Travelers are increasingly aligning their journeys with their values - sustainability being foremost[1] - with a desire for a transformative or regenerative experience. The now-mainstreamed initiatives of hotels - from water-saving schemes to extensive recycling programmes - though commendable, only scratch the surface of the potential role they play in promoting a meaningful guest experience. Is there an unfulfilled potential to enhance meaningful guest experiences[2] that the hospitality industry is missing?
Hear Chalana Perera, who advises clients on ‘regenerative tourism’ – which moves away from exploitative tourism practices, while improving the environment and communities.
‘The Regenerative (THRIVE) Business Model Canvas’ – THRIVE BMC is readily available for local and international businesses and startups. The THRIVE BMC website hosts free, paid-for and customizable tools and consultation packages, including master classes on regenerative practices and business models. Sri Lanka’s leading innovation and development catalyst – Good Life X (GLX) launched ‘The.