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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20150706

after all those negotiations. reporter: well, this is the reason he gave in his blog and the statement we got out of the finance ministry following the resignation seems to suggest that the prime minister, tsiprasalexis tsipras felt to go more comfortable going into negotiations without him there. this is the suggestion that the euro group. we know there is a lot of tension between he and a number of the ministers there. and he has taken this route as a way to facilitate to make things easier between greece and its creditors to reach a deal. this comes after the no vote which has really strengthens in some respects or in some people s eyes the position of the government. it has been hailed in mr. varoufakis campaign. they will be sad to see him go. it s a complicated one. varoufakis is someone who is outspoken and popular with a part of the public and unpopular with another part of the greek public. he is a controversial figure. we have seen him getting into all kinds of debates, strong rhetoric exchanged between mr. varoufakis and the german finance minister. so i think this will be seen more as a move of let s go into calmer negotiations and see if we can reach a deal. so some people will be disappointed but i think for others it will open a route to diplomacy in these talks. and elinda the big fear right now is of a grexit. how likely is it that this resignation could be a prerequisite to greece being able to stay in the eurozone? reporter: i think what we re likely to see from the creditors is they will want a more diplomatic approach from greece and a more reconciliatory tone as we go into the next round of talks. it is obviously very difficult to see how this is going to play out simply because greece is going to go into the next round of talks after months and months of negotiations. now they are likely to ask for more concessions and debt release. and it is uncertain whether the creditors will be willing to back down. until we see how the first negotiations are likely to go it will be very difficult to tell how this will play out. elinda just on a practical basis, how are people going to survive over the next few days? as far as the negotiations unfold we ve got the situation where the banks are talking about running out of cash and people are obviously struggling hugely just to meet day-to-day costs. we do have a situation that banks seem to be running out of cash. right behind me you have a queue at an atm and there are queues all around the country. banks have been closed now for a week. all i can say is that it will be difficult. the ecb convenes today to decide what to the with emergency liquidity assistance for greece. this no at the referendum and a strong no which is not what was anticipated, is likely to affect any decision making for greece in the next day or two. and until some decisions are made for greek people it will be very difficult. i mean it s all we can tell at this point. unless you know mr. tsipras really does manage to reach a deal as he has promised in the next 40 hours the situation with the banks will become incredibly different. thank you, elinda. that story from the streets of athens. we want to see how the knockon effect is going to effect the world. the markets are a little lower, how do you read it? it s interesting, max. just as the announcement of varoufakis s resignation came out. we were looking at the realtime indices from asia and they turned around. they are heading back toward positive territory. they are a long way into the negative but the situation was worse. the picture was worse before the resignation news came out. to give you an idea the nikkei because down 2.2, 2.3%. hong kong down 4.5%. it has come back a little bit. but what you see there, max is very much a feeling that the possibility, the likelihood of a grexit of greece leaving the eurozone has increased significantly with that no vote. now, what s interesting is with varoufakis resignation does it then claw back away from the brink, if you like? i mean he was seen certainly by the european authorities, by the troika and central bank and the european commission as someone who they couldn t trust in essence. and that was the problem, that the trust between the two sides had broken down. now he has gone doesn t mean that they will be able to negotiate in better faith with europe when the meetings start tomorrow. certainly, investors as you see there, a little bit of a respite but still there is a lot of skepticism in the markets and the investment community and they are taking a pragmatic view on this. if greece does go they will be prepared for it. obviously, greece wants better negotiating terms. now if the eu does give them a sweeter deal what message does that send to countries like portugal spain, italy, countries riddled with debt? it s an interesting question. that is the nub of this. if greece can get a better deal and essentially, if he called europe s bluff and went to its own people and came back with this resounding no, what is to stop other countries in the grip of tough austerity measures doing the same. portugal spain, italy, ireland will be looking closely now. this is going to be a political decision. this is no longer an economic decision whether greece stays in the eurozone or not. if it is a political decision it may be the beginning of fundamentally altering the relationship between the eurozone partners. before it was very clear this is the way it s going to be done once the austerity measures came into place you are going to play by our rule book. if greece does not, the others will ask why should they as well. the bottom line here is this has got a long long way to go and we re going to see volatility in the markets continue particularly in the european markets. if you look in the u.s. the futures there are pointing to a 1 to 1.5% fall at the open. there is still a lot of uncertainty out there. the markets hate uncertainty. at the moment it s difficult to get a clear read on where this may end up. while this may not have a huge contagion around the world if the ecb puts out the right messages today it is going to put off any big decisions on fed rates. do you think that s true? it could hit the, you know the u.s. and the world market in that sense? yeah certainly. a fed rate rise is not a foregone conclusion particularly looking at the statistics of the latest job numbers last week. so expectations are that the fed will raise rates in september. but that is by no means a done deal. any sort of uncertainty, anything that is going to shake global market confidence is going to obviously have a knock-on effect on the u.s. the fed will be in no hurry to further undermine confidence by lifting the cost of borrowing. and the other effect is in china. china is down 30% in three weeks. we re talking $3 trillion being wiped off the value of the chinese stock market. so that is also sending ripples of real concern out across not just asia but around the world as well. what is going on in china you have to balance that with the fact that chinese stocks are up 150%. but the last thing the fed wants to do is raise rates because it feels like it has been having to. it is going to watch closely the conditions. i m sure europe the grexit threat all that will play into the fed s decision and they are going to err on the side of caution, no doubt. andrew if greece was to leave the eurozone which country do you think they would end up looking to for stability? russia? china? what do you think? it s a difficult one. i think that s quite a question. look if you look at what s been happening russia has been you know has been a relationship between greece and russia much more than china. and china has its own issues to deal with at the moment. russia would be a more obvious partner. what they can actually do is difficult to say. what also to take into account the geopolitics of this a grexit would basically mean that greece was failing and perhaps a failing state, does europe want that on its southern borders? of course it doesn t. what s it going to do to stop that happening? we ll have to wait. what can russia do but i don t know. i don t want to speculate but there has been some sort of relationship. absolutely. who knows a grexit could cost the eurozone more than a bailout in the long term. andrew stevens, thank you so much. a lot of people are analyzing the exposure countries have to greece but the southern european countries would be affected. let s look at what yanis varoufakis said in announcing his resignation. colorful as ever. i became aware to the fact that the participants of the euro group and other partners would appreciate my absence from the meetings which the prime minister considered may help in reaching an agreement. i will step down as the finance minister. he goes on to write is it my duty to help alexis tsipras as much as to take advantage as he considers the capital which was donated to us by the greek people through the referendum. and he has strong words about the euro group. he does. he is quite a character. he is going to be missed in terms of a character. greeks around the world are paying close attention to what is happening of course. we spoke to one expiateatriat. this is how they felt about what the no represents. they saw it as a way of stop following that program. and it s the other thing too it s that this program has created so many people that don t have anything else to lose that they really just don t care if they are going to be in the eurozone or if they re going to go back on drachmas. right now in their pockets they don t have anything. we will have more on this story later this hour. you can get the analysis and background on including the breaking details on the resignation of the finance minister yanis varoufakis and that s ahead and what is ahead for the greek banks as well. we have good news for the united states. team usa is celebrating in vancouver, canada after winning the highest scoring women s world cup final ever. the u.s. dominated japan, beating the defending champions 5-2. sunday s game was a rematch of the 2011 world cup final. this is the third title for team usa and their first since 1999. an amazing moment. with a hat trick in sunday s match-up it was carli lloyd who led the team to a world cup victory. kate riley has more. reporter: the united states has won their third world cup crown their third title in 16 years. japan had the perfect tournament going into this match although they found themselves down 4-0 after 16 minutes. carli lloyd scoring the first ever hat trick at a women s world cup final. i dedicated my entire life to this moment. everything else comes second my fiance friends, family. this is it for me. if you want to be the best you can be you is to sacrifice so much. and for me i wouldn t trade it for anything in the world. i always describe her as a winner. she is going to work her tail off and fight for you and you want a player like her on your team. big players make big plays in big games. she is the engine of the team and comes up big when we need her. it s important to have someone on the team who is going to take the reins and take control. reporter: this game was the highest scoring match at a women s world cup final. the final score, 5-2. the japanese return empty handed. however the americans can now celebrate in style. they ve been invited to the white house and the president told the team not to forget their trophy. kate riley, cnn, in the women s world cup final in vancouver. so many people tuned in. pope francis starting a trip to ecuador. this trip is coming at an important time for him. chicago police confiscate guns after a deadly and violent weekend there. and we ll look at greece s history in the eurozone and how the country s debt crisis began. if you want a paint that s tough enough to protect from the elements. if you want a paint flexible enough to survive the subtle cracking of time. if you want a paint that gives you a lifetime warranty. only this can. aura exterior from benjamin moore. paint like no other. a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. take advantage of our summer offers. the 2015 cadillac ats, the sharper performance sedan. lease this from around 269 per month. verizon say neversettle. t-mobile agrees. never settle for verizon s overpriced gimmicks. try the un-carrier risk-free for 14 days you ll love it, or we ll pay for you to go back. . breaking news out of greece this hour the country s finance minister yanis varoufakis says he is resigning after voters voted out of a bailout appeal. he said i was made aware of a preference by euro group participants and assorted partners for my absence from its meetings. varoufakis believes that his resignation could help alexis tsipras reach an agreement with creditors. pope francis is in ecuador on a mission for the poor and the planet, meanwhile. i thank god for having allowed me to return to latin america and to be with you today in this beautiful land of ecuador. i feel happiness and gratitude after this warm welcome. it s one more demonstration of the welcoming character that define this nimble nation. the pope is from south america and he says he is excited to be there and has a busy week ahead. later today he plans to lead mass and meet with ecuador s president. in a few days he heads to bolivia and he goes to paraguay. and he has speeches and masses to deliver in his native spanish. joining me is father edward beck. thank you for being with us. these three countries, ecuador, bolivia, paraguay he says they are the forgotten countries of latin america. how does the pope plan to change that? just by visiting the poorest countries, he is making a statement. remember he said he wants to go to the periphery. and so in fact he is doing that. some said why didn t he go to argentina? he hasn t been home since he was elected pope. his sister is there and hasn t seen them. he says he has to focus on the forgotten first. these are three of the poorest in south america and he chose them to say these people matter too. pope john paul ii visited ecuador. how does this pope s visit differ from the last pope that visited ecuador? what is interesting about the last visit is that john paul ii was looking at encroachment theology. this pope, pope francis is not as concerned about that. he brought liberation theologians back into the fold. it says you need to look at god and the experience of faith through the eyes of the poor. that is something very close to the heart of pope francis. so he is not as concerned as john paul ii with the church per se that it s losing members, that liberation theology is ruining the church. he is thinking of the poor and the environment. he is making a different focus and priority than john paul ii. he wants to focus on the poor and the environment. but 40% of the world s catholics are in latin america and that number is decreasing. they are losing catholic followers. can the pope s visit expect to reverse that in any way? well it is decreasing but we are talking about ecuador being 79% catholics. even though the evangelicals are making inroads, there is something for you in catholicism to those who have left. pent cost lymph and evangelicals is about small-based community and about reading the scripture and serving the poor. and so perhaps the charismatic movement within the catholic church where there is sharing and reading of scripture that can be attractive to evangelicals mo who have leather catholicism. so he may appeal to them as well. i want to talk about the context of this visit. this visit does come at a time of political tension in ecuador seeing anti-government demonstrations against the president. do you think the pope will weigh in on that? one of the issues that is interesting is the environment. they are mining in a national park right now. and oil drilling and the pope is supposedly going to speak against some of this pillaging of the natural environment. now when the pope arrived, the president made a point of saying how environmentally committed ecuador is. i think the pope may challenge him on that. because some of his own constituents don t believe he is that committed to the environment. i think there will be conflict there. there will be a conflict with the church in the sense that people think the church has been colonialistic in its approach in south america. so people are calling for getting away from clericalism where priests and bishops make all the decisions but have a role for the laity. and it will be interesting to see where the pope comes down on that. interesting. the pope is not going to argentina during this visit, preferring to spend time in the poorer countries of latin america. you can log on to this website, chicago gun violence has been making headlines for several years now, and in the past few days a 7-year-old boy is one of seven people killed over the weekend. at least 40 people were shot in numerous incidents. chicago s top cop stood in front of a table full of confiscated illegal guns and spoke passionately about what he calls a broken system. i m angry. i m frustrated. and i m frustrated and angry that we re here again talking about another senseless murder. pick out the names. the list goes on and on. this has got to stop. we can put another 10,000 police officers on the street. and what would happen? maybe we ll arrest mr. brown 90 times and nothing will happen. maybe we ll take 10,000 guns off the street and 10,000 will fill up that illegal market the next day. i m incredibly proud of the men and women of this department who in spite of what i m talking about go out every day and do what they do. we need some help here folks. we have to fix this broken system. and he went on to say that basically too many violent prisoners are being released only to return to a life of crime. is it a vicious cycle there in chicago. ahead we go live to athens following breaking news the greek finance minister stepping down. a bombshell in the last hour or so, wasn t it? yep. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month s payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer. with volvo. we call ourselves the freedom hikers. hiking brought us together but that s not the only thing that keeps us coming back. here s to friends who reach for better. fewer carbs, fewer calories, superior taste. michelob ultra. the superior light beer. we live in a pick and choose world. choose choose choose. but at bedtime? .why settle for this? enter sleep number. don t miss the lowest prices of the season going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he s more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. right now, save $300 to $700 on select mattress sets, plus 36-month special financing. ends monday! know better sleep with sleep number. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i m zain asher. i m max foster. back to the breaking news this hour. the finance minister in greece said he would resign if greeks voted in favor of the latest bailout offer. they voted to reject it and he is resigning anyway. elinda labropoulou is in athens with the details for us. we have not heard from alexis tsipras on yanis varoufakis s resignation. i mean are we expected to hear from him praising varoufakis or explain why varoufakis resigned? well we know that alexis tsipras is going to be meeting all the other political leaders, the opposition leaders today in just a few minutes from now. so perhaps we ll get a statement right after that. we had a statement from the deputy finance minister who told greek television that basically what will be happening now is we ll be looking at a negotiating team with a more european direction orientation if you like that will submit specific proposals to put an end to uncertainty. it is suggested that mr. varoufakis was more of a hard-liner and greece is willing to follow a more diplomatic route to reach a fast agreement with his creditors. in his statement he says i wear the creditors loathing with pride. but the issue is for many people in greece he is seen as a hero because he is martyring himself on this issue. for people who wanted to see a more hard-line approach who wanted to tell the europeans, the creditors what many greeks think of them which is along the lines of what you describe from mr. varoufakis he was the man to do it. but it seems that that didn t particularly help the talks until now. you know we ve seen months of negotiations so far. so although mr. varoufakis is a popular figure with some it seems that mr. tsipras decided it might be best for him to step down. and mr. varoufakis in term of his controversial comments he accused the troika of spreading fear saying that they wanted to humiliate greeks and accused them of terrorism as well. i am wondering how ordinary greeks reacted to those comments. i think a lot of greeks are very pessimistic about what is happening and disillusioned with europe and the creditors. they feel they have gone through five years of austerity and very hard times and what has been put on the table does not really get greece out of that austerity cycle and much like the government they have been supporting ideas of debt relief and anything that would show that greece could be moving towards growth. people like varoufakis have been expressing what a lot of greek people feel and also the vote yesterday that no that resounding no at the referendum yesterday saying that greece would not be prepared to accept a deal that does not include some kind of way to grow some proposal that would enable greece to get out of resection is very much in accordance to what mr. varoufakis has been saying all along and how a lot of people feel. the practical implications of what happens now for greeks. the banks are expected to be opening tomorrow. it doesn t seem likely they will be able to. if they are running out of cash they can t keep giving out $60 a day they were doing at the moment it s going to be very difficult to see the deal. this is also something that the government has actually said. the minister of state said the banks will reopen when there is a deal. mr. varoufakis and the prime minister have been saying we can get a deal wildfire 48before 48 hours. that remains to be seen. until there is some kind of certainty and some way of pacifying people that you know they shouldn t just run to the banks and get their money out, it seems virtually impossible to see the banks reopening. it s something that the ecb will decide today whether it will carry on with its liquidity assistance to greece or not or increase it or keep it at the same levels. elinda thank you very much. back with you throughout the day as the news sinks in as the finance minister a powerful character is going. and i m curious whether varoufakis resignation will allow tsipras a better negotiation platform. we just saw this from a greek government spokesman saying that varoufakis played a leading role in the negotiations. the prime minister feels the need to thank him for his unrelenting efforts to promote his efforts for the greek people. a greek exit from the eurozone could result in financial contagion. we haven t seen it yet. and we have other debt-laden countries like portugal spain, italy. and some are fearing that post grexit greece could partner with russia or china. and immigration could become a greater issue. floods of greeks battling homelessness and more needing aid and wanting welfare. as a greek exit seems more and more likely we look back at greece s entry into the group and how the country s debt began to build up. reporter: it s not every day that a new currency is born. and the euro created for the world s most important trading block was exciting. the euro has been launched and a wonderful step forward has been achieved. there were 15 countries then. but the uk and denmark and sweden didn t want a single currency. those that did had to prove their economies were in good shape. greece was the last to hit the target. the enthusiastic candidate because not left out. greece really wanted to get in and there was a tendency to take those who wanted to get in. and the eurozone is a political animal. and there was not the political class a sufficient understanding of the economic necessities for making it work. in the years that followed euro membership greeks borrowed more than was allowed under the rules. by 2004 it was more than double the limit at 7.5%. it was 9.9% in 2008. the year that the financial crisis hit. by then lenders were worried and they were right to be so. then came a bombshell, athens confessed it had been lying about the true scale of these numbers. in 2010 when the costs of borrowing became unsustainable, europe and the imf rose to athens rescue. this was bailout number one. what will remain of europe if the euro disappears? what will remain of europe if its economic heart collapses? nothing. but this wasn t easy money. the lenders demanded tax increases and spending cuts to balance the books. the economy stuttered and the debt mountain remained. but in 2012 bailout number two included debt relief. they got it late and probably too late. the europeans have not been blameless. but the real issue here is that successive greek governments can t ever really implement good policies. with one in four unemployed and the economy having shrunk 25% in five years late last year greece selected a new leftest party to government. it pledged to resist any more austerity while keeping greece s place in the eurozone. two promises that now look increasingly impossible to keep. tag enwright cnn, london. grim news out of africa. a week of violence has killed 200 people in nigeria. twin explosions in jos where 15 people are dead. one blast happened near a mosque and the other at a restaurant in a muslim neighborhood at sunset as people were breaking their ramadan fast. there are no claims of responsibility just yet. the arrest of an illegal immigrant in california exposes major problems with america s deportation process. we ll have more on that in just a moment. developing some of the highest quality nutrition isn t easy so at gnc, why do we do it? why do we work to deliver clinically studied products to fill the world s nutrition gaps? why do we insist on the most stringent quality checks period? well, here s why. celebrating 80 years of quality life and quality products. and we re just getting started. gnc. points, points, our points. there has got to be a way to redeem our hotel points. i just want to take a vacation. this seems crazy. oh really? tell us something we don t know, captain obvious. ok. with, when you collect 10 nights you get one free. oh. so you only need to know how to count to 10 to earn a free night at places like that nudist resort. yeah i don t know how that got there. because you stayed there took a selfie and hung it prominently on the wall. hm? they won t judge your life choices. lawmakers in south carolina will begin debating whether to remove confederate flag from capitol grounds after a racially motivated shooting at a predominately african-american church. a two-thirds majority is necessary to remove it. some see it as symbol of pride and others as a symbol of hate. i said how are you doing? when i did another fellow jumped on me. i got jumped. that was last monday. you try to take down the confederate memorial and take down the ten commandments in oklahoma. you are starting all this stuff you can t handle. all it takes is sometimes one person saying think, think it s just a symbol whether it s up there or in a museum it s just a symbol. it s what we do with that symbol that is going to determine whether south carolina is in the news for the wrong reasons or whether we are stepping off the grand stand and shaking hands and saying this is us. and south carolina is the only state that flies the confederate flag on capitol rounds. the seven flags you see here incorporate confederate imagery or elude to the confederate past. south carolina flag was the battle flag for the confederate states of america. now one reason the state seceded was to preserve their right to keep slaves. the shooting death of a woman in san francisco is exposing major problems with america s deportation process. we have more on the story including emotional comments from the woman s father who watched her die. reporter: walking with his daughter kate on a busy san francisco pier wednesday night jim steinly heard a loud pop ring out. this was evil. reporter: kate fell to the ground hit by a bullet the shooter running off without saying a word. there does not appear to be a connection between the victim and the suspect. at this point, it appears to be a random shooting incident. reporter: the suspect? 45-year-old juan francisco lopez sanchez, a undocumented immigrant and repeat fell felon. he has been deported five times to mexico. federal law enforcement sources tell cnn it would have been six deportation but authorities in san francisco wanted him on a drug related warrant so u.s. immigration and customs enforcement turned him over to deputies. i.c.e. officials requested an immigration detainer that would give them a head s up before his release. but the sheriff s department denied the request according to policy before letting him go. there was no legal cause to detain him. lopez sanchez now faces homicide charges. it s not going to bring kate back them findin the guy and the justice will work its way through the system. but our focus is on kate. the suspect reportedly told affiliate kgo he found the weapon on the ground and it accidentally fired when he picked it up. the united nations has released its newest picks for the world heritage list. we ll tell you which places made the cut. that s coming up. never settle for verizon s overpriced gimmicks. try the un-carrier risk-free for 14 days you ll love it, or we ll pay for you to go back. a good host, is a good host no matter where he s hosting. an hors d oeuvre for the table? perhaps even an elegant gesture for the neighbors. stella artois host beautifully the goodness that goes into making a power kale chicken caesar salad is rivaled only, by the goodness felt while eating one. panera. food as it should be. look at this video out of china. drivers attempting to cross a flooded road. that is very brave, i ve got to say. i hope he is all right. pedram javaheri has the details on the weather. this is incredible video out of china where we are seeing cars and motorcycles trying to cross the roads. this is incredible. and you see the truck trying to do the same and a bystander on the side of the road. and the force is inundating on the roads. it does not take much moving water and you look at the video again. it looks like a brief puddle but just that just ankle-deep water moving at 6 kilometers per hour can knock you off your feet. we say turn around don t drown is the statement used in the united states. 6 inches will move you off your feet. you bring that to knee high or 600 millimeters that lifts cars and moves them down stream. it is counter intuitive. you say the water is below the door of the vehicle but it takes less water to move the vehicle. we have a trio of tropical systems in the western and central pacific. linfa, we have had heavy rainfall in recent days. that system will weaken and bring some rains towards taiwan. it is this particular feature, chan-hom that is sitting out there west of guam that we are watching carefully. models show the initial storm falling apart and it could get up to 240 kilometers per hour. that would be a supertyphoon. this would be one of the bigger stories of the year if it remains this strong. okinawa, taipei eastern china all in line for damage with this storm system if it makes it there by the latter portion of the week. and the other story is the heat across europe. is this an optical ill love? it is an incredible site as people try to cool off. in germany, receiving the highest temperature germany has ever observed in recorded history. 104 fahrenheit. and frankfurt at 100 fahrenheit is occurring on sunday. but notice a pattern shift here the warmest weather moves east. london will begin a cooling trend. but severe storms in hanover. lightning strikes taking two lives in germany over the weekend. and hail size reports nearly the size of grapefruits or a teacup in diameter 3.5 inches or 9 centimeters in olpe germany. max you are probably glad to be getting away from the london heat. the sun came out when i left. that happens. we talk about heat waves. he is glad to be with us. i feel bad talking about a heat wave in uk. we will take you in atlanta. you are a welcome guest here. thank you, so much. over the weekend, the united nations added nine new cultureal sites to its heritage list. scotland made the list as well. it opened in 1890 and carries passengers and freight. it is the world s longest multispan cantilever bridge. and the alamo played a pivotal role in the texas revolution in 1836. coming up next hour we ll have more on the breaking news out of greece where the country s finance minister just resigned in a surprising move. i m zain asher. i m max foster. do stay with us. if you want a paint with no harsh fumes. if you want a paint without harmful chemicals. if you want a paint that s safer for your family, and the environment. only this can. natura from benjamin moore. paint like no other. a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. take advantage of our summer offers. the 2015 cadillac srx, a crossover with space safety, and style. lease this from around $339 per month. we live in a pick and choose world. choose choose choose. but at bedtime? .why settle for this? enter sleep number. don t miss the lowest prices of the season going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he s more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. right now, save $300 to $700 on select mattress sets, plus 36-month special financing. ends monday! know better sleep with sleep number. . captions by vitac i m zain asher a warm welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. i m max foster. thank you for joining cnn newsroom. we are following news from greece a country facing an uncertain financial future. y

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20150705

greeks are seven hours to vote in a special referendum. the outcome could help determine if the greeks seek a bailout. the prime minister voted a while ago. he urge people to vote no. the opinion polls showed voters split with a yes vote leading marginally. i believe yes should prevail. there is no other salvation. the situation right now is dramatic. translator: no matter what the outcome is the measures will be harsh. we should try something different anyway. we ve already descried one tried one option so let s try the other option now and let s see what happens. well, greece has been in limbo after it failed to make a big payment to the international monetary fund last week. banks have been closed and people have been limited on how much cash they can withdraw from atms. authorities boiled this vote down to a yes or no. a single word to decide. but the wording on that critical ballot is something quite different, very hard to decipher. lisa suarez has a copy of the question and the responses from greeks. the greek people are preparing to have their say and what is a referendum that will really shape the future of their country, but do they understand the question that is being put to them? i have it here in english and i m going to read it out to you. it reads the greek people are asked to decide with their vote whether to accept the outline of the agreement submitted by the european union, the european central bank, and the international monetary fund at the euro group of 25-06-15 and is made up of two parts which couldn t city tut their unified proposals. the first document is attached entitled reforms for the completion of the current program and beyond. the second document reads the preliminary debt sustainable analysis. which has the question. whichever citizens reject the proposal by the three institutions vote not approved no. whichever citizens agree with the proposal by the three institutions vote yes. but do agentenians understand what is being asked of them. agentensian nem there is a clear clack of clarity. translator: sadly this isn t clear. they have not clarified what you are voting for or against. the question is confusing so that syriza can please its own party members. they are playing a game. as i walked around and asked people s interpretation of the question. can i ask you a question. no? can i ask you a question? we re cnn. thank you very much. i was stopped by this visibly angry woman. i don t care if they us. european blood mate us. emotions are clearly running high and that can make it hard to think clearly. have you read it? yes. how do you interpret this question? what is being asked of you? i think what they are telling us is if you vote no, we re going out of the european union, if you vote yes, we re in. speaking to people here, it seems each person has their interpretation of the referendum question. these two ladies tell me the question is about debt sustainability. translator: the sustainability of the debt is crucial for the sustainability of the country. if we don t have this, there won t be a yes vote. others tell me it s much simpler than it reads. translator: after five years of despair in greece, the public has to escape from this harsh program and vote no, so things in greece can change. for more of those i spoke to, only one clearly understood the question. if we agree with the program proposed by the europeans, the greek government or not. it s not about the euro. it s not about europe. because greece is inside europe and this is something that cannot be changed by any referendum or by anybody s opinion. this is a fact and this is the history, so what we are about to vote is clearly if we agree with this proposal or not. whichever way the outcome is, one thing is certain. this will have repercussions right here in greece and far beyond its borders. lisa suarez cnn, athens greek. we re join now by linda in athens. what s it looking like there? people are turning out to big numbers. this school has been turned into a polling station. we expect the turnout is going to be very high. the question of this referendum comes at such a critical time and although a lot of people appear to still be confused about the exact phrasing most of them seem to be voting for a no to aw austerity or a yes to europe. the prime minister said this vote symbolizes a vote for democracy. let s take a listen. translator: today, democracy wins over fear. our decisiveness cinched the win. the propaganda of fear. i m certain from tomorrow we will have opened a path for all the people of europe. a route of returning to the founding principles of democracy and solidarity in europe. very much like what the prime minister said tease are the questions that i allot of people here are asking as well. what s going to happen tomorrow? what will the next day bring? because this referendum comes at a time that finds greece very poll larized between the two sides, the yes and the no vote. the last exit polls that we have seen bring the two sides neck and neck. what is at stake here is greece s position in the eurozone no matter what the phrasing the question. the questions are if the yes vote wins what will the prime minister do next. he s strongly supported the no count. the finance minister says he will step at any down. what it is clear some sort of talks in brussels need to continue because the banks in greece have been closed. the economy is standing still and the solution is needed really soon max. what about this question about lisa was raising about the question and whether or not people understand the question do they really need to understand it or do they just need to have seen the campaigning and decide whether they are going yes or no? well, although the question itself is very complicated because it refers to a specific proposal that is not even on the table anymore, most people have decided that they are using that in a more theoretical level, they are using it to answer a broader question so those voting for no are voting to no to austerity and no to a specific bailouts and bailouts that might bring more austerity to greece while those on the yes side are voting for europe saying that you know until we have an agreement, then greece s position in the eurozone and in europe could be jeopardized. they seem to have found their own interpretation of where this stands. at the same time we know that most greeks really support greece s stay in the eurozone all polls have indicated that 75% of greeks want them to stay in the eurozone. the way the question is phrased is not making this easier. there s been a lot of commentary in other parts of europe. actually the european union are bullying greece. i know you ve reported on how greeks do want to stay within europe within the eurozone but is there some bitterness about the way they have been treated as well? there s a lot of bitterness and the rhetoric has been quite brutal from the greek government as well. just yesterday the finance minister talked about greece being terrorized effectively, by europe after its banks were shut down, simply to push greece to vote for a yes. this is a position a lot of people share. they feel that europe is not giving greece enough breathing space. it s not giving greece any debt relief which is what they were hoping to see in order to be able to find a way out of this crisis so they sort of feel that their european peers are not really understanding what the situation is in greece that they don t understand that this economy has shrank by 25% and has left over one in two young people unemployed as a result and if you talk to most people in the streets, they will say that it s not a question of us not wanting to pay. it s a question of us not being able to pay and wanting some breathing room first. we re looking at images there of alexis tsipras. now he s this sort of global figure a young leader obviously very care mastic tell us about him and how he s coping in the limelight. he was beaming ear to ear when he was making his vote. he s taken a very specific line and-size it s a strong stance. unless we see a plan that s sustainable, a bailout plan greece can be pushed to growth, we re not willing to sign another kind of bailout. what we want is debt relief at this point and he s been pushing for that angle and at the same time when he s addressing the crowds he s a very good speaker. there s a rally on friday supporting the no campaign which very strongly. he s spoken to people. he spoke about dignity, emotions about the kind of images and the kind of feelings that really appeal to greek people that everyone can really understand and identify with at this time of hardship and he s a very popular leader in greece. he s a young prime minister so a lot of young people also identify with him and a lot of his campaigning has actually focused also on the pensioners and the country s old. it seems he s got support across the spectrum but that is up to a point because once the money starts drying out and you have the closed banks and no obvious solution you ll hear from a lot of greeks that really a bad solution is better than no solution at this point, max. linda, back to you later on as the poll continues. with banks closed as linda was saying and strict limits on how much money they can withdraw. these are stressful times for greeks. here s what people have to say to us. translator: i came here today to get my pension. i used to work at the finance ministry and i couldn t withdraw more than 40 euros. i inserted the cash card again to get another 40. it s sad but we deserve it because we are also to blame. translator: things are a bit difficult these days for all those who need more than 60 euros. for shop owners to market. i think it s mostly harder for the market. it s been only two days. we cannot tell how hard it will get. it will last a week. but it could last longer from what we hear from the media. it s been two days so far. personally i can cope. translator: i m a pensioner and i have a cash card because i need it. however, when they tell you you can only withdraw 60 euros and now we hear it will be 120 euros per week i don t even want to think about it. we will not be able to pay our bills and obligations in time because we greeks have been through a lot. i hope everyone will say yes. translator: we cannot go on with our daily business. these 60 euros are not enough to feed the family. the situation is very wad bad. i see a glimmer of hope from what i heard this morning. and we want to give you a real raw moment. we re going to do that in a moment. it s a still photograph you really need to see. right now we re going to take you to a polling station where the greek finance minister, very much the face of us of this along with the prime minister he s going to go in and vote no. i think we can pretty safely assume. very charismatic character as well much like the prime minister. personally for him, he said he would step down in greeks vote yes. he also accused the lenders, the euro group of effectively spreading terror spreading fear because of their campaigning. but we haven t got the shots inside. we ve just got the shots outside. so we re going to come back to that as we see the vote unfold. i want to show you some of that raw emotion was talking about in this photograph represented by one greek citizen directly affected by the crisis. clearly desperate elderly greek was lining up outside a bank and some banks in the country have been opening the doors to pensioners who don t have have bank cards. you can see him collapsed on the ground weeping only. he was assisted by a police officer and a member of the staff of the bank. he visited four banks i m told to withdraw a pension on behalf of his wife. all he was allowed was $ 120 euros, $133. the man s future along with the country remain uncertain at this hour. we can take you back to the finance minister voting, yanis varoufakis the picture is frozen. he goes into a space where he will fill out a ballot form and he will put it into a box. he s also quite a media figure and he s there posing in front of the cameras as well. but it is a key moment in greek history. you can see why the photographers want to capture that moment. pope francis boards his flight for a week long trip to south america. we ll tell you about the growing challenges the catholic is facing there. the details in the agreement just reached on the iranian nuclear talks when we come back. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. that s huge for my bottom line. what s in your wallet? they make little hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet those delicious oats in cheerios can help lower cholesterol. cheerios. how can something so little. help you do something so big. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i ll need relief. that s why i only choose nicorette mini. are you moving forward fast enough? everywhere you look, it strategy is now business strategy. and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now. to what it needs to become. happening now in athens you can see there the greek finance minister, yanis v-a-r-o-u-f-a-k-i-s has been cast his vote. he says he will resign if the greeks vote yes. it s split very equally at the moment. the yes campaign is marginally ahead. everyone want a word with him. there s very little he can do of course. he says the referendum plays out, it s the public that will decide. it is a democratic process. some suggest the question really works against the democratic process. having said that very simple answer yes or no. and there s been a huge amount of campaigning on both sides and i think many people seem to have committed one way or another before they went in the polling stations. let s listen in. translator: please there are no questions, only statement please. i just want to make a statement. for five years now, the extreme failures the huge failures of euro group led to ultimateumultimatums. after all these failures after five years, greek people have opportunity to decide on the final ultimatum of the euro group. it s a time of hope for europe a europe the common monetary unit and the hope that everybody can live together. he said it was just going to be a statement and a short statement and it certainly was. no questions there. he s talking again about the failure of the euro group. he s ug issing suggesting he s done all he can. it s now down to greek voters to decide whether or not they want to accept that deal that was on the table from the euro group about future funding. other people pointing out it s no longer on the table anymore. the whole process is an academic exercise the sense from greece everyone we re speaking to this is a vote whether or not to stay within europe. we ll bring you more europe as it unfolds there in athens. meanwhile, pope francis left rome for a week long visit to his native south america. s first stop is ecuador, and wednesday he heads to bolivia and then july 12th he heads to paraguy. we look at how pope francis could change that. all of the country is excited for the arrival of pope francis. they wanted to spoil the arrival of the pope. they are anticipating the arrival of the pope later today. about a quarter of the country s population live on less than $2 a day. for them the pope s visit is not just about spiritual healing but also brings hope for a better future. reporter: in the neighborhood of ecuador s capitol, some people wonder why, why life is so tough. she works several jobs and says she stretches every penny of her $300 a month paycheck. for the single mother of five keeping her family fed comes with much sacrifice. translator: she says that sometimes she eats once a day in order to make ends meet because she can t afford to do anything else. reporter: the lot to her humble home a thin rope tied to a not. her refrigerator a makeshift kitchen cabinet. you are probably wondering where is sher refrigerator. she doesn t have one. her dining table is a school desk. she s not alone. there s a lot of need here. one in every four live on less than $2 a day. which forces tens of thousands of children to work to make a buck. the one abundance here is faith. faith for a pope who caters to the poor. his visit to ecuador a symbol of hope. translator: it fills adults with emotion just like it does teenagers. reporter: like her 13-year-old son stephen who carries christ close to his heart. what would you ask the pope for? he says he will ask the pope for a blessing and bless his family. for now, his mother raises cockfighting roosters to raise a little cash. when mary wins she makes $50 to $100 extra which allows her to splurge on a liter of milk and fresh fruit. those are luxuries she says luxuries that very few can afford on a daily basis, making life tougher even for those who believe. meanwhile here in the u.s. certainly in the western states no relief from those sizzling temperatures. it does. it looks like least for the next few days we re expecting those temperatures to hover near record-setting temperatures. a good portion of eastern oregon and portions of washington state feeling the effects of that heat as well. there s an up tick of monsoonal moisture that s making its way across the four corners region of the united states arizona, new mexico could see some thunderstorms erupt right along the border region and we ve seen very strong storms erupt across the deep south. a number of high wind watches as well as warning were issued across some of the southern states but look at some of the high temperatures forecast over the next few days. very little in the way of heat relief. even into medford, oregon coming up for sun afternoon, it could be 101 degrees. that s in medford, oregon. while in dallas texas, an area that typically sisles this type of year has not seen 100 degrees any time so far this summer. now, it still is a little bit early for them but typically those temperatures hover near 100 degrees. while we look across the desert southwest, palm springs, kind of a typical high reading in the low 100-degree range. while we look at las vegas, also temperatures right around 100 to 105 degrees expected there. monsoonal moisture may bring some brief heat rele to the desert southwest, for the most part it is short but very meaningful as far as farmers and growers are concerned. they rely on the summertime monsoon to kick in for the agricultural relieve as well. across california they have rationed very deliberately and religiously the water situation, but that heat continues throughout the workweek as we head into the pacific northwest. max, back to you. thank you so much karen. we are keeping a close watch on that referendum under way in greece for you right now. the latest on the crucial vote as millions of greeks head to the polling stations and we ll also hear from greeks sounding off on what s motivating them to head to the polls. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. formulated with hydrating hyaluronic acid which retains up to 1000 times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. new hydro boost. from neutrogena. running my own shop has been brutal. but then i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i look so professional i just got my first customer who isn t related to me. get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. here s april update on the top stories we re following for you this hour. starting in greece. later today we expect to know whether the greeks have accepted or reject a bailout deal to prevent the country s collapse. the economy at least. voters less than seven hours to decide on the landmark referendum. european leaders say a no vote would force greece out of the ooirns eurozone. tunisia declares a state of emergency in the wake of a terror attack over a week ago. the attack killed mostly tourists. coalition forces carried out 16 air strikes on isis targets on saturday in raqqa, syria. military officials say they destroyed some of the groups vital structures and transit routes. a day after the first - noticeable sign of progress in the iran nuclear talks, the u.s. secretary of state and iran s foreign minister are back at the table for talks. a source tells us that negotiators reached a tentative agreement on saturday concerning sanctions relief. that has been a major sticking point for iran. all sides there say there is much more to do. we re going to get back now to our top story though where greeks are filing into polling stations to decide whether to accept another economic bailout. experts say the contest is simply too close to call but the greek government is encouraging citizens to vote no which could take the country out of the eurozone. greece s prime minister alexis tsipras has encouraged citizens to vote no. earlier i spoke with a current affairs journalist with sky tv and is in athens. here is what he had to say about today s vote. it s been a very short campaign period. just a week. and it is a very strange campaign too because one side says this is about the no side the government side says this is about austerity, this is about agreeing to a proposal that no longer is on the table. gotiate another deal as soon as possible, but the other side, the yes campaign say it s not about that. it s about something more fundamental, whether greece is to stay within the european union or not. so different questions for different voters, and the polls, in fact, corroborate the idea this is too close to call. when they get into the polling booth they are still making their mind up and often people opt for the safer option, the safer option perhaps being keep the money coming from europe. reporter: that would be the safer option, yes, max, but you have to take into account that this is an electorate that has been under extreme pressure in the last five or six years. austerity has damaged their psychology a lot and not many people see the situation the way you just described it. also the government says that a no vote will guarantee it a stronger negotiating position and as i said they would go back to europe they say and armed with a strong mandate, a fresh mandate, they would negotiate a better deal for greece. now, to many, this sounds completely unrealistic, but the greek government says that is their game plan and many people, many of the voters will believe them, and this is all the indications that we have, that more or less half the voters will probably believe them. angela merkle has made it pretty clear that this is a vote in staying not within the european union as some of the campaigning has been around as you suggested there, but this is a vote on whether or not to state in the euro. has that message not got through to greeks? that s a pretty clear message from the decider, really. reporter: it is a clear message about very complicated things because there are interpretations, according to which there is no way for a country which is already part of the eurozone to leave the eurozone but remain in the european union. legal experts suggest that only way to leave the eurozone is to leave the european union. it is very complicated. the fate of greece s economy is essentially in greeks hands and cnn has asked greeks whether they plan to vote yes or no today. i am in europe. i want to stay in europe. i believe there s no solution within the eurozone and within this european union. i m sure about this. hopefully next sunday we are going to vote yes because we want to remain in the european union. i came here to say no because i m here and i cannot leave. they are trying to play the future of greece in cards. we do not want to have our future played in cards. no no no! i want to believe that they will vote even in the last minute they will think of that and they will vote for yes because the majority believes in the euro and it believes in the eurozone. because we have a government and we want this greek government to make the decision. not the people of euro group. the only future for my country, for me for my family my children, my glarned grandchildren, is to cooperate with the other europeans and go ahead. well, there aren t many travelers heading to greece for a vacation. this is usually the busiest season for tourists but the debt crisis appears to be changing that. we travel to one of islands to see the impact firsthand. reporter: the islands of greece, picture postcard perfect and remote. this is one of closest to athens and it still takes more than an hour to get there by the best boat and when you arrive this is the greece of the tourist brochures and yet here as the mayor reminds me, island and mainland are suffering alike. we cannot avoid the bankruptcy and probably going out of the euro anyway. reporter: so locals have gone back to economic basics. they are bartering. some people have animals like they have milk, they have eggs. those products are brought here and we don t need cash to trade them or to buy them. reporter: deserted beaches, there s no need to make a reservation for lunch. the greek tourists haven t the money to come here, and foreigners are staying away. at the hotel, the owner should be happily planning how to fit everyone in. instead, he s worrying about how to fill the rooms. the crisis is five years, okay, but now, but now with mr. tsipras, yes or no, the people in europe and here, they are afraid. reporter: the lines at the atm grow longer at lunchtime. the island is beautiful, and perhaps it s easier to take economic hardship in such surroundings. the old man who sits by the sea draws for posterity. he s seen crisis before. he says how business. i says what is business? i don t worry about this as long as i have this in front of me, the beauty around me. reporter: he s right. i find one of his drawings that somehow captures the essence of this piece of greece. a souvenir of my day on the island, a drawing of the sleeping lady and there she is, in all her natural beauty. there s no sense of panic, no sense of chaos. they seem resigned to the referendum results, whatever it may be. because ultimately, they know, greece will survive and here on this island, the sleeping lady will be waiting. richard quest, cnn, on the island. we re back in greece view later on. meanwhile, a syrian teenager is making quite the mark in the jordanian refugee camp where she lives. some people are comparing her to another teen, malala yousafzai. and world cup finals coming up. one month deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. you forgot the milk! that s lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some. mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. viciously attacked with acid for getting an education. the teenagers were on their way to school when two men on a motor bike threw acid in their faces. one of the assailants said this is the punish many for going to school. two of the girls are in critical condition. police are still trying to find their attackers. meanwhile, the syrian teenager is trying her best to keep girls going to school. her family escaped to jordan. the campaign has earned her the nickname the syrian malala. translator: i left syria two and a half years ago due top various reasons and problems. in education, making a living and the freedom of movement as well as other related difficulties which led to being unable to stay in our own time or move to another place in syria. therefore, we decided to leave and move to jordan. being a refugee does not mean an end to a life. on the contrary you have to be stronger to be able to help your country and the help the people you love. even if you were a refugee, you have to be strong to face these problems. i noticed a lot of people do not like education and because i really like education, i decided that i should start to advise people even if they don t take my advice. i might fail the first time but maybe i will succeed in the second and maybe the third time i will convince more people and the fourth time i will get even more so i will be more effective. i also started to notice an absence of girls daily from the school and other girls would drop out. then i realize while living in the camp that most people want their daughters to drop out of school and get married and want their sons to find jobs. if we get opportunities to get education in the refugee camp we should seize the opportunity. we shouldn t waste it to chase other things that we can achieve later in life. education will solve a lot of problems in our lives. we can t do much in our lives if we are uneducated. we can t help others. we can t our country. we will not be able to solve many problems in the present or the future if we are not educated. with education, we can protect ourselves at any time in any place and we can achieve our goals. we should not lose hope no matter how difficult life is. we have to be optimistic. the future is unknown to us and we should look to the future with hope and ambition. if we manage to raise a generation of educators and knowledgeable people people who protect their unity, their ambition and their dreams whether here in the camp or inside syria, then syria will have a bright future. amazing story. now, a solar power plane flies into the history books. coming up we ll hear from the pilots of solar impulse ii. push your enterprise and you can move the world. but to get from the old way to the new you ll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. developing some of the highest quality nutrition isn t easy so at gnc, why do we do it? why do we work to deliver clinically studied products to fill the world s nutrition gaps? why do we insist on the most stringent quality checks period? well, here s why. celebrating 80 years of quality life and quality products. and we re just getting started. gnc. now, england grabbed third place at the women s world cup after she beat germany 1-0. it was the perfect ending for the tournament surprise team. it s the best world cup performance from any english team since 1966 when the men s team won the tournament at home. meanwhile, u.s. is preparing to play japan. the united states will want to put right the wrongs of the 2011 final when they lost to japan and four years on come sunday they will be able to do just that. the fans will be calling it revenge. however the players here have to face a composed japanese side are trying to avoid that tag. now we have an opportunity and it s not about revenge or avenging that loss because this team is different. i feel an air of confidence and we don t overlook japan for one second because they are very very organized and a good team. this has been our goal since 2011 and i think it s what is is on everyone s minds all the time so there aren t really words to describe what it would feel like to be able to win a world cup for the u.s. we haven t won anything yet and we know what that feels like from four years ago, and it s not a good feeling. translator: in 2011 we capitalized on the opportunities and in 2012 we played the u.s. again, and at that time they had a strong desire to win and we felt that. we have a very high motivation because we are playing not the other teams but we are playing the u.s. america s opponents have had a perfect competition. the japanese are unbeaten and they have won all six of their matches over the last month or so. 1.25 million tickets have been sold during this tournament and again this stadium behind me will be sold out for the final as japan defends their world title and the usa go for their third world cup crown. kate riley, cnn. staying with football and champions, in south america, a 0-0 draw. chile hosted this year s copa america and the win sparked wild celebrations. it means more heart break for argentina. a solar powered airplane is gearing up for the next leg of its global journey. the solar impulse 2 landed in hawaii on friday completing the most difficult part of its mission to fly around the world without a drop of fuel. pilot andre borshberg broke the record for the longest flight. earlier, we spoke about the and he had shouldn t expedition. i knew already he was a great pilot but he stayed five days five nights at the controls flying from japan to hawaii and everybody is right to congratulate him. i can tell you. andre, how are you feeling? i m feeling great. i would say i m happy. very happy. i m sure you believe me but there are a lot of reasons for that. this ride was important because we also wanted to demonstrate the sustainability of this airplane of this technology. this airplane can fly. it can fly one night, it can fly month. because it uses very special technologies and very efficient technologies. the other side of course it was an extraordinary discovery for me on a personal level, an inner journey. it was a retreat. it was five days five nights by myself in this cockpit and this was a fantastic experience. well, he will pilot the next segment of the flight to phoenix, arizona. he shared what it s like to take turns flying this amazing aircraft with his fellow pilot. we share a lot of our experiences. we are different. we are very complementary and first i took the benefit of his experiences as an explorer through his flights around the world with a balloon in 1999 so this was a very important event for me. i would be sharing my experience how to sleep and especially also how to trust this airplane when you sleep. as a single pilot, normally you are overcoming this feeling and second you have to make sure that you trust the airplane when you start to sleep because the only way to go. well, certainly impulse 2 broke the record and the distance for the solar-powered journey. news day is just ahead. for everyone else our coverage of the greek referendum continues next. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. that s huge for my bottom line. what s in your wallet? running my own shop has been brutal. but then i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i look so professional i just got my first customer who isn t related to me. get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i ll need relief. that s why i only choose nicorette mini. they make little hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet those delicious oats in cheerios can help lower cholesterol. cheerios. how can something so little. help you do something so big. a very difficult decision for greece. voters deciding right now do they want another bail-out or do they want more control on how to get their country out of default? a war of words between two republican rivals. jeb bush claims donald trump just wants attention. and fighting over the flag. opponents of the confederate flag are out in force. but is there a way that supporters can keep this symbol

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glitches brought three major u.s. companies to a halt on wednesday. computer failures hit united airlines knock stock exchange and the wall street journal all within hour s of each other. reporter: for nearly four hours the new york stock exchange was at a halt. a technical computer glitch forcing the suspension of trades on the big board. it s unclear how much money may have been lost but in the end the dow was down over 200 points. in the travel world from california to chicago, a backlog of passengers stuck on long airport lines while all of united airlines flights were grounded. how long will it be? they have a system wide ground stop due to a computer outage. a system wide failure shut down operations for the major u.s. carrier for hours as well. we were checking in and basically was told the flight was cancelled. so they started to reroute us. i mean we re just taking it as it goes. more than 800 flights delayed. 59 cancelled. agents were forced to issue hand-written tickets. the problem is when it happens at a giant airline like united it can get chaos, the kind we saw this morning. passengers had a matter of minutes to make connecting flights. so when you have flights that are held for not just minutes but hours that can cascade through the entire system. government officials tried to quickly assure the public these were not malicious attacks. the malfunctions at united and the stock exchange were not the result of any in thenefarious actor. over in asia three weeks of wild market volatility but chinese government med measures to stop the slide may not be having an effect. brokerages are kmit committed to buys millions worth of stock. the shanghai is up 1.3%. the shenzhen is just under 3%. nikkei is down 1%. hang seng in hong kong up 3.5.%. nick watt is live with what he had from investors. ve enthough the market is up right now. the shanghai is up 1% what is the government doing to prevent losses? it has taken so many steps. most recent will steps announced would be suspension of buying and selling of stocks for people who may own more than 5% stake in a company for executives basically. so they are not allowed to buy or sell their stocks. there s been another announcement overnight that state agencies would effectively help to buy up another $40 billion in shares in chinese markets. this is coming also as you have got roughly half of all chinese companies listed on the stock market having announced they are suspending all trading of their stocks. so there s some really dramatic steps at least for now, today after a wild morning. it seems for now, some analysts say pulled the chinese markets back from the brink. we are not seeing signs of the major selloff that we saw yesterday, that increased fears. people exposed to this they run the gamut from the elderly to the young who have all been attracted to the fact that for a while this year chinese stock markets were among the fastest growing in the world. thumbs down after a dismal day of trading. at this shanghai brokerage house, investors worried and upset after seeing chinese stock markets getting battered. you see the green on the board? that s a bad color for investors because the colors are reversed here in the chinese stock market. red means the prices of stocks are going up. green means it s going down. and for the past three weeks, there s been an awful lot of green. many investors here say their savings have gone up in smoke. no it s impossible for the market to bounce back anytime soon. this is like the eight-year war against the japanese. it may take eight years for the market to turn around. this is a typical, classical bubble. eventually it will burst but i did not predict it to fall at that speed. reporter: finance professor oliver ray says earlier this year the chinese stock market attracted millions of new chinese investors as it soared to incredible heights. he compares the current free fall to the crash that hit the u.s. in 1929. you compare this to the great depression? yes. yes. basically. the stock market dropped by 30% within a few months but here it dropped by 30% within three weeks. rui is a professor at this business school in shanghai where perspective students around the world are considering pursuing business degrees in china. china is probably the most amazing place to start a business. reporter: but some of these chinese and american students are reeling after their own recent losses in the chinese markets. it happened to me. i lost half of my profits. get hit in the chinese market? i did. reporter: can you give mae percentage. 20% of my portfolio. reporter: down? yes. reporter: entrepreneurs eager for a taste of the chinese market now suddenly feeling burned. shanghai has long been a shining symbol of china s economic might but the stock market free fall here is shaking people s confidence. people will be watching closely not only today but in the days to come because analysts warn it f the selloff can t stop it could potentially have ripple effects that could extend beyond the financial realm and could start to effect political affairs here, as well in the world s second largest economy. ripple effect in other financial markets and global economy as you just said. ivan watson live thank you so much. there is a growing cyberthreat when it comes to isis. fbi director james comey says they are using encrypted programs to prevent law enforcement from accessing its communications and he says his agents don t have the tools to stop it. jim sciutto reports. this is an enormous problem. reporter: the top law enforcement official gave congress a frank, sobering warning. terrorists are going dark in cyberspace. sometimes people watch tv and think well the fbi must have a way to break that encryption. we do not, which is why this is such an important issue. terrorists use of encryption means the fbi cannot in many cases detect and prevent attacks on u.s. soil. like the one carried out in garland, texas, two months ago. we are stopping these things so far through tremendous hard work, the use of sources, on-line undercovers but it is incredibly difficult. i cannot see me stopping these indefinitely. the issue on-line conversations between american supporters of isis and other terror groups and terrorists overseas like the isis recruiter hussein increasingly hidden by highly encrypted and widely available messaging apps. this is not your grandfather s al qaeda. our job is to look at a hay stack the size of this country for needles that are increasingly invisitable to us because of end-to-end encryption. here s how it works. a person sends a message such as i want to fight for isis over the web. encryption software scrambles the message and only a recipient using the correct key can scram unscramble it to see the official meaning. they argue that the key is to allow law enforcement to allow access to encrypted messages with a search warrant. tech companies are resisting, concerned they will lose business from privacy conscious customers. silicon valley estimates it lost tens of billions of dollars to yaefr seas competitors following allegations of masseur veil lance by the nsa. it is really about a trade. how much more secure do you want to make americans and their personal data versus how much opportunity do you want to create for terrorists and other criminals to communicate safely? that is jim sciutto reporting there. many companies have opposed letting law enforcement in. saying such access could weaken their systems against hackers. baltimore s police commissioner has been fire iffed over his handle of the city s riot in april and a general spike in crime. the mayor is replacing him on the heels of a report saying the riots were preventable. recent events placed an intense focus on our police leadership. distracting many from what needs on our main focus, the fight against crime. so we need a change. this was not an easy decision but it is one that is in the best interest of the people of baltimore. the riots erupted after freddie gray a youngman black man died in police custody. six police officers are charged in his death and all pleaded not guilty. greece is set to lay out the reform plan to get another bailout. he help won t come soon enough for many in the struggling country. but first we asked donald trump about a report claiming illegal immigrants maybe working at the construction site of his new hotel. find out his answer after this break. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out .with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it s proven to help relieve pain stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis serious,sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you ve had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn t it time to let the real you shine through? 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[ applause ] today we need unity, not because but because it is indefensible to make decisions without unity on greece. we will wake up in four days in a different europe. greece the defining image really. people cueing up at banks to try to get their cash out, worried they will run out of cash certainly having problems getting ahold of it. the banks will be closed until monday now. the daily withdrawal limit of 60 euros remains in place if they can get it. you have seen the economic toll left by greece s ongoing debt crisis but the human toll is much harder to watch. the signs of suffering in a thriving town that is now experiencing one of the highest unemployment rates in europe. in greece even economcally depressed industrial towns are very beautiful. this is an hour s drive north of athens. with the stunning scenery, it means little here. these are people without atm cards, mostly pensioners, lining up for hours. yelling, shoving each other, desperate to get inside a bank. this woman s watch was broken in the crowd. look where we are today this man says we are humiliated in frnt of the world. this community s economic pain began long before greece s recent cash shortage. they once thrived on the industry and fou factories are lying broken and empty. they have been closing steadily since the start of the crisis in 2008. the mayor says it has hit every business every person. he tells me unemployment is over 30%. among the young it s over 60%. every day around 300 people come here for free food. it s not much but these are the most desperate and their numbers are growing. this man laid off six years ago after working 28 years in a local factory. he doesn t like relying on charity. he says it feels dark. but without it there would be no solution but suicide. this cement factory used to be their pride but no one builds in greece anymore and the plant closed in 2013 more than 300 jobs lost. the workers have a standing protest in the center of town. they want the factory reopened and greece to move on any way it can. you want greece to stay in the euro? we prefer money, any money. we can with this money people here say to admire the beauty is to look through a narrow misleading window. the reality is poverty, unemployment and a community that dreams of recovering its dignity. phil black, cnn, greece. we will bring you updates as that comes in. miserable time in greece. a top u.s. senator says president obama believes chances of getting a nuclear deal with iran are now below 50/50. this is coming as world powers face what maybe the last stretch of negotiations in the deal. delaying the process including iran s request that the u.n. lift embargo sanctions but they are reluctant to do that. donald trump standing his ground on comment he made about illegal immigration in the united states. he came under fire for referring to some immigrants as being rapists. on wednesday, the republican presidential candidate sat down with anderson cooper to discuss a number of topics including a report about workers at one 0 of trump s construction sites in the united states being illegal immigrants. i have to ask you about a couple of things in the news. the washington post say some of the workers building this beautiful hoe tell you are building down in washington, d.c. are illegal. they talked to 15 workers. they said a number of those 15 came here legally through asylum. they are now legal and a number of them did say they are illegal. isn t it hypocritical for you saying illegal immigration is killing this country to be employing illegal immigrants? i read the story. by the way, that story did not name names. i d love if they could give us names. they said they spoke to one or two but they don t name them and don t know if it is true. what they say is several of the men have earned u.s. citizenship or legal status through programs targeting and others acknowledge they remain in the country illegally. they have to give us names. they have to give us names and i have to say this we believe so strongly. i hired a very big contractor. one of the best in the world to build the building. it is their responsibility to make sure. doesn t the buck stop at you in. yes, it does. absolutely. we have gone out of our way to make sure that everybody in that building is legal. we do have some that became legal. wait a minute. we have some many i think that became frankly me you, everybody. ultimately we are all sort of in the group of immigrants right? but we have done that to the absolute letter of the law. we are careful. go there and talk to 15 people and find illegal immigrants. i wish we d get names we d get them out immediately. you must have some on the job site. we check it more than any job ever built. anderson you have either from 11 to 34 million illegal immigrants in this country. they are all over the place. nobody knows even where they come from. can they probably come some from the middle east you don t know where they are coming from. we check on that building probably more carefully than anybody that has ever built a building before. i think, from what i heard and i just checked this morning because i read the article also we are absolutely in beautiful, perfect shape. i wish they d give us names. we d get rid of them immediately. more people are in this country right now illegally than ever bmpl i will build a better wall cheaper and mexico will pay if that is your next question. how do you get mexico to pay? because they are whipping us left and right. by the way, i love the mexican people. many mexican people work for me. many mexican people i do business. they purchase things from me like apartments et cetera et cetera i have great relationships with mexico and i love the mexican people. i love their spirit. let me tell you mexico is making an absolute fortune because the trade deals with the united states are phenomenal for them and horrible for us. they are taking our jobs. they are building factories. they are building things we are not thinking about. you say renegotiate trade deals to put in a price for the wall. absolutely and they will do it. i watched these stupid pundits say you can t do that. of course you can do that. mexico i can do it. hillary can t do it. jeb can t do it. these people that are running most of them can t do it. maybe a couple of them. i have respect for a couple of them but hillary cannot do it. i guarantee that jeb bush cannot do it. i can do it easy. mr. trump saying exactly what he thinks. another republican candidate for president sees things quite differently from him. emotional senator lindsey graham warns republicans they risk losing the election if they don t stop the rhetorical attacks on illegal immigrants. the overwhelming majority of you here are here because you left a bad place to find a better place. you have broken our laws and you need to get ride but i see value in you as a human being and we will try to fix this without destroying your family. when i was 21 my mom died, when i was 22 my dad died. my sister was 13. if it wasn t for family and faith i wouldn t be here. so hillary clinton, you had a chance to push president obama in 2009 and you were completely awol. i don t need a lecture from you about illegal immigration. i don t need a statement from donald trump that the border is broken. i know it. i hope every republican candidate would say the following. we disagree with donald trump in this regard that most of the people here illegally are good hard-working people and if we are not willing to say that as a party, we re going to lose in 2016. priebus told trump in rein in his comments on illegal immigrants in the u.s. we have been tracking the ups and downs of the markets in china. coming up a look at what it means for the global economy. this weekend marks 20 years since the massacre when thousands of muslims were killed in bosnia, but russia s government is refusing to call it genocide. ahhh. beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay.i m ready to come in now. hello? i m trying my best. seriously, i m.i m serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. hello. you are watching cnn newsroom. i m max foster. i m zain asher. let s get to your headlines. officials are looking in to a what shut down the knock stock exchange. it came after united airlines had to ground flights worldwide also due to a tech nickal glitch as well. u.s. homeland security said they were not related or the result of any sort of hack. train workers on are strike for the london underground over a new pay deal that will start in september. the trains shut down wednesday evening. they are expected to start running on friday morning. european creditors for another bailout. details are due in the next few hours. the three-year plan is expected to attack pension reforms as well. banks will be closed until monday with a 60 euro a day limit on atm withdrawals. chinese regular laters are trying to stop the market slide there. there have been wild swings but today more positive news in the markets. they are all over the place. very volatile. although stocks have moved in to positive territory, there are major concerns about what this says about the world s second largest economy. david mckenzie looks at the potential impact. reporter: some say the bubble has burst. some say it is a stock market crash. how bad is the epic slide of chinese stocks? chinese stocks have been on an epic slide. in three weeks the shanghai composite lost a third of its value. to put it in perspective, some say it is worse than the greek economic meltdown. with the loss in value being ten times more than the entire greek gdp. the chinese stock market is not like the new york stock exchange. the government has a huge amount of control over it all the time. it can only go up a certain amount and down a certain amount but every day it has been losing value some they have stopped ipos and injected cash in to the system to try to stop the slide and they are saying there shouldn t be this panicked sentiment in the market but by even say aing that perhaps they are driving more panic. what about the chinese people? individual investors have been hurt and hurt badly by the slide. millions of them piled in to toe markets because of lootsenning regulation allowing ordinary chinese to borrow money to invest. they will be hurting badly. other than ordinary investors the person worrying the most probably xi jinping of china because the government helped to push the stock market rally and now everything they are doing seems to be failing. in the communist party, everything is about power and stability. should you panic, yes and not. 1.5% of the value in the chinese stocks is owned by foreigners because of the tight controls of foreign ownership in the chinese stocks. there isn t this web effect. if the chinese stock crashed it doesn t effect the worldwide system like lee man brothers collapse. there is a sense it is a symptom of an ailing chinese economy. the world s second biggest economy, if china neez sneezes the world will catch a cold. interesting to see what affect the losses will have on the world. this saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the s. s. s. on wednesday with russia vetoed a u.n. resolution that could have won demed the amass kerr as a crime of again genocide. we appeal to authors of the draft and you mr. president to put it to the vote. otherwise we will have to vote against it because of the reasons i ve just named. i vote against it if it is turn out inevitable will not mean we are deaf to the suffering of s.s.s.s. of them and bosnia-herzegovina. to call it anything else will hinder and not help reconciliation. that s why there are many voices calling for us to proceed and vote and to honor the victims as we do so. and for that reason i think it is vital we proceed to a vote. ceremony marks the 20th anniversary of the massacre will be held on saturday in hz bosnia-herzegovina. bill clinton and other world leaders are expected to attend. the united nations has this hour released a disturbing report about war-torn syria. the number of refugees fleeing the countries has passed an alarming 4 million people. this map, if we can pull it up quickly, shows where they are heading to turkey. it is inundated with the most refugees 1.8 million people so far. the u.n. doesn t expect the flow of people fleeing to end anytime soon. officials say another quarter million people will likely leave syria by the end of this year. we will take a break here on cnn. when we come back pope francis on anning a-day tour of south america. up next we will take you to santa cruz bolivia where he just landed with hopes of spreading goodwill. flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren t the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors rates you can t win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let s go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. powerful typhoons. typhoon is expected to make landfall in southern china soon. meteorologist derek van dam, what can you tell us? there s actually three successive typhoons one lining up after another in the western pacific. we will highlight that in a second. we have some images coming from the guangdong province. this is in southeastern china. the strong effect of these onshore winds that are pushing at the wave and a lot of boats having to take refuge in the harbors there to give any protection they have from the oncoming storm. the same storm, the same typhoon has created some cloud cover now in to the hong kong harbor. this is a live image of the hong kong harbor and looking downtown. you can see some clouds but it isn t raining there just yet. that will change. look at the forecast over the next three days. we have showers and thunderstorms. conditions will deteriorate going forward in to the rest of thursday and in to friday. as i mentioned a moment ago, we have three typhoons lining up one after the other. we focus our attention on the most most urgent system. this is linfa making landfall near the province of guangdong. but this typhoon chan-hom has its eyes set on shanghai for sunday afternoon and evening. it will pass in between taipei and okinawa but late sunday we are concerned about. thankfully meteorologists have a new weather satellite launched in japan in 2014. it just became operational this tuesday. this is good because it helps us predict the timing of these individual storms that are heading in a generally westerly direction. i want to show you other footage that is new to cnn. this is a tornado, a rare event just west of venice italy. this is in the town of mira. unfortunately there was one fatality and 20 injured from this cone-shaped tornado. it tore apart buildings and ruined businesses. you can see some of the shrapnel and debris flying down the streets. you can hear it hitting the cars. these guys were precariously close. why reason they driving the other way. that should be their first port of call. you need to get away from a tornado as quickly as possible. car does not bode well for humans. thank you for that. now i know. now you know. pope francis arrived in santa cruz bolivia a little while ago. it is part of an eight-day tour. he was only in town broefly to due to altitude sickness. we have been covering the pope s trip and we spoke about how he covered the high terrain. he had a packed agenda in ecuador. he was busy and in the second country here in bolivia. this could be his most challenging stop during the week-long visit. that s not only because of the altitude but the cold temperatures. it gets down below freezing at night. this is an old man. he s 78 years old. he has part of one of his lungs removed when he was younger. the challenges he will be facing are greater. we talked to locals about different ways you can try to stave off altitude sickness. look at this. la paz celebrating the coming op pope francis. the 3600 meters nearly 12,000 feet is quite a challenge for a 78-year-old pontiff. at the airport pope francis greeted by indigenous children and presented with a traditional chupa, a traditional bag to store coca leaf. according to many bolivians it is the best way to stave off altitude sickness and sold at markets like this. next to the dried chillies coca leaves. do you think the pope will try it? translator: he s going to chew it he says. he s here. he s going to chew it. further down the road she shows me how it is done. it is for hunger she says. it gives you energy and for altitude. she says it will ged rid of hung and hopeful help with the headache. and it does help with my headache. then there is the tea made with coca leaf. it is the main ingredient of cocaine but chewing and drinking it is considered safe and legal here. the vatican tried to minimize the effect by limiting pope s trip to four hours. joyous followers lined the way as the pope drove from the airport to the main plaza. he showed no signs of fatigue as he kissed children and waved to crowds but we may never know if coca leaf helped to keep up his spirits. another interesting detail here. when pope francis landed he was presented with what is called a chumpa. it is a traditional bag that used to be used to carry coca leaf. we don t know if he ever ended up chewing it. we don t know if he chewed it. altitude is very high up there. former italian prime minister is spending three years in prison on corruption charges. guilty of bribing a senator to switch sides and party his party in 2006. that helped him become prime minister for a third time two years later. reuters they want the court to release bill cosby s entire deposition. the judge unsealed part of it in which cosby admit head got prescription drugs to give to women so he could have sex with them. the plaintiff in that case says cosby and his legal team have been talking to the media about other accusers in recent months and said that violates their confidentiality agreement. ac/dc has been sentenced to eight months home detention in new zealand. he plead guilty to drug possession and threatening to kill a former employee. his attorney says he was under stress and on drugs at the time. he described it as an angry phone call. the band replaced him. you think anyone could tell the difference between dogs and bears but this guy didn t clue in for a long time. we will tell you how he finally figured it out. first the cookie at check-in then some time for the two of you. whether setting out for the evening or settling down for breakfast we make sure every weekend is one to remember. doubletree by hilton. where the little things mean everything. people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it s a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it s not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections changes in urination and runny nose. do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar? 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making sense of the greek debt crisis is no easy task. we have tried. one woman in athens is making it more entertaining. she has made a name for herself by jumping in front of reporters on live tfgts trying to steal their microphones. here s jeanne moos with more. have you ever had to talk around someone? now imagine doing it on live tv. talking around a ranting woman who tries to take your mic. reporters covering the financial crisis in greece had their own crisis cnn s richard quest was the first to have to fend her off. this is the sort of thing reporter: not the economy. watch yourself richard. reporter: it is satan she s yelling about. she went after the mic of bloomberg reporter joe wisenle that. he twirled right out of the picture. joe, i m going to take this opportunity. joe didn t get mad. in the spirit of international friendship he took a selfie with her and changed his twitter pro file picture to this. veteran reporter had it worse with even after a crew member eased her out, she kept coming back so that he had to peek over one shoulder an then the other. she kept talking about vladimir putin. there was something a crew member whispered did seem to calm her down. turns out a lady does this all the time. well known in greece as a heck er will usually on religious topics. at least all of these reporters are in good company. this woman even went after george clooney s wife amal. managed to get up close and personal and kiss amal on both cheeks. she never did actually manage to steal a mic. an her message greek to me. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. i have to say there s a point at which you have to smile. i admire her enthusiasm. okay 0. some young patients at a children s hospital got quite a treat this week. a great story. you guessed right. that is johnny depp dressed in full pirate gear. he is there shooting his next pirates of the caribbean. the surprise visit was documented by juice tv. television show made by kids in the hospital for kids in the hospital. that s a nice one to end the show on. it is. thank you for watching everyone. i m zain asher. i m max foster. cnn newsroom continues next hour with the rosemary church. hey honey what ya doing? 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[chuckles] he s supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here. my name is julia grinberg. i work in energy efficiency for pg&e here in san francisco. my job is to help my customers save money, save energy and save the environment. when it comes to renewable energy, pg&e is absolutely committed to creating a clean energy future. one out of every four solar rooftops in america is in our service area. it s wonderful to work in the city where i live and help my neighbors and i feel like the work that i do reflects that every single day. together, we re building a better california. captions by vitac with banks closed frustrated citizens are queueing up at cash machines and the greek government has only hours to meet an end of the day deadline. plus the south carolina house

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his decision to resign online a short time ago. he said his departure could help the prime minister negotiate a way out of the country s debt crisis. he said he would wear the creditors loathing with pride. thousands of people celebrated in athens central square cheering waving flags and setting off fire crackers as well. the no vote is unprecedented and it could send greece on an exit path. the government is reacting to the resignation. yanis varoufakis played a key role or a leading role in the negotiations as the finance minister since the first day of the government. the prime minister feels a need to thank him for his unremitting efforts to promote the government s interests and position to the greek people under difficult conditions. under the counsel of political leaders his replacement will be announced and that meeting is happening as we speak. and elinda labropoulou joins us from ath witness the latest developments. we are hopefully going to be hearing from alexis tsipras right now. he is apparently meeting and is going to come out and discuss a possible replacement for yanis varoufakis. do we have any idea who that replayingmentre replacement might be? reporter: we know that the statement that was made on the greek media where he says the negotiating team is going to be a pro-european more moderate team or at least that s what he seems to have indicated. there are a number of current negotiators who could replacing mr. varoufakis. it will all depend on what mr. tsipras decides to do. will he decide to choose someone less known or someone he believes is on good terms with the creditors or better terms than mr. varoufakis has been. mr. varoufakis has been a choice that has been drawing a lot of attention and his wording has been very strong and strong rhetoric from greece against its creditors in many ways. and i think this is something that the prime minister is going to try and tone down. but we will have the announcement of the name after this meeting that is currently underway. another significant issue about this meeting is the main opposition leader resigned last night. it seems to be the case that we re going to have a lot of political new faces, no people coming in to the greek political sphere possibly in the next 24 hours. it s interesting. both alexis tsipras and yanis varoufakis both said if it turned out to be a yes vote they would both resign but it s they got a no vote and yanis varoufakis ended up having to resign anyway. but alexis tsipras has argued that a no vote would put him in a better negotiating position. do we know if that s true yet? reporter: it s difficult to say at the moment. because we re not quite sure how europe really is going to react. we have an eu summit tomorrow and a euro group tomorrow as well. the first indications for the vote for the no vote so far at least from the euro group mr. dijsselbloem he has not seen this as a step to making discussions with greece any easier. an i think what greece is trying to do is by changing the key players is to be able to back down in its positions on half the creditors listen in more closely again. but while this is taking place we re looking at a country where the banks remain shut and without a very clear picture of when the banks are likely to reopen. earlier today we spoke to the managing director of an intelligence company. let s listen to what he had to say about the banks. provide more liquidity until the euro summit tomorrow depending on which kind of green light they get there, they might be able to do something. but until now, tomorrow the banks will run out of money and we ll see on wednesday where they can reopen. are europeans likely to listen to mr. tsipras s request for debt relief? they haven t done so until now. we have seen some pressure from the imf come in for this. is europe likely to give way? they will start the negotiation. they will be talking about that. but debt relief comes as always in exchange for conditionality nor more reforms and more spending caps and more taxes. it s part of a bigger deal here. what remains to be seen is whether this deal will take place and when. time is of the essence. absolutely. time is essence and it will take weeks, not days as the government has suggested to the voters until yesterday. so whether you re looking at weeks ahead you are looking at a very tough time for the greek people who are already queueing at atms and have been doing so for a week and the economy has been frozen for that amount of time. and this comes at the height of the tourism season there are concerns about how the tourism industry will fare as a result of it. there could be problems with tourists taking money out from banks. but i want to ask you if we go back before the referendum eu leaders said a no vote would essentially mean the greek people rejecting the euro. it would mean saying no to the euro. do we think that the troika was indeed bluffing? reporter: i can assure you this is not the position the greek government has been taking. they said this is nothing to do with the euro and has to deal with specific programs and bailouts. a country cannot get kicked out of the eurozone. a country has to leave the european union to leave the eurozone as well. it s not an easy thing to happen. if greek has to print a new currency or something, you know something like that which would take a little bit of time before we find out whether this is going to happen or not then a grexit is more and more possible. but from the greek side we have reassurances this is not the case. whether the creditors see it that way, at the moment most statistics seem to though that a grexit is more likely than before the referendum was held. elinda labropoulou, all eyes are on the greek banks to see if they reopen tomorrow tuesday. we ll see if that happens. elinda labropoulou live for us in athens where it is 10:00 many the morning. 8:00 in london and the european markets are opening and we ll get a sense of a possible contagion. we have been warned it might happen on the european markets. nina has the markets behind her. takes through it nina. a sea of red. but these losses aren t quite as pronounced as some people might have feared. before we got the first settling figures of the markets, we did have the key eurozone markets in france and germany down in excess of 2.5%. but they have settled only down around 1.6 to 1.8%. that is not as much as some people might have expected. why? it may be because of this decision by the finance minister yanis varoufakis to step down as well as hope in the markets that that could help alleviate the tensions. apparently he was a source of the difficult rhetoric that had been marring the ongoing difficult negotiations taking place in brussels. but when you talk about contagion the kind of markets to look at are in southern europe. i want to point out the ibex in madrid is the number from friday. it often takes a long time for that market number to feed through. it fell on friday. but the rereaction is coming from the i m going to interrupt for a moment. alexis tsipras, the prime minister going into a key meeting right now where he will be discussing who will be the next finance minister. we ll wait to hear who that is going to be. there are names in the frame. a big moment for him. he had the referendum yesterday and he is without his finance minister who has been his wingman in these negotiations. and he is meeting with the council of ministers to decide what to do next. they have thrown the ball into the court of the euro group and the european central bank saying what are they going to do about saving the greek banks? we ll find out later on from the european central bank what their language is going to be. but this is high politics in place right now and a key position in the greek government sitting vacant today from the incumbent who has stepped down announcing he was going to do that on the internet on twitter, no less. saying that he was forced out by the troika and that the troika didn t want to negotiate with him any more. and the opposition leader in greece stepped down as well. a leadership issue at this point in greece. as far as countries outside greece are concerned, what language are you looking for from the ecb to reassure the markets? we re going to have to wait and see here. but that is the big question that a lot of the people will have. at the moment when you were speaking to elinda in athens the greek banks are set to reopen after more than a week long of being shuttered with people able to get out about 60 euros a day. and these 20-year-old bank notes which means they are only able to get smaller amounts. and look at the ftse mib in milan, how can the ecb limit the contagion. greece is one of 19 members in the single currency union and the politicians are saying the ecb is independent as any good and decent central bank should be but it shouldn t prop up insolvent countries forever. and if the greek banks can t reopen this week yet again and can t reopen after, the big fear is when they do open people take so much money out of them there won t be enough in the coffers and the ecb will have to recalculation and that could precipitate a disorderly exit from the eurozone. it has a fine line to walk for the safety of the other countries that use the euro as their single currency. we have these live pictures of the tsipras meeting where he is going to be discussing what to do next. the priority is to get a new finance minister. there has to be a continuity. in terms of keeping the economy going, what does tsipras need from the lenders to at least keep it going for the next few days? the big thing that we will hopefully see over the next few months or so according to this government is some plan to help greece grow from here. remember this is a country that has been in a depression for the best part of eight years. the most precipitous fall in living standards across the european union. the stakes couldn t be higher. and what the greek government has been adamant to see is that they just don t have a hope in paying back all the debt this country is saddled with. the issue of debt relief is something that this government will be lobbying for very very harshly. but a lot of people saying the talks with creditors even if mr. tsipras reckons he has a stronger negotiating hand after the no vote a lot of people are saying it is going to be tougher getting to the negotiating table because the economy is shrinking before they came to power. so we may well see more demands but upped austerity rather than an easing off of the conditions from the creditors which is what he wants. but further down the line the issue will be debt relief how to write down a portion of greece s debt. just to reassure people outside greece that there is not going to be much contagion a report i read earlier suggested that the ecb does have quantitative easing at its disposal and a pile of money to do that. if there is a sense of contagion it will be chucking cash into the markets to do that. it will but when the ecb decided to engage in quantitative easing, it decided to exclude greece from that proposal at the moment. this is another bone of on contention here. and so greece has for many a year in fact since the start of this year since the government came to power and we saw that very difficult rhetoric come to the fore degrees has not had access to all of the machinery of the ecb that other eurozone countries have had and that is a bone on contention. not only is that key meeting taking place where the ecb will be revising the ela to the greek banks today digesting the outcome of the vote. the next deadline involves the ecb. on the 20th of july greece has to pay around $6.5 billion to the ecb. forget the fact they defaulted on the imf debt of 1.5 billion they have more to pay back to the european central bank. with the banks shuttered and if they deponent get a deal on the table they have to find common ground with the ecb because they are coming under pressure not to continue supporting an insolvent country. we ll be back with nina checking on the european markets to see if they are going to go down. they are look for leadership from the policy markets to reassure them. the big question is who is alexis tsipras going to pick? meantime the pope is in south america and the excitement has been building. up next how the faithful are showing their love and why this trip could be crucial to the catholic church. a record-breaking women s world cup final. highlights of the excitement match-up between team usa and japan straight ahead. running my own shop has been brutal. but then i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i look so professional i just got my first customer who isn t related to me. get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. every day people fall, from a simple misstep, to tripping over a rug, to just losing their balance. and not being able to get up from a fall can have serious lifetime consequences. being prepared is important. philips lifeline with autoalert is more than just a medical alert button. it s an advanced fall-detection system, designed to get you help quickly. if you fall and you re unable to push your button, the fall detection technology within autoalert can trigger the button to automatically place a call for help. philip s lifeline has saved more lives than any other medical alert service. this is philips lifeline we received a fall detected signal. do you need help? 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if cuba is any example i think this visit could produce surprises that no one can foresee. he has a skill of bringing people who seem opposed together into some sort of constructive conversation. reporter: here s what followers are foreseeing a break in protocol that delivers a special message just like the pope s spontaneous prayer at the wall that separates palestine and israel during his trip to the holyland. he is bringing together the transcendent nature of christianity but in this world with this world s problems which are so pressing. pope francis is resting for the night. on monday he goes to a city southwest of the capital. there, he is expected to celebrate a mass that is expected to attract hundreds of thousands of people. rosa flores, ecuador. chicago s gun violence has been making headlines for several years now, a 7-year-old boy is one of seven people killed over the long holiday weekend. at least 40 people were shot in numerous incidents. chicago s top cop stood in front of a long table filled with confiscated illegal guns and spoke passion natalie about what he calls a broken system. i m angry. i m frustrated and i m frustrated and angry that we re here again talking about another senseless murder. pick out the names. the list goes on and on. this has got to stop. we can put another 10,000 police officers on the street. and what would happen? maybe we ll arrest mr. brown 90 times and nothing will happen. maybe we ll take another 10,000 guns off the street and another 10,000 will fill up the illegal market the next day. i m incredibly proud of the men and women of this department who go out every single day and do what they do. we need some help here folks we have to fix this broken system. he went on to say that way too many violent prisoners are being released only to return go back on to the streets to a life of crime. saying he is minister no more the greek finance minister resigned. he was meant to stay on wasn t he? he is a maverick minister. we ll be back right after this break. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i m zain asher. i m max foster. let s get back to the breaking news this hour. greece s financial landscape is rapidly changing. prime minister alexis tsipras is meeting with opposition leaders following resignation of the country s finance minister. yanis varoufakis had said he would resign if greeks voted in favor of the latest bailout offer, that is if they voted yes in the referendum but instead they voted to reject it and he is resigning it anyway. and the news of the resignation is impacting the european markets but it s not as bad as you might have expected. the markets are down only slightly. the ftse is down 2/3%. and joining us is a analyst from j.p. morgan financial analysis. explain what the market perspective is. the fallout from greece should be very limited. we have seen as we have said many times before that the linkages into the greece economy are low. the amount of debt held by private sector investors is small. the amount of bank loans from banks in other parts of europe into greece is also very low. and that s why you are seeing a calm reaction in markets. the exposure is not the public sector but the governments of the eurozone if there is a default in the debts. if they lose their money doesn t that have an impact on the likes of germany which will have an impact on the likes of the uk. certainly there is a concern about tim pact of the budgets of those countries. but it s quite a while before we know the full scale of any impact here. first we don t know if greece is going to default on every debt it has. it is in arrears to the imf but not to the european central bank. there is collateral that is posted against those loans as well that can be used to mitigate the losses but it s a concern for the finance ministers of europe. in terms of what might happen next obviously the finance minister going is a benefit for the euro group side. they found him difficult to deal with. there will be some sort of negotiation now. they feel as things moved on as a result of that sack officialrificial lamb as some are calling him. i certainly think that we have entered a realm now where greece s exit from the euro is more likely than not, absolutely and the partners within the euro group are looking at containment and what will happen in that situation. it just seems that to restart your help for greece requires so much compromise on both sides from such entrenched positions it s unlikely to see that. it s clear why the greeks want to talk about debt relief. the imf said that their debt is clearly unsustainable. but you can see why the creditors on the european side are against that. firstly because of the tactics of the greek government. secondly because the other countries in europe which have gone through similar programs would want the same kind of debt relief and thirdly of course because it might encourage far left parties in their own countries have political success there. so it seems the two sides are so entrenched it is hard to find a compromise to keep greece in the euro. they have a banking freeze right now that is harming the economy and making the collateral of the greek banking system worse and causing a liquidity crisis to go into a solvency crisis. how do they contain it? the ecb needs to keep the cash flowing into the greek economy for now. the worst case scenario is pulling the plug and watching the economy collapse and the drachma brought back in a short space of time. the ecb is caught between doing more which it doesn t want to do. it is freezing the emergency liquidity liquidity assistance it s giving to greece and the ecb is saying it s a rules-based organization and the emergency liquidity assistance was given by the banks. and given the fact that greece is in arrears to the imf. and the loan books are deteriorating because the economy is suffering from the current conditions the ecb very soon is going to have to deal with the fact that the collateral is no longer worth what it was. therefore, it cannot afford the liquidity assistance it has given and ask for the money back and the greek banks haven t got it. the ecb is going to have its hand forced here. even though it doesn t want to play the role of the assassin of the greek banks it is a rules-based organization. and it can only ignore the deterioration of the collateral it has already posted for so long. and a recap for our viewers, our breaking news is that yanis varoufakis the finance minister of greece has just resigned. elinda labropoulou is in athens to discuss this. elinda we know that the prime minister alexis tsipras is meeting with opposition leaders right now as i speak. he is in search of a new finance minister. do we have specifics of what is being discussed in this meeting? reporter: what we expect mr. tsipras to do is to try and get the other political leaders to back him. now that he has this resounding support from the greek people through the referendum to carry on with negotiations and to follow a hard line in terms of what greece wants to push forward and that s mainly the idea of debt relief before he can sign any kind of agreement. he is expected as we understand to ask the other leaders to support him in this decision. and at the moment it s quite difficult to see how the political scene will develop as well because of mr. varoufakis wed that leader of the main opposition party stepping down yesterday. so we expect some big developments there as well. so we re not quite sure if we re going to see the opposition maybe all aligning in a certain way, possibly against mr. tsipras or in support of what he s doing. but certainly, we expect that he will be pressuring them to back him in his negotiations tactics in europe. do we have any idea in terms of who mr. tsipras might choose to replace mr. varoufakis? it s hard to tell at this point. it s likely to be someone who has already been on the negotiating team. but, at this time, it really depends on what the prime minister will decide to do. it s also a possibility that he will bring a newcomer into the game someone that the europeans may be less familiar with and in that way by bringing someone new, refreshing the talks as well by you know bringing a different tone to the talks. it all depends on how he will decide to move next. and of course the big question is will those banks in greece reopen on tuesday as mr. tsipras has been promising? we ll keep an eye on it. elinda labropoulou thank you for your analysis. also keeping an eye on the markets throughout day. that s where we get a sense of whether or not this crisis is being contained. look at who might replace that greek finance minister as well. he didn t last very well there. the death toll is rising after a week of violence that has killed 200 people in nigeria. the latest attacks twin explosions in jos where 23 people were killed and over 60 were wounded. one blast happened at a mosque during ramadan prayers and another at a muslim restaurant at sunset as people were breaking their fast. we have a producer in jos who joins us by phone. we saw separate attacks in two states and in jos as well. can you explain why these two areas are consistently targeted by boko haram? reporter: well zain it looks like boko haram has these areas as what is generally called a soft target because consistently these areas have become a hot spot to put up the statement to the federal government that boko haram can still bark and bite despite the president s attempt to see the and we know that the new president, he said that he is going to be moving the army base to the north. do we know what impact that will have in terms of squashing boko haram? reporter: as of now, it doesn t seem to be making much impact even though local communities have reported the movement of troops to nigeria and this work with the neighboring countries to cull the insurgency but it is not making much impact as of know because of the attacks over the weekend and some other various communities. boko haram seem to be rising and challenging the military push towards the north of the state. and the president has only been in power for a couple of months i guess but he promised a lot. how do the nigerian people what do they think of his approach? how do they think it will differ than that of his predecessor as it comes to fighting boko haram. many believe he should be able to get to the root of the problem quickly but the expectations are higher. because the nigerians believe that by now, going by what he has said during his campaign promise that within three to six months they expect to see a decrease in the insurgency but at this time it is not happening. thank you for the update on the twin blasts in jos and the attack in northern nigeria. thank you so much. we appreciate that. tensions between china and turkey erupt after protests against the chinese government turns violent. we ll have an update coming up from beijing. welcome back everyone. china is warning citizens traveling in turkey to be careful and some tourists were attacked in istanbul during anti-chinese protests. [ speaking foreign language ]. hundreds marching protesting against the chinese government s treatment of uyghurs, a muslim ethnic group in western china. they are banned from worshipping and fasting during ramadan. we want to go to our senior international correspondent ivan watson who is in beijing. what measures are in place to ensure the safety of chinese tourists going forward in turkey? reporter: well the chinese government is advising chinese tourists in turkey to quote, avoid going out alone. that s one of the precautionary measures in this safety warning that has gone out after the chinese government says some of its tourists were attacked and harassed in these anti-chinese protests. relatively small ones that did get a little bit violent? some locations over the course of the weekend. in one of these cases that journalist documented you had ultra nationalists pursuing east asians in one of the main tourist attractions in istanbul. riot police intervened to try to protect them. and then you have this one revealing moment where one of the tourists spoke to television cameras. listen to what she had to say. i m not chinese. i m not chinese. i m korean. so there you have someone saying i m korean. i m not chinese and being pursued by an angry mob. this is again, after a round of anti- chinese protests erupted. some were more peaceful. it is over turkish objections to the purr conceived persecution of the ethnic uyghur minority who are also muslim and local bans of the observance of the ramadan fasting. accusations that china denies. and turkey is offering a safe haven. ivan watson thank you so much. when we come back hundreds gathered in the english countryside to honor the newest royal on her big day. we ll have details on the event coming up. look at that. gorgeous. running my own shop has been brutal. but then i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i look so professional i just got my first customer who isn t related to me. get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. every day people fall, from a simple misstep, to tripping over a rug, to just losing their balance. and not being able to get up from a fall can have serious lifetime consequences. being prepared is important. philips lifeline with autoalert is more than just a medical alert button. it s an advanced fall-detection system, designed to get you help quickly. if you fall and you re unable to push your button, the fall detection technology within autoalert can trigger the button to automatically place a call for help. philip s lifeline has saved more lives than any other medical alert service. this is philips lifeline we received a fall detected signal. do you need help? 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reporter: yeah he may just have max. there was a lovely moment when he appeared with holding prince william s hand dressed in a similar outfit to the outfit that prince william wore meeting prince harry for the first time. a touching moment. the family looked absolutely beautiful. it was postcard perfect. it s where they celebrate christmas every year and the queen going on this very same walk. kate and william looking so proud of their family. kate looking absolutely beautiful in an alexander mcqueen coat and james taylor hat pushing a program from the 1950s, the same used by prince andrew and prince edward. as for the ceremony itself it lasted around 45 minutes and historic touches throughout. they used the same baptismal font that is usually housed in and it is the first time that it was brought outside london. and princess charlotte was christened with holy water from the river jordan. the festivities tapped off with tea and cake. and mario testino was brought in for the royal portrait. we ll be waiting to see those pictures. thank you for joining us outside buckingham palace. thank you for joining cnn newsroom, everyone i m zain asher. max foster will be with her all week. he is a little bit jet lagged. slightly crazy at this point. we ll have more next hour with breaking news out of greece. for those in the united states early start is next. you re watching cnn. . . . breaking news this morning. potential chaos in the world markets. the greeks vote no on a bailout and a short time ago, the finance minister up and quit his job. so what on earth happens now? what happens to u.s. stocks and your 401(k)? we are live. iran and the u.s. closer than ever before. we are one day left before the deadline. live with the latest. the most

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20150710

world. we begin this hour in the u.s. state of south carolina. history is being made there. lawmakers decided that the confederate flag on the state house grounds will now be coming down. that flag will be removed in just about nine hours time. then moved to the state s relic room. on thursday, something many people thought they would never see in their lifetime the state s governor nikki haley signed the bill until to law that authorized that flag s removal. we heard about the true honor of heritage and tradition. we heard about the true pain that many had felt. and we took the time to understand it. i saw passions get hot. i saw passions get low. but i saw commitment never ending. right. and so what we saw was another action. and that action is that the confederate flag is coming off the grounds of the south carolina state house. [ applause ] the confederate flag is seen by many as a reminder of slavery and racism in the united states. it s been a subject of con teng in south carolina for years. some consider it a matter of national of heritage rather. it gained attention after a tragedy last month. a massacre inside of a church in charleston south carolina nine black worshipers were shot and killed during a bible study session. police say the white suspect, who had posed with pictures with that flag wanted to start a race war. earlier, i spoke to brady brown, a state lawmaker who voted to take down the flag and he says even though he had ancestors who served in the confederacy this was the right thing to do. proceedings will start around 10:00 a.m. in the morning. of course we hope it will be peaceful and i know it will be. it has been a big week. since all of this has happened a couple of weeks ago. south carolina has been very nice. the fact we have all of our people have been so calm and collected and i m happy to be a part of the process here in south carolina to bring the flag down and do what is best for her people for our people and for the great state of south carolina. it s been my pleasure to represent my district, district 50 for the past 31 years and this is something i m looking forward to being part of and hopefully tomorrow morn ing it will get done and it will be placed in the confederate relic room which will be the resting place for the confederate flag. talk to me about what it was like because it would take it took an overwhelming amount of support among your fellow legislators to bring this flag down. we saw this 12-hour debate play out about whether it should come down. what was it like for you to be in that hall and see that debate happen? well, you know for me with the amount of confederate heritage i have i have a great daddy that took his oath to support the union. i knew the best thing for me to do to was to vote in the affirmative to bring the flag down. there were a lot of house members that felt that way from the beginning. others had different opinions and there are a lot of constituents calling, e-mailing and telling legislators do not bother my flag. what s happened tonight, as we approach tomorrow morning, 10:00 on the 10th of july will be what is best for her people that is south carolina and our state. i m looking forward to this being a peaceful resolution to an issue that s really been boiling for quite sometime. your governor nikki haley signing this bill in to law. basically bringing that flag down. what does it mean for the people of charleston? what does it mean for the victims families of the emanuel nine? well i think the legislature by passing the resolution yesterday afternoon or the bill last night, really told charleston that we feel your pain. we understand what s been going on, and south carolina and the general assembly the senate did it in three days. the house did it in four days and i really believe we have done what s best for our state. again, the governor asked to bring it down. the senate went along with it so candidly and quietly and the house has done the same. with much more debate than the senate had because you have 46 senators and 124 house members. so you had three times as many opinions when it comes to the flag and the issues that surround it. one other quick question. the president of the naacp telling cnn that given that flag is coming down we could see we will see the boycott of your state lifted. that boycott has certainly cost the state business. what do you expect as this boycott is lifted? what does it mean for your state? i was just telling someone tonight, the ncaa athletics they have told us from the very beginning, as long as the flag flies we will not hold events in south carolina. the naacp holds their con venges out of their state. i know this will be a tremendous boom to our local economy and it will be good for everybody concerned. i know that the governor the senate the house and all of its members who supported these issues will be proud of the fact when that flag comes down tomorrow morning. and the confederate flag at this point set to come down at 10:00 a.m. here in the united states. now to the state of missouri and a new law there that caps how much money local governments can collect from traffic tickets. it comes after a u.s. justice department report that found officers were excessively ticketing drivers, especially african-americans, to generate revenue in the town of ferguson missouri. the state s governor called the bill the most sweeping municipal court bill in missouri s history. the sponsor of the bill also weighed in. for the cities that are out there that are viewing their citizens as nothing more than atms reform is coming. for the people of the state, and for the people who live in these communities who have lived in many ways under the fear that they are going to be pulled over and harassed because that city needs money, that s going to change. that s the significance of this bill. you ll recall the federal investigation of the traffic tickets came after the police shooting of michael brown in ferguson last august. his death sparked allegations of excessive police force and bias against african-americans. the british government is warning its citizens not to travel to tunisia unless it is absolutely necessary and it is asking people already in that country to leave. since the attack the intelligence and threat picture developed considerably leading us to a view that a further terrorist attack is likely. we have now completed an ak a assess of the security measures in tourist areas and while we are working with the tunisian authorities to further strengthen those measures we judge that more work is needed to effectively protect tourists from the terrorist threat. that warning comes nearly weeks after that breach attack that killed 38 people. most were british tourists. tunisia s president has declared a 30-day state of emergency. that gives police and military more power to fight terrorism. back to the united states where americans are learning they had several close calls leading up top the fourth of july holiday. potential terror attacks inspired by the group isis. cnn s jim sciutto reports. reporter: u.s. law enforcement thwarted several terror plots in the last four weeks, including plots tied to the fourth of july weekend u.s. officials tell cnn. director james comey said the fbi has made more than ten isis related arrests in the last month. some tied to the holiday. they stopped the stuff trying to come at us for july 4th and now it is july 7th and 8th and they are on to the same thing. it included targets coast to coast and were unsophisticated with plans that included guns knives and other weapons, fitting isis public calls to supporters to attack in any way possible. investigators believe that isis members overseas enabled the plots, recruiting and encouraging americans to carry out attacks on u.s. soil. even selecting possible targets. comey calls it crowd sources terrorists. senator james rich telling cnn on wednesday that time was critical. some were quite imminent. within days. within days. there was even one within hours or minutes. the foiled plots come as the fbi continues to warn that terror suspects have gone dark in cyberspace. increasingly communicating through encrypted messages that is widely available but impossible for the intelligence community to monitor. july 4th weekend may have pass but u.s. officials tell cnn the risk of terror attacks remains very high. based on very recent past trends isis has been willing to and able to push out information to american s and a small number of been willing to try to act based on that. cnn s jim sciutto reporting there. a top american general says despite the threats from terror groups russia poses the greatest danger to the united states. joseph dunford is the next nominee to be the next joint chief of staff chairman. he met with the senate armed services committee on thursday. my assessment today, senator, is that russia presents the greatest threat to our national security. in russia we have have a nuclear power. one that not only has the capability to violate the sovereignty of our allies and to do things that are inconsistent with the national interest but in the process of doing so. so if you want to talk about a nation that could pose a threat to the united states i d have to point to russia. dunford said he favors sending more advanced weapons to ukraine to defend against russian aggression there. recent data breach of the u.s. government is much worse than previously thought. investigators now believe hackers stole the personal information of more than 21 million people both inside and outside of the government. those exposed included 19.7 billion people who applied for security clearances with the office of personnel management. plus roughly 2 million non applicants. mostly spouse s and partners of applicants. it was initially estimated that 4 million people were impacted. director of national intelligence john clapper said that china is the leading suspect in that hack. greeks rally outside of the parliament building as the government reveals the latest plan to save the country from bankruptcy. plus, donald trump responds to rivals who have been slamming his remarks on immigration. how s it progressing with the prisoner? he ll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were. where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you re working. it s what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what s up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. 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[ male announcer ] you wouldn t ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you re not ignoring them in your body? even if you re treating your crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at people think if they don t check their credit score they don t have one. but they do. your score still needs someone to take care of it. it needs your help. for the low price of completely free forever you can get your credit score from credit credit karma will give you your score for free and show you what you can do to nurture it. love your score. take care of it for free at credit welcome back to cnn newsroom. the greek parliament will spend this day debating the government s new plan to save the country from bankruptcy. reuters quotes the ruling party spokesman, who says there will be certainly this will be a big deal today. huge crowds of demonstrators gathered outside of the building in athens on thursday. the government is hoping to get a third bailout loan from european creditors. in exchange it is purportedly imposing tax hiekts on restaurants, hotels and tv advertising. changes to public employee pensions such as raising the retirement age and phasing out tax breaks for greek islands. many in europe say the reform plan won t do much good unless greece s creditors agree to restructure its debt. some call it a hair cut. european council president donald tusk said it sun affordable. angela merkel german chancellor disagrees though. the realistic proposal from greece will have to be met by an equally realistic proposal on debt sustainability from the creditors. only then will we have a win-win situation. we are not dealing with debt sustainability for the first time. i ve said that a classic hair cut is out of the question for me and that hasn t changed between yesterday and today. cnn s richard quest talked about the issue with the chief economist for the international monetary fund. to the extent that we decrease what we are asking of the greeks, that comes with a need for extra financing and some debt relief. so when we do the math we conclude that indeed there has to be policies offered by the greeks but has to be some form of debt relief on the other side. otherwise the plan makes no sense. in this sort of chicken and egg situation, which comes first? because the greeks continually say they can t sign up to bailout conditionality unless they know what the debt relief component is. it s a strong argument. no absolutely. it cannot be a chicken and egg. it has to be two chickens or two eggs. they basically at the same time the greeks have to offer something and then the other side has to say, well given this this is the debt relief we are willing to do. there has to be commitments on both sides. at this time doesn t have to be done, overnight but credible commitments on both sides. you can t have one side say, show me what you are going to do and we eel think. whichever side it is. both have to come to the table and say, if you do this i ll do that and they have to be explicit about it. eurozone finance ministers will meet on saturday to discuss the greek debt crisis. an eu emergency summit is scheduled for sunday. we are just hours away from now the third deadline set for negotiators to reach an iran nuclear agreement. u.s. secretary of state john kerry said on thursday that progress is being made but added the west is willing to walk away from these talks. this is not open ended. president obama made it very clear to me last night, you can t wait forever for the decision to be made. we know that. if the tough decisions don t get made we are absolutely prepared to call an end to this process. earlier this week a top democrat quoted president obama saying the chances of a deal now are less than 50/50. an agreement would require teheran to curb its nuclear program in exchange for the easing of economic sanctions. saudi arabia s former foreign minister has died. for four decades, the prince served as the kingdom s top diplomate. you can see him meeting with then u.s. secretary hillary clinton back in 2009. he was appointed to the position in 1975 and was the world s longest serving foreign minister when he retired in april of this year. he was 75 years old. now to the u.s. presidential campaign and republican candidate jeb bush who s already amassing an impressive war chest for the race ahead. mr. bush and his political action committee safe they have raised about $114 million in campaign contributions. that puts him well ahead of the other republican contenders in the race. in fact presidential hopeful donald trump has taken a different take on reports that the chairman of the republican national committee is concerned about the billionaire stance on the issue of immigration. trump admits reince priebus asked him to tone down his remarks but said that priebus congratulated him on his surge in the polls. priebus declined to comment on trump s version of events. before that call trump sat down with our anderson cooper for a one-on-one interview. here s what he had to say about his opponents when it comes to that issue, immigration. let me read you what your fellow republicans have said. bush said trump is wrong. he is doing this to inflate and draw attention. so look. bush is weak on immigration. forget about his stance on common core which is a total disaster. he s very weak on immigration and that s his prerogative if that is what he wants to be but he doesn t get. it marco rubio, trumps comments are defensive and inaccurate and divisive. marco rubio is extremely weak on immigration. he toughens his stance because his poll numbers went down. if he ever got elected you would have people flowing across the boarder. rick perry i was offended by his remarks. he will have to to defend those remarks. i will stand up and say they are. i could be more offensive to rick perry. he was the governor of texas. the border is a disaster. he could have done more to make the border strong. lindsey graham tweeted why would any group vote for a party if it embraces that view? i sure as hell wouldn t. lindsey graham has been nice to me but he wants to bomb everybody. every time i watch he wants to bomb everybody. carly. viciously fired, she then ran for senator. did she do a good job? no. you don t generally lose your job when. she is nice. she ran for the senate in california against barbara boxer and got killed. got killed in a landslide and now she is running for president. ted cruz. i have great respect for the fact that he had the courage to back me up and to say that what i m saying is right. all i m saying and all he is saying is we have to stop illegal immigration. it s causing tremendous problems including crime. i have great respect for the fact that he was willing to stick up. and carson he stuck up too. he came out the other day strongly. i have great respect for them. trump made the number two in recent polls but according to analysis from pivot, the presidential candidate only has a 1% chance of winning the republican nomination. now to the pope. pope francis who s on an eight-day tour of south america. in a speech thursday in bolivia, he criticized capitalism. a reoccurring theme of his papalcy and focused on the new colonialism of austerity measures and free trade deals in the world today and apologized for past offenses committed by the catholic church in latin america. when the pope speaks of colonialism, he overlooks certain actions of the church. i say this to you with regret, for many grave sins were committed against the native peoples of america in the name of god. [ applause ] later today pope francis will visit one of bolivia s most notorious maximum security prisons. it is located in santa cruz bolivia s largest city. it is about 500 kilometers or 300 miles from the capital city of la paz. it houses a third of the country s prisoner and resembles a small city. criminals, many of them convicted on violent crimes, live side by side as neighbors. even young children are permitted to live on the grounds with parent. police patrol the perimeters of the complex, but inmates are essentially in control of what happens inside of its walls. police in bangladesh say a rush to receive donated clothes resulted in a stampede killing at least 20 people and injuring dozens more. you are looking at pictures of the aftermath. authorities fear the death toll may rise. a stampede took place outside of the gates of a tobacco factory. china s markets are close close in a few howevers and after weeks of losses investors are hoping for a second rally. plus, we ll meet the man behind one business that s still thriving in the greek financial crisis. you are watching cnn newsroom. so you re a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i ve got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don t have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we re looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberyy apple scones smell about done. ahh, you re good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world with. you are watching cnn newsroom. good to have you with us. i m george howell. the headlines this hour greece is hoping to secure another european bailout with a reform plan of tax hikes and privatization. the government wants to raise taxes on hotels restaurants and shipping companies. parliament will debate the plan today before it goes to european creditors. south carolina governor nikki haley, signed a bill in though law to take down the confederate battle flag from the state house grounds. it will be removed 10:00 a.m. local time and moved to a museum. the flag gained national attention last month after a white gunman killed nine african-americans seen in pictures with that flag. hours from now pope francis will visit what is considered bolivia s most violent prison. he will meet with inmates and their children at the max security complex in santa cruz. the catholic leader is visiting it is part of his eight-day tour of south america as the remnants of typhoon ninfa move away there is a new threat for shanghai as another typhoon barrels toward eastern china. let s go to derek van dam with more on that. think residents in hong kong are probably going what typhoon. the skies cleared quickly. it moved across the region 12 to 24 hours ago disapoited and no longer a threat. this is the scene in the guangdong province. the typhoon making landfall there. it battered motorists and neighborhoods with strong winds and rain. toll toppling trees as you can see on your tv screen damaging power utilities. kicking up the surf. it closed airports some railways and schools. in fact the hong kong international airport was closed for a period of time overnight last night with wind gusts in excess of 40 to 50 kilometers an hour and of course the heavy rainfall grounding some of those flights. now we focus our attention from linfa and look to chan-hom. this is a significant typhoon that is splitting the difference between okinawa and taiwan but it has a general west to northwesterly path that will make landfall in the east cohen coast of china in the next 24 hours. look at what is in the path of the storm, shanghai. population 24 million. we have the possibility of stronger winds, even though it will be a weakened phase. the storm will significantly impact that region with heavy rainfall and certainly gusty winds. this is the current stats on the storm. 220 kilometers an hour just below super typhoon status. we will watch for this storm carefully here at the cnn world weather center going forward. you can see the population density across the east coast of china, very compact. forecast is going to get worse from here. if you are in shanghai consider checking your flights for this weekend. switching gears quickly, we had a volcano that s been slowly erupting in the indonesian island of east java. this is the location of meth . the volcanic ash is spewing four to six kilometers in to the atmosphere. it brought the smoke across bali. the airport there was closed and still is closed thanks to volcanic ash that continues to float across the region. george we all know we have covered this several times, you and i together that volcanic ash and jetliners do not mix well. no they don t. for sure. busy man. a lot happening in the world right now. thank you very much. china s markets are looking to rebound for a second day after weeks of sdef stating losses. a chinese government securities agency is offering billions of dollars in loans to brokerage firms to buy stocks. cnn asia pacific editor andrew stevens is joining me from hong kong. good to have you with us. two consecutive days of rallies. are we to believe the way it is, the new trend or is there still pessimism about what is happening? it is a good question george. the best way of answering it is to say it is too early to call whether this is in fact the bottom of this stock market rout are, the measures we have been reporting from beijing have now working. they have been gaining traction. without a doubt we saw think big jump yesterday followed been aan equally impressive rebound today. stocks are off their bottom. if you look at the performance of the market, over the past three to four weeks it s been a jagged performance up and down up and down. but the general direction the momentum if you like has been down. this is also a market that doesn t really bear a lot of resemblance to reality at the moment given the fact that so many companies suspended shares from trade thaeng government is basically buy ing anyone who is selling at the moment. that s with we are. the big question or one of the other big questions, of course is how damaging is this beyond the stock market? is there going to be a ripple through the world s second bill biggest economy. my colleague put that question the significance of the stock market slump in china to the chief economist of the international monetary faund few hours ago. listen to what he had to say. china, i think, is largely a side show for the time being. the stock market in china is very much a side show. it could have some affect on spending but probably not much. no i have an optimistic view as to where we are. we are obsessed by greece and china but when you go away from these events in china and the greek discussion i think things are more or less on schedule. it is not a great recovery but it is there. so basically, george olivier down playing the global significance of what is happening in china. two days on another strong rally. you have to say that there s a growing likelihood we may have actually seen the bottom here to reiterate the efforts the government has been taking to essentially hold the line is there a mood that those efforts are work something. i think so. i think that s definitely the case. this is a market that was in the grip of panic as the actually beijing itself admitted with sort of irrational trading going on. so when you get that sort of situation all sort of logic goes out the window. not to say this wasn t a bubble to begin with but no one looking at whether these markets were actually getting toward fair value but getting everything out of the market. beijing pro-ayingeijing introduced these measures to soak up the sales. the companies took the decision on their own volition and it does distort the market completely. as these companies coming back to trading from suspension, it will be interesting to see if we get a ten or 15% rebound whether or not people are going to want to sell in to that rising market or think, as beijing certainly hopes they ll think that the worst is over, beijing s backing us. so we can even start to buy again or at least not sell again. that s what we will be watching out for the next week. we ll have to see what the next few days bring. andrew stevens in hong kong thank you for your reporting there. the highs and lows in china are similar to what happened on wall street in 1929. cnn s claire sebastian reports. reporter: the roaring 20s. a time of short skirts short-term trade and a long, steep decline. 86 years later and some say it is happening again in china. the shanghai composite up more than 80% in the past year has lost almost a third of its value in the past four weeks. compare that to the dow in 1929 and the graphs look eerily similar. in the post-war euphoria of the 1920s, people borrowed money to buy stocks. a practice known as margin trading. strategists see history repeating in china. the levels of margin left handing in china are historically unprecedented. at the peak it was 12% of the total market float. that was the boom and when it comes to handling the bust, the parallels continue. on october 24th 1929. otherwise known as black thursday a dproup of top american bankers met in this building 23 wall street. then the headquarters of jpmorgan. they agreed to pull their resources to prop up stock prices. now almost nine decades later, 21 chinese brokerage firms are doing almost exactly the same thing. in china s case the government enlisted its brokers to buy stock to support prices. in 1929 the market crashed again four days later. what happens next in china is open to debate. and leeanne lee is the author of who the u.s. can learn from china. she says in this case the reverse maybe true. certainly the china are studying the history there as well with. it is possible it will work in their case because they are going to probably be even more aggressive. reporter: not everyone is optimistic. that s wa we saw in 1929 as well. which is the market was not at a sustainable level and all of the attempts all the kings horses and men couldn t put humpty together again and that s wa we are seeing now. the global depression lasted almost a decade. most believe china s bear market will be contained to china. each bubble and each bust is different. each difficult to manage. a hard lesson learned on wall street. clare sebastian, cnn, new york. now back to the financial crisis in greece. it touches every aspect of life in that country. the banks are closed. businesses are suffering and people are losing their jobs but one man is doing his best to weather this storm. here s cnn s richard quest. reporter: this is the world with of sandals and feet. all styles all types. and in this world rules as emperor. they have been turning the best greekleter in to quality foot ware for three generations. they have created sandals to the stars. i made for vara jessic parker for the wife of the vice president of the united states. and recently for a famous model. reporter: i have come with my own bit of greek tradition and my choice is plentiful as the legends themselves. who knew sandals could be so difficult? plato, hermes and more. perhaps manage more modern. the john lennon. i settle on the warning sign of trouble and appropriately in business greece is in crisis. but here is the exception. the fame of this man has spread far. the shop is always crowded. business for us is good because we are making something that is hand made and people like still like hand made things. reporter: even with such riches life is getting more difficult, leather the basic raw material of the trade is harder to obtain and the lack of cash is spreading havoc in an economy that runs on notes and coins. in hard times, and old-fashioned society, like the greek society, it is nice to see something real in their hands. they need to see cash. this is how they understand the concept of money. they want to know they have whatever points in a bank account. they want to see real things like real tomato real watermelon, real money. reporter: pantelis the poet has been working on my sandals for 20 minutes, hard work for a product that he still sells at only $38 a pair. when you asked him why he doesn t charge more he just shrugs. all in all, everything s snug. perhaps the greek government and the euro zone could learn a thing or two from the poet sandal maker where everything here seems to be a perfect fit. richard quest, cnn, athens. basically benefitting from the fact it is hand made there. just ahead here on cnn newsroom the remains of a little girl found in a trash bag on the boston shoreline. the desperate search to find out who she is. why are you 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images of both hoping someone may recognize them. her body discovered discarded in a trash bag along the shore of deer island massachusetts, a place where waste water is treated just east of boston s logan airport. we appeal to the caregivers the parents, step forward, clear your conscience. no person deserves to be discarded like. this at the same time i do worry there may be other children in the home that need our attention and protection. reporter: on-line, tens of millions are sharing her story. sharing their grief and searching for answers. an early flood of tips suggested that she could be a 3-year-old who went missing from west virginia in 2011. police have since ruled that out. the national center for missing and exploited children is pouring over the databases, looking for a match. lots of people are calling in with tips and leads and we want them to continue. we are checking on the welfare of a lot of children 24 welfare checks on children who resembled baby doe. police say they are not sure when baby doe died. toxicology tests will show if she was poisoned or given drugs. there were no visible signs of trauma to her small body. baby doe 3 1/2 feet tall weighing just 30 pounds. along with the hundreds of tips that poured in there have been offers of help from funeral homes and individuals, even churches who are offering to provide burial services for the child but investigators are focused on who is finding out who s responsible for this little girl and what happened to her. in new york, alexandra field, cnn. we ll be right back after this. passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. that s huge for my bottom line. what s in your wallet? 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