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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161006 00:00:00

hampshire which will be a town hall, same format as sunday s debate here on cnn. dana bash joins us with the details and political strategy behind this. this basically seems like an obvious dry run for sunday night. one source told me it was a scrimmage. they really want donald trump to kind of retain his muscle memory from town halls. he hasn t done as many town halls as chris christie or john mccain who basically lived in new hampshire where a town hall is part of the political tdna there. but the fact is they want him to be in an intimate settic just like on sunday night. they have chosen the place where chris christie had his first down hall when he announced for president in 2016. and chris christie is involved in trying to get donald trump ready stylistically for the idea
said, explicitly to me and others that what made him success flfl that debate. he had the practice. one texted me as it was going on last night, practice practice, it matter. i spoke to a source familiar with trump s debate strategy and i said are you going to fly some of pence s people into trump tower to help him and the answer was of course not. they could not be more different. what difference would it make? it couldn t matter. and hillary clinton is taking a liter schedule and focussing on debates. gre. she s doing what she did before the first debate. the debate team now has shifted back. i will say that trump s schedule is clear on friday. he s not going campaign and he s going to be prepping. stay with us. i want to brick in the rest of the panel.
the fact that trump is doing this, essentially run-through town hall for those who said he didn t prepare enough it will certainly i assume come as good news. i think so. look, i think inside the trump campaign there is a sense that donald trump needs the practice. and that the only way to get him to focus is to actually have this dry run or scrimmage, as dma is calling it. and i think it could really help him. however we re all going to be watching it. don t forget. so he s going to be judged on this town hall before he does the one on sunday night. and it doesn t work with donald trump to say be like mike. that is not going to work with for him. so he s going to be donald trump. how concerned are you that a town hall format might not be to his greatest strength? i think the moderator is going to be a concern on sunday night.
he s tough. bold. brash. anderson cooper is going to be there he s going to be tough on donald trump. he s going to be tough on anybody but think what people don t remember in the process is donald trump did a lot of town halls. in salem, some in london the day before the primary. won in rochester, new hampshire. in iowa. donald trump did one in virginia on monday with the veterans. this has been a consistent message. who most people are accustomed to are large scale rally wills donald trump talks for 40 minutes. and hopefully what you are going to see is donald trump at his best interacting in a small environment one on one with those people and really answering their questions and really hopefully getting a head start, if you will on what the questions are that will be asked on sunday night. hopefully the same concerns people have sunday night will be addressed tomorrow night in new hampshire. and as a trump supporter are you worried he s not taking enough time off in advance of
this debate? no i think friday is good to take that time in the mock town hall tomorrow is good. the veterans town hall. he just had that on monday. he does very well in this format. i think back to the commander ner chief town hall. where the consensus is donald trump did better. they were upset that hillary clinton, how she appeared in a town hall. he did well because of the simple fact he likes people. he s got at engaging with people. take hillary clinton. she seems to hold in contempt anyone who disagrees with her. so i think he likes people and engages with people in a real way and hillary clinton does not. is there consensus among republican there is a donald trump needs this debate? needs to do much better? yes. 100%. 110% if that is possible. amongst republican whose like donald trump, those who don t. those who are his nearest and dearest say he needs do better.
and that means saying on the message of what he wants to talk about as much as possible and don t get into a tit for tat with hillary clinton as much as he tries to go to him which is tlo question he ll try to do again. there is till zoing to be tit for tat. but whether it is on policy or. her terms or his. or her terms. how concerned are you ? the stakes are high for hillary clinton. she comes in with wind at her back but the pressure is on to keep that going. that is right. and i think expectations manage at this point. i agree with the first part of what she said. there is a format that works good for donald trump. he does engage people really well. i think hillary clinton depending on the person it can be hit or miss. so i m concerned there is a question that comes up and she comes across as guard order protected and that is normally when she comes across as not
likable. i will say i ve seen several videos where she s been in the town hall and gone very very well. essential things are on her side and that is all the more reason i think the clinton campaign and clinton supporters have a lot more to worry about. i would agree. and the clinton campaign and spoupporters across the board should always be concerned. that is how you win: the lead nationally in every battleground state now especially in ohio, i would say to clinton supporters, don t believe them. get out and vote and mobilize and make sure donald trump never gets to the white house that is basithe only way that will happen. and anything can happen. i actually agree with corey. i think this town hall format will be good for donald trump because it can keep him boxed him. he won t have a teleprompter or notes but he ll have the kind of parameters of the moderators,
the people in front of him that i think will keep him much more managed. or at least i think that is what the campaign hopes. if the king of town halls is john kasich. he did more than a hundred in new hampshire. he emotes and hugs people. he was great anyway in that format. i actually disagree with you guys. i think that donald trump has had some difficulty at town halls. and you have done them with him. he doesn t address the the person directly. he turbid and talked to you. didn t seem to embrace the person who asked the question or ask that person more questions about their question which hillary clinton does really well. and your town hall, one of the key moments so far for hillary clinton is when she said she s not a natural politician and said that at a town hall. donald trump has not sort of oured part of his personal self.
in any of these settings. even when people were asking for it. and i think that is a difficult part for him. doesn t want to share that way. we re going continue this conversation with the panel in just a moment throughout the evening. of course the two human resouou on. on sunday starting at 4:00 eastern time. as corey mentions it ll be ducking out for a bit to actually moderate. and our cnn live coverage duets under way at 4:00 eastern time. and just ahead eric trump on whether his dad pays federal income taxes. and the line from last night s debate that became a head line and what latino voters are saying about it when we continue.
federal income tax for ulta 18 years. we did talk with dana bash and here is the answer he gave. has your father paid federal income taxes. we pay a tremendous amount of income taxes. federal income taxes. yes. and beyond taxes we also employ tens and tens of thousand os people. eric my question now is he has paid federal income taxes over the last 15 years, yes or no. of course. absolutely. my father pays a tremendous amount of tax. we vas a company pay a tremendous amount of tax. if we ever see your father s federal income taxes it will show no question about it. he pays federal income taxes. for some this puts the answers to rest. few people have dug deeper than . i spoke to him earlier this evening.
when eric trump insists his father had paid federal income tax, based on your reporting over the years are you skeptical? well i m not really sure anderson what anything is that eric trump has sceeen. i think both of the trump boys tend to get their father in hot water whenever they speak up on these issues. i think the returns in question go back, you know, two decades. and eric trump is i think his early thirties. so i m not really i doubt that his father was showing him all the tax returns when he was a toddler. that being said, i think one of the interesting things that s dwo gone on in this debate off the new york times story is that there is a lot of focus on the legality of this massi ivive
deduction he took. in fact the writeoff represent an epic business failure. it is i think representative of about 9 hundr$9 hundred million of loans he guaranteed personally in the late 1980s and all of it, all of it ended up in a giant train wreck. he bought airlines, hotels. he overleveraged his casino business. and he ended up with a ton of debt he couldn t repay because he overpaid for properties. he didn t think far enough ahead about the prospects for the various businesses he was entering and classic donald trump decision making. he s actually a very undisciplined, short-term, non strategic thinker. and that writeoff is a big numeric emblem of that tendency
he has. you know, obviously trump could put all of these questions to rest by releasing his tax returns. he says he won t release them while he s under audit even though there is nothing preventing him from doing that. and by his lawyers own admission his returns from 2002-2008 are no longer under audit. and by the way anderson the trump campaign has not given any proof to anyone they are actually under audit. they could release the letter interest the irs showing that to be the case and they haven t. secondly, even if there were an audit and they haven t made that clear that would prevent him from releasing anything. that is just not all of the audit stuff a red herg. as somebody who was sued by
trump for writing that he wasn t as rich as he claimed he was a suit that was dismissed by the way how much does something like that actually bother him? i think it bothers him immensely. for all his bluster and bullying and bragging, he s immensely insecure about some very fundamental things. and one of them is his sense of himself. and he his net worth and how rich he is, and where he figures on the pecking order is much more important to him than it is to anyone else. no one cares about his wealth as much as donald trump himself carries about it. appreciate it you being on. thanks. still plenty of questions out there. back with the panel. dana you had that conversation with eric trump. does that settle anything? or does it raise more questions? no. i think questions that were out there remain. there was only so much time and
there were a wloft unanswered questions even as he was answering the questions. one of which frankly looking back i should have been specific. personal income taxes or income taxes or maybe the obvious is he said he d seen them. did you see the check, how do you actually know he paid the income taxes? it was his knee jerk reactions as the son of somebody who s under fire to try to put it to bed by saying yes because that was the only answer seemed like he could give. but we don t know. donald trump, even him not releasing the actual return, the full returns which are obviously very large has eric trump pointed out in the past. he could just ak a knowledge one way or the other whether he did or did not pate personal income tax as result of this writeoff. he did release a statement saying i paid hundreds of
millions in taxes. federal taxes was part of that. i think this whole new york times story is emblematic of the reason he shouldn t release his taxes. they put on a headline that says donald trump could have not paid income taxes for 18 years. since when do we have speculatery head lines with no basis to make that fact other than the fact there is a loss claim on a tax form. there is no proof me didn t pay taxes. why would you release hundreds of pages that could be misconstrued by the media. he could release his information. what he paid and made and charitable contributions without releasing all pages. i think it is irrelevant at this point. the issues that are affects american people today job,
immigration, their own personal tax, burden of washington d.c. regulations. look if people want to dwell on donald trump s taxes, they are welcome to do that. that does nothing to set the agenda moving forward. and what we do know is 11% of people think hillary clinton is honest and trust worthy. and 55 points in the wrong direction if you think the country is on the right track or the wrong track. the american people don t carolina they care about jobs and safety. they are so tone deaf when it comes to these issues poll after poll, multiple majorities of mesh people. trump supporters. believe wurm number one stacks are the civic duty and people should pay them. and above 70% believe he should release his taxes. and put legality aside. it is unseamly when you have a multi billionaire who touts his
business ak meyou men and how rh he is every 18 seconds and then there was a news article today how about back 1978 and 79 he did a lot of losses so not just he didn t pay taxes but his business acumen is. if you want to buy the argument he had a good accountant and he didn t have to pay taxes. a question is where are his investments? what potential conflicts of interest are there with foreign governments? particularly since he s said i m going the hand over my business to my kids. and they will still be running that business. these are the things that would be outlined in a tax return. not just the bottom line and not the charitable and all
these are serious foreign policy issues. i think the public deserves answers. on that point certainly. but there is at point and that is, this is the same person who s called for transparency from potential opponents from this opponent. he s asked for wall street transcripts. he s asked president obama whechbs just thinking about a run for a birth certificate. so why would not not meet the very staple standard. one of the famous lines is he s not even meeting the nixon standard. donald trump said in the first debate he ll release his full tax returns as soon as hillary clinton releases 33,000 e-mails. very clear. and more over he did call for hillary clinton to release her transcripts from those wall street speeches and she refused to do that as well. where she s made 10s of memos from executives. if you want to see donald
trump d holdings. go to elections and commissions and poult the piece of paper with the properties he owns and the there is a lot of totally different. not in those documents that would be in the tax returns. yes. no question about it. the federal the financial disclosure has some information. but not nearly as much as you would learn by what he pays or doesn t pay in taxes with with regard to hisregard to his company. if hillary clinton, if none of her tax information was out there, wouldn t the trump campaign or any opponent be raising lots of red flags about that. i think congress has put in place laws that suggest what we complaint expect of someone running for the highest office in the land. you fill out financial disclosure furm. donald trump did that. we have a law that required her
to keep the e-mails that she disobeyed. one candidate has violated transparency laws. and thaz hillary clinton. nub of that has been proven. it has been no no [inaudible]. by a continue to say there is no law that donald trump has got to release his taxes. but the fact of the matter is that again for 40 years this has been the standard. and the american people expect that. for all the reasons that we just talked about. the most important one i do believe is what gloria mentioned. when you have someone who we know has a very strong bromance with vladimir putin and you have somebody that we already know has connections with chinese banks who owe, who actually own the debt that he holds. and he is asking us to give him the position of commander in
chief when he would have the ability to pass laws and to be favorable [indiscernible]. [inaudible]. i know you ignore the fbi director when it is not convenient sure. [inaudible] we got take a break. more with our panel ahead. mike pence has been getting good reviews for his debate performance. also controversy about his comment about the mexican thing. and the deadly hurricane barrelling towards the u.s. tonight, where it s head and how bad the damage could be picking up for kyle.
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are rapist or criminalsful or john mccain is not a hero he s showing you who he is. senator. you whip t out that mix can thing again. can you defend it? aliens who have come into this country illegally and perpetrated violence and taking american lives. he also said and many of them are good people. you keep leaving that out of your quote. that mexican thing sparked a lot of discussion. joining me your reaction to what the governor said last night about whipping out that mexican thing again? well what can i tell you? i giggled a lit bit because i thought it was a weird phrase. for a while i thought maybe anthony weiner had gone crazy celebrating national taco day
which was yesterday. but when he was part of the republican conference he was a very compassionate man who supported and spoke up in immigration reform. so i give him the benefit of the doubt. but most of america doesn t know mike pence. and only knows him as donald trump s running mate. and whirn the running mate of a man who s spoken about mexicans and said some are rapists and said this things about mexicans for 16, 17 months now. somebody who s attacked a judge for being of mexican heritage. an indiana born judge. from the state that mike pence represents you don t get the benefit of the doubt from most americans and we ve seen it turned into a hashtag, a rallying call for a lot of latinos. do you think it is actually going to hurt him in the latino community? look at the latest national polling on the latino hispanic vote. donald trump winning 17% of likely hispanic voters.
and secretary clint 65%. that was before the debates. do you think this hurts? i ll be the first to concede we re not doing great among vote oefrs color and by the way the republican party hasn t finish me wlex cycles so this is hardly now donald trump. it has done better in years past. what matters to me as an hispanic is he went down to mexico and i thought acted very presidential when he met with president nieto down there and he said that the mexican american community is a treasure to the united states. e we need and we love legal immigration. and no one by the way is mored a versusly affected by legal immigration than legal immigrants. they are the ones most cheated when we say it is okay illegals
to hop the line and get in front of them to. we are going to get control of our border. we love immigration. he s the son of an immigrant. married to an immigrant. we know what immigration does to the united states in terms of culture, vitality. but we ve been right as a people to do it through legal means. and there are only key states with largely hispanic populations. it is not monolithic population by any means. is it possible the way governor pence handled donald trump s statements on undocumented immigrants how he pivoted away from trump s cross-talk about conservative deportation that might help some conservatives vote for trump. there are some conservative latino voters but they are the huge minority. the very small minority. i came to this country legally too. i came by plane. i did it legally. but i also understand and i think most latinos have the
empathy to understand that but for the grace of god there go i. i came as an eight-year-old girl. but could very well have been a dream ad girl. had not my parents not had the money to hire lawyers and make me legal the way they did. i could have been one of those girls who found out when they were 19 and going into college that i was illegal. but for the grace of god i realized that wasn t the case because i was a lucky and fortunate one. but because this campaign has preyed on latinos, has preyed on immigrants. has made it a pillar of their campaign to attack hispanics and attack immigrants and make it one of the things they stand on they don t get the benefit of the doubt. and [ inaudible ]. donald trump has made it so since june 16th when he first announced and called mexicans
rapist. it wasn t me, steve. it was donald trump who went on the attack against mexicans from day one of this campaign. steve go ahead. what you are doing is you are trying to make the illegal immigrants the victims. they are breaking the law. the victims are not illegals. people who break our immigration laws, people who come here in a way not allowed by our laws. the victims are the american people. steve, anna is talking about language that your candidate, the candidate you are supporting has used when you hear some of the lack she s used, do you have any problems with it? anderson i ll be the first to say particularly early in the campaign i didn t like the tone. and i think he alienated some hispanics unnecessarily. i think we re doing our very very best to win them over now and try to convince voters of color whether hispanics or african americans that the democratic party has taken you for granted and pandered to you whether it is illegal immigration or schools or
economic opportunity and what we are saying is we have a better way forward for you. and part of it by the way for legal hispanics is that illegal immigration is a non start are for us. okay. i got to go. and there is a reason why your hispanic advisory council has shrunk every day. they are ashamed of the words donald trump has used and you should begin by not calls us voters of color and understanding that african american, muslims, hispanics we are all different people with different priorities and mike pence and tim kaine will both be on new day tomorrow morning. a closer look at the impact gary johnson and jill stein can have, my conversation with ralph nader next. smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there s nothing or something about it.
ii d look her right in that fat wbr id= wbr25265 /> ugly face of hers.age. she s a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who s flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she wbr id= wbr25565 /> have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can t say that either. (f ot steps) (crickets chirping) (jet engine) (heart beat) /b>
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[indiscernible] . are you supporting any particular candidate this president no because what i would like do is comment favorably or unfavorably on what they do or say. if as the choins between hillary clinton or donald trump do you see much difference? of course. but they both flunk. the country deserves a lot better. a failed gambling czar who became a corporate welfare king that s cheated his way to a billion dollars. and the secretary clinton. more wall street, more war. a hawk that scares the generals. the libya disaster. she over raid gait whose didn t want to top teple the regime in libya because of the chaos. what will you do on election day if you don t like any candidates? there are third parties and
there are write ins. you know the argument about spoilers. you have called the whole idea of a spoiler candidate as the politically bigoted word. the two major party candidates never call each other spoilers. it is only directed to a third party candidate who is considered someone who takes votes away. if you have equal right to run for election, then we are all trying to get votes or so we re trying to spoil one another or none of us are spoilers. there are some folks watching the polls and saying that hillary clinton is having a hard time getting some millennial voters who were you i peel to back then who are also went for president obama. if gary johnson or jill stein are taking votes from hillary clinton but don t have an actual chance of getting into the white house themselves, aren t they by defense spoilers. not at all. why don t major candidates take
away votes from johnson and stein. in the 190s, he took away some of his platform. so this idea of scapegoating. whining, constantly whining in instead of the democratic party looking at themselves in the mirror. they have been fiddling in the house of representatives trying to assemble all the bad republican votes they passed in the house. they still haven t come out with it. so if donald trump won on election day and it is a close election you don t think or hillary clinton won, that the third party candidates would have had anything to do with that. not when they are at one, two, three percent. and they are both going to shrink from the present polls. they will be lucky to get 1 or 2%. in. so states they are doing double digits. there are all kind of sine que non. like in florida. 300,000 registered democrats voted for bush. the secretary of state with her
shenanigans. the butterfly ballot misidentifying thousands as exfelons, taking away their vote. the supreme court decision selecting 5-4 george w. bush. there are a lot of seen sine que nones. and i would be surprised if by pushing gore he made critical comments on corporation, oil companies and stronger on the environment that he got far more votes than whatever would have you actually think by being in the race yes. when you are at that small level percentage that we were. just a surge of getting out the vote in wisconsin because they thought that the green party was nibble away at them, you know, ensured them gets wisconsin. do you think about how the world would be different had you not run in 2000. i think the result would have been george w. bush.
there was a poll right after the election. without me in it and he won it. but look how crazy it is, anderson. we have an election where gore won by 550,000 votes national and the electoral college took it a way from him, this crazy electoral it s scapegoating at its worst. the democrat party doesn t want to look itself in the mirror and ask itself, why isn t it land sliding the worst republican party in history and defending the country? they don t want to look at those. they re dialing for the same commercial dollars. thank you very much. you re welcome. coming up, breaking news. after battering the caribbean and killing ten people, hurricane matthew heads for florida. we ll get the latest. hrimp. and try as much as you want of flavors like new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. just come in before it ends.
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southeast of west palm beach. it is getting closer and closer. this is the latest advisory. winds 115 miles an hour. gusts of 150. strong category 3 storm. moving to the northwest at 12 miles an hour. it is going to restrengthen. we are thinking that it is starting to get a little better organized and it will have time to strengthen into a possible category 4 storm just off the coast of say, miami-dade, broward counties. thursday afternoon. 130-mile-per-hour winds. and then either brush the coast of florida, move inland, or stay out to sea. see where this cone is of uncertainty. so all of these different scenarios will mean huge differences in the impacts that are felt. this storm jogs a little more to the west. it could mean much more
far-reaching impacts. it does look like it is going to loop back to the north and east by the time we get into the weekend. and then a lot of uncertainty from there. some of the models are showing this actually bending back around and impacting florida for a second time. as we get into the middle part of next week. a lot of uncertainty there. one thing we are certain of, this will have huge impacts for florida and the southeast coasts in the coming days. up next, our second hour of 3 360. more on how hillary clinton and donald trump are getting ready for the town hall debate. woah!
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Debate , Town-hall , Format , Sunday-night , Strategy , Sunday , Details , Dry-run , Cnn , Dana-bash , Donald-trump , Town-halls

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161027 00:00:00

new polling tonight. significant gains it seems for trump. what exactly is changing? it is tighter, anderson. and we should not be surprised. remember the country we ve live in the last 20 years. it should not be surprising if this race gets tight into the end. a new poll shows hillary clinton up just three points. when you average out the most recent national polls we have hillary clinton with six points leading. down from eight or nine just a few days ago because the new polls coming out show a tighter race. some of the state polls get more interesting. and you say does donald trump have a chance as we have 12 more days essentially of campaigning? look at these numbers in florida. other polls have shown secretary clinton ahead in florida in recent days. a new poll trump up. does seem to indicate some trump momentum. in a state he absolutely has to win. and anderson when you look closer into this bloomberg poll, tells you a lot about the challenge for candidates heading into the final days of the
campaigning after tonight. if this issue is about the economy and about change in washington, look at this. donald trump has lopsided edges when voters are asked who s best on those issues. if he can focus on economy and change in washington that gives him standing. if this is about who has the temperament, the better role model, that is hillary clinton s wheel house. which is why you hear her repeatedly saying donald trump is unfit. new hampshire is showing trump momentum. but we ll keep an eye on that. and also in nevada. hillary clinton thought a week ago this state was moving her way and she was about to put it away. new poll out tonight shows a tie. 43% to 43%. if you look at nevada, look at florida, look at the tightening
national perspective. no question donald trump can claim some momentum. how much? we ll filter through that in the next few days. do the better numbers give trump a clear path to 270 electoral votes. clearer, yes. but still a steep climb. we re gonna have to look at zmef florida over the next couple of days. if the numbers are right. we have nevada leading blue. if donald trump can take that away. say i give it to donald trump for the sake of this map. if he s moving in dmnevada and n hold the state. say he gets nevada. but here is how it gets so hard for donald trump. say he has that momentum. he still has to be almost more than perfect in the final days. he has to win where he is tonight. north carolina. can t get to 270 without it.
he has to hold ohio. even if he does that. wins nevada, not easy. wins florida. not easy. wins north carolina, not easy. ohio not easy. let s give them to trump in this map. why is mike pence in utah tonight? because they still have a problem in the west. trump mest get that back. even if he does all that, and that is a perfect, perfect ten days ahead, he s still behind. even if they win the close races he has a ways to go. is it better for donald trump tonight? yes. is the hill still steep? absolutely. why should anyone believe the polls? if i m sitting at home and watching tonight. for the last couple days the democrats have been youing about how good things look. andcrowing
about how good things look. and how accurate are these things. don t believe any one poll. average them out and look for friend lines. what is happening is remember, the tightening should not surprise people. donald trump cratered after the access hollywood tape. in the days since a lot of republicans have come home. we live in a very evenly divided country. there are skepticism about the polls but these are professionals. don t believe one. average them out and strap in. we ve got 12 days left. donald trump campaigning in north carolina. back in the battleground state after a detour to washington where he attended a ribbon cutting just down pennsylvania avenue from the white house. that is where dana bash managed to pull him aside for a rare face-to-face interview. first i want to ask you about your event here. there is new another udio tape
right now. and florida and up to new hampshire. for you to ask me that question is actually very insulting because hillary clinton does one stop and then she goes home and sleeps. and yet you will ask me that question. i think it is a very rude question to be honest with you. and what i want to do i want to back my children. my children work very hard. ivanka in particular. and at the opening of the hotel i want to help my children. very important to me. we had a ribbon cutting which was quick and i stopped in d.c. but the real key to this is i want the american people to understand that this is under budget, ahead of schedule. and we need that for the united states. i have to say, you know, i ve been reporting on the fact that you are going to north carolina for a couple of stops straight from here. but my next question is there is a new poll in florida that has you up a couple of points. other swing states have you really in the hunt. given that are you prepared to write a check to help yourself get over the finish line? and if so, how big? and i m talk about advertising. let me just tell you that we have i ll have over a hundred
million dollars in the campaign. hillary clinton has nothing in the campaign. she s all special interest and donors and they give her the money and she will do whatever they tell her too do. but i will have over a hundred million dollars in the campaign and i m prepared to go much more than that. now, here is the question. new polls are coming out. we re leading florida. doing great in pennsylvania. north carolina. really well in new hampshire. ohio as you know and iowa are doing fantastically well. i m telling you, cnn doesn t say it, but i think we re going to win. to do that you have a pretty big bank account. you could and time is running out. the clock is ticking. will you write a check. i ve already done it. already written a number of them. specifically to get up on the air to combat the ads you say hillary clinton is running against you. in florida she was 50 twun against me. you have the means to combat that. 50/1 and i m leading.
in the old days you would spend less money and have a victory, that would be a good thick. today they want you to spend money. i ll have over a hundred million. i m willing to spend much more than that in i have to. we re seeing in florida, other places, the lines going into voting booths, going into the voting areas are unbelievable. in florida yesterday we passed four of them. the lines were three and four blocks long. those are not her voters because her voters have no enthusiasm what over. could you be specific how much are you willing to put already over a hundred million in. i m willing to informs more than that. like how much? don t, let s go for your next question dana. my les question because i m getting the hook over here. in this speech here you talked about the fact that this is the second best piece of real estate on pennsylvania avenue. in 14 days are you hoping you are going to be spending after that more time here or down the
street? i just hope i built a great company. truly a great company with some of the great assets in the world and not only our country but others. and i predicted the brexit. and you were one of the people who asked about brexit. and i think the result is going to be the same if not more so. we are going to have i think a tremendous victory. people don t want four more years of obama. they don t want hillary with all of the corruption and all of the problems. and you see all of these wikileaks coming out and they are a disaster. and when you see john podesta who is terrible i think the way he speaks about her. but she has bad instincts. i think it is terrible. but so many other things. even worse than that about their honesty and dishonesty. i really think we re going to have a tremendous victory. and if i didn t think that i wouldn t say it. i would say well we re going to be fighting hard. i believe we are winning.
i actually think we are winning. i don t think it is a question of we re going to try and win. you start look at the polls what s happening and more importantly start looking at all the people going to vote and sending in ballots. we re way ahead in virtually every state, every area i think we re going to have a great victory. thank you mr. trump. dana joins us now. so why were you pressing him on the significance of he ll write a check. because i ve heard more and more frustration voiced from republican whose want donald trump to win who think he can win in that he s fighting with one hand bind his back. and he even admitted to me he s being outspent on television ad, especially in places like florida. the complaint among republicans is he has the means to go one his own ads hitting her to have a fair fight. in fact i was told earlier this
month the rnc chairman reince priebus went to him and said please mr. trump, you have got to get out that bank account and add to yes he s already given many millions of dollars, tens of millions but even to give more because it is such a non traditional campaign he s running. he s sort of in never, never land when it comes to the fundraising mechanism certainly way different than any modern day republican or any presidential candidate has had. so that is the reason. it is because people think it is doable, it is gettable. but he needs to be fighting a fair fight. and for somebody like donald trump that means put your own money in. dana bash. thanks. let s bring in the panel.
how much of a difference do you think it could make? with 12 days left misi talked about a $100 million figure. he s currently right now according to reports at about 60 million. that would mean another $40 million in the next 12 days. that is a lot of monies, i don t think is going to happen. dana s reporting is correct. fw . there is a lot of frustration among republicans. he talks about his bank account. he has not put in his own money. i don t think it can make a difference now. it could have been made a difference on television ads many weeks ago, or working on a ground game and improving it or adding additional staff. he has never liked putting in his own money. he did put in a
so what do you make of the polls? why do you think they are getting tightener florida? i think john is right. among other things, florida is a tricky state. president obama barely won in 2012. but he s right fwheer a partisan country. people are looking for that reason to vote either republican or democrat. and you also saw one thing that hasn t been talked about much. clinton started making it more of a partisan race. she now moved to helping down ballot democrats. by definition doing that it is going to make the race more parton and less about wooing independe independents. does that worry you she s focusing on down ballot. she wants to be able to govern. overconfident? no.
if you look at the polls average. she s up by six. which you got to remember i think the president won with less than 5 percentage points. for a divided polarizing country six is not a bad number and i want to talk about florida for a second. i think that poll, the blooper poll is an outlier. and bloomburg is historically known for bad sampling. the i m sorry, the party id for republicans is plus four. which can t be the case because florida demographics is changing. african americans in that poll is at 12. and it should be between 14 and 15. so i think that poll is questionable. arguably whatever happens in florida there is still a tough path to 270 for donald trump. do you think the democrats are getting overconfident? yes i do. i think they have two problems. one they have the enthusiasm gap problem. and two they are got this overconfidence problem and the two together can be fatal for them. what donald trump has going for
him are the issues. and he is getting at these issues every day. and through the gift of the gods he s getting this gift about obamacare and i ll just give you an example from pennsylvania. the online version of the harris burg patriot news featured a story that obamacare insurance rates were going up 33% and then went through chapter and verse what that meant in the local area. sinking? absolutely. just ahead newt gingrich tangling with megyn kelly and trump s praise for gingrich afterwards could be saying to women voters different things. defer their dreams to another day and another decade which is really what they mean. everywhere i go . if you re searching other travel sites to find a better price.
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some of the polling turning favorable late today for donald trump. he s in north carolina wrapping it up. back with our panel. it is always fascinating because i remember i don t know. i feel like it was eight weeks ago it was all positive polls for trump and had momentum and now it switched and it s getting close. should the polls be believed? i think john is right. you look at the totality of all the polls to be fair. but i do think it is questionable for . what we saw over the last two or three days, seven or eight events down in florida. do you think him spending time big events in florida is having the impact? some of that. when he gets to a local area he drives that local media coverage
which he does very well. large rallies and consumes the local media market. it is really good for him. if you look at places he s been recently they have been the traditional counties where you have to lock up your vote early. what we see right there the recent polls is a one point race which means anything can happen. he was getting flak from some for going to the hotel opening. i don t quite understand that. a, he s able to travel to a lot of different places and also to his point you saw him repeat multiple times in that interview, under budget, on time under budget. it does sort of reinforce his brand as a not a career politici politician, as a businessman who can do that for the country like he did his hotel, no? in dana s interview actually what i got interest that is again and his problem is going to be in the next 13 undisciplined he is.
he starts talking about hillary taking a net and it does not give the country viewers a clans to see talk about the issues they care about. which is number one. two, just in terms of florida, remember and this is on the cnn website. democrats are leading dramatically in the early voting. so 7.3 million americans have already voted. and aside from iowa democrats are doing far better than in 2012, including florida where they as cnn points out deeply cut into the advantage in early ballots cast by republicans so far. and largely in the ground game, in close states in the close election the ground game the democrats have is good for at least two or three points in those races. hillary clinton has 80-plus offices in florida. donald trump has almost nothing. the democrats have the labor movement in the industrial states in those close states. in nevada a lot of union, the casino workers, hotel workers
pulling out people. and part of that is because of donald trump s continuing feud with the republican establishment. he never put together the ground game and i think that is going to make the difference in the election. do you buy that scotty is this. it depends on what ground game you are talking about. this shows the difference from tw two campaigns from day one you have hillary clinton with a great ground game built on politician. donald trump has not built it on politicians. he built it on the people. that is not a ground game. in florida. not based on politicians. based on thousands of volunteers that knock. is a scam. and have you ever walked into the amazon and had it. you don t need brick and mortar anymore. the notion you have to have stores and offices cell phones and phones you can call from home. you can do this over the internet. you don t need to bring all these people in to have eighty offices around the state. it is ridiculous.
as someone who worked on the 2008 and 2012 campaigns that is insulting. and face to face and having a face to face program and knocking on doors and talking to voters actually works. it s not working. let her it s not working. trump is leading in florida. that is one outlier. the last several polls actually showed hillary clinton leading by three or four points in florida. and it is a battleground state. it is going to be close. and the reason the democrats have the lead in the early voting is because of the ground game. they go out and knock on doors and sign people up. okay. we got other night. why am i seeing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of trump signs all over and one hillary sign. that is part of the ground game. where is it? how do you explain in the
early voting, which is i m going grant you something. let s say the polls are totally wrong. how you explain that the early voting is overly democratic. why do you assume they are all voting for hillary? no these are democratic oh for the democrats. come on. now year we re dealing at the ufo kind of level. democratic voters who are coming out to vote in early voting are voting for hillary clinton. you know this? all right. you really want to debate that? we ll debate that during the commercial. lot more to talk about on this hour. just ahead details from the latest trove of stolen campaign e-mails and including what her inner circle thought about her use of the private e-mail servers. stunning stuff ahead.
and intriguing including ambiguous references to her head. jim sciutto has more. newly released e-mails show the distress in hillary clinton s inner circle the moment the news broke on march 17th. one of her longest serving advisors writing, quote, there is no good answer. one word per line. seemingly for emphasis. in other stolen e-mails on march 2nd and 3rd. a co-chair expressing blistering criticism of clinton s top aides handling of the private server issue. why didn t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? so crazy. and continuing from a follow-up e-mail, i guess i know the answer. they wanted to get away with it. he specifically referenced cheryl mills. this is a cheryl special. know you love her but this stuff
is like her achilles heel or kryptonite. she just can t say no to this expletive. the clinton campaign has not commented on specific e-mails saying they are stolen and they can t verify their authenticity. the u.s. intelligence community blames the russian state for the hacks which has solely targeted the democratic party. several hacked e-mails make reference to clinton s head. some in the right wing media are drawing connection to her recover. in one september 26th 2015 john podesta writes to communication director how bad is her head? palmieri writes back. don t know. huma left about an hour ago. i just pinged again to ask about prep. haven t heard back. briefed my cnn a clinton campaign official did respond to this e-mail saying they are clearly about her frame of mind or her mood.
and jim sciutto joins us. when the clinton campaign was e-mailing about clinton s head what was going on at the time? in that specific instance, in the same 24 hour people a ap story broke talking about how the obama administration discovered the clinton campaign had not released a whole trove of e-mails after the clinton campaign said they had. reasonable to make a connection between that story and a campaign advisor asking where her head was on it. and another i can t believe we re talk about this anderson but again mentioning her head in regards to whether she had notes on a particular policy issue. whether to follow those notes or just go off script in effect. it is difficult to make a substantive connection between the mention of her head and any specific reference to what her state of mind was or her health was looking at these e-mails frankly doesn t seem to be a lot of there, there. that s a real conversation.
jim sciutto. thank you very much. joining us now our panel. galore yarks the words written by. i guess i know the answer they wanted to get away with it. i does reinforce the narrative. hillary clinton knew her e-mail server was wrong and when she got caught her aides, she tried to conceal it. her aides wanted to conceal it. it sure does. and it is a bad story line for her. it continues. and it hasn t seemed to move the needle at all anderson. and maybe it is because it is a little bit at this point, at this late in the game like saying oh there is gambling gong on here in casablanca. sure. of course hillary clinton plays by a different set of rules and the people who aren t going vote for her because of the e-mail have already decided to dismiss it. so the question is whether more of these revolutions will move
the needle in the future? i kind of tend to doubt it. these issues with hillary clinton have been around for a while. donald trump has trouble sticking to the script which it is talking about e-mails or obamacare premium increases. and so with a different candidate opposing her, it might ma have made more of a difference but right now i think it is a little late in the game and this stuff is already baked in. one of the other interesting things here there seems there was one faction within the clinton inner circle that wanted more transparency. wanted her to apologize right away and another faction that wanted her to weather the storm i guess. the people who have been around clinton for many years, including cheryl mills, they have never wanted any kind of transparency when there s been trouble around hillary clinton or bill clinton. whereas those charged with
winning an election like john podesta. they wanted transparency. remember her favorability ratings at this time coming out of being secretary of state were very high. they wanted her to appear transparent and do away with this old narrative of secrecy and hiding things and covering things up. so they were very frustrated by this. understandably. and gloria, you also wrote in the e-mails that hillary clinton has terrible instincts. how much does that hurt? the thing about nera candenise e-mails. the funny thing they all happy to be true. she doesn t have the greatest political instincts. she s a policy person, less than a political person. i think if it were up to hillary, there would be more
secrecy than maybe someone like john podesta would like. she s been in public life for 30 years. we ve all watched her. and nera is kind of i think there stating the obvious. and you see this infighting between the folks who have been with hillary clinton for a very long time who want to protect her as carl says. and those who are kind of trying to get her elected president this time. and i think if she is elected, i would presume that this kind of stuff could continue. carl, the e-mail from gjen palmieri, she asked about hillary clinton saying how bad is her head? we were talk about that with jim sciutto. are people just going to see what they want in that comment? some might think it is a reference to her health. others her frame of mind. i think on that particular one, the at right movement, the bright barts, the drudges of the world will see it as they want but i don t think it will have
much traction as jim says. what s so fascinating about the e-mails is they show us who hillary clinton is in a kind of nuanced way. they are an accurate picture of her. both good and bad. the e-mails released about the speeches for goldman sachs show her how she likes policy. how she wants to have things both ways. there are a lot of nuance in these attentithings. it is a pretty good picture of her and at the same time it is not a flattering picture. and if donald trump is going win, perhaps the combination of what s in the e-mails in some ways the unflattering stuff along with the excitement generated by new poll numbers and other events then he might have a slight way to win. but is an advantageous thing for
him no question. thank you. coming up newt gingrich telling megyn kelly last night that she s fascinated with sex. that is exactly what he said. and we ll talk about whether trump and his surrogates are ill nating women in general or coming up on look! famous people! we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
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trump us surrogate newt gingrich went head to head last night with megyn kelly. but the fireworks really flew when she asked about the women who have accused trump of sexual assault. take a look. do you want to why donald trump has had a tough time he s not a sexual predator. he s not a sexual predator. sick and tired of people like you using language that is inflammatory that is not true. excuse me mr. speaker. you have no idea whether it is true or not. neither do you. right. and i m not taking a position on it like you. very unfair for you do that megan. i think that is exactly the bias people are upset by.
i think your offensiveness may speak volumes. you are fascinated with sex and you don t care about public policy. that is what i get out of watching you tonight. do you know what mr. speaker, i m not fascinated by sex. but i am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we re getting in the oval office. and i think the american voters would like to know. therefore we re going send bill clinton back to the east wing because after all you are worried about sexual predator. do you want to comment on whether the clinton ticket has a relationship to a sexual predator. we have covered that story as well sir. i want to hear your words. bill clinton sexual predator, i dare you. say it. excuse me sir excuse me. 850,000 on a penalty. excuse me sir. we on the kelly file have covered the clinton matter as well. we re going to have to leave it at that. and you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them mr. speaker. and you too.
at the opening of his hotel today trump congratulated gingrich on that interview. by the way, congratulations newt on last night. that was an amazing interview. that was an amazing [ applause ] we don t play games, newt. right? we don t play games. joining me now our panel. amanda, you actually wrote about newt gingrich in that washington post. what do you make of that exchange last night? another example confirm of this unique ability i think trump has in bringing out the worst in people. in that clip you saw newt act condescending. shake his finger. and megyn kelly is app particular figure of interest in this political cycle because she
of course was the one who was the first to really publicly question donald trump about the sexist statements that he s made to women. and they have been hung up about that. they have targeted her again and again, labeled donald trump used his massive platform to label her a bimbo. and then newt gingrich saying she s obsessed with something she s clearly not. and she s questioning her ability to cover a story. they have been trying to take her down as a journalist many, many times and it just played out spectacularly last night on fox news. for newt gingrich to accuse megyn kelly as being fascinated by sex. third marriage. cheated on his first two marriages and was having an affair when he was accusing bill clinton. i think what you saw was two people passionate about the positions they have had. we re 13 days out from the election and that is a conversation happening at dinner
tables across the united states right now. for a male like him with his record on republiclationships, accuse megyn kelly as being fascinated by sex seems a particularly ironic. his main point is to point out journalists. i didn t hear the he did. look at the stories that actually do matter. like her pay for play speeches that are happening. and that was the point of that entire interaction. and it was very uncomfortable to watch. i ll be the first to admit it. those two are probably very good friends up until last night. they will be friends again but this is a divide that is happening and we at least have to respect it that at least the conversation is happening and hopefully it won t be too damaging. i think the word you were looking for was hypocritical. remember newt gingrich s wife when he was running in 2012 told all of u the media. said it to the camera.
newt gingrich offered her the choice between an open marriage or a divorce. so maybest, just maybe if all of that baggage is on your shoulders, maybe you shouldn t be the surrogate out there accusing the woman who was sexual assault and sex are two things. one is unwanted. one is wanted. so maybe they need to understand that to begin with. but . and if you are going to get a surrogate to speak on it and wag his finger on national tv, maybe just maybe go find the pope or somebody that s been on his knees in a chapel for the last 20 years. not newt gingrich. was it a mistake for donald trump to at his event today single out newt gingrich talk about the interview last night? not in the slightest. because i think we re really misreading this conversation. and i quite frankly think this entire panel discussion is emblematic of america s frustration about what s going
on now. we re having conversations about newt gingrich s sexual frustrations and the donald trump s and feels like the . when newt gingrich said you are obsessed with sex. meaning the media. you were obsessed with sex. he was talk about public policy. all you have been covering lately is sex stuff. as an example of what the mainstream media is doing. there is a difference between sex and sexual assault as anna pointed out. and what megyn kelly is talking about is sexual assault. what everybody focus group has told us is they don t want to hear what we re talk about right now. they want to hear about public policy. what every rating point tells you is that is not true. when that tape of donald trump is released it was probably it was the most downloaded most clicked on famous one of the biggest stories of this campaign so far which tells me that it is not a media fascination. it is a public fascination. i m not saying that shouldn t
have been covered. it absolutely should have been covered but the degree of coverage when media research says we cover that 7/1 over wikileaks, which actually effects public policy. just about media bias then? i think if there is one issue that donald trump has campaigned on deliberately relentlessly is media bias and what played out in that interview is really interesting. and it gets to donald trump cheerleading, high fiving newt gingrich publicly for taking it to megyn kelly. this is fox news. this is a friendly place for newt gingrich for many years. he s a contributor there. they have respected him as an intellectual heavyweight to talk about republican policies. this is a friendly interview and now they are to the point where they are so in the barricade with themselves that they think megyn kelly is out to get them? and you can see why this is hurting his campaign. ivanka trump who s supposed to be appealing to all the independent progressive minded women, she s so boxed in.
when she she can t even take questions before an audience because they are so so in the hole. they talked up this thing about media bias so much that they themselves can not talk to anyone else. you have to ask yourself, if if trump says what people want to hear about is policy and agenda, why did he bring it up today some why did he high five newt gingrich for that ridiculous exchange with a woman with whom trump talk about her menstrual cycle 15 months ago? why are you picking a fight with this conservative darling? if you are calling fox media biased i want to get response to that. we ll continue conversation in a minute. when you have a cold, you just want powerful relief.
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the segment was about sex and not exactly what american female voters wanted to focus on. american females want to hear about immigration. economy. supreme court justices. you don t think character is a major issue for many voters? for american women, they re going to decide with their heads. they re going to talk about the issues that affect their pocket books. the once that affect their families. more on the wallets and their jobs. why is he not doing well among women in. well, because republicans have had a problem with women. the fact that we have this divide. maybe it was we were under romney. but the divide that we have right now, the truth is, 74% of republicans are saying that they re going to support donald trump right now. that s a good number. that includes many females. the females are saying i m not looking to him to teach my children values. to be an example of a role model about how they should treat others. my husband, the men in the
family, they are twoungs set the example. i m looking for a leader of my country that will revive the economy and protect our families. that s why they re voting for donald trump. it is amazing today that people no longer expect the president of the united states to set an example for the country. and i m not blaming this on donald trump. you can make the same argument about bill clinton when he was in the white house. when i was a kid, you grew up i don t agree with that. i think that in today s culture, certainly, leaders much more accessible than they once were. we see them in situations we never did because of snap chat and social media and all that. but i think we absolutely look at the leader of the free world, the president of the united states, at the first lady, as someone that permeates through culture into all of our lives and does set an example for children, for adults, does set an example for foreign lead erkss does set an example for all americans. the duty, the responsibility,
the weight of representing all smerns something that means and requires character. not at this point. whn we re $19 trillion in debt. we ve seen our military is in a horrible state. we re seeing people without jobs, health care costs going up. i never told my child, yes, professionally it is great to be president. looking up to president obama. but for some things he s done, i do not see him as a hero. my problem is if i think the president is the lowest form of life, if i think he is an orange amoeba, i cannot get on discuss policy. i m stuck down there. at the fact that he is not fit to be president. but it is unfortunate the way that donald trump has coarsened the political culture in such a way. and i do hope it is temporary. i hope the conversations that trump and the male leaders of the country like newt gingrich and others have started by supporting him and being condescending to women at the same time has opened up a new opportunity for conservative women. i hear conservative women
talking about, i ve never heard conservative feminism before. maybe we need a new way. maybe we need to call the men to be chivalrous and support us in the workplace and make a new modern effort. that s not outdated. clearly there s some work to be done and i think it is somewhat generational for the republican men. you see people like donald trump act like. this i never saw my bosses like ted cruz, i never saw marco rubio like this. we have to learn the lesson that s we see playing out. what is so interesting to me here, there has been such an effort to caricature donald trump as a male chauvinist xyz. the media has done a great job trying to make him that. nibble stats and numbers. i look at the fox poll that just came out. guess what? donald trump is only trailing among women by 8 points among registered voters. that is better than romney ropp, better than john mccain, that is tied with george w. bush. so this whole notion that we re
marred with women forever. does not bear that out. this panel is not representative of the way republican voters think. as scotty pointed out, the same number of republicans are consolidating around trump as democrats around clinton. there is not an exodus of women. there is in washington, d.c. but the average republican woman is not represented by this. just another extension of the point largely made by the trump campaign about media bias. they have picked a fight with the media. they have assumed the worst about the so-called main stream media. their reaction has been to expect people like megyn kelly to be biased for them. that s what breitbart is all about. for them to have an agenda for them. that s not the appropriate reaction if you want to bring unity in the country. it comes from a place of vengeance. it is very angry. let do you know what the approval of the main stream media is

Country , Trump , Polling , Race , Changing , Gains , The-end , Anderson , 20 , Hillary-clinton , Polls , Poll

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20170213 00:00:00

north korean actions just re-enforced for both leaders why this is the number one threat to both prime minister abe and to president trump. i think the north korean actions were deliberately timed after what was a pretty good week in terms of u.s. policy in asia, with regard to president trump s call with xi jinping and secretary mattis s trip to the region, i think the trump administration said look, we re here and we re not going to be an easy issue to deal with. right now the national security advisor is said to have broke on the law and critics call for him to be fired, for him to step down. how much does that impact the advice that this group can give the president at this time? i think the precedent is going to get advise from a wide range of people, including the folks in the state department,
particularly those commitments to china that would affect the finances that north korea has for building these missiles, there may be a statement that comes out of the u.n. security council as well. i don t expect a full-fledged resolution, though. we keep hearing that china is like the lynch pin in all of this. why isn t china tougher on north korea. turning the korean peninsula into a u.s. military ally, a democratic military ally right on china s border. but there s a lot more that china could do, they promised to do so in the last security council resolution, particularly as i said on coal, but in the last order of 2016, north korean coal imports were at a record high, so they re clearly not doing what they re supposed to
were referring to. but this is the ninth time they have tried to test this missile. the last two times before the election were unsuccessful, and this was a successful missile launch, and this could mean that they re perfecting their missiles, that they may want to send to iran or others. both japan and the u.s. and it s allies need to focus on and it s the number one security issue. you just brought upp iran an its nuclear missiles. which do you think is the biggest threat. i think the real threat is north korea. iran has a developing nuclear program, north korea has one.
they re trying to create a missile that can reach the united states. so i think while the stakes are high in both cases, and there has been a lot of attention paid to the iran case, the north korean case, as president obama told president trump reportedly in their white house meeting is really going to be the number one issue in this administration. thanks for offering your expertise for us. still to come, people in president trump s inner circle are still focused on the numbers from election day. a senior white house official staying on the claim that millions of people voted illegally. so what s their strategy here? plus the fight for the president s travel ban, could a new executive order come as early as tomorrow? and later, sean spicer s tough week from fighting with the press to late-night parodies, does the white house press secretary have a pr problem? that s all ahead, you re live in the cnn newsroom. not back.
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president trump says all opss are on the table when it comes to reinstating his travel ban. so let s bring in cnn s white house correspondent, let s break down the options the trump team is now considering? reporter: they re considering and pursuing a range of options is how white house senior advisor put it on the sunday circuit today. one is continuing to fight for the travel ban in court, whether it s in the supreme court, another hearing, an on bonk or issues new executive orders or taking further executive actions, that is what the president teased to reporters on friday, saying there could be a
brand-new executive order as early as monday or tuesday, now he didn t commit to that time frame, and in interviews today with steven miller and with another trump aid, sarah huckabee-sanders, another white house aid was working out how soon it would take these next steps, we do know that president trump feels that there s a state of urgency, so they want to move quickly, but it s not clear if they re going to be ready to file a new executive order as early as tomorrow. one change they could make to the order, of course, is to make it clearer that it does not apply to green card holders, which is legal residents. let s stick with the immigration theme here, a lot of people talking about those immigration raids in 12 states that happened over the past week, athena, what has president trump said about those raids? reporter: that s right, those
raids have left a lot of people in immigrant communities and in the broader community concerned and fearful. the president tweeted about this earlier today, he said the crackon on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign promises. it s a signal that this administration is going to be tough on undocumented criminals. what s interesting here is that i.c.e. officials said that the planning for these raids had begun under the obama administration, so it s interesting to see president trump taking credit here, even though it appears that these large scale raids, we re talking about some over 160 people, just in the los angeles area, another 200 in several other states, so it s interesting the sort of, not really clear what s going on there, anna.
it is interesting because president obama was the deporter in chief by some accounts, according to la raza, back in the day, when they were upset with what he was doing, but we never saw these wide scale protests that we re seeing now, instead of blaming president obama for what s happening, president trump owns it. so obviously he s happy to see what s going on and we ll continue to follow where it goes from here. coming up. trump and trudeau set to meet with the canadian prime minister this week to talk about things they don t agree about. we ll get a preview next. (vo) data plans aren t one size fits all. and since most people use less than 5 gigs,
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common ground with the new u.s. president. 75% of everything canada exports comes to the united states. it s an excitizen what s going on in canada, in terms of trying to have a thriving north american economy, justin trudeau is saying all the right things. take a look. we both got elected on strengthening the middle class and that s what we re going to be discussing in these meetings, making sure that millions of good middle class jobs on both sides of our boarder, that is dependent on the smooth flow of goods and services and people back across our border. brr, it looks cold. essentially, he was on a tour of the far north there, and that s where he was happened to be asked that question.
a lot of people are looking at the optics of this, anna, you can t get a leader who s more different than donald trump. he is a multilateralist, he s a progressi progressive. more than half of his cabinet is women. they have been so studious, all of his cabinet members have said, look, you do not criticize donald trump, you do not criticize u.s. policy. i know i have tried a million times to talk to him about it and it had not worked and they were like that even before the election. while they re theirfcareful criticize, they re not necessarily in agreement with what the president has done here? what was making a lot of news when the travel ban came in is that prime minister trudeau tweeted, he s saying, look, to
those fleeing persecution, terror and war, canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. diversity is our strength. you remember that the canadian immigration site crashed. this is very serious in terms of we are seeing the numbers at certain border points in canada, double and triple, from people not presenting themselves to the border but sneaking into canada and making refugee claims when they get there. where are they coming? from new york state into quebec, from vermont into quebec. jui justin trudeau is a son of a former canadian prime minister. you can be the elephant or the mouse, so they re going to be
incredibly careful, about this influx on the border, they re going to be, the outcome of the travel ban, they re being very quiet right now. it will be interesting to hear what comes out of their meeting tomorrow and what their message is looking forward. coming up, senator al franken s statements concerning the president. he lies a lot. he says things that aren t true. why he says both democrats and republicans are concerned about the president s mental health. there s no party like a lobster party, and this is the lobster party. red lobster s lobsterfest is back with 9 irresistible lobster dishes. yeah, it s a lot. try tender lobster lover s dream and see how sweet a lobster dream can be. or pick two delicious lobster tails with new lobster mix and match. the only thing more tempting than one succulent lobster tail, is two. is your mouth watering yet? good. because there s something for everyone,
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that canadian prime minister. he also has a meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on wednesday. again, live pictures from air force one, president trump arriving back in washington, d.c. tonight. thanks for staying with us here in the cnn news room. democratic senator al franken says president trump s repeated claims of voter fraud have not only democrats but some of his republican colleagues now questioning the president s mental health. here s what he told jake trapper. do you have concerns about president trump s mental health? yes. not the majority, but it s a few. in what way? in the way we all have this suspicion that, you know, that he s not, he lies a lot. he says things that aren t true, that s the same as lying, i guess.
he, you know, 3 million to 5 million people voted illegally, there s a new one about people going into massachusetts. thousands and thousands in a bus, yeah. and, you know, that is not the norm for a president of the united states or actually for a human being. we should note, cnn cannot confirm franken s assertion that a few of his colleagues have expressed thds concerns. former political commentator and communications districtor for ted cruz and the president obviously doesn t want a headline like this out there, even if he thinks it s absolutely ridiculous, how does he combat it? you combat it just by taking it head on. look, it is unequivocal facts
matter, and that goes for whether they re spoken by the president, the administration or those in the media. and it s important that everyone be factual. while on occasion, the typical story line may have changed for the president. but for members of the senate, or members of congress to question his mental health, that s uncalled for, that s p p reprehensible and there should not be any of that. to continue, it s just disrespectful and uncalled for in the presidential arena. what do you make of it? i don t know donald trump, i don t think alice knows him, i don t think al franken does, but you know who s been friends with him for years and attended his wedding? howard stern, he said donald trump has a very fragile ego, he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved, he wants people to
cheer for him. last time i checked, donald trump was pro abortion. he might be delusional because i love this, i don t know why people don t pick this up. the day after he was inaugurated, he goes to the cia. he said the rain stopped when i came out and spoke, and then the sun came out and then when i stopped speaking, it started raining again. that s ee s either not true, o he s those illegals who allegedly voted for clinton right before they did the bowling green massacre, should have us all concern econcerned. we did hear stephen miller doubling down on the unsubstantiated voter fraud claims earlier this week. voter fraud is a serious problem in this country, you have millions of people who are registered in two states, who
are dead and registered to vote, and you have 14% of noncitizens, according to academic research, at a minimum are registered to vote, which is an astonishing statistic. hold on a second, you just claimed again that that was illegal voting in new hampshire from people bussed into massachusetts. do you have any evidence of that? george, go to new hampshire, talk to anybody who s worked in politics there for a long time. everybody s aware of the problems in new hampshire. for the president right now, we re looking at lye pictures as he walks off the plane, air force one back in washington, d.c. when you hear stephen miller come out and continuing to fuel the narrative of voter fraud in the u.s., not just voter fraud, but widespread voter fraud, what s your response? lies, shameless lies, it s pathetic, and voter fraud which doesn t exist is really threatening to republicans because they want to engage in voter suppression and voter id
laws against people like african-americans. he can simply say i was mistaken, there weren t illegal votes, look, i won, but i m so set on proving the biggest of everything, that i will now lie and have sean spicer lie and even have stephen miller lie, and he identified voter fraud as being registered in two different states, and you know who else is registered in other states? steve bannon and jared kushner. just because you re registered in two states, doesn t mean you re voting in both states, but there are instances where that has happened and there are cases of that voter fraud, not widespread, however. i think it s important to remember where this began, when there first became questions about voter regularities and russian hacking in the
elections, president trump was frustrated, understandably so, because he felt that that was a way to delegitimize his victorv, that s what started conversations about voter fraud. and it s morphed into what we have now about repeated claims about millions of people who voted illegally and voter fraud. i myself don t believe there s evidence of that, i have worked as deputy secretary of state, and these elections are run state by state and it s virtually impossible to have such widespread voter fraud as they re claiming, but that being said, if they feel that, girlfriegive us some sort of evidence so we can have can confidence in your investigation that you re carrying out. if they were to do that they would get a lot more run way. i think it s important to focus on what we saw in the split screen, it was a successful
weekend with the japanese prime minister where he worked on building a relationship with them and the ballistic missile test from north korea and showing a united front, those are the things that are positive that he should be focusing on instead of things that not a lot of people have put much faith in. snl had a sketch last night featuring the president having his day in court over that blocked travel ban. let s talk about that issue after we take a look at that sketch. president trump, look, i have read the ban, it seemed rushed even to me, and i decide three court cases in an hour. i see no evidence that it will help. i would like to settle. what? i would like to settle out of court. they always settle pocahontas.
i want one day without a cnn alert that scares the hell out of me. so she says, you re doing too much, snl poking fun at how much we have been covering in just the past three weeks. alice, what s your response? i think on one hand it s good that they are following through on campaign promises, they are promise keepers, as the vice president continues to say, a lot of what he told trump supporters, he is following through on that and that s a positive sign and also the measures he made, the executive orders with regard to law and order and safety and protecting our law enforcement officers, those are things that are sorely needed in this country, but at the same time, with regard to the travel ban executive order, they could have taken a little bit more time to make sure that the legalities of that were sound on the front end and make
sure all the is were cross and ts were dotted. all of that unfortunately before the courts, we would be in a much different situation. but i do strongly believe the law is on their side with the travel ban, and i think if they rework the executive order they ll be successful and won t face legal challenges if they were to rewrite it and go about it another time. do you agree? no, instead of issuing these executive orders it would be nice if he actually wrote them and didn t rely on steve bannon and stephen miller. and advocate for the purchase of ivanka s clothes and going into nordstrom and all that. but he doesn t know what he s doing, this shows rank incompetence of his administration. i agree with alice, that had they reworked it, that he would have a better chance. but it is an unconstitutional
muslim ban, and it was good to see donald trump who s used to election, gets trumped, anonymously, legal ruling 3-0 unanimous ruling. also reminding president trump that there s a judiciary checks and balances and separation of powers and he s not the everyoner. got to get in a break here, appreciate you both in offering your thoughts to us tonight. coming up from political fire works to late night parodies, take a look at sean spicer s rough week as white house press secretary. this is silly, next. okay, thank you, you have asked your question. s. and you can count all the ingredients in flavored almond milk on ten fingers and five toes.
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uh-oh. it s melana. whoa, slow your roll, honey, then we re going to pattern down and we re going to read her emails and if we don t like the answers, which we won t, boom, guantanamo bay. how does he portray sean spicer without losing it herself. his combative exchanges with the white house press corps have almost become daytime tv. the soap opera at the white house is outscoring the actual soaps like general hospital. here s a taste of why. audience comment were about
that the president doesn t have time to tweet about everything. he s tweeting about this. right. he s not tweeting about something else. i came out here and actually spoke about it and said the president spoke. what about the president s time? you re equating me addressing the nation here in a tweet? i mean that s the silliest thing i have ever heard. that s silly, next. after that happened here were the headlines, from politico, sean spicer loses his cool with the press. from gq, donald trump can t help but make sean spicer s life miserable. and from the washington post, sean spicer went full melissa mccarthy today. i want to bring in hemedia correspondent. i guess the plus side for sean is that he s the best known press secretary in memory, but the bad side is he s kind of a laughing stock and i don t know
how he gets out from under the characterization now, other than actually embracing it. i think being combative is only making it worse. people are saying, wow, he s doing melissa mccarthy now. because this is the trump administration, are people being maybe hyper critical? i think the trump administration is being scrutinized for everything they do, because as you showed in the clip, it seems like every hour there s a new alert, that something is happening, that people are like, just, it makes their head spin. it s a critical eye being turned on it. i don t think you can deny that, and if you re talking about saturday night live, you re talking about the premier satirical entertainment in the country right now that s come into itself again in the biggest way it s been in years, the
ratings are spectacular, they had the highest ratings last night than they have had in since years, so it s very successful for them. vanity fair went so far as to call president trump our very own baghdad bob. the press has stated that they don t believe a lot of what he says, because a lot of what he says has proven to be wrong, about fraudulent voting, et cetera. he s having trouble talking, which she may reference, melissa mccarthy, trying to pronounce names and then messing them up. being portrayed as baghdad bob is the worst thing you can say about a press secretary because nothing he says is credible. i can t help but feel bad for
them knowing that he is on tv and knowing the kind of scrutiny that is sometimes thrown at you. how has melissa mccarthy s skit been in shaping the public opinion of sean spicer? people don t really know the press secretary, people watched him a little bit, because he made sort of noise attacking the press. she comes out and it was a big surprise, now she comes out and repeats it. it s like pounding him over the head with a sledgehammer. i think he is under duress. i do think it s interesting that he asked about using a water gun with the press, and that would have been a good idea, i would think, because at least they would have said he s playi inin along. playing along with the only way you can fight it.
an administrator in the dominican republic got blasted for using a photo of alec baldwin playing president trump instead of an actual photo. i think it s an obvious mistake, but it gets to the place where people are crossing over, the alec baldwin impression is being seen by an enormous number of people. and so some foolish person in the dominican republic made that mistake, but it underscores that there s just not a lot of serious thoughtful stuff going on in terms of the way people are reacting to this president. they re reacting in visceral ways, they either love him or they hate him, it s one of the two extremes. quick break, we ll be right back. baa baa black sheep,
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reporter: and perhaps secretary spicer was channeling beyonce s hit formation when he criticized the state department over the controversial travel ban. i think they should get with the program or they can go. reporter: or kellyanne conway s i have been on cnn over 1,000 times in my career, i m sure. reporter: and is it possible, white house strategist steve bannon is channeling demi know vat toe. just think of our current white house drama featuring those earlier songs and maybe it will be much easier to listen to. jake tapper, where do you find the time. up next, it s a parts unknown

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20170312 00:00:00

saying, oh, no, never mind that, you re fired. to be clear to the viewers, we don t have the reporting confirmed that you re sharing with us. but that s obviously something we re trying to get information, answers to the white house, the justice department not commenting specifically on this firing. but let s talk a little bit more about bharara, his role here in new york, and really when it comes to litigation on such a large scale that impacts the country. he was not necessarily in just a routine post. so he gets called in the southern district of new york, called the sovereign district of new york. because it s a huge orbit. rudy giuliani was there. comey from the fbi. bhrara is looking at the mayor of new york city, has this ongoing corruption probe. he s about to try two of andrew cuomo s closest confidantes. and looking at things international in scope.
really big and interesting. in addition to the fox thing i mentioned, significantly. he has an investigation excuse me, he arrested a turkish man, who s a friend of the president there. and is charging him with evading the iran sanctions. effectively. which in a complicated scheme that s really big and interesting, and plays into some of the other probes around this president. the big outstanding question everyone is asking is, what is the fbi looking into, involving this administration, potentially, and additionally, there are questions about whether or not they re also looking at rudy giuliani who, again, is at the same firm as the rumored replacement is the front-runner for that, because of giuliani talking on
television prior to the election about what his fbi friends were telling him about investigations involving the clintons and others. which is information they re not conveying. there are so many layers to this. oh, man. but to play devil s advocate, could you just look at this and say that he was simply a victim of a broad brush stroke, that donald trump decided to clean house so that he could just appoint all his own people? almost. so the two people whose resignations they didn t accept is the temporary deputy attorney general, and his nominee to be the permanent deputy attorney general. and with the attorney general having now recused those people not so incidentally would be leading in i russian probe in the justice department. you could say this is part of a sweep if they hadn t told bharara that he was staying. what changed and why. they did this with the
ambassador, trump did, back in january. he said no finishing your kids school year, no finding your replacements, none of that stuff. they seem to like chaos and surprise and corruption maybe in a reality tv style. maybe in a silicon valley disruption style. there are concerns about the deep state and enemies within and all that stuff. i think tactically, they think this sort of chaos works to their benefit. i m very skeptical, again, they have no replacements for any of these u.s. attorneys. the people they just told to get out today, that their deputies and right hands are going to be running the justice department. and picking up the pieces where the investigations left off. thank you for the information and reporting. we re continuing to learn more about this situation. it s a developing breaking news story. let s turn to now a person who is very familiar with bharara who is also familiar with the justice department s inner workings, someone who has led this department.
roberto gonzalez is joining me by phone. we really appreciate your time, mr. gonzalez. i know you were appointed by and served under president george w. bush. and while working for then senator charles schumer when you were in the justice department. bharara also was in the probe in eight u.s. attorneys, part of a controversy that is said to have ultimately played a key role in the resignation of the then attorney general roberto gonzalez, yourself. given that history, what s your response to these developments today? well, [ inaudible ]. obviously those were all investigated. i was cleared of any wrongdoing, because in reality, you know, the president of the united states has the power with
respect to hiring and firing of the u.s. attorneys. they serve at his pleasure. if donald trump no longer has any pleasure of continued service, then meet it out. it really is arrogant for an employee to leave, when told by the president that their services are no longer required. everyone understands that you serve at the pleasure of the president, no matter how wonderful, how valuable your work has been. if the president wants to make a change, he has the right to do so. obviously change is at the beginning of an administration. they re very consistent with past practice. and every president, every u.s. attorney general wants to have his field generals and the u.s. attorneys onboard. some of your viewers may be concerned that these removals might in any way jeopardize ongoing investigations. that is really just not the way
that the department is set up. you ve got career prosecutors that are very much involved in all of these very complex investigations, and prosecutions. those will continue. even though you may not have an appointed head at the particular field offices. there are career individuals who been there many, many years. they have experience, good judgment. those investigations will continue, irrespective of the removal of the confirmed u.s. attorney head. gotcha. now, i understand it is fairly common for a president to come in and appoint his own people. however, the fact that this was done with virtually zero notice has caught some experts in the field offguard. does that piece surprise you, for one? and two, the fact that bharara had been told by the president that he should keep his job and asked to stay on and go before the cameras and even talk about the discussion in which he was asked to stay on, now he s been fired? what do you think is the reason
for that? well, i can t speak to what president trump and preet, what conversations they had in the past. the president can change his mind for whatever reason. he has virtually unlimited authority to make a change if he wants to. it could be that perhaps jeff sessions wanted to have a change. if they want to make a change, that will have an important factor in making the change. they ultimately do work for the attorney general of the united states. so listen, i can t speak to whether or not there were any promises or assurances made. but even if there were, nothing would prevent a president from changing his mind if he felt that was in the best interests of the administration of justice. would there be any reason that this change of mind has to do with actual investigations that bharara was involved with? i m certainly not aware that
that might be the reason. but as i indicated, i believe if that was the motivation for the removal, i think that would be one of concern. and that perhaps should be looked at. i want to, again, reassure your viewers that even if that were the case, that would not submarine or in any way jeopardize an ongoing investigation. a career individual is there, in that office, they would continue the investigation. and they would make sure that if there was wrongdoing that had occurred, that there would be a prosecution. so it s even without a confirmed head leading a particular office, you re still going to have investigations. you re still going to have prosecutions that move forward. that s not jeopardized by the removal of the confirmed u.s. attorney. let me ask you in response to this statement put out by senator patrick leahy, where he writes that the removal of something like bharara has now called into question the
independence of the justice department. according to this statement. do you see it that way? i do not. senator leahy has been as much involved in the plit tiization of the removal of u.s. attorneys as schumer has. there is no basis to make that statement. again, without even knowing who s going to be the next u.s. attorney in that position. and how that office is going to function going forward. i tha that s a premature statement. alberto gonzales, thank you for joining us tonight. i appreciate it. former adviser to four u.s. presidents, david, you ve worked in the white house. completely normal as we ve been discussing for a new president to come in and want a new team of u.s. attorneys. but the way this was handled has given a lot of people pause. it should. it should. there s no question.
there are a couple of things that are different. one is, when in the past when there s been sort of mass firings, as in the case of president clinton, individuals attorneys general in various parts of the country were given extra time to stay on to complete investigations to make sure there was no disruption in the work of the offices. and they sort of had leftover time, instead of the hatchet coming down, the guillotine goes down on all of you overnight. the other thing that s different is the context in which this is taking place. we have a president, a white house and a team with a lot of conservatives, who believe that the obama holdover throughout the government had become saboteurs. that they are undermining his presidency. the anger level has built. there s been a lot of pressure on the white house to clean out those obama holdovers. this is, i think, going to be
part of a broader sweep that we re going to see. with all due respect to attorney general gonzales, he s right that the president absolutely has the authority and is often exercising it to remove people. but there is a you know, if it s just i don t think it s right to say you re going to get the same outcome in the investigations as you would if a new person comes in. it s not going to make any difference in the outcomes. if it doesn t make any difference in the outcomes, the president wouldn t be firing these people. the white house believes if you put in new people, you ll have an attorney general that will be more favorably inclined toward them. that s human nature. and i think we all the context is how we ought to see this. we re just getting this into our newsroom here, some new information, a source apparently close to president trump telling my colleague, jake tapper, that then president-elect trump told bharara wanted to keep him on as
a gesture to democratic leader schumer. but now obviously it swung the other way. what do you make of that? well, that sounds like a lot about politics, doesn t it. because the relationship between senator schumer and the president has deteriorated. they ve been calling each other names over the last few weeks. i don t think i think both of them are now really have a very disdain for the other. but why does that mean that bharara ought to be the victim of that disagreement? having asked him to stay on, is it a political gesture to schumer or did he think he was doing productive work. it does lead to questions, your previous guest raised some interesting questions. we ll just have to see. like so many things in the trump administration, when you do things quickly, and this looks like they re flipping a finger at the obama people once again.
you know, it raises questions but when you talk about that, when you bring that up, one thought that crossed my mind is, it almost seemed like bharara at one point kind of egged him on to say, i m not going to resign. if you want me to leave, fire me. yep. well, i think bharar wanted to bring it to the surface. he s clearly pretty ticked off. the result is the same. but i think he feels, i m walking out with my head up. i m not resigning. you have to fire me. and shame on you. i think that s his attitude. how would you advise the president to handle this moving forward? well, i think the advice you would give would have been given earlier. and that is, as was the ambassadors, i think he has every right to replace people like this. and as we feared the u.s. attorney general in new york, you live by the sword, you die
by the sword. that s the name of the game. so he has every right. but i think i would have advised him, mr. president, i think you would have been better off if you hadn t brought the swift sword down on people. it has a harshness about it that is going to, i think stir up the press. the siegel type questions that we had, it raises questions among their you know, out in the political community, what s underneath all of this. is there something phony about this? there s just so much every time one of these stories comes up, you have to ask, why is this happening, why couldn t this be done in a smoother, more professional way? that question of why is what we ve been asking all afternoon, since he was fired. right. but we re hearing crickets from the white house and justice department. would it be in their best interests to come forward with at least a statement to say, this is why he specifically was now asked to or was fired, i
guess, let s just put it bluntly, even after he had been asked to stay on? i think the statement really ought to come from the attorney general. mr. sessions, or attorney general sessions did sign off and asked him to stay. he called him during the transition. he s the one who asked people to leave their offices. i think this is something, if you re at the white house now, put it on the justice department to explain what s going on. david gergen, thank you, as always. anna, thank you. up next, a shocking white house security breach, and the bizarre new details on the intruder who made it all the way to the entrance to the president s residence. you re live in the cnn newsroom. how to win at business. step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business.
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the president was inside the white house at the time. secret service did a fantastic job last night. i appreciate it. the secret service did a fantastic job. it was a troubled person. the secret service was fantastic. cnn s athena jones is at the white house. athena, who is this man? what happened when he appeared before the judge today? reporter: his name is jonathan tran. he s 26 years old. he s from california. he did make a court appearance today. we re told he will be arraigned in federal court on monday. but at today s court appearance, we re getting a lot of information from the criminal complaint and sworn statement. he s been charged with entering or remaining in restricted grounds while using or carrying a dangerous weapon. this complaint, the sworn statement from the arresting officer that said in the backpack that tran was carrying, he had two cans of mace.
that s interesting, because earlier in the day we were told that backpack had been examined and no hazardous materials were found. in the end we re learning he was caring mace. there are more details from the sworn statement. we know this happened at 11:38 p.m. last night. tran was seen by this arresting officer walking from the east side of the south grounds of the white house complex. he was walking close to an exterior wall of the white house mansion. so he was very, very close to the residence. he was approaching the south portico entrance to the white house mansion, that s on the opposite side of the door that s right behind me. he was wearing a hooded sweater, or a jacket and was carrying that backpack i mentioned. we also know from this arresting officer that at one point tran hid behind a white house pillar before proceeding towards that south portico entrance. now, this is all after the suspect jumped over a fence near
the treasury department which is next to the white house, and over a barrier on the separating the south lawn from the narrow road next to it. but yes, this is interesting to see he came very, very close to the residence. he did not make it inside. but he was still only a couple of hundred feed from the president s bedroom. also in that backpack, besides the two cans of mace was a united states passport, an apple laptop computer, a book by president trump, and a letter he had written to president trump. he mentioned russian hackers and said he had information of relevance. he also alleged he had been followed, that his e-mail and phone communications had been read by third parties. he was called schizophrenic. new details coming out about the suspect. obviously there was a security failure here, the fact that he got as far as he did without being de tectd. what is the secret service s response? well, they re going to have to look at this very closely.
this is not, as you know, the first time that this has taken place. there s been several breaches over the years of the obama administration. you may remember one of the most serious was when in 2014, a man jumped over the fence in the front of the white house, the north fence behind me, and made it through the north portico, which is essentially the front doors of the white house, and all the way into the east room of the white house. and he had a knife in his pocket. you don t want to play the what-if game too much. but it certainly could have been bad had this suspect made it into the white house with these cans of mace, or what have you. very, very serious matter the secret service is going to be reviewing closely. athena jones, thank you very much. just ahead, he was one of the most high-profile federal prosecutors in the country. but after refusing to resign, he was just fired by president trump today. a look at all the legal angles next here in the cnn newsroom. i]
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let s dig deeper into the breaking news coverage of president trump s firing of u.s. attorney preet bharara, one of 46 u.s. attorneys asked to resign by the white house yesterday. but he refused. he didn t want to turn in his letter of resignation. this afternoon president trump actually fired him. he said, today i was fired from my position as u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. serving my country as u.s. attorney here for the past seven years will forever be the greatest honor of my professional life. no matter what else i do, or how long i live. cnn senior legala analyst jeffry toobin joins me now. back in november, the president and attorney general, he told him he could stay on as u.s. attorney for southern district
of new york. a source telling jake tapper then president-elect trump told bharara he wanted to keep him on as a gesture to senator schumer. what s your reaction to this development? it s important to say that president trump had every legal right to fire preet b hrkharara. it is traditional for a u.s. attorney to be replaced when a new president comes in. what is unusual in this situation, it is really undisputed that president trump promised preet bharara he could stay on. what s puzzle is what caused this turnabout seemingly overnight of why he was told to leave, like all the other u.s. attorneys. it s really, though, more of a political question than a legal question. because there is no question that president trump had the right to force bharara out of
office. put into perspective for us, preet bharara and the position that he holds. what makes him in this position so important? well, here s what s so significant, is that the u.s. attorney s office for the southern district of new york, which is based in manhattan, is widely acknowledged to be the premier u.s. attorney s office in the country. and they have a lot of independence. and what s particularly significant here is that he has been involved in a lot of investigations that are at least peripherally related to donald trump. he was the u.s. attorney who was investigating anthony weiner whose computer turned up the e-mails that wound up leading jim comey to make those very damaging statements about hillary clinton shortly before the election. he s also apparently involved in some investigations that involve
the trump organization. and russia, these various amorphous stories that keep coming out about the relationship between the trump campaign and russia. so the question arises, is there something either that the trump administration doesn t want preet bharara to pursue, or are there things he knows that he might disclose later that could be troublesome for the trump administration. well, isn t firing him one way, though, for him to later disclose that information? or wouldn t that be even more reason for bharara to perhaps give a bad eye to the president? that s a fair question. in a political context. but, you know, preet bharara whom i profiled for the new y n yorke yorker , he does respect the rules. there are rules how much he can disclose about what he has been investigating.
by taking him out of the justice department, he is you know, he s cut off from access to new information. but there is some question about how much he can and would disclose simply as a private citizen. got you. you brought up the politicizization of all of this. and the justice department itself. the gop has been complaining about that. is this just fueling the fire when it comes to questions about that? it certainly will fuel the fire. you know, just a day ago, sean hanity on fox news, who is obviously close to the administration said, boy, it s time to get rid of all the clinton appointees to the justice department. and the next day, that s exactly
what attorney general sessions and president trump did. now, perhaps that s just a coincidence. but there certainly has been coming out of the trump administration a great deal of bitterness and anger towards anyone they feel is connected to barack obama, or they feel may have been leaking. they certainly know evidence that barack obama, that preet bharara was leaking this information. but, you know, the political controversy about leaks, and about trump s anger at obama certainly will be fanned by this. but i do think it s important to repeat that this is not a question whether donald trump had the right to do this. he certainly had the right to request the resignation, and to fire preet b hrkts arara when he
refused to leave. your article that you wrote and referenced earlier is called the man who terrifies wall street. the fact that wall street feared him, and trump s relation to wall street, appointing billionaires to cabinet positions. do you have any sense of who he might put in this position to now replace bharara? would it be somebody who would have an equally tough perspective in terms of approaching wall street issues? hard to know. hard to know. the name that has been mentioned most recently in new york circles is martin, the son of judgment mucasi, who was the attorney general under george w. bush. and someone who is very strongly identified as a republican. someone who is much closer
politically to donald trump. he s also a former prosecutor in the southern district, so he s not a you know, a political hack. but he s certainly someone much closer to the administration. if he s appointed, you can be sure that people will say that donald trump is putting in a republican loyalist. but, you know, it is up to donald trump to make these appointments. it is also true that the senate has to vote on u.s. attorneys. you can be sure there will be hearings about whoever donald trump puts in. and democrats will be asking whether he has the independence that is traditionally associated with the u.s. attorney s office for the southern district of new york. jeffrey toobin, thank you so much for joining us. gra great to talk to you on a saturday night. with the shortage of priests in the catholic church, pope francis now says he has another idea to fix that, next. in the cnn newsroom. with my moderate to severe crohn s disease,.
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in a pretty stunning move, pope francis said he may be open to letting married men become priests. this idea could be a solution to what he calls a, quote, enormous problem within the catholic church. a shortage of priests. joining me now to talk about this is cnn religion commentator father edward beck. thank you for being here. first, your reaction to this latest move? i think it s hopeful. i think it s something we need, those of us who are priests have been hoping for it for a while. there is a vocation shortage. i know guys who have left the priesthood to get married. this is a major obstacle for them. i think it just kind of frees people up to say, why not look at this. for the first thousand years of the church, priests could be married. it changed because priests were kind of giving property to their children, church property. so it was a sociopolitical reason. it wasn t about celibacy,
or you know, we spiritualized that afterward and said you could be more devoted to your parishioners, more devoted to your ministry. really, it was sociopolitical. i didn t realize that, as a catholic myself. so some of these moves are teaching me more about the history of the faith as we move into modern times. when you look, though, at this move, i think one of the things i ve read that could be even more controversial about it is the fact that what he is considering doesn t necessarily open the door for current priests to go get married, right. right. it seems to some of us like a bit of a double standard. in other words, if you can be a married priest, you can be a married priest, what s the difference if you get married after you re a priest or happen to be married before and become a priest. we have priests from protestant traditions coming into roman catholicism with their wives and children. and ministering along celibate roman catholic priests. you re in the same parish with a
priest with kids. you re thinking, why can t i do this. i think the pope is intent on opening the door slowly. but i think we have to be consistent here. if there s not an obstacle to priesthood because of marriage, then why not anyone who is married, why can t they be a priest. well, it needs to be a remote area. why not allow women to be priests then? that s a whole other question. the question with women would say, there were not women disciples, and jesus did not choose women. no history for it. but the apostles were married. because the original apostles were married. there were women deace deacones. today is different. why not consider it. this pope has closed the door right now to women priests, but hoe s opening the door to married priests.
for all of us, that s a hopeful step. little by little. how big of a shortage is there? is that the impetus for these changes? it s a really bad shortage right now. western europe has been decimated. the united states. africa, asia, there is vocation. now we re getting sent priests from those areas of the world to help supplement our shortage. we yuksed to send missionaries elsewhere, now they re spiendin priests to us. why the shortage? i can t tell you how many parents have said to me, i really wouldn t recommend my child, my son be a priest. i think there are so many opportunities right now. look at the priest scandal, the sex scandal, that put a mar on the priesthood. people are saying, why would i want to get my child involved in all of that. we have to do a lot of reeducation, a lot of reimagining. i think we have to open the door and say, this is what a
modern-day priesthood looks like for a modern-day catholic. the church unfortunately moves really slowly. if parents were to promote it, i think if it was spoken about more, those of us who are happy priests and have great ministries, we could share that more. but it s an uphill climb right now. look, i can do ministry as a single person or married person, why do i have to be a priest and give up anything. if this says i can be married and be a priest, maybe not so bad. you never know. you never know. father edward beck, thank you so much. thank you. my pleasure. we see a lot of the moving and shaking that pope francis has done as he moves the religion forward. coming up, it was an officer who became a hero during the sikh temple massacre. he shares his story. how he went beyond the call of duty and survived being shot 15 times at close range. here s to the wildcats til we die.
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the first officer to respond to the 2012 sikh temple massacre is share iing his story. somehow, lieutenant brian murphy survive d being shot 15 times ad spoke with sara sidner in this edition of beyond the call of duty. by all accounts, brian murphy should be dead. first shot was at my face. second, thumb, back of the head. right hand. one in the right arm. three in the left hand ch one in each leg. one in the chest. one in the side and one in the back. his dash cam rolling, he was the first on the scene as calls poured in from the sikh temple of wisconsin. guy shooting. we heard fighting outside.
i brought the kids in my hand. i said, let s go in the she was among 15 women and children huddle ed in this pant, fearing death. her husband, the president of the temple, rushed out to warn people. he was shot and killed along with five others. the shooter, a white supremacist and army veteran on a mission of hate was still at it when lieutenant murphy rolled up. that s murphy there and that s page, gun raised. we both shoot exactly the same time. what happens? i missed! murphy was hit in tface. that s him ducking. about halfway through, i m just got mad. i m thinking when are you going to be done shooting me? how are you not dead? god kept me around. another officer drives up. paige shoot, hitting the
windshield of bun gun battle. by then, murphy s vest and body are riddled with 15 bullets. a year later, a survivor aed. how many dids did how you ghet shot. that s right, one bullet for every one of us inside. community says without his sacrifice, the massacre would have been so much worse. i know that murphy is a hero. he s a hero to our community, but much larger community as in the sikh community. in america. a community murphy still worries about knowing they are sometimes targets. simply because of their appearance. sara sidner, cnn, milwaukee. amazing. good to see him doing okay. up next, new details about the man who jumped a fence at the white house while president trump was in the residence. what he was carrying and the charges he s now facing. you re live in the cnn news room. is being condensed
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house this past week, but now the ranking member of the house intelligence committee is speaking out. talked with cnn today. where does their investigation go now? well, one of the big things that both the house and senate intel committees are trying to weigh is just how valuable michael flynn, the former national security adviser s testimony will be. of course, the big bombshell at the end of the week is that flynn said he is willing to testify if he is granted immunity for that testimony. he s offered this up to both of those committees. he has offered it up to fbi and the justice department, but it seems as though the committees in the congress are a little skeptical that there will be any real value in flynn s testimony, at least to the point where they would be willing to take that immunity. this is what adam schiff, that ranking member on the house intel committee, had to stay about it this morning on state of the union. we don t want to do anything that will interfere in any case that the justice department may decide to bring. we also have to determine whether he really can add value to our investigation, whether we
need him to learn information we can t learn from other sources. so it is very early i think even to be considering this. we re not ready to consider that. we re not even publicly acknowledging that he s contacted us, and if and when we would talk to general flynn, under what other considerations. we would want to make sure we knew all of the right questions to ask. we re not anywhere close to making those drawing those conclusions yet. but yet this investigation moves forward, and of course the president himself tweeting this week that he encouraging essentially michael flynn to seek immunity as he moves forward in this investigation. just another example of how this situation with russia continues to be a cloud over this white house. all right. thank you to ryan nobles, as we turn to matt rivers now in beijing and discuss the upcoming visit with the president of china coming to the mar-a-lago resort there with the president of the u.s. this week. today president trump, in short,
saying the u.s. will take on north korea with or without china. has there been any reaction there yet? reporter: nothing official yet, ana, but when we ghetto fishl reaction later on today, which we are expecting here in beijing, i think you can expect the chinese to be as consistent as they have been in the past, which is to say they are rock solid in how they approach this issue. what they ve been saying for went over ten years now is that the only way to solve the ongoing crisis in the korean peninsula is through negotiations, whether it is under the kind of framework like the six-party talks that ultimately failed back in the mid 2000s or with a new round of direction negotiations between the united states and the regime in pyongyang. that according to the chinese is the only way you can bring some sort of lasting peace and stability and get pyongyang to stop its weapons development program. of course, on the other side of the equation here you have the trump administration arguing it is actually china that should be using its economic leverage over
pyongyang to get the kim jong-un regime to stop developing these nuclear weapons. china does have a lot of economic leverage. it is north korea s only major trading ally on the world stage. i think when both presidents meet for the first time in mar-a-lago later on this week, this is certainly going to be very, very high up the agenda, given how tense the situation remains in this part of the world. matt rivers, our thanks to you. let s talk more about all of this with former ambassador to south korea and iraq, christopher hill. he is now dean of the university of denver. he was also the lead u.s. negotiator of the six-party talks. ambassador hill, thank you for spending some of your sunday night with us. now, when president trump hosted japan s leader in february at mar-a-lago, i think we spoke on that night as north korea hit the launch on a missile there. how likely is that north korea might act out again during the chinese president s visit? you know, it is possible they could do it. i mean they tend to do these
things on their own schedule, but certainly there have been expectations and some indications that they may want to do another test, and they you know, it could come when they re sitting in mar-a-lago talking about what to do about the north koreans. i don t think it is going to help the north korean cause much, but i think the really interesting thing will be how the chinese size up donald trump and how donald trump sizes up the chinese. president trump said today about his upcoming mar-a-lago meeting with china s leader, quote, i have great respect for china. i would not be at all surprised if we did something that would be dre dramatic and good for both countries and i hope so. that was a quote from the interview with the financial times. ambassador, what would a major deal with china potentially look like? first of all, a grace note from donald trump on china is kind of a good sign. usually when you pull a rabbit out of a hat in a summit it is
because you spent a lot of time stuffing that rabbit down the hat, and so we re not really sure any of that has gone on. but certainly i think there will be some some effort to say, look, chinese, if you can really, really throttle them back on this through sanctions, work on their access to your financial system, work on your trade of raw materials with them and, you know, meanwhile we ll keep the door open to a lot of things. you know, we re not interested in going right to a military solution here, but we really need some help. it will be that kind of discussion. you know, there s been this kind of desultory thing where the chinese turn to us and say, come on, u.s., we have to talk to these people, and we say, no, you need to do more. in fact we need to work together on this problem. president trump has signalled he does not plan to press human rights issues during this visit. why do you think that is? you know, i think there s a time and place for that, but i
think there s a broad feeling in the analytical community that north korea is making progress on its nuclear weapons, and it is kind of time that that issue gets front and center in the u.s./china relationship. maybe in the entire international list of concerns. so my hope is that they really will focus on north korea. it doesn t mean that they can t focus on human rights at another time, another place, but i really think north korea ought to be front and center. this problem is coming down the tracks. i would also like to get your take on another thing that caught my eye in this financial times interview. president trump saying so far he has no regrets about his style or his agenda, but that governing is harder than he thought. ambassador, it kind of seemed like a moment where president trump was humble. is that how you see that? well, i think that whole healthcare issue really was kind of, you know, clear to him that this was a lot more difficult
than he thought. you just can t tell people what to do. it is hard to scare people. they want you to show how you re really going to do something to them, so they call your bluff all the time. so if you thought healthcare was tough, wait until he gets a load of the north koreans. i mean these are people who absolutely don t care what anyone else thinks. and so he has to solve this because he doesn t want to face the american people in 2020, having had north korea deliver or announce a deliverable nuclear weapon that could reach the united states. and when it comes to china, does his style or his erratic nature help him in any way in terms of negotiating with china? well, to be frank, they re not thrilled with iraq. no one is. but they do like decisive. they do like strong. i mean don t forget they got along great with richard nixon. they tended to get along with america s leaders who they perceive as strong and decisive, but they worry about this erratic side.
i think that s why this face-to-face meeting which will go on for i mean they re going to have a couple of days down there at mar-a-lago, and i hope they will get to take the measure of each other and perhaps make some progress. do you think kim jong-un might be worried about how donald trump would respond? you know, this is a guy who seems to be right out of a mad magazine, what, me worry? type of person. on the other hand, he has to be a little concerned because we re getting to the point where we can t be patient anymore. we can t say, oh, this problem is important, but it is not urgent or immediate. it is urgent, it is important, and i think the united states is really going to have to deal with this. obviously we have to really tighten up those alliances with japan and south korea. that s number one. but certainly number two is a clear understanding with the chinese of what we would do, what we wouldn t do, and we need to get a clear sense of the chinese take this with the seriousness that, frankly, the
rest of the civilized world takes it. this white house has said that north korea is the greatest international threat to this country. do you agree? i m there. i mean i think the issues going on in the middle east really can t be left on their own. i mean there are some issues, you try to leave them on their own and hope they go away. that s not going to go away, so that s tough. but i think in terms of a country that kind of threatens us with nuclear weapons, i think we have to take it very seriously, and i would put it right up there number one. i mean the issue is if north korea has a provocation against south korea, they move on south korea in some way, will the united states be prepared to do what we have to do which is intervene on south korea s part if we re also concerned that north korea might fire off a missile? obviously we can retaliate in a way that would finish north korea. i mean it would become the proverbial parking lot, but is it good enough after having lost many thousands of americans?
i doubt it. so i think this really needs to be taken with utmost seriousness. all right. ambassador christopher hill, good to have you on to niechlt thank you. thank you. coming up, ahead of a supreme court showdown on capitol hill, some good news for republicans. a third senate democrat has announced support for judge gorsuch, but will the gop get enough dems on their team to fend off a filibuster? i ll have the latest numbers and we will discuss next. you re live in the cnn newsroom. you have access to in-depth analysis, level 2 data, and a team of experienced traders ready to help you if you need it. it s like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. it s your trade. e trade. start trading today at
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faces some big hurdles. so let s bring in cnn supreme court reporter arian devogue. joining us now, how big of a deal is this third democrat coming to the republican side, saying he will vote for gorsuch? reporter: well, anna, the latest democratic senator to come out is joe donnelly out of indiana, and his state voted for trump like the other two democrats. he is furious that mark garland never got the vote, but he says, look, neil gorsuch is qualified. as things stand now, gorsuch is going to need 60 votes for confirmation, and already more than 30 democrats, led by chuck schumer, have said they re going to vote to filibuster. republicans on the other hand say, look, if democrats do that, if they filibuster then the republicans will change the rules. that s called the nuclear option, ana, and that s what we could expect. and so if that happens, republicans don t get the 60 votes they need, they go to the
nuclear option, change the rules. i mean does that open a huge can of worms? some have said it could signal the end of bipartisanship period. this has been a long time come. justice ruth bader begins burg said, you know, when i went through it i was put to 96-3 and senator half, a republican, was my biggest ally, and now in this climate he wouldn t touch me with a 10-foot pole. more and more these confirmation hearings are becoming contentious, and one of the key reason is as congress grid locks more of these issues are coming through the court. what this is going to mean, if there is a nuclear option, is that there are going to be more extremist candidates down the road and people are going to believe that the supreme court, the judicial body, is a political body. that s something, ana, that the supreme court justices themselves, they really don t like that.
that really bothers them. arianne, what is your gut telling you? any chance judge gorsuch doesn t get confirmed? i ve got to say right now it sure feels like chuck schumer must have his votes lined up, but the end of the day the republicans feel like, look, if you want to filibuster, we re ready to pull the trigger. the democrats, they re really going here on principle. there was a school of thought that said, look, why do this now? you re replacing a conservative with a conservative on the bench. why not wait to trigger this until you get somebody like anthony kennedy or the liberal ruth bader begins burg. but the end of the day, schumer has made clear the democrats want to pus ahead on this now, anna. they re digging in. arianne de vogue. coming up, president trump hitting the greens with senator rand paul. will it be a good fit with his
chinese counterpart this week? we will discuss. you are live in the cnn newsroom. energy is amazing. how we use it is only limited by our imagination. and at southern company we re building the future of energy, for you. fixodent plus adhesives. there s a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth.
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ariane arianne this is cnn, the most trusted name in news. it s the thing president trump likes to do more than anything on the weekends, play golf. since taking office the president has hit the links 14 times. that makes a golf outing every five-and-a-half days. today in virginia he teed on with republican senator rand paul, and as is custom area on golf outings the two men talked shop out on the course. we had a great day with the president today. we did talk about some healthcare reform. i think the sides are getting closer and closer together, and i remain very optimistic that we will ghetet obamacare repeal. joining me former fifl mayor michael nutter and former cheens of staff to reince priebus at
rnc mike shields. welcome back and thank you for staying with us. thank you. mayor, i think it is safe to say the president won t be inviting the president of china out for a round of golf at mar-a-lago this weekend. we know the chinese president is a well-known soccer fan. he has made a policy of actually shutting down golf courses all over china. but they will be meeting at mar-a-lago, golf or no golf. what will you be watching for in this meeting? well, first, ana, let me first say that typically is the kind of meeting that would actually take place at the real white house, the one in washington d.c. you know, the president i think has to get over the fact that he s you know, he s not just a hotel/motel owner anymore. he s actually president of the united states. how we conduct our business i think is very, very important. you know, the fact of the matter is that president xi jinping is very experienced in his work. he holds three different significant positions in china,
the ambassador from china is leading the preparations for this particular visit. so, you know, they have a sense i m sure of what they want to accomplish, and, unfortunately, at the moment we have no idea what president trump might try to do other than the rhetoric, heated rhetoric from the campaign. well, this gave us a clue perhaps or a little sneak peek of their meeting, mike shields. president trump said this today about the chinese leader s visit. i have great respect for china. i would not be at all surprised if we did something that would be very dramatic and good for both countries, and i hope so. now, in that same interview he said he did not need china s help with north korea, and if they don t want to help, well, the u.s. will go it alone. mike, it seems there are a couple of different tones he is taking with china. yeah. first of all i want to talk about mar-a-lago, and i want the viewers to google it. mar-a-lago was actually designed as the winter white house. it used to be owned by the federal government and it was sold off because no one was
using it. it is entirely appropriate for the president not to go to camp david as other presidents have, but to go to what was the winter white house. the reason for that is because you want someone in a setting where you can negotiate. just like work was done on the golf course today with a senator who previously opposed the president on his on obamacare, presume went into louisville and did a rally targeted towards rand paul. now they re out on the golf course doing business together. wonderful. i think the establishment in washington, the media and democrats don t understand how this president operates and that s how you wants it. he is going to say i m moving past obamacare, and maybe we will work on obamacare. he is negotiating, trying to work out a deal, and he is going to say things to china to send signals to them, and then he will send other signals to them just sometimes to get them off of edge, sometimes to push a policy. in the end, the president is trying to put himself in a very, very good negotiating position and that s what he ran on. he ran on being a negotiator who is going to get america better deals than they ve gotten before. so as the process, the sausage
making is happening, it might be confusing to cover it, but behind the scenes he is putting himself in a great position of leverage with all of these countries. he did a great deal on the republican healthcare plan. that was just fantastic. that was the you see he is still negotiating. yeah. he is still negotiating. playing golf. instead of the bill written in nancy pelosi s office and shoved down our throats without knowing what is in it, he is negotiating going with regtors to work out a new deal. this bill was written by the republicans and rejected by republicans. we didn t do anything. that s true, very true, you did not do anything. you didn t do anything to make obamacare better. we will agree on that. gentlemen. it is going to implode on its own. here is what the president has done this week alone. let me put up a list here of some of the things we have been watching this week. maybe didn t make the big headlines, but attorney general jeff sessions threatened to defend sanctuary cities. some of president obama s climate change policies were
undone. chris christie was chosen to lead the fight on opioid abuse. the meeting with the president of china was announced and the president signed executive orders targeting trade abuse. mayor, my question to you is trump supporters point to these items and say, look, he is actually doing a lot. well, i mean he is showing up for work. i mean, you know, wherever that might be. i mean you don t get a lot of credit for that. the big things, you know, we just talked about healthcare and that debacle. the travel ban, not going too well. we re on round two. that s not going anywhere. not much talk about the wall anymore. that even republicans don t want to pay for. look, there will be day-to-day activity. you know, mr. trump likes a lot of action. he thinks that that is, you know, reflective of getting something done. it is not. so he is still learning how to govern. that would be a new thing for him. meantime, mike, we have the president tweeting this morning that we should all be talking
about surveillance and leaks. i mean how effective are those tweets? shouldn t he be calling more attention to some of the accomplishments? why is he focusing so much on that other issue? well, look, i think first of all thanks for putting that up on the screen. i think it is very fair to point out how many things this president has gotten done in the first 65 days of his administration. why isn t the president pointing those things out himself. instead he is talking about surveilled yajs and leaks. yeah, because he is pushing back on what the media and washington d.c. is obsessed with, which is that they re trying to pin some sort of phoney russia story on him even while tons of people are looking for evidence, and there s no evidence of anything have occurred, and in the meantime ignoring what has been happening, which is people were unmasked completely irrelevant to the russian investigation. we don t know that. and possibly for political purposes. fake news. involving the last had.
administration. i think the president is trying to he understands he is not getting fair coverage and the way to shoot past that is to tweet to the american people what is going on. i read the washington post news letter with 15 stories in it, zero stories about any of the stuff you put on the screen and nine negative stories. of course, the president is going to tweet himself exactly what we should be focused on. thanks for putting it up again. exactly what we should be focused on as opposed to going through the washington post. think it is entirely proemt for him. mike, why don t you read the l.a. times which says in clear times the president should stop lying, he should have respect for established organizations, and he should actually learn how to govern. i don t care about the golf. he can play golf. he can play checkers or badminton for all i care. he needs to focus on what the american care about, which is governing, real news and leadership. michael nutter and mike
shields, thank you for joining us. we are out of time. we will have you back. thanks, ana. thank you. the white house is chock full of millionaires, that s a fact. as precious few officials in top spots with government experience. so will president trump regret that in a crisis? who will he look to for advice? we talk to president obama s right-hand man for his take on this white house. you re live in the cnn newsroom. .and hello to t-mobil right now, get two lines of unlimited data for a hundred bucks. taxes and fees included! two lines, a hundred dollars, all in, all unlimited. switch today. you get to do the dishes.ed. bring em on. dawn ultra has 3 times more grease-cleaning power. a drop of dawn and grease is gone.
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difficult week was added to the staff suggests that he s going to continue in that practice. but i think the most interesting thing about the list you just gave is that not one of them has served a day in government in their lives. not one of them knows the white house or knew the white house before they arrived. not one of them has dealt with congress before this in an official capacity. is that a good thing given that the electorate wanted a change? no, i think it is a terribly bad thing. yes, you re right, the country elected someone to kind of blow up washington, take a blow torch to the status quo. but, you know, look, barack obama ran as an agent of change, and he had some experience in government, but he surrounded himself i didn t have experience in government, but rahm emanuel, the chief of staff, had been in the leadership in congress and six years in the clinton white
house. pete rouse who was one of his top aides spent 30 years, including as chief of staff to the majority leader in the senate. and throughout the obama white house there were people that had very, very deep experience. it was for that reason that he was able to pass a recovery act, that he was able to pass the affordable care act, and had one of the most productive first two years of any president since lyndon johnson. he would not have been able to do that if he didn t have people around him. but, ultimately, ana, it flows from the top. now, the president has this week on a twitter tirade of sorts, attacking the freedom caucus, the conservative republican group, after what happened with the healthcare bill. what do you make of president trump s strategy there? was that a smart move to go on the offense against a group within his own party? it is never clear to me what is a strategy and what is an impulse on the part of this president. the fact is a couple of weeks earlier he was he could not have been more cozy with the
freedom caucus. in fact, he altered the healthcare bill that was on the floor of the house to please or to try and please the freedom caucus in ways that drove a lot of moderate republicans away. and then on the day that the bill was pulled from the floor, he only had negative words for democrats and blamed democrats for the bill s defeat. so i think if i m a member of the freedom caucus, i m getting whiplash listening and watching this president. you know, i think this goes back to a core issue, which is credibility matters when you re president. no one is going to take your threats seriously and no one is going to take your outreach seriously if they don t think that it will have enduring meaning. and he s going to find it hard to achieve his political goals if he shifts from pillar to post based on his mood of the day. and so i don t know whether it is a strategy or an impulse.
again, that was david axelrod. you can check out david s podcast, the x files at our thanks to him for the conversation. still to come, a mystery that has left communities in washington dc in shock and fear. why are girls disappearing and does race have anything to do with how police respond? we will take a closer look at this next. you are live in the cnn newsroom. when you booked this trip, you didn t know we had over 26,000 local activities listed on our app. or that you could book them right from your phone. a few weeks ago, you still didn t know if you were gonna go. now the only thing you don t know, is why it took you so long to come here.
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2017 alone, and 22 cases were unsolved as of wednesday. cnn law enforcement analyst charles ramsey spent nearly a decade as the police chief in washington d.c. and he is joining me now. chief ramsey, thank you for spending the time to talk about this important issue. i want to talk first about the congressional black caucus now calling for a federal investigation into this. the group sent a letter last week to both attorney general jeff sessions and fbi director james comey, and sessions was briefed on the missing girls on friday. do you agree with lawmakers it has reached a point where a federal investigation is warranted? well, i don t know if a federal investigation is warranted, but certainly we take these matters very seriously. if that would lead to some kind of recommendations on how we can decrease the number of children that wind up missing, then it would be worth while. it just depends on the circumstances. now, d.c. police tweeted this, saying there isn t a spike in missing people in d.c. we are just using social media
more to help locate them. sorry to alarm you. here is what we know about these messing cases. metropolitan police have seen over 2,000 missing cases, children specifically, a year since 2014. is this the d.c. police department doing enough to make a difference here in this? yeah, i think so. there s only so much you can do. you have to remember, these are some alarming numbers but most children are returned home safely within a relatively short period of time after they re reported missing. sometimes it is the result of a custody battle. but there are occasions when kids are abducted, and obviously we take these matters very seriously. in some cases an amber alert is put out in order to get the public involved in helping us locate these children, but the number of children that are missing is something that we re always very, very concerned about. so that number, 2,000-ish a
year does not alarm you? well, sure, it alarms me. if you ve got people who have children that are missing, but it doesn t mean all of those children are still missing. oftentimes a kid will be on his way home from school, wind up going to a neighbor s house and not call home, and you wind up finding the child within a relatively short period of time. some of the concern that we re hearing from activists and from these lawmakers and the congressional black caucus is that there seems that there are an abnormal number of minority children who are still missing. and when we talked with the center for missing and exploited children they back that up, saying about 57% are people of color who are missing. why do you think that is? i don t know why that is, but it is a disproportionate number of minority children that wind up being reported as missing. again, there s a smaller percentage that are never found, but it is something that s
baffling. if there s something, some research or something that could be done to find out exactly why that is that would be helpful. let me read this statement from the d.c. police chief. it says, there is always a concern of human trafficking, but we have no evidence for this. with the number of missing girls being reported in d.c., is there something authorities could do to help calm nerves? well, i think what they re doing now, using social media to try to get a handle on what s going on, maybe somebody has seen the youngster and can report that and then the police can locate her and bring her back to her parents, or him, whichever the case may be. but you do all you can to try to locate these kids. now, some are run aways and they don t want to be found, but there are some cases, unfortunately, where kids are abducted, human trafficking is a huge issue that really flies under the radar across the country to a large extent.
so we have to be aware and very vigilant to make sure that our kids don t get caught up in something like that. it sounds like the use of social media could be really useful. as you say, it does draw more attention to the issue. maybe that s a good thing. well, it is a good thing. again, any time you start using a new tool and you raise awareness, people get the impression that somehow it has gotten far worse than it was before. it is bad any time you have one child that s missing. but i wouldn t say that it is any worse now than it was a year or two ago, but it is a good thing that the public is now focused on this because it is a problem. any advice to parents watching tonight? talk to your kids. make sure that they know to check in if they re not going to go straight home, and if something does happen pay attention to what is going on. run, scream, fight, do whatever you have to do if it is a case of abduction, but they need to talk to their kids. don t be afraid to talk to them about something like this. and if they are missing or get lost, go to the nearest police
officer. go into a business, let some adult know that they re having a problem. former washington d.c. police chief charles ramsey. thanks for joining us tonight. thank you. we re back in a moment. you re live in the cnn newsroom. 100% guaranteed. there s only one true match for me. and it s perfect. from l oreal. sfx: engine revving (silence)
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at the time her devotion was a secret and private affair. people were amazed at her brazenly public act of e devotion. they took their cue from her. they started bringing out their own statues displaying them publicly. they began flocking to her house in solidarity with her. this small house in the middle of a tough neighborhood became a mecca for devotees across mexico. so many people come here from all over mexico with their offerings ask prayers and i notice that they all have something very specific they are asking for. whether it s love or a job or protection. when you pray, is there something specific that you ask for?
the host is joining me now. why are so many people drawn to santa it muerte? for a great many mexican bs. they feel the state have abandoned them. the catholic church rejected them. so they are looking for alternative sources to feel protected and safe. to feel as though they have some control over their lives. and because she is so france action transactional, it s all about asking her for very specific things. which she will deliver to you. she s become the dpo-to saint for those who feel they have no other place to turn. interesting. and i understand that there are some catholics who are a part of this devotion, but kat can lick leaders have condemned this. what is the conflict there? for the catholic church, it equals demonic worship.
the church clearly says that christ came to defeat death. so the worship of death is somehow anti-christ or anti-christian. many devotees will say that they are catholics. they feel catholic and they just have an extra saint. a great many reject the church altogether and say this is nothing to do with catholicism, but the church disagrees. for the church, this is a cult. it s satan worship. as we saw in the clip. you talked to people about their prayers and also mentioned that they are looking to santa for protection. what are they specifically praying for? for most people when they think of santa muerte, they
think of criminals and traffickers and people on the fringes of society because they are the ones who flock to this devotion, and that s true. but the fact of the matter is, the devotion has become much more open and much more expanded. what s happened is the argument for saint death is that it doesn t play favors. it doesn t matter you re rich or poor or powerful or powerless, death plays no favorites. she comes for everyone. there s something beautiful about that kind of devotion that brings the most unlikely people together. you will see a rosary of devotees that come together to pray as one.
you speak with so much passion. you can tell you have gotten into this and it makes it exciting to watch. thank you for joining us. and the. episode tonight here on cnn at 10:00 eastern and pacific. speaking of prayer, basketball fans from washington state and north carolina will be praying tr a big win tomorrow in the ncaa championship. it s basketball royalty. the unc tar heels looking for a suction title versus the bulldogs dreaming of their first title. i remain in first place. i can t believe it myself. . this is our anchor bracket. but in third place, that s the one we have to watch.
kate baldwin, because if unc wins, the office title goes to kate. may the best team and woman win. now i cant help myself. on the women s side, let s talk about the new national champion. the gamecocks defeat the mississippi state bulldogs. at the women s final four in dallas. mississippi state was coming off that historic upset win over the uconn women in the semifinals, but in the end, they came up one win short. the bulldogs sprinted out to an early lead. south carolina persevered and took the lead and never looked back. stay with cnn. we have a great night of television ahead. here at 10:00 p.m. eastern,

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