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Transcripts For CNNW CNNI Simulcast 20140330 04:00:00

positiveness than negativity. because the negativity can just suck you in. i ve been there. i m don lemon. this is cnn. searchers are focusing on areas of debris sightings but weather could interfere for the hunt for the missing malaysian airliner. ukrainian forces leave crimea as the nation chooses a new president. and the deadly ebola virus. one nation has closed its border at the outbreak and fears seem to be spreading. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the
world. i m natalie allen. you re watching cnn newsroom. the search has resumed but planes and ships are facing deteriorating weather. more than 1800 kilometers west of perth, australia. australian officials say one of their vessels has a black box detecter and underwater vehicle. on saturday two chinese ships collected white, orange and red objects from the search zone but none has been linked to the missing boeing 777. chinese airplanes have drooped buoys to mark three sites. the latest on the search. atika schubert live from perth, australia. atika. reporter: a number of search planes should be in the search area. also a malaysia c-130 just took
off at the air base and expecting another one to take off shortly and join the search. so they have a little bit more time searching today. the weather in this new search area is much better than the ole one but unfortunately a storm is coming up from the south. so that might affect their visibility but we understand from the coordinating team here in australia that they will press ahead and try to get the most out of the search today. hopefully they ll be able to find something soon. right, because the clock is ticking for the flight data recorder. what s the pressure there as far as the time frame goes, atika? reporter: there is a bit of a deadline with the flight data recorder and has a pinger that sends out this signal. but the problem is, the battery on that only lasts for 30 days, so what we re looking at is just a few days left, hopefully it stretches out a little bit further but this is why it s imperative for the australian vessel, the ocean shield to get this towed pinger locator known
as a tpl25 out to the area. the problem is even though you have this pinger locator, it doesn t know where to look yet because we don t have any debris field. we haven t found any debris confirmed from the plane so there s nowhere for the locator to really look at this point. but what they re doing can they re trying to bring it out to the area so that at least it will be in position if they do find some debris but at the moment that s all they re able to do, natalie. is there any frustration? are they expressing any frustration? we know this is looking for a needle in the heyaystack and they re used to it but we know they want to find a debris field. reporter: yeah, i think it s difficult and it s tough but on the other hand, a lot of the search teams we speak to tell us this is how it goes and all of a sudden you see something that can be confirmed. but as of yet we have not found any of that confirmed debris. the good news is that we have a
lot more teams searching in the area, so a lot greater space is able to be covered. today s goal, cover about 300,000 square kilometers and in addition to the planes there are a number of ships there. i believe there are four ships currently there and another six are expected to arrive over the next day or two. so those ships are just as critical because they re the only ones that can really physically pick up the objects on the water and see what they are. they have been able to look at a few but unfortunately none of them have been from the plane. have any talked about the size of any of these suspected objects that they haven t perhaps identified as being part of the plane yet? reporter: not yet. what we earlier what we were looking at was a lot of satellite images and they were giving estimates on how large some objects were, whether 24 meters or more. the problem, of course, now is that they believe that that was a different search area and that the plane, if it went down was going to be much farther north and since that, since moving the
search area we haven t seen as many of those satellite images with those promising leads. so hopefully the serarch planes will come back with more leads for the ship to follow. all right. atika shubert live for us in perth, australia. we thank you. the weather is not looking good in the search area. it is deteriorating. karen maginnis is following that. natalie, we were so thrilled that there was that window where the weather was very cooperative for the search. the search area moved from just out of that roaring 40s region but it is not going to be immune from any of the weather systems that are expected to roar across this area over the next several days. this is the way the satellite imagery is shaping up as we take a look through 4:00 a.m. utc but there we ve got an area of low pressure off the coast of perth.
there is a ridge of high pressure from the north but other area of low pressure that promises to usher in wet weather, gusty winds so that will kick up the surf and could also reduce visibility. those are the three items that will be particularly troublesome. this is the search area. about 1800 kilometers off the coast of the west coast of australia. and we re expecting monday or sunday going into monday the clouds will thicken up. the winds are going to become a little bit stronger and it looks like thunderstorms are going to impede things there, as well. but not just for late sunday and into monday, it looks like this could also be a tuesday event. now, it may start tapering off then. this is very difficult to obtain data and with the frequency of storm systems, it s very difficult to forecast for this region so a few days out is about as good as it gets, maybe you can go a little bit further
than that. but there you can see the rough weather that s expected to move on in across that region. now, what about the west? we re looking at maybe 60 to 70 kilometer-pour hiv hour gusts. it s not the rain that s the problem. it is going to be the reduced visibility. there s the area of low pressure. here comes some of the showers and this takes you through sunday but then going into monday, there you go, and tuesday, taking a look at that, orange shaded area is where we re looking at 60 to 70 kilometer-per-hour wind gusts and they could be higher. back to you. > not good news on that front but thanks, karen. so these pilots flying the search planes face a number of challenges not just the weather but long days, hard flying and so far, nothing to report as far as being connected to flight 370. still as we learn from atika
shubert in perth their morale seems high and paula newton talked to the captain of a canadian patrol plane about the mission. reporter: the location of the mission may have changed but search crews determine to find something, anything in the waters off the coast of perth, australia. the three windows. they are the main ones used. reporter: captain mike mcbetween, a veteran pilot on military exchange takes us on board the p-3 orion sideline aircraft he will fly to the new search site in a few hours. these are the main ones. reporter: search specialists will scan the waters as it flies 500 feet above the ocean. when they find something they re yelling mark, mark, mark.
they re on headset and call that mark and we ll have the smoke and have a reference point. reporter: it s still difficult to spot the object a second time. that s just part of the problem for flight 370. unfortunately, if you don t find anything, it brings a bit of a disappointment to the crew. reporter: that s been the hallmark. crews are confident if they keep looking they will have the capability to find debris and much needed clues to help solve this mystery. what does this plane in particular bring to the search? why is it so helpful? with the sensors on board, obviously they re very effective at search and rescue. not only the crew stations but the camera that we have on board
and the radar works really well. it s designed for any submarine so picking up a submarine so will pick up small bits of stuff in the ocean. reporter: as captain mcbetween leads this hope today will be the day. reporter: his optimism is something that s been a constant campaign yore for crews still searching. and, of course, the families of those missing are caught in a personal nightmare and some of them say they re also caught in a web of politics and crisis management. sara sidner has the story of one group who believe they have become captives of the malay authorities as they await word of their loved ones. reporter: for weeks malaysian airline officials in kuala lumpur have been protective of the families of those aboard flight 370 shielding them from everything including the media. the families initially appreciated it. but some of the family members
from china now say malaysian airlines staff have gone too far making them feel like captives than guests in their hotel. [ speaking a foreign language ] i just wanted to come and meet the minister and meet other family members but i was not allowed to leave and they wouldn t arrange transportation. they wouldn t even let me take a taxi. i lost my freedom. [ speaking a foreign language ] reporter: tempers flared when the mandarin speaking families were told they could not attend a briefing for the malaysian families. most of the chinese and malaysian families are housed in separate hotels and have separate briefings in their native languages. waiting for details of their loved ones has been excruciating, so with no briefing in mandarin the chinese families ask fundamental they could attend the malaysian briefing. the answer was no. the chinese families balked and even tried to hail a cab and were stopped from doing that
too. about an hour later after some arguing malaysian airlines finally offered to take them to the briefing. but when they arrived at the everly hotel the chinese families were not allowed into the briefing and told to wait in the room next door. finally, with frustrations boiling over, malaysian officials came to them. this is video taken from inside the private meeting as the chinese families met with the ceo, a translator, the transportation minister and his wife. a pregnant woman whose husband is missing begins by asking authorities if they will search as long as it takes. can you give her the assurance you will do everything you can? [ speaking a foreign language ] let s say he was injured. he s been missing. it s been so many case and there isn t any evidence.
reporter: she is comforted by the wife of the malaysian transportation minister. but she reminds malaysian officials that this is not the time to make the families lives more difficult by restricting their movements. translator: please tell the staffs thought to regulate our movements. they cannot handle another shock. please let them be free. reporter: already prisoner, the families say all they want is the truth. sara sidner, cnn, kuala lumpur. we will, of course, continue to follow any new developments in this search off the coast of perth, australia. and with the families, as well. there are some big changes taking shape in ukraine s political scene but some voters there don t seem to care. we ll show you why coming up here. also an outbreak of ebola in west africa has world health officials scrambling. dozens have died and officials fear it is spreading.
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Positiveness , Ships , Planes , Cnn , Newsroom , Weather , Australia , Perth , Officials , Chinese , Vessels , Vehicle

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190626 05:02:00

this is state of the news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes a highly anticipated court case is sick to get under way in malawi. election victory last month the court will hear that titian from opposition parties who allege the vote was modeled for a lot. then back to the motherland 5 eastern black rhinos born in europe have been relocated to one day it s part of a program to reintroduce the species to the country after it had disappeared for nearly a decade we ll see how they re doing in their new home. i m christine window while come to news africa i m glad you re tuned in we begin in malawi with the constitutional court is set to start hearing a challenge to the outcome of last month s presidential election opposition parties
say the vote which president narrowly won was beset by irregularities the prison which atika had applied to stop the hearing set for wednesday but the court ruled against him the allegations of election forged triggered a massive protests in malawi made last week demonstrations called for the resignation of the head of malawi s electoral commission and an investigation into claims that the results sheets. with correction fluid. are i to give more on the situation in malawi i m joined by the board timothy is the chairperson of the coalition of. the as the human rights defenders coalition they re also pushing for an investigation into potential election irregularities welcome to africa timothy s so you ll coalition alongside the opposition are challenging the validity of the last month s election that s open so much atika out of reinvents it what are you hoping to get out of this legal process. thank you very much.
to begin with. a citizens of this country. we have a stake in whatever happens in this country and we believe in electric justice and we are demanding electoral count to be ricci for we know that the disk knows this country spirit and i says if people and no one should come distorts the will of the people people came in their lives numbers on the 25th of may but what came out or sad is that people have busy applying origin trade to pigs or lawn on our on or on are these ads which was an acceptable so is that s where my dad was a lot of the they gratitudes and what we expect out of this whole process we expect electric justice expectational the citizens of this country they went to an all
white plea to happen and if anything this example this country added to go back to the polls to let justice prevails and it doesn t let worn. riyad it winna. because some people used out there for a week that they manipulated theory that so we say or do it it dr freud for i say not really a trauma and many people who want justice ok let s talk about this process you in effect take issue with the electoral commission i. believe that it s not acted independently as an independent institution and i just wonder how much faith you have in the judiciary that in this process that they did issue also be independent . to begin with this he says of this country has lost trust in the mission and that s why we have had
people protesting or force the country since that day with 14 out to get people in protesting and the 20th of june or as they did people showed that they do not trust the electoral commission and they have lost for 3 days that s why we re calling for the head of the. little commission chaired based on a slip course. the citizens of this country and we stayed. in they see for saturday well when it will be staked and trust in our gadgets so we re advising our judges and the court that whatever decision that they will make eventually should be in the best interest of justice we want to the courts to. provide justice ok which is actually fair to the. we have trust. given the courts and we believe that they do just the right right my last one to you mr m. tumble just as you have done in the last weeks and we ve seen what time of court
and president of demonstrations in malawi are you going to continue in that way mobilizing people to come to the streets. yes we are going to. and we re going to also use straight edges right now we are going to ask citizens of this country hussein signatures or across the country for same signatures or to explicit their dissatisfaction with the process and we re all going to our citizens in the same signatures if they think. to go they sort of well our little for missing out with the elections or this is what we re planning to do we are going to point to new demand in justice but basically it s all as a while for you my legs were demanding an issue for almost 3 years peaceful protest where rising the citizens never to engage in
a very right d.v.d. s all right that s timothy i m tumble speaking for the human rights defenders coalition of malawi appreciate your time thank you very much i appreciate it s out of the story off a true homecoming 5 back east and writers have spent their 1st day in africa after being relocated from europe to rwanda the 2 males and 3 females were flown from a zoom in the czech republic where they ve been getting to know each other ever after arriving from separate european pox. grazing in their new home after a long journey all the way from the czech republic to africa 5 black rhino is get their 1st taste of real winter and they seem to like the grounds in this power. struggle to show this is wonderful having a job this is the one a wonderful place for. i don t think you ll be any problem it takes time it s lucky
those species which does well and i m sure in 6 months who ll or your next move will be well settled and remodeled your. eastern black rhino he said critically endangered only 5000 of them still survive in the wild which is why these primaries bred in europeans or use have been flown into rwanda after a transition period they ll eventually be released into the wild and hopefully reproduce. when his ambassador to germany was there to wish the runners well before the animals left europe late last week. she. said they are very likely to go. is in the country that is considered to be one of the cleanest country in the one of the safest country of the continent so. it s
already a good prerequisite for a new home. and for a wend helping save the black rhino is also a way to promote eco tourism. and this contributed to our national target of. 2024 from our 444-2800 1000000 your stores are under most you. revenues we are out of this. because of asia but it s also contributes to be good for. i mean to say. we ve communities potentially turning a profit from an animals finding a new habitat it sounds like a win win situation for rwanda s new black rhino is. a black heavy campus to me the next story is in south africa where rugby is a did enough sports but the game is still largely dominated by white men and there have been if it s to redefine it as a national sport now one such if it was the appointment of
a black woman as the 1st female coach of a national scene laurie and your highness s 1st international game is a few hour was from now when the end of 20 goals team faces and bob weigh in a 2 match bilateral series. we had the training camp of south africa is on the 20 rock b. team in the capital of pretoria the squad just getting ready for its. 50th. and for the 1st time its coach is a woman. who was once a national team player for her becoming a national team coach is another dream come true it is just like. this is important you all find you are in a position where you can influence people influence the future of our country and as an educator. just go inside a lot of what my goal. in life is to help someone achieve the best that they can
and look at that national on a national level i have the power to do that. sending young people down the right path has been her job for the past 4 years she herself was a student of the high school in the cape town suburb of athlone now she is one of the teachers. no small feat in the part of town renowned for its gangs and crime. in class sometimes you have to be. on the field sometimes you have to. explain to them what is the for you and off the field you have a more into active moment where you can be a deal with a speak to them about. how to motivate them to do the piece and they can do for
themselves and for the future. teacher and directly coach has certainly impressed her students. oh. is it any. optimistic she always looked. on the bright side i i and a proud of my most for doing something that she loves and just driving itself to. other people to be inspired them to do what they love so i actually the frogman was doing that. ok on the playing field she is now responsible for players from across the country and that s perhaps her biggest strength knowing how to get the best out of them. she wants to break through the traditionally male dominated sport of rugby at least skin color and race she says are a thing of the past. oh definitely. equal opportunity for everyone in south africa and definitely in these
opportunities go to law so. you can play so it s a change with. the next goal for laurie and janice is for her team to win its upcoming games further down the road she dispassionately like to see more women in leadership positions in the sport and eventually she d also like to be coach of the main women s national team. and that is that news africa as always you can catch all our stories on our website and facebook page receives an inspirational women in that the boss leave you with some strong effort the women.

Home , Court , News-africa , Election , Opposition-parties , Outcome , Window , Challenge , Vote , President , Malawi , Atika

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190625 18:30:00

take. us. with. more on. this is state of the news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes a highly anticipated court case is safe to get under way in malawi. election victory last month the court will hear a titian from opposition parties who allege the village was mobbed with fraud. then back to the motherland 5 eastern black rhinos born in europe have been relocated to one day it s part of a program to reintroduce the species to the country after it had disappeared for nearly a decade we ll see how they re doing in their new home. i m
christine wonderwall come to africa i m glad you did we begin in malawi wave the constitutional court is set to start hearing a challenge to the outcome of last month s presidential election opposition say the vote which president narrowly won was by irregularities the prison which atika had applied to stop the hearing set for wednesday but the court ruled against him the allegations of election fraud triggered a massive precious in malawi made last week demonstrations called for the resignation of the head of malawi s electoral commission and an investigation into tames that the results sheets. with correction fluid. or i should give more on the situation in malawi i m joined by timothy i m tom boy timothy is the chairperson. a coalition of. the as the human rights defenders coalition they re
also pushing for an investigation into potential election irregularities welcome to africa timothy s so you ll coalition alongside the opposition are challenging the validity off last month s election that s open on which how to get reelected what are you hoping to get out of this legal process. thank you very much. to begin with like to say citizens of this country. we have a stake in whatever happens in this country and we believe in electric justice and we are demanding electoral count to be ricci for we know that the disk knows this country spirit and i says if people and no one should come distorts the will of the people people came in their lives numbers on the 25th of may but
what came out or sad is that people have busy applying or itch on trade to break the law on our on on on on are these ads which was an acceptable sleaze that s where my dad was a lot of the they gravity s and what we expect out of this whole process we expect electorate justice expectation of the citizens of this country they re well to know what lead to happen and if anything this example this country added to go back to the polls to let justice prevails and it doesn t let warren. riyad a winner. because some people used out there for a week that they manipulated theory that so we said or predictor of fraud busy for i say not really a trauma and many people who want justice ok let s talk about this process you in effect take issue with the electoral commission i. believe that it s not acted
independently as an independent institution and i just wondered how much faith you have in the judiciary that in this process that they did issue also be independent . to begin with this he says of this country has lost trust in the in my loud little commission and that s why we have had people protesting or of course the country since that day we voted out to get people in for testing and the 20th of june or as they did that people showed that they do not trust their little one and they have lost confidence that s why we re calling for the head of the. little commission chair based on a slick course. the citizens of this country and we stayed. in they see for sappy well why don t all respect and trust in our judges so we re advising our judges and the courts that whatever decision that they will eventually should be in
the best interest of justice we want to the courts to. provide justice ok which is actually fair to the. we have trust. given the courts and we believe that they do just right right my last one to you mr m. tumble just as you have done in the last weeks and we ve seen what time of court and president of demonstrations in malawi are you going to continue in that way mobilizing people to come to the streets. yes we are going to. and we re going to also use straight edges right now we are going to ask citizens of this country hussein signatures or across the country the same signatures or too explicit their dissatisfaction with the process and we re all going to our citizens to the same signatures if they think. to go
they sort of well our little for missing out with the. this is what we re planning to do we are going to point to new demand in justice but basically it s all as a while for you malays were demanding an issue for almost 3 short years peaceful protest where rising this citizens know what we can gauge in a very right d.v.d. s all right that s timothy in temple speaking for the human rights defenders coalition of malawi appreciate your time thank you very much appreciate it it s out of the story off a true homecoming 5 back east and writers have spent their 1st day in africa after being relocated from europe to rwanda the 2 males and 3 females were flown from a zoo in the czech republic where they ve been getting to know each other either after arriving from say fresh european ox. grazing in their new home
after a long journey all the way from the czech republic to africa 5 black rhino is get their 1st taste of rwanda and they seem to like the grounds in this park. struggle to show this is wonderful having to this is the one a wonderful place for. i don t think you ll be any problem it takes time it s lucky the species really does adapt well and i m sure he ll 6 months will. go be well settled and. eastern black rhino he said critically endangered only 5000 of them still survive in the wild which is why these primaries bred in europeans who use have been flown to rwanda after a transition period they ll eventually be released into the wild and hopefully reproduce. c wenders ambassador to germany was there to wish the runners well before the animals left europe late last week.
they are very likely to go. is in the country that is considered to be one of the cleanest country in the continent one of the safest country of the continent so. it s already a good prerequisite for a new home. and for a wend helping save the black rhino is also a way to promote eco tourism. and this contributed to our national target of debris pretty pretty full from our 444-2800 1000000 your stores are under moves to you. revenues we are out of this. conservation but it s also contributes to well being good for our. we have communities potentially
turning a profit on animals finding a new habitat it sounds like a win win situation for rwanda s new black rhino. campus to me the next story is in south africa where rugby is a did sports but the game is still largely dominated by white men and there have been if it s to redefine it as a national sport now one such if it was the appointment of a black woman as the 1st female coach of a national scene lorian your highness s 1st international game isn t a few hours from now when the 20 goals team faces and bob weigh in a 2 match bilateral series. we had the training camp of south africa is on the 20 b. team in the capital of pretoria the squad just getting ready for its next game. and for the 1st time its coach is a woman. who
was once a national team player for becoming a national team coach is another dream come true it is just. this is important you are you are in a position where you can influence people influence the future. and as an agent. just go inside of what my goal. is to help someone achieve the best that they can and look at that national on a national level i have the power to do that. sending young people down the right path has been her job for the past 4 years she herself was the student of the high school in the cape town suburb of now she is one of the teachers. no small feat in the part of town renowned for its gangs and crime. i. mean that are
in close sometimes you have to be. on that field sometimes you have to be very firm and explain to them what does the quiet for you and off the field you have a more into active moment where you can be real with them we speak to them about. how to motivate them to do the piece and they can do for themselves and for the future. teacher and directly coach has certainly impressed her students. the last isn t any positive off optimistic she always looks on the bright side i i m very proud of my most for doing something that she loves and just to let other people be inspired him to do what they love so i m actually the man was doing that. ok on the playing field she is now responsible for players from across
the country and that s perhaps her biggest strength knowing how to get the best out of them. she wants to break through the traditionally male dominated sport of rugby at least skin color and race she says are a thing of the past. oh definitely. equal opportunity for everyone in south africa and definitely these opportunities go to law so. you can play so it s a change with. the next goal for laurie and johannes is for her team to win its upcoming games further down the road she dispassionately like to see more women in leadership positions in the sport and eventually she d also like to be coach of the main women s national team. and that is that. is africa as always you can catch all our stories on our website. and facebook page we see is an
inspirational woman in that the post leave you with some pictures of some strong african women i found a. small circle in somalia the changing. people making it possible to go to africa. fantastic right. as they set out to say feel. good learn from one another. and work together for the church. in south. africa w.
with different languages we fight for different things that s fine but we all stick up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom of choice global news that matters w made for mines. welcome to the world. 10 years ago we all woke up to the shocking news that michael jackson died suddenly more about that in a minute but also coming up today. in venice. british. inspired by works of. june the

Home , Christine-wonderwall , Czech-republic-to-africa-5 , Malawi-wave-the-constitutional-court , Election , Opposition , President , Vote , Irregularities , Atika , Prison , Challenge

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190625 17:30:00

martha stewart. must see concerning. do it yourself network or. subscribers. this is state of the news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes a highly anticipated court case is safe to get under way in malawi. election victory last month the core tool kit a titian from opposition parties who allege the vote was modeled for a word. then back to the motherland 5 eastern black rhinos born in europe have been relocated to one day it s part of a program to reintroduce the species to the country after it had disappeared for nearly a decade we ll see how they re doing in their new home. i m
christine wonderwall come to news africa i m glad. we begin in malawi way of the constitutional court is set to start hearing a challenge to the outcome of last month s presidential election opposition say the vote which president narrowly won was beset by irregularities the prison which atika had applied to stop the hearing set for wednesday but the court ruled against him the allegations of election fraud triggered a massive protests in malawi made last week demonstrations hold the resignation of the head of malawi s electoral commission and an investigation into claims that the results sheets. with correction fluid. or i should have more on the situation in malawi i m joined by tom boy timothy is the chairperson. a coalition of.
the as the human rights defenders coalition they re also pushing for an investigation into potential election irregularities welcome to africa timothy s so you ll coalition alongside the opposition are challenging the validity of last month s election that s open so much how to get reelected what are you hoping to get out of this legal process. thank you very much. to begin with like to say citizens of this country. we out of state you know whatever happens in this country and we believe in electric justice and we are demanding electron accountability for we know that the disk knows this country spirit and i says it people and no one should come to distort the will of the people people came in their lives numbers on the 25th of may but
what came out or sides that people have busy applying or actually true aides to pigs or law on are on on or on are these ads which was an acceptable sleaze that s where my dad was a lot of the they gravity s and what we expect out of this whole process we expect electorate justice expectational the citizens of this country they re well to know what plea to have been and if anything this example this country added to go back to the polls to let justice prevails and it doesn t let warren. riyad it winna. because some people used out there for a week that they i mean if you re rated city that so we see your predictor of fraud price in order to try and money people who want justice ok let s talk about this process you in effect take issue with the electoral commission. you believe that
it s not acted independently as an independent institution and i just wonder how much faith you have in the judiciary that in this process that they did issue also be independent. to begin with this it is as of this country has lost trust in the in my loud little commission and that s why we have had people protesting cross the country since that day we voted out to get people in for testing and the 20th of june or as they did that people showed that they do not trust their little one and they have lost confidence that s why we re calling for they had all fall. asleep course. the citizens of this country and we still. in the civil society when it will be staked and trust in our gadgets so we re advising our judges and the courts that
whatever decision that they will make eventually should be in the best interest of justice we want to the courts to. provide justice ok that which is actually fair to the. we have trust. given the courts. who believe they do just the right right my last one to you mr m. tumble just as you have done in the last weeks and we ve seen what time of court and president of demonstrations in malawi are you going to continue in that way mobilizing people to come to the streets. yes we are going to continue and we re going to also use straight edges right now we are going to ask citizens of this country hussein signatures or across the country the same signatures or too explicit their dissatisfaction with the process and we re all going to our citizens to send signatures if they think. to go
they sort of well our little polish ok for missing out with the election so this is what we re planning to do we are going to point in minding justice but basically it s all as a while for you malays were demanding an issue for almost 3 quarters peaceful protest where rising the citizens never to engage in a very right d.v.d. s all right that s timothy i m tumble speaking for the human rights defenders coalition of malawi appreciate your time thank you very much i appreciate it s out of the story off a true homecoming 5 back east and writers have spent their 1st day in africa after being relocated from europe to rwanda the 2 males and 3 females were flown from a zoo in the czech republic where they ve been getting to know each other ever after arriving from say fresh european parks. grazing in their new home
after a long journey all the way from the czech republic to africa 5 black rhino is get their 1st taste of rwanda and they seem to like the grounds in this power. struggle to show this wonderful having to this is the one a wonderful place for. i don t think you ll be any problem it takes time but lucky those species which does well and i m sure he ll 6 months old or you. will be well settled and your middle. eastern black rhinos are critically endangered only 5000 of them still survive in the wild which is why these primaries bred in europeans or use have been flown to rwanda after a transition period they ll eventually be released into the wild and hopefully reproduce c. when does ambassador to germany was there to wish the runners well before the animals left europe late last week. she age.
they are very likely to go in. is in a country that is considered to be one of the cleanest country in the one of the safest country of the continent so. it s already a good prerequisite for a new home. and for a wend helping save the black rhino is also a way to promote eco terrorism. and this contributed to our national target of debris printer 24 from 444-2800 1000000 your stores are under moves to your. revenues we are out of this course of vision but it s also contributes to well being good for our. we have communities potentially
turning a profit and animals finding a new habitat it sounds like a win win situation for rwanda s new black rhino. is to me the next story is in south africa where rugby is a daily sports but the game is still largely dominated by white men and there have been if it s to redefine it as a national sport now one such if it was the appointment of a black woman as the 1st female coach of a national scene lorian your highness s 1st international game is a few hours from now when the under 20 goals team faces and in a 2 match bilateral series. we had the training camp of south africans on the 20 rugby team in the capital of pretoria the squad just getting ready for its next game. and for the 1st time its coach is a woman.
who was once a national team player for her becoming a national team coach is another dream come true it is just. this is important you all so are you are you know position where you can influence people influence the future of our country and as a nation. just go inside. but my goal. is to help someone achieve the best that they can and look at that national on a national level i have the power to do that. sending young people down the right path has been her job for the past 4 years she herself was a student at the high school in the cape town suburb of now she is one of the teachers. no small feat in the part of town renowned for its gangs and crime. i. mean that
in clause sometimes you have to be. on that we feel sometimes you have to be very firm and explain to them what is the a little quiet for you and off the field you have a more into active moment where you can be a deal with them speak to them about. how to motivate them to do the piece and they can do for themselves and for the future. being both teacher and directly coach has certainly impressed her students. is it any positive off optimistic she always looks on the bright side i i m really proud of my most for doing something that she loves and just to let other people be inspired him to do what they love so i m. doing that. ok on the playing field she is now responsible for players from across the country and that s perhaps her biggest
strength knowing how to get the best out of them. she wants to break through the traditionally male dominated sport of rock creek at least skin color and race she says are a thing of the past. oh definitely. equal opportunity for everyone in south africa and definitely in the structure of these opportunities go to law so. you can play so it s a change with. the next goal for laurie and johannes is for her team to win its upcoming games further down the road she dispassionately like to see more women in leadership positions in the sport and eventually she d also like to be coach of the main women s national team. and that is the news africa as always you can catch. on our website and facebook page inspirational women in that the post
leave you with some to chose a strong effort the women i felt. 6 . first clue most of the. doors grant a moment arrives. joining a regular training on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary during the regular season returns home monday w don t come to tank. so she d have to get through the bundesliga break without
a football thanks again. the women s vote comes from the solipsistic side. emotion comes something. that swings in 90 minutes most solos of the results hit on t.w. me some. odd. welcome to the world of arts and culture 10 years ago we all woke up to the shocking news that michael jackson died suddenly more about that in a minute but also coming up today. in venice. a british photo collages are inspired by works of. june the

Martha-stewart , Home , News-africa , Christine-wonderwall , Vote , Election , Opposition , Court , President , Irregularities , Prison , Challenge