7, the winners winner goes on to face the stallions in the ufl championship game, and those are are your headlines. pete: there you go. texas coming for wall street. how the new stock exchange could challenge new york s status as america s financial capital. when the bones are good, the rest don t matter. if yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter if. if let it rain cuz you and i remain the same if (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. 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(fisher investments) at fisher investments, we re clearly different. sure, i m a paid actor, and this is not a real company, but there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. search talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills you may not have in house. more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now. i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well jardiance! it s a little pill with a big story to tell i take once-daily jardiance at each day s start! as time went on it was easy to see i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! i don t want you to move. i m gonna miss you so much. you realize we ll have internet waiting for us at the new place, right? 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you know, it s amazing. anytime you see people coming together ask pointing to hope, the thing about this anthem of grace is it s for everybody, right? if god invites all ofs us. i it would people last night, i said, jesus is the only one who welcomes everyone, right in rich and poor if, sinner sinner and saint, people who have clothes on and don t have clothes on which also happens in times square. it s an amazing thing to lift up his name and point people to the hope that jesus offers. pete: if your ministry s primarily in minnesota, in minneapolis, so why times square, and how did it come about? yeah. so we ve been training up evangelists across the country, pulse 1000 pulse 3900, we had 20 of them in new york city, and the leaders of new york invited us to partner with this jesus weekers which is a chabra ative effort, but this is a movement of seeing the gospel go forward and inviting believer withs around world to join us on amazing grace and to share their story of amazing grays because we can t keep this to ourselves. everybody s loud about everything [laughter] let s be loud about jesus. rachel: i love it. will: rachel asks you what was the energy like, and you pointed out how many churches joined you, but i also imagine people just walking through new york had to have stumbled upon something they considered to be pretty special. you know, we were going throughout times square is and throughout new york just talking to people p inciting people to sing the song with us inviting people to sing the song with us, and you would see people walking, 20,000 people every hour passing through times square. this event on opinion for, like, five hours. you re talking 100,000 people being impacted and exposed by the hope and message of jesus as the church which jesus said you re the light of the world. and so the light are isn t made to just be hidden in building, right? we want to go to the street corner. people stopping by, people joining the song. some people that haven t sung that song since they were a kid. i met one guy yesterday named luis. and he said, man, i grew up in the church, i ve gotten far away from god, and if i m just sitting there with him in times square, he s praying and giving his life to jesus while he s sitting there having a smoke, has his drink in his pocket, i don t know if god can still love me. and i m telling him, no, he s always giving us a second chanceful we re one prayer away. rachel: and if you re paying attention, there is revival going on in the country. we talked yesterday about russell brand. he said we actually had a clip of him. he said it s that we re losing trust this everything else. it s sort of like the silver lining in all the bad with things that are happening, all the a lies that are being expose pd, that somehow the truth rises. have you thought about why this revival is happening? you know, i think the last few years, i think everything we ve put our hope in has kind of shown that it doesn t work, right? so if you put your nope if politics, leaders come, leaders go, most leaders let us down. if you put your hope in the economy, how does that go for you, right? if you had your hope in your health, even that was rattled for people. rachel: or big tech. all of it. and i think what s happening is people are realizing that there s nothing that satisfies. and at the end of the day, you have to come back to this reality of, like, i was made for more. and i believe that this is the greatest opportunity in our lifetime. i tell people all the time if you re in the life business, business is good right now. [laughter] you ve got to shine your light, you ve got to point to jesus because the hope, this is the one hope that never returns void. pete: pass, to it s a wonderful message. if poke folks want to get involved, is there a web site? yeah, as well as anthem of grace. just search for it, join this campaign. we ve had people from over a hundred countries join already are, tens of millions of households. this is a global movement if around jesus. rachel: come back to new york. we love it. pete: you re welcome anytime. thanks, guys. rachel: all right. it s the tale of two candidates. while trump sounds the alarm over nuclear war, biden calls climate change the only existential threat to humanity. wow. will: florida congressman michael waltz sounds off next. losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. introducing, ned s plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don t use otezla if you re allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. if. we work together on issues critical to peace and stability like food security and counterterrorism. and the existential threat of climate change which is growing greater. we re working together to accelerate the global transition to net zero. it is the existential threat to humanity among the only existential threat to humanity including nuclear weapons, because if we do nothing on climate change. pete: what? joe biden telling the world that climate change is the only existential threat to humanity as donald trump says the real threat has nothing to do with global warming. we re at the most dangerous point in the history of our country payoff the power of weaponry, nuclear weapons in particular. it s very bad, very scary. and i will tell you, we have a chance of going into world war iii because of our leader. he talked the other night if about, that nuclear doesn t matter so much. what matters is, think of this, global warming. the only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming. pete: former green beret commander congressman michael waltz sits on the foreign affairs and armed services committees, and he joins us now. we got a chance to see your jump, super cool. now we get your thoughts on this. the only exist ten threat we re fay facing is climate change. what say you? well, pete, i mean, that s just ridiculous on the face of it, and this is why we re calling this the common sense election. i think anybody with common sense recognizes that may very well be a long-term concern. and, by the way, president trump absolutely cared about the environment. he entered into the trillion trees initiative, a global initiative for reforestation and conservation. he did a number of things new the epa to make us have the cleanest what water, cleanest air in world history and trending in the right direction. meanwhile, china trending in exactly the wrong direction, opening a nuclear excuse me, a coal-fired power plant are, coal, russian coal typically, in china one per week. but let s take a ten back, look at the nuclear threat that we are facing right now. you ve not to putin and his nuclear saber rattling, iran marching towards a nuke led by a religious fanatic in the ayatollah. the biden administration is doing nothing about north korea as he builds multiple nukes now and tests icbms. and we can keep going. and i don t think people fully realize that a regional nuclear exchange could literally devastate the world. india and pakistan, iran and one of its neighbors, north korea, south korea. even though it would be limited, the environmental effects and the atmospheric effects would be devastating. so president trump once again is absolutely right. he was focused on it his first term, and he will be focused on it his second term, i have no doubt. pete: the problem is those kinds of priorities make their way into institutions that s right. pete: thed are asked that climate change is an existential threat has made it to the pentagon, so they re trying to make electric tanks and humvees so they can save the world there if climate change instead of being able to take on, i don t know, peer add very adversaries adversaries. you re absolutely right. i sat in testimony as biden s secretary of the army, i mean, people say this electric tank thing is a joke? it is not. her top goal for the united states army isn t to be the most lethal, the most feared, it s to be carbon neutral by 2030. and then that leads to her putting bases this is biden s secretary of the army putting our bases on chinese-made solar power, putting research and development funds into electric tanks. mine, this is they are i mean, they are very serious, and it is scary. [laughter] absolutely what is happening as a result of the commander in chief saying this is the number one threat. pete: colonel, you laid are it out really well, you laid down the numbers. here s a clip from representative michael waltz talking about the status of our military. watch this. going forward, from a readinesses standpoint we ve never been in a worse position. only 29% of our most p advanced fighter, the joint strike fighter, only 29% are full mission if capable at this point. 40% of our submarines, our biggest advantage is, can t get out of the shipyards. the marines are about to go over a year without any of their big amphibious ships because they re all broken. so these bad policies after bad policies over the years, i fear you re going to see what we have today which is deterrence crumbling around the world. pete: and while we re focus ifing on climate change, that s exactly what we ve seen, deterrence crumbling. hey, pete, i was just in normandy walking the hallowed grounds, the infantry that stormed the beaches of omaha, the 82nd airborne where we reenacted their jump, they weren t worried about all of that nonsense. they were worried about defeating the germans and having the training, the men and women, the material that they needed and a commander in chief that knew how to use em. and you can have the most capable military in the world, but if our enemies don t respect the commander in chief as they don t respect this one with, i tell you what, hay feared president trump x that s why you didn t see any wars on his watch. pete: no doubt. michael waltz, thank you for all of your amazing work. by the way, for being in that internal, but when i started writing the book, the war on warrior yours, one of the first phone calls i made was to mike waltz i m so glad you wrote that book, pete. pete: i appreciate it. i m grateful. you fight for those warriors every day. thanks for being on the program today, colonel. you got itmenting one of the best. let s turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: it feels so good up here right now. we ve got some rain coming into the northeast, and if you re down across florida, it is hot. show you what i m talking about, really hot temperatures. really going to be a big problem for us. florida again today, in towards tomorrow, a little bit into the day on tuesday. and then we re going to get a little bit of a break. that comes though at the expense of some big rain showers or that are going to be coming in along with that. major danger today for heat-related illnesses, especially across interior sections. and if you are around the orlando area, you re going to want to watch this if you re going to one of the parks. watch this rain that comes in though, starts to come in maybe by tuesday, and by the time we re doing with this, we re going to see some spots 10-15 inches of rain. probably not a tropical storm, but that moisture coming in is going to cause maybe some flooding concerns but drop temperatures down as well. pete, send it to you. pete: thank you, rick. all right, biden dines with the with the stars. amber rose endorses trump, and could a hush-hush real estate deal be the end of bennifer? tom shillue joins rachel for the pop culture round-up. we ll turn the lights on in a moment. 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[laughter] rachel: i don t know. i wouldn t want to have to deal with a $60 million mansion. i don t think they have a good life. i don t think celebrities, i don t think rich people rachel: interesting. well, they say it s money problems that they have different views of money, so some doesn t matter if you re rich or poor, if you don t agree on money, it can be an issue. we ll see, are they going to divorce or not? we ll find out soon. all right. with by the way, catch from the kitchen table. we break down the bennifer developments and money issue, how to deal with money issues in your marriage. so don t forget you can also catch it on fox nation, the 80s on fox nation totally 80s. it s the, like, all 80s on fox nation. rachel: you re hosting. yeah. who can forget 1983 and all the 80s shows, and there s lots of 80s movies rachel: and people are dressed up. those fashions are coming back. rachel: thank you, tom. more fox & friends coming up. -w listen. what you really need in life is some freakin torque. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Sunday 20240609

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when i watched the last week at normandy, she s unbelievable. there is faulkner with her father, tracy simpson and vietnam, it brought tears to my eyes. he takes us was combat veteran in two theaters, is there anybody more decent pete hegseth as last week and others, who got to remind us, you sure are going to find it in the networks or read about it. the new york times and washington post, this is a very special place. i don t have to say this, i want to say this. twenty tomorrow on life, liberty and levin sunday when we have the governor of florida and america s wiseman, see you then. if. [national anthem] [national anthem] if. if. [national anthem] pete: what is that? will: i don t know. it s beautiful though. [laughter] laugh. pete: that s even more beautiful. we ve will so is the tractor. welcome to fox & friends this sunday morning where your pictures bring us into with this day. i hear it all the time, love the national anthem. why don t you with guys play the national anthem? we do. so you might want go back on your, the vr. we always play the national anthem, and we love that you guys love we play the national anthem. pete: i forward every pick i pic if i get forward thed. and every chance we get will: why with didn t you say me? if. pete: well, you don t read your e-mail. will: one of those i put in. pete: which one? if. will: the boat with. 1776 flag pete: was that somebody you knew? will: somebody if i knew. [laughter] rachel: the very first one, that was a lady who e-mailed me, ask i forwarded that. and, you know, i love hydrangeas, so it was a pete: we love your blue dress. and i loved the guy who was holding my book. [laughter] will: we begin with thousands of anti-israel protesters descending on the white house upset with the biden administration if over its response to the i don t think going israel-hamas if war. rachel: the destructive demonstrations coming while president biden continues his trip overseas. pete: chanley painter joins us with the details. reporter: good morning, team. the an estimated 30,000 anti-israel protesters converged upon the white house for hours blasting the biden administration s sport of the 8- months-long war in the gaza strip. take a listen. from the river to the sea from the river to the sea palestine will live forever! down, down, with occupation! reporter: along with the chants, many held signs accusing president biden of being on the wrong side of history as a, quote, genocide joe. some protesters burned american flags and ignited smoke bombs. the mass demonstration was organize9 by organized by answer coalition which unveiled a 32-mile- 2-mile-long banner which they revealed as the symbolic red line. security measures at 16000 pennsylvania avenue were tightened in anticipation of this planned demonstration, but it didn t stop the agitators from defacing nearby statue ises like this one of andrew jackson with phrases free gaza and boycott israel products and, of course, as you said, all of this happening while the president remains in france where he was honored at a state dinner last might with the french president. guys? will: thank you, chanley. i just find this increasingly this is on the day of a hostage rescue in israel. and now people are pointing out how many were killed in that rescue effort. i don t know if the number is 50 or 100, the numbers appropriate to rescue those 4 hostage aings. but in the video that stuck out to me, one lone park ranger was walking around, i believe it was the statue of andrew jackson. it had already been graffitied, there he is. he stands there in defiance, in protection. i just think that video speaks a lot about the current state of america. rachel: yeah. like, we need more park rangers around our statues? [laughter] pete: like we should defend, like this is why we don t have nice things? will: one solid man. pete: totally right. those people should all be a arrested, by the way, you can t just throw stuff at an official. will, you raised a great point. we re going to bring more details to individuals. it was late morning, middle of the day, civilian area and one of the the captors was gotten without any, without a fight, but the other one, the other building was about 100 feet away. the israelis encountered hamas and got in a big fire fight. it took that to get to the the other three to get them to the safety. we ve got some great guests to break down the details of this. israel was saying it s one of the biggest raids they ve ever done, and they did lose a3 2-year-old commander in the process. will: donald trump rallies in las vegas today. he leads that swing state, a day after he was in california, newport beach, where he raised $3333.5 33.5 million. he was greeted on the street by overwhelming crowds in now newport beach, california. orange county can be considered although not exactly alabama, it is a red part of california. and so today he turns his attention to nevada. ed this is the current state of the race in nevada. it s 5 points in favor of donald trump over joe biden. rachel: yeah. that s actually remarkable if you think about it. you know, a lot of those are working class service workers, and, you know, you are tourism is down. places are shutting up, shutting down because of the economy. and so these workers are feeling the pain of inflation, many of them losing their jobs. i think nevada has one of the highest bankruptcy rates as well as, you know, houses, people losing their houses. so there s a lot of, a lot of economic pain, and if i think donald trump is benefiting from that a because people, again, it wasn t very long ago when donald trump was in so people can remember what it was like under the trump economy. pete: yeah. nevada is a tricky political state. unions have rachel: yeah. pete: the tourism and hotel industry has huge pull are ther- rachel: a lot of hispanics. pete: indeed. we have some recent polling from fox news in informed nevada specifically about which candidate voters trust more on the issues, climate change and abortion it s biden, but when you get to the meat and potatoes of the border9 and the economy, foreign policy, trump is walloping it s interesting. trump took to truth social to talk about the price of insulin yesterday which some are suggesting is an attempt to take on that health care number which he hasn t been as strong the at, but he thinks he should be. rachel: yeah, it s interesting. you hook at those things, climate change and abortion. if those to are your issues, you re with the democrats. all the things that actually affect your life, the economy, immigration which, of course, is affecting resources and crime, all those issues donald trump is trouncing on. and so i think what it comes down to is you may be loyal to a party if you re a hispanic service worker, union worker, but in the end you re more loyal to your family, and that s what matters. will: it s trump +16 on the economy, +22 on immigration, biden +111 on the abortion 11 on the abortion. which of those issues motivate voters more? pete: correct. nevada has historically been so difficult for republicans to crack, so you re going to need a strong the get out the vote and ballot protection if act there to make it happen. will: coming up later today, we re going to have governor doug burgum of north dakota, senator tim scott, both of whom are former presidential candidates ask both of whom are pete: they re on the short, short list will: when it comes to being with vice president. pete: very interesting. now to a few additional headlines. a landslide in wyoming taking out a massive chunk of road at deon the pass in deton cutting off a critical link between idaho and wyoming. officials don t know how long it ll take to prepare the roadway and say the closest possible route goes more than 60 miles out of the way. you either take that road or you don t have another way to get there. that s no good for the folks around there. and a new report revealing chicago mayor brandon johnson spent $30,000 on personal grooming. the chicago sun times reported johnson was using campaign funds to pay for makeup and hair appointments. this was over the course of a year. johnson s campaign adviser saying in part, quote, he s using his own campaign funds to pay black and women-owned businesses a fair wage for their work in preparing the mayor and individuals associated with the campaign for public appearances. will: so he spent 30 grand on makeup, he gets an a get out of jail free card by saying black and women-owned businesses. i m going to plant this here and it s a get out of jail free car. rachel: there is a history of mayors of chicago remember when the last mayor when everyone else was locked in, she went to the hair salon, do you remember that? pete: yeah. rachel: they really care about their appearance. pete: and to the bell monostakes being ran in saratoga in new york at the can as the track undergoes renovations, the third swriewl of the triple crown. a little erratic but he s right there [inaudible] to win the belmont if stakes at saratoga! pete: this is the sixth year in a row where a different horse has won each of the triple crown races. parity in horse racing, as you might say. good for dornoch, and those are your headlines. will: i ve got another talking point for you we d love to get your preponderance on. a missouri missouri restaurant has a minimum age requirement for customers. pete: it s not 18? will: it s not p. it s 30 for women and 35 for men. rachel: wow. [laughter] will: the manager said it s just something for the older people to come do and have a happy hour, come get some good food and not have to worry about some of the young folks that bring some of that drama. rachel: what a what s that drama, is that drama drinking? like, they re bigger drinkers? pete: they re more raucous, one would assume. i would imagine the bliss caribbean restaurant has had some issues, maybe some intoxications, and it s not the 40-year-olds that are the rob. [laughter] the age differential track thes, you know, men take maybe a little bit longer will: calm down? pete: to get to maturity, yeah. i don t recall what 32-year-old will was, but maybe if not that the well contained, you know? [laughter] don t let him9 into the caribbean restaurant. but i would let 229 30-year-old rachel rachel: i was married and had a kid at that point. but, you know, a lot of times you see restaurants saying we done want kids. i actually saw a sign in new york city that said no children, dogs allowed which was very nyc. but this is an interesting new thing pete: wait will: i m okay with it. pete: if i am too too. will: if they want to make these rules, probably based on some past experience as you point out, it s their place. let em do it. pete: but is it ageism the other way? will: i don t care. i don t thinker but i don t care. pete: i m just throwing it out. there. if you re if 311-year-old rachel 31-year-old rachel rachel: that s an interesting question, but it if you re a cougar, this might not be the place for you. [laugher] will: anything can be you can be a 50-year-old cougar looking around at a 35-year-old guy pete: there s a lot of age possibilities. will: let s do another 10 minutes of breaking down cougars. rachel: do you know who the ultimate i cougar is? will: here we go. rachel: do you want to know? it s the first lady of france. for sure. am a i not wrong about that? pete: if i think you re wrong. rachel: okay. you think i m wrong? if. will: there s a big age difference. rachel: there s a massive age difference. will: let us know what you think, e-mail us at all right. four israeli hostages finally reunited with their families. the intel that led to the daring rescue next. if everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some. and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. pete: this morn if being four innocent israelis safely back home with their families after being kidnapped by brutal hamas terrorists and held hostage in gaza for eight months. the daring idf rescue carried out in a densely-populated refugee camp where the hostages were held in the homes of civilians. joining us now if, former irk df spokesperson if jonathan also a former lieutenant colonel in the idf. sir, thank you very much for being here. thank you for having me. pete: if for our audience, how did this go down? well, it went down after weeks of planning, clerking intelligence from various sources including doing preparations and operations in order to gatherer intelligence on the ground which they finally allowed israeli commandos, the elite of the elite israeli special forces to understand where they were being held and then to launch an operation that basically hit two locations, and the key thing was to do it simultaneously. the underlying assumption was that if israel hits one place where n if oa or the ore place where the three men were being held, if we don t do it simultaneously, the risks for the lives of the other location of the hostages being held in the other location were very high, so it had to be simultaneously. israeli troop troops were able to infiltrate pete: so this means they were wearing civilian they didn t come in military formation if. no p. they didn t advertise their advance ahead of time k if they surprised the hamas guards and the civilian zen tries that hamas seven tries that hamas has deployed. they got to the locations, burst in. unfortunately, an israeli special forces soldier was severely wounded. he later died of his wounds, which is a terrible loss for israel. he ises a real bona fide hero. the operation is now named after him. he was the leader of thedown terrorism unit. counterterrorism unit. and what the israeli troops did was go in simultaneously, get the hostages out. and the more difficult art part became actually the vehicle exfiltration. and this is a very density populated densely populated area, very small alleys, very lots and lots of people around at it. what basically happened was one of the vehicles got stuck. and when they got stuck, they came under tremendous fire. i m talking massive machine gun fire, rpg, rockets. it was a really intelligence situation. intense situation. that is also, i think, where most of the palestinian casualties that we see the palestinians touting on international immediate what media. most of them were in that that area where s reilly troops israeli troops came under a lot of fire with the hostages in the vehicle. and finally, thanks to an envelope of fire and the israeli soldiers fighting their way out, made their way towards the coast where two helicopters awaited. the first helicopter or took noa to safety, and the second with the three hostages out. pete: it s incredible. you mentioned weeks of planning, i even read they built a mock-up, that s how sophisticated this was yes. ask if that is the level of detail that they had to have in order to have think chance of success. pete: and that must be a reflection of serious realtime intelligence that they re does that mean they have, the israelis have somewhat of a sense where most of the hostages might be heldsome. sadly, i don t think it does. pete: really in. you know, this was made possible because hamas decided to jail these hostages and to have them aboveground in a civilian-populated area. and we ve seen this in the past. this isn t the first time that a hamas if jails israeli civilians in a civilian palestinian environment and where, by the way, the people who were guarding and forcing the israeli civilians to stay there were palestinian civilians. it s all a civilian with situationer here. many other israeli hostages are presumed to be held underground in specially-defended a hamas compounds with instructions for the hamas guards there that as soon as you hear think kind of idf activity, you execute israeli hostages. and that is, of course, the main if scenario that israel wants to prevent. there have been successful israeli raids in the past in rafah, about three months ago a israeli forces were able to go in unnoticed and save two israeli men, or civilians who were taken from the kibbutz. pete: what does this tell you about the strength of a hamas? because this is an area that s been cleared, but it s not pulley cleared, obviously right. pete: civilians willing to give a heads up to hamas if something looks suspicious. are they reconstituting in a place where you can t have israeli troops all the time? what we know they ve been doing, with hostageses, they ve been moving them around. these hostages were in different locations, and they tell israeli soldiers and intel officers after they were saved that we were moved around, and that is what hamas does, has been doing with the oh hostages as well, to make it as a difficult as possible for israel to actually get in. they ve been shifting them around. pete: if move if around in civilian populations in civilian populations, in civilian houses, sometimes underground, sometimes aboveground with the full knowledge, complicity and in many cases active participation of gazan, palestinian civilians. that s a very important point because what hamas does by its strategy is constantly to muddle the line between what s military ask what s civilian. and they re dressed in civilian clothes pete: sure. and then they tout them as civilian casualties they get reported as such pete: to the international press. i want to get your comment because there were anti-israel protesters surrounding the white house. they defaced some monuments, they were calling out genocide joe chanting you re a sellout, pack your bags and get the hell out. smearing red paint on andrew jackson is. these protesters are really angry at joe biden s approach to what s going on. what s your take? so i ve been at protests like these around the world not only in the u.s. i ve seen them in scandinavia, this other parts of europe with, i ve seen them in the u.k. and here in the u.s. the common denominator that i see is a lot of hatred toward the west, a lot of anti-american sentiment. true, the jews and israels are front and center of most of the vicious rhetoric here and most of the hatred, but what i see is a bunch of people who do not respect american values, who do not respect western values and are very blood thirsty towards israel. what i m concerned is that more more of public domain is slowly but surely being conquered by this type of people, anarchists who have no respect for the past and who are, who top at nothing in order to get their messages across. pete: real quick, is israel given the ability to actually take out hamas? is america holding back israel from finishing the fight? i think that israel would likely want to fight harder and faster, and i think that israel should be doing that. and i think that it would be in the interest of israelis and palestinians to get the job done faster can is and quicker, to get the suffering done. and i think israel can and should be doing it. pete: if we shall see. jonathan, thank you for your time. thank you for having me. pete: great stuff. all right, an elderly pro-life activist sentenced to prison after demonstrating outside an abortion clinic. a former planned parenthood clinic director who is now pro-life joins us next with reaction. i would say that we re closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom. i can t think about that for too long. i was like, whoa, mom, i have this gene! kenzie s test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. i ve seen her take her health into her own hands, for herself and for us. i m really proud of my mom. 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if vandalized it, spray painted abort god, all these violent, terrible things all over this pregnancy center, did significant damage to the pregnancy center, violated the face act. the same thing that these people aring being held account accountable for, got 2 years probation, no jail time, no prison time is and a $2,000 fine. okay? now, meanwhile, these people have been sitting in a federal prison if rachel: yeah. and are possibly receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines. that shows that there is something political at may here, and this is an unequal balance of justice. rachel: yes. well, you know, there were abortion clinics in which there were molotov cocktails thrown into pro-high centers, i should say, by vein s revenge jane s revenge which is a domestic terrorist group. we don t know what s happened with that, i doubt they re going to get the same sentences that these, again, nonviolent people. they may have trespassed into there, but their nonviolent, many of them elderty elderly, if with health problems. i will also say, abby, when the pro-palestine protesters went into st. patrick s on the holiest of days, that is also a violation of and they disrupted the mass. that s a violation of the face act. nothing happened to them as a well. it s the two-tiered system that a you re talking about that i think has people up this arms and also, i mean, just throwing the books at these people. and i don t think it makes us hook good as a country when look good as a country when this is how we treat our humanitarian, human rights activists. well, lahr ifly the elderly. particularly the elderly. look, these people, a 75-year-old. woman, she s not going to harm anyone, okay? and even though these people did trespass, they re not harming anyone. heir trying to save the lives of our most innocent, okay? let s get a grip, okay? not that they re trying to harm anyone. these pro-palestinian protesters, they are harming people. i mean, let s get real. people aring being harmed during these protesters rachel: well, property s being damaged. we just had a segment on it a couple minutes ago. yes. rachel: but the point is i think this is a political issue. it s not just pro-life versus pro-choice, though that s clearly on the ballot. i think people are very concerned about these two tiers of justice, that joe biden is weaponizing the justice system and law enforcement against his political and ideological enemies. i don t think we can question that anymore if when we see this, the january 6th, the way the january 6th protesters were treated are versus, you know, the anti that and blm antifa and blm protesters. and, again, last word, quickly. any of us could be next. rachel: that s right. if you are against what this administration believes in, think of us could be next. rachel: that s right. it s not that it can happen to to you, it is happening to american citizens, not just donald trump. i respect what you say, there are better methods, but that still doesn t take away what s happened to these elderly people. thank you very much. caitlin clark bringing new excitement to women s basketball but that a same energy won t make it to paris. how the rookie sensation was reportedly snubbed from team usa. that s next. you ve got to keep your head up, ask if you can let your hair down call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter s technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit (restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison s plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don t use otezla if you re allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [announcer] with clearer skin girls day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. rick: welcome back to fox & friends. a lot going on in weather today. big storms across the central plains but two big stories across f. we ve been so incredibly hot in florida, may was your warmest month ever. warmest may ever, and they broke records from orlando all the way down to key west and pretty much every place in between. it was your warmest may ever. incredibly warm temperatures, again, we re going to break all kinds of records and a pretty significant threat for some kind of heat illness. so heatstroke, watch for that, especially central parts of florida. this is all going to change, however, because we ve got some tropical moisture coming in. this is going to get in here by midweek, and a lot of florida s pretty dry. the heat has brought in drought conditions as well, is so some of this moisture is going to be welcome. but watch what s going to happen, some spots maybe get over 10 inches of rain. that will cool the temperatures down, which is going to be welcome, but it is going to be very, very wet. now, we are talking about tropical season, it s hurricane season right now. take a look at this. this right here is your average peak if temperature of the water out in the atlantic bay syringe and we are way above average already. right now we re not looking at a tropical system probably moving in towards florida, nonetheless, a lot of that tropical moisture s coming in, and that s why we re going to see this rain midweek with. will, over to you. will: wnba rook e key seven sensation caitlin clark reportedly being left off team usa s roster for the paris olympics. while team usa has not made an official announcement, sources say the athletic coach, cheryl reeve, is opting for experience as the team aims to bring home its eighth consecutive gold medal. here with his thoughts is dan dockage. good morning, dan. this good horning. will: at first blush, outrageous. and almost everyone who has seen this news has responded similarly, outrageous. so let s start with this. on the basketball court, on the merits, dan, is caitlin clark an olympian? well, i think so. but i m not going to lie to you, i don t know every woman in the if wnba. i mow this i know this, trout thing diana out there at a 41 careers old for her sixth gold medal doesn t do anything to grow the game, and all i ve heard for years is pay attention to us, love on us, and now you have a real opportunity. i m not going to lie and sit here and say, hey, look, i know that league. i didn t know anything about the league. i had a radio show, have a radio show in indy, and two summer ifs ago we did not say a word about the fever. will: right. so, sure, let s just go this route, everybody on that team deserves to be on that team. let s justs say that, i guess. and the ore thing, will, look, you, me, three retirees, my wife could win the gold medal against who they re playing. the next team is denmark, for crying out loud. i mean, grow the game. will: you, me ask and three retirees, we could win? it even rhymes. well, i m going to answer my own question to you, dan, as well. caitlin clark is top 5 in assists, top 5 in scoring, or top 10 in scoring. the point is she s not a charity case. ing no. will: she s not a mascot. she is absolutely good enough to be on this olympic team, and then comes the issue i of why would you leave her off? now, we ve heard for years, dan, well, we should be making what the men make, or we should be flying first class, or we should be getting more attention, you should market us. and here is the women s basketball world choosing to reject the attention that a is finally coming hair way by rejecting caitlin clark are. well, they had a great opportunity here because there is no basketball player i don t care about luca or jaylen brown or whoever s playing in the nba a final, there s no bigger draw right now in the world. i would argue in the world than caitlin clark. so here s this opportunity. look, let s be honest, most people didn t even know they had women s basketball in the summer olympics. now you have a chance to do this, and you don t take it. so, here, here s what i m saying, everything about caitlin clark s success was about privilege whether it was white privilege, her being a straight, white girl. well, it stands to reason to ask, wait a second here, you know, this coach here is not a straight white girl. she s married or or to a woman. so is there something about caitlin charkh in the swellous city, the insecurity that kept her off the team? if you re going to say, well, all of this that she is given is because of this privilege, then it s reasonable to ask, is the insecurity, is being straight, white girl not allowing her to be on this team? i don t think it did, i honestly don t. but people are asking it, and i think rightfully so. but what a missed opportunity. they could have had more eyeballs on women s basketball which would have equated to going back to your season and finishing up even stronger. but now it s just same old-same old, no one s going to pay attention will: right. and that s a missed opportunity and a really dumb missed opportunity. will: i think you re exact ily right. all of those questions are very legitimate. what is the pettiness, the jealousy, what is the reason for the continued slights of caitlin clark, and then we just can t hear about it anymore. we can t hear about all of the need for equality, the need for better treatment. you can t hear about it when you reject your biggest moneymaker. he wassen gone from possibly a top 33 storyline in the olympics to nonexistent. top3. no one will care about women s olympic basketball. dan, we will watch don t at me, thanks so much for getting up early. thanks, my friend. will: rachel, over to you. rachel: sounds racist to me. all right, right now polls are open in 20 european countries as voters decide the e.u. s next parliament. experts say frustration among europe s farmers over climate policies could affect several races across the continent. one retired professor saying the e.u. has been forcing farmers to be quite to be, quote with, part ecologist, part nature conservationist. election results are expected as soon as tomorrow. if. three people climbing a aboard virgin galactic s unity spacecraft yesterday launching into space and landing safely back on earth in just over an hour worth of time. the trip marking virgin galactic s second successful space flight. the company is planning the launch its delta class of commercial spaceships that are capable of flying eight missions per month within the next two years. right now a seat costs you just about $450,000. the third annual hang eight dog surfing competition taking over flagler beach, florida, on saturday. the event, which raises min money for a handful of dog-related nonprofits, drawing its largest crowd to date. two dozen local dog-themed businesses taking part in the event which also hosted, of course, a costume contest. those are your cutest headlines. all right. celebrating the stars and stripes. it s nationalling flag week, is we re national flag week, and we re making the perfect american flag next. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it s one more way aspen dental is in your corner. we always thought there was something regal about scraps here. so we got a dna test from embark. 91% golden retriever. 9% cavalier king charles spaniel. a king. [ british accent ] oh, yes, lord scrapington. he s taking a walk to explore the shire. i need help with her snoring. sleep number does that. thank you now, save 40% on the sleep number special edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. shop now at everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. pete: we re back with a look at a few business headlines. another food chain is leaving california as blaze pizza is relocating its headquarters to atlanta. the pizza chain says the move will reduce its state the corporate tax rate significantly. about a third of its 300 locations are currently in california, but the company says its restaurant-level employees will not be affected. and bark air, a new luxury airline for dogs? it s being sued by westchester county over new york if, over allegedly violating county law. the suit just days after take off on their first ever flight seeks an injunction against bark which would prohibit it from operating in the airport s private jet area. bark air says they don t comment if on ongoing litigation but assured fans they don t believe this will impact their operations. that is an interesting headline. rachel: private jets for dogs? pete: if i guess. but it s being sued, i don t know. we need a follow up. rick: i like it. if i had the money, ill like it. pete: there you go. new day, see how this headline goes, there if yelp revealing americans are getting tired of tipping. mention of tipping-related phrases in reviews are up saying they ve seen the term tip-flatoin nearly 400 to%, might be due to customers being more conscious of their tipsing due to high inflation. now, that one i can see. those are your headlines. will: national flag week starts this week, and we re celebrating with flag making on fox square. rachel: here to show us how to make the american flag is the other than of metal art of wisconsin and our show s friend, shane henderson. thanks for having us. will: it starts with this machine, which not a lot of us have. augusta is using this axiom precision c and c machine, great for a home or basement, and you can make flags just like we do. rick: it s like a video game. kind of, yeah. a controller, you can download files right off the internet will: put your designs in but then hand finish it at the end. yeah. there s a lot of hand work afterwards. pete: came off that, very cool. what else you got? so here s our, you know, breadbutter, you know, our hand-head if flags. wavy old glory what s her name? are. rick: yeah, what is her name? pete: oh, rosie the riveter. rachel: my gosh. i didn t see that with the picture, i m sorry. i would have been able to help out. here s our concealment products, so these open up, great for father s day. pete: get anything designed to the front you want. yep, biomettic. thumb biometric. this is our stealth mirror, we ll skip over that pete: okay. we ll go over here to the kids pete: so you don t need a machine for these flags. no, these are safe chemicals that do patina a on the steel. we re using vinyl strikes, and they re applying the chemicals that are safe to use, and it looks like that flag right there when they re all done. if. pete: ends unlooking like this. rachel: so do you sell a kit is so kids can do this? yeah. it s available on web site. rachel: what a great idea for fourth of july. can and the it s super safe too. pete: in that one looks kind of done. she s got to peel her stars and pray some more chemicals rick: if she waits longer, does it become more a patina d yeah, if you leave it on too long, it turns black. pete: i have one of these in my office. i think i have five of your things, shane. how many years ago did you tart doing this? 2013 we started, and you had us on in 2019 and changed everything for us, so thank you very much. will: is if we re going to see what happens with the mirror? yeah. hold on one second. this is a stealth mirror. hit it with your phone app [laughter] rachel: look at that. it s like a gangster s paradise. [laughter] if? yeah, it is. ask it s got printed [inaudible] that s the new printed foam so we can do patriotic foam pete: will, you got the cash. what else is in there? will: i got the cash. [laughter] rachel: pete might make that exchange. pete: i might, actually. back here we have our big giant butcher block pete: and this is freedom cabinet yep, free shipping, father s day rachel: shane, i m going to do my best vanna if white. we ve with vanna white. pete: keep making those flags. rachel: thanks, shane. if rocking in the usa hi, i m eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn t sharp and that doesn t work when you re writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! 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Jersey-shore , Guys , It-wouldn-t , This-imos-pride-month , King , Visit , Boardwalko , Us , 5 , Crew , Can-t , Families

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240608 03:04

Speech enormity warning about what he considers the high stakes for american democracy this november. they are asking us to do our job, to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy, to stand up against a broad and at home, to be part of something bigger than ourselves. reporter: the back at home republicans are blasting president biden for shaming them on the world stage, blaming them for holding up aid to ukraine just hours before those remarks in a meeting with ukraine s leader volodymyr zelenskyy. meanwhile former president trump is touting his postconviction fundraising numbers as he kicks off a west coast swing that includes a visit to the deep blue state of california, where you are, were some of the biggest names in a helped infused trump s campaign with cash thursday night in the former president is picking up celebrity support as well. take a listen.

Democracy , Speech , Freedom , Warning , High-stakes , Job , Enormity , Joe-biden , Reporter , World , Something , Home

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:06

Heroes. and once again, once again,, in these vets did an incredible service to their nation.ey mad they made joe biden look young. ow d how long how low do you think c they can go? go, it turns out the biden campaign can go really low, putting this new ad out. a good commander in chief a is somebod gy who gives a shot. and when i see his predecessor, donald trump, i se e a man i who is only in this for himself. i think the election is the difference for himself between authoritarianism and democracy. di to see a presidentdent that cares about maintaining democracy. that cares trump is not fit to r commander in chiefum. . as my kids say, cringe. congratulations. you found four vets in america who don t like trump. but msnbc and donny deutsch are saying the quiet part out loud. ant to they want to use the militaryy as a political weapon. i love it. i hadn t seen that a i ld in s

Joe-biden-look-young , Vets , Heroes , Service , C , Ow-d , Go , Nation-ey-mad , Trump , Commander-in-chief , Somebod-gy , Man

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608 06:43

Two. if you take a look, jake, not exactly been great to republicans or to trump. so they gave us a liste us of things that, oh, no audience is not going to be in audience. i like the feel of an audience. you know, you get sort of aence there s a mood that used to win. but but we have nobody in the audience, not eve.n your family. i mean, there s nobody we re like in the this is probably a very sterile room. but here s the thing. i immediately because they thought i was not going to accept, they said we re going to make him an offerwouldn that he he s just going to have to refuse. refus and i accepted it because i think it s very important t that we have a debate. i think they wanted me not to accept it so that they cave e say we made an offer he didn t accept and therefore we don t have to debate. debatbut know what?e the country has to have a debate now with the republicanthcountravs. i didn t debate because i was up 67, 80 points and everybodyw . so i said, why would i debate when you re up, you know, get me down. wod i debai actually said get me to 25 or 30 points, but i was

Trump , Copa-america , Take-a-look , Things , Republicans , Audience , A , Liste , Feel , Jake , Aence , Two

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240608 03:04:45

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240608 03:04:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

President , Infused-trump , Listen , Celebrity-support , Cash , Names , A , Campaign ,

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Five 20240608 04:02:45

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Five 20240608 04:02:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Things , Lot , Bee , A , Experts , Research , Expert-let ,

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:06:15

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:06:15 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Trump , Commander-in-chief , Somebod-gy , Man , Election , Ad , Predecessor , A , Difference , Campaign , Shot ,