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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20190511

that s right, fred. let s start with the president saying that he believes he would be within his rights to ask attorney general bill barr to look into former vice president joe biden and his son, hunter biden. this stemmed from events that took place in 2016, when joe biden was in office. then vice president biden was one of several western leaders to push for the ouster of ukraine s then top prosecutor. that ukrainian investigator at the time, or around this time, was looking into a ukrainian energy company in which hunter biden had a financial interest. biden was not alone in pressuring this ukrainian official to step down. there is no evidence that joe biden s actions were connected to his son s business activities. nonetheless, trump said he could be interested in having the attorney general investigate this. in the same interview, he acknowledged vice president joe biden, at the moment, looks poised to be the most likely democrat to face him in the 2020 election. this also comes as the president s personal attorney, rudy giuliani, is backpedaling rapidly on plans to travel to ukraine and talk about the investigation with ukrainian officials. giuliani went from defending that decision to this morning, telling our colleague mike warren, he s decided not to have the trip because they could be misrepresented, fred. the democrats, well, they ve issued a new round of subpoenas for the president s taxes. what is the white house saying about that? reporter: that s right, fred. this is an escalating fight between the white house and congress. it s one of several battles that the white house is waging right now against congressional oversight. on friday, the democrat iic chairman of the house ways and means committeei issued subpoens to the chair of the irs and steve mnuchin for the tax returns. steve mnuchin has said to the committee that he doesn t believe there s a legitimate legislative purpose for the lawmakers trying to get these tax returns. the white house and the treasury department, they ve tried to characterize this as a partisan exercise. the trump administration not relenting any time soon on their position that they are not going to be making the president s tax returns public, fred. what more can you tell us about the white house request, that former white house counsel don mcgahn not be able to testify? reporter: fred, the white house, according to sources, pressured former white house counsel don mcgahn to come out publicly and say that the president did not obstruct justice. sources tell cnn that mcgahn told special counsel robert mueller s investigators that he believed the president didn t obstruct justice. mcgahn, through his attorney, declined to announce it publicly. sources also told cnn that the president was upset about mcgahn s refusal to come out and say that publicly. this all underscores the measure that is the white house has taken to try to portray mueller s report as exonerating the president, even though it explicitly did not on the question of obstruction. an attorney though for mcgahn saying that at the time, the former white house counsel did not perceive the white house as threatening mcgahn to make that public statement. fred? sarah westwood, thank you so much. with me now, a former federal prosecutor and cnn legal analyst. and lynn swede from the times. being okay with the attorney general investigating joe biden. this as joe biden has his meteoric rise to the front of the pack of the democratic field. as a former federal prosecutor, explain, you know, the legal and ethical problems with this kind of discussion or okay. i have to say, it s shocking to me. i don t think we should be okay with that in any way. in fact i m sorry. i m having problems. little feedback? you can answer the question. pull out the ear piece so you don t see yourself. it is outrageous, that the president of the united states is calling on his political opponent to be investigated. we re not getting condemnation from both sides of the aisle. that s really what shocks me most. frankly, there s supposed to be a wall between the justice department and the president on issues like this. this should be a widely condemned as an abuse of power by both sides. lynn, it is extraordinary to hear this because in the mueller report, there were at least ten attempts of obstruction being cited. you ve got that, you know. people are still simmering over that. then you have the president, who is potentially trying to interfere or encourage something that would seem like an overreach or potential obstruction. why doesn t the white house feel comfortable in saying this out loud? i don t know if the white house writ large really feels comfortable, or if they just have to be silent. i hope that people listening understand that this is not normal behavior of a president. the mueller report outlined ten episodes of attempted or potential obstruction of justice, with a finding still potentially to be made by congress, if it ever gets there, by the house, if it goes toward impeachment. but if you had any doubt, one would think, if you were president trump, you stay out of trouble. if you get nailed for if you get busted and renato knows this, it s rare, if i m arrested for robbing the bank on monday, maybe i shouldn t go rob the bank on tuesday. so there is just this here s what s remarkable in history, the president seems unaware of what he s doing. what i really would want to know with this twitter tirade this morning, does he have a tweet deck or what? is he sitting there doing word searches, to find everybody who might be tweeting something he considers deemed worthy of re-tweeting? yeah. renato, you ve got that, then you have the former white house counsel, don mcgahn, you know, refusing to publicly state the president did not obstruct that, by the urging of the white house. renato, are you able to hear me? i think they re still trying to work out audio with renato. lynn, to you. the issue about the former white house counsel don mcgahn, and the president asking or really not the president directly but, you know, emmitt flood asking, you know, mcgahn to make a statement. then mcgahn s representation saying, no, we re not going to do that. i mean, is this not an attempt to obstruct justice? well, it s not how that is not the protocol. i don t want to use the word, for the moment, obstruct justice, because that is a legal term. i want listeners to appreciate it s not how an elected official from an alderman to our president conducts business. you do not ask people to make exonerating statements for you. you don t ask people to investigate your enemies. you let the chips fall where they are. you have oversight in some ways over who you appoint, but knowing that you asked somebody to issue statements is maybe, to the most ge benign explanation,u thought you were controlling messaging management. in this case, you crossed a line. renato, as it pertains to the former counsel, don mcgahn, you know, there was an urging by house democrats who want him to testify. the white house saying, no, you know, wanting to exert, you know, executive privilege to keep him from doing so. if don mcgahn had been who cooperating with the mueller report, could he, as a citizen, be prevented from talking for the white house? i don t think there will be a an easy way for the white house to stop him from testifying. but the democrats have not received all of the materials relating to don mcgahn. they haven t received his interview reports and so on that are cited in the mueller report. they can ask him questions. i think they will be able to, despite the white house s attempts to delay that or to ultimately try to block that. what questions are they going to ask him? i think they ll have to be very careful with the questions that they ask. i think the main fight is going to be over whether or not the interview reports, the notes of his conversations with the president and so far, are going to be turned over. all right. renato, lynn, thanks to both of you. thanks for rolling with it. still ahead, russia, north korea, iran, president trump facing political pressure from across the globe. how can the president handle the growing conflicts now front and center on his agenda? later, hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil spilling out near houston. it s the result of an oil tanker colliding with two barges. the latest on the damage and the cleanup efforts. last year, the department of veteran s affairs partnered with t-mobile for business, to help care for veterans everywhere. with va video connect, powered by t-mobile, men and women who serve can speak to their doctors from virtually anywhere, and get the care they deserve, so they can return to their most important post. best friend, quarterback, or just dad. the va provides the care, t-mobile provides the coverage. when you take align, you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. align helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets, 24/7 with a strain of bacteria you can t get anywhere else. you could say align puts the pro in probiotic. so, where you go, the pro goes. go with align, the pros in digestive health. and try align gummies, with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. i had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. like the old tunic tug . but always discreet is less bulky. and it really protects. cause it turns liquid to gel. so i have nothing to hide. always discreet. this afternoon, a massive cleanup is under way following a collision in waters near houston. a tugboat pushing two barges collided with an oil banker on friday, almost ripping one of those barges in half. officials say some 9,000 barrels of a gasoline blending product has spilled into the channel. the crash occurred inside the houston ship channel near bay port. now, flooding is in the area, and it s complicating the cleanup efforts. here now is ed lavandera. reporter: it has been a week of intense rainfall here in the houston, texas, area, as another third round of rain is expected to continue falling here this afternoon. so many people here in southeast texas waiting to see if any more serious floodwaters will rise out of the bayous and trip ybut systems that run out of this part of texas to the gulf of mexico. for much of the last 24 hours, there s been little to no rainfall. that has given previous floodwaters a chance to recede and really give residents a break. that should be enough to get most areas through the worst of this flooding. the renewed rainfall and severe weather is going to be hampering efforts in another problem in the houston ship channel on friday afternoon. a vessel collided with two barges carrying 50,000 barrels of gasoline blend stock. one of those barges leaked about 9,000 barrels of gasoline blend stock into the houston ship channel. emergency crews are in the process of trying to contain that spill. officials also say that one of the other barges carrying a 25,000 barrel container is capsized but has not ruptured. they re trying to contain that and make sure none of that oil or gasoline spills into the houston ship channel, as well. there is around the clock air monitoring going on, although officials here in texas say that none of those levels have come back harmful for residents in the area. they are urging residents to stay away from the coastline, be weary of that, and they will probably smell the effects of this spill for those residents who live close to the coast lli in that area. so far, no injuries and no reports that this spill is causing any kind of health impacts for the residents in that part of the houston ship channel. ed lavandera, cnn, houston, texas. up next, big, global conflicts now front and center for the white house. so how will president trump respond? more straight ahead. thanks to move free ultra. i keep up with this little one. see the world with this guy. and hit the town with these girls. in a clinical study, 4 out of 5 users felt better joint comfort. move free ultra. movement keeps us connected. to save 30% on all the medications we carry. so go directly to now. welcome back. tensions are rising with north korea once again after pyongyang launched more short-term missiles, and the u.s. seized a coal ship headed for north korea, saying it breached sanctions against kim jong-un s region. it adds to the mountain of foreign affairs issues facing the white house. not the least of which is a growing crisis with iran. a trade war with china and a u.s.-backed candidate struggling for power in venezuela. i want to bring in sam, former senior adviser in the obama administration. let s begin with north korea. trump has said that he is still with kim jong-un, but is kim abandoning his relationship with trump and looking for other allies? reporter: it certa it certainly feels that way. you mentioned the threats facing the president right now. there s never any shortage of threats imapacts national security. there is a reason i didn t sleep for four years when i worked at the white house. the difference now is a lot of the threats are of the president s own making. north korea, the intelligence community has been very clear that north korea will not denuclearize. they will not give up their weapons of mass destruction. president trump, months ago, said that they were naive and didn t know what they were talking about. only now that kim is launching the missile tests, he is acknowledging, perhaps they re right. if the president engaged in the national security process, listened to his team, and did something other than operate based on pearsonal hunches and feelings, there s been less for the team to be dealing with right now. skeptics always said kim jong-un isn t going to abandon his missiles program. he s not likely to denuclearize, though the white house is saying it felt that the president, particularly, feeling it was promising it could achieve that. now, what will be the president s strategy? what will be, you know, the objective of any other dialogue with kim jong-un? well, i think the first step would be trying to multilateralize any response we have to kim s latest test. secretary of state pompeo is heading to russia shortly. under any other administration, i would say that that trip was a really smart idea because vladimir putin does have a much closer relationship with kim jong-un. i would tack on a trip to china, as well. again, because of china s relationship with kim jong-un. such that russia, china, the united states, and the international community could have a coordinated response to kim jong-un, perhaps at the united nations or elsewhere. the problem is, president trump has already absolved kim jong-un of guilt it comes to these missile tests. he s already suspended new sanctions on north korea based upon transgressions that the treasury department has identified them as undertaking. so the best thing that the president can do now is consult with his team before he issues more statements by tweet and try to engage an international coalition to engage with north korea. iran now. the u.s. moving a navy strike group and bombers to the area. iran says it is pulling back on the terms of the 2015 nuclear agreement. where is this going? well, it really shows that when president trump goes big, he goes home empty handed. he violated the jcpoa, the iran deal, because he said it wasn t broad enough. it didn t cover other areas of iranian illegal activity. that s true, it didn t. i helped work on the early days of the deal, and it was narrowly focused on iran s nuclear program. what we have now is a situation in which iran is continuing its illegal activity in supporting terrorism, cyber space, and abusing its own people, and launching ballistic missiles, while they re saying that they may, in fact, start nuclearizing again because of the pressure that the united states has put on them. the united states has not given iran an off-ramp. secretary of state pompeo laid out an onerous 12-step plan with a list of demands iran had to meet on a broad range of issues before we start negotiating. instead of keeping a deal that minimized one threat, a nuclear threat, the president tried to get a bigger and better deal. instead, is empty handed. we have a situation, fred, where we have a nuclearizing north korea, a potentially re-nuclearizing iran, not to mention a trade war with china and all the remember business the team has to focus on. so on iran, is iran, you know, sending a signal to trump, that they re not likely to take him up on his offer of, you know, a phone call that he s opened to talking now? the president puts a lot of faith in the power of his own phone calls, but i don t think that the iranian regime is keen to jump on the phone with president trump. they have their own politics, too. the iranian regime took a massive hit domestically when the president, frankly, humiliated them and withdrew from a deal they took a lot of pain to sell domestically. at the same time, i don t think anybody trusts the president s word on much of anything anymore. he has violated so many deals. he has flip-flopped on so many issues. reestablishing the credibility of what the president says is a massive undertaking for the national security team. when we started the back channel negotiations with iran during president obama s first administration, we had to spend time convincing the iranians that we meant what we said. just like we tested their credibility. at this time, i don t think the iranian regime has much faith in the president s word on these issues. does it seem like, to you, that the president feels that his credibility is null and void? you know, on the global stage. i don t think he really cares because i think that he just, again, views these agreements, views these negotiations, to an extent, as a way to score political points. north korea, he fails to acknowledge it s failed because he is keen on solving the problem with north korea. he refuses to acknowledge he has contributed to the rising threat from iran because he withdrew from the iranian nuclear deal. now, iran is saying that they ll enrich uranium and they ll store material in country. humility is a characteristic that we should hope that all presidents have. instead of sitting down with his team and honestly acknowledging where we are, the president is doggedly sticking to policies that he s using on the campaign trail. yeah. if not null and void, then at least credibility has taken a big hit. that seems to be the signal many countries are sending. sam, thank you so much. appreciate it. thanks, fred. ahead, we re 18 months from election day 2020. many democrats on the trail are already polling out their plans for rolling, rather, out their plans. can their vision resonate with voters this early in the campaign? 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would you want me to make a blanket commitment about people i know nothing about, who i ve never met? iesha, what s going on here? is this just the beginning? what was going on here is that the democratic hopefuls are intending to have conversations about policy. at least most of them. i think what we get a little bit from beto here, saying, hey, what a minute, i want to align with people who have ideas that i share. what we re seeing out of cory booker, what we re seeing out of elizabeth warren, of course, because she has lots of plans, is democrats are actually and i would say americans j s generally are looking for people who have ideas to solve the problems we face, and who are ambitious and aspirational in thinking about who we can be as a nation. what are the steps towards us getting there? that is the point of the conversation. that s what democrats want to hear. i think this conversation about, you know, whether there is going to be in-fighting, rivalry, what have you, it is a competition. yeah, there s 20 something democrats in the field. they re all running because they believe they can do better at the job. i think healthy competition is important. at the end of the day though, when we get to the convention next summer, my expectation as a democrat is that all of the candidates, who ultimately fell by the wayside, would fall in line and support the person we put up for president in that convention. you know, a conversation is super premature about down balloting and who is doing what where. i think three things the democrats want is someone who has a plan, someone who s plan is ambitious, going to solve problems, and certainly, they ll want to see the entire field rally behind the presumptive nominee. is there a worry the ideas will be dwarfed by a growing anti-trump sentiment? well, look, no one is going to win this presidency on hatred of the administration alone. i mean, if you think about if you looked at the last poll, 56% of americans don t even want to talk about impeachment. they re tired of that. i think beto actually has a point here. his job, at the end of the day, he s going to get into he s looking forward into the general election. this is not just about supporting every democrat. this is about supporting americans. when you become a member of the administration, you are the president for everyone. now, it s about making sure that the united states of america and the people have a voice, inst d actually, you know is it trump s competition? well, i think here s the first thing. in order to get through this primary, which is what the candidates have to do before they get to donald trump, in order to get through the primary, they ll have the excite and mobilize the democratic base. there are a lot of people in the democratic base who feel they haven t been seen or heard. certainly, there s a lot of lip service being given to issues. the outcome, specifically for people of color, young people who are settled with student loan debt, the outcomes in their lives have not changed. they ve been the same for decades upon decades. a lot of these candidates will have to answer for it because they have records over a course of time. what the candidate wills has wio do is excite and energize the democratic base. when it comes to the general, making sure they can maintain enthusiasm from democrats. hillary clinton, a lot of her challenges were 9% of the democrats who voted for obama stayed home. not that they voted for trump. that s not why hillary clinton lost. she lost because democrats stayed home. in order to actually win at a national scale, these candidates will have to get through the primary by getting people riled up, then maintain that enthusiasm and energy so the base comes out en masse. what we know in this country is people who share the views of the vast majority of the candidates are the majority. hillary clinton got 3 million more votes than donald trump. the way our system works out with the electoral college, doesn t necessarily make a win a win, unfortunately. i believe it is all about mobilizing people to turn out. that s what these candidates need to be focused on. not getting into some muck and mud with donald trump. quickly, mia, last word? i agree with that. i mean, this is not, at the end of the day, that battle is going to happen. i think that the more people come up with ideas, ideas that actually can cross party lines, the better off they re going to be. they re trying to differentiate themselves. again, this is not going to be no one is going to win this presidency on hatred of the current president. they want someone who is going to be a leader and who is going to talk about their own ideas. mia love, iesha moody mills, good to see you and happy mother s day to you and all the important moms in your life. don t miss tonight s episode of the ax files. david axelrod sits down with senator cory booker for a conversation about the race and possible impeachment proceedings in washington. that s tonight, 7:00 eastern, only on cnn. the water. the exercise. the fiber. month after month, and i still have belly pain and recurring constipation. so i asked my doctor what else i could do, and i said yesss to linzess. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess is not a laxative, it works differently. it helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it s severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. i m still doing it all. the water. the exercise. the fiber. and i said yesss to linzess for help with belly pain and recurring constipation. ask your doctor. since my dvt blood clot i was thinking. could there be another around the corner? 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fred, eventually, for consumers, we re going to have to see, right? this announcement was just made midnight yesterday. as far as the business is, i can tell you there are many throughout the united states that are already taking a hit. that includes even the owners of various bike businesses. take a listen. reporter: step inside ryan s new york city showroom, and you ll see the unintended consequences of a trade war. with this new tariff, it is inevitable, we have to increase the price on this model. reporter: like many of america s small to medium-sized businesses, the brooklyn bicycle company is already dealing with the burden of increased chinese import tariffs. these bikes are assembled in china, using foreign made components to keep the cost down for the consumer. the trump administration s 10% tariff hike on $200 billion worth of goods forced him to raise prices. this was a $449 bike last summer. it is now $499. reporter: on friday, the white house announced the 10% will increase to 25%, a change that will result in another price hike. for every $100 we spend on bicycles, $5.50 we pay in duties. we ve been paying an extra $10 since september. with this additional tariff, it is now another $15. we re talking $30.50 for every single bicycle we import on $100. not for every bike. every $100, $30.50. on a $200 our cast ost at facto $61 we re paying in duties to the government. reporter: some of his customers will be paying more for the same bike. it is difficult for me. i can t call my customer and say, guess what? you re getting a better wheel set, better grips, and this luxurious leather sandal. effectively, the money is going to the government. reporter: it s been a rough ride for many business owners since president trump waged his trade war with china. ryan blames the uncertainty with trade negotiations. it is not difficult as a business to decide what to do. we ve built financial models. we can punch in the variables, regardless of the scenario, and the model will spit out, which is what you need to do. the challenge with the models now is we re missing one main variable. we don t know what the duties are going to be with talks gone going. reporter: the president took to twitter friday, saying tariffs will make the country, quote, much stronger. just sit back and watch. that may be hard to do for some u.s. importers with china now vowing to hit back after friday s tariff hike. i think tariffs are a great thing. i applaud the administration were what they re doing. i just think six months, nine months in, it s becoming really difficult. come on already with these negotiations. let s move ahead. reporter: may be asking, why doesn t zagata do what the president wishes could be done, build the bicycles in the united states? it is simply not that easy. you see, most of the components that it takes to build that bicycle, the spokes, the wheel, the saddle, et cetera, a lot of those different items, fred, they come from asian countries. even if you were to import them into the united states and actually build the bike here, technically, you d still be subject to that 25% tariff. no way around it. all right. polo sandoval, thank you so much. coming up, a 14-year-old student dragged by a school bus. now, his mother is suing, alleging racial animus. the latest on the case, next. lf veteran s affairs partnered with t-mobile for business, to help care for veterans everywhere. with va video connect, powered by t-mobile, men and women who serve can speak to their doctors from virtually anywhere, and get the care they deserve, so they can return to their most important post. best friend, quarterback, or just dad. the va provides the care, t-mobile provides the coverage. and i don t add trup the years.s. but what i do count on. is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life. a mother in utah is suing a former school bus driver, she says, for targeting her son, trapping the boy s backpack in the bus doors and then driving away. here is stephanie elaelam. my initial hi thougthoughts,d she didn t kill him. glad he didn t go under the wheels. reporter: suddenly, doors closed as a 14-year-old boy is exiting. his backpack is caught in the door, then the bus starts to move. for about 20 seconds, the boy s body is dangling outside the bus, held up only by the straps of his backpack. as the driver is driving, he looks over three times, as he s going forward. driving forward, he s looking. looks. he looks over. he knew what he was doing. the children were animated. he knew exactly what he was doing. brenda mayes is the mother of the 7th grader. she says her son called her sounding, quote, terrified and embarrassed. he felt pressure across his chest, but he didn t have injuries. he could tell where he had been pinched there. reporter: mayes believes this was no accident but was done on purpose by the bus driver. in a lawsuit that names the davis school district, it s the transportation director, roberts, and the bus driver as defendant. mayes says the bus driver has a history of racial discrimination. it was all race. racial discrimination. racial assault. it was unconstitutional. the school district approved it because they did nothing, okay, until this event. reporter: in a statement, the school district says, quote, when issues of discrimination are raised at any time, they re investigated thoroughly. the school district takes any claim seriously and does not tolerate racial discrimination in our schools. roberts has no comment. the bus driver, who was forced to retire after the incident, had this to say. would you say you re racist? not at all, no. look at my dog. he s as black as can be. reporter: mayes says a criminal investigation into his actions is ongoing. stephanie elam, cnn. a look at the top stories now. an american hostage is among those rescued after being kidnapped in west africa may 1st. the u.s. military assisted in the operation. these two men from france and a south korean woman were also rescued. one of them describing the ordeal as hell. the french minister for the armed forces says four terrorists were killed in the operation. new allegations in the disappearance of 4-year-old davis. the mother told cnn that she thinks the child s stepfather bears some responsibility in her disappearance. the mother, along with a community activist, claimed there is surveillance video that shows the stepfather leaving their apartment with a laundry basket and a bottle of bleach. we want to share with you that there is a video camera at the top of the stairway by one of their neighbors. on that video camera, we ll show it to you, it captures the stepdad coming out of the apartment with a bottle of clorox, a laundry basket, and inside the laundry basket, a garbage bag. meanwhile, police have recovered the car he was driving when he claims he, melilla, and his 1-year-old son, were attacked and abducted. police say they have not heard from the stepfather in several days, since the incident. and the president of swa swathmore college says from t s fraternities and sororities won t exist anymore. this was after racist, masochistic, and homophobic behavior against past members. it is a somber graduation day at the university of north carolina charlotte. one of the students who was injured by survived received her degree. riley howell and ellis parlier received theirs in memoriam. tonight, dr. sanjay gupta takes a journey into a different side of italy. watch chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta tonight at 9:00 eastern, only on cnn. thank you so much for being with me. the news continues right now, after this. etsy is the place to find new favorites. the belongings we hold on to. etsy knows that moments, big and small, deserve things that really matter. sold by real people and filled with things that last beyond the latest trends. belongings don t just show what we care about. they show who we are. shop breathe freely fast, with vicks sinex. my congestion s gone. i can breathe again! ahhhh i can breathe again! ughh.. vicks sinex, breathe on i have one kid in each branch of the military. when i have a child deployed, having a reliable network means everything. 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