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Transcripts For CNNW Crossfire 20140609 22:30:00

the situation room. always watch us live or dvr the show so you won t miss a moment. that s it for me. thanks very much for watching. i m wolf blitzer in the situation room. now let s step into the crossfire with paul begala and s.e. cupp. christmas eve for me. tingling with anticipation. i m going to be up all night because if we re good little boys and girls tomorrow morning we can finally open the most wonderful gift of all, my friend hillary clinton s new book. wow. i hate to be the grinch here, but i ve seen an advanced copy and your christmas morning is going to be a real downer. the debate starts right now. tonight on crossfire hillary clinton facing attacks on the eve of her book release. clinton s account of the low salt, low fat, low-calorie offering with vanilla pudding as dessert. is america ready for hillary? on the left, paul begala. on the right, s.e. cupp. in the crossfire, tracy sefel,
a clinton supporter, and tim miller, co-author of failed choices. should democrats place all bets on clinton? will republican attacks on her backfire? tonight on crossfire. welcome to crossfire. i am paul begala on the left. i m s.e. cupp on the right. guests with different opinions of hillary clinton. her new book comes out tomorrow and starting a high-profile campaign swing. i minean, promotional tour. she s getting lost in translation. for one, she doesn t speak progressive. just ask one. for another, she doesn t speak millennial which she learned the hard way in 2008. as you clearly see in her interview with abc s diane sawyer, unlike her husband, she hasn t figured out how to speak regular person. we came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. we had no money when we got there, and we struggled to, you
know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for chelsea s education. you know, it was not easy. we had to make double the money because of obviously taxes and then pay off the debts and get us houses and take care of family members. dead broke. get us houses. plural. as in these houses in two of the most expensive neighborhoods you can find. so the two most recognizable politicians in america for two decades couldn t budget their money the way americans have to? paul, even you have to admit, this one is not going to go over well in our land. we only found the only millionaires in america who the republicans don t like. come on. in fact, she understates when she says dead broke, they were $12 million in debt for legal bills, from ken starr and the right ring machine that tried to drive them into bankruptcy. thank god we live in a country where they can thrive.
hillary had an $8 billion book advance before she even left the white house. you can t budget the mortgage on that, come on. worth every penny. in the crossfire, tracy, first, who advises the ready for hillary pac, and tim miller, - co-author of the new perfectly timed anti-clinton e-book cal d cleverly failed choices. i ve known hillary now 23 years. i love her. i want her to run for president. i deeply hope she does. you should also know i advise priorities usa action which is a superpac that helped re-elect president obama and i dearly hope will elect president hilla hillary. now with that disclosure set, mr. miller, first welcome. thank you for coming. thanks for having us, paul. i hear this canard from my friends on the right, particularly your organization. hillary hasn t done anything as secretary of state, not an important accomplishment. let me give you the top ten. the toughest sanctions in our generation on iran.
cease-fire. she backed the mission we ll get to this. backed the mission to kill osama bin laden. i go on and on and on. i hope we cover all ten of these then maybe we ll do a special edition to cover ten more. let me start with number 3. which is the cease-fire in gaza. hamas terrorists were bombing israel. shooting rockets into israel. hillary clinton stepped in and negotiated a cease-fire. now, i think, of course, good for america, good for israel, good for peace. more importantly, here s what the prime minister of israel says about my friend, hillary. take a look. i just had the opportunity to work with her to achieve a cease-fire between israel and hamas. hillary clinton is a strong and determined leader. she s both principled and pragmat pragmatic. knows how to get the job done. i m sure that s going to be in your book. i haven t had time to read your e-book yet. the prime minister of israel. tell me you know more about
israel s security than prime minister netanyahu. i m certainly not going to do that, paul. i will tell you when it comes to israel, on the campaign trail in 2008, hillary promised she was going to support an undivided jerusalem. then she goes to the state department. what does she do? she tries to support negotiations where she points fingers at israel, say israel is the problem. and says in order to come to a negotiation, we need to not have a undivided jerusalem. also on the iran sanctions which was the top thing on your list, when congress tried to past the toughest iran sanctions that brought iran to the table, that got us to this deal, hillary clinton and the state department were over in the senate talking to your buddy, bob menendez saying don t pass these, these are too harsh, these are too harsh. nonsense. bob menendez she got the russian, chinese, french, to sign on to the sanctions that delivered the nicolas sarkozy said it was toothless. to the table. i think it s a little early to say how those sanctions have worked out yet, but tracy, i m
really glad that paul brought up israel because i ve read the chapter in her book on israel and let me tell you, there is a doozy in there. let me just read. she writes of her first visit to israel i got my first glimpse of life under occupation for palestinians who were denied the dignity and self-determination that americans take for granted. now, i m sure i don t have to remind anyone at this table contra chris christie had to apologize for using similar language. is hillary clinton going to apologize to israel for using that same language? i hope chris christie is going to write a book. that s the one i should read. let me first say, you quoted from the book and i think tim spent all weekend reading it. i haven t read it yet. it s not out. the answer i will give you is about a bigger issue when it comes to hillary clinton s diplomatic agenda. and that is the way that she has expanded the notion of diplomacy in the state department to include an incredibly important set of issues which have to do with women and girls.
tracy, let me just stop you before you education and health. don t answer my question. let s take for granted that the quote i read is actually in the book. does she owe israel an apology for using the same language that chris christie used then had to apologize to pro-israel voters and pro-israel groups? hillary clinton is going to stand by the words in her book. she is not going to apologize for something she need not apologize for. she believes she will be making that point as she, herself, should. so then you think that she believes the palestinian territory is occupied? she s not going to apologize for that and she asserted that on purpose? i m sure that when we all actually read the book and listen to her give these interviews, her words will stand for themselves. she said it twice in the book. yeah, she said it, but i ll take your word for it that she s unapologetic. i m unapologetically pro-israel and hillary is very, very strong on this. if that s the tree you want to bark up, i wish you luck.
let s move on to another hillary accomplishment which is i think strategically very, very important. the pivot to asia. particularly a couple of things, first off, she was the one in the united states, but she was our secretary of state stood up against chinese expansionism in the south china sea. vietnam. old enemy of america. hillary sided with the vietnamese, helped back off the chinese. she in beijing freed the dissident civil rights activist and lawyer chen guan dang. were those bad things or can you at least admit certainly in asia she s helped strengthen america, opening up to burma, checking chinese territorial expansionism, standing for human rights. i think she worked with mitch mcconnell on efforts in burma. i think obviously she tried to at least give lip service and make some progress in the pivot to asia. here s the thing, paul. what are the tangible results she s going to talk about? i mean, you have this list of ten things you ve talked about. first thing on your list is
something she opposed. not true. i m not going to let you get away with that. she is the reason we have sanctions on iran. now we re talking rhetorical. she freed that dissident. should we give him back? should we give him back? no, i don t think so. can you say that was a good thing? sure, but this is yes! two do you think voters are going to go to the polls they will go to the polls about the pivot to asia represents her understanding of workers and what the asian economy specifically in china means for the american economy. if that is something she s been unapologetic about and was also forward thinking with the very pivot that professor begala is talking about. but, again, none of these things when you look at the big issues that faced her, the arab spring, when you look at what happened in iran asia s not a big issue? the green movement, syria, russia, libya, overthrowing gadhafi. where are these tangible results that she s going to take to
voters? saying i pivoted to asia does not count. we have to take a quick break. we can get through all those specifics, believe me. i have a long list. i want to point something out as a political strategist is this. my republican friends are looking at the prospect of a hillary campaign and have plan a and a plan b. i ll let you know their secret strategy next. first, this question. how long did hillary clinton s first memoir, living history spend on the new york times bestseller list? was it 12 weeks? 34 weeks? or 55 weeks? we ll have the answer when we return.
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welcome back to crossfire. hillary clinton s new memoir comes out tomorrow. i cannot wait. book sellers have preordered a million copies. actually should not be any great surprise. the marketplace works. her first memoir living history spent 34 weeks on the new york times bestseller list. if you guessed 34 weeks, you got it right. winner. i have known hillary clinton for a very long time. i don t know for sure whether she s going to run for president. i m wearing my knees out praying. i know this. my republican friends have two friends for that eventuality. plan a try to keep her from running, while they re launching all these crazy attacks. plan b if that doesn t work out, republicans lose to hillary and she doesn t become president. republicans, if you want to avoid plan b, keep up the attacks like the one abc s diane sawyer asked hillary clinton about. mitch mcconnell said at one point, 2016 will be the return of the golden girl. that was a very popular long-running tv series. yeah.
i speak hillary, tim, and here is what she means when she says that. that was popular in the long-running, she s saying bring it on. i will point out mitch mcconnell who attacked her apparently for that little snide comment is six years older. he s 72 running for a six-year term. hillary is 66 hopefully going to run for a four-year term. this is counterproductive for your side, isn t it? let s talk about two of the other questions that happened in that interview. isn t mitch mcconnell you can get to your shots. you have a whole book attacking hillary. isn t it stupid and sexist for mitch mcconnell by the way, again, who s six years older than hillary to be raising these kind of snide comments? i certainly think there are lots more credible way you can attack hillary clinton and if you look at the interview she did with diane sawyer, only seen two clips. one of them, she talked about how she struggled so much to pay the mortgage when getting an $8 million advance and her husband was selling access to himself and the white house to the highest bidder not true. it was driven. $12 million in the camp by ken
starr and right wing attack. worth $1 million to $2 million. what is this, russia? we re not allowed to get rich anymore? they haven t developed a widget. they sold themselves. here s another we re going to talk numbers. 40% of the speeches that hillary clinton is giving are for free. it s for charitable causes. she is raising money. she is out there. she can get paid over $1 million for excellent causes. she s a woman of the people. tracy, now, we know you are ready for hillary. that s is true. not vimeveryone in the di democratic party is. a recent poll wants other democrats to run against her. here s what former governor of montana said about her. he said you can t be a candidate that shakes down more money on wall street than anybody since i don t know, woodrow wilson, and be a populist. now, he sounds a lot more like today s democrats than hillary does, to me. is he wrong about her?
well, governor schweitzer, it s an interesting line for him to go to and isn t the first line he said something like this. what we re talking about when we look biographically, issues involving the inequality. as secretary of state, the notion of inequality for her was a guiding principle in why we needed to stabilize in certain countries, that growing inequalities are actually a grave danger for societies. this is something that has guided her as first lady, as a senator, as the secretary of state. it s been her principle. so inequality, hillary clinton, go back and look at her words to the new america foundation recently i just think this is going to be a tough sell for her. hillary clinton is going to have the closest ties to wall street out of he candidate in either party. she was getting paid $200,000 per speech by the biggest wall
street firm. the idea she s going to be able to tap into this elizabeth warren movement is pretty ridiculous and doesn t help when she s lamenting her $100 million as having trouble putting food on the table. if we re interesting in talking about people who dared to make a living and been successful, it s also worth noting that for her, the charitable events that they re doing is just a part of the story. both bill and hillary clinton have given upwards of 10% of their entire income to charity. a figure that so did mitt romney. that absolutely goes beyond mitt romney bought companies and laid the workers off, took their pensions and health benefits. those workers didn t much like him so they made not talking about here s the problem with the theory. it ain t working. let me show you some polls. okay, you guys have been on this now banging hillary for 20 years and especially the last two. not you personally, but the right. here s where she stands
according to the abc news/ washington post poll. 59% approve of the job she has done as secretary of state. 67% say she s a strong leader. look at this. 6 o% say she s honest. if you got her down so if you ve got her down to 59% after only 20 years, you ll get her down to zero in 200 more. you need a new strategy. hillary polls the worst when she s in the middle of a campaign, when there s a partisan fight going on, because she doesn t wear well. she didn t in 2008. who polls better in the middle of the campaign? i was on your website today, and i noticed all the amazing merchandise you guys have for sale. those are water bottles, there s a dog collar, there s a hillary clinton cell phone case. aren t you afraid all this stuff will turn off average american voters, who are concerned that hillary is seen more as a brand
and less as an actual problem solver, who s down in the gritty dirt trying to solve the real problems of the american people? the supply and demand issue is a interesting one with ready for hillary. they can t keep the merchandise in stock. there is a clambering by her supporters growing every day. the deficit isn t with her admirers, it s with average americans the idea of hillary as a brand is certainly been an exciting one that people for her supporters, tracy. there s ready for hillary bus that s going to be going around the country that s what i m talking about. that branding of hillary did not turn on enough voters in the democratic primary. i m glad that you re giving me the opportunity to say something that i have said many times. if there was an inevitability about hillary clinton, ready for hillary would not exist and i don t know how much more plainly to make that case, so every time
that word comes up, that is going to be my answer. i think this whole notion of my party of inevitability is damaging. jim messina the answer to it is, when you right wingers attack her, it boosts her. this talented woman is being attacked. it s great for hillary. stay here. we want you at home to weigh in. was hillary clinton an effective secretary of state? we ll have the results after the break, also the outrages of the day. i m outraged because of some narrow-minded music fans taking the fun out of rock and roll. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you ll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind.
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welcome back to crossfire. now it s time for the outrages of the day. thousands of freedom haters have signed an online petition to remove the band metallica from the music festival in england this year. why? because frontman james hatfield is a big-time hunter and nra member and that s, quote, incompatible with the spirit of the music festival, according to one facebook page demanding the band be kicked out. i m not outraged that fans hate hunters. music has always attracted sank moan yous and self righteous people and they are free to be misinformed about our lifestyle. i m outraged rock and roll has gotten boring. what s rebellious with the idea everyone has to think alike and support the same causes? what s cool about putting trendy bumper sticker pieties before one of the greatest guitar riffs
of all time? when did young rock fans get so prudish and establishment? good news, all this has helped plug hatfield s new show the hunt. i m one fan who hopes he kills it. see what i did there? as a hunter, i m willie nelson and lyle lovett. my outrage comes from my beloved lone star state. the republican party of texas voted to include support for conversion therapy in their state party platform. the idea is this, being gay is somehow bad, so through counseling and some believe prayer, gay people can be made straight. now, interesting, of course, i disagree with it, but it s more interesting new jersey governor chris christie disagrees with that. he signed a law banning such treatments in the garden state, citing reparative therapy can, pose critical health risks
including depression, substance abuse, social withdraw, decreased self esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. if chris christie runs for president, he s going to have to deal with those who believe you can pray away the gay, but i intend to ask god to bless texas, including texas republicans. that will be my effort to pray away the hate. very nice. let s check back on our fire back results. was hillary clinton an effective secretary of state? right now, 56% say yes, 44% say no. quickly, guys, what do you think about those results? i think it s heartening and just wait until everyone s actually reading the book and not just tim and you. 56% need to go to for everyone who does, of course, he s making money off it. god forbid. it all comes back to that. thanks to tim and tracy. the debate continues online at

Hillary-clinton , Crossfire , Debate , Attacks , Account , Book-release , Eve , Copy , Real-downer , Right , Left , Paul-begala

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20170319 01:00:00

that s all for tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. justice with judge jeanine is next. and remember i m watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: right now on justice. all of these nos or potential nos are all yeses. judge jeanine: the art of the deal. president trump says he can do it. tonight i ll ask newt gingrich about the president s chances of making the gop healthcare bill law. trump made his living on making deals, and this is a test of that ability. judge jeanine: i ll get the former speaker s take on the budget and how he deal with the those in washington trying to stop him at every turn. he s president, they are not. judge jeanine: anne coulter is
here live after tonight s open and you never know how that s going to go. i always want to kiss you after your opening statement. judge jeanine: i m taking you to the st. patrick s parade to ask new yorkers what they think of reports that our favorite person has her eyes on city hall. should hillary clinton come back and run for mayor? no! jenna: welcome to justice. i m judge jeanine pirro. a st. patrick s edition of street justice. but first my opening statement. folks they are changing the rules before your very eyes.
this is bigger than a travel ban. bigger than a debate question. the left is change black letter law, journalistic standards and the constitution in order to satisfy their agenda. they are simply intolerant of opinions that differ from theirs. and so they burn buildings in their black ninja outfits at berkeley to stop an invited guest from exercising his first amendment free speech. they burn the constitution in their black robes to stop the president from exercising his plenary powers to protect americans. and they throw journalism ethics to the wind and promote a liar to the democratic committee s vice chair.
they are trying to make you believe you are the racist uncharitable bigot. but don t buy into their narrative. you must stay the course. this week a judge from hawaii puts a nationwide halt to the president s second temporary travel ban from six arab countries. within this travel ban, religion is not used as a preference or exception. in fact it removes exemptions for religious minorities, though i personally wish they would have kept it because asylum status can be prioritizedized bd on religious persecution. judge derrick watson, a harvard genius blocked the ban. he stops it saying it prevents hawaiians from receiving visits from their relatives from
there is no need to go outside the four corners of the document. if that were the law, the big question in the first executive order which was what about the people with visas or green cardholders, which was answered by white house counsel should have been accepted. but it wasn t accepted because it wasn t clear in the order itself, so this judge would not reach beyond the order to find the answer. to suggest the first amendment establishment clause actually applies to people in somalia who are not even citizens who don t have visas or green cards that we should wrap them in the cloak of our united states constitution when they are thousands of miles from our shores is outright lunacy. maybe we ought to put them in section 8 housing and send them
over. judges cannot make decisions based upon their politics or their intense dislike for our president. and likewise, journalists like donna brazile should not be able to lie their way into the chair of the democratic national committee. that in itself should give you pause for the standards are in that party you need to stay the course. they are wrong, you are right. in more ways than one. that s my open. tell me what you think on your facebook page or twitter. #judgejeanine. joining me is columnist anne
why did she do it? well, she did it originally to help hillary. and why she is telling you the truth now. there is quite a history of suddenly getting the truth from both media and i suppose in this case democratic operatives after the election is over. in one famous example, just before the 1996 election bill clinton had his ins working 24 hours a day pumping out new citizens. sp people are long records of conviction were being made citizens because they wanted them to vote democrat. they got more than registered. when did we find out the truth about that? the washington post did expose it after the election. once they have done everything they can to fix an election, then you will get the truth. judge jeanine: she is still vice
chair of the dnc, yes? i don t think democrats mind this? at least not the hillary cloud. i would think the bernie sanders crowd would be a little testy about it. certainly the ones i know who did vote for trump or didn t vote for hillary because of the positions. bernie sanders used to have trump s position on immigration and trade. funny thing about bernie sanders, i liked him when he was a socialist. i don t like him once he became a liberal. judge jeanine: let s talk about healthcare. they will vote on thursday. donald trump, the president is absolutely confident the nos will change to yeses. what do you think? i hope he s wrong. i don t want our hero donald trump even dealing with obamacare as i said before. come on. what are republicans in congress doing? this should be their job.
they don t have to build the wall or interview the people who are going to build the wall. they don t have to over$see the travel bands. or deportation orders or the trade deals. the president should deal with the stuff the path dweelts and congress should be the one writing a law. judge jeanine: you don t think he has political capital in this new healthcare? so why is he doing it? especially this bill. this isn t his bailiwick. i hate this bill. all we need to take care of 90% of the people in america, all you need is one sentence saying there shall be a free market in health insurance. congress has the right to regulate interstate congress. all i want is a free market. i want to buy insurance the same way i buy a microwave oven, flat
screen tv and car insurance. give as you free market. and the other parts of the bill, the welfare cases, people who can t pay for their own healthcare and health insurance either because they don t have jobs for whatever reasons or they have weirdly expensive medical problems. we are already take care of these people. but let the rest of us have a free market in health insurance. judge jeanine: you said you wanted to talk about the travel ban. hit it. you mentioned it, and you are totally right. these judges should be impeached. something else congress should be doing. impeach these outrageous judges. we were warned we were going to get fascism when donald trump was he was elected and we are getting it from the courts. as long as they are look at things said on the campaign
trail. in trump s immigration policy paper he called for a temporary pause in all immigration, a moratorium. let s do that. judge jeanine: what s amazing to me, i never heard in contract law or any other law to look past the four corpse of a document. it s fundamental first-year law. anne quawl caller, it s always great having you on. good to see you. judge jeanine: ben stein who wrote the first healthcare bill for president nixon. the speaker unplugged. this is some left-wing cuckoo bird who has a judgeship who is making a ruling that s insane. judge jeanine: newt gingrich is with me to tell me what he
really thinks about the judge month glocked trump s i am who blocked president trump immigration order. judge jeanine: they are talking about hillary clinton coming back to run for mayor. no. judge jeanine: i take street justice to the st. patrick s day parade. you don t want to miss it. don t go away. ishes. try succulent new lobster mix & match or see how sweet a lobster lover s dream can be. there s something for everyone and everyone s invited. so come in soon. start your day with the number one choice of dentists. philips sonicare removes significantly more plaque versus oral-b 7000. experience this amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating?
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bill speaker ryan probably will get out with one or more amendments. the senate bill will be totally different. can mcconnell get a bill out of the senate? probably. but it won t be the house bill. then the real dance will be probably a month from now when they get together in conference and they have two different bills. i think that s going to be a challenge. trump made his living on making deals, and this is a real test of that ability. judge jeanine: what do you think will be the difference on the house and senate bill? where is the emphasis? because of the pressure the freedom cow is the bill is moving to the right. it s more change in medicaid, it s more anti-washington. the senate i think has two different groups here. you have moderate senators who don t want to go that far to the right. then you have a core group
around cotton and lee who want to go further to the right. watching mcconnell who is a master at doing this. watching him figure out how to bring them together. he need 50 votes plus the vice president. so he can only lose two senators and still get this thing done. i m sure he s talking to people every day trying to figure out if there is a sweet spot that will get a bill out of the senate. judge jeanine: are you optimistic? yes. i think donald trump is a remarkable charismatic leader. he did those five rallies a day toward end of the campaign. i wouldn t be shocked to see him once they have a bill and it s locked down, once they know what the case is, really going out and rallying his base. judge jeanine: it s all about the public at this point. and the public moving congress in the event the president isn t
able to do it. do you see tension between ryan and the president? i think there is some. but it s healthy. a natural tension. ryan has worked these issues for many many years. he has strong ideas and opinions. but he doesn t quite have the votes. and he has to deal with the senate which is different. ryan, mcconnell and the president, and with enormous help from vice president pence who is doing a great job of coordinating with the hill, staying in close touch. but this is a natural tension. this is what a legislative process is like. we are just not used to it because obama never did it. he either got his way or he quit. judge jeanine: mr. speaker, speaking of people who really are good at what they do, you are the guru of the balanced budget. i refer back to the contract with america, 94- 95.
you did what everybody thought was impossible. in light of the president s suggested budget. we know the house ultimately has the power of the purse. what the president has done with this proposed budget, is he really put a stake in the ground and he s seriously very clear that he is cutting out a lot of stuff. we know he s increasing money for the defense and as well as homeland security for veterans. but he s also getting rid of a lot of stuff, even pet projects for people in his own party. there was a sense by some republicans that it s risky and may be a breach of faith in some cases with the people who elected them. what do you think? this is a very first budget, they didn t have much time to put together. some parts of it i deeply disagree with.
but the general direction is right. it s shock to people. trump is somewhere between reagan and calvin coolidge. this budget is one of the most conservative document sent up in the last half century. only reagan s 81 budget would be comparable to it. he s sending a clear signal. he wants a smaller government, less regulatory red tape, more power to the people and he s comfortable fighting it out. he won t get everything he wants. but he s setting a standard for a much tighter policy and smaller government than liberals wanted. judge jeanine: you know what s amazing about this, not that anyone is surprised. but people are criticizing him. i was reading one of the newspapers, it said he s not decreasing the deficit. really? at least he s not add together deficit. he s keeping promises to their
cans about medicare and social security which is 40% of the federal budget. but this is a man who will be criticized no matter what he does. it will be like this for the next four years? absolutely. if donald trump were to walk out this summer and buy a raspberry ice cream cones the new york times would attack him for being prejudice because he should have had a chocolate, vanilla or peppermint. the walk times would say he didn t buy the biggest cone because he s too cheap. this his life for the near future. he has to recognize he s president, they are not. judge jeanine: we have a thick skin. to me it doesn t seem it s bothering him. a couple issues before we go. the wall, he is making it clear in the proposed budget, the wall this this and it s going to
happen, and i assume he s putting rfps and proposals to get this wall started. sure. i think that s right. john kelly, the marine general who is secretary of homeland security is a brilliant leader. he s going to go out and accomplish his mission. the president has the enormous power of the retow pen. i m confident he won t sign an appropriation that does not include payment for the wall, period. that s what part of the negotiating with the congress will be about. but he committed to it. it s what got him nominated. it was a key part of his majority and he will keep his word. judge jeanine: with respect to the latest executive order. no surprise, the judge from hawaii says the establishment clause applies to someone from another country who is not a citizen.
i never understood the establishment clause. you are the judge, i m not. i m just an historian, not a lawyer. this is insanity. this is a left-wing cuckoo bird who happens to have a judgeship who is making a ruling that is insane implying the entire planet has a right to the constitution. we have people from everywhere. i don t think they are in the last census. we have people from everywhere. judge jeanine: thank you. they are each in their corner ready to go. matt schlapp and mary anne marsh are here to debate president trump s budget. i asked new yorkers at the st. patrick s day parade about reports that hillary might run for mayor. and i got an earful. justice rolls on in a minute.
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the tribes say it puts their water supply in danger. it the pipeline will move oil from illinois. judge jeanine: ben stein still on tap for tonight as well as special street justice with judge jeanine from the st. patrick s day parade. moist many time for the political panel. matt shah lamb and marianne marsh. president trump keeps getting sued with these executive orders. it s almost like a race to see which state will be the first one to sue him. yet when i think by the, matt, all of the obamacare stuff, when the president said you could keep your healthcare and keep your dock were, that was outside
of the law, and since the judges are reaching outside of the executive order and the law itself, why wasn t obama sued for those lies and those mix characterizations? he was a constitutional law professor and he was overturned more time by the federal judiciary and any other modern president. on obamacare he reached and grabbed extra powers to make all kinds of changes tonight. the difference with president trump. this judge in hawaii didn t read the executive order. he saw him at a rally and said i think he has animus towards muslims sow i ll rule this out of order. it s absurd and it angers people. judge jeanine: marianne i will ask you about the budget. there are those who say that it s a good thing he hasn t
added anything, but he has taken away some stuff. i assume you are not happy with that. i think what s interesting is republicans have always done a great job of convincing low-income voters to vote against their own economic interests. and he admitted that in his interview with tucker carlson. tucker challenged him in terms of low-income housing, heating programs, meals on wheels. 500,000 veterans won t get their meals on wheels yet he wants to help veterans. he said some of these things are the opposite. donald trump admitted that. i don t think it budget will go that far. even republicans oppose it. judge jeanine: matt, what do you say the truth is all of the entitlements, the president promised medicare and social
security untouched. but he didn t add anything to the budget. so what about these things like meals on wheels? somewhat mary environment is missing is a lot of people who don t make a lot of money they feel like they are picking. you more and most expense of people who don t work. obamacare and the expansion of obamacare it was about able bodied people who aren t work. that s where the people who are working get frustrated. they want to make sure they don t they don t want to pull the wagon when there are so many people sitting idly in the wagon. when it comes to meals on wheels, these are great program. we are $0 trillion in debt. can we keep borrowing more and more on our grand kids credit card? judge jeanine: isn t part of the argument that this is something
better than the state. the fact he hasn t add to the deficit and he s trying to the keep program untouched. if people wanted to be charitable they can do it directly. they can barely pay their tax and their bills. you push things from the federal government down to the state government. they push it down to the cities and towns. it s people s quality of life is determine bid their zip code more and more and more. there are some commend things we should all share in. taking care of our veterans is one of them. taking care of children whose parents can t feed them at home. judge jeanine: children going
without food is absurd in this country. that s not true. judge jeanine: there are more people on social services and stood stamps than ever in this country. a lot of kids in a lot of schools get meal to the bring home for the weekend. in the summer when they are out of school. one of the biggest challenges for low-income familiar his is to make sure they can get three meals on the table for their kids. judge jeanine: we feed half the world. matt: there comes a time when it am not about are he compassionate. it s about common every day working class folks feel like they are paying for government it takes two incomes in a family to pay for government.
the money you make after that point in the year you can actually keep. there was a bit of a political revolt. people were saying we are tieferld all of uls who don t make that much money have to pay for everybody else who seems to be making bad lifestyle choices. wee all care about kids. but we have to have responsibility. judge jeanine: there isn t anyone who thinks kids shouldn t be getting foods. but to say meals on wheels. the veterans administration has a bloated budget. they need to get rid of the va and give these people direct access to money. a lot of homeless veterans and there are too many of them and they are not being taken care of. this budget doesn t help them. how many people in this country who voted for donald trump are realizing they are upon obamacare and they are about to lose it? that s the big challenge.
and they realize it. matt: that s not true. judge jeanine: street justice straight ahead. presidential historian and renaissance man, i ll be talking live with the great ben stein next. at s why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that s why you ll stay in this drawer forever. i can t live without you, and that s why i ll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner.
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ban. the constitution is absolutely clear-cut. the president has authority over immigration. congress hassen it has has go him over and over again. this judge comes out of a surf shop in hawaii and says i have authority over everything it s up to me. forget withr what with forgee congress did. forget the constitution. any law can be struck down by a trivial federal court judge. we have dictators in black robes telling the american people, your votes don t matter, the congress votes don t matter. judge jeanine: the judge you mentioned is derrick watson, a harvard man. doesn t that add credentials to your resume?
harvard law school graduates are very smart people. but at yale we developed a theory of legal realism. that was long before my time there that said judges can just decide anything they want. doesn t matter what the legal precedents are. they can find a came case and claim that backs them up it s a very serious situation. judge jeanine: what this judge said was i m going to find animus against muslims based on what he said during the campaign. are you kidding me? and say i m going to look for animus. what do you say to the head of g.e., what did you say to the broad in the bar the other night. not that i m suggesting anything. i don t even know hot ceo of
gevment is. in legal realism that we developed at yale law school which says judges don t have to be bound by the four corners off congress or the laws of state. it s whatever they want to decide. very dangerous situation. we have a situation where the judiciary is out of control, not bound by anything but themselves. we want a strong judiciary, but we don t want a judiciary which suddenly made itself dictators and that s what s happening now. judge jeanine: i can t help but think some of the district judges are responding to some of the things donald trump said during the campaign. of course they are. i have a friend web s great expert in immigration law. he said it s a simple thing.
the president can decide, the congress can decide. none of it matters if the judge doesn t like donald trump, they will right unconstitutional. it has nothing to do with the law. it has to do with the judge s personal animus against trump. it s not animus against immigrants or muslims. it s against trump. judge jeanine: gorsuch, the hearings start tomorrow. we haven t heard much. the new york times is trying to drop a big lead anchor around him as a big rich guy. i think he s going to get through. i think he will be a great justice. god bless him. judge jeanine: ben stein, what do you think about russia? is russia hacking us? i manage they are. and i manage we are hacking
them. that s standard stuff. the wall street journal which i consider the greatest paper in the country was saying that obama was tapping him. that s not something trump dreamed up out of thin air it s been widely reported. judge jeanine: thank you, ben stein. only i can visit the st. patrick s day parade and get everyone talking about hillary clinton. energy is amazing. how we use it is only limited by our imagination. and at southern company we re building the future of energy,
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satisfied, she wants to come back and run again. what do you think? is it good? i love hillary clinton she is amazing. judge jeanine: where are you from? a from cork in ireland. judge jeanine: what s going on. the children tons are good to ireland. they can do nothing wrong in ireland. judge jeanine: they might have a file on you. i m always having a good time on st. patrick s day. judge jeanine: are you irish today? i am. judge jeanine: she is talking about coming back and running for mayor. i think we are good with what we have. judge jeanine: hillary keeps losing. should she call it a day and relax? hillary is constantly saying
stuff she can t back up. hillary is a liar. we are all know that. judge jeanine: chelsea is talking about running for senate. no, ma am. judge jeanine: she deserves a chance, doesn t she? happy st. patrick s day, and may god bless america and president trump, i stand in your corn. judge jeanine: why is your hand on my shoulder. absolutely. judge jeanine: her daughter now wants to run. we are sick of the clintons we need to get rid of them. judge jeanine: talk of hillary coming back as mayor of new york. what do you think? no. judge jeanine: bye, guys. [ ] lthy.
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Judge , Jeanine , President , Budget , Speaker , Anne-coulter , In-washington , Opening-statement , Person , Patricks-parade , New-yorkers , Reports

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170502 00:00:00

media, if people don t believe us. one of the reasons they don t believe us is because of the way the last election was covered, which was overwhelmingly in favor of one candidate over another. that is not surprising given that there is no politically diversity in the press corps. politico did a study on this. how many registered republicans in the white house press corps? zero. that s a huge problem, don t you think? i m a registered independent. i think it is important to be neutral when you are covering politics in the white house. tucker: do you i agree with you. you think of the people covering the white house are objective? i do. we went to read their twitter feeds? i can t speak for every member of the association. s i think it is very important to be neutral. i think it is important to report the facts, it is important to report robustly with the president is doing. i think you should do that regardless of whether the president is a republican or a democrat. tucker: i agree with that vehemently. let s drop the pretense.
here is the pretense. the pretense of objectivity or the press in washington hates donald trump. he baits them. it s a two way deal. he doesn t like them and he goads them. but they rise to debate every time. in so doing, they reveal what they really think politically and that undermine their credibility. you have to see this because we are marinating and it. do not acknowledge that is happening? i would acknowledge it is important when such reporters, be they correspondence on television or print reporters of the new york times or reuters or any other news organization, to make a mistake, they should correct it. i think it is important. i think having bias is not acceptable. i think it s important, however, also to know when a consumer of news, whether you are looking at a program that is biased or is not. there are avenues, as you well know, act places like fox come at that place is like other networks, if you watch tv, you will get a certain angle, you get a certain opinion. tucker: know what you are watching, know what you are reae
correspondence need to stay in their lanes. tucker: i do an opinion show. do you think the people that watch you know it s show? tucker: i don t know why they would think that. i never say that. in contrast to the people standing in the briefing room, who are telling us on camera, i am just here to report the facts. then, you read their twitter feed, and it says i hate trump. they are out in the open libera liberal. do you have a specific example? tucker: we have done like 15 shows on this. i know a lot of these people. they have always kind of been liberal. but it s totally open. the new york times correspondence, for example, we had the ombudsman for the new york times, read all these tweets from these people, her correspondence, she couldn t defend them. i am just saying, is that of the association, don t you feel the
credibility of the report as you represent is undermined when they wave their opinions run a public? i think it is important to report the facts in the news and to stay neutral. tucker: you would encourage your members not to reveal their political biases in public? was not the correspondence association s job to tell her members how to do their jobs. it s not. we stand up for the values of truth, the values of reporting the facts and values of the first amendment, which is to have acted to the president, to be able to do our jobs and that is why we advocate for it. tucker: the idea that your readers or viewers believe you is a central not just business model if you had a white house press corps that was 100% middle aged white men, there would be a full-blown outcry about the lack of diversity. i bet you 100 bucks, doesn t look at america. if you have not a single registered republican, and a country in which the congress, the majority of governorships, the white house, held by republicans, but doesn t like america at all. yet, i don t think he would wring a thing about it, are you?
the white house correspondents organization has no impact over who our members hire. i can t tell fox, which is a member of the white house correspondents association, you need sent this person or that person crispy when i m not you to there was no racial or ethnic diversity, presumably, you would say this isn t right. do you think it s okay that there are zero registered republicans of the white house press corps according to politico? i think what is important is that we have a press corps made up of journalists who report the truth and who robustly report on the president in united states. tucker: diversity doesn t matter? of course diversity matters. tucker: but not political diversity? diversity is important to me. it is important to me in a row that i play. tucker: [laughs] we are almost out of time. his political diversity important? is diversity important? tucker: political diversity. speak of my job is to tell what they do is report the news,
regardless of what political party controls the white house. tucker: i wish i believe that, i don t. jeff, thank you. my pleasure. tucker: time now for news abuse, we highlight the excesses of of the american media. president trump sat down with eric bolling a fox and said that despite his rhetoric on saturday, he doesn t actually hate the press, except sometimes he does. watch. not all of the media. i will tell you, that is unfair the way they cover. they say that the media, i am against the media, i am not against the media. i am against the fake media. if you look at cnn, the way they cover me, no matter what you do, it is negative, hits, hits. so, i love the media. i think the media is great. if i do something bad, treat me badly. but they don t tell it like it is. tucker: a media reporter for the hill. he was there on saturday at the correspondents dinner and he
joins us. what do you think? what i think of the white house correspondents dinner? tucker: yeah. first, i would like to comment on jeff mason s interview. he spoke there that night. i am utterly curious and confused here. he admitted to you that under the trump administration, tucker, that there has never been better access. all i know is when i watch the daily press briefings, sean spicer takes more questions than josh earnest ever did, there are more reporters because of skype another press passes have been given out to other different kinds of reporters and ever before. i know that president trump gave nine major interviews last week, including without lady it s like the washington post, cbs news, reuters, wall street journal. then i hear them on saturday night to say there are threats n united states. we must remain vigilant, the world is watching. i got a first amendment pen when i walked into the dinner. wait. i don t get it. on one hand, the trump administration is totally about access, and on the other hand, they are a press their first treatment is being threatened.
how does that square, tucker? i think the references changing of libel laws. you think that is going to happen? comments were made by reince priebus on sunday. jeff mason raising his comments on saturday. i think they will be change? i don t know. i don t know. i can t answer that question. it s hard, it s very hard if you are a public figure, to sue an outlet if they reported negative news about you that is completely false. you have to show damages. you have to show that there was actual damages that occurred and you hardly ever see anybody won outside of hulk hogan, who sued gawker out of insistence. otherwise come you don t see it happen very often. tucker: i wasn t there. i was on the other side of the continent. i usually go. but watching the tape of it, as i did today, it seemed from beginning to end, hostile to the president. let me be totally clearly still not clear. i think reporters job is to hold the powerful to account, but this seemed personal.
absolutely it seemed personal. no question about it. there was vitriol toward donald trump, tucker, that we have never seen with any other president. i base that our numbers. media research center. i get they are conservatives but i did a study that showed 89% of stories are negative toward donald trump. okay. let s go to the swedes. they have a company called media tenor research firm. 97 out of 100 stories by the cbs evening news and the nbc nightly news were negative toward donald trump and his first month. i get at that 65, 35, it will skew negative. for 97-3, that tells me that there is probably an agenda there. by the way, a threat to the first amendment doesn t happen when a president is mean to the press. when he is nasty to them. that is exercising his first amendment rights. you could say it is beneath the presidency. what we are confusing trump beig made to the press with first amendment being suppressed. the first amendment, tucker, was under threat under the obama
administration. they spied on james rosen. not only that, at this network, james rosen. they designated him as a flight risk so they were then have to tell them about their surveillance. they secretly seized associated press phone records. they rejected a record number of foia request, freedom of information requests. those are threats to the first amendment. jeff mason should have been speaking out to that at other white house correspondents dinner s. parties should have been canceled, boycotts should have happened under the obama administration. actions, obama, words, trump. that is a difference here. tucker: we actually have just mason still in our studio. would you like to respond to any of the things that judges that? the first thing i would respond to, joe, sort of like at the top clip of the show, you cherry picked my words and you guys are critical of how reporters report. you are leaving out a good chunk of what i said. i talked about access. i said that. i said you said there was good access. what you did not say, when i talked about the
first amendment, the first amendment being under threat, i talked about the rhetoric that has come did you ever make that comment under the obama administration of the first amendment was under threa i m the president of the white house correspondents association now. tucker: let me ask you guys really quick did you ever ask about that? tucker: do you think of tomorrow, the graduating class of byu, brigham young university, came to washington and got jobs in the white house press corps, 80% of the reporters working in the briefing room were graduates of byu, du, jeff first, do you think the coverage would change it anyway? i have no idea how the coverage would change. tucker: of course you do. [laughs] of course it would change. i think it is important for journalists who come to be part of the white house press corps have the objective of reporting the truth. mack. tucker: do you think that if people that came from a
different, diverse background were brought here to washington? not like everyone else? would it affect the coverage? the problem is, tucker, i don t think they would be hired. [laughter] they wouldn t get the chance to do it in the first place. tucker: gentlemen, thank you both. coming up, today is made a come of the great state for labor protests around the world. instead of marching for workers, today, actavis demanded open borders. real talk to a protest organizer about what that means exactly. stay tuned. when you have allergies, it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there s powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear.
tucker: international made a protest got violent in paris but the french were the only ones taking to the streets. across the united states, protesters marched against immigration laws. in the bay area, marchers demanded open border, shouting no ban come a for all. executive director of the coalition joins us now. thank you for coming on. thank you for coming on. tucker: i am 47. i have watched a lot of may day protest. imagine my surprise watching and international workers day protest that was designed over 100 years ago to highlight the concerns of workers, wages, arguing on behalf of policies that would lower wages. i thought, boy, global capitalism is pretty tricky. i got you guys to advocate on
behalf of the chamber of commerce. how did they do that? tucker, it had nothing to do without. tucker: really? yeah. i was a 500,000 people in foley square and we were there to make a statement about the shared values that we have as a country. that is that immigrants are part of the solution. immigrants have been making america great for centuries now. immigrants are workers, they are business owners, they are employers, they are neighbors, families, and friends. we wanted to join with hundreds of thousands of people all across the country in peaceful protest to make that statement that we will rise up and that we will fight back. tucker: okay. i kind of agree with what you said. i am for immigrants and they are all those things. they are great. but they are also one of the reasons that the wages for american working class families have stayed stagnant or declined because when you have an overabundance of something, and this case labor, it its value falls. there is no controversy about that. you are advocating for that. you are advocating for lower wages for workers.
i just don t know why. that is not what i am arguing for. in fact, we said today that it s important to pay fair wages for everybody. here is the fact. the facts are that immigrants contribute so much to the american economy. here in new york from the state comptroller s estimate they add $230 billion in economic value. they pay $10 billion in taxes here in new york city. new york city happens to be one of the biggest cities in the emigrant capital of the world. we know that emigrants add tremendous value as workers but also has employees and small businesses. tucker: for sure. i want you to track with me, steve. these are average working people. let s say i work for 12 bucks an hour and someone comes up to work for seven. to my wages go up or do they go up? they go down about happens across the country. there is no debate about it. a lot of studies show wet. the chamber of commerce have a big employees are for it. you are forward, to? i m confused. are they paying you to be forward? why would you before it? it doesn t help working people.
they certainly aren t paying me for it. tucker: are you sure? i m very sure about her. here s what i would say, tucker. the fact is, it s not that simple. we live in a global economy. we don t live in a simple equation where one person s wages go up and the others go down. it s not a zero-sum game. when you look at the impact that immigrants have come it is tremendous. this is something that people see not only here new york city, but all across new york state, as well. in buffalo, rochester, even in places like utica. those are all places that are deeply in trouble, as you know, but a class is dying. the middle class is dying in new york city as you may know. i think you follow this since you are on tv arguing on behalf of it. let me ask you some questions. we have about 1.1 million people come here illegally every year. what is the optimal number, how many want to lead in their workers that you represent? i m not an expert in the number of specific immigrants coming in.
here s what i will tell you. these cities that you just mentioned, not only those cities, but buffalo, albany, rochester, though cities are in dire economic straits not because of immigrants, but immigrants are part of the way forward. that is been proven time and time again. immigrants add value. they stabilize neighborhoods, they pay taxes, their great workers and business workers. we should figure out how to get more immigrants. tucker: you don t know how many. you are making the case but you haven t actually thought through how many is a good number because you are not going to get into the economics. you were arguing the economics. let me ask you one more simple question. how is it, if i work in a depressed postindustrial town, and say the service industry, for a bunch of people come and who are willing to work for less than i am used to working for, why is that good for me? it s good because immigrants will commence, we have actually seen this upstage. immigrants will, and, they will help to stabilize neighborhoods, they were, they patronize local businesses, and they spend their
money, as well. it is absolutely unquestionable. tucker: hold on. let me ask you a simple question. why haven t unemployment rates gone down in those places? picket town. how about lewiston, maine. a ton of somalis. they are immigrants. employment rates have gone down. unemployment has gone up. why is that? immigrants are part of the solution but they are not the solution in and of itself. a place like new york city camo you look at the economy, over the past 25 years, the economy has gone up at the same time the immigrant rate has gone up. tucker: no, actually, the financial services industry floats all of new york city, as you know. it has nothing to do with immigration. okay. i just wish the left were more serious about economics. they used to be. i don t know what happen. steve, think about it. we can talk about economics any time. tucker: coming up next, at least one member of congress has moved on from wanting an
investigation into president trump s ties to putin and his going all the way right to impeachment. do not pass go, impeached. his congressional letter becoming even more demented. we ll tell you. take on the mainstream. introducing nissan s new midnight edition. hey. pass please. i m here to fix the elevator. nothing s wrong with the elevator. right. but you want to fix it. right. so who sent you? new guy. what new guy? watson.
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last week of a democratic congresswoman maxine waters of los angeles speculated that congressman jason chaffetz is retiring because he fears exposure is a russian agent. this past weekend, she went further than matt, believe it or not. she said is it it is already time to talk about impeachment for president trump. watch. this pressure connection is a serious issue. i have been talking about it for a long time. each day, we learn more and more about it. the guardian article brings us even closer to the facts. something took place, meetings have taken place, conversations have taken place. i have always said that i believe that there was collusion. if we determine the facts, if the dots are connected, that there has been collusion, then i really do think that this president could be impeached. tucker: we have asked congressman waters many times to come on the show, begged her staff and every time she has declined. we are still helping. instead, we turned to a former
dnc, sr., advisor. he joins us tonight in the studio. great to see you. great to see you too, tucker. tucker: my question if you come for those of you who are really on the wavelength, really understand the rush of conspiracy, why impeachment? why not life imprisonment, the death penalty. it seems weak sauce. let s be clear. not a lot of us are talking about impeachment. the word we are talking about s investigation. we need an independent investigation i can get to the bottom of this because the fact that we know right now are very and very scary and we need to get to the bottom of it. tucker: wait, you are not telling me that you want to find the extreme to maxine waters of los angeles? by the way, how long before she calls for a life in prison? first off, congressman waters his well-equipped to defend herself. tucker: really? other democrats defend her. why not now? i am a big fan of hers.
the letter i word we should be talking about it is investigation and independent commissions that can get to the bottom of this potential tucker: there is an fbi investigation already going on. unless you think the fbi do you think the fbi has been penetrated by russian intelligence? i think we should treat this scandal likely what other scandals. there are multiple lay of investigation. we need investigations, we need independent commissions to get to the bottom of this. tucker: i am confused. if the fbi has not come as you alleged, been penetrated by vladimir putin s secret servicea tool of the kremlin, too, that is an open question to you. weight. i am sorry. what is an open question for me? tucker: the fbi s completely on the level, then, we don t need a series of why does this scandal deserve less scrutiny than other scandals?
the iran-contra scandal? why does this not deserve an independent commission? tucker: [laughs] because there is no evidence that anything happened? it kind of insane? that would be one reason. they had 181 senate staffers in the intelligence committee working on that investigation. there are seven that are here. tucker: i have already looked that up. when i saw her say that, you were the first person that came to mind. thought zach is on this frequency, you are getting the radio waves. [laughs] tucker: i was wondering, has she gone too far even for you? my theory is that maxine waters is the voice of the democratic grassroots, the radicals. i wonder if they are so far out on this russia thing that they are going to make you look moderate by comparison, if they will force democratic leadership to treat this like a war crime. when you talk about where we are right now. there is an active investigation going on right now. if the fbi is looking as to whether or not there was collusion. the facts we have right now, in
terms of the communications between top aides of donald trump and russian spies, we know that that happen. carter page talked to a man in moscow that runs the division that deals with u.s. elections. tucker: i m sure he did. paul manafort. tucker: you are saying carter page was in top aid to donald trump? [laughs] by donald trump was asked who his foreign policy s advisors would become a carter page. tucker: he said he never met the guy or talk to him in his life. i have asked this to every guest on the subject. most other channels are ignoring the russia thing because it edges embarrassing ruffle. i will never let it go because it i enjoy it. now, that we are moving toward war with russia based on the decisions of the trump administration, do you think it it is possible to claim he is a russian puppet? i think it is absurd to say we are on the path to war with russia. tucker: that is what russia claims. that is with the foreign minister of russia just said. number one, if you are
talking with a tomahawk missile strikes, they were a couple of deescalated moves right after that. for example, putin said he would retaliate by cutting off communications between russian planes and american planes. he ended up not doing that. tucker: it s a ruse? i knew there had to be. this is a fake. i think we should take eric trump s tweet at his word after the syrian strike, when he said, now, this proves there is no collusion between russia and syria. i think that this was done at a time when there was a lot of scrutiny. the rhetoric tucker: eric trump is also a russian agent. as ivanka to? i didn t say he is a russian agent. if he is, he is a pretty bad one. tucker: i want you to come back and fill us in it new installments as a conspiracy deepens. any time you want baby. [laughter] tucker: today and not standing there best news, the
previous deported illegal aliens has been arrested after he allegedly sexually assaulted a 9-year-old girl. his name is santiago martin as florist. he is a criminal history stretching all the way back to 1994. he was deported back to mexico in 2001, 16 years ago. in the not so shocking development, he was able to sneak back into this country. he made his way to oregon. once there, he was pretty safe. portland is famously a sanctuary city, where the liberals in charge regard immigration law as unworthy of enforcement. guess what happened next in february? police say he broke into a family s apartment and attempted to sexually assault the young girl. she was able to escape with the attacker got away before the police arrived. he was only captured a few days ago while trying to flee back across the mexican border. sound predictable but awful? of course it is. we don t attempt to draw a connection between the crime and the immigration policies of the left, or else you are against diversity. by the way, immoral. coming up next to my public school principal is on leave
tonight for screaming out teenagers who dared to oppose abortion. watch this. these children are being murdered in our society. they are not children, they are cells. go home! tucker: those teenagers will be here after the break to tell us what this guy is like in class. stay tuned. and hey, unmanaged depression, don t get too comfortable. we re talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won t rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done.
talking about about a holoco into the inner city. these are god. you can don t talk to my students. do not understand what i say? do not talk to my students! sir, you need to turn to jesus christ and be free from your sins. [laughs] listen here, son. i am as as the day is long and twice as funny. i don t give a [bleep] as what you think i should be doing. tucker: apparently, this guy is an actual person, he has been placed on leave. connor and lauren hayes join us tonight. thank you for coming on. do you go to the school? at the scene for us a little bit. how did this happen, who is this guy? we don t go to that school. we are homeschooled. we decided to go out to downingtown west high school because they had a holocaust symposium so we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to talk about abortion, which we consider the holocaust of our
day. tucker: lauren, did you all attack this guy or did he just come out you? passivity represent what happened? we were not planning on going there, we are planning to go to the other high school. god had his hand in that situation and he wanted us ther there. we were standing there and he came out about 5 minutes after we had been standing there. tucker: for you all using profanity or attacking anybody or doing anything? that would offend a person? no. besides the fact that jesus christ is offend people, no, we were not cursing or banging on windows or anything. our goal in being out there was just to engage with students about the gospel of jesus chris jesus christ. if they repent and believe in jesus christ, they can be set free from their sins. we were out there talking about that and also about abortion,
because there is a lot of high school students involved in fornication, so we could talk to them about abortion and how it is wrong, it is murder. just to be able to engage with them. that is why we were out there. tucker: did this guy intimidate you? whatever people think of your message, of course you have an absolute right to express it because it is america, or was any way. did this guy intimidate you? a little bit. honestly, that stuff, people have yelled at me before, especially when i have been out in philadelphia and stuff. it wasn t anything that i was too surprised by. it was a little bit intimidated but definitely not too much. definitely, i mean, as christians, we are promised practically that we will be persecuted for the name of christ. tucker: now, connor, you are wearing a shirt that says abolitionist on it. what does that mean? i m not a pro-lifer or
anything like that. i want to totally abolish human abortion. it s a group called abolish human abortion. we speak not to regulate abortion, but to call it murder and what it is and to completely abolish it in the united states of america and in doing that, bring the gospel into conflict with child sacrifice. that is why i call myself an abolitionist, just because i m not a pro-lifer trying to regulate abortion. it needs to be completely abolish. to be within a pretty countercultural message. you have an absolute right to express that. thank you very much, connor and lauren, good to see you. up ahead, britain s national student union is implementing a ban on clapping and cheering. why? because they are offensive to the deaf and those of the anxiety disorders. it s a real story. this is the weirdest story of the day? wheel debated when we come back.
we will debate it when we come back. stant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums remember when you said men are supeyeah.ivers? yeah, then how d i get this. .allstate safe driving bonus check? .only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you re accident free. silence. it s good to be in, good hands.
up in arms or hands, and the now, they are being accused of being white supermarket cysts, and basically tucker: why? because it is a hand symbol that is basically associated with white supremacy. tucker: a okay is now racist? to go like that? especially if you are white. tucker: [laughs] i thought i was well versed in this. is it real? what happened to the old-fashioned bird? tucker: [laughs] i think this is okay around children. it means good job. your teacher says it. good job. it also looks like a turkey. tucker: that s bizarre. it s bizarre. tucker: katie pavlich. they also across the pond in the u.k. are completely out of control. there is a liberal political student group they are called the national union of students. they proposed that at any school event or any of the events they have had for this union meeting,
that they ban clapping and cheering. because it is sensitive to people who cannot hear. therefore, deaf people are not included in the festivities. so, this should be used instead just celebrate things. tucker: jazz hands instead? [laughter] they say that clapping can trigger clapping-based anxiety and therefore, they should not be cheering or clapping at these events. tucker: that s insane. what about blind people? where does it end? i would say it is patronizing to people who cannot hear to be pointing them out and saying the reason we are not cheering and doing this, embarrassing like five euros, because you are ostracizing us in making sure all the attention is on our disability. imagine if they spent the amount of energy on stuff like this raising money to help research for deaf organizations or something like that. instead, they are just focused on making sure you use the gesture. tucker: all of these stories, we will find out in the
end, are funded by some covert right-wing group to his credit liberals. it is to stupid. i don t even believe your story. i know enough to believe yours, catherine. you win. here is the hand dressed her praise. when you get the cover ted participation trophy. everybody gets a trophy. [laughs] you are a special flower. coming up, the award from variety was not enough. chelsea clinton just got another award in her honor. of course, he wants to know all about it. we will tell you how she is being honored at this time. stay tuned. just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. you want this color over the whole house? say no to this because of my bladder? thanks to tena. not anymore!
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let it sink in. shouldn t we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can t go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. that s why there s biotene. and biotene also comes in a handy spray. so you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. tucker: chelsea clinton has received it yet another award honoring her profound achievements in the rarefied field of being the president s daughter. we should start a whole weekly segment about celebrating chelsea. she has been given the city
harvest award for commitment in her efforts to help new york s hungry. she earned this award by personally packing 25,000 pounds of grapefruit to distribute to the city needy. sheet impact pack that, personally. she had the entire staff of the clinton foundation help her. maybe that s what chelsea things for people ought to be eating, grapefruits. grapefruit, let them eat grapefruit. in any case, there s a lesson here for any of you out there hoping to be honored as great humanitarians. take your families gigantic foundation and use it to do reportedly good deeds for which you take all the credit. others work while you bask in the glow. it is all upsides. would have been a lot easier. that s about it for us tonight. tune in every night at 8:00 for the show that is the sworn enemy

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170517 00:00:00

dastardly enemy, and anyone who questions that, is probably a tool of vladimir putin and therefore, a traitor to our country. one current member of the house intelligence committee put it this way. why were the russians in the white house? and i mean that seriously. they had just attacked our democracy. they are being there is exactly what we have all feared all along, is that donald trump would say something to them that is not really in line with u.s. policy. they are not our friends. we should share nothing more than pleasantries, certainly not national security secrets. tucker: congresswoman stephanie murphy, a democrat from florida, went a step further than this. she demanded the u.s. government stop speaking to russia at all in any way. there is no such thing as appropriate contact with a hostile foreign government. no word on whether she applied that same standard to barack obama recent deal with communist cuba. nobody is arguing here, even a
trump administration, that rush is a close ally of ours about the putin government is rooting for america success. they re probably not. but when a country goes from being an afterthought, as russia was just recently, to the target of war drums, as it is now, it all changes in a single election cycle, as it has, it s fair to ask, what exactly is going on? almost certainly more than meets the eye, probably a lot more. if you live in washington, you know for a fact that there is a lot happening behind the scenes. the press out to be asking questions about this. but they haven t. instead, they ve attacked anyone who does. not on this show. with those questions hanging in the air, we are joined by one of the very few people in the country who might credibly answer them. he is stephen cohen prayed for decades, he taught and researched russian politics at e joins us tonight. professor cohen, thanks a lot for coming on. to start with the first of these two stories, the president is accused of passing critical intelligence to the russians in a meeting at the white house.
i think two motives have driven this, i think i m a false narrative against trump, that he is somehow a kremlin agent. two forces. one is the clinton wing of the democratic party, which doesn t want to admit she lost the election, wants to say, i, clinton won, but put in and stole it from me. then, maybe she wants to run again. i think that is the possibility. at the same time, there has long been in washington, a powerful, let s call it, the fourth branch of government. the intelligence services, who have opposed any cooperation with russia. remember, and 2016, president obama worked out a deal with russian president putin for military cooperation in syria. he said he was going to share intelligence with russia, just the way trump on the russians were supposed to do the other day. our department of defense, they wouldn t share intelligence. a few days later, they killed syrian soldiers, violating the agreement, and that was the end
financially, politically, or, ts catering to them? tucker: in other words, people are upset about russia, there must be something there because they are upset and therefore, we should be upset. mathematicians have finally found the perfect circle and it lies in nancy pelosi s logic. joe manchin joins us tonight. senator, thanks for coming on. you brought into this. what did you make first off, what are professor cohen just said. he believes that president trump s foreign policy objectives, syria for example, were thwarted by members of his administration, staff working in the agencies, who disagreed with him? i can go back, i was listening to the hole into for you had with him. he goes back basically, we shouldn t be talking to russians, other powers of the world. russia is the only country that can do any harm to the united states of america. it is foolish not to think that we should try to build a relationship with them. tucker: they are the only country that can do harm? they have basically the
missile capability to do harm to the united states. i have asked that question many times on armed services. which country is capable of doing harm to us? russia. not turning out, not north korea, as much as they are trying and want to. russia has the ability within nuclear weapons to do harm. so, you have to have the report. you have to have some type of communication. tucker: sure, but don t we also have common interests? most certainly. pushing the button on both sides. tucker: my question is look, i think there is probably a balanced view of russia, you recognize they are a threat militarily but they also can be an ally in the fight against terror, a massive energy producer, we could benefit from a relationship with them. when did we become so evil that talking to them is itself inactive tucker, i don t think tucker has ever been our ally. i don t think they have our best interest. basically, we know the hacking that has gone on, we know the intensity of the hacking this last election.
but there is no proof that anything changed. president trump won by 43% in west virginia. i can assure you, they couldn t have altered that outcome. tucker: you don t think the russians were involved in a boating in west virginia at all? i don t think wheat they were involved in the outcome. we have seen no proof that their intention to be involved to change the outcome of the election. with that being said, we know they have attempted more, dunmore, put more effort. the trolls and everything else that is going on, the hacking that is going on, all of these things, and basically, something that we should accept or allow whatsoever. tucker: as you know, since you live and work here, this is shoving down our government. i think the trump administration is partly to blame. i think his conduct is unflattering. basically, it has ground everything to a halt because of this russia question. i just wonder if voters are in favor of that. like your voters? today think this is more important on coal jobs? i don t like it is going to
get to a halt. if you want to see a halt, it was ground to a halt under the obama administration basically because of mitch having the power to grounded to a halt. two wrongs don t make a right. i m the first to tell you that. i didn t like what happened the last eight years, the last four years that i was there. now, what is happening today. tucker: i for democrats of it they won t vote on fbi director. until we get an independent investigation of russia. first of all, i think it is important that we have a special prosecutor. some people don t believe that. i respect that. the bottom line is, we stop in government, give me a good sip, centrist, as far as an fbi director, doesn t have any political ties, we should vote for him. tucker: regardless. that s mine. i am doing my own thing, which i always am. tucker: i m not saying that the russia question should be ignored. i don t know what is at the bottom of it. i don t think anybody else. i resent people pretending they do when they don t. let s look into it.
is it more important than the stated goals of the administration or the opioid crisis in your state? russia seems like the most important by far to the democrats right now. the report that came out this morning, today s a bad day. we have been hearing things hour upon hour. i am on the intelligence committee and i have said this. there are 19 people privilege to testify information at that level, supposedly, that is that. we are told early on if you discuss this, you can discuss it with her colleagues and no one else, staff, nobody. so, we don t talk about things, you re not supposed talk about things. if we do, will get thrown out the committee. if it s serious enough of what we were veal, then, could be federal charges. i take that very seriously. the president operates under a different set of rules than we do. tucker: executive branch employees, everything we are talking about now is the result of leaks presumably by people who work for donald trump, career employees i would bet,
who are leaking this stuff and basically making it impossible to govern. my recommendation would be this. i would like to visit all of our intel sites and to meet with all of our intel people, they are the rest of the world by the need to have some type of correlational relationship, a dialogue. the president need to patch this up. we have the best and we have people, basically our allies around the world, tucker, that have gone to battle with us, they have fought with us, they have died tucker: are you suggesting that trump is getting leaked on, basically you should create a personal relationship with people who work in the intelligence community. they are professionals. tucker: civilian control of government, they should do what he asks or leave, is another way it works? these are career professionals. tucker: shouldn t they be accountable?
they are accountable to the country. everybody who take that oath is accountable to the country. the country comes first. there is no person, the president, me or anybody else, the country comes first. tucker: of course. i m dressing under my system, their bosses the guy who they elect. they have to obey him because he was elected by voters. they weren t. so, when they ignore him they are doing their job day in and day out. thank got for that. they are basically monitoring and talking with our other allies, gathering information that keeps america safe. tucker: the elected guy gets to set the policies. they don t. do they? he can set them. he can set the policies but they have to enforce it, they have to follow through. the end policy, i would think i m of the policy would be the same. collect all the information, possible. prevented from doing us harm. who are our allies around the world? because people are trusted afraid we put people in harm s way?
what came out today put could put in all a lot of people in harm s way. we are concerned about that. tucker: senator, thanks. abu comey memo, could this just be the latest case of a lot of people in washington going too far too fast? brit hume here to tell us what we know and what we don t and what we can speculate about. plus, hillary clinton has launched a new political action committee. what happened to the clinton foundation, by the way? we will talk to the author of clinton pac just ahead. i accept i take easier trails than i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter what path i take, i go for my best. so if there s something better than warfarin,
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tucker: every day seems to bring a new story about brush our dreams call me or the president s ice cream preferences, and the press grabs every single one like it s the worst scandal since watergate. but if every single story as watergate but if any story as watergate? if so, what story is watergate. brit hume covered watergate and he joins us tonight. brit, i cannot resist replaying the piece of tape that we played in the previous segment, from earlier today on another network. there is a guy on there called carl higbie, a former seal, how to mount here before. he is trying to make the point to the panel that anonymous sources are not always right. we should be skeptical about that. here is how the anchor responded on that show. watch this. two former officials knowledgeable of the situation confirmed for cn on the main points of the story. two former officials, i ll tell you what, come on, name those people, then, we ll have something to talk about. one, we protect sources, two, sinatra cnn,
the washington post, new york times, wall street journal, cnn, abc who are the sources? carl. who are the sources? they are hiding behind this anonymity. please! you are going to attack sources! you are saying mcmaster is lying? i m not saying mcmaster is lying! that is his opinion. you cannot attack the stellar reporters on cnn! tucker: we don t know if she bit him in a commercial break which he was moving into that direction. [laughs] what struck me, whatever you think of carl higbie s views, he is raising the possibility that maybe there are questions raining. that is not acceptable. it is always legitimate to question anonymous sources. sometimes, we in journalism have to use them because there is no other way to get the information, and we depend on our own judgment and integrity as to how credible they are. we try if we are professional about it, to be careful that our own biases are not making us
likely to believe things that suit our preferences. but if you are an anchor and somebody is critical of the use of anonymous sources, it you don t start shouting and shaking your finger in the person s face. tucker: part of it is, she felt he was attacking their correspondents, but not just their correspondence, the idea that anybody would dare question the received wisdom at the moment, is that trump is a tool of putin, there is some horrifying buried treasure underneath all of us. questioning that is like a sin. i just wonder where the press all the way saturn became the group enforcing certainty, rather than asking questions. we are in the most poisonous media atmosphere i think that any president in my lifetime has ever experienced. this is way beyond what we saw, even with nixon, for much of the time, even though he was cordially hated on the left end and much of the media. certainly, george w. bush was detested by the media to a great
extent. but nothing like this. nothing like barack obama was hated on the right but not to this extent. this is beyond anything i have seen before. now, the problem for trump is, of course, he is unfamiliar with how to operate in this atmosphere. the people around him don t seem how to do it. the reagan people know they were in a hostile media atmosphere because he was so conservative. but they were seasoned that they knew how to compensate for it. it s not fair, it s not fair that trump should have to do that. but you do have to do it. as part of the skill of the presidency and part one of the tools you have to have. you have to know how to plan for that, you have to know how things will be received, which is why, if you are in the white house, and there is an investigation of someone close to you, as into the case of general flynn, it s a bad idea to say to the fbi director, even though you feel sympathy for the person under investigation, and even all you are really asking the fbi director is, can you
can we see our way clear? the way it was quoted, see our way clear to end that? that is not in order to stop the investigation. and we now have sworn testimony since then from the deputy fbi director that there have been no effort to impede the investigation. so, it appears that comey heard this, responded noncommittally, and the investigation went forward. this was unwise of the president to do this, if, in fact, he did. but it s not the biggest thing that ever happened. it is not worthy of the all-day firestorm we have the all evening firestorm we have been living and now all evening on this. that we have been living through. it is just, we don t know enough about it, we don t have the actual memo, we don t have the full context, we don t know how comey took it except to say that we knew that he said basically he understood that flynn was a pretty good guy, left it at that. he didn t seem to be under a lot of pressure to end the
investigation. of course, there is a problem when you fire an fbi agent, you better prepare the way. it s a good idea to have a successor, appointee ready to go, someone everybody can trust. for two reasons. one, it s the right thing to do, take the focus off the departing person. and if the person is credible, the focus has become the confirmation of that person. this is clumsy. ham-handed. it s you have to be proved to me that it was corrupt. tucker: why humiliate people on the way out? almost always? is just bad judgment. tucker: brit hume, thank you for joining us. new york city counselor wants to create a new law targeting a trump golf course in an effort to make the president release his tax returns for the lawmaker rule be here to explain how the law will work, the next
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that government can t pass laws to affect individuals, they have to affect behavior. you can t just to single out one person with a law. yet, that seems like exactly what you are doing. tucker, thinks of all, first of all, thanks for havinge show. show. i admired you for years, i missed you on crossfire. tucker: [laughs] this bill is not just about president trump. this bill would pertain to anyone in the future who goes for a city concession contract, who emblazoned their name on the property, and is making money off of the city of new york, i sorta feel like this is not to minimize this important topic. i am like a lowly little city council member on the west side of manhattan at i feel like there is much bigger news today, would you have been talking about during your show. tucker: i used to live in new york. and that is why the story caught my attention. you preside over a city that
just decriminalized public urination. okay? and the effects are really obvious, at least where i was living in midtown. there s a lot going on a mat hat on, not all of it good. and you are taking your time to basically grandstand on the national stage because you don t like trump. it s okay if you don t like trump. i m not mad about that. but how about filling some potholes and arresting some public urinate or is? [laughs] tucker, this is the first time i have heard a connection between public urination and president trump. tucker: it s your city. this is really about getting some transparency and accountability. do you think the president should release his tax returns? tucker: i don t know. i am not a city counselor for the city of new york. you don t know? you are a smart guy prayed tucker: welcome i am not trying to pass a law designed to force him to release his tax returns. you are. and i am merely saying, he ought to admit it s about trump, it s not about any of your other concession holders in
new york city. and b, is it right for government, is it not an abuse of government to craft a law for an individual? was a pretty basic tenant of the british law we inherited. first of all, if we did pass the council, which i hope it well, i m sure our litigious presidents will litigate it. he hasn t really had much respect for the courts in the past, or jurists, or judges. who knows what he will say or will be done. the thing i find more offensive here than they will be city councilmember writing this legislation, is the fact that he is not being held accountable, he is not being transparent, the revelations today about the conversation with comey, michael flynn s connection to russia, all of these things should want us to know what the president s connection is to russia. tucker: hold on. wait a second. we have an entire congress to deal with this. we have a home media that hates trump that can work on this. you are supposed to be i am
like one guy in a sea of people who wake up every morning seeking to get i am merely saying i making a point. you have a very specific job, to help her in a city of help her in a city of 8 million people, some of them unruly. have you been to penn station recently? it s like a homeless shelter it. it s disgusting. you give the speeches, i just read one, you said, trump is bad, and ignore the guy living under the atm machine, relieving himself next i m serious. tucker. to be when i go there every week. penn station is yours and you are worried about trump tax returns? are you joking? a dead serious question. have you been to the men s room at penn station? i m asking you a serious question. i am like former republican senator larry craig, i avoid men s rooms. for me, i am focused on all of the issues in my district. tucker: what? [laughs] i m here to talk about trump
tax returns. tucker: people use the men s room in the train stations, and now you re complaining about tax returns? one last thing, we need an independent prosecutor. tucker: first, we need clean men s rooms at penn station you are the guy in charge of that. why don t you get on those bathrooms? tucker, we needed an independent counsel to look at what is going on. tucker: all right. we are out of time. thanks. i am sorry. the bathrooms are horrible they are, by the way. congress banned insider trading years ago but a top expert on d.c. corruption said lawmakers are still making millions within inside information. sounds like a crime. it s actually happening. up next, we will talk to the author peter schweitzer. tim allen had a new sitcom called last man standing, pretty good ratings. abc canceled it anyway. did he do it for political reasons?
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tucker: hillary clinton lost the presidency in part because of widespread popular disgust at the amount of money her family made from politics, hundreds of millions of dollars. the belief that she used her influence to cash in, which of course she did, repeatedly. now, hillary is creating a brand-new political action committee. peter schweizer watches this kind of stuff for a living. he s the president of the government accountability institute. he also wrote the books. 21 and a bunch of other books worth reading. he said the clinton business dealing are far from over, they are corrupt, by the way. while congress remains compromised, as well, thanks to a report of insider trading. peter schweizer joins us now to untangle this ugly web. so, peter, what is this new hillary clinton pack and how will she get rich from it? it s basically a basically a 5o1c4, which is a tax exempt organization, and it can take unlimited donations, those
can be secretive donations, and i think really come of this organization is going to serve two purposes. number one, the clintons have these people, guys like sid blumenthal, that need a place to hang their hat. an opportunity to do that, keep their network in place. number two, what is going to do is make them relevant in the democratic party. a lot of democrats want him to go away. the questions know if they can t be king, they want to be kingmakers. this organization will help them be a big player in the democratic party. tucker: you forget that the clintons are a sad version of the grateful dead. there s a whole bunch of camps, and the followers, and their kids community men? you are supporting a lot of people when you are a clinton. with the clinton foundation, there was speculation that it was going to go on to her failed to get elected. two things have happened. first, the cult clinton global initiative is gone, zip, it s g. this is something that happened in december, after she lost. essentially, interests and money dried up by the clinton foundation is not an much better shape. a lot of foreign governments
that gave the millions of dollars, the governor of australia for example has announced after the election if they are not giving them any more. the governor of norway has cut it back by some 87%. so, they ll continue to live a long but it s not going to have the $250 million budget door so that it has has had up until this point because it was a pay to play system. we know from the podesta emails, when the clintons to their own internal review of the clinton foundation, the fed is exactly what it was, that they were exchanging donations for favors. they can t really perform those favors anymore because they don t have any power or access to power. tucker: i m confused. i thought the clinton foundation was its own good works and most of the children and the world would die work on for the clinton foundation. you are saying, the second is no longer have political power, people stop giving to this incredibly good institution? that is kind of weird. yeah, that s exactly right. i think they will have continued problems. my theory is, one of the reasons they talked about hillary running for mayor of new york or
chelsea running for congress is they need access to some formal power. they basically had it since 1992, if you don t count being governor of arkansas, they don t have access to power anymore. and there s not a lot of reason for people to get their money. tucker: i thought it was for the children. you know, silly me. political, what you are normally cited a positive way, did a pretty good piece, i thought, on the stock trading habits of a bunch of different members of congress. conclusively, as far as i could tell, show that they were trading against policy decisions they were making. still, even after your book. shoving how this is a long-standing and horrifying end of legal practice, they are still doing it. do you think that mr. true? yeah, that is exactly right. came out into out of 011, 60 minutes that a whole floor outcome they passed the stock act, the problem is, tucker, the credibly hard to prove. also, you are relying on federal
officials and prosecutors to go after congress, which of course funds those very prosecutors. there is a very simple solution here, and that is the speaker of the house, paul ryan, the senate majority leader, can both decide that they are going to have new house rules and new senate rules that simply say that you cannot trade stock in a company that you have regulatory oversight on. if you are the senate armed services committee, you cannot buy defense stock, et cetera. they don t have to pass a law, they can pass house rules. if you violate those rules, you can be kicked off the committee. i think that would deter a lot of this behavior. tucker: it s just shocking that they don t have them already. there s a bunch of people named, i won t name them tonight. we ve invited all of them on come i want to hear their side of it, but if you are buying ste company, touched by legislation you just wrote, i don t see how you can defend that. we ll find that out. peter schweizer, thank you for the ground breaking work you done on the subject. thank you, tucker.
we went up next, saturday night live having its most-watched season in decades. is that because comedy has gotten funnier? or because the political topics are more palatable to the audience? the panel discusses along with the fact that abc has canceled they hit new show that seems to be working. any other reasons they cancel it? up ahead. umped off a bridge, would you? you hungry? i m okay right i m. i m becoming my, uh, mother. it s been hard, but some of the stuff he says is actually pretty helpful. pumpkin, bundling our home and auto insurance is a good deal! like buying in bulk! that s fun, right? progressive can t protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto. progressive can t protect you from becoming your parents, abreak through your allergies.? try new flonase sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it s more complete allergy relief
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russia. i thought, he is investigating russia, i don t like that, i should fire him. and you are just admitting that? uh-huh. obstruction of justice. sure, okay. did i get it? no, i didn t cover nothing matters. absolutely nothing matters anymore? tucker: ratings for stephen colbert s late-night show are up, to come unexpectedly. the washington post reporting that donald trump revealed highly classified information to the russian foreign minister and ambassador. the article can t describe in detail what was shared but one official said, this is code word information. you have to say things like the package has been delivered. the squirrel is in the basket. the idiot is in the oval. donald trump, if you are watching, first of all, you re a
bad president, please resign. the second. tucker: the managing editor at olympic media, a contributor at the hill. so, katie, it seems pretty obvious that the numbers are up for shows like this, which people who hate trump on transformation, is that different from wanting comedy? the problem of a lot of them are falling into is that they are putting their own personal politics before actual comedy. the way to joke about trump, there s a way to talk about hillary that everyone could find funny. and they are not doing that. they are just being partisan and angry. but they are also taking bucket loads of money, i ll lock trump. he is all the ratings up, and all ratings up, colbert ratings. and they were saying that they have some folk moral problem with taking this quote unquote blood money. and yet, why are they donating it? why are they giving it to the people that trump was apparently destroyed them. they are just taking it and saying that they are very upset. tucker: one thing to have
political views, it s another to give people money, okay? there is no chance. i would be happy to take it. tucker: it s interesting, trump said i will help your ratings, i don t think he meant it this way. this is all people who hate trump. oh, yeah. trump is raining gold. the ratings are up on these anti-trump shows because liberal snowflakes who still won t accept that trump is our president, by the way, need tv safe spaces, where they can hear their own opinions reflected back to them over and over again. stephen stephen colbert in part, he really panders to the lowest common denominator of trump paid for his show isn t really funny. you just sit there and slit slanders trump. it is just so political. tucker: but it works. it s like that. if it works, it is like the rat hitting the cocaine bar? every time you had it, you get something, why want you dash go the effectiveness of this will wear off over time. you got to keep in mind,
colbert, he is not changing any mines. his audience, they are 100% left-wing. tucker: i don t think anyone s mind to change at all. okay. it s one thing they do what works, i get that, i wouldn t watch. but i don t begrudge them. it s when politics become such a part of the television programming that the other side is not allowed, i get nervous, and the question is, did that happen to tim allen? he is the famous actor, he s been around a long time, he had a show called last man standing. it did well, apparently. if portrayed positively a character was a conservative christian. conservatives are upset because they said it got canceled because tim allen is a conservative. you think that is true? there is a 100,000 person petition to boycott abc going on right now. that is us down again and of itself. the fact that they said that they were replacing such a high rating show with more superhero shows, that with their excuse, and tim allen came out and said that he was blind sided ends donned by this cancellation of what would be the seventh seaso.
they are not doing a lot to make it seem like it wasn t political. tucker: nbc gave up its own access hollywood tape and leaked it and lied about it to the washington post. they didn t get anything out of it they just wanted to hurt trump. these people will actually hurt themselves in order to hurt trump. it s shocking. it s disgusting that abc canceled the show but i guess it s not really surprising, considering that abc s entire lineup of shows right now just mocks conservative values in every single episode. it s just these executives, these tv executives. tucker: i wouldn t watch them for a second. thank you. thank you, tucker. tucker: we ll be right back back. but with my back pain i couldn t sleep or get up in time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid
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The-way , Country , Anyone , Member , Enemy , Tool , Russians , Traitor , Vladimir-putin , House-intelligence-committee , One , Something

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170713 04:00:00

something is bogus in new york and it s not the cops. that s it for us tonight from washington. we are here every night at 8:00. the five is next. dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino. with juan williams, jesse watters, greg gutfeld, and kimberly h guilfoyle. it is 9:00 in new york city and this is the five. tonight, new reaction from president trump with the firestorm surrounded around his son and russia. the president is telling reuters tonight he only learned about the controversial sitdown a couple of days ago and doesn t blame his son for having the meeting. saying many people would have. democrats want the treason charge, other people say that s nonsense.
there s been soop much overwrought claim. there are people talking about treason. i can t believe the new york times had an op-ed yesterday in which treason was mentioned. people are saying it could be treason, which is facially absurd. it just doesn t rise to that level. dana: corey lewandowski thinks the white house needs to get much tougher on cracking down on leaks. anybody and i mean anybody who is not on the president s agenda working in this administration should be removed immediately, i don t know who the leaker is. if someone was speaking to the media or leaking information which could potentially be detrimental to the president and his administration, i would fir them on the spot. dana: juan, if i would go to your first you would think donald trump, jr., s meeting was wrong, possibly unethical but to jump to treason, does that underminena the democrats point?
growth dana: perhaps congress needs to clarify the law about interactions between campaigns and foreign government. right now, this is just not there. kimberly: people are trying to run with this. i think they are trying to smear donald trump and any kind of political aspirations. remember at the rnc how well he did? a lot of people talked about his political future. this is trying to do generational and reputational damage for the trump family. they are starting happily and aggressively with donald jr. they tried to take a hit with ivanka. she s been very passionate onon behalf of coming out with women s issues. eair pay for women, and health for working women as it relates to health care, syria, the chemical weapons attacks. when i say something like this, i just wonder what the motivation is behind us, in terms of someone going after him
like this. perhaps this is really the perfect time to find some clarification, some clarity as it relates to what is appropriate and what isn let me tell you, if my father was running for president of the united states, i would sit down and take a meeting and find out if there was information against anin opponent. compare this to what hillary clinton did to the women that accused bill clinton of sexual misconduct or assault against them. et cetera. what did she do to smear them and investigate them? i find the hypocrisy from the left really appalling. dana: jesse, some on the right have been saying well, why isn t anybody looking into and investigating and charging hillary clinton s team with the ukrainians? they got information that was against paul manafort. if that s the case isn t that also admitting that this meeting was wrong? jesse: if you want to
trying to help his father. if there s something wrong with trying to help your father, then i guess we are all guilty. dana: cory lewandowski was getting to that. the leaks are actually coming from the inside.. they established that the white house is not under any they don t think they have a legal problem but the p.r. problem is sort of internal sabotage. greg: yeah, i don t care. i honestly don t care. the more alarmed the press becomes, the more i believe america is becoming exhausted. these stories are becoming so intense and over-the-top. they are so interested in reiterating the past. we know as americans that is not about collusion, it s about settling the score. yeah, we might do the same thing
because s we would be angry over an election but at a certain point, you ve got to let it go. i can redefine collusion as the collusion between the media, academia, and the entertainment industry, who have been trying to brainwash us for decades over the dumbest ideologies. we ve been victims of collusions all of our lives. the narrative here is that the trump presidency is in disarray. that s what we know. that s what we elected. we k are okay with disarray. we elected somebody because they don t have experience in politics. therefore, he sct surrounded by people are not adept at controlling the narrative. maybe that s their fault and maybe donald should have known better but the bottom line is this: if you wanted this not to happen, you could have had a rubio, kasich. dana: you would probably have clinton. kimberly: and now we have less isis.
shut up greg: you have the good. it s a phenomenon. trump is a phenomenon. if you are seeing things happen like isis. the downside is, you are going to have this stuff going on forever because they don t know how to deal with it because they are not insiders. you elected ann outsider. this is not a bug in the system. this is the system. we just have to deal with it and over it. the hyperventilation on other networks is insane. have you see them lately? i worry about their health.nt jesse: yesterday you saw a fever pitch you can see the temperature come down ates least half a degree. greg: they will find something new. this wall street journal piece that came out, everyone is screaming about it. there s nothing in at least, i couldn t find anything. dana: it s basically sayingth that the russians were trying to infiltrate into the campaign to see they were trying to listener in. we found out the russians were talking about the trump campaign but we ve known that.
greg: that was the tick tick boom on twitter. juan: i think there are two other stories that are interesting. in fact, there are concerns that the russians were given information a about various districts where there were vulnerabilities for clinton. weaknesses. those districts saw an increase of the kind of hacking and emails being sent in, specifically targeting at blacks, women, to decrease hillary votes. that would be cooperating and urging on a foreign power. it s not to say that there is not real problems here. for me, as a democrat, i looked to see what are republicans thinking. when are republicans going to become critical? today, you had national review saying basically russian collusion is no longer just a tinfoil conspiracyic theory.
no american, republican or democrat, should defend the intent of donald trump s meeting. dana: even donald trump, jr., said he would have done it differently. hindsight being 20/20. juan: jesse said he was duped. he wasn t duped. jesse: the only reason he did it was because he was boys with the guy that had to hook up. juan: the email said that she was coming with informationk directly from the russian government. kimberly: this party is going down the toilet. they don t get it. now people within your party, juan, are saying this russian story is a total loser. if you don t have the senate, the house. you certainly don t have the oval. if you keep story. we have bernie sanders, he s not a closer, either. hillary clinton is going to hide out with scooby snacks in the van. if i was you guys, i would be freaking out.
[laughter] juan: i don t care what your political affiliation is. this presidents white house is not doing his job. kimberly:wh he needs to get some better people into be able to deliver what he promised the working men and women. juan: kimberly guilfoyle just said she thinks donald trump should get better people? en kimberly: yes. he needs to filled thee positios that are there. he knows that. jesse: they are going to run for the hills, at the smallest whiff of controversy. i ve watchedd them all day. juan: they are not turning away from donald trump. greg: i will ask the dumbest question. kimberly: you are good at it. greg: how come a citizen cannot engage in a practice that a reporter can?
a reporter can go to a meeting and if you get some information he s a whistleblower. it s snowden, everything. but trump, jr., a citizen it s collusion. he could have been chelsea manning. a reporter is a hero, they make a movie about you. dana: if a foreign government comes to you with information to damage another american, i would not do it. greg: i would in a second. i would say you re going to tell me you would say i wonder what it is. dana will get on the phone and say hello, fbi? dana: i would never do anything to if they had information on you, i am taking that call. [laughter] dana: a breakup announcement, next. and not the kind that you might be thinking. one that you might
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greg: joe scarborough has announced he s leaving the republicanth party. reactions pouring in from all over the world. [laughter] greg: it s too easy. joe scarborough, morning joe, told this shocker on colbert last night. this was well before donald trump was elected htpresident that my party has betrayed their core values. time and time and time again, they turn the other way. they are doing the same thing now. it s actually disgusting. you have to ask yourself, what exactly is the republican party willing to do? how far are they willing to go and how much of this country and values are they willing to sell out? but aren t you a republican? i am a republican but i m not going to be a republican anymore. i ve got to become an independent.
greg: okay, weird. we go to the republican party for reaction. [laughter] greg: so, joe calls it an exit but for republicans, it s really an enema. he played both sides as a teenager. thankfully, not joe s. greg: oh, man, is that awkward or what? he seems to be the only one
there enjoying the song. thee rest of them are just waiting for the check to clear. all decisions are driven by a need for attention. chases the spotlight, and thenh he moves on. after all, he does tend to leave things. he did resign from congress, after all. for something sanctimonious about leaving a group that isn t clamoring to keep you. if it s because of trump, fine. but joe indulged and flattered him and used him to gain access and ratings. to woo him away from fox & friends. then when he saw donald outgrow him, he imploded. i wish him luck. i welcome his independence, even if it s just another stab at relevance, to be noticed at the next hamptons cocktail party. i bet he s going to bring his guitar. kimberly: [laughs] greg: did his announcement move you to tears? dana: no.
when colbert asked him, are you still a republican? it s such a planted question. they probably were able to get booked on colbert saying they were going to make thiss big news. a it is a little hard to take in, watching the primary pretty closely, we all lived it. they loved donald trump. it was like wait, i don t understand. what about all these conservative principles? greg: he compared him to reagan! he said he was the next reagan. jesse, it takes such talent for leaving your party to seem phony. jesse: when i saw the story, i was like why are we doing this story? i now know why we are doing this story. i don t have anything bad to say and i have no animosity with joe scarborough. i want to congratulate him on hisre nuptials.
they are riding the wave. that s fine, let them do their thing. the band is getting back together. i don t know what that was. i don t think anybody cares and the republican party that he s leaving. i think msnbc, a talkingn point now, you can t say joe scarborough and morning joe. you can t even say that. [laughter]ay > kimberly: that s true. greg: juan, people are being broken emotionally by trump, they go through this thing and then something happens and they are never the same. is that what happens here? he s just emotionally broken by this victory? i don t know. juan: i don t know if he s emotionally broken. i think he s behaving in an expedient manner. he is capitalizing where he can
for the moment to get attention. i took him seriously. i wanted to know exactly what his argument is. donald trump says i don t know what the kkk and david duke are. because he has hispanic heritage he can t be a judge in my case. he goes on about values. heon says why are republicans continuing to make excuses for donald trump? greg: i don t think he said he didn t know who the kkk was coming he said he wasn t aware if they were supporting him. so what if some freak supports you? kimberly: this is old juan: take it seriously. it is very critical, as we sat in the first segment. what point do republicans say you know what? donald trump, this has gone too far. greg: you ve convinced me. now that joe has left, he has convinced me. trump is evil. kimberly: are you joining the unicorn party? i love the hairdo.
jesse: yeah, can we talk about that? i want hair like that. kimberly: yours is short in comparison. his is like a chia pet. miracle-gro. he wants to sell albums and he said that and that s fine. he s into this whole thing. i am happy for him. good for them. good. he wants to go and play and record and play for his kids but here s my thing. donald trump, the president, f s very good to them. very loyal. offered them to get married in mar-a-lago or at the white house. was on their show, a whole deal. and then they were hitting him in d the face. i don t live like that. greg: in the music performance, he reminded me a lot of the partridge family. you know you re not really musician if you are constantly looking at the people around you while you re playing.
it sounded like he ripped off pete townsend. dana: he s done a lot of these songs. monkey house? jesse: what kind of instruments do you play? greg: i play everything. i was in a band. i can t say the name of the band but it was a death metal band. kimberly: was lou dobbs in it?? dana: they were actually good, right? greg: we were okay. let s let it go. dana: russia, if you have the tapes greg: i was 20 years old. kimberly: how did you look? greg: i looked great. up next, why is a liberal magazine editor who considers herself a feminist criticizing ivanka trump for her clothing? we will tell you, up ahead. cizing can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? legacy technology can handcuff any company.
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kimberly: ivanka trump accompanied her father for the g20 summit in germany. the presidential advisor launched an initiative and sat in for her dad at a meeting from world leaders. one magazine editor is saying that ivanka trump is not a feminist. not for something she said but rather what she wore. i don t mean to sound sexist, it can be dangerous commenting on what women wear but she sat in for her father wearing a dress that was so ornamental. it sdr a pink dress with big bos on the elbows. there s something incredibly ornamental. that s not a dress made for work or to go out in the world and make a difference. that is a dress that is designed to show off your girliness. god bless her. show it off.
but don t then tell us that you are crusading for an equal place for women at the table. because you are not. kimberly: gross. dana: i can barely breathe. this is exactly what the didn tt movement you want to be judged by your looks. you wanted to be judged by your thoughts, capabilities, work. when you say i don t mean to sound sexist but. it s like when you say i don t mean to disrespect but. don t even say that. the democrats could not change maternity leave. ivanka trump is actually changing it. she s going up there on the issues that she cares about. today, she was able to announce that the president is going to put in more money towards humanitarian aid for the famine being exacerbated in africa. she has created this entire worldwide push for women and
girls around the world. what else could be feminist? and they make fun of her outfit? this is why young women don t want to call themselves feminist and that this is whyhy that movement is dying and it should. greg: after seeing this, i am no longer a feminist. are we sure she s not an evil white male? it was so patriarchal. dana: it sounds like it would have been set in the 70sri or mad men. greg: i m not surprised she s a predictable ideologue. if somebody gave you two of her beliefs, you could predict the third one. she sat predictable. she has never strayed from this ideological hard left stance. all of us here are unpredictable in the things we believe in. you are a conservative here or a npliberal here. that does not exist in her
world. she s an ideologue dogmatist and really predictable. kimberly: jesse? jesse: i was told never to start a sentence when you say this might sound sexist but. that s like 101. it was a very spiteful comment. i thought women were supposed to boost each other up, not tear ryeach other down. it always seems like the left thinks the worst of the trumps. trump, jr., has a bad meeting. he s a traitor. ivanka takes her father s seat it s because she s an ornament or a piece of property. donald trump praised symphonies and that makes him a racist. everything this family does, everyone on the left thinks he has the worst intentions. i m getting sick of it. kimberly: there s nothing anybody in the family can do to get some honest evaluation or
statement about what they do.e she s an entrepreneur, very charitable. i ve known her for over ten years. it s sad because what also she kexpected to even do? she s trying to serve the country. she s very passionate about women and children and equale wage and good health care and being murdered and genocide that s happening, she s created ave vey affordable clothing line. nothingh. is good enough. this woman is setting back other women, by diminishing her accomplishments, by complaining aboutwo what she s wearing. shame on you. what have you done for women, joan walsh? juan: i have a different viewpoint. dana: you are siding with joan walsh? juan: i will say this for joan walsh and people looking at the trump family i don t
think anybody is all down on the family. jesse: are you watching the news? juan: i think you guys enjoy the idea if you haven t noticed, the women around donald trump, they all are very stylish, extremely beautiful dana: everyone just praised ymichelle obama s outfits. juan: they talked about her muscle tone, everything. that s fair. kimberly: what are you talking about? that s a compliment. oh, my gosh. juan: she said she looked ornamental. kimberly: that s not a dress that s made for work. that s a dress designed to show off your girliness it is sexist. juan: i don t think it s sexist about what she s saying and what dana said, look at the woman s work.
look at what she has done.e. kimberly: are you better than me because you can wear that outfit and i wear a dress? no.he juan: she t saying let s have more money for this or paid leave, that s not making the argument or winning the argument in congress. that s not changing our national values. dana: she s been very active, she s gone to senator rubio, she s written to the wall street journal because they don t like the idea. she s taken them on. she s actively trying to do something. juan: okay. you can praise it but the ideaea that you have her sitting in at formal meetings at the g20 that s kind of unusual that you have your daughter kimberly: that showsd that president trump champions women and believes in his daughter. it s an example for the rest of the people in the country to do that for their daughters. the only thing that would make the left happy is if she was screaming like a lunatic and throwingng things.
dana: and don t forget, wearing a hat. greg: you can make those jokes now. i can make fun of how chelsea dresses. everything s on the table, right?no no, i wouldn t. because i am a classy guy. juan: you are. you are. greg: am i? kimberly: i m done with this. illegal immigration and the long promised wall, next. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get a text when we re on our way. you can see exactly when we ll arrive. i m micah with safelite. customer: thanks for coming, it s right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care. kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace.
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[vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month s lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. jesse: today, jeff sessions gave an update on the administration s efforts to stop illegal immigration. we are finally getting serious about securing our border. this is a matter of national enforcement. we are seeing positive resultser with m illegal border crossings, falling to their lowest s monthy
figure in 17 years. this is a real improvement but we are not there yet. jesse: there s also an update on mr. trump s big, beautifule wall. yesterday, a house panel unveiled legislation for a down payment. likely to start a spending fight that could lead to a shutdown. steve king backs the measure but thinks it should go even further. i would throw another $5 billion on the pile and half a billion dollars right out of planned parenthood s budget and the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements thatom are being spread out for people that haven t worked in three generations. we have to put america back to work. this administration will do it. jesse: wow. what do you think about steve king s inflammatory greg: this is not a persuasive argument. building a wall, you have to be practical, not political. this is a guy saying ifot you he
the idea of the wall, you are going to hate this idea even more. g you are supposed to broaden the appeal of stuff. this is a salt in the wound kind of thing. you want people on the fence or on the wall to come to the wall. you don t want to say hey, guess what? we will take money from this and this and other causes that you like. make it the world s longest strip mall. it could be nail salons. chinese take-out. dry cleaners. always the karate studio. they always have a karate studi in strip malls and no one is ever in them. jesse: just a lot of trophies. is this donald trump s way to negotiate? steve king saying we will do thisy and this and this? and then when they negotiate back from there, they will get the funding? dana: maybe the white house could put steve king up to that but my talking point was not the most persuasive argument for the wall. greg: i saw that.
kimberly: it could be top line. dana: consistently, across the board, polling for the wall is 60% against. polling for planned parenthoodg is like almost an 80% popularity rate. not that i think it should be funded by the federal government but basically, he s bringing up two very difficult things. on the food stamp point, if they can prove they can t get those roles t down they should do that in a demonstrable fashion. and then instead of saying people that haven t worked in three decades, we will take their food stamps away jesse: i don t think the wall can be chipped away at all. they can t be slowed down or defunded. t if donald trump loses the wall or momentum on the wall, that puts a huge chink in the armor and the base. kimberly: the moneyal would be better spent securing the borders than ending and shortening the lives of thousands of babies. wouldn t t it?
juan: are you kidding me? first of all, planned parenthood does so much more than abortion but if you want to have the abortion argument, let s have it. greg: they shouldn t be doing abortions then. juan: why can t they i don t want to get into it and it s so emotional. when it comes to the idea that you would kick people off of food stamps and you just say oh, it s just those undeserving, degenerate people who have been taking advantage? what is going on? steve king thinking those mexican immigrants have calves the size of cantaloupes, well, stevem king looks like a big old halloween jack-o -lantern. the two-thirds of the people getting food stamps in our great country are either children, the elderly, or disabled. why would you go after this group? i don t get it. one more point, jesse. guess what states would be hardest hit, jesse? states that voted for
donald trump have the highest population of this needy group. ii don t think it s respectful r loving for anybody to go after children, the disabled, and the elderly. jesse: maybe the able-bodied people that are getting food stamps can work for the wall. a funeral for the officer assassinated in new york city last week. trying to end hatred towards police, up ahead. you totanobody s hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you d get your whole car back. i guess they don t want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™,
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juan: a lot of people have this sentiment. this is a very intriguing moment. this woman is a latina. a lot of people talk about black and blue, brown and blue, what happens when you have officerst who were shot, assassinated, who are protecting the community? kimberly: i ve seen this type of story over and over again. to that family and her children, this is raw. real. unacceptable. something like this is happening but it s part of this sickening cultureng where people are not respecting the men and women that faithfully serve in blue. they try to beat them down, they try to make them look like they are the enemies. the police that serve every morning and try and do this job are the ones that are hunted and disrespected. it s really appalling to me that this is going on in this country. it s been going on for a while. we know where it started and what administration, bill de blasio should be thrown out.
juan: jesse, in fact, there was some young kid playing nwa s blank the police. i get people would say look at all the police officers cleared in the shooting of people, the philando castile it s hard for police any police to get convicted of killing someone unarmed. jesse: yes, you would never want to blast that song at a funeral. it s inexcusable. kimberly: it s part of the ferguson effect. jesse: real, average americans are trying to take care of their families, going to work. they have commitments. there is a silent majority out there. the silent majority that talks to their friends, neighbors, families about something like this. and then they talk at the ballot box and i think that s what counts. the silent majority make their
voices heard. the young people, black lives matter, the open borders activists those people are going to get out there because they don t have a lot to do. theyey don t have jobs or a lot going on. that s when you see the hatred and animosity. they don t have the passion to be fair. you won t see a lot of hard-working americans coming out for this because life moves fast, unfortunately. juan: we saw police come from around the world to this funeral. it was on the grand concourse. it was flooded with blue. dana: the hardest job in the world is being a single mom and second hardest job is being a police officer. it does show you why the new york police department consistently recruits s and retains america s finest. juan: greg, your pal, big bill de blasio spoke at the funeral. greg: there was a demonstration they are, after all.
hundreds of cops turned their backs on them. that s a demonstration. in terms of why there aren t other demonstrators coming out of this like black lives matter, they ignored this injustice because it doesn t fit their narrative. perhaps if they actually did , listen to this, it would force them to look in the mirror and question their own complicity in this. there is complicity in this. the police have been demonized. the narrative on various networks have demonized the police, making the ferguson effect. making them on capable to do their jobs. juan: this is a conflict between police and black lives matter but there s no doubt i think everyone at thee table understands that what happened to officer miosotis familia it was an abomination and should never happen. one more thing up next.
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role of ms. cooper. pick the book up. if you are going to love it. dana: president trump promised to aid money in africa. the united nations world food program called the pledge a godsend. president trump led the effort to allow a group of afghan girls into the country after they had been previously denied entry. soso they could partake in an international robotics competition. they t had initially been denied and theth national security advisor said the u.s. is proud of these girls who represent the best of the afghan people. jesse. jesse: i ve made a fashion statement last night on the ffive. people went crazy.
that s called a burgundy blazer. we call it that for a reason.y. because everybody on the internet set i looked like ron burgundy. a stay classy. and a mustache. i did not do that. that s not my mustache. juan: there is a new area and photography, look at the winners of this contest. it looks like someone is falling off the edge of a building but a closer look, you will see it s a man in the picture laying on the edge of a tennis court. here s the secondd one. looks like vibrant pink standing out, a sea of green lilies. greg: it s my turn, juan. i have a great article at you should read it. i ve got a great new podcast with ariel pink, of brilliant musical artist.

Something , People , Meeting , Democrats , Son , Doesn-t , Couple , Treason-charge , Nonsense , Treason , The-new-york-times , Claim