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Transcripts For CNNW Crossfire 20140609 22:30:00

the situation room. always watch us live or dvr the show so you won t miss a moment. that s it for me. thanks very much for watching. i m wolf blitzer in the situation room. now let s step into the crossfire with paul begala and s.e. cupp. christmas eve for me. tingling with anticipation. i m going to be up all night because if we re good little boys and girls tomorrow morning we can finally open the most wonderful gift of all, my friend hillary clinton s new book. wow. i hate to be the grinch here, but i ve seen an advanced copy and your christmas morning is going to be a real downer. the debate starts right now. tonight on crossfire hillary clinton facing attacks on the eve of her book release. clinton s account of the low salt, low fat, low-calorie offering with vanilla pudding as dessert. is america ready for hillary? on the left, paul begala. on the right, s.e. cupp. in the crossfire, tracy sefel,
a clinton supporter, and tim miller, co-author of failed choices. should democrats place all bets on clinton? will republican attacks on her backfire? tonight on crossfire. welcome to crossfire. i am paul begala on the left. i m s.e. cupp on the right. guests with different opinions of hillary clinton. her new book comes out tomorrow and starting a high-profile campaign swing. i minean, promotional tour. she s getting lost in translation. for one, she doesn t speak progressive. just ask one. for another, she doesn t speak millennial which she learned the hard way in 2008. as you clearly see in her interview with abc s diane sawyer, unlike her husband, she hasn t figured out how to speak regular person. we came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. we had no money when we got there, and we struggled to, you
know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for chelsea s education. you know, it was not easy. we had to make double the money because of obviously taxes and then pay off the debts and get us houses and take care of family members. dead broke. get us houses. plural. as in these houses in two of the most expensive neighborhoods you can find. so the two most recognizable politicians in america for two decades couldn t budget their money the way americans have to? paul, even you have to admit, this one is not going to go over well in our land. we only found the only millionaires in america who the republicans don t like. come on. in fact, she understates when she says dead broke, they were $12 million in debt for legal bills, from ken starr and the right ring machine that tried to drive them into bankruptcy. thank god we live in a country where they can thrive.
hillary had an $8 billion book advance before she even left the white house. you can t budget the mortgage on that, come on. worth every penny. in the crossfire, tracy, first, who advises the ready for hillary pac, and tim miller, - co-author of the new perfectly timed anti-clinton e-book cal d cleverly failed choices. i ve known hillary now 23 years. i love her. i want her to run for president. i deeply hope she does. you should also know i advise priorities usa action which is a superpac that helped re-elect president obama and i dearly hope will elect president hilla hillary. now with that disclosure set, mr. miller, first welcome. thank you for coming. thanks for having us, paul. i hear this canard from my friends on the right, particularly your organization. hillary hasn t done anything as secretary of state, not an important accomplishment. let me give you the top ten. the toughest sanctions in our generation on iran.
cease-fire. she backed the mission we ll get to this. backed the mission to kill osama bin laden. i go on and on and on. i hope we cover all ten of these then maybe we ll do a special edition to cover ten more. let me start with number 3. which is the cease-fire in gaza. hamas terrorists were bombing israel. shooting rockets into israel. hillary clinton stepped in and negotiated a cease-fire. now, i think, of course, good for america, good for israel, good for peace. more importantly, here s what the prime minister of israel says about my friend, hillary. take a look. i just had the opportunity to work with her to achieve a cease-fire between israel and hamas. hillary clinton is a strong and determined leader. she s both principled and pragmat pragmatic. knows how to get the job done. i m sure that s going to be in your book. i haven t had time to read your e-book yet. the prime minister of israel. tell me you know more about
israel s security than prime minister netanyahu. i m certainly not going to do that, paul. i will tell you when it comes to israel, on the campaign trail in 2008, hillary promised she was going to support an undivided jerusalem. then she goes to the state department. what does she do? she tries to support negotiations where she points fingers at israel, say israel is the problem. and says in order to come to a negotiation, we need to not have a undivided jerusalem. also on the iran sanctions which was the top thing on your list, when congress tried to past the toughest iran sanctions that brought iran to the table, that got us to this deal, hillary clinton and the state department were over in the senate talking to your buddy, bob menendez saying don t pass these, these are too harsh, these are too harsh. nonsense. bob menendez she got the russian, chinese, french, to sign on to the sanctions that delivered the nicolas sarkozy said it was toothless. to the table. i think it s a little early to say how those sanctions have worked out yet, but tracy, i m
really glad that paul brought up israel because i ve read the chapter in her book on israel and let me tell you, there is a doozy in there. let me just read. she writes of her first visit to israel i got my first glimpse of life under occupation for palestinians who were denied the dignity and self-determination that americans take for granted. now, i m sure i don t have to remind anyone at this table contra chris christie had to apologize for using similar language. is hillary clinton going to apologize to israel for using that same language? i hope chris christie is going to write a book. that s the one i should read. let me first say, you quoted from the book and i think tim spent all weekend reading it. i haven t read it yet. it s not out. the answer i will give you is about a bigger issue when it comes to hillary clinton s diplomatic agenda. and that is the way that she has expanded the notion of diplomacy in the state department to include an incredibly important set of issues which have to do with women and girls.
tracy, let me just stop you before you education and health. don t answer my question. let s take for granted that the quote i read is actually in the book. does she owe israel an apology for using the same language that chris christie used then had to apologize to pro-israel voters and pro-israel groups? hillary clinton is going to stand by the words in her book. she is not going to apologize for something she need not apologize for. she believes she will be making that point as she, herself, should. so then you think that she believes the palestinian territory is occupied? she s not going to apologize for that and she asserted that on purpose? i m sure that when we all actually read the book and listen to her give these interviews, her words will stand for themselves. she said it twice in the book. yeah, she said it, but i ll take your word for it that she s unapologetic. i m unapologetically pro-israel and hillary is very, very strong on this. if that s the tree you want to bark up, i wish you luck.
let s move on to another hillary accomplishment which is i think strategically very, very important. the pivot to asia. particularly a couple of things, first off, she was the one in the united states, but she was our secretary of state stood up against chinese expansionism in the south china sea. vietnam. old enemy of america. hillary sided with the vietnamese, helped back off the chinese. she in beijing freed the dissident civil rights activist and lawyer chen guan dang. were those bad things or can you at least admit certainly in asia she s helped strengthen america, opening up to burma, checking chinese territorial expansionism, standing for human rights. i think she worked with mitch mcconnell on efforts in burma. i think obviously she tried to at least give lip service and make some progress in the pivot to asia. here s the thing, paul. what are the tangible results she s going to talk about? i mean, you have this list of ten things you ve talked about. first thing on your list is
something she opposed. not true. i m not going to let you get away with that. she is the reason we have sanctions on iran. now we re talking rhetorical. she freed that dissident. should we give him back? should we give him back? no, i don t think so. can you say that was a good thing? sure, but this is yes! two do you think voters are going to go to the polls they will go to the polls about the pivot to asia represents her understanding of workers and what the asian economy specifically in china means for the american economy. if that is something she s been unapologetic about and was also forward thinking with the very pivot that professor begala is talking about. but, again, none of these things when you look at the big issues that faced her, the arab spring, when you look at what happened in iran asia s not a big issue? the green movement, syria, russia, libya, overthrowing gadhafi. where are these tangible results that she s going to take to
voters? saying i pivoted to asia does not count. we have to take a quick break. we can get through all those specifics, believe me. i have a long list. i want to point something out as a political strategist is this. my republican friends are looking at the prospect of a hillary campaign and have plan a and a plan b. i ll let you know their secret strategy next. first, this question. how long did hillary clinton s first memoir, living history spend on the new york times bestseller list? was it 12 weeks? 34 weeks? or 55 weeks? we ll have the answer when we return.
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welcome back to crossfire. hillary clinton s new memoir comes out tomorrow. i cannot wait. book sellers have preordered a million copies. actually should not be any great surprise. the marketplace works. her first memoir living history spent 34 weeks on the new york times bestseller list. if you guessed 34 weeks, you got it right. winner. i have known hillary clinton for a very long time. i don t know for sure whether she s going to run for president. i m wearing my knees out praying. i know this. my republican friends have two friends for that eventuality. plan a try to keep her from running, while they re launching all these crazy attacks. plan b if that doesn t work out, republicans lose to hillary and she doesn t become president. republicans, if you want to avoid plan b, keep up the attacks like the one abc s diane sawyer asked hillary clinton about. mitch mcconnell said at one point, 2016 will be the return of the golden girl. that was a very popular long-running tv series. yeah.
i speak hillary, tim, and here is what she means when she says that. that was popular in the long-running, she s saying bring it on. i will point out mitch mcconnell who attacked her apparently for that little snide comment is six years older. he s 72 running for a six-year term. hillary is 66 hopefully going to run for a four-year term. this is counterproductive for your side, isn t it? let s talk about two of the other questions that happened in that interview. isn t mitch mcconnell you can get to your shots. you have a whole book attacking hillary. isn t it stupid and sexist for mitch mcconnell by the way, again, who s six years older than hillary to be raising these kind of snide comments? i certainly think there are lots more credible way you can attack hillary clinton and if you look at the interview she did with diane sawyer, only seen two clips. one of them, she talked about how she struggled so much to pay the mortgage when getting an $8 million advance and her husband was selling access to himself and the white house to the highest bidder not true. it was driven. $12 million in the camp by ken
starr and right wing attack. worth $1 million to $2 million. what is this, russia? we re not allowed to get rich anymore? they haven t developed a widget. they sold themselves. here s another we re going to talk numbers. 40% of the speeches that hillary clinton is giving are for free. it s for charitable causes. she is raising money. she is out there. she can get paid over $1 million for excellent causes. she s a woman of the people. tracy, now, we know you are ready for hillary. that s is true. not vimeveryone in the di democratic party is. a recent poll wants other democrats to run against her. here s what former governor of montana said about her. he said you can t be a candidate that shakes down more money on wall street than anybody since i don t know, woodrow wilson, and be a populist. now, he sounds a lot more like today s democrats than hillary does, to me. is he wrong about her?
well, governor schweitzer, it s an interesting line for him to go to and isn t the first line he said something like this. what we re talking about when we look biographically, issues involving the inequality. as secretary of state, the notion of inequality for her was a guiding principle in why we needed to stabilize in certain countries, that growing inequalities are actually a grave danger for societies. this is something that has guided her as first lady, as a senator, as the secretary of state. it s been her principle. so inequality, hillary clinton, go back and look at her words to the new america foundation recently i just think this is going to be a tough sell for her. hillary clinton is going to have the closest ties to wall street out of he candidate in either party. she was getting paid $200,000 per speech by the biggest wall
street firm. the idea she s going to be able to tap into this elizabeth warren movement is pretty ridiculous and doesn t help when she s lamenting her $100 million as having trouble putting food on the table. if we re interesting in talking about people who dared to make a living and been successful, it s also worth noting that for her, the charitable events that they re doing is just a part of the story. both bill and hillary clinton have given upwards of 10% of their entire income to charity. a figure that so did mitt romney. that absolutely goes beyond mitt romney bought companies and laid the workers off, took their pensions and health benefits. those workers didn t much like him so they made not talking about here s the problem with the theory. it ain t working. let me show you some polls. okay, you guys have been on this now banging hillary for 20 years and especially the last two. not you personally, but the right. here s where she stands
according to the abc news/ washington post poll. 59% approve of the job she has done as secretary of state. 67% say she s a strong leader. look at this. 6 o% say she s honest. if you got her down so if you ve got her down to 59% after only 20 years, you ll get her down to zero in 200 more. you need a new strategy. hillary polls the worst when she s in the middle of a campaign, when there s a partisan fight going on, because she doesn t wear well. she didn t in 2008. who polls better in the middle of the campaign? i was on your website today, and i noticed all the amazing merchandise you guys have for sale. those are water bottles, there s a dog collar, there s a hillary clinton cell phone case. aren t you afraid all this stuff will turn off average american voters, who are concerned that hillary is seen more as a brand
and less as an actual problem solver, who s down in the gritty dirt trying to solve the real problems of the american people? the supply and demand issue is a interesting one with ready for hillary. they can t keep the merchandise in stock. there is a clambering by her supporters growing every day. the deficit isn t with her admirers, it s with average americans the idea of hillary as a brand is certainly been an exciting one that people for her supporters, tracy. there s ready for hillary bus that s going to be going around the country that s what i m talking about. that branding of hillary did not turn on enough voters in the democratic primary. i m glad that you re giving me the opportunity to say something that i have said many times. if there was an inevitability about hillary clinton, ready for hillary would not exist and i don t know how much more plainly to make that case, so every time
that word comes up, that is going to be my answer. i think this whole notion of my party of inevitability is damaging. jim messina the answer to it is, when you right wingers attack her, it boosts her. this talented woman is being attacked. it s great for hillary. stay here. we want you at home to weigh in. was hillary clinton an effective secretary of state? we ll have the results after the break, also the outrages of the day. i m outraged because of some narrow-minded music fans taking the fun out of rock and roll. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you ll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind.
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welcome back to crossfire. now it s time for the outrages of the day. thousands of freedom haters have signed an online petition to remove the band metallica from the music festival in england this year. why? because frontman james hatfield is a big-time hunter and nra member and that s, quote, incompatible with the spirit of the music festival, according to one facebook page demanding the band be kicked out. i m not outraged that fans hate hunters. music has always attracted sank moan yous and self righteous people and they are free to be misinformed about our lifestyle. i m outraged rock and roll has gotten boring. what s rebellious with the idea everyone has to think alike and support the same causes? what s cool about putting trendy bumper sticker pieties before one of the greatest guitar riffs
of all time? when did young rock fans get so prudish and establishment? good news, all this has helped plug hatfield s new show the hunt. i m one fan who hopes he kills it. see what i did there? as a hunter, i m willie nelson and lyle lovett. my outrage comes from my beloved lone star state. the republican party of texas voted to include support for conversion therapy in their state party platform. the idea is this, being gay is somehow bad, so through counseling and some believe prayer, gay people can be made straight. now, interesting, of course, i disagree with it, but it s more interesting new jersey governor chris christie disagrees with that. he signed a law banning such treatments in the garden state, citing reparative therapy can, pose critical health risks
including depression, substance abuse, social withdraw, decreased self esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. if chris christie runs for president, he s going to have to deal with those who believe you can pray away the gay, but i intend to ask god to bless texas, including texas republicans. that will be my effort to pray away the hate. very nice. let s check back on our fire back results. was hillary clinton an effective secretary of state? right now, 56% say yes, 44% say no. quickly, guys, what do you think about those results? i think it s heartening and just wait until everyone s actually reading the book and not just tim and you. 56% need to go to for everyone who does, of course, he s making money off it. god forbid. it all comes back to that. thanks to tim and tracy. the debate continues online at

Hillary-clinton , Crossfire , Debate , Attacks , Account , Book-release , Eve , Copy , Real-downer , Right , Left , Paul-begala

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20161114 14:00:00

alt-right movement within which anti-semitism and racist troeps are pervasive. bannon s appointment drawing sharp condemnation. the spokesman for harry reid saying quote it is easy to see why the kkk views trump as their champ when trump appoints one of the foremost peddlers of white supremacist themes and rhetoric as his top aide. the ceo of the anti-defamation league calling it a quote, sad day. the executive director of the council on american islamic relations says the appointment of bannon sends the disturbing message that the anti-muslim conspiracy theories and white nationalist ideology will be welcome in the white house. as thousands across the country protest against trump for the fifth straight day, trump addressing his supporters who have harassed minorities in his first tv interview. post-election. i say stop it.
allen silly is a former communications director for ted cruz and hilary rosen is a cnn political commentator. brian stelter is the cnn senior media correspondent. welcome to all of you. good morning. so, brian, i want to start with you. and i want to get in to who steve bannon is, and why so many minority rights organizations have a problem with him. because he is a bomb thrower. provocateur. a man that is a symbol of the alt-right movement. and the alt-right movement means many things one of the things it means is a white identity politics. white nationalism. that s why we heard some people say this is white supremacy is a disguise. now steve bannon rejects that entirely. says he has nothing to do with that. he told me months ago this is all about populism sweeping the globe. but the bottom line, carol, is that reince priebus on the morning shows today said donald trump will be a president for all of americans. that s not who steve bannon is. that s not what breitbart is. breitbart is not a website for all americans. it s a website for the alt-right. so we re getting two messages,
for steve bannon and the campaign moving forward. i do think, being an outsider is one thing. promoting white nationalist policies is quite another. if you go to the breitbart headlines of the past, steve bannon was editor, right, of breitbart and i m just going to read one, he said head line there not too long ago dear straight people i m officially giving you permission to say gay f-a-g-g-o-t and we re. i mean look at these headlines in breitbart. hillary, is there a difference between an outsider and a white nationalist provocateur? like i think so many people there s a huge difference, and that i think hilary. there s a huge difference, and you know, as brian said this breitbart news has fomented division and anger, and fear in people, and you know, i hate to see, frankly, what power they could have when they have the full resources and secrets of
the federal government to attack people with. and the idea that steve bannon will be conspiring with, you know, right wing media, to send messages out, and kind of appalling to me. but this is really about two donald trumps. and donald trump not having an ideology. people are used to our president actually caring about something. and what we have here is, you know, steve bannon s appointment being focused on fomenting the kind of outsider, white nationalist movement and reince priebus making sure that, you know, the banks get their lobbying deals, and that climate change is repealed, and that, you know, essentially the government is handed back to big corporations, and fat cats. and so you have kind of the combination of these two things, and the little guy that donald trump says he got elected for, in my view, ends up getting screwed because those people are
not going to protect them. well, well here s the thing. i think that there is a line of thought that, that, you know, we ve become too politically correct in this country, minorities have too much power, it s time to right the ship, you need someone like steve bannon in there to do just that, right? and also, trump trump supporters saying when mr. trump says things he doesn t mean them literally, he just needs to sort of even things out. and one good example of that may be the wall. right? because on his website even this morning it still says he wants to build an impenetrable physical wall that mexico will pay for. but last night on 60 minutes he said something different. let s listen. could be it could be some fencing. what about the pledge to deport millions and millions of undocumented immigrants? what we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, there are a lot of these people. probably 2 million, could even
be 3 million. we re getting them out of our country, or we re going to incarcerate. but, we re getting them out of our country. they re here illegally. okay, so, so, david, maybe donald trump means when he says he s going to build this impenetrable wall and have mexico pay for it he doesn t quite mean that literally. but he is going to get something done and won t that be enough for his supporters? well, i think that remains to be seen, carol. i mean, that is what we ve already looked at in the last couple of days with some of the statements that president-elect trump has made. he has, in that interview clip that you just played, he was backing off this idea that he s going to build this big physical structure of the wall across the entire border with no fencing, just a big, as he said, big, beautiful wall and make mexico pay for it. he sounded more measured on that. he has made signals in the last couple of days that he is rethinking some of the specifics on the affordable care act saying he wants to keep in place letting people keep their kids on their insurance plan until they re 26. making insurers cover people who
have pre-existing conditions. you know, if you re a fan of someone being moderate and judicious in the way they approach their job as president, i guess you could say those are good things. the difficulty is that one, those aren t the promises that he made on the campaign trail. and that number two is, is that if you re not supposed to take trump literally at his word on what he said on the campaign, how are you supposed to evaluate now what he says going forward when he s making some, what i would say are significant changes to his approach, at least rhetorically, in just the first few days of his transition? something he seems to be like toeing the line on very carefully is this idea of locking hillary clinton because those were campaign chants during the campaign lock her up. he said yesterday over the weekend that he was thinking about maybe firing the fbi director. he didn t really know. but as you know the president can appoint an fbi director. and then he said he wouldn t totally take off the table that notion that somehow hillary clinton will be prosecuted. let s listen.
you called her crooked hillary, said you wanted to get her to go to jail, your people in your audiences kept saying lock her up. yeah. she did some bad things. i know but a special prosecutor? i don t want to hurt them. i don t want to hurt them. they re good people. i don t want to hurt them. and i will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 minutes together. so, rebecca, thoughts? well, it does look like he is beginning to back away, carol, from his campaign promise to appoint a special prosecutor. his assessment apparently being that now that the campaign is over, it s less important to settle those scores with a former political rival. and if that is the case, and again his statement is really hard to dissect at this point, and really know what he truly means, or wants, but that should encourage a lot of people on the
democratic side, i would imagine, who were very, very worried when we were hearing these chants at his rallies. when he was talking about a special prosecutor, especially because this begins to sound like sort of a third world country sort of thing that you are threatening to jail your former political opponents once you win. so i think this should be encouraging for a lot of people. and certainly it s going to be very difficult for donald trump to unite the country, as he says he wants to, if he s actively pursuing a case against hillary clinton, his former political rival. all right. i have to leave it there. thanks to all of you. still to come in the newsroom it s not just protests. a new report shows hateful harassment is up post-election. and will having a man with white nationalist ties so close to the oval office just fan the flames more?
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it has been six days since america elected a new president and we re still a nation divided. protests planned again today in tucson and in los angeles. the lapd already dealing with several days of protests. 8,000 people marched through downtown saturday. across the country also large protests in places like new york, portland and philadelphia. this election has set us back, and has definitely shown in the world that we are not as advanced as we think we are. i have been aghast at the the behavior of donald trump. i think his racist and xenophobic rhetoric has been very disruptive. i am a single father. i pay my taxes. i m scared. i really am scared. of being deported to a country that i am not familiar with. the protesters, because of
incidents like this, graffiti reading trump nation, whites only, that was discovered on sunday morning, sprayed on a wall at an episcopal church in a heavily latino neighborhood just outside of washington, d.c. the southern poverty law center says this is not an isolated incident. it has counted more than 300 cases of election related harassment and intimidation across the country. so let s talk about that. cnn s correspondent rachel crane has been looking into it. good morning. good morning, carol. one of the most disturbing things about these incidents is that the southern poverty law center is saying that the most commonly reported location of these incidents of hate crime, of these incidents of the you know racist graffiti are happening in schools. children k. through 12 engaging in this type of horrific behavior. they say that more than 40 incidents have been reported at schools. now, in michigan, at a middle school, we saw in a cafeteria children chanting build the wall, build the wall. there s a video of that.
it s been viewed millions of times on social media. incredibly disturbing. to see them engaging in that type of behavior. also in minnesota at a high school we saw racist graffiti, pro-trump graffiti in a bathroom reading white america, also reading go back to africa. trump let s make america great again. also, in a high school in california, we saw a student giving out fake deportation letters to minority students. you know, this isn t just happening in high schools and middle schools, also in colleges. we saw a student at san diego state university being accosted by two people, she was wearing a hij hijab, they were spewing racial slurs, they skoel her purse, skoel her keys, stole her car. we re also seeing graffiti not just in schools but across the country in philadelphia, because in north carolina graffiti reading black lives don t matter. your vote doesn t matter. carol, just incredibly
disturbing. there are some would say because you mentioned a number, 40 high schools and middle schools across the country. we live in a country of 330 million people, right? so some people might say, you know, so a tiny fraction, you know, a tiny number of idiots across the country are doing these things. but it s not a widespread problem. so how would you characterize it. well, you know, the southern poverty law center coming out and saying just this morning on cnn, there have been more than 300 incidents of this since donald trump was elected president. and they re calling on donald trump to take more responsibility for these instances. you know, just last night on 60 minutes donald trump did acknowledge that a handful of these incidences were occurring calling on the people committing these crimes to stop it. but, you know, the president of the southern poverty law center saying that there are actually hundreds of these crimes happening not just a handful. thanks so much. so here we are. there is real fear, i hear it in
new york, they re surprised at this, i hear it from my family in ohio. so how do we as a nation process this? here s dave chappelle on snl. a few weeks ago i went to the white house for a party. it was the first time i had been there many years, and and it was very exciting. and b.e.t. had sponsored the party. so everyone there was black. and, it was beautiful. i walked through the gates. you know, i m from washington, so i saw the bus stop, the the corner where the bus stop used to be where i used to catch the bus to school and dream about nights like tonight. it was a really, really beautiful tonight. and at the end of the night everyone went into the west wing of the white house, and it was a huge party. and everybody in there was black except bradley cooper for some reason. and on the because were pictures of all the presidents of the past.
now i m not sure if this is true but to my knowledge the first black person that was officially invited to the white house was fredrierick douglass, they stopd him at the gates. abraham lincoln himself had to walk out and escort frederick douglass at the white house. it didn t happen again as far as i know until roosevelt was president. roosevelt was president, he had a black guy over and got so much flak from the media that he literally said i will never have a nigger in this house again. i thought about that, and i looked at that and i saw all those black faces around it, and i saw and i saw how happy everybody was. these people who had been historically disenfranchised. and it made me feel hopeful. and it made me feel proud to be an american. and it made me very happy about the prospects. so in that spirit, i m wishing
donald trump luck, and i m going to give him a chance, and we, the historically disenfranchised demand that he give us one, too. thank you very much. all right so that s one point of view. but this is why many minority groups worry. donald trump appointed that man name steve bannon. a man white nationalists embrace and for good reason. bannon s breitbart launched headlines like these. bill kristol a renegade jew. why islam is the single greatest threat to civilization. the ten things milo hates about islam. and six reasons pamela gellar s muhammad cartoon contest is no different from selma let s talk about the divide in our country with the executive director of c.a.r.e., welcome, sir.
can you say hello to me again? because i didn t hear you. sure, yeah. oh, good. i was worried there was something wrong with your audio. i m glad there isn t anything. there are there are many people in this country that say the left wing is just in a state of hysteria right now and they should give this man a chance, so why aren t they? well, it would have legitimate concerns, and when you when you see that the president-elect appoints someone who holds anti-semitic, anti-muslim, anti-immigrant theories, you wonder, are we going to move this country forward? are we going to heal this country in the next few years? and i think the message that we see by appointing an all-right wing theorist we see it the very
own message that our nation needs now. our nation is divided. our nation has been wounded. with what we have seen in the past few months and if we would like to move forward we have to appoint chief strategists who believe in the plurality, diversity and core principles of let me let me let me put it this way. steve bannon has long been a part of donald trump s campaign. so, people went out and voted. and that includes 29% of hispanics, for donald trump, and 8% of african-americans for donald trump. those are larger percentages than voted for mitt romney. so he does have some support in the minority community. yeah, true. and even a small number among american muslims voted for him. we re not talking about now donald trump himself. we re talking about appointing people who do not believe in the plurality and diversity and the core principles of this country.
and we hold the president in the highest standard in defending the rights of all americans and those who arrive in the united states. by appointing steve bannon, president-elect trump is continuing to advance division and, unfortunately, dispute within americans but what, what, what is your fear about steve bannon? what, what policies might he push forward that concern you? conspiracy theories against muslims, jews, people of color, anti-women sentiment, so, you know, i can t imagine how the president of the united states will bring a bigot, and oppose that will divide america further to be a chief strategist for him in the white house. one of the most important positions in the white house, in the people s house, should have people who believe in the plurality and diversity of this
country to unite americans and to heed the warnings that we have seen over so how will how will your organization help heal the wounds? what will your organization do going forward, now that you know that steve bannon is trump s chief strategic guy? by speaking truth to power. by speaking to the president. by advising him. by telling him that the appointment of a bigot in the white house does not serve america, does not unite america, it will further deepen our wounds. and president-elect trump has said on 60 minutes that he would like to bring americans together by appointing steve bannon, that is not the way to do you still have hope that mr. trump is serious when he says he wants to unite america? well i are you going to give him a chance? america needs to be united. and the president-elect now in a position to make serious and important, you know, statements
by bringing people who are and we believe he has the wrong people to advise him es special ply in this key position. mr. bannon has bigoted views a will bring bigoted policies and that will not help advancing unity among americans, and making this country move forward. all right i have to leave it there. mr. awad thank you so much for joining me this morning. still to come in the newsroom, so much for repealing and replacing obamacare. now donald trump says he doesn t want to next all of obamacare. so does he mean kind of a version of trump care? we ll talk about that next. but first the opening bell moments away, is the market ready to hit another record? alison kosik is with me. good morning. the trump rally ready to roll into a second week. we are seeing the dow open at a fresh record high. that s after a string of big gains boosted by donald trump s win. look at the dow, up more than 5%
over that span of time. that s about 1,000 points. also predictions of a big drop of that, never materialized.ll - so you re seeing investors focus now on pro-business, pro-growth policies like tax cuts, and deregulations. so as we get into the trading day we see the s&p 500 about 1% away from a record of its own. investors are dumping gold, they re dumping bonds, they re buying into the market, and because of this market reaction, along with a stronger economic growth we ve seen lately, carol, we can expect to see the fed, everybody see the fed raise rates next month. all right. i know you ll keep an eye on it for us. thanks so much. i ll be right back. i am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. and i know a thing or two about trading. so i trade with e trade, where true traders trade
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and good morning i m carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. repeal and replace obamacare on day one. that was donald trump during the presidential campaign. but now that he s headed to the white house trump may be preparing for either obamacare-light or trump care. when you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with reconditions still cover yes. because it happens to be one of the strongest assets. you re going to keep that? also with the children living for their parents for an extended period. you re going to keep that? adds cost but it s very much something we re going to try and keep. and there s going to be a period, if you repeal it, and before you replace it, when millions of people could lose we won t do it simultaneously. it will be just fine. with me now the man known as the architect of obamacare, jonathan gruber. welcome, sir. good to be here. nice to have you here.
so, so what does it sound like trump is trying to do? is he trying to is he is he is he going for like an obamacare-light program? it sounds to me like trump is trying to say he s going to protect some of the parts of obamacare that are most popular without actually laying out a plan for doing so. so for example, one of the fundamental gains of obamacare is ending discrimination in insurance markets. no longer allowing insurers to deny insurance coverage to people just because they re sick or charge them higher prices. he hasn t mentioned that. pre-existing conditions exclusions, that s nice. but that doesn t solve the problem. so my wife, for example, a breast cancer survivor. what trump laid out if she went to the insurer, the insurer could say yeah if we offered you health insurance we d make sure to cover your breast cancer but guess what we re not going to offer you health insurance because you re sick? trump has to address that problem. so, so, so he keeps like i guess this still would have to go through congress, right? so let s say he keeps the parts
of the law that, that people really like. what would that do to all of our premiums? if, if, if he could keep all of the elements that, that you say that the point is about obamacare it s complicated for a reason. the part people like is ending insurance discrimination. not allowing insurers to deny my wife coverage because she s a breast cancer survivor. however you can t have that unless you also make sure that people can afford insurance so that the healthy buy it and you get healthy people into the risk group. to just say we re going to keep the parts people like and get rid of the parts people don t, we ve tried that. seven states tried that in the 1990s. they tried to tell insurers you can t discriminate against the sick. in every single case it destroyed the insurance market, premiums went through the roof and the insurance market shrunk to a fraction of its previous size. you can t have it both ways. if you want to tell insurers they can t discriminate you need an individual mandate and
subsidies to make sure healthy people come into the pool. why couldn t the government put price controls on insurance companies? the government could try to put price controls on insurance companies but then insurance companies could a, exit the market. and say i m just not going to offer insurance in this market. there s nothing the government can do about that. or b deny sick people coverage or say at that price i m not going to offer coverage to sick people. the point is the government cannot force go ahead. it s okay. the bottom line is, you can t have it both ways. if you want insurance companies to cover everyone fairly, you have to bring healthy people into the pool. and the only way to do that is with a combination of tariffs, which is tax credits to make health insurance affordable, and a stick which is a mandate to bring the healthy people in to buy insurance. i have heard i ve heard a lot of people say, you know what, there s 22 million people in obamacare right now, a large majority of them are are poor people who can t afford insurance but if they re tikd off with obamacare they ll just
go to medicaid. is it as simple as that? no it s not. the 22 million people who are on obamacare right now are on parts of medicaid that didn t exist before. so for example, before on medicaid, if you were, say, 25-year-old, or say a 30-year-old single woman with no children, and an income of $5,000 a year, you had no access to health insurance. that simply didn t exist. obamacare expanding medicaid said we re going to guarantee our poorest citizens, very poorest citizens a right to health insurance coverage. in those states that choose to expand medicaid. if you take that away then a woman like that simply has no coverage options. okay. jonathan gruber, thanks for stopping by. we ll all see what happens together. thank you so much. still to come in the newsroom, people in aleppo, syria, flee now or face heavy bombing within 24 hours.
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imagine getting a text that your city is going to be bomd and you better get out when you can. people in aleppo, syria, are not imagining that. they re living it. that s the text they got and syrian rebels in the city are being told to lay down their weapons or die. cnn is following that from amen, jordan for us. good morning. good morning, carol. according to residents of eastern aleppo that we ve spoken to, they say early on sunday they received these various text messages that they believe are from the syrian regime, really with a warning, addressed to the rebels in eastern aleppo, but also to the residents, a warning, an ultimatum, giving people 24 hours, telling the rebels to lay down their weapons, or even leave the city, and they re really warning of a military assault that they say is going to be launched on eastern aleppo. the people that we ve spoken to, carol, say this is something
they ve seen in the past, these sorts of messages, they ve received them in the past on leaflets that have been dropped on their neighborhoods or broadcast through state media. they feel this is part of the psychological warfare and intimidation tactics to spread fear amongst the population in eastern aleppo. but, at the same time, there is this real sense of apprehension amongst the people in eastern aleppo, those that we have spoken to are absolutely terrified, carol, of what they feel might be an all-out military assault by the syrian regime, and their russian allies that could start any minute now. all right. jomana reporting live for us from jordan. thanks so much. still to come in the newsroom more americans picked clinton but trump won the white house. now some, well, some mostly on the left are saying it is time to change the electoral system.
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college over the years, including by the way, newt gingrich. now, look, is this going to have any practical effect? well, in one sense, no. hillary clinton in the end will win the popular vote probably by a record in american history. right now she s up as you mentioned 700,000 or so. the estimates are that she will end up winning by one and a half to two million votes. that s a lot of votes. you may remember al gore won the popular vote but he won it by 540,000. much, much fewer than hillary clinton. so you know, it has practical effects on a president because it gives his critics a useful retort to any proposal he makes. well, you weren t elected by the people. you were elected by this antiquated invention of the founders that fit the 1790s but doesn t fit the 21st century. although his new chief of
staff, reince priebus, put it another way this morning. let s listen. he played the exact strategy that a smart person would play in the 12 states that mattered and he won significantly. so i get the obsession over the popular vote but that s really not what this election was all about. okay. this was not what this election was all about. he said if donald trump had gone to california, he probably would have won california but he didn t choose to go there. there s absolutely zero chance that he would have even come close in california. newt gingrich made the same argument yesterday that if the popular vote mattered, donald trump would have campaigned in california and won at least two million more votes which is of course, absurd on its face. but you also have to ask what would hillary clinton have done. well, her campaign which was well organized and had tons of money would have organized the blue parts of red states. they didn t bother to organize
the college towns and big cities in red states because they knew it was hopeless. they weren t going to win the electoral vote. but if they had done so, she would have picked up millions of additional votes. so this is an argument that is a non-starter. so how likely is it that anything will change when it comes to the electoral college? carol, you know the gallop poll for many users, even decades, has shown that a very large majority of americans wants to abolish this crazy institution, the electoral college. we are the only democracy in the world that doesn t count the popular vote. you can win the popular vote, you can lose the presidency. it s already happened five times in american history. it s going to be happening more frequently as long as we have close elections and the democrats will be disproportionately disadvantaged by this. so all i can tell you is if the
people have their way, it would be abolished, because we are incapable of reforming our system and i say that sadly. the electoral college will be abolished on the 12th of never. just quickly, remind us why there s an electoral college anyway. well, there s an electoral college for a number of reasons. certainly one reason was it was a request slash demand of mal r smaller states particularly those that were slave states, mainly because the founders did not trust the people. we had no popular election in the beginning. we went through five presidential elections before we got to or five presidents before we got to a popular vote in the 1820s and even then it was extremely limited to a relative handful of white men, mainly propertied men. no women, no african-americans, so on. so it s been a long, hard
process to broaden the franchise and this is an important point to make. it still shows that the franchise is not universal because the people don t pick the president. have to leave it there. thanks for stopping by. the next hour of cnn newsroom after a break. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20161019 08:00:00

jason carroll, thanks so much. donald trump did have a new policy proposal. term limits for members of congress. he s calling for a constitutional amendment. it would take a constitutional amendment that would restrict members to six years of service, senators, 12 years. on monday, they proposed an ethics on when the executive branch leave office. cnn has learned new details about donald trump s preparation for the final debate. a source tells us that rnc chair reince priebus played the moderators with new jersey governor chris christie playing hillary clinton. this is a bit of a change doing mock scenarios. we had been told in the first debate, he did not do this. did not want to do this, apparently coming in nor prepared. hillary clinton, she s been off the campaign trail for several days, raising money and preparing for tonight s debate. in the very first debate she
seemed to be trying to bait trump. at 9:00 p.m. eastern, she is expected to employ a different strategy, according to cnn s jeff zeleny. that s right, hillary clinton is getting ready for her final debate with donald trump. she s preparing in a different way. now, she s been actually familiarizing herself with all of those campaign e-mails and previous positions and statements unearthed through the stolen hacked e-mails published by wikileaks. it is a new development in this campaign. something she is preparing for. something she expected donald trump will go after. she will also, i m told, go after what donald trump is did calling a rigged election. pushing back hard, perhaps as a way to get under donald trump s skin. she s also going to make the case for why she can be the president for all americans. of course, that message is aimed at getting some republicans some moderate voters who may not have
been open for voting for her. but they simply cannot be there for trump. she s trying to make the case today, a, she s presidential, and b, even if you don t love her, you still may want to vote for her because donald trump in the eyes of the clinton campaign is simply not fit for president. of course, donald trump will be getting his last licks in. this is the last time before a big audience raising case about honesty and her trustworthiness. with the campaign less than three weeks away from election day. john and christine. jeff zeleny for us. the third installment of the debate trilogy is tonight on cnn. we are here now. we ll be here all day long. christine romans. thank you so much, john berman. president obama has a message for donald trump, quit whining. the commander in chief calling out donald trump for his repeated claim that s election
is rigged. listen to him mock the gop for what he calls the unprecedented and dangerous attack on the nation s election system. that is both irresponsible. and by the way, doesn t really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you want out of a president. you start whining before the game s even over. if whenever things are going badly for you, you start blaming somebody else? then you don t have what it takes to be in this job. the president hosted his final state dinner last night welcoming italian prime minister matteo renzi. in his toast on the south lawn he borrowed a line from yogi berra telling the crowd it ain t over til it s over. heavyweights for v.p., an e-mail allegedly sent by gop
mike pence. has a list, tim cook, bill gates, mary barra, howard schultz and muhtar kent. with tim kaine this was an early list along with kaine, elizabeth sanders and others made the cut. much snarking on social media. podesta said he organized the list by food groups. those groups were gender and race as well as professional background. will they or won t they? a lot of speculation whether donald trump and hillary clinton will shake hands before tonight s third and final debate. we already know who won t be shaking hands. details ahead on early start. credit karma, why are you checking your credit score?
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hewlett-packard ceo meg williams and 345shg cuban. donald trump has invited president obama s kenyan-born half brother malik. and he will be bringing kristin smith, the mother of sean smith who has held hillary clinton responsible for her son s death. we do not know if hillary clinton and donald trump will shake hands when they walk in. there will be no hand shakes between the candidates family members. the clinton camp reportedly suggested a new setup at the start. according to the the new york times, family members will now enter the hall in their assigned seats instead of crossing the stage like you saw there. bill clinton and ivanka and the trump boys. clinton worried about trump pulling off a stunt like packing the audience with bill clinton s
female accusers. people magazine is standing by the article that bill clinton sexually assaulted her in 1995. family and friends who corroborate natasha stoynoff s story. look at her, i don t think so. john and christine, people magnifiering back at donald and melania trump after both of those vigorously denied natasha stoynoff s account of donald trump sexually assaulting her. stoynoff s mentor and former journalism professional paul mclock ineven tweeting this. in 2005 natasha phoned me crying saying trump assaulted her. she is telling the truth.
hash tag natasha stoynoff. when at mar-a-lago, and writing in a people magazine article this. she said, we walked into that room alone and trump shut the door behind us. i turned around and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. stoynoff said she asked her editors to be taken off trump coverage but never came forward publicly until now. she also wrote that she later ran into melania trump on fifth avenue and asking her why they didn t see her anymore. melania denying that to anderson cooper. that never happened. she interviewed twice, and for that story, that s it. i did not see her on the street or ask her why we don t see her name. people releasing a quote for a friend saying she was with
stoynoff for that exact encounter. a friend said they chatted in a friendly way. what struck me the most was melania was carrying a child and wearing heels. melania stands by her denial of this ever happening and still demands an a retraction and apology from people magazine. 17 minutes after. the operation for the fight for mosul. iraq s second largest city. how long will this take and are americans forces in harm s way here? we ve got a live report from iraq next.
the operation to liberate mosing could take two months, that assessment from a kurdish military commander after day two of the offensive. nearly 100,000 troops are marching on iraq s second largest city. their mission to bring an end two more than two years of isis rule there and push the extremist group out of the country for good. we want to go live to erbil, iraq, michael holmes is at the front. reporter: yeah, christine, it s moving well, the iraqi and kurdish leadership and also the americans, they re all saying this advance on mosul is on schedule or even ahead of schedule. it s a very are deliberate methodical advance, though. they re taking and clearing territory as they go. and then having to hold it as
well. iraqi forces say they re continuing to liberate towns and villages on route to mosul. in fact, the commander of one division telling cnn that his forces have destroyed, in his words, dozens of suicide vehicles. also saying they ve cleared a large number of ieds. and have killed at least 50 isis fighters over the last two days since this offensive began. they also found, and we had heard an these, too, they found networks of tunnels used to transport weaponry. and they found food in one of those tunnels that was still warm. those iraqi forces and kurdish forces working to take on the areas they ve taken before moving on closer to mosul. there are perhaps some units perhaps within 10 kilometers of mosul. so they re getting ever closer. as you said, the estimate is perhaps two weeks before
everything is in place. and coordinated to begin the assault itself. and then once inside the city, it really gets tough. it could take two months, perhaps more to defeat isis in that city. isis reportedly has anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 fighters inside. of course, we have to remember, there are up to 1 million civilians still inside that city and in a pier littlous situation, christine. absolutely. thanks for that report, michael holmes. breaking overnight, caught on video, police ramming into protesters injuring several. this happened at an anti-u.s. rally at the american embassy in manila. look at this, video footage showing demonstrators hitting the vans with ba tons. they had taken the batons from police. they gathered to put an end to u.s. troops in the philippines and to support a call by president duterte for a foreign policy not dependent on the u.s.
an out-of-control wildfire burning in southern colorado has destroyed at least five home, it threatens hundreds of other, putting people on notice to evacuate. the state s governor deploying the national guard to help fight the fire which has burned 25,000 square miles. it s zero% skeined. advantage, los angeles. dodgers shutting out the chicago cubs for the second straight game. l.a. now leads the series two games to one. game four tonight in dodger stadium in the alcs. to avoid elimination, cleveland still leads three games to one and can close out the jays and advance the world series with a win in game five this afternoon in toronto. a nail-biter right now for baseball fans. we re also counting down the final hours to tonight s third presidential debate. is this donald trump s last
chance to resurrect his campaign? will hillary clinton do it? live with john berman right after this. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that s right for you. the clock is ticking. the final countdown to the final debate. huge stakes here in las vegas. this could be the final chance for donald trump. to get back into this race. hillary clinton staying out of the public eye. preparing for tonight s showdown. what s the strategy? will she go on the attack? will she be forced to explain those e-mail leaks to tens of billions of voters? welcome back to early start this wednesday morning. i m christine romans in new york. i m john berman, about 30 minutes past the hour, i think.
i m live at the university of nevada in las vegas. but, we actually have people out here now to watch, to watch this show to join us as we count down to the third and final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump. this could be the last best chance for donald trump to right his ship. to claw his way back into the campaign. you can see the excitement building here on campus. donald trump he is behind the latest round of national polls by a lot in some of those polls. he s also trailing in most of the key battleground states. he made two stops in battleground colorado on his way here. urging his supporters don t believe the polls. and he delivered a kind of dire warning about a possible clinton victory. history will record that 2017 was the year that america lost, truly lost its independence. truly lost its independence. and, by the way, this is our
final shot, folks. in four years, it s over. you re never going to be able to win. you re never going to be able to win. it s going to be a one-party system. this is your final shot. donald trump is also renewing his pledge to build a wall along the border with mexico. he describes himself to voters in colorado as a unifier. let s get more now from cnn s jason carroll. reporter: john and christine, donald trump had very little about the debate to the crowd here in grand junction, colorado, he did say that the debate would be, quote, interesting. certainly, a number of his supporters want him to stay on message during the debate. and while he s out on the campaign trail, having said that a number of gop leaders pushing back on donald trump s unfounded claims that the electoral process is, quote, rigged. they certainly want him to stop talking about it when he s out on the campaign trail. but donald trump kept pushing the idea anyway. the moment is going to be
november 8th. it s very simple. and we will we ve just begun to fight. they even want to try and rig the election at the polling booth where so many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is all too common. then they say, oh, there s no voter fraud in our country. there s no voter fraud. no, there s no voter fraud. take a look at st. louis. take a look at philadelphia. take a look at chicago. then i have even the republicans saying, oh, this is a wonderful look. look. if nothing else, people are going to be watching on november 8th. reporter: trump holding the media responsible for what he calls that rigged system. saying that the media has been, quote, lying, cheating and stealing, again these are donald trump s words. he also said that the media at this point is worse than his opponent hillary clinton. john, christine.
all right, jason carroll, thanks so much. donald trump will unveil a new policy, term limits for congressional amendments that will restrict house terms to six years, senate members to two terms, 12 years. on monday trump proposed a series of ethics reform including a five-year ban on lobbying when members of the executive branch leave office. cnn has learned new details about donald trump s preparation for the final debate here at the university of nevada in las vegas. a source telling us that rnc chair reince priebus played the moderator in final sessions with new jersey governor chris christie playing hillary clinton. this is a mock debate format. the kind of thing he did not like to do before the first debate. interesting that he s doing it now. hillary clinton has been off the campaign trail for several days raising money and preparing for tonight s debate.
in the first debate, she seemed to be trying to bait donald trump. when they square off tonight in several hours from now, she s expected to employ a different strategy. let s get the latest from cnn s jeff zeleny. reporter: that s right, hillary clinton is getting ready for her third and final debate with donald trump she s preparing just as much as she did for the first two but i m told in a very different way. now, she s actually familiarizing herself with all of the campaign e-mails in previous statements that have been unearthed through the stolen hacked e-mails published by wikileaks. it s a new development in the campaign. something she is preparing for. something she expects donald trump will go after. she will also go after what donald trump is calling a rigged election. she ll be pushing back on that hard, perhaps as a way to get under donald trump s skin. she s also going to make the case for why she can be the president for all americans. now, of course, that message is aimed at getting some republicans, some moderate
voters who may not have been open to voting for her but they simply cannot vote for donald trump. overall, that is her objective in tonight s debate trying to make the case, a, she s presidential. and b, even if you don t love her, you may still want to vote for her, donald trump in the eyes of the clinton campaign is simply not fit to be president. donald trump will be getting his last licks in. this is the last time before a big audience for raise his case. raising questions about her honestly and truft worthiness without question. tonight s debate will set the stage for the rest of the campaign less than three weeks away from election day. john and christine. thank you so much. debate number three is tonight. cnn here now and all day long. christine romans. all day and all night. we don t even know what time it is in vegas. we don t even need to know. president obama has a message for donald trump, quit
whining. the commander in chief calling out trump for his repeated claims this election is rigged. obama mocking the gop for what he calls a dangerous unprecedented attempt on the nation s office. michelle kosinski has more. hi, john and christine, in case you haven t noticed president obama is happy to speak his mind on donald trump. it s clear that he sees opportunities. listen to what he said yesterday when asked about donald trump s recent comments on a rigged election. that is both irresponsible, and by the way, doesn t really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you want out of a president. you start whining before the game s even over? if whenever things are going
badly for you and you lose, you start blaming somebody else? then you don t have what it takes to be in this job. president also took a heavy shot, not just at donald trump s praise of russian president vladimir putin but also again for republicans who continue to support donald trump. and as we wind down the days before this election actually happens, we can expect to see, again, president obama and the first lady out on the campaign trail this week. john and christine. all right, michelle kosinski. top issue for millennial voters and their parents. stupid loan debt. brand new report shows grads are leaving college with more debt than ever before. here are the grim numbers. the average student loan at graduation is now $30,100. that s up 4% from the last year. that amounts in $300 a month. think about that, these kids are graduating $300 in debt payments every month for ten years.
those averages are higher because that does not include students at for profit colleges. most students at for profit colleges do take out loans and they tend to borough higher amounts. private schools cost families an average of $26,400 last year. v% of median income. the amount of students taking automatic loans for college may have plateaued though. right now, 68% of kids have taken out loans in in 1983, less than half. and top that at 24% at 2012. and hillary clinton inviting two billionaires. real billionaires, not fake billionaires like donald trump, donald trump is bringing a relative of president obama needling the president about his half brother. more on earl early start next.
john berman here at the university of nevada in las vegas. where the anticipation is building, along with the crowd. we have at least three, four, five people here maybe. i expect we could get to a dozen by 5:30 eastern time. as the excitement building for tonight. the third and final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump. our thanks to the students for sticking to their study plans and being here to support us on this debate. both candidates, they will be bringing guests to the debate tonight. hillary clinton bringing a couple of billionaires. mark cuban will be there owner of the dallas mavericks. and hewlett-packard ceo meg whitman will be there as well. donald trump invited president obama s kenyan-born half brother malik who is reportedly
supporting donald trump. and donald trump also inviting patricia smith the mother of benghazi victim sean smith. saying she holds hillary clinton responsible for her son s death. donald trump and hillary clinton they did not shake hands prior to the second debate. we do not know if they will or will not tonight. but we do know there will be no handshakes between the candidates family members beginning at the debate. that is because, reportedly, the clinton campaign requested a new setup. according to the the new york times family members will now enter the hall closer to their assigned seats, instead of crossing each other s paths on stage like you re seeing right now. sources tell cnn that the clinton team is worried about a stunt like donald trump pulled in the second debate, seating in the crowd. people who have accused president clinton of past sexual misconduct. christine romans, back to you. a new undercover video
appears to be going democratic operatives of how to have trump supporters in acts of violence. the video suggests that the operatives hired by the dnc may have had a chance in instigating violence. now, two people now out of their jobs as more questions are raised. snrch investigative correspondent drew griffin breaks it all down for us. reporter: the undercover videos produced by discredited conservative activist james o keefe suggested that democratic operatives hired political activists, working in coordination with the dnc to instigate violence and incite reactions at trump rallies. and one of the under cover videos, scott phobele, a subcontractor for a dnc hired firm supposedly describes how he does it. it s a script, script of
engagement. sometimes the crazies bite and sometimes the crazy don t fight. the mediaological cover it no matter where it happens. initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people. and honestly, it is not hard to get some of these assholes to pop off. right. it s a matter of showing, once you get into a rally in a planned parenthood t-shirt. or trump is a nazi. you know, a you can message to draw them out and draw them to punch you. reporter: according to the undercover video it was this man that the democratic national committee turned to, bob creamer is the hunt of jan schakowsky. s he, too, was caught on
undercover video, here is how he was hired by the democratic national committee to stage press conferences wherever the trump campaign showed up. wherever trump and pence are going to be at events. okay. the. we have a whole team across the country that does that, both consultants and people from the campaign. and, you know, my role in the campaign is to make it go away. reporter: creamer stepped down from the campaign today and announced his subcontractor scott foval was no longer working for his firm. both the dnc and the clinton campaign denied any coordination with anything involving the incitement of violence. creamer herself told cnn his former contractors were committing barroom talk, insisting none of what is described by foval actually happened. in a statement, creamer writes
we regret the unprofessional and careless hypothetical conversations that were captured on hidden cameras of a regional contractor for our firm. he is no longer working with us. the clinton campaign respond, while project veritas has been known to offer misleading video out of context, some of the language and tactics referenced are troubling. we support the democratic national committee appropriate action addressing this matter and look forward to continue waging a campaign of ideas worthy of our democratic process. james o keefe is a convicted criminal, they add, with a history of doctoring video to advance his ideological agenda. drew griffin, thank you for that. the dnc says there is no evidence that anything described on the tapes actually happened. they will investigate whether james o keefe broke the law to get the undercover recordings. and the partnership said it was
breached and betrayed in all forms. if you ve ever wanted to own a piece of trump real estate. tonight may be your chance. you ll have to outbid the competition. that s right, donald trump slept here when we get it next on money.
rbil from michael holmes. reporter: christine, as both iraqi and kurdish forces move closer to mosul what they re doing is a very deliberate, methodical advance taking in villages as they go. what we re hearing obviously shows such clearing is not an exact science. we just had a disturbing report in the last hour or so. that some iraqi soldiers, we don t know exactly how many have in fact been surrounded by isis fighters. this is near a village about 15 miles south of mosul. we re still checking into the details of that. the feeling is that they went through some villages, kept on moving, but isis fighters were left behind. perhaps fighting in those villages. came up behind them, surrounding them at the moment. still obviously a very dangerous situation and waiting to get more information on that. however, the iraqi command this is that they re going to
continue to liberate towns on their way to mosul. in fact, the commander of one division told cnn that his forces have destroyed dozens of suicide vehicles. they ve cleared a large number of i ed and bobby traps and killed at least 50 fighters in the last two days. they ve also, and this possibly ties into what happened with these soldiers now reportedly surrounded. there are these networks of tunnels that are in these toungs and villages, reportedly right throughout mosul as well, used to transport fighters and weaponry around the battlefield. reports that food found in one of those tunnels was still warm. so you can get a sense of what s going on underground. and the key now is to hold those areas they ve taken, before they can move closer on to mosul. as you said, it s perhaps two weeks before they re told everything is likely in place to assault mosul itself. and then once inside the city. the battle itself to retake it could take two months and
perhaps more. anywhere between 3,000 and 5,000 isis fighters said to be inside mosul. christine. michael holmes here for us. thank you for that. breaking overnight, caught on video, police van rammed into protesters leaving several injured. this happened at an anti-u.s. rally at the american embassy in manila. you can see the footage showing demonstrators hitting vans with batons. those are ban tons taken from police. at least 1,000 protesters gathered to demand an end to u.s. troops. and support the call of president duterte for foreign policy not dependent on the yoous. dow futures slightly lower right now. investors awaiting earnings from morgan stanley, american express, ebay and others. oil is rising. goldman sachs crushed estimates on higher gold.
the consumer price intext ticked up last month. prices are 1.5% higher than this time last year. a problem for the federal reserve not because it s rising quickly but because it s rising too slowly. food and energy prizes rose 2.2% from this time last year. silver lining, paychecks are growing faster than your grocery bills except if you re on social security. the government says the typical retiree s monthly check will grow by $3.90 next year. the average retiree s monthly benefit is a little more than $1,300. this piece of historic trump real estate could be yours. his childhood home goes up for auction tonight. the tudor-style house in queens. 2500 square feet. five bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms. the suggested bid is $849,000. it would be a relative bargain for a house in this location.
you won t find the shy end finishes with gold ceilings. i wish i could show you the video like a pink bathroom there it is. there it is. it s not like his current gilded penaltyhouse. this house may need a little tlc, a little work. there s it s bink bathroom, depending on your tastes. check out the money stream app. the story, tweets you want, all in one feed download at the app store or. early start continues right now. just a few hours to go before the final debate of 2016. hillary clinton, donald trump could this be a decisive moment in the race? hillary clinton stay ogg out of the public eye to prepare for

Donald-trump , Members , Amendment , Jason-carroll , Term-limits , Service , Policy-proposal , Calling-fora-constitutional-amendment , Congress , Six , Cnn , Details

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170119 01:00:00

today and something the president himself highlighted at the press conference. take a listen. i think a lot of his views are going to be shaped by his advisers, the people around him, which is why it s important to pay attention to these confirmation hearhearings. this is a job of such magnitude you can t do it by yourself. you are enormously reliant on a team. how you put a team together to make sure that they are getting you the best information and they are teeing up the options from which you will ultimately make decisions. that s probably the most useful advice, the most constructive advice i ve been able to give him. personnel is policy, in other words. especially for a chief executive who for the first time in the history of this republic has zero experience in public service of any kind, not the government nor the military. with policy positions all over the map, even changing from one day to the next, it s nearly impossible to predict just what
trump will do as president. the only thing he s actually had to do so far is pick his top advisors and cabinet secretary nominees. on that score, the last two days of confirmation hearings have been an utter train wreck. on capitol hill today, trump s point man on health care, congressman tom price, was besieged by ethical and legal questions over stock trades he s made involving the medical industry while sitting on a committee that ovsees said industry. at one point, price was even caught directly contradicting an official fact sheet from the trump transition stating that price is, and i quote here, financial adviser designed his portfolio and directed all trades in the account. i did it through a broker. i directed the broker to purchase the stock but i did it through a broker. you directed the broker to purchase particularly that stock? that s correct. yeah. now more on price s legal and ethical issues ahead. at his hearing today, epa nominee scoot pruitt faced tough questions from senator bernie
sanders over his stance on made made climate change. why is the climate changing? senator, in response to the co-2 issue, the epa administrator is constrained by statutes i m asking your personal opinion. my personal opinion is immaterial to the job of really? you are going to be the head of the agency to protect the environment and your personal feelings about whether climate change is caused by human activity and carbon emissions is immaterial? more of that exchange with sanders coming up. both those hearings came after the shaky debut last night of trump s pick for education secretary, betsy devos, who showed little familiarity with some of the central tenets of education policy, including a landmark law called the individuals with disabilities education act. that s a federal civil rights law so do you stand by your statement a few minutes ago that it should be up to the states whether to follow it?
the law must be federal law must be followed where federal dollars are in play. so were you unaware what i just asked you about the it, that it was a federal law. i may have confused it. senator maggie hassan who you saw live joins me later in the show. we also learned in the course of the vetting process, two of trump s nominees discovered problems with household workers, the exact kind of issue that has disqualified cabinet picks in the past. trump sominee for commerce secretary wilbur ross admitted he recently fired a long time employee who he found to be undocumented. employing undocumented workers was enough to thwart two of bill clinton s attorney general nominees in 1993, zoe baird and kimba wood. both withdrew. nick mulvaney just disclosed he failed to pay more than $15,000 in payroll taxes for a household employee. eight years ago a similar tax compliance issue derailed the nomination of tom daschle who had been the senate majority leader for secretary of health and human services.
but in 2017, republicans hold the majority in the senate and unless gop senators defect from their party, these are the people who will be running the government. i m joined now by senator brian schatz, democrat from hawaii. senator, there are various opinions about how senators should take their role of advice and consent. there are some who believe the president should have constitutionally and as a matter of principle wide latitude in selecting the people in his administration. others were much more willing to vote no. where s your personal feeling on this? well, i think a president ought to have his or her cabinet. i think they ought to be able to assemble there team but there should be exceptions. to me those exceptions come with pruitt, betsy devos and time price. and the reason for all three of them i think not being qualified for these cabinet positions is that they are unique. they are being asked to lead agencies they want to dismantle. tom price wants to shred the social safety net it s not that
he wants to undo obamacare. he wants to block grant made cade. he didn t vote for the children s health insurance program. this is a person who made a career out of systematically dismantling the social safety net. you ve been a hawk on climate for many, many years. scott pruitt is not qualified to lead the epa. there s never been a person even on the republican side, who wants to do such violence to the mission of the epa. are you as of now a no on all three? i m a no on all three and those and betsy devos, oh, boy, that was a rough performance to watch i was talking to a friend of mine not in politics, that went viral all over the internet. millions and millions of views of a health education labor and pensions meeting. something is happening across the country and it s not late october of last year but now
where people are realizing that a lot of these nominees will do violence to the agencies they want to run. we have a nominee for the education department who basically will not commit to public education. who doesn t understand the law at its most basic level and won t commit to not privatizing public education. so you re a no on all those three. i remember hearing early reports democrats were going to choose one or two to focus their fire against. obviously civil rights groups feel very strongly about jeff sessions although it s his colleagues what will be voting. that will be a tough vote for democrats to win. there are also concerns about mnuchin. what i m hearing is do you feel it is the temperature of the democratic caucus that opposition is not politically problematic for them? i think you re exactly right. i think wenderstand that we re the fighting 48. we are the leaders of the democratic party nationally and people expect us to fight.
they also expect us to allow a president to stand up a government so i anticipate this week secretary nominee mattis and secretary nominee kelly will likely get a vote later on this week or early next week. we want that national security team in place partly because we want rational sane adults in the room in case something happens right away where the new commander in chief has to deal with it. but there are a couple not just a couple probably three to six nominees that i think a lot of us are going to have an extremely hard time swallowing. so you just said you re the fighting 48. 48 being the key number there, the number of democrats. you need two or three votes, you need three votes to defect. do you have any sense that there s anything that any of these nominees could do or say, whether their performance in the hearing or what s turned up in vetting that would lose them those three votes? you know, i don t know the answer to that question but i know a lot of people have been noticing that many of the sort of mini scandals that have popped up in this issue with mr. price and a stock trade, less e
things have sunk greater nominees in the past so we re trying to figure out what is the new political calculation. is there nothing that would cause a republican to defy the president-elect? are there no circumstances where we re going to get any bipartisan cooperation from the republicans because it have private conversations with members of the gop on the senate side who tell me they re rational on climate but none of them have popped their head up and said they can t vote for a climate denier for the epa. we need profiles in courage. we don t need a dozen, we only need two or three in order to make a strong statement on one or several of these nominees. courage in the senate usually has to do with whether people are calling in as constituents or making themselves known as voters. senator brian schatz, thank you very much. appreciate it. thank you, chris. joining me now, katie packer and sam seder, host of the
majority report. katie, the standard is interesting. i remember the early days of clinton they came right out and they ran into a buzz saw with several nominees. tom daschle was an example of that for barack obama, though mostly smooth sailing. it occurs that in some ways that s perception and shame. a scandal is only big enough to blow up a nominee if that s how it s perceived to be but if you can lock down the votes you can basically confirm anyone. well, and the rules are just sort of different now, you know? it used to be when you had some scandals that the incumbent the president-elect and his team would hint that this is maybe time to step aside. trump doesn t really cow that easily. trump is standing by people that he has put into these poogss. some of these so-called scandals, are they scandals? tom price s stock trade netted him i think $300. is that something the american people will be so outraged over
as some of these senators are? . i don t know that the person public looks at the epa as the golden goose that many of the liberals on capitol hill view it as. what a lot of these democrats really object to is that these are republicans that actually are supporting republican ideals that are being nominated and they don t like it. of course they don t. but i don t know that they re scandals. i think we should make a distinction, right? in tom price s case, we ll talk about that, there s allegation of behavior that might violate the stock act. maybe it didn t but there s clarity that needs there which is distinct from the ideological case. do you agree with katie that this is look, anyone that a republican president nominated for epa democrats won t like what they ll do. anyone they nominate for education they re not going to like what they re going to do. how do you distinguish between normal and abnormal, basically? well, is it an appointment that attempts to nullify the existence of the agency? the senator made this paint.
you have pruitt whose job it has been to actually nullify the statutory authority of the epa. to litigate against it. so what? now he s going to be so what? republicans dot n like these agencies. b that should be explicit. if the republicans don t like these agencies and they want to sell to the american public that the epa should not be the environmental protection agency but rather it should be the allow corporations to extract as much as they want they should say it. there s a reason why they re not. republicans have been saying that for years. if betsy devos wants to sell the ideology that they should use government money to simply fund parochial schools they should say it. she s incredibly evasive. that s not what betsy devos stood for at all. and she did not address all the questions that had to do that the senate was asking. so clearly they think it s a problem. that is not what betsy devos has stood for at all. but devos does favor
vouchers. she does favor vouchers. what betsy devos has stood for for the last several decades is allowing parents to have choice. not just rich parents who ve had choice for forever but for all parents to have choice and what the democrats on that committee don t seem to understand is all these so-called qualified people that have served at the helm of the department of education have left generations of children in failing schools. they haven t fixed that with these experts. betsy devos is somebody that has a passion for those children and that s what she brings to the table. so you think passion is more important than expertise? i think betsy has a lot of expertise. you thought yesterday she manifested expertise at that hearing? i thought many of the questions that were being asked were designed to trip her up. they weren t designed to assess whether or not she was qualified for this job at all. so you think betsy devos is in the mainstream of there s
different kinds of ways of looking at these different nominees. nominees who are trump nominees and nominees who could have been, say, marco rubio nominees and what i hear from you as someone who is an anti-trumper but a die hard republican that betsy devos falls squarely to you within and scott pruitt and tom price, these are all basically your you re good with these as a republican nominee? yeah. i think that betsy falls squarely in that category and has the support of republicans not because she has contributed to those republicans, she knows those republicans and they know her and they know her background and they trust her. well, they know her a little bit because she s contributed to them. you know, the democrats want to make this about contributions and her wealth. betsy devos is on record as saying that she does not believe that christian philanthropy can fund christian education and she is looking for other sources. she is on record saying this.
she is on record saying she doesn t believe in public school, she believes in the concept of public education where you take public funding and fund private schools. and everyone knows she did not say she doesn t believe in public schools. that is false. that is false. she is just looking to drain money from the system and we know how this works out. subsidies for people living in poverty do not work in terms of providing them spa i private schools. bottom line. but trapping kids in failing schools works very, very well. she s not even attempting to fix the public schools. she s totally disregarding them and wants to undercut the entire system. that s not true. charter schools are public schools. charter schools are public schools. if that s her position she should be up front about it. let me intervene for a moment. to katie s point, it strikes me there s ways of undoing things statutorily and through administration so you could but republicans could, for instance, get rid of the department of education, they could get rid of the epa, they
won t do those things even if they don t believe in the current mission of it. i will say this. do you think there s a standard that people what should the standard be, katie, for you when you think about what is the standard that i would not as a senator vote for someone from my own party? we haven t even touched ben carson who an incredibly accomplished career as a neurosurgeon, i think everyone would agree. beby his own admission knows nothing about housing policy and his own spokesperson said he shouldn t run a federal agency because he doesn t know enough earlier. we re just sort of letting that one go because he s not a lightning rod in the way these ones we re talking about but that also seems to me like i don t know. what do you think of that? well i think the trump administration is in a very, very difficult place with both the liberals on capitol hill and with the media because if they bring in so-called experts that have been doing this for decades he s accused of not draining the swamp. if he brings in outsiders that
have different kinds of expertise and a different approach then he s accused of not bringing in people that know what they re doing. i do think there s some disagreement about what the approach to public education should be. the democrats are completely beholding to randy weingarten and the teachers unions and are never going to do anything that challenges that. betsy devos is a threat to them because she s going to challenge that. is that what education is about? a problem with teachers unions? she could not even answer it s certainly part of the problem. the most fundamental questions that faces educators today about growth versus proficiency. let me wrap this up with one little point in terms of behold on the randy weingarten, as someone who s interviewed her a lot, it was tremendous dissatisfaction with arne duncan across the board from teachers unions, an incredible civil war inn the democratic party. i wouldn t say it s lockstep. i m sure it pales to how she
feels about betsy devos. on that we agree. katie packer, sam seder, thank you very much. up next, what we know about tom price s stock prides that are raising ethical questions. it s something that came up often in yet another confirmation hearing. did you take additional actions after that date to advance your plan to help the company that you now own stock in. i m offended by the insinuation, senator. well, let me read what you did. you may be offended, but here s what you did. i can stay. i m good. i won t be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn t always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we ll help you handle what s next. financial guidance while you re mastering life. from chase. so you can. opioid-induced constipation.
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to keep track of at this point so first it was discovered price received a sweetheart deal i m using that term from kaiser s description of it from an australian biotech firm that allowed him and another congressman to buy that company stock at a discounted price. that s the deal senator murray asked him about in the clip we just played. that deal, while perhaps unseemly, does appear at first blush to be legal but a few days after that story broke, time magazine came out with another story about price, this one alleging he invested in six different pharmaceutical companies just weeks before introducing legislation that would have benefitted all six companies. something that looks a lot more like a potential violation of federal law but the biggest story about price, the one that alleged the most direct quid pro quo, or at least implied it, and the one that prompted an immediate response from the campaign was the discovery by cnn that on march 17, 2016, price purchased stock in a medical device company that scribes itself as the world leader in hip and knee
replacements. then less than a wee later price introduced legislation called the hip act which would have directly benefitted that same company. if price made that trade with direct knowledge of that, that he was going to introduce that legislation that would almost certainly have been illegal. remember, when price was asked by senator murray about the australian biotech firm he said he chose the stock. but when senator elizabeth warren asked him about the hip replacement company stock, the other deal, stock that would be illegal for him to knowingly purchase he says his broker acted entirely on her own without his knowledge. did you buy the stock and then did you introduce a bill that would be helpful to the company she just bought stock in? the stock was bought by a by a broker who was making those decisions. i wasn t making those decisions. so let s just be clear. this is not just a stockbroker someone you pay to handle the
paperwork this is someone who buys stock at your direction. this is someone who buys and sells the stock you want them to buy and sell. not tr not true. so when you found out that s not true, senator. so you decide not to tell them? wink wink nod nod and we re supposed to believe that. senator, do people care if he profited off this? what is your sense of why this should matter? well, i hope people care about this. obviously mr. price is responsible for his investments. these are investments that are personal and he s made several in the industry in which he serves on the committee that can affect the value of those companies. that in and of itself is the appearance of conflict but when we look at the fact that he may have gotten a special deal being able to buy some of the stock, the fact that he bought the stock and introduced legislation that could affect its value, that raises very serious ethical
issues and perhaps legal issues. the person who should be secretary of health should not have those types of ethical lapses. i have to say, senator, that part of the old cliche about the scandals what s legal has been illuminating to see what exactly you guys in congress are able to do within the law. for instance, buying preferred stock from a company at a place you regulate but the stock act was introduced to cut out the worst excesses after a big investigation. the trump folks are saying the cnn report is wrong, that it should be retracted and that representative price had no idea that stock was being purchased for that hip company when he was going to introduce legislation that benefitted them a week later do you believe congressman price? you re absolutely right about the stock act. it was passed in order to prevent these types of abuses. i think this should never have been done. a congressman should not be buying stock in a company and
introducing legislation that affects its value. a congressman should not be buying stock in a company he s on a committee that could affect its value and the congressman certainly should be sensitive to getting special considerations of buying into a company perhaps at a reduced price. no. there s two issues here. was it legal? that s an issue that i can not answer but certainly this is something that is raises very serious ethical challenges at a minimum and one that raises questions about dr. price. i ask if you would adhere to that same standard for yourself. absolutely. i have divested of any individual stocks because i don t want to be engaged in any second guessing. it s not just conflicts, i don t want to have the appearance of conflicts so yes i m care to feel the type of investments i participate in and try to use generic type funds. so. so there s two allegations here, specific allegations and
then what has been established but not contested which is that as congressman with a key role in statutory oversight of the medical industry he was individually picking stocks in that industry at the same time he s voting for or drafting legislation that has a direct affect on the companies in that industry. and that presents a real challenge at a minimum you re going to have appearance of conflicts. you might have direct conflicts. you may have illegal action. it s something a congressman should avoid. senator cardin, thank you for your time tonight. appreciate it. thank you. coming up, senator bernie sanders goes head to head with trump s epa pick. that sight after this short break. trust me, you do not want to miss it. [burke] at farmers, we ve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don t forget anything!
[kid] i won t, dad. [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it s pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum
scientists officially declared 2016 the hottest year which knocks out the previous record of 2015 which knocked out the previous record of 2014 so it s notable that when oklahoma attorney general scott pruitt, climate change denier and trump s choice to head the epa senator bernie sanders tried to pin him down. do you believe that climate change is caused by the emission by carbon emissions by humanactivity? the climate is changing and human activity contributes to that in some manner. in some manner but you haven t told me why you think the climate is changing. senator, the job of the administrator is to carry out the statutes as passed by this body. why is the climate changing? senator? response to the co-2 issue, the epa administrator is constrained by statutes i m asking you a personal opinion. my personal opinion is immaterial. really? senator, i ve acknowledged to
you that human activity impacts the climate. impacts. yes. scientific community doesn t tell us it impacts they say it is the cause of climate change, we have to transform our energy system. do you believe we have to transform our energy system in order to protect the planet for future generations? i believe the epa has a very important role in regulating the emissions you didn t answer my question. senator, i believe the administrator has a very important role to perform in regulating co-2. it s kind of amazing. he won t say the thing he believes under oath in front of senators which if he doesn t believe it, he should say, i guess. but the prize for most staggering testimony may go to trump s nominee for secretary of education, and that as senator schatz said went kind of viral. we ll play that for you next. just like the people who own them, every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. legalzoom s network of attorneys
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proficiency i would also correlate it to competency and mastery so that you each student is measured according to the advancement that they re making in each subject area. well, that s growth. that s not proficiency. so in other words the growth they re making is in growth, the proficiency is if they ve reached an arbitrary standard. if they ve reached a level proficiency is if they ve reached, like, a third grade level for reading, et cetera. is that i m talking about the debate between proficiency and growth. yes. and what your thoughts are on them. well, i was just asking to clarify, then well, this is a subject that is has been debated in the education community for years. that might have been the worst moment, except for some of the other exchanges when she would not commit to one of the most important pieces of federal education legislation, one which guarantees an education to children with disabilities. under repeated questioning from
senator tim kaine and senator maggie hassan. should all schools that receive f schools taxpayer fund being required to meet the requirements of the individuals with disabilities in education? i think that s a matter best left to the states. so some states might be good to kids with disabilities and other states might not so good and then what? people can just move around the country if they don t like how their kids are being treated? i think that s an issue that s best left to the states. i want to go back to the individuals with disabilities in education act. that s a federal civil rights law so do you stand by your statement a few minutes ago that it should be up to the states whether to follow it? the law must be followed federal law must be followed where federal dollars are in play. so were you unaware what i just asked you about the idea, that it was a federal law? i may have confused it. i do have to say, i m concerned that you seem so unfamiliar with it. joining me now, senator maggie hassan of new hampshire,
member of the senate committee on health, education, labor and pensions. senator, what was your impression of what this nominee does and doesn t know about this fairly significant landmark piece of civil rights education. chris, it s nice to be with you tonight. you know, education and access to quality education for all our kids is really the foundation of our democracy. in my family, that includes making sure that both of my children, including making sure both of my children had access to quality education and our now adult son ben happens to have very severe and pervasive physical disabilities. ben doesn t speak, he can t use his fingers to access a keyboard but he s very cognitively able and because of the provisions of th i. i d.ea. the individuals with disabilities education act he had access in our community to learn and graduate from high
school. and that s the kind of opportunity we all want for all of our children. and before the i.d.ea. was passed, children like my son were often put in institutions where they didn t have access to education, people assumed or stereotyped them believing they couldn t learn and when you think about the importance of that civil rights law to children like my son and children around the country it was really concerning to me that ms. devos seemed so unfamiliar with it. and problems with the voucher system she has supported has had in honoring the i.d.e.a. what do you say to people that say that senate democrats on that committee are essentially playing gotcha. that you are trying to quiz her and go into obscure areas of policy in order to catch her.
there is nothing obscure to my family about the i.d.e.a. there is nothing obscure to most educators i know about the importance of educating all our children what i was trying to get at when i talked with ms. devos at the hearing was my concern about the fact that the voucher programs that she had supported made children with disabilities if they were to receive a voucher like kids without disabilities do it made those kids sign away their rights under the i.d.e.a. so i thought it was very important to get her perspective on why she thought that was okay and whether she would, as secretary of education, the country s top education officer charged with making sure that all of our kids have access to free, appropriate public education so that they can thrive and participate in the 21st century, be the work force we need.
i wanted to make sure she was committed to enforcing civil rights laws that protect all children so that they have access to education and i was very concerned that she seemed confused or unfamiliar with the fact the i.d.e.a. is a federal law she would be charged with enforcing and i think it s appropriate that we make sure that the country s top education officer really does understand the full obligations in the way our public education system works. i was very concerned she was so unfamiliar with such a basic thing and that goes to concerns a lot of us have that ms. devos does not have experience significant experience with public education, didn t go to public schools herself, her children don t, she s never been a teacher. so i just was very concerned. senator, are you going to vote for her? look, i m going to wait t
get her written answers to all of the questio we ve submitted but i think it s unlikely. senate orr maggie hassan, thank you very much, appreciate it. thank you. still to come, once he is president, could donald trump just stop any further investigation into russia s role in hacking during the election? we ll talk about that ahead. plus, tonight s thing 1 thing 2 starts right after this break. i use what s already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what s within me
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i love paying extra to file my state returns. i want my tax software to charge me at the last second. there is nothing i can do with an extra $50. said no one ever. file your taxes for free with credit karma tax. thing 1 tonight, in march of last year after donald trump s primary victories in mississippi and michigan, he offered up a shameless display of what he claimed were trump products that supposedly included a stack of trump steaks. but trump steaks was a business venture lasting in earnest for just two months in the summer of 2007. the meat on display that night appears to have been purchased from a local florida butcher shop. in fact, it was still bearing the labels from said butcher shop. they were not, in other words, trump steaks, they were stage props. trump used a similar staging tactic last week during his
long-awaited press conference when he appeared with a stack of manila folders on the desk next to him claiming they were signed documents making it official he had turned control of his businesses over to his sons but when reportersxamine the folders, transition staffers blocked them. from photos, the folders completely appeared to be brand new and unmarked. his team later told us they were visual aids. today, two days before the inauguration speech trump released a photo that leaves you asking is that real or is it staged? you make the call. thing 2 in 60 seconds.
appears he s writing the first draft of his speech with a sharpie. it appears to be a brand new legal pad. is it real or staged? as one twitter user pointed out, that desk looks like the mar-a-lago receptionist desk rather than a personal office. would the president-elect really be writing the speech there? after spending entirely too much time looking at these two images an all in producer noticed the tiling is slightly different so inconclusive. then this image was unearthed and mystery solved. look at the desk next to receptionist. add an eagle statue and it appears trump sat down next to the mar-a-lago receptionist to draft his first speech as president of the united states with a sharpie and a brand spanking new note pad. while we can t tell what s on the page because it s conveniently tilted up, well, it all seems perfectly believable to me. um. something wrong? so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? you want the whole thing? yes, yes!
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if a tape actually showed up saying something like that. it would be double embarrassed because i m saying there is no tape. there is no event. i was never even in that room for that period of time. something donald trump and vladimir putin definitely seem to have in common is a willingness, even an eagerness, to talk directly about the substance of the unsubstantiated and salacious allegations concerning trump s conduct in moscow published in that now famous dossier prepared by a former british spy. allegations that i find it pretty easy not to talk about, frankly. so let s forget about the dossier, throw it out. especially when it comes to trump s alleged connections to russia, the salacious details might be a distraction from the real story. in october, harry reid sent a somewhat strange letter to fbi director james comey claiming comey was sitting on explosive information about close ties and coordination between donald trump and the russian government. comey had spoken publicly about the fbi s investigation into hillary clinton while it was
going on, potentially costing clinton the election in the eyes of some polling analysts but he has refused to address whether the fbi was also investigating trump to the consternation of many observers. we never confirm or deny pending investigation. the irony of your making that statement here i cannot avoid. it has been established by u.s. intelligence agencies that they have high confidence the russian government intervened during the election to damage hillary clinton and help trump. what is far, far less clear is whether there is any truth to reid s allegation that trump and his a allies coordinated with the russians if true would be a massive scandal. but we might get to the bottom of it all. numerous media outlets citing anonymous sources say that they have been investigating links between the russian government and the trump campaign. mcclatchy reported that the fbi
and five other law intelligence agencies have collaborated for months dealing in part with whether money from the kremlin covertly aided trump and are scrutinizing the activities of a few americans affiliated with trump s campaign or business empire. again, we don t know if there s any coordination but national security officials have confirmed to nbc news intelligence agencies are continuing to investigate how the russian operation was financed and carried out and whether any americans were involved. now, there s a big catch to all this, which is that in two days as you may well remember donald trump becomes president of the united states which gives him significant power over that investigation. so could trump just shut the investigation down? what happens if he tries? we ll explore that next. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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can t order the justice department to stop or start investigations. but, you know, that s not written in code anywhere. it s not written in rule. it s enforced because attorneys general and fbi directors have followed that standard and the one time when it wasn t in our history, during the middle of the watergate scandal when president nixon ordered the attorney general to stop an investigation it led to the resignation of the attorney general and the deputy attorney general and you have to hope that s what would happen here if president trump were to try something like that. you tweeted earlier today about doj ethics rules in terms of jeff sessions were he to be confirmed, whoever as attorney general, about whether they could be the one overseeing the investigation. what do the doj ethics rules say about that? they are very clear. there are rules about not investigating anything in which you were a member of in the previous two years but they re more specific when it relates to political campaigns and they say point blank if you were involved in a political campaign in an official position which jeff
sessions was, he was the chair of donald trump s national security advisory committee on the campaign, you cannot be involved in that investigation so that means if jeff sessions is going to follow the rules he has to recuse himself on day one, the day he joins. and he actually has an outstanding question on this matter from democratic senators who have asked him the answer to that and it s going to be telling what his response is and hopefully he provides that before confirmation. what about comey s role in all of this. you have been critical of the way he s conducted himself in terms of the clinton investigation. you felt he was way outside the norms and precedent. do you i guess fundamentally, do you have faith or trust in him that they that this if there is an investigation that they will pursue it doggedly and let the chips fall where they may? you know, i have fifaith in m comey to pursue this information, but why did he do this before the election?
now with him under investigation himself by the inspector general, i think it s very difficult for him to lead this investigation. i really think the thing needs to be taken out of the regular chain of command at the justice department. there needs to be a special counsel, a special set of fbi agents that have full authority to investigate this and go wherever the facts lead them. and, you know, not have to worry about is there precedent for that matthew? yeah, there is. there have been special counsels appointed, eric holder appointed several. in fact, general mukasey appointed several at the end of the bush administration. when there are serious political things that are tough for attorneys general to investigate, there s long standing precedent for doing this and the only way you can have a fair unquestioned investigation into this. matthew miller, thank you for being with me tonight. appreciate it. thank you. that s all in for this evening. the rachel maddow show starts right now. good evening, rachel. good evening, chris, thanks, my friend. you bet. thanks for staying with us

Something , President-obama , People , Lot , Views , Advisers , Press-conference , Confirmation-hearhearings , Listen , Attention , Team , Job

Transcripts For MSNBCW NBC News Special 2016 Presidential Debate 2 20161010 06:00:00

that sometimes sets americans against one another and instead make big goals and i ve set forth some big goal, getting the economy to work for everyone, not just those at the top. making sure we have the best education system from preschool to college and making it affordable and so much else. if we set those goals and go together to try to achieve them, there s nothing in my opinion that america can t do. so that s why i hope that we will come together in this campaign. obviously, i m hoing to earn your vote, hoping to be b elected in november and i can promise you, i will work with every american. i want to be the president for all americans. regardless of your political beliefs, where you come from, what you look like, your religion. i want us heal our country and bring it together. our children and grandchildren deserve. thank you. you have two minutes.
well, i actually agree with that. i agree with everything she said. i began this campaign because i was so tired of seeing such foolish things happen to our country. this is a great country. a great land. i ve gotten to know the people of the country over the last year and a half that i ve been doing this as a politician. i cannot believe i m saying that about myself, but i guess i have been a politician and my whole concept was to make america great again. when i watch the deal being made, some horrible things like obamacare, health insurance and health care is going up my numbers that are astronomical, 68%, 71%, when i look at the iran deal and how bad a deal it is for us. it s a one sided transaction. where we re giving back $150 billion to a terrorist state really the number one terror
state, we ve made them a strong country from really a very weak country from just three years ago. when i look at all of the things that i see in all of the potential that our country has, we have such tremendous potential. whether it s in business and trade, where we re doing so badly. last year, we had almost $800 billion trade deficit. other words, trading with other countries. we had an $800 billion deficit. it s hard to believe. inconceivable. we re going the make great deals. have a strong border m going to bring back law and order. just today. policemen was shot. two. killed. and this is happening on a weekly basis. we have to bring back respect to law enforcement. at the the same time, we need the take care of people on both sides. we need justice. but i want to do things that haven t been done, including fixing and making inner cities better for african-american sit sebs and for the latinos,
hispanics and i look forward to doing make america great again. thank you, mr. trump. the question from patrice was are you both modeling president obamative and appropriate behaviors for today s youth. we refed a lot of questions about the tape released on friday. you called what you said locker room banter, kissing women without consent, grabbing their genitals. that is sexual assault. you bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. i don t think you understood. this was locker room talk. i m not proud of it. i apologize to my family. to the american people. certainly i m not proud of it. but this is locker room talk. when we have a world where you have isis chopping off heads, where you have frankly drowning people in steel cages, wars and horrible, horrible sights all over, so many bad things happening.
we haven t seen anything like this. the carnage all over the world. can you imagine the people that are frankly doing so well against us with isis. and they look at our country and see what s going on. yes, i m very embarrassed by it. i hate it. but it s locker room talk and it s one of those things. i will knock the hell out of isis. we re going to defeat isis. isis happened a number of years ago in a vacuum left because of bad judgment and i will tell you, i will take care of isis. so, mr. trump get on to much more important things and much bigger things. for the record, are you saying what you said on the bus 11 years ago that you did not kiss women without consent or grope women without consent. i have great respect for women. nobody has more respect for women than i do. so, you re saying you never did that. i said things that frankly, you hear these things. and i was embarrassed by it.
but i have tremendous respect for women. have you ever done those thing sns. no, i have not. i will tell you, that i m going the make our country safe. we re going to have borders in our country, which we don t know. people are pouring into our country and coming in from the middle east and other places. we re going to make america safe again. make america great again, but safe again. and we re going to make america wealthy again because if you don t do that, it just, it soupds harsh to say, but we have to i would build up the wealth. thank you, mr. trump. other naxs are taking our jobs and wealth. secretary clinton, do you want to respond? well, like everyone else, i spent a lot of time thinking over the last 48 hour about what we heard and saw. you know, with prior republican nominees, for president, i disagreed with them. politics, policies, principles. but i never questioned their fitness to serve.
donald trump is different. i said starting back in june, that he was not fit to be president and commander in chief. and many republicans and independents have said the same thing. what we all saw and heard on friday was donald talking about women. what he thinks about women. what he does to women. and he has said that the video doesn t represent who he is. but i think it s clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly what he is. because we ve seen this throughout the campaign. we have seen him insult women. we ve seen him rate women. on their appearance. ranking them from one to ten. we ve seen him embarrass women on tv and on twitter.
we saw him after the first debate spend nearly a week denigrating a former miss universe in the harshest, most personal terms, so, yes, this is who donald trump is. but it s not only women and it s not only this video that raises questions about his fitness to be our president. because he has also targeted immigrants, african-americans, latinos, people are ddisability muslims and others, so, this is who donald trump is and the question for us, the question our country must answer is that this is not who we are. that s why to go back to your question, i want to send a message we all should. to every boy and girl and indeed to the entire world.
that america is great and we are great because we are good and we will respect one another. and we will work with one another and we will celebrate our diversity. these are very important values to me because this is the america that i know and love. and i can pledge to you tonight that this is the america that i will serve if i m so fortunate enough to become your president. and we want to get to some questions am i allowed to respond to that? yes. it s just words, folks. just words. those words i ve been hearing them for many years. i heard them when they were running for the senate. in new york. where hillary was going to bring back jobs to upstate new york and she faileded. i ve heard them where hilly is constantly talking about the inner cities of our country, which are a disaster. educationwise. jobwise.
safetiwise. in every way possibleful i m going to help the african-americans, help the latinos hispanics. i am going to help the inner cities. she s done a terrible job for the african-americans. she wants their votened does nothing and then comes back four years later. we saw that firsthand when the united states senator. she campaigned where the mr. trump, mr. trump i want to get to audience questions and online questions. so, she s allowed to do that, but i m not allowed to respond. sounds fair. this tape is generating intense interest. in just 48 hour, it s become the single most talked about story of the entire 2016 lech on facebook with millions and millions of people discussing it on social met network. as we said, we want to bring in questions from voters around country via social media and our first on this topic, jeff from ohio asks on facebook, trump
says the campaign has changed him. when did that happen? so, mr. trump, let me add to that. when you walked off that bus at age 59, were you a different man or did that behavior continue until just recently? and you have two minutes for this. zwl that was locker room talk. i m not proud of it. i am a person who has great respect for people, for my family, for the people of this country. and certainly, i m not proud of it but that was something that happened. if you look at bill clinton, far worse, mine are word, his was action. his was he has done to women. never been anybody in theory of politics in this nation that s been so abusive to women, so you can say any way you want to say it, but bill clinton was abusive to women. hillary clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously. four of them here tonight.
one of the women who is a wonderful woman at 12 years old, was raped at 12. her client, she represented got him off and she s seen laughing at the girl who was raped. she is here with us tonight, so, don t tell me about words. aam absolutely, i apologize for those words. but it is things that people say, but what president clinton did, he was impeached, lost his license to practice law. he had to pay an $850,000 fine. to one of the women. paula jones, who s also here tonight. and i will tell you that when hillary brings up a point like that and talks about words that i said 11 years ago, i think it s disgraceful and i think she should be ashamed of herself, if you want to know the truth.
can we please hold the applause. secretary clinton. first, let me say so much of what he just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses. he gets to decide what hemts to talk about. instead of answering people s questions, laying out the plaps we have than make a better life and a better country. that s his choice. when i hear something like that, i am reminded of what my friend, michelle obama, advised us all. when they go low, you go high. and look, if this were just about one video, maybe what he s saying tonight would be understandable, but everyone can draw their own conclusions at this point about whether or not the man in video or on the stage
respects women. but he never apologizes for anything to win. he never apologized to mr. and main street kahnt gold star family, whose ston died in the line of duty in remark and donald insulted and attacked them for weeks over their religion. he never apologized to the distinguished federal judge who was born in indiana, but donald said he couldn t be trusted to be a judge because his parents were quote mexican. he never apologized to the reporter that he mimicked and mocked on national television. and our children were watching. and he never apologized for the racist lie that president obama was not born in the united
states of america. he owes the president an apology. he owes our country and apology and he needs to take responsibility for his actions and words. well, you owe the president an apology because as you know very well, your campaign sidney blumenthal, another real winner that you have and he s the one that got this started along with your campaign manager and they were on television just two weeks ago, she was, saying exactly that. so, you really owe him an apology. you re the one that sent the pictures around your campaign. sent the pictures around with president obama, long before i was involved. number two, michelle obama. i ve gotten to see the commercials that they did on you. and i ve gotten to see some of the most vicious commercials i ve ever seen of michelle obama talking about you, hillary. so, you talk about friend, go back and take a look at those commercials.
a race where you lost fair and square. unlike the bernie sanders race, where you won, but not fair and square, in my opinion. all you have to do is take a look at wick ki leaks and see what they say about sanders and see what wasserman schultz had in mind. never had a chance. i was so surprised to see him sign on with the devil, but when you talk about apology, i think the one you should really be apologizing for and this thing you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted and that you acid washed and then the two boxes of e-mails and other things last week taken from an office and are now missing. i ll tell you whark i didn t think i d say this and i m going to say it and hate to say its. if i win, i m going to instruct the attorney general to get a
special prosecutor to look into your situation because there s never been so many lies, so much deception. never been anything like it and we re going to have a special prosecutor. when i speak, i go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. in my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the fbi are furious. there has never been anything like this, where e-mails and you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena, you delete 33,000 e-mails and then acid watch them or bleach them. a very expensive process, so we re going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one fifth of what you ve done. and it s a disgrace and honestly, you ought to be ashamed. let me just talk abts e-mails because everything he just said is absolutely false. but i m not surprised.
and the first debate, and the audience needs to calm down here. i told people it would be impossible be fact checking dolgd all the the time. i d never get to talk about anything i want to do or how we re going to make lives better for people. so go to hillary you can fact check him in realtime, last time at the first debate, we had millions of people fact checking, so expect we ll have millions more fact checking. it s just awfully good that someone with the temperment of donald trump is not in charnlg of the law of our country. because you d be in jail. we want to remind the audience to please not talk out loud. please do not applaud. you re just wasting time. you ve said your handing of
your e-mails was a mistake. you disagreed with james comey, calling it quote extremely careless. the fbi said there were 110 e-mails. eight of which were top secret and it was possible hostile actors did gain access. you don t call that extremely careless? i ll repeat it because i want everyone to hear it. that was a mistake and i take responsibility. for using a personal e-mail account. obviously, if i were to do it over again, i would not. i m not making any excuses. it was a mistake. and i am very sorry about that. but i think it s also important to point out where there are some misleading accusations from critics and others. after a year long investigation, there is no evidence that anyone hacked the server i was using
and no evidence that anyone can point to at all anyone who says otherwise has no basis. that any classified material ended up in the wrong hands. i take classified materials very soorsly and always have when i was on the senate armed services committee, i was privy to a lot of classified material. obviously, as secretary of state, i had some of the most important secrets that we possess such as going after bin laden so i am very committed to taking classified information seriously. there is no evidence that any classified information ended up in the wrong hands. and yet, she didn t know the word the letter c on a document. right? she didn t even know what that letter meant. you know, it s amazing. i m watching hillary go over facts.
and she s going after fact after fact and lying again. because she said she you know, what she dwid the e-mail was fine. you think it was fine? i don t think so. she said that 33,000 e-mails had to do with her daughter s wedding, number one and a yoga class. maybe we ll give three or four or five. 33,000 e-mails deleted and now, she s saying there wasn t anything wrong more importantly, that was after getting the subpoena. got it from the united states congress and i ll p honest, i am so disappointed in congressmen. including republicans. for allowing this to happen. our justice department, where our husband goes on to the back of a plane for 39 minutes, talks to the attorney general, days before a ruling is going to be made on her case, but for you to say that there was nothing wrong with you deleting 39,000 e-mails, again, you should be ashamed of yourself. what you did and this is after
getting a subpoena from the united states congress. we have to move on. secretary clinton, you can respond. we want to give the audience a chance here. let alone after getting a subpoena from the united states government. clinton, you can respond. we have to move on to an audience question. look, it s just not true, so please you didn t delete them? allow her to respond, please. 33,000. not, well, we turned over 35 thourk, so what about the other 15,000? please allow her to respond. she didn t talk while you talked. yes, that s true, i didn t. in the first debate and i m going to try not to in this debate because i d like to get to the questions. get off this question. okay, donlgd, i know you re into big diversion tonight, anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it s exploding and the way republicans are leaving you. see what happens the issues that people care about tonight.
we have a question from ken. about hello care. i d like to know why aren t you bringing up the e-mails? it hasn t been finished. ken has a question. nice to one on three. thank you. affordable care act known as obamacare, it is not affordable. premiums have gone up. deductibles have gone up. copays have gone up. prescriptions have gone up and the coverage has gone down. what will you do to bring the cost down, and make coverage better? that first one goes to secretary clinton because you started out the last one to the audience. he wants to start. he can start. go ahead, donald. no, i m a gentlemen, go ahead. secretary clinton. zpl well, i think he was abt to say he s going to solve it by repealing it and getting rid of the affordable care act and i m
going to fix it. because i agree with you. premiums have gotten too high. copay, deductibles, prims drug costs and i ve laid out a series of anchors we can take to try to get thoez coses down. here s what i don t want people to forget when we talk about rainging in the cost. when the affordable care act passeded, it wasn t just a tha 20 million got insurance who didn t have it before. that was a good thing. i meet these people all the time and they tell in what a difference it meant having that. but efrk else, the 170 million of of us who goat get insurance through our employees, got big benefits. number one, insurance companies can t deny you coverage because of a preexisting condition. number two, no lifetime limits. which is a big deal in you have serious hello problems. number three, women can t be
charged more than men for health insurance, which is the way it used to be. number four, if you re under 26, and your parents have a policy, you can be on at policy until the 26. so i want very much to save what works and is good about the affordable care act, but we ve got to get costs down. we ve got to provide additional help to small businesses. to know that they can afford to provide health insurance. but if we repeal it as donald has proposed and start over again, all of those benefits are lost to everybody. not just people who get their health insurance on the exchange. and then we would have to start all over again. right now, we are at 90% health insurance coverage. that s highest we ve ever been in our country. zpl your time s aup. i want us to get 100% and keep costs down and quality up.
you have two minutes. it is such a great question and maybe the question i get almost more than anything else. outside of defense. obamacare is a disaster. you know it. we all know it. it s going up at numbers that nobody s seen worldwide. nobody s ever seen numbers like this for health care. only gets worse. in 17, implodes by itself. their method of fixing it is to go back and ask congress for more and more money. we have almost $20 trillion in debt. obamacare will never work. it s very bad. very bad health insurance. far too expensive. and not only expensive for the person that has it, unbelievably expensive for our country. one of the biggest line items very shortly. we have to repeal it. and replace it. with something absolutely much less expensive. and something that works.
where your plan can actually be tailored. we have to get rid of the lains around the state. artificial lines, where we stop insurance companies from coming in and competing because they want and president obama and whoever was working on it, they want to leave those lines because that gives the insurance companies essentially monopolies. we want competition. you ll have the finest health care plan there is. she wants to go to a single payer plan, which would be a disaster. somewhat similar to canada. if you ve noticed the canadians, when they need a big operation, they come into the united states in many cases, because their system is so slow. it s catastrophic in certain ways. but she wants to go to single payer, which means the government basically rules everything. hillary clinton has been after this for years. obamacare was the fist step. obamacare is a total zas e and not only are your rates going up by numbers nobody s believed,
but your deductibles are going up so unless you get hit be by a truck, you re never going to be able to use it. it is a disastrous plan and has to be repealed. and replaced. your husband called obamacare quote, the craziest thing in the world. small business owners are getting killed, coverage is cut in half. was he mistaken or simply telling the truth. he claire iffed and it s clear. look, we are in a situation in our country, where if we were to startal over again, we might come up with a different system. but we have an employer based system. that s where the vast majority of people get their health care. and the affordable care act was meant to try to fill the gap between people who were too poor and couldn t put together any resources to afford health care, namely, people on medicaid. obviously, medicare, which is a single payer system. which takes care of our eilidh rly and does a great job doing
it, by the way, aend then all of the people who were employeed. but people who were working, but didn t have the money to afford insurance and didn t have anybody, an employer, anybody else to help them. that was the slot that the obama care approach was to take. and like i say, 20 million people now have health insurance. so, if we just rip it up and throw it away, what donald s not telling you is we just turn it back to the insurance companies the way it used to be and that means the insurance companies get to do pretty much whatever they want, including saying look, sorry, you ve got die beat, you had cancer, your child hads asthma. you may not be able to have insurance because you can t afford it, so let s fix what s broken about it, but let s not throw it away and give it back to the insurance companies. that s not going to work. mr. trump first of all, hillary, everything s broken about it. everything. number two, bernie sanders said hillary clinton has very bad judgment.
this is a perfect example of it. mr., you ve said you want to end obamacare and make coverage accessible for people with preexisting conditions. how do you force insurance companies to do that if you re no longer mandating what does that mean? i ll tell you. you re going to have plans that are so good because we re going to have some competition. once we break out the lines and allow the competition to come. are you going to have a mandate that americans have to have health insurance? president obama by keeping those ryan lines and it was almost gone until just right toward the end of the passage of obamacare, which was a froud. you know that, because jonathan grouper, the architect of obamacare, said it was a great lie. it was big lie. president obama said you keep your plan, the whole thing was a froud and it doesn t work. when we get rid of those lines,
you have competition and we ll be able to keep preexisting and help people that can t get, don t have money because we are going to have people protected. and republicans feel this way. believe it or not and strongly this way. we re going to block grant. into the states. block grant into medicaid. so we will be able to take care of people without the necessary funds to take care of themselves. thank you. now a question for both candidates. there are 3.3 muslims in the united states and i m one of them. you ve mentioned working with muslim nations, but with islamophobia on the rise, how will you help people like me deal with the consequences of being a threat to the country after the election is over. mr. trump. you re right about islamophobia and that s a shape. one thing we have to do is we have to make sure that because
there is a problem. whether we like it or not and we could be very politically correct, but whether we like it or not, there is a problem and we have to be sure that muslims come in and report when they see something going on. when they see hatred going op, they have to report it. in san bernardino, many people saw the bombs all over the apartment of the two people that killed 14 and wounded many, many people. horribly wounded. never be the same. muslims have to report the problems when they see them. and you know, there s always a reason for everything. if they don t do that, it s a very difficult situation for our country because you look at orlando. and you look at san bernardino and the world trade center. look at paris. the horrible, these are radical islamic terrorists. and she won t even mention the word and nor will president obama. he won t use the term radical islamic terrorism.
now, to solve the problem, you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least say the name. she won t say the name and president obama won t say the name. but the name is there. it s radical islamic terror and before you solve it, you have to say the name. secretary clinton. thank you for asking. your question and i ve heard this question from a lot of muslim americans across u our country. because unfortunately, there s been a lot of very devicive, dark things said about muslims. and even someone like the young man who sacrificed himself defending our country from the united states army has been subject to attack by donald. i want to say just a couple of things. first, we ve had muslims in america since george washington. and we ve had many successful muslims.
we just lost a particular well-known one with mohammed ali. my vision of america is an america where everyone has a place. if you re willing to work hard, you do your part, you contribute to the community. that s what america is. that s what we want america to be for our children and grandchildren. it s also very short sided and even dangerous. to be engaging in the kind of rhetoric that donald has about muslims. we need american muslims to be part of our eyes and ears on our front lines. i ve worked with a lot of different muslim groups around america. i ve met with a lot of them an heard how important it is for them to feel they are wanted and included and part of our country, part of our homeland security and that s what i want to see. it s also important i intend to defeat isis. to do so, in a coalition with majority muslim nations.
right now, a lot of those nations are hearing what dolgd says and wondering why should we cooperate with the americans and this is a gift to isis and the terrorists. violent jihadist terrorist. we are not at war with islam. and it is a mistake and it plays into the hands of the terrorists to act as though we are. so, i want a country where citizens like you and your family are just as welcome as anyone else. thank you, secretary clinton. mr. trump, in december, you said this. donald j. trump is call for a total an complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until we can figure out what the hell is going on. we have no choice. we have no choice. your running mate said this week that the muslim ban position. is that correct? and if it is, was it a mistake to have a religious test?
first of all, captain kahn is an american hero and if i were president at this time, he would be alive today because unlike her, who voted for the war without knowing what she was doing, i would not have had our people in iraq. iraq was disaster. so, he would have been alive today. the muslim ban is something that in some form has morphed into a extreme vetting. from certain areas of the world. hillary clinton wants to allow and why did it morph into that? answer the question. do you still believe i do. why don t you interrupt her? would you please ek plain whether or not the ban still stands? it s called extreme vetting. we are going to areas like syria. where they re coming in by the tens of thousands because of barack obama. and hillary clinton wants to
allow a 550% increase over obama. people are coming into our country like we have no idea who they are. where they are from. what their feeling about our country is and she wants 550% more. this is going to be the great trojan horse of all time. i believe in building safe zones, in having other people pay for them as an example, the gulf states who are not carrying their weight, but have nothing but money, and take care of peechl but i don t want to have with all t problems this country has and all of the problems that you see going on, hundreds of thousands of people coming in from syria when we know nothing about them. we know nothing about their values and we know nothing about their love for our country. and secretary clinton, let me ask you about that. because you have asked for an increase from ten to 65,000 syrian refugees. we know you want tougher vetting. that s not a perfect system.
so, why take the risk of having those refugees come in to the country? first of all, i will not let anyone into our country that i think poses a risk to us. but there are a lot of refugees, women and children, think of that picture we all saw of that 4-year-old boy with the blood on his forehead because he had been bombed by the russian and syrian air forces. there are children suffering in this catastrophic war. largely i believe because of russian aggression. and we need to do our part. we by no means are carrying anywhere near the load that europe and others are. but we will have vetting that is as tough as it needs to be from our professionals, our intelligence experts and others. but it is important for us as a policy, you know, not to say as
donald has said, we re going to ban people based on a religion. how do you do that? we are a country founded on religious freedom and liberty. how do we do what he has advocated without causing great distress within our own county truchl are we going to have religious tests? when people fly into our country? and how do we expect to be able to implement those? so, i thought that what he said was extremely unwise. and even dangerous. and indeed, you can look at the problem began da on a lot of the terrorists sites and what donald trump says about muslims is used to recruit fighters. because they want to create a war between us. and the final thing i would say, this is the tenth or 12th he s denied being for the war in iraq.
we have it on tape. the entire press. she just went about 25 second over her time. could i just respond to this, please? very quickly, please. hillary clinton in terms of having people come into our country, we have many criminal illegal aliens, when we want to send them back to their country, their country says we don t want them. in some cases, they re murders and they don t want them. hillary clinton, when she was secretary of state, said that s okay, we can t force it. let me tell you, i m going to force them right back into their country. their murderers and some very bad people. when bernie sanders said she had bad judgment, she has really bad
judgment because we are letting people into this country that are going to cause problems and crime like you ve never seen. we re letting drugs pour through our southern border at a record clip and it shouldn t be allowed to happen. i.c.e. just endorsed me. 16,500 just endorsed me and they endorsed me because i understand the border. she doesn t. she wants amnesty for everybody. come right in. come right over. it s a horrible thing she s doing. she s got bad judgment. and honestly, so bad that she should never be president of the united states. that, i can tell you. i want to move op. this next question from the public through the bipartisan open debate, where americans submitted questions that generated millions of votes. it violas reported excerpts of secretary clinton s paid
speeches, which she has refused to release and one line, in which you say you need both a public and private position on certain issues. so, two, from virginia asks is it okay for politicians to be two faced. is it acceptable for a politician to have a private stance. right, as i recall, that was something i said about abraham link pen and after having seen the wonderful steven spielberg movie called lincoln. it was a master class watching president lincoln get the congress to approve the 13th amend. it was principled and strategic. i was making the point that it is hard sometimes to get the congress to do what you want to
do. to keep working at it. and yes, president lincoln was trying to quoins convince some people to use some arguments. that was a great i thought a great display of presidential leadership. but you know, let s talk about what s really going on because what s really going on because our intelligence community said the kremlin, meaning putin and the russian government, our directing the attacks, the hacking, on american accounts to influence our election. other sites, where the russians hack information. we don t know if it s accurate information an then they put it out. we have never in the history of our country been in a situation where an adversary, a foreign
power, is working so hard to influence the outcome of the election. and believe me, they re not doing it to get elected. they re doing it to try to influence the election for donald trump. now, maybe because he has praised putin, maybe because he says he agrees with a lot of what putin wants to do, maybe because he wants to do business in moscow, i don t know the reasons. but we deserve answers. we should demand that will donald release all of his tax returns so that people can see what are the entanglements and the financial relationships. we re going to get to that later. secretary, clinton, you re out of time. i think i should respond because so ridiculous. now she s blaming she got caught in a total lie. her papers later. things wikileaks that just came out. she lied. now she s blaming the lie on the late great abe lap lincoln.
that s one that i haven t okay, honest abe never lied. that s the good thing. that s the big difference between abraham lincoln and you. that s a big, big difference we re talking about some difference. but as far as other elements of what she was saying, i don t know putin. i think it would be great if we got along with russia because we could fight isis together as an example. but i don t know putin. i notice anytime anything wrong happens, they like to say the russians she doesn t know if it s the russians doing the hacking. maybe there is no hacking. but they always blame russia and the reason is because they think they re trying to tarnish me with russia. i know about russia but i know nothing about the inner workings of russia. i have no businesses. i have no loans from russia. i have a very, very great balance sheet, so great when i did the old post office on pennsylvania avenue, the united states government, because of my balance sheet which they actually know very well, chose me to do the old post office
between the white house and congress, chose me to do the old post office. one of the primary area things, perhaps the primary thing was balance sheet. but i have no loans with russia. you could go to the united states government and they would probably tell you that because they know my sheet very well in order to get that development. i had to have. now thetachs are very simple thing. first of all, i pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. many of her friends took bigger deductions, warren buffett took a massive desuction, soros took a massive desuction. many of the people giving her all this money that she can do many more commercials from me took massive deductions. i pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes, about you, but as soon as my re routine audit is finished i ll release my returns. we have a question from spencer moss.
spencer? good evening. my question is, what specific tax provisions will you change to insure the wealthiest americans pay their fair share intachs oo. one thing i would do is get rid of carried interest. one of the greatest provisions for people like me, i give up a lot when i run because i knock out the tax code. she could have done this be years ago. she s a she was a united states senator. she complains that donald trump took advantage of the tax code. well, why didn t she changing it? why didn t you change it when you were a senator? the reason you didn t is all your friends take the same advantage that i do. you have provisions in the tax code that frankly we could change. but you wouldn t change it because all of these people give you the money so you can take negative ads on donald trump. but and i say that about a lot of things. i ve heard hillary complaining about so many different things over the years. i wish you would have done this. for 30 years, she s been doing this stuff.
she never changed and she never will change. we re getting rid of carried interest provisions. i m lowering taxes actually because i think it s so important for corporations because we have corporations leaving massive corporations and little ones, little ones can t form. we re getting rid of regulations which goes hand in hand with the lowering of the taxes. we re bringing the tax rate down from 35% to 15%. we re cuttingtachs for the middle class. i will tell you we are cutting them big league for the middle class. i will tell you, hillary clinton is raising your taxes, folks. you can look at me. she s raising your taxes really high. and what that s going to do is a disaster for the country. but she is raising your taxes and i m lowering your taxes. that in itself is a big difference. we are going to be thriving again. we have no growth in this country. if china has a gdp of 7%, it s like a national catastrophe. we re down to 1%.
and that s like no growth. we re going lower in my opinion. and a lot of it has to do with the fact that our taxes are so high. just about the highest in the world. and i m bringing them down to one of the lower in the world. and i think it s so important, one of the most important things we can do. but she is raising everybody s taxes massively. secretary clinton, you have two minutes. the question is, what specific tax provisions will you change to ensure the wealthiest americans pay their fair share of taxes. well, everything you ve heard everywhere donald just now is not true. i m sorry i have to keep saying this, but he lives in an alternative reality. it is sort of amusing to hear somebody who hasn t paid federal income taxes in maybe 20 years talking about what he s going to do. i ll tell you what he s going to do. his plan will give the wealthy and corporations the biggest tax cuts they ve ever had. more than the bush tax cuts by at least a factor of two. donald always takes care of donald and people like donald and this would be a massive
gift. and indeed, the way that he talks about his tax cuts would end up raising taxes on middle class families, millions of middle class families. here s what i want to do. i have said nobody who makes less than $250,000 a year, and that s the vast majority of americans as you know, will have their taxes raised because we ve got to go where the money is. the money is with people who have taken advantage of every single break in the tax code. yes, when i was a senator, i did vote to close corporate loopholes. i voted to close, i think one of the loopholes he took advantage of when he claimed a billion dollar loss that enabled him to avoid paying taxes. i want to have a tax on people who are making a million dollars called the buffett rule. yes, warren buffett has gone out and said somebody like him should not be paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. i want a surcharge on income above $5 million.
i want to invest in you. i want to invest in hard-working families. i think it s been unfortunate but it s happened since the great recession, the gains have all gone to the top. we need to reverse that. people like donald who paid zero in taxes, zero for our vets, zero for our military, zero r health and education, that is wrong. and we re going to make sure that nobody, no corporation, and no individual can get away without paying his fair share to support our country. mr. trump, i want to give you the chance to respond. i want to tell viewers. in the last month,tachs were the number one issue on facebook for the first time in the campaign. the new york times published three pages of your 1995 tax returns. you claimed a $916 million loss which means you could have avoided paying personal income taxes for years. you said you pay property taxes, real estate taxes.
you have not answered a simple question. did you use the loss to avoid paying personal federal income taxes? of course i do. so do all of her donors or most of her donors. i know many of her donors. they took massive tax write-offs. have you paid personal federal tax? a lot of my write-off was depreciation and that hillary as a senator allowed. the people that give her all this money want it. i understand it the tax code better than anybody that s run for president. hillary clinton, it s extremeply complex. hockey has friends that want the carried interest provision which is very important to wall street people. but they really want the carried interest provision. which i believe hillary s leaving. very interesting why she s leaving carried interest. number one, i pay tremendous numbers of taxes. i absolutely used it. so did warren buffett and so did george soros and so did many of
the other people that hillary is getting money from. now, i won t mention their names because they re rich but they re not famous. we don t make them famous. can you say how many years you have avoided paying personal federal income taxes? no, but i pay tax and pay federal tax, too. i have a write-off, a lot of it is depreciation. it s a wonderful charge. if she had a problem for 30 years, she s been doing this, anderson. i say it all the time. she talks about health care. why didn t she do something about it? she talks about taxes. she doesn t do anything about anything other than talk. with her, it s all talk and no action. in the past. and again, bernie sanders, it s really bad judgment. she has made bad judgment not only on taxes, she s made bad judgments on libya, on syria. on iraq. i mean, her and obama, whether you like it or not, the way they
got out of iraq, the vacuum they ve left, that s why isis formed in the first place. they started from that little area and now they re in 32 different nations, hillary. congratulations. great job. i want you to be able to respond, secretary clinton. well, here we go again. i ve been in favor of getting rid of carried interest for years. starting when i was a senator from new york. but that s not the point here. why didn t you do it? why didn t you do it. because i was a senator with a republican president. i will be the president. you could have done it if you were an effective that s exactly right. if you were an effective senator, could you have done it. but you were not an effective senator. please allow her to respond. she didn t interrupt you. under our constitution, presidents have something called veto power. look, he has now said repeatedly 30 years this and 30 years that. so let me talk about my 30 years in public service. i m very glad to do so. 8 million kids, every year, have
health insurance because when i was first lady, i worked with democrats and republicans to create the children s health insurance program. hundreds of thousands of kids now have a chance to be adopted because i worked to change our adoption and foster care system. after 9/11, i went to work with republican mayor, governor and president to rebuild new york and to get health care for our first responders who were suffering because they had run toward danger and gotten sickened by it. hundreds of thousands of national guard and reserve members have health care because of work that i did. and children vsh safer medicines because i was able to pass a law that required the dosing to be more carefully done. when i was secretary of state, i went around the world advocating for our country but also advocating for women s rights to make sure that women had a decent chance to have a better life. and negotiated a treaty with
russia to lower nuclear weapons. 400 pieces of legislation have my name on it as a sponsor or cosponsor when i was a senator for eight years. i worked very hard and was very proud to be re-elected in new york by an even bigger margin than i had been elected the first time. and as president, i will take that work, that bipartisan work, that finding common ground because you have to be able to get along with people to get things done in washington. thank you, secretary. i ve proven that i can and for 30 years, i ve produced results for people. thank you, secretary. we re going to move on to syria. both of you have mentioned that. she said a lot of things that were false. i think we should be allowed. mr. trump, this is about the audience. she s been a disaster as a senator. we re going to move on. the heart breaking video of a 5-year-old syrian boy sitting in an ambulance after being pulled from the rubble after an air striking in aleppo focused the world s attention on the horrors
of the war in syria with 136 million views of on facebook alone. but there are much worsives coming out of aleppo every day now where in the past few weeks alone, 400 people have been killed, at least 100 of them children. days ago, the state department called for a war crimes investigation of the syrian regime of bashar al assad and russia for their bombardment of aleppo. this next question comes through social media through facebook. diane from pennsylvania asks, if you were president what would you do about syria and the humanitarian crisis in aleppo? isn t it a lot like the holocaust when the u.s. waited too long before we helped? secretary clinton, we ll begin with your two minutes. well, the situation in syria is catastrophic. and every day that goes by, we see the results of the regime by as sad in partnership with the iranians on the grounds, the
russians in the air bombarding places in particular aleppo where there are hundreds of thousands of people probably about 250,000 still left. and there is a determined effort by the russian air force to destroy aleppo in order to eliminate the last of the syrian rebels who are really holding out against the assad regime. russia hasn t paid any attention to isis. they re interested in keeping assad in power. so i when i was secretary of state, advocated and i advocate today a no-fly zone and safe zones. we need to some leverage with the russians because they are not going to come to the negotiating table for a diplomatic resolution unless there is some leverage over them. and we have to work more closely with our partners and allies on the ground.
but i want to emphasize that what is at stake here is the ambitions and the aggressiveness of russia. russia has decided that it s all in in syria. and they ve also decided who they want to see become president of the united states too, and it s not me. i ve stood up to russia. i ve taken on putin and others and i would do that as president. i think wherever we can cooperate with russia, that s fine. and i did as secretary of state. that s how we got a treaty reducing nuclear weapons. it s how we got the sanctions on iran that put a lid on the iranian nuclear program without firing a single shot. so i would go to the negotiating table with more leverage than we have now but i do support the effort to investigate for crimes, war crimes committed by the syrians and the russians and try to hold them accountable. thank you, secretary clinton. first of all, she s there
with the so-called line in the sand which. no, i wasn t. i was gone. i hate to interrupt you but at some point we needed to do some fact checking. you were in contact with the white house and perhaps sadly, obama probably still listened to you. i don t think he would listen to you very much anymore. obama draws the line in the sand. it was laughed at all over the world what happened. now, with that being said, she talks tough against russia. but our nuclear program has fallen way behind and they ve gone wild with their nuclear program. not good. our government shouldn t have allowed that to happen. russia is new in terms of nuclear. we are old. we re tired. we re exhausted in terms of nuclear. a very bad thing. she talks tough, she talks really tough against putin. and against assad. she talks in favor of the rebels. she doesn t even know who they are. every time we take rebels, whether it s in iraq or anywhere
else, we re arming people, and you know what happens? they end up being worse than the people. look what she did in libya with gadhafi. gadhafi s out. it s a mess. isis has a good clunk of their oil. i m sure you probably have heard that. it was a disaster. the fact is almost everything she s done in foreign policy has been a mistake and it s been a disaster. but if you look at russia, just take a look at russia, and look at what they did this week where i agree, she wasn t there but possibly she s consulted. we sign a peace treaty. everyone s excited. what russia did with assad and with iran who you made very powerful with the dumbest deal i ve ever seen, the iran deal with the $1.7 billion in cash which is enough to fill up this room. but look at adil. iran now and russia are now against us. so she wants to fight. she wants to fight for rebels. there s only one problem. you don t even know who the
rebels are. mr. trump it, your two minutes is up. one thing i have to say. i don t like assad at all but assad is killing isis. russia is killing isis. and iran is killing isis. and those three have now lined up because of our weak foreign policy. mr. trump, let me repeat the question. if you were president, what would you do about syria and the humanitarian crisis in aleppo? i want to remind you what your running mate said. he said prove vocations by russia need to be met with american strength and if russia continues to be involved in air strikes along with the syrian government forces of assad, the united states of america should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets of the assad regime. okay. he and i haven t spoken and i disagree. you disagree with your running mate. right now, syria is fighting isis.
we have people that want to fight both at the same time. but syria is no longer syria. syria is russia and iran who she made strong and kerry and obama made into a very powerful nation and very rich nation, very, very quickly. very, very quickly. i believe we have to get isis. we have to worry about isis before we can get too much more involved. she had a chance to do something with syria. they had a chance. that was the line. what do you think will happen if aleppo falls. it is a disaster. what do you think will happen if it falls? i think it basically has fallen. let me tell you something. you take a look at mosul. the biggest problem i have with the stupidity of our foreign policy, we have mosul. we have flouncements coming out of washington and iraq, we will be attacking mosul in three or four weeks. all of these bad leaders from isis are leaving mosul. why can t they do it quietly.
why can t they do the attack, make it a sneak attack and after the attack is made, inform the american public that we ve knocked out the leaders, we ve had a tremendous success. people leave. why do they have to say we re going to be attacking mosul within the next four to six weeks which is what they re saying. how stupid is our country. there are sometimes reasons the military does that. psychological warfare. i can t think of any. i m pretty good at it. we have general flynn. i have 200 generals and admiral who s endorse me. i have 21 congressional medal of honor recipients who endorse me. we talk about it all the time. they understand, why can t they do something secretively where they go in and they knock out the leadership. how why would these people stay there? i ve been reading now. tell me what your strategy is. for weeks about mosul, it s the harbor between raqqah and mosul, this is where they think
the isis leaders would be. they re gone. because everybody s talking about how iraq which is us with our leadership goes into fight mosul. now, with these 200 admirals and generals, they can t believe it. all i say is this. general george patton, general douglas mcauthur are spinning in their grave as the stupidity of what we re doing in the middle east. secretary clinton, you want assad to go. you advocated arming rebels. it looks like that may be too late for aleppo. you talk about diplomatic efforts. those have failed. cease fires have failed. would you introduce the threat of u.s. military force beyond a no-fly zone against the assad regime to back up diplomacy? i would not use american ground forces in syria. i think that would be a very serious mistake. i don t think american troops should be holding territory
which is what they would have to do as an occupying force. i don t think that is a smart strategy. i do think the use of special forces which we re using, the use of enablers and trainers in iraq which has had some positive effects are very much in our interests and so i do support what is happening, but let me just. what would you do differently than president obama is doing? martha, i hope by the time everything. i hope by the time i am president, that we will have pushed isis out of iraq. i do think that there is a good chance that we can take mosul. and you know, donald says he knows more about isis than the generals. no, he doesn t. there are a lot of very important planning going on and some of it is to signal to the sunnis in the area as well as kurdish peshmerga fighters that we all need to be in this.
that takes a lot of planning and preparation. i would go after baghdadi. i would specifically target baghdadi because i think our targeting of al qaeda leaders and i was involved in a lot of the those operations, highly classified ones, made a difference. that could help. i would also consider arming the kurds. the kurds have been our best partners in syria as well as iraq. and i know there s a lot of concern about that in some circles but i think they should have the equipment they need so that kurdish and arab fighters on the ground are the principal way that we take raqqah after pushing isis out of iraq. thank you very much. it s funny she went over a minute over and you don t stop her. when i go one second over you have many answers. it s very interesting. a question from james carter. mr. carter?
my question is, do you believe you can be a devoted president to all the people in the united states? that question begins for mr. trump. absolutely. i mean, she calls our people deplorable. a large group and irredeemable. i will be a president for all of our people. and i ll be a president that will turn our inner cities around and will give strength to people and will give economics to people and will bring jobs back because nafta signed by her husband is perhaps the greatest disaster trade deal in the history of the world. not in this country. it stripped us of manufacturing jobs. we lost our jobs. we lost our money. we lost our plants. it is a disaster. now she wants to sign tpp even though now she says she s for it. she called it the gold standard.
she lied. it turned out she did say the gold standard and she said she didn t say it. they actually said that she lied and she lied. but she s lied about a lot of things. i would be a president for all of the people. african-americans, the inner cities. devastating what s happening to our inner cities. she s been talking about it for years. as usual, she talks about it, nothing happens. she doesn t get it done. same with the latino americans. the hispanic americans. the same exact thing. they talk, they don t get it done. you go into the inner cities and you see it s 45% poverty. african-americans now 45% poverty in the inner cities. the education is a disaster. jobs are essentially nonexistent. i mean, it s you know, and i ve been saying big speeches where i have 20,000 and 30,000 people, what do you have to lose? it can t get any worse.
she s been talking about the inner cities for 25 years. nothing s going to ever happen. let me tell you, if she s president of the united states, nothing s going to happen. it s going to be talk. all of her friends the taxes we were talking about, and i would just get it by osmosis. she s not doing me any favors. by doing all the others favors, she s doing me favors. she s all talk. it doesn t get done. look at her senate run, take a look at upstate new york. your two minutes is up. you have two minutes, secretary clinton. well, 67% of the people voted to re-elect me when i ran for my second term. and i was very proud and very humbled by that. mr. carter, i have tried my entire life to do what i can to support children and families. you know, right out of law school, i went to work for the children s defense fund. donald talks a lot about you know, the 30 years i ve been in public service.
i m proud of that. you know, i started off as a young lawyer working against discrimination against african-american children in schools and in the criminal justice system. i worked to make sure that kids with disabilities could get a public education. something that i care very much about. i have worked with latinos, one of my first jobs in politics was down in south texas registering latino citizens to be able to vote. so i have a deep devotion to use your absolutely correct word. to making sure that an every american feels like he or she has a place in our country. and i think when you look at the letters that i get, a lot of people are worried that maybe they wouldn t have a place in donald trump s america. they write me and one woman wrote me about her son felix. she adopted him from ethiopia. he s 10 years old now.
this is the only one country he s known. he listens to donald on tv and said to miss mother, will he send me back to ethiopia if he gets elected. children liston what is being said, to go back to the very, very first question. and there s a lot of fear in fact, teachers and parents are calling it the trump effect. bull ying is up. a lot of people are feeling uneasy, a lot of kids are expressing their concerns. so first and foremost, i will do everything i can to reach out to everybody. democrats, republicans, independents, people across our country. if you don t vote for me, i still want to be your president. i want to be the best president i can be for every american. your two minutes is up. i want to follow up on something donald trump actually said to you, a comment you made last month. you said that half his supporters are deplorables, racist, xenophobic, islammophobic. you later said you regretted saying half. you didn t express regret for using the term deplorables.
how can you unite a country if you ve written off tens of millions of americans. within hours i said i was sorry about the way i talked about that. my argument is not with his supporters. it s with him and with the hateful and divisive campaign he has run and the inciting of violence at his rallies and the very brutal kinds of comments about not just women, but all-americans. all kinds of americans. and what he has said about african-americans and latinos, about muslims, about p.o.w.s, about immigrants, about people with disabilities, he s never apologized for. and so, i do think that a lot of the tone and tenor that he has said, i m proud of the campaign that bernie sanders and i ran. we ran a campaign based on issues, not insults. he is supporting me 100%. thank you.
because we talked about what we wanted to do. we might have had some differences and we had a lot of debates but we believed that we could make the country better. i was proud of that. i give you a minute. we have a divided nation. we have a very divided nation. you look at charlotte. you look at baltimore. you look at the violence that s taking place in the inner cities, chicago, you take a look at washington, d.c. we have an increases in murder within our cities. the biggest in 45 years. we have a divided nation because people like her, and believe me, she has tremendous hate in her heart. and when she said deplorables, she meant it. and when she said irredeemable, they re irredeemable, you didn t mention that, but when she said they re irredeemable, that might have even been worse. she said some of them. she s got tremendous hatred. and this country cannot take another four years of barack obama and that s what you re getting with h.
mr. trump, let me follow up with you. in 2008, wrote in one of your books the most important characteristic of a good leader is discipline. you said if a leader doesn t have it he or she won t be one for very long. in the days after the first debate, you sent out a series of tweets from 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. including one that told people to check out a sex tape. is that discipline. it was just take a look at the person she built up to be this wonderful girl scout who was no girl scout. just so you understand, when she said 3:00 in the morning, take a look at benghazi. she said who is going to answer it the call at 3:00 in the morning. guess what, she didn t answer because when ambassador stevens. the question is, is that the discipline of a good leader. 600 times. she said she was awake at 3:00 in the morning and she also sent a tweet out at 3:00 in the morning. she said she ll be awake. guess what happened. ambassador stevens, ambassador stevens sent 600 requests for help.
and the only one she talked to was sidney blumenthal who is her friend and not a good guy by the way. so you know, she shouldn t be talking about that. now, it tweeting happens to be a modern day form of communication. i mean, you can like it or not like it. i have between facebook and twitter, i have almost 25 million people. it s a very effective wa communication. so you can put it down, but it is a very effective form of communication. i m not unproud of it to be honest with you. secretary clinton, does mr. trump have the discipline to be a good leader no. i m shocked to hear that. well, it s not only my opinion. it s the opinion of many others. national security experts, republicans, former republican members of congress. but it s in part because those of us who have had the great privilege of seeing this job up close and know how difficult it is and it s not just because i
watched my husband take a $300 billion deficit and turn it into a $200 billion surplus and 23 million new jobs were created and incomes went up for everybody. everybody. african-american incomes went up 33%. and it s not just because i worked with george w. bush after 9/11. and i was very proud that when i told him what the city needed, what we needed to recover, he said you ve got it and he never wavered. he stuck with me. and i have worked and i admire president obama. he inherited the worst financial crisis since the great depression. that was a terrible time for our country. we have to move along. 9 million people lost their jobs. 5 million homes were lost and $13 trillion in family wealth was wiped out. we are back on the right track. he would send us back into recession with his tax plans. secretary clinton, we are moving to an audience question. we re almost out of time. we have the closest growth
since 1929. we re moving on to another question. our country has the slowest growth. we want to get to the audience. thank you very much both of you. we have another audience question. beth miller has a question for both candidates. good evening. perhaps the most important aspect of this election is the supreme court justice. what would you prioritize as the most important aspect of selecting a supreme court justice? we begin with your two minutes, secretary clinton. you re right. this is one of the most important issues in this election. i want to appoint supreme court justices who understand the way the world really works. who have real life experience, who have not just been in a big law firm and maybe clerks for a judge and then gotten on the bench. maybe they tried some more cases. they actually understand what people are up against because i
think the current court has gone in the wrong direction. and so i would want to see the supreme court reverse citizens united. and get dark unaccountable money out of our politics. donald doesn t agree with that. i would like the supreme court to understand that voting rights are still a big problem in many parts of our country. that we don t always do everything we can to making it possible for people of color and older people and young people to be able to exercise their franchise. i want a supreme court that will stick with roe v. wade and a woman s right to choose and i want a supreme court that will stick with marriage equality. now, donald has put forth the names of some people that he would consider. and among the ones that he has suggested are people who would reverse roe versus wade and reverse marriage equality. i think that would be a terrible mistake and would take us backwards. i want a supreme court that doesn t always side with corporate interests.
i want a supreme court that understands because you re wealthy and you can give more money to something doesn t mean you have any more rights than anybody else. so i have very clear views about what i want to see to tend to change the balance on the supreme court, and i regret deeply that the senate has not done its job and they have not permitted a vote on the person that president obama, a highly qualified person, they ve not given him a vote to be able to be have the full complement of nine supreme court justices. i think that was a dereliction of duty. i hope that they will see their way to doing it, but if i am an so fortunate enough as to be president, il immediately lid move to make sure that we fill that. we have nine justices on behalf of our people. you re out of time. mr. trump? justice scalia, great judge. died recently. and we have a vacancy.
i am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of justice scalia. i m looking for judges, and i ve actually picked 20 of them. so that people would see highly respected, highly thought of, and actually very beautifully reviewed by just about everybody. but people that will respect the constitution of the united states. and i think that this is so important. also, the second amendment which is totally under siege by people like hillary clinton. they ll respect the second amendment. and what it stands for, what it represents. so important to me. hillary mentioned something about contributions just so you understand. i will have in my race more than $100 million put in of my money, meaning i m not taking all of this big money from all of these different corporations like she s doing. what i ask is this. i m putting in more by the time it s finished, i ll have more
than $100 million invested. pretty much self-funding. we re raising money for the republican party and we re doing tremendously on the small donations. $61 average or so. i ask hillary, why doesn t she make $250 million by being in office? she used the power of her office to make a lot of money. why isn t she funding not for $100 million but why don t you put $10 million or $20 million or $25 million into your own campaign? it s $30 million less for special interests that will tell you exactly what to do and it would be a nice sign to the american public. why aren t you putting some money in. you ve made a lot of it because of the fact you ve been in office. made a lot of it while you were secretary of state. why aren t you putting money into your own campaign, i m curious. we re going to get on to one more question. the question was about the supreme court. i want to quickly say, i respect the second amendment. but i believe there should be comprehensive background
collection and we should close the gun show loophole and closs the online loophole. we have one more question, mrs. clinton. we have one more question from ken bone about energy policy. ken? what steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs? while at the same time, reminding environmentally friendly and minimizing it job loss for fossil power plant workers? mr. trump. i think it s such a great question because energy is under siege by the obama administration. under absolutely siege. the epa, environmental protection agency, is killing these energy companies. and foreign companies are now coming in buying our buying so many of our different plants and then rejigering the plant so that they can take care of their oil. we are killing, absolutely killing our energy business in this country. i m all for alternative forms of energy including wind, including

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