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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240610

check out this footage mountain pass outside of teton pass outside of jackson, wyoming. the road has completely collapsed what is interesting about this is this is the road that connects jackson hole, the playground of billionaires with eastern idaho the only place you can afford to live out there. looks like this summer bunch of them billionaires are going to have to learn how to do their own yardwork. will this survive? hard to say it. [laughter] tough work. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, on facebook, on instagram at the big weekend show but that doesn t for us but thank you for joining us we see it next weekend. life, liberty & levin starts right now. aunt stark is seen as veterans of normandy returned to the country they liberated 80 years ago at me with the leader fighting to save his country now. cracks you are the savior of the people. shannon: emotional commemoration of d-day in an already present invited me with g7 leaders in italy facing increasing criticism from european allies were standing by israel in its war against hamas while trying to bolster support for ukraine as it struggles in its war with russia peopl will talk with repn tom cotton mr. summit intel and armed services committees. then, five months out for election day present by the family takes executive action to try to secure america s a broken border pit where the top issues voters say is hurting the country. plexus will help us gain control of our border, restore order in the process. lexa biden s order is not a border security plan. it is a concession to the fact he has lost control over our borders. shannon: more than 8 million micro encounters at the bar since present invited tech officer it will his moves be enough to stem the flow of migrants have overwhelmed cities and a red and blue states including these nations of the biggest end, new york city plus democratic congressman ritchie torres who played host to a trump rally last month. plus pick works when someone lies to congress that is a crime. even if you are the presidents on the progress knew trouble for hunter biden house republicans accused him of lying to congress part of the same time his defense team prepares to fight back against the prosecution case in this felony gun trial at our sunday pan on the particle blowback for the president. all right now on fox news sunday at hello fox news in new york. headlines today, the celebration israel this weekend as for israelis are rescued and the largest hostage rescue operations and the largest since began to report reno with family after 246 days in captivity. hamas says a 200 side of our palestinians were killed during the raid. built by that military in gaza is back up and taking and food and humanitarian aid for palestinians after it was blown apart and high winds and heavy seas last month. voters across europe are set to decide the direction of the european union s in parliament today. early polls suggest they could shift the largest trading block to the right. a bit concerned over the war in ukraine and migration for those issues sure to be a top party g7 leaders prepared to meet and a link this week including president biden part a moment we ll get reaction from republican senator tom cotton. first we have team coverage from trey yingst in israel and where we began with white house correspondent peter doocy in paris. good afternoon of a present bidens that part s last day here in paris and greeting u.s. embassy staff to rezone his weight right now to go lay a wreath at world war i memorial port all while warding he thanks another big war in this part of europe could be possible if the west stops sending nine figure munition packages to ukraine. you know putin is not going to stop at ukraine. it is not just ukraine it s much more than ukraine. all of europe will be threatened. we are not going to let that happen. later this week the g7 western allies will work not just to help ukraine but figure how to counter china economically present biden claim during during a coffee s getting complaints lately from president xi this will be subtitles because the president was speaking so softly. might last discussion. present biden is not acknowledged the large broke pals and protest at the white house saturday that wrapped all the way around campus. is that is keeping the talk about the war and gossip focused on the rescued hostages. pursuant to ech echo presidents comments welcome this save rescue of four hostages returned to their families in israel. we won t stop working to all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached that is essential to happen. but before attending this week s g7 in italy which is a very short flight from here, president biden is going to fly home to delaware for a couple of days which will mean he will be home if there s a verdict in his son s trial by midweek. shannon: will talk much about that later in the show peter doocy thank you very much from paris is go to trey yingst in tel aviv where people are celebrating the return of those for rescued hostages. hate shannon, good morning. almost 250 days into the war, the israeli people received a rare piece of good news amid the conflict. twenty-six year old noa argamani aperture 56 days in captivity she s headed home. israel special forces conducted complex hostage rescue mission and successfully rescued four of our hostages from captivity and gossip it with a daring rescue operation taking place in central gaza at two locations is really forces engaged in fire fights with hamas gunmen before securing the hostages. helicopters arrived at israeli hospital, crowds cheered, for israelis after more than eight months in gaza were reunited with their loved ones. a father, with his daughter but a man with his friends, a mother with her son. thank you. thank you for bringing my son to me. to us. i am so excited that i could hug him today. this story does not come without dark preacher in the operation one israeli officer succumbed to his wounds sustained during the battle and according to the hamas run palestinian health ministry over 200 people the majority sibley were killed during the operation that included extensive israeli airstrikes. but they did not send u this warning or leaflets or nothing. body parts spread in the streets. the rescue operation illustrate the contradictions of war for palestinians it was a day of the death and destruction. for the israeli people exactly 35 weeks after black saturday it was a day of hope. shannon: trey yingst live in israel for starting is now arkansas senator tom cotton print welcome back to the show i want to start with your reaction to the daring rescue and the good news. quick shannon, thank you for having me on. what a wonderful day for the people of israel to have four of these hostages rescued in a truly heroic well executed mission yesterday had a chance to speak with prime minister netanyahu shortly after the mission pretty commended the israeli defense forces and the israeli police who helped execute this operation. i am very dismayed by sources and the progressive left here in america including the new york times, washington post or somehow condemning israel for saving for hostages at the cost of the supposedly more than 200 palestinians. we cannot take at face value what hamas says and the ministry of health. but my advice to them if you don t want your people killed in a hostage rescue missions you should not take hostages in the first place. you should release what you have you certainly should not hide them in civilian areas. so hats off to the israeli security forces for a fantastic day in a rescue release for hostages. we understand there are still americans being held. there s been discussion whether our own special forces should be operating in that region there is great concern u.s. forces being on the ground there s been a pledge that will not happen but what about our hostages and getting them out? quick shannon, our military is several units specifically trained in hostage rescue. they always have to be available and ready to rescue american citizens, wherever they may be. those are our responsibilities not israel s or any other nation. that said the israeli defense forces and security forces have the expertise operating in gaza working with the american government specifically our intelligence services as well. i am confident israel s government had a chance to rescue american citizens they would you the exact same for our citizens that they would do for israel but our hostage rescue teams always have to be available we simply would not want to have any kind of conflict with israel hostage rescue teams who want to work with them hand in glove to make sure every hostage gives it back alive. shannon: are more than 100 of that we re still try to figure how they come home for the meat of the present given injury to time magazine a few days ago he said this sum and is or have suggested netanyahu is a prolonged the war for his own political self-preservation do you believe that? president biden responded i m not going to comment on that but added the source every reason for people to draw that conclusion. what do you make of that response from him in the region what you say to critics who say that is exactly what netanyahu is doing? this is another slander by joe biden against benjamin netanyahu and the israeli government at large. prime minister netanyahu policies are very popular. is it war cabinet signing off on missions like you saw yesterday. at every turn tries to limit israel s action their ability to defend themselves and put more pressure on israel. not pressure on hamas and its patrons in the middle east. just look at what happened yesterday outside of the white house fo but anti- american pro- hamas lunatics defacing and desecrating the statues of our great veterans. which is a violation of our federal law. joe biden s government allowed it to happen. i bet we will not see any arrest or prosecutions for violating that law will introduce legislation this week that impose stiffer penalties we can lock these lunatics up. biden thanks these lunatics should be guiding american policy towards israel. what we should be doing is backing israel to the hilt really done that since october 7 attacks this war would probably already be over for the hostages would be free there be less civilian casualties and suffering in gaza. joe biden is instead catering to the small pro- hamas wing of the democrat party and set a backing israel like the large approach israel s majority of the american people want astute. shannon: that is what the polling shows let s talk about another ho hotspot, ukraine. present been spending time with he apologize for the delay of a this latest round that came through. he said he blames him a very conservative members holding it up and said we finally got it done. you blocked when the earlier packages read concerns about it. there are changes you ultimately vote for. you think is pointing the finger at you? quick shannon, he shall be pointing the finger at himself. for more than two years joe biden pussyfooting around and did not give ukraine the weapons it needed to defend itself. every turn and this war ukraine has asked for certain types or quantity of weapons. weapons. joe biden has refused only to reverse three or six or nine months later when it was too late. take a step back and look at the broader context. joe biden is largely responsible for tempting vladimir putin to do it he always wanted to do. which is invade and annex ukraine back to russia. and, if you notice vladimir putin only tends to invade ukraine when democrats are present till it did under barack obama he did und did under joe d not happen under donald trump. for four years we had peace and stability and effect donald trump reversed barack obama and joe biden s failed policy of sending ukrainians and blankets and ponchos proven donald trump was in office we sent them the javelins that were essential for winning the battle and the way to have peace in europe and for that matter peace and stability around the world is to remove joe biden from the white house on election day this year and return donald trump. that is how we get back into peace and stability. shannon: you talk about annexation want to bring this up the reports of resident trump plans to do is to potentially push ukraine to give up crimea, if that is the plan do you agree with that strategy and would that be rewarding putin in order to wrap this up in the way he intended to start it and take some of the territory is not just giving him what he wanted? quick shannon, president trump and his campaign has said in eight reports of plans like that are not authorized and are not coming from the president himself but furthermore president trump has said he strongly supports ukraine s strength and survival. he is strong relationship when he was in office with president zelenskyy bird president trump is the one who provided ukraine the weapons they needed to fend off this russia invasion that happen in large part because of joe biden s weakness. i do not think president trump was to prejudge what the situation will become january, nor do i. in part because we have no idea how much worse and joe biden can screw things up but if you judge the circumstances as they exist next year when he returns to office and hopefully will be have a republican majority in congress as a welt to make decisions about what best protects america s interest in the interest of our allies and partners. shannon: on the talk is about you being on the shortlist for vice president. can you confirm whether being vetted formally? quick shannon, as i have said i think only one person know who s on the shortlist. thirty-six at paperwork, requests and those kinds of things? quick shannon i think he will make a choice when he is ready to make that choice i m confident he s going to make a good choice for the ticket and the party but more importantly for the country. i think uganda will make that choice and the time is right. i am focused on helping him win this election. helping republicans win that majority in the congress so we can begin to reverse the damage joe biden has inflicted on this country for four years. shannon: is fair to say you all made statements like things like nato, international organizations, america s role in the global stage that are different. would you come as a vice president advocate for policies that may not line up with your commander-in-chief? are you two different on issues of poor foreign-policy question puts president trump and i ve long been lined on foreign policy both subscribe to what you might say was ronald reagan s vision which is peace through strength for four years of president trump of the white house we had peace and stability around the globe we did not have wars breaking out in europe and the middle east and being the threats and in asia. we believe sometimes you have to use a military force indiscriminate fashion way president trump did when he authorized the strike against iran s terrorist mastermind sulla money. we believe we need to pressure allies to take more responsibility providing our defense or taking responsibility for what is happening in their own region in part because america needs to take the lead against china and the western pacific to preserve peace and stability there. i believe president trump and i rely on foreign policy just like ronald reagan was which is peace through strength strategy which is where the vast majority of not just republicans but normal americans think. only pro- hamas anti- american lunatics the democrat party think america is to blame for what s happening in the world or that we should retreat from strength and confidence in the world. shannon: we hope to hear more from president trump maybe the debate stage on his plans for ukraine in the meantime s senat, thank you for your time keep us updated on that paperwork. thank you, janet. [laughter] protects border cast thousands of migrant so crossing into the u.s. daily despite the presence executive actions fox news will take you alive to the border new york congressman democrat ritchie torres is here in studio next that we have not shut down a silent but we have done is further strengthen the border through executive action. which can be challenged and will be challenged in the courts which is why we need congress to act. shannon: homeland security secretary friday after president biden issued executive actions the white house says are aimed at controlling the flow of migrants illegally crossing the border. how is the reality playing out on the ground? matt finn is live at the border in california with the real world impact. border patrol agents here tell us this area just outside of san diego for the past three years has been a hotspot because human smugglers of their gaping holes in the border wall and they can easily push illegal migrants through. just outside of san diego fox camera captured yet another group of 40 50 migrants illegally crossing. coming from all over the world including china, india, vietnam. one migrant posed for parents whose loaded onto a bus. this week facing mounting political pressure and concerning poll numbers, president biden announced executive order that suspends and limits the entry of noncitizens which will remain in effect until the daily average of migrant encounters drops below 1500 for seven consecutive days. and moving past and using executive authorities available to me as president to do it i can on my own to address the border. migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek after entering through establish lawful process. ask biden claims migrants who now cross illegally will be in eligible for asylum unless they have exceptionally compelling circumstances. i will terminate every single open border policy of the biden administration as soon as i take the oath of office. or has not been any immediate change as far as any significance of a decrease in illegal border crossings since the announcement. this week fox crew spo box ch migrants from across the globe to the major american san diego metropolitan. all from egypt? america. jordan. jordan? why did you come to egypt? why did you come to america? for a job. for a job? yes you know it s illegal to cross a word like this, right? yes but you don t care? yes. shanna, looks like president biden executive order on immigration could be indefinite for the threshold for it to end is when the daily average hits about 1500 the latest numbers obtained by fox news show we are sitting about 3900 right now. shannon: matt finn live at the border thank you very much. for joining me now insert ignorant congressman democrat ritchie torres. it s good to see if it. is a pleasure to be here in person. shannon: has a very nice to see you. let s talk about new york city there s an influx of some estimates wonders 35000 migrants in a relatively short period of time. no city council member said we are spending more taxpayer money to care for foreign nationals that we are on the annual budget at nypd, at the end why the department of sanitation combines. i know your reaction this week to some of the executive action by the president was where you do not want to be indistinguishable you said from republicans you are worried about excluding or erasing certain communities of color. what do you say to the people of color are your constituents or people live in this town who are worried about the system being overwhelmed, public safety, education. mayor adam said it could destroy the city. the concerns are fair. the migrant crisis has put an enormous strain on the social safety net system of nurse that we in the nine states have a dysfunctional asylum system. anyone anywhere can cross the border, claim asylum, enter the country and border patrol has no emergency authority to limit crossings in the event of a search. that s the gap executive order is billing but in the end executive order is no substitute for an act of congress only congress can fix what s broken in our asylum system for quick to note both sides to point the finger at each other. house republicans will say we passed hr to it s very comprehensive. the president say what about the deal this cent you guys had together? it seems it does not matter who is in charge of this problem is intractable does not get salt. there s one party that has a by camera by partisan order security it is the democratic party we the democrats negotiated border security compromise with the republicans but there are number of republicans press a small handful. most notably mitch mcconnell he was before is for the bill before is against is pressured by donald trump to oppose legislation. those republicans are actively obstructing oppose the border security compromise have no interest in actually solving the problem they re interested in playing politics and demagogue the issue against president biden. there is a difference fink governing and grandstanding and governing as compromise have refused to compromise if you let the enemy of the good you re not part of the solution part of the problem. shannon: they had a number of problems many saying they felt they had no say it was negotiated to a point where they could not go along with what wasn t it. we look at the issue of immigration is not good for the white house or the president. new pulling out a number of key states and virginia. when people were asked who you trust to handle immigration more double-digit you see on our screen they think president trump is a much better handle on us. looked out encourage you to look at new york three long island was ground zero for the red wave in new york and tom was able to win back new york three by an even larger margin that we lost in 2022 he was largely campaigning on border security so tom has shown democrats can proactively on the issue border security i do not think we should proceed to the republicans. shannon: when you look at a 20-point deficit for president biden and is really critical states that s got to be a warning sign to the white house. does it then make you question as some do this executive action is just a political ploy in an election year? the present is acting because of congressional in action. congress needs to do its job to keep in mind the political establishment has a history of underestimating president biden he has proven the conventional wisdom is wrong i suspect is going to outperform the polls and out perform the predictions of the political pundits and the prognosticators. quick so they get tighter people now to make a decision third-party candidates the pole with significant numbers once devoted to the ballot box or early vote they ve got to make a decision is often times tighten up. i want to ask about all these recent reports questioning the president s ability to run, to be effective for the four years forgives in the polls is not just republicans as democrats and independents of questions about the sea atlantic had a really tough piece out yesterday. referring to the president as another ruth bader ginsburg she does not know when it s time to leave and it cost the country that seat across the democrats that seat they say this about him and i say he remains a comprehensively weak income but weighed down by the same liabilities that burden from the start. beginning with the largest and completely unfixable one at 81 he is much too old to run for president. you said last year 80 is not ideal for the age of a candidate running. but here we are. what do you make of these reports you think the president is up to the four years? have full confidence in the presence through the present is old so is donald trump. cooher toys and people differeny because our people seem less concerned about president trump s age. is a narrative but if you actually look at his record it speaks for itself. he is most productively by partisan presidencies in recent memory you bring down democrats and republicans together to provide healthcare to veterans exposed to toxic substances, but brought democrats republicans to mix in the largest investments in infrastructure more than half a century. brought together to address the national security risk around tiktok. when you judge him based on substance rather than narrative i think he deserves reelection. shannon: on the estimate the big rally president trump had a couple of weeks ago in your district prints a very diverse district. a lot of folks showed up at we talk to some of them out there but one gentleman says you are taking everything from blacks and browns everywhere it is hispanics or the other people do not have a lot for your taking it and giving it to illegal aliens which is totally wrong. he talked about why he was attending this at many other similar statements from folks. why do you think your constituency is moving and poll numbers shows hispanic and black waters moving to president trump in a way they did in 2020. first approximate overwhelmingly vote for president biden despite a few anecdotes because it will be shocked if it were other ways. the latina boat in 2000 george w. bush went up 40 40% oe latino votes. puerto ricans and dominicans of the south bronx are different from cubans and venezuelans in florida who are different from mexicans in california are different from mexicans in the south texas. the latino vote ha is been a bipartisan vote for long time despite what the polls say we should be campaigning if we are 10 or 20 points bite we should never take any constituency for granted but we should campaign for every single vote. always a good base for any campaign despite any polls be fighting for every single vote congressman thank you for taking time to come and we appreciate it. up an excellent president trump makes a massive fundraising hall in the space once a dime to buy democrats less than three weeks ahead of the first presidential debates. our sunday panels are to break the new polls showing significant movement with key voting blocs that could make the difference for either candidate come november. i rally and backgrou battlegrt after rigging and big fundraising over the weekend. fox news senior correspondent is live on the ground with the very latest. former president trump arrives here in the silver state after striking gold big dollar donors in california. silicon valley is not a place republicans typically tap for campaign cash former president trump got a boost after tech investor david zach s held a packed private event in san francisco. the bay area is liberal and so we thought that 5 million might be a big lift turns out we got all the way to 12 are. he trust trump more than present by the issues including the economy, border and foreign policy. he types are beginning to change in california but they re starting to look at who are the people they are electing? the answer is postconviction or chestrust which ballooned to a combined $291 million from self-reported funds, are and see many organizations are back in. biting campaigns as well trump s case mabe reenergized his base, monies being spent on legal bills not voters. and it comes to money this is going be very competitive race. we note donald trump is going to raise a lot of money. we raise a lot of money but as of april biden cash on hand advantage is about $35 million. trump started his west coast swing in arizona he promised to resend biden s executive order limiting asylum-seekers to the united states. cooks i will terminate every single open borders a policy of the biden administration. bided narrowly won arizona and nevada in 2020 new fox news polling shows voters are unhappy with their finances the president s job performance. and head to head match ups he leads bided by five points in both states. former presidents rally begins in las vegas later this afternoon but the national weather service has issued excessive heat watch. the campaign is telling supporters to be mindful of the temperatures they will be providing water and have cooling stations. shannon, the high today forecasted in las vegas 103. are right live in vegas and boris. thank you very much. time for our sunday group. fox news contributed present of american spirit tammy bruce author of the new book, fear itself predisposing the left mind killing agenda but former tennessee democratic congressman cohost of the five fox news contributor harold ford junior former new york republican congressman, former gubernatorial nominee and prosecutor of lee is eldon. good to see you all the new york studio in person pre-thank you for being here but let s start with the fox news polling we have out and ke he states. will stop on a couple of them but let s put up florida. president trump up by four they re pretty going to nevada he is up by five. and then in arizona he is also up by five. but there is another twist to this i want to put up in arizona there is an abortion measure they ll be on the ballot and people asked whether they would vote for constitutional amendment to the right to abortion on the statement of the 70% say yes 27% said no. tammy, how could that impact could be a spoiler for president trump went into arizona has a comfortable lead at the moment? what that is the issue the democrats have relied upon to increase their enthusiasm. people are going to rush to vote for joe by if you put an issue on this it could be a variety of issues that is something people are passionate about. it will get them to the polls. however, i do not think this poll also says biden said about five point on the issue of abortion when it comes head to head with trump. suicide a huge lead. you ve got republicans who were alarealso agreeing with that bat measure. i think the trump enthusiasm we have seen this, even after the verdict, this poll it is monstrous, it is huge. this is the one thing thing the democrats have been relying on from the beginning because of biden s weakness. even that is not playing as much as they thought it would even suburban women have moved to trump. is going to be the push for the next few months i don t think it s going be a problem for trump i think they re able to beat that. and got sick at the turn out both sides of got to get operations i mean democrats seem to have an advantage they are underway and some the things he trump team seems applicable catch up on there in arizona will say that let s look to the issues we talked about abortion, president biting at the edge on climate change, abortion, election integrity and healthcare. president trump by much bigger margins gets the wind from these folks on israel/hamas where the economy, immigration and the border and harold, those are issues people say are more important to them. happy sunday, thank you for having us do. i think a couple of things big democrats we should be concerned about the state-by-state polling data showing us down for five-point to president trump at 50. anytime your opponent is at 50 and president trump is a unique opponent he s been a president before that should b because for some concern. but there are some things working in favor president biden but first off president trump s most pessimistic major candidate for president i ve ever seen everything is the worst. president biden is the worst, the economy is the worst scum of the borders the worst there s still an element of americans wantamerica swanting positives g some optimism regardless of how tiktok and social media has influence politics. two, president biden s got to talk about his record if he is straight 50 million-dollar jobs, enter thousand manufacturing jobs investments in arizona including phoenix where they become a manufacturing hub and will continue to be one going forward. you cannot underestimate the power of abortion. keeping it legal and safe. it certainly has been an issue in 2006 same-sex marriage went about and say someone to ensurienshrine that and state constitutions hoping to bring out bigger republican voting numbers. this issue will certainly do that. and the question will come down i think to a viable election had a people feel about their finances? how to go about their future and economic security come october? whomever has the advantage at that moment will have the advantage come november. shannon: would have a question thank you for getting us there will say because we ll get the tweets if i don t 59 jobs created but no give tests on the sill go back and say it most came back because of covid. there s been job creation. but, as a result the latest round of unemployment good jobs anumbers but again previous months have been revised downward seems to have a house every month progress wages are going up also. whatever the number is been 14.9 million jobs created. we can quarrel about all day but if we lost 14.9 million jobs, the tweets will be saying biden is the reason. of the economic issue come up to this point in virginia where there is a thai head to head president biden wen one bite 10 points more than 10 points there last summer and they were tied one of the questions asked what about your family s financial situation? will put this up. holding steady 43% 40% of people say falling behind. lee, you are to the ballot box in october people are going to vote based on their own economics, their own pocketbook. no doubt. the household debt being very high for a lot of families for families who want to get the first home interest rates are higher for some people there but they are in a home prioritizing upper economic mobility harder to be able to afford that larger house. the economy as an issue decide your vote in november is a bigger issue for people who are not benefiting from the economy right now. the point whether it s arizona, florida, nevada, for it voters a lot of them are talking about the border as a top priority there talk about the economy as a top priority. they are not talking as much about some these other issues. into the conversation about abortion being on the ballot they have backed the blue measure in arizona they ha devae white amendment to comment child sex trafficking. i think in the end of the day comes onto the mechanics and campaign it comes down to both sides as ritchie torres was talking t in his message of democrat that applies to republicans take absolutely nothing for granted but work hard on all day every day progress every campaign is at the absolute truth panel do not go far. up next hundred biden s federal gun cases back in session tamara s attorney taken this weekend to decide if the president s son will take the stand. plus, if you need a break available for streaming right now vaccination 80s quiz show you ll recognize a lot of familiar faces including mine. we get a little crazy because super competitive if you ve need a break this is fun hosted by the one and only chuck woolery on fox nation. treated any differently than any other american pickers. they argue, jason smith argues he did not tell the truth. jake and smith kim pursue every remedy available to him burke says that is what is doing a house ways and means chair jason smith oversight ranking member congressman this week. house republicans announce head and criminal referrals to the justice department recommending hunter and james biden the charge of making false statements to congress related to the house impeachment inquiry by the republicans against president biden democrat say this is all a stunt we are back out the panel. lee i will start the former prosecutor this is the letter they re sending over too d.o.j. hundred biden and james may provably false statement oversight committee and judiciary. is d.o.j. going to rethink with this? they should. you see steve bannon on his way to prison, peter was sent to prison, these are chargers that get treated very seriously by the d.o.j. when you are going after the right. it is the d.o.j. s and jute duty to treat the serious is coming from a nine states congress there is testimony given under oath. no one is above the law. those are joe biden s own words right after this verdict came out of manhattan a week and a half ago. the d.o.j. should absolutely investigate it. i happen to agree, knowing the evidence that was presented i agree hundred biden and james biden lied under oath. and for whatever reason, it means to justify the ends of and you re going after president trump to lock him up for the best of his life are bankrupt him and his family or from some cases remove them from the ballot for the left assignment attack on democracy this is everything we have had to witness and they have not even stopped yet they are still going. i think you re the d.o.j. has a responsibility you take it serious it s a referral finances congress with evidence to back it up. shannon: d.o.j. it may be done with at contempt citation for the eternal time itself james, was to send one over potential they re moving forward with this heahe says house oversight and judiciary committees issued lawful subpoenas for the audit records record the present biden interview special counsel her yet he continues to defy our subpoenas there must be consequences for refusing to comply with lawful congressional subpoenas. what, i am fatigued by all of the referrals, by the investment i was fatigued when democrats were doing it against president trump this is a group of people in the congress the last 40 years or 41 years of only submit a budget on time four times. this is a group of people in congress hamas attacked israel october 7 it took them months to finally provide some funding for our neighbors for our friends and allies. the blame goes on both sides i would agree with lee, if there is reason for the justice department no reason to believe they will not take these referral seriously. i hope they do what i hope they give us an answer more quickly than not it s important to note the issues were held in contempt because they did not show up. but if indeed there were allies here in myth truth or not truth i hope they go after but i hope at some point to get back to during their day jobs. democrats and republics if democrats are fortunate to gain a majority in the fall which is not out of the room i hope they take a lesson and realize people want them to behave seriously and do serious things i do not consider this the most serious of efforts by congress. shannon: you guys have broken free but former members of congress didn t break free i was i would ve stayed there. you look at the polling, congress get some of the worst stuff 19% was the lesson we had on that. may not want to make sure we touch on this there s a number of democrats out there warning of president trump is reelected he s talked to be about being a dictator being vindictive or revengeful. here s a little bit from left will hear from the former president too. i am telling it trump could end up rolling the score of got congress, and about the supreme court. i own it all. i am a dictator. it s very reasonable to assumed. people are actually worried abouome sort of extrajudicial detention as crazy as this sounds in the united states of america people should really consider these are possibilities. okay here s what president trump said when he is asked by sean hannity about these accusations. at number one, they are wrong it has to stop otherwise were not going to have a country. we cannot have this stuff go on. when biden goes out everyone says bye-bye and he gets indicted two days later and they go after him. the country does not want that. they did not want i with hilary clinton either. shannon: what do you make of the back-and-forth? works ciampa said even before about hilary when asked specifically put her in jail line, is that will be too divisive this is been a consistent position of his for years now. at no point has he created an action or made a point of statement going to be a dictator through everyone in jail it s been the opposite. then you got that left using meeting to try to guess i people. the fact of the matter is a biden has joked about defying the supreme court on the student loan decision. he has joked about that. only president trump is the one who has been on trial and faces being put in prison which many, including eye, think they will infect incarcerate him in some fashion. it seems a little bit but rejection considering the nature of what s been going on i think it is a shame. the american people can see the difference trump is been vocal about this consistently with piercing simply not true. shannon: before we go does hunter biden testified next week? i don t think he does, do you anybody? i think you should but no question. s second greatest letter all times or no. oh boy. we ll see if the jury thanks about that his father sank this week he is not planning to pardon him. all right panel thank you very much. coming up i m going to introduce you to an israeli man who survived the october 7 the taxi was huddled with his family in a safe room as friends and family members were murdered and kidnapped. here about his mission to all the remaining hostages a home fm gaza now. sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you re probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it s packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today. shannon: sending good news for hostage wreck rescued and gaza highlighted the fact hamas is still holding more than 100 people taken on october 7. talked with a survivor of the attacks he lost his father in law and many friends is now fighting to get the remaining hostages home including several from his own community but we spoke before the news that this weakens courageous rescue. it is this week s sunday special. shannon: how are you doing several months out but still very fresh? first of all, thanks for letting me speak here. difficult times we live in difficult times. for the last eight months i live in a hotel. it s not so easy in a very small room with my four kids and my wife. and actually with my dog. it does not matter. only about 125 people from israel who are still in gaza kidnapped. eleven of them are our community, our family. this is the hardest event. the hardest thing to do. not knowing. going to ask you both your ribbon and the necklace you have we in the when called a dog tag but it is very similar in israeli culture what it is because it israel you knew sir e the army you get one with your number, your personal number in the army. and now here in english is ha is and bring them home now. and in hebrew which means our hearts is to gaza. the yellow ribbon is a symbol again to beat with the kidnapped people in their families and friends as a symbol we empathize with them. so they will know we are thinking about them all day long all the time. this is incredibly difficult. people were taken some have not survived. we know we continue to find out there hostages who have not survived their captivity with hamas. what is your message here in the u.s.? we need to get help from everyone we can. first of all to bring everybody home. what you make of the conversations ongoing? there have been some releases. can t israel negotiate with hamas over these things? are they a reliable actor in these negotiations? one of the problems we have is we have some targets, not one. we have some targets it s very difficult to know what to do first. think the israel government we need to first win the war. i do not know what it is we lost the war on the seventh of october. we lost the battle. to win the war we bring the citizens back. not soldiers at citizens, civilians, they were taken from their homes. so, to win the war first bring them back. and then we will deal with gaza. can you envision a future? you grew up on the border with gaza your entire life. can you envision a future post war in which you can live peacefully and live safe on that border? i hope so. i am optimistic. we need to change something. i still do not know what. we cannot go and live the same way we live. now, when my kids hear a siren for example to think the terrorists are going to come. we are refugees in our own country and i m going to go back it will take time physically and mentally. but we go back and we want to go back we are not ler home paragrh to the israeli people feel supported by the americans? i want to think yes the majority think the united states to help us very much. i met with many, many people these last few days from the congress i feel the love that i feel we are together on this occasion is not just a fight between israel and hamas. it is in between good and bad. good and evil. shannon: thank you for sharing your story with us we appreciate it. thank you. shannon: and so we sat down with naor pakciarz we learned of the rescue of those in gaza he sent us a statement we are very happy poor of our captives were rescued by the idf. but we must remember the job is not done. we are still missing 120 hostages we need to bring back home fast. we continue to call upon the international community until all of our families are back home but we think a first time for a quick note my podcast is outliving the bremen this morning i sat down at tonya sheet one to give hope to students on the auburn campus where her husband is a basketball coach. it led to a gathering started revival on numerous campuses across the south. what how it happened where they re going next rate living in the bremen anywhere you get your podcast for that is it, thank you for joining us. i am shannon bream. have a wonderful week and we will see you nex

Road , Jackson-hole , Teton-pass-outside-of-jackson , Footage-mountain-pass , Wyoming , Person , Speech , News , Spokesperson , Public-speaking , Official , Businessperson

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Sportsday 20240610

slam title won the next two and looked on course for victory only for the spanish third seed, to find another gear. he only lost three games in the final two sets as he fulfilled what he called his childhood dream and emulated one of his heroes and compatriot rafael nadal. winning a grand slam is always special. winning your first. every grand slam. it was super special. but in roland garros, now with all of the spanish players who have won this tournament and to be able to put my name on that list is something unbelievable something unbelievable something that i dream about being in this position since i started playing tennis, since i was five or six years old. so it s a great, great feeling. he is a beast. he s an animal, for sure he is a beast. he s an animal, for sure. and the intensity that for sure. and the intensity that he for sure. and the intensity that he plays tennis at is different to other people. and he can different to other people. and he can do different to other people. and he can do so many different things he can do so many different things i he can do so many different things. i think that he changes tactic things. i think that he changes tactic a things. i think that he changes tactic a lot in the fifth set. started tactic a lot in the fifth set. started to play a lot higher and started to play a lot higher and a started to play a lot higher and a lot deeper for me to not create and a lot deeper for me to not create as and a lot deeper for me to not create as much power especially with the shadows on the court. it was slower again. but he s the court. it was slower again. but he s a the court. it was slower again. but he s a fantastic player. and but he s a fantastic player. and physically, he s fantastic. so i and physically, he s fantastic. so i have and physically, he s fantastic. so i have to look at myself and i so i have to look at myself and t have so i have to look at myself and t have to so i have to look at myself and i have to look the at the team that i have to look the at the team that i i have to look the at the team that i have and see what i can do to that i have and see what i can do to become at the same level. so for zverev the wait goes on as he tries to reach the heights that australian open championjannick sinner and carlos alcaraz have reached this year. here s our tennis correspondent russell fuller. alexander zverev is very middle aged compared to the two other, because he s 27. and hard for him mentally having lost another final over five sets to really think that he can compete with the very, very best in the game. you would suspect that he would have more opportunities. alcarez is very similar age to jannick condition sinner. winner on surfaces. seven men have done that and he s the youngest. and the only one is on the hard courts of the australian open, and there s absolutely no reason to think why he wouldn t be able to win that as well. so he is the player of the current crop of those names that we mentioned, who is most likely to be the dominant player of his era. butjust to remind him that there s some serious competition out there. in a while, it could be sinner and not carlos alcaraz who could take over as the new world men s number one. meanwhile the us open champion coco gauff and katerina siniakova won the women s doubles title with a straight sets victory over sara errani and jasmine paolini who lost the singles final on saturday. it s gauff s first doubles title at a grand slam. at the men s t20 cricket world cup, india survived a scare to beat pakistan in a thriller in new york in front of over 3a,000fans. put into bat in slippery conditions after morning rain, india struggled for runs virat kohli out for just 4. rishabh pant s aggressive 42 was imperative but their 119 all out didn t look like it would be good enough, and with muhammad rizwan setting about chasing down that total, pakistan were heading to victory, 80 for 3 with six overs left. but jasprit bumrah, spearheaded a brilliant fightback, took 3 for ia as pakistan fell short. two defeats from two for them, whilst india are on the brink of qualifying for the super 8s. the biggest positive for us was the calmness. because when we were batting in the morning, there was a lot more help. and when we started bowling, the skies opened up and the skies stopped and there wasn t a lot of lateral movement. so we had to be more consistent and more accurate. we as a unit were very calm and clear with what we wanted to do so we were happy that we could contribute and create that pressure. i knew it was going to be a really tight game because it s not an easy wicket to bat on. and sometimes, the small little attention to detail can make a massive difference. but credit to the bowlers, i thought that they did job on the whole. to be honest with you, we had that game for 35 of the 40 overs. really, we had the game. we played good cricket and did everything that we needed to. so it s a disappointing loss. elswhere, scotland comfortably beat oman by 7 wickets for their second win of the tournament. a wonderful unbeaten 61 from brandon mcmullen guided the scots to their target of 151 in under 1a overs as richie berrington s side delivered a statement win. that result means scotland currently top group b having after 3 games, they sitjust above australia who s convincing victory over england has put the the current world cup holder s chances of progressing to the super 8 s in serious doubt. our cricket correspondent henry morean was at that game in bridgetown and says england are making too many bad decisions. well, it s very easy to overreact to such things. and perhaps, if we have seen what happened in the 50 over world cup last year, it would be put down to one bad day at the office yesterday. but england are getting into a little bit of a habit now of making bold calls at the decisions of the captain and the coach that just aren t working. yesterday, they won the toss, elected to bowl first. yes, both captains said that they would have done the same thing, but it didn t pay off. there was the decision to bowl willjackson in the second over. that over went for 22 and australia were flying. you go back to the 50 over world cup and the decision to bowl in the mumbai heat against south africa proved to be a really disappointing and incorrect decision from england s point of view. so it starts to build up a bit of a pattern where the big calls are being made and england are getting them wrong and it s costing them cricket matches. but what they ve got to do quite simply against namibia and oman is to win big. they ve got to boost the net run rate and got to find a way of clawing themselves back into having some degrow of control in the group and also build a little bit of confidence, if nothing else. they d expect to build namibia and oman and beat them handsomely. the other factor is that although the time of the year, although it is boutful here in the caribbean, there is rain around. if england were to lose another rain to the weather, that would cause real problems. normal service has resumed for the formula one championship leader max vertsappen after he won a rain affected canadian grand prix. the three time world champion could only manage sixth at the monaco grand prix a fortnight ago. despite missing out on pole to george russell in montreal, the changeable conditions saw two safety cars and verstappen was able to get ahead during pitstops to take victory. in a thrilling battle behind him lando norris claimed second in his mercedez, ahead of fellow british driver, mclaren s george russell, who completed the podium. at the european athletics championships in rome, britain s dina asher smith has won gold in the women s 100 metres. she took victory in 10.99 seconds, crossing the line ahead of poland s ewa soboda and italy s zaynab dosso. it s asher smith s first major international medal since winning european 200 metres silver in 2022. i v e i ve been working really hard on my top end speed and i was really happy to, despite not getting the best start for me, being able to work it back. and that s definitely a new skill that s definitely a new skill that we ve worked really hard on. but yeah, i did. that was a bit hairy! just a little bit! but you know, made it! with the tour de france three weeks away, primoz roglic has showed his yellowjersey credentials by winning the criterium du dauphine with a gutsy ride on the final day. carlos rodriguez of the ineos grenadiers won stage 8, but matteo jorgenson who was in second place overall wasjust behind him meaning a struggling roglic had to finish within 56 seconds of the american. he made it across the line with 8 seconds to spare, to win the dauphine for the second time in his career. golf, and scottie sheffler s incredible success continues as he claimed victory at the memorial tournament. he finished just one shot ahead of colin morikawa for his 11th pga tour title. he s the first player to win 5 times in a season sincejustin thomas in 2017. meanwhile, linn grant came from 11 shots back on the final day to become the first woman to win two dp world tour titles as sebastian soderberg blew an eight shot lead in the final round of the scandinavian mixed. an extraordinary implosion from soderberg who needed par on the last to win. had this shot for bogey for a playoff but remarkably his effort lipped out making it a final round 77 and handing grant victory by one shot after her final round of 65 all the more special in her home town of helsingborg. you can get all the latest sports news at from the bbc sport app, orfrom our website that s from me and the rest of the team at the bbc sport centre, goodbye. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. live from washington, this is bbc news. emmanuel macron calls for a snap election after his alliance is defeated by the far right european parliament vote. elsewhere in the elections, voters snub the governing parties of germany, spain and belgium, the prime minister of italy and poland had cause to celebrate. benny gantz quits and demands an election. hello, i m helena humphrey. glad you could join me. france is going to the polls again. the country s president, emmanuel macron, called a snap parliamentary vote sunday night after his centrist alliance was trounced by the far right in european parliament elections. in a speech after exit polls were released, he said he could not ignore the results and he said he could not ignore the results and the dissolving parliament is an act of trust in the french people. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation but also for europe, for france s position in europe and in the world. and i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world the normandy landing, and as in a few weeks we will welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country, so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. the far right party was the winner of the eu elections

Court , Player , Team , T , Handing-grant-victory , Grand-slam , Title , Course , Seed , Spanish , Two , Person

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240610

raised in a traditional nuclear family do better on virtually all parameters. trey: dr. ben carson come of the book the perilous fight, he is a book about our soul. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. a pleasure, thank you soeat much. trey: yes, sir, i hopdinge yu have a great week ahead ands we thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. as we say good night, i want to say a special word of thanks for those who sail across the ocean to liberate a continent,al especially those who did not seallyhose back home. one of america s crowning achievements, d day, the 80th anniversary. next week you can find us online or carley: a brand new taxpayer funds high rise set to open with luxury amenities like views, gym and cafe. the rooms are reserved for homeless and wait until you hear the price tag. todd: probably high. this rhode island calamari chef was featured as face of the blue state s economic comeback. now he says he is voting for former president trump and he will tell us why. carley: take a look at this. c oh! oh, my gosh. open the gate, boys. carley: your eyes did not deceive you. bull loose at the rodeo, landing in middle of the crowd. we will show you the wild video. you are watching fox and friends, i m carley shimkus. todd: the producer has video of my kids this week. carley: sometimes it feels that way. todd: i m todd piro, busy monday morning. former president trump hitting vegas holding his first rally since his new york conviction. carley: madeleine rivera joins us with deil tas, good morning. madeleine: former president trump s event in las vegas capped his western i think sw. he raised millions in california and rallied voters railing against his conviction and touting his poll numbers in nevada. hundreds of thousands of people contributed, they know wouldn t have except for the court case. poll numbers are higher, because people are watching and know a fake deal. were we better off four years ago or no? it was not close. now democrats are coming over, we are really the party of common sense. madeleine: fox news polls show president biden winning th there. he made news by saying he won t charge taxes on tips. trump denounced the president s border policies, important issue for voters in the state. beincrooked joe signed order pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-women trafficking. it is weak, ineffective, it is what he signed. if joe biden truly wanted to sign an executive order to stop the invasion, all he would need to do is say i reinstate every border policy of a gaming named jay bha donald trump. madeleine: requesting documenting from florida censorship marco rubio, strat cyst called him an effective communicator who appeals to suburban and independent voters that will be key to trump s success. he did not mention on stage, trump endorsed sam brown, leading candidate in the gop senate primary race calling the purple heart rescipient. he will take on jackie rosen in november. todd: definitely one to watch. senators tom cotton and j.d. vance on the v.p. short list, here is what they are saying about the possibility of being selected as running mate. he will make a choice when he is ready to make the choice. i m focused on helping him win this election so we can reverse damage joe biden has inflictod this country for fearer yoos. we ve had conversations with the trump team, i have not spoken with the president directly. i want to help donald trump get elected, it is important he become the next president. todd: j.d. vance will joan fox and friends live. carley: trump set for virtual probasis hearing. after a jury convicted him, former president could face prison time or probation, this interview will help decide that. it is next step. juan merchan will sentence trump on july 7. carley: will the definitelies in the hunter biden case call the first son to testify? todd: brooke singman has more. brooke: abbe lowell telling the judge, we are down to that last decision. the we have heard from hunter s daughter, gordon cleveland, the gun store owner, as well as several of hunter s former lovers, including hallie biden. in text messages exchanged between hunter and hallie, hunter describes waiting for a drug dealer and smoking crack on a car. the jury will be tasked with weighing whether or not hunter lied when he checked no on the federal gun form in 2018 stating he was not addicted to drugs at the time of the. president biden says he will not pard en hunter, but that could change. i think he will pardon hunter. if you think about it, there has been questions about joe biden s behavior in the past, alleged business dealings and the like, one could see scenario where joe biden pardons hunter biden and associates so they don t turn state s evidence against joe biden. brooke: the jury could head into deliberation as soon as this afternoon. todd: caitlin clark addressing her snub from the u.s. women s olympic team, which sparked outrage, why wouldn t we want the most popular woman in the sport on the team. carley: social media anticipate building community for everyday americans and protecting children from bad actors online. i m all ears. the founder and ceo is here to tell us all about, that is coming up next. we ve never spoken. but you ve told us many things. that you love stargazing, hate parallel parking, and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn t begin in a studio it began with you. (song in french) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) book in the app ( ) to find your perfect somewhere. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. summer in full effect, big weather story is extreme heat across southern tier of the country. that continues. temperatures early this morning, you see plenty of 70s and 80s across lower tier, close to 90 in phoenix. it has been largely southwest, seeing ectreme heat over last several days. most of texas in 80s and 90s. fe phoenix 106, 104 in vegas. pretty warm air folks are deal i ing with. 110 by tomorrow. you see heat continue to run up, 111 and 109 in fephoenix. rain wise across the country, big rainy spots, largely here around gulf coast in florida and expecting ton of rain in florida taking over next several days. could be talking about major flooding. it is wet time of year, this is significant rain. todd: everything is green and florida standing out like a candy cane. carley: okay. search continues for a missing georgia 12-year-old girl last seen last month at her father s house. the gainesville community has raised $20,000 for the safe return of maria perez. investigators believe she is in danger, they do not believe she is kid napped. the sheriff s office hope the reward money prompts someone to come forward with information to help find her. todd: brand new social media platform called hedgehog shaking up tech landscape, it is for everybody americans to see and share news without content or opinions being filled filtered out. john matze joins us. social media is chaotic, how will hedgehog keep chaos out? yeah, thanks for having me on this morning. hedgehog is about putting the community in charge. what is different and sets us apart. on hedgehog, you earn respect. so when you see other social media incentivize and focus on building that exposure, we are about building conversation and building a community. todd: get into more of this community. you say community is in charge, not a back smoke-filled room of 22-year-olds making elite decisions. how does that work in practice? yeah, on so what we do is when there is some issue where people say, does this content belong on the platform, we put that to the community in terms of democratic vote. the community is in charge. basic safeguards to protect the platform from getting derailed, in addition the platform is in charge. other platforms focus on giving small group and central authority position complete control of the narrative and that is wrong. todd: hedgehog does not allow minors at all. pew research found 95% of teens ages 13 to 17 and as young as 8-12 used social media. why do you have a no kids p policy? studies show effects of social media on teens specifically are causing increased amount of depression and suicide is largest cause of death for kids between 13 and 17. i think i don t think there is a place online for kids until we figure out how to create a place to do it safely. we re focused on adult issues, we want to get people talking and get debate going online. let s not introduce another problem and figure out way to move forward and set an example for other platforms and say kids should not be on our social media or others, as well. todd: the others, congress is trying to force the sale of tiktok, that is about the chinese communist party and less about the kids. you see them trying to regulate, but do you think congress should step in and ban social media for anybody under the age of 18. with regard to tiktok, a lot had to do with kids, they were calling congress once tiktok put out an aslert saying they are trying to ban up. that upped the ante. i think there should be some sort of regulation protecting kids, not sure what it should be, it should be on a federal le level. i really think something should come from congress to say, hey, there is something going on with social media and kids, we need to do something about it. great conversation to move forward. todd: as a parent, i want to see it. hedgehog seems interesting. fox corporation, parent company to fox news media is a hedgehog investor. keep us posted. thank you. to basketball now, wnba star caitlin clark taking high road after being snubbed from teen usa oslympic basketball roster. they called and let me know and i appreciate that and they did the same for every girl that did or didn t make the team. it gives you something to work for, that s a dream. i hope to be there. more motivation, you remember that and hopefully in four years, i can be there. todd: that is literally the perfect answer. carley and i said clark says she is looking forward to taking time from competitive action. i get that, she s been in the spotlight a lot. they couldn t fit her in out as 12th woman in this case to make sure they got attention they have been getting throughout women s basketball. carley: the reason they gave, they left her off, they did not want fans to be disashes pointed in her lack of playing time. it does not make sense. turning the snub into a positive and motivation. todd: switch from women s basketball to rodeo, wild ride at the rodeo for this crowd. a bull leaped over the fence into the stands. oh! oh, my god. open the gates, boys. todd: maybe fence should be higher, we have the rest of the video after this. carley: and new york times predicting what a second trump term will look like, diving into radical policies like securing the border and trade policy, joe concha will respond that to article next. my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ingrezza have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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oh, that is right, he was met until 2021. he will secure the border, especially if senate is flipped. we know his economic policies gave us one of the greatest economies we ve seen in our lifetime. that is not opinion, that is fact. if you look at it, we may not be bogged down in wars that seem to have no end. and we ve seen fearmongering, these are news reporters, one of the folks on the byline is maggie haberman, who has written anti-trump books and talks about how horrible donald trump is. new york times have not endorsed a republican presidential candidate since elvis was a thing in the 1950s, that is what you should expect. todd: surprised jonathan swann is on this. that is the way the paper is goings. cnn fire for saying israeli hostages were re not rescued, but released. cnn, you should be afraid, what a disgusting headline. is this a mistake from a saturday intern working summer hours? we were all there and worked the shift. or is something more happening here? joe: say it was an intern working on a sunny afternoon in june and mixed up released from rescued. you see the chyron on the screen. it could have been corrected, somebody could have gone on the air and said obviously lives were rescued. they were not released by hamas. we will not see this, that is who this newspaper is. carley: incredible news they were rescued, including that girl noa, who became the face of the october 7. president biden wrapped up his trip to france with a speech yesterday and confused ukraine is iraq. president biden: we have become semiisolationist now, the idea we had to wait to get money for iraq, it is just not who we are, not who america is. america shows up when we need it. just like our o allies show up for us. carley: the white house fixed the gaffe, crossed out the word iraq. joe: same president who said russia invaded russia on two occasions, go back and read that transcript, read the robert hur transcript, he did not remember he was vice president or when his son died. i think offense to newspaper saying trump refused to visit the same cemetery where joe biden was visiting this morning honoring those lost in world war i. determination is made by marine corps and white house military office in collaboration with secret service. i keep seeing reports trump did not want to go there in 2018, he could not go there, the weather did not allow it. get that is the record. that is who joe biden is, clean-up on aisle five, 17 and 24, debate is everything on june 27th. can he last without a script or teleprompter. carley: he will be in italy later this week for g-7 and have plenty opportunity to speak there. todd: this video out of organization, rodeo showing a pull breaking loose. my gosh, jumping over a six-foot fence into the stands. oh, oh, my gosh. heads up. open the gate, boys. todd: open the gate. four people hurt when the bull leaped over and landed on people in the crowd. this is not a puppy, this is a bull. rodeo says the bull was heading back to the handler pen. he was under control within a few not ms. everyone is expected to be okay. carley: the bull wanted a good show. todd: stay in the animal kingdom. carley: let s do that. back-to-back shark attacks at t tourist hot spot left two teens and a woman injured with a woman losing an arm. the attacks happened at two beaches four miles from each other. this is just weeks after officials named florida as shark bite capital of the world. a shark expert and director of the coastal marine experiment station joins me now. doctor, good morning, this is scary. not something a beach goer wants to hear. shark attacks are happening more and more often, is that true, and if so, why? thanks for having me. that is the million dollar question. everyone is wondering what is going on here, these are random and rare eventing. if you look at where we are with these incidents, there are no more than 10 years ago. there are more people in the water, it is hotter out and there is more interaction. carley: if you are in the water and come face-to-face with a shark. don t paneck, when we splash, look, that attracts sharks. slowly exit the water. sharks don t want anything to do with us in the water. carley: if you do come upon a shark in the water, worst case, punch the shark in the nose, is that true? no, i would highly not recommend that. exit the water really carley: good point. how faftz can you punch in water? some people say sharks are misunderstood creatures. what can you tell us about sharks we might not know? one thing about sharks we don t know, most don t know, to keep our ocean clean, we need them. people enjoy going to the ocean and like to eat dead and dying animals. they keep it clean. they allow us to enjoy it. we are visitors in the ocean and something we need to realize when we go to the beach. carley: our producers said people are not on a shark s menu, iffy woo were, there would be more attacks. just usually sharks confused in the water. thank you for joining us. todd: so glad you asked the punching question. carley: exit the water calmly if a shark is swimming at you. todd: i m dead, when is last thing i did anything calmly. carley: new he rise with luxury amenities, views, gyms, cafe, rooms are reserved for the homeless. cheryl casone is here next. todd: california businesses are not getting the same treatment at all, what impact is $20 wage having on fast food industry? it is not good. we ll show you the numbers next. bent finger appointment in 30 minutes. you got this. one - remember, i don t want surgery for my dupuytren s contracture. two - i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three - i want a treatment with minimal downtime. four - i want a nonsurgical treatment. good boy. and five. and if nonsurgical treatment isn t offered? i ll get a second opinion. let s go! take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat, visit to get started. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it s 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space into a shaded retreat your family will love! when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio much more often. plus, get this $200 discount certificate that will bring you your sunsetter for as little as $799. but this is a limited time offer. call now! sunsetters are backed with up to a 10-year limited warranty! more than 1 million families in america own and love their sunsetter. now, you too can discover why “life is better under a sunsetter.” it s like putting an extension on your home. and talk about options: choose motorized or manual and for just a little extra, add led lighting for evening enjoyment. there are so many incredible styles to choose from in our free awning idea kit. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! call now to get the whole sunsetter story. you ll get this free awning idea kit. plus, a $200 discount certificate and there s no obligation. with sunsetter, you ll create the ultimate outdoor living space. perfect for entertaining friends. call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!”act now and save! her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. carley: listen to this. sho shocking border patrol memo says to release single migrants from all eastern hemisphere migrants. todd: cheryl casone has details. this executive action seems like a piece of swiss cheese. cheryl: is it effective? take a piece from this memo obtained by fox news telling agents in san diego area to release single adult migrants from all but six countries. its sent out after biden s executive order. homeland security secretary mayorkas admitting the president s order has had no impact so far. we re at a very early stage, implementation has just begun, intent is to charge the risk calculus before they leave their country of origin and incentivize them to use lawfulen moos. it is early, signs are positive. cheryl: according to white house under president biden directive, 7750,000 illegal immigrants could earn status. there are xfrl exemptions, suspend entry of average encounters exceed 2500 for seven straight days. carley: we mentioned a homeless highrise in los angeles, give us details here. cheryl: unbelievable this is happening amid california s budget deficit crisis in california. this is taxpayer funded brand new highrise for homeless set to open in los angeles. it has a gym, cafe and views of the skyline. it will cost $165 million. it has studio apartments, p51 bedroom apartments, it has an art room and library. . the library says we re trying to make our corner of the world look and feel better. this is taxpayer funded and being loos like a very nice dorm room. it looks like the best dorm room at college you would want to live in, it is taxpayer funded and i think that is where controversy is coming in. this was reported in new york times . carley: that is better than where i live. todd: instead of spending on one, spend and get two and house more homeless people instead of giving select few luxury. i don t get it. we thank you. mexican restaurant salute tacos closing its doors. businesses are struggling in the golden state because of the minimum wage hike. burger king, mcdonald s and subway have been forced. jonathan mayes joins me now. if this $20 minimum wage is supposed to help workers but 10,000 fast food workers are out of a job because of it, how is that helping workers? well, it s not, not really, no. look, it is tough. you have two issues really. you have the fact it was done almost overnight. you have the fact 25% increase in rage rate, both of those things happening simultaneously is really hard thing for restaurant s bottom line and you are seeing the effect of it. todd: fast food is viewed now as a luxury. you and i remember we would get a big maz, $4 or $5 with a coke and fries. now we are talking $12 or $13, not just in california, i have seen it in connecticut. look at numbers, do minimum wage laws, the reason prices are increasing, in addition to inflation. will they price fast food out of ex existence? look at what mcdonald s reported a couple weeks ago, prices are up 40% since 2019, costs are up. you had dramatic increase in food cost, labor cost, insurance costs are up, lending is up, construction costs are up. that requires companies to increase prices and result of this is that fast food has largely lost its reputation as a value player and that is what has been going on and result of this, consumers dine out les often, not going to mcdonald s or other places often as they had been. todd: cheap and convenient way to feed a family of four, we are so far beyond that. this is a meal out that you need to budget for. thank you for your insight. four years ago, speaking of food. that guy here, calamari chef went viral for his appearance the 2020 dnc. now he says he is voting for donald trump. he will tell us why. carley: lawrence jones is here to tell us what is coming up on fox and friends . lawrence i want to hear that, maybe prices of food or economy and inflation. watch fox and friends first to see. thanks. coming up on this jam-packed monday morning, hunter biden is back in court today, will he testify? what will election-year impact be? gregg jarrett will break it down coming up. betting all on red. president trump predicting major showing for republicans in nevada as he rallies a fiery crowd in vegas. congressman zeinke and j.d. vance will react live. caitlin clark breaking her silence on what some call an olympic snub. mic michele tafoya will give us her opinion. and ledgendary author james patters. big morning on fox and friends, get your coffee, it s going to be a big one. your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it s the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don t take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. illinois governor j.b. pritzker now talking about the investigation into the so-called worst mayor in america saying this about tiffany hay in other words, the mayor of dolton, illinois looked tiff corruptionr asking the attorney general. the reality is there are two pretty significant investigations going on. we will support them in every way that we can but it s really just a matter of do you want everybody running over each other in those investigations or do you want, you know, two concerted efforts towards getting the facts. i think that those are two pretty good authorities for looking into this, investigating it, and getting to the truth. governor s response comes after a town hall meeting where residents accuse the mayor of misusing city funds. the fbi is investigating henyard, carley you may remember this went viral four years ago for his appearance at the 2020 democratic national convention. take a look. i have stayed up appetizer, call marry is available in all 50 states. calamari cast one vote for bernie sanders and 34 votes for the next president joe biden. that was clef holding that calamari. speaking out about his support for former president trump despite being at the dnc. chef, good morning to you. it was the all black outfit finally holding the plate of calamari that made you go viral four years ago. speaking out saying you supported trump back then. you support him now, once again, tell us why. is he a businessman. and i think we need a businessman that can run the united states like a business. and to help the people who live here. lower jobs, keeping lower prices and seeing the whole bottom line work out for everybody. it s just i don t know. i just always believed business is business. the politicians, i don t know, i don t want to i don t want to diss him or anything. you always hear they are going to make up stories and going to help you. and they are going to do this or that for you. i think donald trump did an awful lot while he was in office the four years he was here the first time around. carley: he was just at a valley in nevada all you have to do is look at how you were four years ago and reflect it to where you are right now. you are calling on a businessman. it sounds like the economy is your number one issue is that true? right. absolutely. absolutely. look at the prices of homes. you know, you can t buy i feel for the kids that my son s age and stuff like that who want to buy a home right now. they have to pay overinflated prices and high interest rates: and going to crush them. need to make a ton of money more so than they are making right now or what i m making right now. you need more money to stay on top of the things. everything is going up in price over and over. carley: let s talk about the restaurant where you are the head chef at iggy s boardwalk. tell us about it and i m sure inflation is impacting everything, is it impacting the prices on the menu as well? absolutely. you see the prices going up on a weekly basis, sometimes a daily basis. even fluctuates, special the commodity stuff seafood. i purchase weekly, daily, and i see the prices go up. some prices have come down a little bit but nothing major. and it just forces us to have to raise the prices on the menu or maybe cut back on something. just to, you know, not gouge the customer. we want everybody to come in and have a grateful meal and enjoy themselves about not having to worry about the bottom line. carley: after seeing your appearance four years ago. you said your wife said hey, you are going viral online. you are like what is viral? what was that whole experience. got on the beach in the all black holding the calimari. i was called by my boss dave ravine know who is another trump supporter. he says to me, he was away visiting his son at college. he says to me i need you to be at work 9:00 tomorrow morning they are going to do a photo shoot with some representative rhode island something to do about biden. i need to you make a platter of calimari for them. i get in lady looks me up and down uniform on plus the mask. she said you are going to be in the shot. she said what shot you? are going to stand there and hold the plattedder of calimari. i was wondering how we were going to hold this thing or prop it up. we are going to put you in the shot. i did. from there it became iconic. the rest is history. carley: their seconds until fox & friends. i didn t know this before calimari is rhode island s official appetizer. really quickly, what s the best way to serve it? nice and crispy with pepper, hot pepper rings, garlic and olive oil and a little bit of aregular know basil. carley: just the way we like it. do you approve? todd: oh, man, i m going to run out right now. carley: chef, thank you very much. have great day. thank you. you too. carley: sounds delicious. fox & friends starts right now. have a great day.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240609

Be able to do that. go out. with dog manure. the latest bizarre food trended making the rounds of social media kcal bars smothering catch up yes and the skills here you go. and this is for you. no no no. this is a break me off moment, these are made it to be shared. that s not possible, that is not possible. the vertex, the vertex, charlie. no no no. i think the thing to do is you look awfully cancer first and then you eat the chocolate. this is an improvement on catch up. and the dozen for us and we will see you tomorrow the big we can show and life, liberty & levin starts right now. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is life, liberty & levin saturday powerful show and superstar the house of representatives, and professor stephen calabrese, from northwestern university law school in one of the lawyers be on the challenge of jack smith the special counsel unconstitutional appointment will be really fantastic at and before you do that, what you something little bit differently tonight. at which go biden and orbiting of the day giving his speech and i was appalled obviously he said some very important things about his politicization on the 80th anniversary take a shot at donald trump trump actually lying about with donald trump said, in doing so very nasty way, and the negative thinking to myself, there is a man, standing at nobody, the day, company standing it morgan state college in front of black male students are at howard, what is giving speeches generally stretching the united states and talking about how our history has been horrific and we do not have equality of opportunity. an effective never this been giving inspiring patriotic pro- american speech in his life. the speech that he gave it d-day were d-day accord become of them will never go down in history as it rate speech and only back and listened to president trump s speech of the 75th anniversary and it was hearing a beautiful. it was patriotic it as i went back in the listen the reagan speeches i think a magnificent speech in a beautiful speech, biden is not up to being president of the night 60s even worse letting the leader and he does represent the values and the belief system of the american people and he represent take french radical group. in the negative thinking about bernie sanders than others and aoc and omar in that whole ilk and what they say about the american people in our country, and to think about the american immediate day in and day out with crt di, teresa the world of the jake tapper s of the world and so forth as it is so horrendous, the disconnect, between the american needed most of it, the disconnect between the disconnect between the democratic party, the president of the leadership, and we the people of america, kenobi bigger. i wanted you a little story and we were attacked at pearl harbor, three-minute that i know up with quickly to try to join the war effort coming to protect our country when at that my mother s father, grandfather as it was maurice rubin and he hated his name so he collects of he was 34 years old right of the limited. any joined the marines. any phonic wall develop long brutal battle and went on from july 21st, till august 10th of 1944, was 2000 of her mental killed, there were 6000 wounded it, but that was nothing end of it. and he was in the fifth division of the marines. and this is his platoon. you can see the mid- in this platoon i think it was 13 if i recall. you can see him there and i want you to look at the picture the vast majority of those men died at iwo jima than to begin moment i want you to look at them if you do they sing fight entered like they are privilege addict what they are not privileged grandfather was born report. his parents came over from russia. with nothing. everything that he had a word for there was no welfare state. but he loved his country. to the court and the battle at iwo jima, 6800 americans died of that island it in 19000 over 19000 casualties in the battle went on from february 19th to march 265 six weeks and look at the casualties, there were more medal of honor recipients as a result of that engagement of 27 in any battle in american history from the fifth marine division of the division, other marine divisions, animals 2500 died and there were 6000 wounded. they sustain the heaviest lo losses. my grandfather was a patriot. when he came back, from that war, his hands shook. he lost his voice. any spoke like this the rest of his life read remember when i first met my grandfather committees about 6-foot 3 inches tall big man and even an amateur boxer was a tough guy and remember he walked in the house the four big sticks along brown leather coat and a chihuahua in his pocket. [laughter] that he gave to the family a chihuahua puppy is a gift card that was my first memory of him. and of no white supremacist pretty any of the patriotic american. in the latter years of his life, he lived in quietly. diabetes, it is his foot removed and so forth and so on her stories are not unique and i want to tell you about another minute or family by the way is brother, his brother-in-law, sister s husband, named kevin at synthetic he joined the marines the same date, and he fought on the solomon violence, and the canal, and he was a big tough man with big hands and this what i remember. and to tremendous patriots, tremendous patriots and there was my father, and am telling you this for a reason because american families all over this country have gone through the ups and american citizens, houthis and respected by their government and who deserve respect for the president. from there to have it for families it tapped over and over again and lies told about the projection of racism on top of them for the racism the biden family practice in the racism joe biden practice in the senate, and it had nothing to do with my father my grandfather my great uncle are my family, nothing. this on biden and on july 4th 1937, my father jack, then 12 years old, and a neighborhood but he walked it several miles from their homes, the parade route with the city philadelphia was already donations founding father route stretch from center city philadelphia, upper from independence hall come to the philadelphia art museum or sylvester stallone would make famous in the rocky movies, early 40 years later. in a apply, father s attention, a civil war veteran and he said on the back of a four-door convertible, dressed in his all union uniform, including his campaign hat and behind him marched a small group of spanish american war veterans, but of all of the soldiers the veterans are merging vance my father sought that they come the union soldier so that camille jack had been somewhat about the civil war in school, saying the soldier in the flesh intrigued him and the soldier would become seared in my father s mind of the most costly war in american history, became real to and thus become a father s lifelong journey of self-education and patriotic preaching, about this great nation s history and founding principles and at a young age jack in an effort drawing from a designing and when he was 13 years old, he designed an automobile window and intervention for the contest that they were conducting in conjunction with the release of the movie young tom is income starring mickey rooney remember the little triangle window, well and among others, that was his idea and he was one of only five winners citywide, and earned a trip to the 1939, new york world s fair in this had incredible impression on him and a 15, my father committed an idea with drawings for animating the story a christmas carol to the in california, the studio loved and asked that he provide more examples of his work including, numerous cartoon drawings which he did in the next contacted his parents announced that it would allow percentage points disney studios. well, they said they would provide them with dormitory state space in either facility what is working for them but his parents concern about his age, turned down the offer my father grew up during the great depression his family was very very poor and his father harry to part-time jobs when he can find them, and his mother sarah worked in his cigar factory in about a mile down from where there were living jack was the oldest of four children. any boy and when he turned 16 years old, half of the school day you did, you would walk to the cigar factory, down the street where he worked until midnight and running the going rate of $17 a week on week as my father took freelance jobs furniture frame manufactured, sketching frames going to oppose herself as a chair said he was paid, $2 for a set of drawings and manufacturers salesman use the finished drawings with the customers he was later the japanese attacked pearl harbor and jack spend the summer working at the craps shipyard from the philadelphia shipyard, with the oldest destroyers and summaries but he wanted to do more for the war effort like somebody wonderful mentor that young time, my father decided to enlist in the armed forces and he wanted to be a cadet in the army air corps, which today we know the air force. jack was only 17, he was too young and so he security copy of his birth certificate from city hall, rubbed out the number five in 1925, his birth year, any written for and just like that he reached the legal age requirement of 18. now if you pass a rigorous their core exam, he was in and cadets took the exam including students from the university of pennsylvania but only for paths, including my father not long thereafter, is my father was boarding a train to biloxi mississippi, for basic training, the soldier stopped him and told him the lt. wanted to see him of the cynically taken close of the birth certificate and asked jack how old he was objectively the truth. the ten at ten was not very happy with my father when he turned 18, he joined up in a week after, he turned 18 and he did well in their service, jack would use brief respites committed to rock tunes which were published in a variety of newspapers later joined the regular army, and in the infantry and it always bothered him, they never sent him overseas rate and when he was on his deathbed, he called me over five and half years ago, it was just he and i in the hospital room. his body was a wreck with cancer. and he said you know mark, i know what god did not send me to europe in a supply get. and he sits organ have you and your mother and i could have you. my peers were great people. and as he was dying, he was trying to write another book. the declaration of independence and he wrote several books gettysburg address, second inaugural address, and installing to his children and influenced the of a this is what he drew, shortly before he passed away. i shorted before he passed away. in the current president of the united states secretary of state, national security advisor, and the press secretary for the presbytery and for the secretary of state and they keep saying when it comes to his part from there is no victory right when they mean by victory, i m a grandfather knew what victory meant. my great uncle knew what victory that my father knew it victory met it we know what victory means. when i listen to donald trump speech coming in and referencing of the concentration camps only listen to ronald reagan speech, any reference to the six jews had been slaughtered, i listen to joe biden speech and he never mentioned this ralph, no months. talk about trump, the naming him. any talk about ukraine, and i agree with him on ukraine. he is the one that s held back ukraine despite all the money spent, they have not but in the army mets, that they need to actually defeat some of these russian battalions. and is withheld the okay for them to attack beyond a certain level of the europeans have been begging him. and he talks about democracy. but is in front of other groups and he talks about his hate for america. and you know who else know about victory, dwight eisenhower and harry truman, the new something about victory after close to i ve years of fighting the in europe in general and eternal life on june 6, 1944, d-day of the set apart from the tightest turn, the freemen of the world are merging together to victory and i have full confidence in your courage, devotion, to duty skill and that will accept nothing less than victory also year after d-day president harry truman announced ve day of may 8th 1945 in which he said in part, this victory, we join in offering our thanks to the providence in which because guided and sustained us of the dark days of adversity rejoice and sobered is subdued by the supreme consciousness of the terrible price that we have paid through the world of hitler, and his evil band and if i can give away simple watch for the coming months, the board is working, work, and more working we must work coveted finish the work in our victory is only half over but much remains to be done in the victory one in the west and is now being born in the east for the triumph of spirit in arms head of which we have wanted for his promise some of the peoples everywhere, who joined us and 11 freedom and it is fitting that we as a nation give thanks to almighty god and it was us and given us the victory, and i call upon the people of the united states, whatever their faith, to united offering joyful thanks to god for the victory. we have wanted to pray that he will support us, to the end of our present struggling and guide us into the way of peace and i also call upon my countrymen, to dedicate this day of prayer come to the memory of those given their lives to make possible our victory. and he said also my personal appreciation of the suburban leadership, showing you and your commanders and directing the valiant leeches of her own country. and rallies and do this historic victory. every president has known what mean perhaps other than biden and obama in the victory, and israel right now is because i did is funding the enemy is preventing israel from winning. what is victory fiasco the reason ukrainians are now on their heels is not because of lack of money and arms coming it is because biden has held them back. any talking about russia any use that d-day speech. to lie about your political about it in front of the world, where all of those brave men are buried. that s phone place, on that solemn day, is disgusting. sue and welcome back america, we have one of the superstars i think it republican party the house of representatives, and at east in it at least if republican conference chair, she s on the house armed services committee, and nobody has question hostile witnesses like she does and i can tell you that, and is a pleasure to have you and i want to start with you, on this immigration issue joe biden was of the border, over 90 executive orders, only has to do is reverse them and we don t need a law in congress to me congresswoman the fellows existing immigration law, when we passed a law this is follow the law was joe biden done here. he has created the most catastrophic of border crisis innovations history and the american people know what is wavy look of the polling parking, is trump s pulling over 30 points ahead when he comes to handling up of border security and illegal immigration and house republicans passed the secure the border act, your ago, joe biden refused to support that bill in effect threatened to veto the bill and chuck schumer killed that builds those house republicans who have led legislatively to secure the border and it was joe biden who months ago, said that he did not have the executive authority to fix this border crisis even though the market people know that it was his executive actions that created this border crisis as of this latest desperate executive orders that joe biden has put out, political desperation and is only further fuels the illegals able to cross both are southern in our northern boulder reporters phoenix unbelievable is in the the comes out of the sky smell in the media to run with it and likely going to say to joe biden is his bipartisan bill. i partisan bill, congress woman to think the three republican supported it is negotiated in secret. on the mitch mcconnell, voted against his own bill and what with the joe biden partisan bill with duncan illegal immigration. further fueled of the fire and had open up the floodgates for more illegal immigrants two-point in this country and it would not have ended catch and release them he would not reinstated remain in mexico policy, we help what is secure border looks like helsley president trump s effective border security policies the most secure border in my lifetime and that s why house republicans opposed this pro- amnesty negotiation behind closed doors of the joe biden politically wanted to bail him out to cover up for this border crisis that he has created and of famer coming up onto the border for the southern and northern border center represent the temporal northern border, we ve seen illegal crossings, skyrocketed or joe biden is failed leadership including those on the terror partially synthesis of national security prices and economic crisis, and is a constitutional crisis because if you do not have orders from you lose your sovereignty as a nation as of this is an issue house republicans avoided were not and would reelect president trump continue to grow the house republican majority the senate and we will make sure that in addition of trumps executive orders from the we get secure the border step signed into law. mark: you know, some of the difficulty accusing the menino law i keep saying, the system is broken. first of all, what kind of law when they support, another would enshrine as you point out, open borders illegal immigration, slavery and could sold into slavery in the door-to-door darn thing about it in your acer to think about number two, to make it count on the number of women were sold into slavery encounter the number of children now were sold to pornographers and we keep him, have any of this and i noticed that very interest of keeping count of goes on in the middle east the israelis and palestinians. do we keep count of the amount of may have in the anarchy and humanity going on in the southern border as a result of this president to make it gets worse even that which you think about it, divided department of homeland security, does not know and is awestruck of nearly 100,000 minors who are in slavery being human trafficked and humanitarian travesty and it is all joe biden s watch. he has created this border crisis lock stock and barrel. the american people point of pulled him accountable you are exactly right of the president trump executive order for you the most secure border in the northern and southern border in our nations history this life the bill that the house republicans vessel strong support despite a very slow majority, we passes secure the border act to enshrine those trump executive orders in the democrats cannot have it both ways. as a first joe biden have the executive authority then they put out a desperate executive order and it is offensive to the market people in the voters because they know the joe biden s executive actions underwent open of the border and is allowed catch and release, and has created this crisis transferring of illegals to places all across the country so it is not just the border states and communities that are infected, it is every state is a border state in every community as a border community and is prices because of joe biden and president trump is going to secure the border come with the help of house republicans and senate republicans to provide safety flown at half a million foreigners in the country. and affirmatively he is has gotten them confronted into the country will move illusion pendant management will recent nothing has changed and that is the truth, nothing changeable we come back, what is it with joe biden in his hate pretty israelis in the state of israel. the few people to never speak to the net there and what is it about him and his embrace of iran and funding the enemy and we will be right back. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. mark: welcome to fox news likein israel celebrating up to the countries military skewed hostages from central gaza and the musk enough them from music festival, october 7th them up finally back home in israel, said to be in good health and a rescue mission though, coming at a heavy cost of the palestinian side and heavy explosions and fighting could be hurt as the idea carried out that during daytime operation pretty hamas run health ministry said the more than 200 palestinians were killed fox news cannot independently confirm that number and it is the third time israel s military has successfully rescued hostages in the months long war. at least 1120 hostages remain in gaza. meantime crime minister benjamin netanyahu urging is really work out a member, not too quizzical illusion come he was expected to resign today over benjamin netanyahu handling of the war i m john scott is now back to life, liberty & levin. c1 welcome back america, were here with the least release still phonic, and if i were somebody who wanted to undermine israel, prevent them from winning a war and surely cannot survive the two state solution know the rest that would got joe biden s demand but what is this problem. will that is anti-semitism and that is a growing strain today s different party, that is not become a stream and is anti- israel every opportunity, joe biden has equivocated for la and turned his back on his route for adams honor to be invited by the speaker these really because the speaker robotic about to deliver remarks about the importance of the united states standing with israel and this the same week of the joe biden attempted and is still withholding military eight that congress passed in support of her most precious la the middle east, you have an administration that s obama, 2.0 prioritizing iran and hundred biting israel created chaos national security, threats or the world because of joe biden s weakness on the world stage. mark: quickly, to your knowledge, you said in the armed services committee what is this administration pivoting run from getting a nuclear weapon and then we read the papers this is ministration is leaning on france and the uk. not to review give ron, for his nuclear program and when you make of that. what to make of it is a continuation of the obama administration including some of the same individuals who are at the table in terms of these discussions others working through european countries summative pave the way for iranian nuclear weapons capability remember back of this is the same administration in the same state department, that put out an official statement, the loss of the iranian president you what the iranian people who had been abused by the iranian president said the regime and they did not mourn the loss of the president yet this is the same administration who is turning their back on israel. his obama 2.0 with failure and birth that to the historic achievements the middle east to president trump with received records or the recognizing jerusalem as the eternal capitol moving u.s. embassy there and we had peace in the middle east under president trump voters know they going to the polls is november c1 appointment quickly to another subject, this chamber that the placement headed. mark: and i believe you filed an ethics complaint against dissecting cho. yes multiple ethics complaints and this is shredding our democracy and the mainstream media depress accused of the right but it is really the depressed attacking our democracy and retake the judge into the near pay for this was like the case taken up by alvin bragg a corrupt prosecutor releasing by criminals on extremes is what we have five crisis in new york judge who donated to joe biden and his family members are profiting to the tens of tens of millions of dollars and raising money for the rest like adam schiff and joe biden, because of this trial and so this is a political witchhunt, the jury shopped as well asking the members with a folded donald trump tells me that did the best that the fold invited the american people know that this was rigged from the start and is in the front to us president trump is correct the real verdict will be rendered is november on election day president trump wins overwhelmingly and i also think any of the fact that president trump is within six points have a traditionally blue state means that momentum is moving in our direction because people see this for what it is that they can go up to president trump on political opponents they can go after any american c1 just me speaking about i m pleased is what i m reading a newspaper some of that you are potentially under consideration is running mate to donald trump and i just think you are great and think you very much, keep up the fine god flesh you my friend. thank you. mark: we will be right back. to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. we re here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it s a permanent solution. you ll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that s amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we ll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they re sagging, we ll repair them. if they re broken, we ll replace them. if they re in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a 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telling the judge. steve: thank you so what we are telling the judges jack smith was unconstitutionally appointed. the justice department claims that he is what is called an inferior officer under the constitution. in the appointment because of article two, set the congress may by law thus the home point met of such inferior officers as they think proper, and the president alone in the course of law or in the heads of departments and we have reviewed the organic statutes of the justice department and of agriculture education, hhs, and transportation. it s quite clear from the statutes that congress has given the secretary of agriculture, education and hhs, and transportation, the power to avoid inferior officers in congress has not by statute given the power to the attorney general worried and so jack smith is acting illegally, and everything that he is doing is no and void and has been all avoid since he was appointed, two years ago. and we think that judge elaine canada florida great hero anand a champion of the rolloff, one of the best federal district court judges in this country, should dismiss the indictment jack smith has brought against donald trump because jack smith was on constitutionally appointed. we know steve come of all of the people of the attorney general chosen, constitutionally, the goodby individuals already gone through the confirmation process of the united states senate has compelled the appointments clause of the constitution is there for a reason. it would pick jack smith and somebody was a lawyer, who has not been approved by the senate invited the framers of the constitution when a role for congress specifically this tendency, and the appointment of these top powerful positions in the executive branch. steve: will market originally congress thought of giving the appointment and power to congress alone and only later undecided issuer between the president and the senate but they felt that it was crucial that there be a check on presidential appointment powers of the presidents notify people who bad moral character or tainted by nepotism or things of that point. in effect, under the constitution, the default method of appointment, is presidential nomination and senatorial confirmation. jack smith is not going through that the provision for inferior officers, was added originally simply for clerks and people perform on policymaking jobs and of the course of her hundred 34 years of history, the number of principal officers who are nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate, has shrunk a number of inferior officers have grown vastly and actually the prosecutors, former attorney general of objects in a famous attorneys, emphasized why this is incredibly important with his accusers attorney general robert jackson went on to become supreme court justice robert jackson, nürnberg prosecutor, robert jackson, said because of the immense power to strike is citizens, not with me her usual strength, but with all the force of government and the federal sphere, from the beginning, the safeguard presidential appointment confirmation of the senate has been imposed your this required to win an expression of confidence in your character about the legislative and executive branches of the government before assuming the awesome responsibility that federal prosecutor suet know when we return professor, my question to you is this, is not smith, the most powerful prosecutor right now on the face of the united states, with massive resources and massive personnel, massive authority involving the future election of this country and with these incredible constitutional issues that he is raising and if anybody should this individual have been facing a nomination confirmation process, so somebody other than the attorney general of the united states at some of ability to oversee wittiest doing it we will be right back. 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( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services mark: welcome back americaprofe3 u.s. attorneys, and is jack smith not more powerful, then any of the 93 u.s. attorneys who went to the confirmation process under the constitution. steve: he is more powerful than any of the three u.s. attorneys with the confirmation process under the constitution. and if the attorney general were right, if he could appoint special counsel jack smith, he could appoint a special counsel in cook county illinois, to investigate corruption there in the senators from illinois would have no check on that. it appointed special counsel in baton rouge, louisiana, to investigate corruption and they would have no check on that there s a reason why the senate insisted on the check of senate confirmation of prosecutors and jack smith, has not been confirmed by the senate. mark: one after another subject we subject we do have a time that is the issue of a common-law or another method, for president trump and his attorneys to make a pathway to the supreme court steps and i will make it clear to them naysayers out there, we can t guarantee the supreme court will to get up and you can t guarantee the supreme court think of anything but even if you have a 10 percent chance and i think that there s bigger chance, the methodologies to do it that are extraordinary under extraordinary circumstances human idea yourself. steve: i have a couple of ideas versatile trumps new york state convictions are completely unconstitutional and in violation of the first amendment protection of freedom of speech. the question is how to get that first amendment claim from a new york trial corporative the supreme court and a couple of ideas i want president trump is equal is: prohibition which is that old common law writ, whereby the court of kings mansion in england, took cases away from the jurisdiction of ecclesiastical courts and the court of equity when they were exercising it improperly and unlawfully. any of the trial court manhattan is unlawfully prosecuting trump for first amendment protected activities of this prohibition is one mechanism, and another mechanism is with the law of the state courts and federal courts, to certify to one another, the federal questions or state questions that need to be answered. the state courts could certainly certified to the supreme court, the first amendment questions in this case. in the prosecutors could also divide the appeal intuitive feel the federal issues and ability state issues an appeal the federal issues more quickly smacking the other methods because i don t believe the prosecutors will do anything that would get it quickly to the supreme court however, there is also original jurisdiction of some of the republican attorney general of the state of new york. let me number of things and interference with their voters and interference with national election interference with federal campaign law that is a direct up to the supreme court but you mentioned the prohibition and there are several what we call common-law ritz prohibition, mandamus, corpus and the point is, the point is, that there are avenues this is not a 70-yard pass, and if that court wasn t picking up somebody else to position and they took bush versus gore they hold the voting x-uppercase-letter taking place there. they permitted the state supreme court and going any further and they said that this is a presidential election we need to address this is a was like the court has not done something like this week before and i would argue this is much worse if they don t address it now, it will get much worse in the future, in 2020 agencies will be all three willing to do whatever they want is stephen calabrese, how i think you and you are a great patriot your brilliant lawyer for a professor and a dear friend and take care of yourself. steve: thank you market is going to be in show. mark: and we will be right back. - it s apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! 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Speech , Which-go-biden , Something , Special-counsel-unconstitutional-appointment , Orbiting , Rounds , Dog-manure , Food-trended , Go-out , Social-media-kcal-bars-smothering , Person , News

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Weekend News 20240609

Families in san francisco came out to the embarcadero today far foggy bike ride with firefighters and highway patrol officers. the annual sf bike rodeo put on by scouting america. and kids learned how to navigate traffic and use bike paths and how to use the proper safety equipment. and how to navigate orange cones in the road. that s always important. cbs weekend news is next. that s it for us at 5:00. see you back here at 6:00. good night. tonight, a rare day of joy in israel. four israeli hostages rescued alive, a nation and families celebrate eight months after hamas surprise attack amid new bloodshed. i m chris livesay in tel aviv where four hostages are finally back home. 120 remain in hamas captivity. also tonight president biden on a state visit to france hails israel s risky rescue. we won t stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached. i m ed o keefe in paris where the president has been honoring veterans and toasting america s oldest ally. former president trump heads west streaking to strike campaign gold in california. we remember apollo 8 astronaut william anders. he took this stunning photo that changed how we see our planet. in wyoming stunning images. officials call this collapse of a teton pass highway a catastrophic failure while a dangerous heat dome scorches the west. when will it end? it pretty much feels like you re in an oven. we ll have the forecast. and later it s one of the world s most popular sports, but can cricket conquer america? it s game on. nice job. nice job, guys. announcer: this is the cbs weekend news from washington with adriana diaz. good evening. adriana is off. i m robert costa. a burst of joy and relief in israel tonight after four hostages held by hamas for the last eight months were rescued by israeli forces. the mission to free them took weeks of planning. it brought home four hostage, three men and one woman ranging in age from 21 to 40. news of esi cues prompted a celebration across the country. an aid for hostages called it, quote heroic. president biden added praise for the mission which was bolstered by u.s. intelligence. it happened here in nuseirat in central gaza and was not without bloodshed. dozens of gazans were killed. cbs chris livesay leads us off tonight. reporter: good evening, robert. some very rare good news. four hostages are finally back home after spending eight months in hamas captivity. tonight they re okay after what israel is calling the biggest rescue operation since the start of the war. a reunion eight months in the making. four hostages, almog mier, andrey kozlov, and schlom ziv finally back home, each of them taken hostage during the october 7th massacre at the nova music festival. who can forget her screaming don t kill me. now he s reunited with her father and her mother dying from cancer, clinging to the hope of seeing her daughter one last time. almog mier seen leaving this res helicopter was last seen in a hamas propaganda video. at the time his mother told cbs news what seeing that did to her. to reflect, i start to shake. reporter: today that terror transformed into joy. i couldn t stop hugging him. i couldn t stop. and tomorrow is my birthday, so i got my present. reporter: almog s friends cheering his return. he s strong and he s smiling, and i can t believe he s doing great. and he can speak arabic right now. reporter: he learned how to speak arabic? yes, he learned how to speak arabic. reporter: israel says hamas was widing hostages in two separate residential buildings in densely populated central gaza, rescuing them in a risky operation in broad daylight. sources tell cbs news the mission was conducted with u.s. intelligence support. hamas said over 200 were killed. there s still 120 hostages in gaza. 43 of them have already been declared dead. their bodies still being held by hamas. robert, the message at this rally in tel aviv now more than ever, bring them home now. chris livesay, thanks. today president biden welcomed news of the israeli hostages safe rescue and return to their families. the president spoke in paris during today s state visit to france, a day of ceremonies and celebration. cbs ed o keefe is traveling with the president and has the latest. ed, good evening. reporter: robert, good evening. france is america s oldest ally, and the two countries are in general greet around some of the world s thorniest issues of the day, which makes visits like this one an opportunity to reinforce the importance of these partnerships. a day of pomp with a formal militaryporosistion through the streets of paris. and tonight a glitzy state dinner at the l.a. state palace including invited guests like pharrell williams and salma hayek. for president biden and french president emmanuel macron news of a hostage mission in gaza bolstered their piece. the israel and france are pushing israel and hamas to agree to a cease-fire hostage deal. on ukraine the leaders are providing some of the strongest support to volodymyr zelenskyy s war against russia. we see eye to eye on this war raging in ukraine. the united states is standing strong with ukraine, we re standing with our allies, and we re standing with france. reporter: it had president on friday announced another $225 million in aid to ukraine. air defense equipment, armored vehicles, and anti-tank weapons. french troops continue training ukrainian soldiers, but macron hasn t ruled out deploying french troops into ukraine, something mr. biden so far, at least, refuses to do. saturday s meetings came after two days of commemoration of d-day, putting the president on the world stage to tout american power and democracy at a time he s concerned about it at home. i simply refuse to believe that america s greatness is a thing of the past. reporter: and while he hasn t drawn explicit comparisons to likely republican opponent donald trump, mr. biden s re-election campaign has. the president s trip is scheduled to end on sunday with an implicit contrast with trump, a viz toot a cemetery for american soldiers and marines killed in world war i. back in 2018 then-president trump declined to visit the cemetery citing bad weather. but reports later surfaced that he called those buried at the cemetery, quote, losers and suckers. he strongly denied those reports, but his statements president biden has never forgotten. robert? ed o keefe in paris, thanks. with president biden in france the man who wants his job has been raising money in california. supporters turned out in orange county today to cheer on former president trump as he wraps up a three-day fund-raising trip mooch he also made a fund-raising stop in beverly hills, and san francisco. trump heads to las vegas tomorrow. the economy remains one of the key issues of the presidential campaign. inflation and credit card delinquencies are up, but so are paychecks and 401k balances. what does that mean for family budgets? cbs michael george on wall street joins us with more. michael? reporter: well, robert, all signs are showing a strong econmy, stocks holding steady, low unemployment, a better than expected jobs report, but the nagging issue for a lot of americans, high prices, which is why the perception of the economy may not match the reality. wall street staying strong. the nasdaq, s&p, and dow all up this year and holding near record highs. and the latest jobs report shows the country added more than a quarter of a million jobs last month with unemployment creeping up to 4%. the reports of the demise of the labor market has certainly been overstated. reporter: cbs news business analyst speaking on saturday morning. there s also been evidence that consumers aren t spending quite as much and economic growth is pulling back a little bit. reporter: a recent harris poll found more than half of americans think we re in a recession, the reason inflation and the price tags we re seeing for things like food like this farmer s market in biloxi, mississippi. right now prices are high that means you have less disposal income. reporter: but americans are also making more money. wages were up by 4.1% from a year ago. why is that important? the inflation rate right now is at about 3.4% from a year ago. reporter: home prices and mortgage rates are still my, but the number of homes for sale is rising sharply. and more good news, gas prices have been dropping heading into the summer. and while consumers may be getting some relief from the federal reserve after that strong jobs report, experts believe its unlikely they ll make any rate cuts at their meeting this week. robert? michael george, thanks. tonight transportation foi fo officials in wyoming are scrambling after what s been described at the catastrophic failure of a highway. this is highway 22 after crumbling in a landslide. it connects jackson, wyoming, with victor, idaho. officials say it will take at least a few weeks or more to repair. still in the west dangerously high conditions are forecast for parts of california and the southwest this weekend as a searing heat wave takes a toll, but some relief may be in sight. let s check in with meteorologist andrew kozak at cbs philadelphia. numerous record high temperatures. we ve been seeing that this past week. even tonight temperatures are still well above 100, areas like vegas and over toward death valleych we have an excessive heat warning until 9:00. the good news we re going to get a bit of a break by sunday, but by monday into wednesday next week bakersville, fresno and many areas once again looking at triple digit heat. now, the other big story tonight for weather would be that enhanced risk of severe weather, could be looking at some large hail, gusty winds, even an isolated tornado for eastern colorado and western kansas. next week the east coast shares the wealth of the heat where 90s and a chance for storms are going to be up and down the i-95 corridor. andrew kozak at cbs philadelphia, thanks. today americans are mourning a space pioneer. apollo astronaut william anders died yesterday. he was the pilot and only occupant of a plane that crashed. he was 90. cbs has more on his life and legacy. the elevator ride to the top of the 36-story tall saturn 5 moon. reporter: billium anders flew into space just once. it was in 1968 apollo 8, a nerve-wracking trip, the first time humans ever left low earth orbit. the farthest away from home he s ever bip before. reporter: the quarter million mile flight reached the moon on christmas, and controllers in houston wanted to know what the moon looked like up close. it was ironic that we ve done all this work to come and explore the moon and what we really discovered was the earth. reporter: it was anders who captured the most famous image ever taken in space, the iconic earth rise, changing forever the way we saw our planet. in 2018 lee gowan of cbs sunday mornings spoke to anders about what he saw and his decision to skirt orders. that wasn t in the flight plan, he was right. what the hell was that? an here was a beautiful shot. reporter: after nasa anders served as the first chairman of the nuclear regulatory commission and later became ceo of general dynamics. william anders was 90. elise preston, cbs news. straight ahead on the cbs weekend news, meet the minnesota man who not only fought on d-day but helped plan it. and why the princess of whales issued an apology today to her irish guards. and how the world s second most popular sport is now winning fans in america. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it s on sale for father s day. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? 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reporter: within a week he had more than 10,000 followers. it s been a way to connect the greatest generation with the youngest generation. now papa jake is back at normandy. the d-day invasion he helped plan happened right here at these beaches. and there s a reason why even at his age he feels the need to return. in france, papa jake feels the love. thank you. thank you! reporter: people of all ages know who he is and they come out of the woodwork just to be near this hero. they treat me like a celebrity. reporter: he hopes this isn t his last trip to normandy because his mission now is to make sure the fallen aren t forgotten. it s such an honor. it s really such an honor. reporter: john lauritsen, cbs news, normandy, france. still ahead on the cbs weekend news, why you will not see an american man competing in artistic swimming at the olympics. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some. and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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[both] we ll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that s effective and non-invasive. it s for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. a new message from britain and kate, the princess of wales. in a message read to the irish guard, she apologized for missing today s final dress rehearsal for next week s trooping the color. the princess who is the guard s honorary colonel, wished the regiment good luck as she recovers from cancer. the event marks the king s official birthday. june is pride month, and one of the largest celebrations is taking place here in the nation s capitol. the streets in washingon, d.c. are awash in color with thousands celebrating the lgbtq community, its history, and the fight for equal rights. the weather, picture perfect. there will be no men competing in artistic swimming when the olympic games get under way in paris next month. new rules for the sport called synchronized swimming would have allowed men for the first time. but team usa s decision to keep bill may off the squad means no team will include a male. world aquatics says it s very disappointed by the move. next on cbs weekend news, a sport most americans know little about is quickly gaining new fans. tor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. entyvio, entyvio, entyvio [tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? .and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex. 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Hostages , President , Home , Hamas , Bloodshed , Captivity , Chris-livesay , Surprise-attack , Tel-aviv , Four , 120 , Families