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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140516 23:00:00

sterlings of the world and the sheriff copelands, but in a little town in new hampshire, all white, whites came out to demand that this commissioner resign because he used the n-word. all kind of nba players and other owners voted to get rid of mr. sterling. yes, we still have segregation in schools, but people are standing up fighting it. yes, we still have big gots in this country, but there are those that have increased the numbers that are fighting bigotry. we just have to keep proving there s more of us than there are of them. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. have a great weekend. hardball starts right now. the return of team clinton. let s play hardball. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r.
let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the r. let s play hardball. the rt good evening. i m chris matthews in washington. why did rove do it? possibly the partisan equivalent of a terror attack. getting the other side so shook off it moves off its game plan. did rove do that, get the clintons ton a fight a year ahead of schedule? did that get bill and hillary out in the streets clamoring, out there looking like the veteran roe partners they intend to be, but way, way ahead of their 2016 schedule? did rove succeed in setting up the health matter just before her book tour to get every tv, radio and reporter to drop the health question wherever the book tour takes her. and finally, did karl rove southerly encourage jeb bush to get into the race by show how ready operatives like him are to do the job on hillary, just like they did the job on michael
dukakis back in 1988. and after all the blowback, could it be that karl rove doesn t mind at all being hated all the more by the left for running alongside the clinton campaign bus lobbing stink bombs in the window as long as it makes him more highly prized on the right, especially by the big money people. david corn is the washington bureau chief for mother jones and is an msnbc political analyst. and the special correspondent the daily beast. all opinions are relevant because i have been trying to project where this takes us. it s been the week of the attack on hillary s health, whatever that is. has it worked, or even hurt her? what s it all about? rove is going to be around and she s going to be around and bill clinton is going to be around. this talking point is not going anywhere. i don t know if this was strategically intended for this particular week, but week by week he s been doing this for a while. week by week, the clintons are
more and more in the news, particularly hillary, as we get up to the big book release, happening next month. so you see more and more folks on the right as you get closer to 2016 trying to take shots at hillary. now, i think what rove wants to do here, he doesn t want to win the case. you know, he actually made a mistake by talking about brain damage and going too far and having to qua zi apologize. he said brain injury, would that have been smarter? i think it would have. he wants to create background noise so this question linger, hovers. people have to ask her. we ve seen this so many times. they did it to dukakis with the psychiatrist. it s not at all unexpected. and it s going to continue to come up. and actually, though, in one way or the other, she will have to address this the way that john mccain and ronald reagan did. they did it more with rumor, but this is an issue. let s go where we were six months ago. hillary clinton comes off a pretty sterling performance as
secretary of state. worked hard, went millions of miles. became first name basis with these world leaders. she s up here as an icon, not a politician. is she still an icon? it drags her back down into the political they re dragging me back in again. every time i get out. a little bit like that. but that s inevitable. if she runs she s going to become a political figure again. it s may 2014. she s expected to announce in 2015? early 2015, maybe. we ve got to talk about it. it s going to standard happening and it has happened. when rove walks into a crowd, not like this little crowd, but somebody on the pretty far right money people, is he well received now. is he seen as a guy who, okay a little dirty? but he gets the job done. the group that he started, american crossroads had a big problem.
they didn t win the races they were in last time. i know from talking to people on the right that his group did not do the internal autopsy that convinced people that they knew what to do next time. but that said, all karl rove needs is one or two texas billionaires, that s always been his go-to gang, to fund whatever he wants to do snex next. so they re still out there. he ll rope them in and they will appreciate this attack. who else is a riding, roping cowboy like this guy. this is lee atwater stuff. $103 million lost on every single race. is there a fee in this? he places these ads. does he get 7%? of course he does. but he lost every single race. the husband of outed cia officer valley plame has his own
history with rove. wilson took rove to task for engaging in his old dirty tricks. in the long run, wilson says they will backfire. african-americans, gays, women have long since fled the republican party as poll after poll have shown. but rove is still practicing his old treks by attacking hillary clinton, he seems to do short term damage, but what about the long-term damage he s done and is doing to his own party? by 2016, rove will have succeeded in alienating millions of more through his revolting tactics. my question to you, the question of mike is this i thought that hillary had almost reached the point of untouchability and that wasn t going to last. but this guy is now is he going to pay the price? and who cares. are the republicans going to pay the price for his behavior? the republicans are going to pay the price.
i don t think this resonates outside of the echo chamber. the echo chamber is a,rah, rah, rah. but with others it s going to produce a little sympathy for hillary clinton, if anything. but still, the republicans may not learn their lesson this time around. and hillary clinton is a great candidate in a lot of ways but also a candidate with problems and she is beatable by the right republican. she point out for the nirs time, i think it was her piece that we now know the rollout plan for the clin tons, the book tour. get a lot of positive ink about her role as secretary of state. really focusing on those four years. then apparently she s going to play a major role in the fall like dmix son did in 56. pick out the clinton favorites. peck out those ones, they win,
she gets the record as well as bill with being in the winners. she did this in 1998 and 2000. schumer in new york. and others. she had a great record. a great won/loss record in 1998 and that helped her be a much more impressive senatorial candidate in 2000. i dependent know until this thing happened. you know why this is important, she hasn t campaigned in a long time. micks is always evolving, it s always different. the role she is played as secretary of state is it giving nice speeches where everybody cheers? or letting people ask you questions. it it s both. it s having a message and a vision. it s going elsewhere and it s doing it you know what, i ll book it doing it not just
once a week, it s doing it every day over and over again. so she needs to get back up. that s always been my concern about any politician that leaves the field for eight years. you re not into the zeitgeist. every time you try a speech in the old days, nice try. that s why she goes out this fall. the conservative attack on hillary clinton, charles krauthammer insisted that hillary clinton s popularity is vastly overstated. let s watch charles. i think the democrats gross ly jor estimate how popular hillary is. she may be popular with them, but they assume she hasn t been out in the field. she hasn t been challenged in debate. she s a non she s not an officer holder right now.
so she s not subject to slips. you go back over her record and you have somebody asking very simple correct and tough questions, number one, name a single achievement in your four years as secretary of state. if you need more clues, the right sees hillary as a threat, look at reince pribus twitter account. tweeted about hillary no fewer than five times in the last 24 hours. her failures at the state department are evident. also the hard choices led to bad decisions and bad outcomes. plus, here s another tweet. where hillary clinton goes, the donor scandals will follow. and the state department says hillary clinton could have acted on boka haram sooner. should she be trusted with hard choices?
that s the title of her upcoming memoir. charles krauthammer what is he up to? he s taking the benghazi cool aid. 66% ceiling. i have never seen a ceiling this is the point you made earlier. as secretary of state in that cabinet of rivals, team of rivals, her popularity just really went very high. now the question is, as she gets back into partisan politics, which a lot of americans tend not like, is she going to come down a bit? she will. the question is, how far? by the way, you re not answering the right question. you re a smart guy, but you re not answering it. charles didn t say she ll end up being unpopular. he says she s unpopular now and that s not true. look at the number, charles, look at the polls.
she s ahead of everybody 10, 12, 14 points. that s been done to no effect when she ran for president. legislatuors don t usually do something. this morning, hillary clinton showed up on the view to bid farewell to barbara walters. the former secretary of state had advice for the entirery news i don t think we say newswoman, but it s on script here. how about correspondent. here we go. first of all, take some time off. i mean, really you re in no position to tell me. that s what i ve been doing. take some time. you have a wealth of friends who adore you. spend time for them. take a real vacation. i go out with my dogs. my husband and i take long walks. just let down and enjoy.
for a week at least. as long as you re here, let me ask you a question. the question i want to ask is are you going to run, but well, i am running around the park. that appearance did not hurt the former first lady. no. that s what she s got to do more of. politicians don t usually get to do that before they run. they usually do that if they lose. do we have time? quick. it makes me think about something. democrats always win women, but republicans win white women. watch that if she s the candidate. you may not be the last person to say that. white women will vote for hillary. coming up, i don t think they ale get together on it. you would think the tea partiers would have a good shot of winning the sflat and pushing it to the right, but it turns out they have a problem with the likely concerted republican winners. to too liberal by their
standar standards. also, do you remember this by the republican gubernatorial debate, not just the establishment candidates, but the fringier ones as well. hey diddle diddle right up the middle. that s my style. you have your choice, folks. a cowboy, a curmudgeon, a biker or a normal guy. take your pick, thank you very much. normal wasn t good in that case. that was harley, harley brown. and how could we help but invite him on to hardball. he s going to join us later in person. plus, speaking of people on the fringe, right wing so-called patriot groups promise 10 million to 30 million of them would deaccepted scend on the w right. about ten people more or less did show up. finally what we can expect now that the starter s gun has gone off way ahead of schedule in the presidential race. this is hardball.
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primari primaries. the most recent sidelined, the gop is eyeing full control of the congress, maybe even the senate. the tea party, instead of declaring victory right now is signalling it s ready to go to war with the republican party itself. again, the washington post reports today that a number of conservative leaders are gearing up for a fight with republicans who they fear will betray them once they get into office, especially when it comes to fiscal issues like the budget or social issues like immigration. they fear elegislature the republican, even if they succeed in retaining control of the house and winning the senate majority would cast aside the core conservative base. at a recent meeting, conservative leaders drafted their demands that included things like married moms and bads are best at raising kids. support for anti-abortion legislation and a balanced budget amendment. at that pleating, c imeeting te crowd, yay, our team is winning,
but we win when we stand for principle and we lose when we give in to washington s status quo. on activist summed it up and said conservatives ought not to delude themselves. if republicans win it will somehow be a conservative majority. we have the experts here. the author of don t hurt people and don t take their stuff a libertarian manifesto. and a national political reporter with the washington post. that s your report. and i guess, what is it that you believe the hard right is worried about the center right doing if they get control. i was at ritz kacarlton hote and they were skiddish that should republicans take the senate there s going to be movement on immigration reform, there s not going to be a lot of
attention paid to social issues and there s not going to be a bold conservative agenda like cruz would like to see and mike lee would like to see. there was a fear that republican establishment is ascending and the tea party, popular with the base just doesn t have the power it wants to have. what s the fear? what s your fear? i m actually more optimistic about it. i think we re defining the agenda. you re seeing even someone like thom tilus, he s come in our direction. he s run on that issue. we ve reset the table. i think you have. you made that point, too. what was once called well, there s no more jake javitz. that wing of the party. no more arlen specters around. those republicans you called rinos are gone. there. a difference in temperament, style and strategy. not ideology. i think you guys, i think the
reason there is a tea party is a very legitimate concern that the government is wasting money. they re spending money on things people can t it doesn t make sense to regular working people. regular working people have to balance their books. why can t the dan government do it. i get that. there s also this sort of maybe ethnic, maybe just nationalistic attitude about illegal immigration. i think they will go crazy if speaker boehner cuts a deal that basically offers some route to legal status legally. doesn t that bother you? i think it would be a huge mistake to pass dick durbin s bill and that s the mistake marco rubio made. i think the problem is we can t work with harry reid, we can t work with barack obama. frankly we don t trus them. don t trust them to enforce the law after they get them? no, i don t trust them to negotiate an honest bill. what do you suspect that they would do to undermine the effect of this immigration reform? everybody knows what it s about,
especially in the southwestern part of the united states. everybody knows what it s about. too many immigrants, too fast, whatever. ethnic differences are obviously part of it. but here s the question, what are you afraid of? what deal are you afraid of? i m afraid they won t fix the problem. the problem has to be, if you want people that want to come here honestly and work and follow the rules, you should fix prospectively the opportunity to do that. the senate bill doesn t do that. it focuses on who controls politically the people who came here illegally. the problem is if the house wrote the best immigration bill, one that i could support, it goes to conference, harry reid rolls them and we get a really bad bill. that s something we just can t do. how does that square with your reporting? it s real. they do the internal whip counts, the numbers aren t there. the numbers aren t even really there for a piecemeal bill that eric cantor wants to do. is there any chance that speaker boehner here objective reporting here, will
boehner try something in june with this little window we hear about? or will he try something in a lame duck? much more likely in a lame duck. he knows he has to get the base energized in the midterms. would he pass a bill after the election is over? that s never been his style. i m not going to rule it out as a surprise. are you worried about that? fast numbers like november 15. i think john boehner is a short-timer. i think he s looking at what he s going to do next in his life. you think that time down in florida meant something? that s the biggest rumor. boehner is maybe on his way out. but a lot of what boehner says when he says he s keeping it as an option, he s signalling to the wiz community in the republican party he s not ruling it out. you don t trust these guys, do you? well, why would you? they made a lot of promises and they haven t been willing to keep them. the tension between the
grassroots and the gop establishment goes back to 1976 when ronald reagan took on a sitting president. how do you move away from same-sex marriage? you could have a religious difference with it, many religions do. not all. mine does. but people are gay. they re supposed to get married to other people of the opposite sex. what would that accomplish? you say your family values. what is a gay person supposed to do? marry someone in a fake marriage that doesn t involve physicality or that kind of love? what are you advertising? what do you want to happen here? i m a libertarian, i don t understand why government, particularly the federal government is involved you don t mind states approving same-sex marriage. i don t want the government out of it. no, states. how do you do it without licenses. marriage is is a social institution. so you re saying you don t need a state license to get
married? i don t think so. some people like rand paul are advocating that right now. get rid of marriage licenses? no, more of a libertarian slant within the party when it comes to i agree with that. but prayer in school. that s not libertarian. how do you support that? all kinds of religions there and you re going to read the king james version of the bible. i would love parents to decide how kids are educate popped. in public schools? why don t you give patients a choice? who decides which religion you are. if the parents don t like what s being taught in a public school, should they get a choice to send their kid to a parochial school, yes. now it s top down. so you re for school choice? fabsolutely. they talked about school prayer yesterday. you just slipped off, whether they should. reading christian bible readings. i do not want politics determining school curriculums. i want parents to. you don t want prayers in
public school? i don t want government in school. you re having a libertarian argument. no, it s a political argument. up next, what happens when right wingers throw a party for 30 million people in washington and about 10, just 10 people show up. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. my mom works at ge. and that s epic, bro, we ve forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record.
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there s nothing that gets me more m excited than a political rivalry. bush v gore, bush v bore, bush v door. welcome back to hardball. time now for the side show. that was steve colbert on some of the great political rivalries. one that s been added to the list this week, hillary clinton versus karl rove. this is a serious scandal because rove s conjecture is based on solid facts. hillary clinton did go to the hospital after a concussion in 2012, and she later exhibited some very strange behavior in her benghazi testimony. she had a mastery of the facts and an unshakable confidence, all while wearing those stupid glasses. i mean, they re like, these
things are like orthopedic shoes for your face. you would have to be brain damaged to wear those. or nearsighted, which i believe is caused by brain damage. well, hillary wasn t wearing those glasses when she appeared on the view for barbara walters final show today. she talked about what the former secretary of state has been up to and what she s doing to prepare for her role as a grandmother. i love your daughter. oh, my gosh. what do you want to be called? do you like nana? do you like president clinton? the great barbara walters, still working the story. next, the protest group operation american spring descended on washington today. leaders were promising millions would gather to overthrow the government. and remove president obama from office. well, the group says government leaders have, quote, abandoned the u.s. constitution and are unworthy to be retained in the
position that calls for servant status. retired army colonel harry rowley said the group expect ee 10 to 30 million activists. it turns out that was a bit high. from the looks of this photo posted today on twitter, i would say they got between 10 and 30 people to show. some seemed to give up on the cause to go visit the newly reopened washington monument. so they are patriotic. finally, say hello to the candidate who won the republican primary in west virginia for a seat in the state house. pro life, pro gun and describes herself as a fiscal conservative and she graduates from high school next week. and she won. sara blair is only 17 years old. she will be 18 by the november elections, so she is, in fact, legally eligible to run. she unseeded a two-term incumbent. she could become the youngest
lawmaker in the history of west virginia. wow. still ahead on hardball. the side show that was the idaho republican gubernatorial debate. harley brown, the self-described biker in the race joins us a little later on. nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there ar24/7.branches? i m sorry, i m just really reluctant to try new things. really? what s wrong with trying new things?
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a firefighter in california has grown to 3,000 acres and is only 10% contained. the undersecretary for health at the va has resigned. the agency is under fire over allegations of delayed care and falsified records at its hospitals. and finally, aaa expects 36 million people will travel 50 miles or more this memorial day weekend, the most in nine years. back to hardball.
welcome back to hardball. there s been hot political stories this week. most notably karl rove versus clinton story. the other big story is the firing of the new york times executive editor jill abramson. appropriately or not, it s raised the issue of pay fairness again and it recalls a scene from ron howard s great movie the paper where glenn close, playing the newspaper s managing editor confronts the paper s publisher asking for a raise. well, i won t waste your time. the fact of the matter is i have other offers. didn t we just renegotiate your contract? recently, yeah, but my deal is up in a little under a year. 18 months, isn t it? technically that would be more accurate, but, you know i ll tell you what.
if you have other offers, you have my permission to pursue them. but don t come to me again without talking to bernie first. i don t like it. it s cheap. okay? are we done? graham, i don t think you i would love it if you weren t here. joining me now, in a race to regain the pennsylvania district in the house she once representative. marjorie, thanks for joining us. you know, when i sthau movie, it struck me that this probably has a lot different feelings coming out from men or women. the idea of a woman asking for a pay raise, but accidentally walking with the publisher into the men s room and finding herself in that strange situation where she s
outnumbered in the wrong gender role as she s sitting in there, it just struck me, that much really get to women who are professionals. damn it, they must have an attitude about this. and what does this say about pay equity? i agree with you. and this is the pay equity, we re still about we re going up at 70 cents on the dollar for white for the average. but african-americans are at 77% and latinas, or the hispanic community, the women are at 56 cents to the dollar. but more than that, women really they don t ask for raises. typically, it s true. women kind of feel, well, we re doing a good job, we should be recognized, thank you very much. women don t ask typically for raises. the other thing is we grow up
still with stereotypical images. you know, these are the kinds of jobs that we ll be safe to go to, or that you should get although that s definitely changing. but once we get there, we find in the news business, many, many more women are on television. but still, the numbers in the executive offices, it doesn t it doesn t reflect the numbers that should be there. i ve got to tell you, nbc is doing very good at that department. we have our top people all over the news area, all over the news business, generally find all the women in the top positions and all around us, with lots of vice presidents. but beth, i m not here to flap for nbc. it doesn t need it.
it has pay equity has something to do with her being sack popped. all of us who are professional women, i think this story has the legs that it does. it s something we all contend with scene a huge frustration for us. but on the other hand, let s keep our eyes on the prize, jill abramson, those of us in television news, we have a good job with good salaries. the real problem is for women who are in the lower classes, working women, working class people, they, too, are discriminated against in terms of salary. and it really brings down their family income, their household income. it hurts the economy. they have less money to spend. it s so engrained in the way that we do business in this country that nobody thinks abc the overall repercussions that it has on a family and the economy. i wonder how much this conversation is going to encourage more women, not that they weren t already there to vote for hillary when the time comes. today, hillary clinton addressed
pay inequity. let s listen in. you respond to this marjorie. mothers are now the primary or soul breadwinners in nearly 40% of all families. this single mom lives in our vast metro sprawl, traveling long distances every day to work a low wage job she s lucky to have. many other young people in her neighborhood are still looking. she works hard but she knows that her male co-workers tend to make more than she does. it s demeaning and demoralizing and it shortchanges her whole family. her whole family. marjorie, your reaction to that? and it s shortsighted. if we are going to make the next steps, what we have to do is we ve got to grow our way out of this economic situation. when did we last do it? we did it in 93, frankly.
when 24 million new jobs grew in the 90s after the clinton budget passed. that s where we have to that s where we strong and we have to figure out what it means to grow the economy with women. we ve got to make sure there s transportation, job training, that there s day care. and we know that when we do that, the middle class grows. and when the middle class grow, more money is spent. i like my wife making more money. why wouldn t anyone want their space to make more money? there s always a little rivalry theoretically, but when it comes to the paycheck, it all adds to the family income. you know, it would seem, why aren t men joining in this fight to help women get more money? there s no transparency around what people make. nobody knows what anybody sitting next to them is making. businesses make sure that those
kinds of discussions don t happen. so we don t really know how to we don t know how to negotiate because we don t know what anybody sitting around us is making. did you ever know what your dad was making? i never knew what my dad i can t imagine that coming up in the house. i would ask and they would not tell me. it was off the record. good luck right there. i would be up there voting for you, of course. if i was up there now. you would have such a good time, chris. northeast, i mean, you would be you would such a good time. we re in there. marjorie, i ran for that seat 30 years ago. wow. thank you very much. good luck to you. beth, thank you very much for coming on from our network. the wild gubernatorial debate in
idaho. one of the candidates said the race is between a cowboy, a curmudgeon, a biker and a normal guy, the moral guy being the odd man out. this is hardball a place for politics. i don t like political correctness. can i say this? it sucks. it s bondage. and i m about as politically correct as your proverbial turd in a punch bowl. and i m proud of it. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home.
now what s our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ?
take a look at this incredible piece of historic film. that s president roosevelt walking back in 1937 as he took his seat at baseball s all-star stadium. the images were shot by a former major league ballplayer himself from harrisburg, pennsylvania. and they re very rare. that s because the press generally didn t film fdr struggling to move as he does here, lean on an assistant with one arm, or grasping the rail with his other hand. also, so few people in the time even had movie cameras. his family donated this footage to the pennsylvania state archives. tthe will.,
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we re back. it was 40 years ago i ran for that house seat in pennsylvania. 40 years ago. house seat in pennsylvania. 40 years ago. wednesday s republican primary debate for governor in idaho received national attention after a couple of lesser known candidates stole the show and turned the forum into a viral sensation. ample proof that in this country anyone can run for run for office and make noise. butch otter and russ fultur, and walt bays, and the man that proved to be the main attraction, harley brown. harley has been his legal name since 1996. the leader of a local biker club. here are some of his notable one liners from the debate. don t think i m crazy because i m not. as it says in my motorcycle club, hey diddle fiddle, right up the middle.
that s my style. we bikers, discrimination to cops, we are cop magnets, like a playboy bunny wearing a mini skirt gets hit on all the time. they pull us over without probable cause. i don t like political correctness. can i say this? it sucks. it is bondage. changed the pace of it this friday evening. joining us now, for his national television debut, the man himself, harley brown. here is your chance to sound off. i want to know what you don t like about this country, what you d like to fix, if you get elected president which i understand is your ultimate goal. my daddy and his generation won world war ii, gave us a free world. us baby boomers, man, we had the best motorcycles, best cars, best cartoons, best tv shows and by far the best music, ram a
lamb a ding dong, rock and roll is king. we have a national vet wound up into the stratus fear, $17 trillion. my grandson was born a couple months ago, his share of it is $55,000. i don t like that. okay, you re president of the united states tomorrow morning. you re sworn in. what are you going to get rid of? what government programs? the commies. two-thirds of federal government is social programs. where in the constitution does it say we have to give all this money out to everybody, provide health care to everybody. i would give a swag, a scientific wild ass guess that 90% of what the feds do is as unconstitutional as the communist manifesto. where does it say we have to have department of labor, department of education, department of energy, and even
two of my favorites, the va and nasa. but the end run around that, put them under the air force, keep them going. but do it under the war department, which is authorized in article 1, section 8, as a function of we the people and the states who create it. where is the air force in the constitution? the army air corp. where is that in the constitution? 1789, the constitution, where was the air force. all right, put it back under the army air corp, the b-17s that worked over nazi germany. i wouldn t mind having the army air corp again. what do you make of the language in the constitution in the preamble that says we should promote the public welfare of the country? what did they mean by promote the public welfare? you say it is not in the constitution. what does that mean?
that word welfare has been contorted out of shape and the liberals interpret it as giving money out to everybody that needs it or wants it, and that s not the way the original intent was. you mean the way you contort an army out of shape to include an air force? a few things changed in the late 40s. ever since world war ii, this country, like these piis ant wars, vietnam, the gulf, you declare war, wipe out your enemies, period. that s the way i read it. you think we should have killed all the north vietnamese? hell yeah. first declare war, then use every weapon we have to annihilate the enemies. never send a marine when you can send a bullet and send the biggest bullet you got. harley, take a minute, list politicians in your lifetime you
respect, presidents going backwards, the last president you respected, going backwards. tell me who you liked in american history positively? okay, i liked reagan, i liked general eisenhower. i admire harry truman for having the georgia union tight to push the button. i like ulysses s. grant, george washington, abraham lincoln, arguably the best presidents we had. teddy roosevelt, booey. however he interpreted the presidential powers. you re on the ballot. see what people think of your candidacy. we will be right back after this. that are powered by the moon. she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ]
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let me finish with the following recap, if you will. i watched the whole thing, the whole karl rove attack, the bill and hillary reaction, i saw the way he backed off the most serious thing, he suggested that brain damage number. i watched the clintons work together and ram up their defense, ram it up hard enough to begin to hurt, hurt karl rove. this is clinton teamwork roaring into action, way, way ahead of schedule. what it showed me, especially bill clinton s unintended prediction that the rove attack is, quote, just the beginning, that the clintons are in this thing all the way. hillary clinton is running for president. you don t have to hear it from

Person , News , Facial-expression , Speech , Spokesperson , Media , Official , Newscaster , Phenomenon , Forehead , Snapshot , Chin

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20140604 23:30:00

cur curry, then nhl stanley cup finals game one between the rangers/kings. on the broadcast tonight, celebration cancelled. stunning news from bowe bergdahl s hometown, plus what we learned about that dramatic moment of freedom caught on camera. u.s. forces face-to-face with the taliban. burning questions being answered tonight with hillary clinton s revealing about 2016, her health and the health of her husband and what she has to say about monica lewinsky. flying blind, a growing danger for pilots and passengers nationwide from lasers on the ground. how the fbi is fighting back. against all odds, a towering achievement today for one of the most inspiring teenagers you will ever meet. nightly news begins now.
from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news with brian williams. good evening everyone. i m ann curry in for brian tonight. as we re seeing for the first time, the moment caught on videotape when bowe bergdahl was freed and taken into the protection of u.s. special forces after almost five years in captivity. the video which u.s. officials believe is real was shot by the taliban and is revealing what it captures and what it does not. we begin with our pentagon correspondent who walks us through the dramatic hand off, jim? reporter: first, ann, there is late word tonight that bergdahl s hometown of hailey, idaho had to cancel an event to celebration his return. there is concern with the attention paid to his story, local police just don t have the resources necessary to handle any potential problems. and today, something we rarely see, a taliban video showing bergdahl s release to american military forces. the taliban video released today records bowe bergdahl s final
moments in captivity. bergdahl seen sitting in a pickup truck is blinking and rubbing his eyes like they were adjusting to the sun light. he s clearly blinking his eyes because he was blind folded on the way over so he could not relay to the special forces operations the route. reporter: clean shaven, he appears disoriented but in physically good condition. as helicopters circle above, americans are in radio contact to avoid fatal mistakes. taliban fighters cover the surrounding hills armed with rocket propelled grenades that could take down a helicopter there are three dozen special operations forces within striking distance as well as attack helicopters and an armed drone just in case. they understand what they are carrying. reporter: one taliban fighter leans in to give bergdahl a final warning, do not come back
to afghanistan. finally bergdahl s ride arrives. as the black hawk helicopter lands, they above out. three americans cautiously approach and get close enough to barely touch hands with the taliban. you can see the man as we view on the left there, he uses his left hand, i think he s probably a right handed shooter and he doesn t want to compromise his ability to go for his weapon. reporter: one american brushes bergdahl s back, checking for a possible suicide bomb vest. bergdahl keeps a steady pace as they make their way to the chopper. before boarding, there is a more thorough pat down for weapons and explosives. less than 60 seconds after they landed the americans take off and for the first time in five years, bowe bergdahl is safely
back in american hands. tonight pentagon officials report bergdahl will have to remain at the u.s. military hospital in germany longer than expected. the reason for the delay is not clear, and his homecoming could now be delayed into next week, ann. jim, thanks. in the meantime the political fallout continues for the obama administration. our political director chuck todd is traveling with the president overseas. chuck, good evening. good evening ann. hagel called bergdahl s parents today with an update on their son s health. white house aids continue to do damage control with members of congress upset about not being consulted before the prisoner swap. they are finally briefing the entire senate today. meanwhile, back here a new war of words has broken out against president obama and russian president vladimir putin.
today it was a forceful president obama declaring an attack on one nato member is an attack on all. he was sending the message, russian aggression in ukraine would not be tolerated if armed at nato. putin accused america of being the real aggressor, noting it s american troops that are stationed all around the world. this putin obama spat is giving the french president a headache. he s hosting both men to commemorate the 70th anniversary of d-day. he had to schedule two dinners tomorrow night. one for obama at 7:00 and one for putin at about 9:30. chuck todd thank you for covering that tonight. a severe storm system moving across the country that is already causing significant damage in the midwest is tonight packing hail and heavy rain as it cuts across the ohio and tennessee valleys.
we get more on this from katy tur in cincinnati. reporter: a massive storm slammed the midwest today causing flash floods in ohio, missouri and iowa after pounding nebraska and much of the heartland late tuesday. it was horrifying. reporter: in omaha, five inches of rain fell in one day triggering dozens of water rescues. storm chasers in nebraska caught this show on camera. a straight line windstorm that lifted debris high into the air and send down hail the size of softballs that battered homes. look at the siding, blasted off. reporter: and damaged cars. on the highways, winds of up to 70 miles an hour. we just stumbled upon this about five minutes ago. a semi completely flipped. reporter: 52 cars over. they were blown over but no reports of injuries. it s already an active night and parts of the south and all 17 states impacted by severe hail, wind and possibly a tornado.
reporter: putting more than 15 million americans on guard, katy tur, nbc news, cincinnati, ohio. tonight a revealing interview from hillary clinton who allowed a photographer in her home and talked for the first time in years about monica lewinsky and also, about her health and the decision she says she still has to make. we get more tonight on this from kelly o donnell. ramping up her already super charged visibility. thank you, thank you. reporter: hillary clinton has plenty to say. stay tuned. we will. when i know, you ll know. reporter: a book, hard choices out next week with its trailer of sorts. my views about what we needed to do to restore american leadership. reporter: and on news stands this friday, she s on the cover of people magazine but on that one big question clinton offers more to read.
she says we need to break down the highest, hardest glass ceiling in american politics. a first woman president. i would love to see that happen, but i ll just have to make my own decision what i think is right for me. clinton turns the question about her health, the fall, blood clot and concussion into the paul ryan asking him at the inauguration have you ever had a concession? three at least. were they serious? he said one was really serious. she said hey, paul ryan has had lots of concussions. so she s immediately deflecting this noise around the health questions for herself. reporter: clinton takes the asked and answered approach. i certainly have moved on, adding, i m not going to comment on what did or didn t happen. i think everybody needs to look to the future.
asked about her husband s health, she said he has enormous energy. from admitting to totally bing viewing the political drama house of cards clinton s free time is about to change. a first grandchild expected this fall. babies are special political creatures. it will certainly provide a whole new set of images we ve never seen of her before. reporter: adding dimension the her political identity. kelly o donnell, nbc news, washington. late word the sell of the la clippers appears to be a done deal. donald sterling s attorney tells nbc news sterling and his wife have both now agreed to sell the team to microsoft billionaire steve balmer, all disputes and outstanding issue haves been resolved and donald sterling has agreed to drop his lawsuit against the nba. tonight the fbi is asking for help from the entire country
in finding and arresting anyone who points a laser at an aircraft. it s a serious problem with nearly 4,000 reports last year of helicopters and planes being targeted with lasers, bought off the shelf or over the internet. it s a growing risk for pilots and for passengers. reporter: it was in the skies over st. louis that a police helicopter was hit with a laser pointer from the ground. right now we re getting hit pretty good with a green laser. you re getting hit with a green laser. reporter: it s happening nationwide. since 2005, an 1100% increase in reports of aircraft being targeted by lasers. 11 times a day last year alone. the green lights illuminate dark cockpits, temporarily blinding them. the laser light and the effect it has on you in a darker cockpit is intense. reporter: the ghost guard
called off rescue missions after its pilots were targeted a. felony punishable by five years in prison, the fbi is offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of anyone involved. there are hundreds and hundreds of people s lives at stake when people elect to shine lasers at airplanes. again, it s not funny. it s not a joke. reporter: most often planes are targeted when taking off or landing overnight. the airports with the most laser incidents in 2013, lax with 344 reports followed by more than 200 in phoenix and san francisco and then portland, miami and houston. i could probably walk into a crew room at a busy airport and ask how many pilots have been hit by a laser and i could see a significant number of hands go up. that s the extend of the problem.
reporter: of the dozens of people convicted for laser tagging an aircraft. the fbi says most are teens or adult men who had no idea what they were doing was illegal with the potential for disastrous consequences. tom costello, nbc news, washington. today is the 25th anniversary of a massacre, the 1989 crack down. tonight in hong kong, tens of thousands gathered to remember what the chinese government has long tried to erase from memory. in beijing, lockdown, activists detained the internet and social media center. it crushed the movement and left hundreds, perhaps thousands dead. it also left the unforgettable image of when man still unidentified facing with a symbol of defiance. raising questions for parents what kids are doing online. overcoming obstacles with a
standing ovation. online. overcoming overcoming obstacles with a standing ovation. how can i ease this pain? (man) when i can t go, it s like bricks piling up. i wish i could find some relief. (announcer) ask your doctor about linzess a once-daily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation. linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. it helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don t take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it s severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling.
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at massmutual we re owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we ll help you get there. we re back with a story that s struck a nerve with parents across the country. authorities say two middle school students, just 12 years old were obsessed with an online horror story character that prompted them to kill their classmate and friend. as kate snow reports, the crime is a warning to parents to take a closer look at what their children are doing online. reporter: early dismissal today, what happened over the weekend rattled everyone. this is the most horrific thing i ve endured in school administration in 30 years. she said she s having trouble breathing. she says she was stabbed multiple times. reporter: this is the 911 call from a bicyclist that found
a bleeding 12-year-old girl. two of her friends, also just 12 years old are being charged as adults with attempted homicide. one suspect held the victim down and the other stabbed her 19 times in the arms, legs and torso. reporter: the victim is still hospitalized. the superintendent today says she s doing much better, but what stunned so many is why police say two young girls plotted to kill their friend after a sleepover. authorities say the young suspects were trying to prove their allegiance to a fictional online character. slender man is an urban legend and some claim he is real which according to police is what the 12-year-old suspects believed. even for adults, it can be hard to figure out from the internet from is reliable and what is made up.
think about a 12-year-old. magnify how difficult it is for adults times 20. reporter: we skyped with amy who was surprised to know her kids knew about slender man. my kids know how to find things i can t find, obviously, because they found slinder man. reporter: the middle school has filters on the computers, but creepy pasta, the site where many stories about slender man appear was never blocked before this weekend. there wasn t any real violence or pornography, nothing would have hit our filter, nothing would have alarmed us. website crazy pasta posted a statement saying only a small minority of people, newcomers truly believe what they read here and an attorney for one of the accused told us late today he wants a mental health evaluation, done on his young
client. thank you so much, kate snow with that reporting. when we come back, we ll check with brian working on an important story over seas that reminds us all what our country is made of. important story over seas that reminds us all what our country is made of. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you ll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i m going to have to rethink this thing. it s hard to imagine how much we ll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. (music) defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. calcium citrate plus d. highly soluble, easily absorbed. it s progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness.
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in france today, per in jumped as we approach the 70th anniversary of d-day. crowds are building in france ahead of friday s ceremony attended by president obama. today french school children posed for pictures at utah beach with signs spelling out thank you. veterans are gathering to remember a long with plenty of tourists wearing world war ii era uniforms. among many marking the anniversary is brian, who will begin anchoring the special coverage from there tomorrow night. brian, good evening. reporter: ann, good evening from omaha beach and a very good friend of ours called these men the greatest generation for good reason.
they are starting to, those able to travel, come back here for the 70th anniversary of the event, the invasion on these beaches that change the course of world war ii and many say saved the world. we ll have all of it from here including the gathering of president and the ceremony 70 years since d-day. see you later this week. ann, back to you. brian, thank you so much. remember, brian will anchor special coverage of the 70th anniversary of d-day tomorrow night. tonight, the closing chapter in world war ii history with the passing of the last of the original code talkers. chester nez was part of the 382th platoon that developed the code based on the language the japanese were never able to break. he was presented the congressional gold medal by
president george w bush in 2001. he died this morning after kidney failure. chester nez was 93 years old. it s hard to believe but one of the great american albums is turning 30. bruce springstene s born in the usa was released 30 years ago. dancing in the dark, my hometown, and glory days. this news no doubt will have more than a few people looking back on glory days of their own. when we come back, the graduate, an amazing young man and his story. is kind of stress. i have flat feet. i found this out at the free dr.scholl s foot mapping center. in less than two minutes, i got my foot map and my custom number. i m a 440. i m a 210. 340. that number matched the dr.scholl s custom fit orthotic
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can i get my aleve back yet? for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. finally tonight, a story that will make you marvel about not giving up and becoming what any mother would dream of having for a child. our chief education correspondent introduces us to a fine young american. reporter: at the top of his class, griffin has a 4.65 grade point average. he s valedictorian and college bound. it s an achievement for any
student but especially for this 18-year-old who lived most of his life on the edge between anxiety and despair. his mother died of cancer when he was six years old, soon afterward, griffin, his father and older brother ended up living in homeless shelters. tell me about your mom. she wanted the best for me and my brother and i remember most her spirit. reporter: for awhile the family had a rental home but financial hardships persisted. just before finals and ap exams, he was homeless again. i would think to myself at night, do i continue to do this or make something of myself. reporter: his girlfriend s parents put him up for awhile and then he moved in with an aunt and uncle. he never asked anyone for anything. he did this by himself because he wants a better life. reporter: through the ups and downs he never missed a day of school and kept his struggles to himself. he is remarkable and loves to learn. reporter: and loves baseball.
you have hard work in your cap. never give up inspires me to do great. reporter: his hard work paid off. griffin was accepted to florida state university. through an online fundraising website, friends have raised more than $69,000 to help him pay for college. overwhelmed, griffin says the only thing missing now is his mom. i just want her to hear my speech and know that without her none of this is possible. it s amazing what you can do with your life when you have motivation, ambition and most importantly, a purpose. thank you. reporter: with plans to study civil engineering in college, griffin is committed to succeed. today he s well on his way. rehema ellis, nbc news, jacksonville, florida. go griffin go. that s our broadcast for
this wednesday evening. a reminder that brian will anchor this broadcast from normandy tonight. from all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good night.tonigh. from all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good nighomtonigh. from all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good nighotonight. from all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good nighrtonight. from all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good nighrtonight. from all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good nighow tonig. from all of us here at nbc news, thank you and good night.onight. from all of us here at nbc news,

News , Newsreader , Person , Newscaster , Television-program , Product , Spokesperson , People , Event , News-conference , Display-device , Businessperson

Transcripts For MSNBCW Your Business 20140726 09:30:00

this pluming and heating company got into a rut, find out how the owners changed their company culture by emulating big name businesses. and the owners of a company that makes new york s iconic water tanks thrive by finding other revenue streams. that s all coming up next on your business.
hi, there, everyone. i m j.j. ramberg. and welcome to your business. today we start the show looking at what it takes to build a company that lasts, one, where both the customers and the employees are fiercely loyal. i headed to new jersey to visit a service business, a company of plumbers and electricians who bucked the trends to be get his business to the top of its game. 20 years ago, mike was an electrician working seven days a week, 18 hours a day. first ten years, i always tell people, it was like a
hamster wheel. it was me and rob, my business partner in a van, and we would just start early morning, end at night. today, gold medal service, that company that was once just mike and rob employees 128 people, has more than a hundred service trucks on the road, and brings in more than $20 million a year. so what happened after ten years? rob came to me, he was really burnt out. he came to me and he says, look, i m done. i m out. look, if you re not going to do it, i m not going to do it. no, i m not going to go anywhere, let s make a change. rob meant change the two-man operation into a different kind of business. one with employees and processes and more customers. one where they would be the bosses, not the technicians. somebody many years ago told us, you know, you can be great technicians, but you have to a great business owner, working on
the business and not in it. so we seeked out different organizations and we went there to learn best practices. they wanted to create a company that bucked all the stereotypes. we know the stereotype, right? the plumber s crack, electricians, trades people are going to come, going to be dirty, not polite. so they looked outside their industry for inspiration. we looked at nordstroms, disn disney, swrap poes. and take these belief systems and put it into our company, no one could copy that. it would be unique. they were determined to build a business to last, and to do that, they felt they needed a laser-sharp focus on customer and employee satisfaction. they summed it up with with four core values that direct every decision. safety first for our family and theirs. but the way you wrote it is interesting, safety first for
our family and theirs. yeah. i imagine that was deliberate. it is. our family is everybody inside our company. we care about them as much as we care for the customer. the second value is to deliver wow through service, and exceed every customer s expectations. mike and his team go over ideas on how to do this at every meeting. from wearing floor protecters, tucked in shirts, to suggesting ways to interact with customers. let s look at it in front of the customer, i did my greeting, okay where i parked? put the floor protecters in, my tools, right here and right now for you. michael jackson has been with the company for five years and still learns something new from every one of these gatherings. it helps you see things maybe in a different light sometimes. going to houses constantly, no interaction with someone other than the customer, sometimes you can get stale, sometimes you can forget a step.
the third value is to always have the highest level of integrity. to do right even when nobody is watching. a he s been with them for eight years, and he keeps coming back. above and beyond is the standard. set high expectations for their service technicians. they don t try to oversell you. they educate you about what s taking place. and finally, the fourth is to be a great place to work, all for one and one for all. a sentiment many of the employees never felt before they joined gold medal. describing the office as a second home. family atmosphere, camarader camaraderie, the upper management to the lower guys. but the technicians themselves. friends in work and outside of work as well. i know a lot of company talk about their core values but don t live them. every decision making in the company, looking at the core values to make sure that it fits
that employee. we re taking a pulse of the employees and the customers. we re surveying both to see if the core values are getting deep enough into our culture and brand. they are reinforced in the office, from signs on the wall to the value ball they throw around. lots of time when we have the meeting, wherever your thumb lands, you have to say what it is. here s one on them, you know, compliment someone. i would say, hey, j.j. you re amazing today. this interview s amazing. i appreciate you for it. this isn t the kind of thing you see at most companies like theirs, but maybe soon. mike has been so successful that he offers classes and mentorship to other companies, including competitors, on how to create a winning business. i think any time you help other companies, you raise the bar. when you start pulling that up,
it not only pulls my company with it, it pulls theirs too. mike s got his army, he s got his vehicles on the ground, and he s determined to change this industry service technician by service technician. another plumbing-related business faced the same problem as gold medal, keeping the business fresh. it was a specially challenge for rosenwach water tanks, a century-old business making the same product for generations. their solution? diversifying the business into whole new areas. andrew is the fourth generation owner of new york city-based rosewach tanks. look across the new york skyline. from brooklyn to manhattan to the bronx, and you will find his family s hand-made wooden tanks proudly perched on rooftop after
rooftop after rooftop. if these tanks look a bit old-fashioned, that s because they are. even today, these wooden structures are still shaped by hand with half-century-old tools based on the physics of wooden barrel making by a family-owned company nearly 150 year s old. they have been described as abandoned relics. actually they re used today in plenty in new buildings. the city has the strictest fire codes in new york. and the tanks serve as that requirement. as outdated as they may seem, they are in fact anything but out of date. for that matter, so is the company itself. we have a city of stone and masonry and glass, and they really don t look like they belong. but it is a well-used product, and probably new york s best secret. if you want to the understand the secret of how this small family-held business has managed to outlast more than a dozen
competitors for more than four generations, you need to start with their very simple philosophy. you don t try to throw out something that works. you just try to build upon it. this has meant several things for andrew. first, he studied all the aspect was of the core business by getting the five key licenses and certificates needed to operate the company. beyond the understanding of the core business, they allow andrew to become his own subcontractor in the fields. this meant better control over the cost and quality. the president of new york city s 100 year association is also an entrepreneur himself. but as head of an organization which focuses on the city s oldest multi-generational enterprises, clint knows what it takes for a business to survive. i would say that businesses survive as a family business, the next-generation finds a way to innovate and leverage the
assets they have. you re keeping up with production beautifully. that s just what andrew has done here. first, leveraged the labor force of wood workers by developing and selling a line of outdoor furniture in the winter when rooftop tanks are slowing to a halt. they have workshops, they have found a way to expand their line. it allowed us to keep the only workshop open for wooden water tanks for the sty city of york. he found another off-season opportunity for masons and welders, servicing and building rooftop cooling tours. look around his supply yard in queens, it may look like a junk yard, but it is not. you will see several interrelated businesses each supporting the other with tools, labor and supplies, all connected in different ways to the core business, and key to
the survival in a competitive market. rather than challenge the competition directly, andrew says, find new customers in related markets. add additionalselves to your menu. and going elsewhere, developing on your own efforts additional businesses. they cannot be compared directly with the competition, and as andrew puts it, makes them invisible to their competitors. we strive to be invisible. the competition can t find you. as soon as they try to find you, you re somewhere else. you can t be seen. all of a sudden, you re outside their customer base. i want to point out the concerns with the structural steel. today his 23-year-old son henry is taking the business into the fifth generation. i have big shoes to fill, i m not worried, but i m confident i
with bring a successful future to the company. while the rooftop towers remind us of past generations, they will do their best to keep them on new york city s rooftops for generations to come. chances are a lot of you don t have a big budget for legal fees and trying to figure out a lot of things on your own. in some cases it might be okay, in many, you absolutely need counsel. what are some of the big,you definitely need help with? rebecca geller is the president and ceo of a law firm that works can small businesses, including startups. so good to see you. thanks for having me. i was interested in the first thing we many talked about. you say avoid those online sites. for a lot of small businesses, that s where they go. because they don t have a lot of money, you need a quick document, go online. it s a mistake people make.
they re trying to save money, but in reality, there s three big problems with the online legal tools. the first and most important reason is they don t stand up in court. if they get challenged, the courts look at them, and the documents are not valid. and they re left having no documents or contracts to bind the company. aren t there some kind of generic contracts that you can get online? they are generic, and that s a problem. just last week, i had a client who asked me to review a document downloaded from the internet, it s based in california law, and she s a virginia company. i have a question for you, would it make any sense to reduce your fees to get a contract online and then bring it to a lawyer to review? almost always when we look at the contracts i see online they are so cookie cutter and template, they don t address the company s needs. a restaurant versus a technology company are different.
you re going to have a lawyer re-create anyway. okay. be careful about anything online. permitting matters. a lot of people are doing things without figuring out if they need a permit. they register in the state and with the irs, but they forget about the local or county and city requirements. do you have a business license? if you don t, you re going to get fined and have penalties. a lot of people are starting businesses from their home. you know, with technology you really just need a phone, your internet and your computer. you have a business permit? you re probably not zoned to have a business. that s something. and that s maybe something, at least to start, ask other people in your industry or doing the same things. then once you get to the lawyer, you ll have a list of questions to ask to reduce the time spent with them. t the permitting is not necessarily something you need a lawyer to do, but point in the right direction for the requirements for your county or city. it s going to vary depending on where you live.
i own your ip, we get questions about intellectual property. it s a mistake i see them make. they started business and get the wonderful name and the brand name, don t own the intellectual property. getting a trademark for your business name before you get started is huge. i just had a client come to me this past week who has launched their business already and now wants to trademark it. i took one look, you re going to get sued. he s infringing on somebody els. and it s so easy to do that. no reason not to do it in the beginning if you re going to do it later on. and this one, as a business owner, this makes me cringe a little bit, and anyone not in the legal professional will. short and simple can be dangerous. we on the business side think, i don t want a 50-page contract, i want a one page agreement. i get that all the time. one pager with all the information. but often times the devil is
really in the details. if you re having a customer contract, how are you getting paid? when is the payment due? what if the check bounces? what is the scope of work to be promised? how are you delivering the results, what are they expecting? having the information is going to protect you. the friendly handshake idea of making it simple, that s where people get into trouble. and sometimes, when you come on a simple deal and come to them with a 50-page contract, that works the other way? people always ask me that, and i find the opposite is true. people find when you present a customer with a contract, they re going to take you more seriously. they know you mean business, not being unfair, fully disclosing of what you promise to them. i can only imagine you have this conversation all the time. thank you, this is really helpful. thank you, j.j. when we come back, we answer your small business questions on traits to look for in sales
people, and be ways to get your delinquent accounts to pay up. and toel el salvador, how these women are starting their small businesses to help break the cycle of poverty. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i ve learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it s open for everyone. there s not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does.
so where the brands get themselves in trouble, well, they go past prime. there s not much market share or growth yet. and instead of reinventing themselves, they say let s work harder next year. let s trim some costs. but unless you find a way to reinvent yourself, find new services and products, you re on a slow death march and you re in denial. on this program, we primarily focus on what it takes to build and grow your company here in the u.s. but around the world, millions of people are starting companies every year. changing their lives, changing the lives of their families, and all the people around them. i recently traveled to el salvador with world kenconnect, non-profit i work with to visit one of them. i m in northernel el salvador. we drove 45 minutes on bumpy dirt roads, passing burros and chickens. there are 50 houses, this is one
of them. this isn t just a house, it s where glenda started her small business. zblt we are a small business, we make candy with milk. with the help of a local ngo, she and six other women learned to make candy and started a small business selling it. do you sell a lot? translator: yes, we sell a lot. and helping to coordinate the efforts. this is the first thing done on their own, and i would say it means a lot in their lives. i mean, it s very significant. significant because there are not many opportunities for women to make money in this remote area of the country. and so they re creating their own opportunities. with the goal of lifting their role in society and ending the cycle of poverty. translator: here we don t have funds, nobody earns money, none of the women have jobs.
patrick is the program director for world connect, a u.s.-based organization helping to fund these efforts. when we support women, they get traditional returns, build strong businesses, quickly with energy, and generate social for their community. they reinvest in education. education is top of line every time she makes a sale. translator: i want to work to better the lives of my family, my kids, so they can study. while the business is still small, getting to this point has taken a lot of work. in addition to learning how to produce the candy, the women have studied sales and accounting, created their own branding and have a detailed plan for going forward. they will soon start to sell bread along with the candy. and patrick says he thinks the next time he visits, things will look very different. expect to see a burgeoning business. they have already started their
work, and they have experience, and they have a plan to grow, they have a vision to grow. and i have no doubt that they re going to meet that vision. he s not the only one who thinks so. translator: you have to dream big. i dream big, and work hard. because with work, i can make dreams come true. running a small business, as we all know, can be incredibly hectic and keep you busy 24 hours a day. so sometimes a quick reminder of what needs to be done is what you need. if you could use help staying on track, check out the website of the week. follow helps you stay organized. you can schedule reminders to check e-mails, or followup if someone doesn t respond to an e-mail you send. if a task doesn t need immediate attention, use the snooze option to be reminded later of that task. are you looking to venture into a new industry or diversify
your current business? here now are five of the best industries to start a business in, courtesy of one, the smart objects. the internet of things, or iot, embedded with sensors allowing them to communicate digitally. and in order to make what they do faster, cheaper and more efficient. two, cure rated e mercy. catering the online shopping experience to the unique tastes of the customer will continue to grow. three, education technology. orred tech. schools and teachers are incorporating more tech into all aspects of the school day. for entrepreneurs, this is a chance to meet demand. four, mobile app development. businesses are expanding their operations on to mobile platforms and need the experts to help them make the transition
smooth. and five, cyber security. security breaches filled headlines, and as a result, businesses are investing heavily in their network projection. it s a growing opportunity. it s time now to answer some of your business questions. let s get our board of directors in here to help us out. scott is adobe s vice president of products and community. he was the founder of an online platform and sold it to them. and the founder and ceo of cyber sinks. it s great to see both of you guys. likewise. let s get started. the first question is about getting paid. one of the things i can t understand is why people wait 60, 90, 120 days or longer to go after the cash flow. it s the life blood of their
business. yet always the last thing they work on. what would be a good time for a particular business to approach his delinquent accounts? it s a great question. awesome question, actually. i think, depending on the business, from my standpoint, 30 days, a 10 day or 15-day grace period. but most companies don t have that about to do that. it honestly depends on the type of business. a construction business, takes a while for those receivables to come in. normally, 30 to 60 to 90 daytime period. at what time do you go after them, at what point do you contact them and again? i think that i think that you should contract them as soon as the 30 days is up. i think there s a big irquestion here, is a customer relationship around the point of sale, or something that s ongoing. let s face it, a lot of our customers have a tight cash flow and selectively choose who to
pay on time and who not. the more empathy the customers and clients have for your business and needs, the more likely to pay ontime. make it ongoing. what do you think about reward for paying ontime? 30 days, this much, 60 days, this much. for that or against it? i don t think i m for or against it. i think it s a process that it s really dependent on the entrepreneur itself. i don t think a reward system would necessarily make me pay someone quicker. right. but as someone who s also run a small business, every customer is different. and oftentimes, with when you have someone who struggles to pay you on time, make a deal to incentivize them to do what you need to do. if you can pay me on time this time, i m happy to give you 5% off. got it. another tool in the tool box to use. it s a conversation that you
would have with the individuals working with you. if you can t pay on time, maybe time to reassess that relationship. and the next question about finding a good sales rep. when you re hiring a sales professional, what are the top three traits you look for in order to ensure you re making a good hire? what do you look for? first of all, a genuine interest in what they are selling. they should be thinking about how to sell. sell the marketing, not just hit the streets. the second thing i would say, you have to make sure that this person is eager, yet principled. you want someone who is hungry, but also someone not going to risk reputation. we know that reputation is the easiest and the most quick thing to lose. and the third thing is, they are really good at relationships. and not just buddy buddy like let s go to football, but also i want to help you know how your product is performs. share analytics and data on what
your customers are doing. building relationships like that, great trade. i think dedication to the product and the company and to the culture, honestly. the second thing would be for the person that s hiring that sales rep to really have a conversation that you are not a business development person. and most sales reps really get frustrated because those businesses place them as business development and sales rep. so a clear, concise role is really important. so no am biguitambiguity, dead d reliability. it s an incredibly hard hire. it is. you re traveling 50 to 60% of the time. and these people are representing you. you need them to sell and be as passionate as you are. yeah, true ambassadors. thank you. great to see you both, and thanks for all of your advice today. thank you. and we have a few more great ideas from small business owners just like you. my tip is to be very
responsive with your customers. if you can offer a 24/7 service with live chat or a really quick e-mail support team, your customers love you. focus on your fastest path to cash. if you have a lot of products considering to grow to build the business. look at the one that s going to make you money the fastest, and do that one until it s done. then move on to the next one. many companies make a mistake of doing too many things at a time. a lot of times we want to give so much information about what we do. we dilute the call to action for the customer. putting your website out there, think simple, easy, functional. what is the next step that you want that customer to take and just give them your first introduction. it s almost like the handshake instead of giving the verbal history of your entire company. thank you, everyone, for joining us today. hope you learned a thing or two that you take back to work.
head over to our website, it s openfor we have today s segments and web-exclusive piece and on twitter, @msnbcyourbiz and facebook and instagram too. and next week, focusing on the solutions rather than dwell on the problems. how these entrepreneurs turned their limitations into assets. until then, i m j.j. ramberg, and remember, we make your business our business. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i ve learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it s open for everyone.
there s not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. so you thought our american congress could not be any more embarrassing than it is, right? you thought there s really no way that our current congress could further humble itself in the eyes of the american people more than it already has? you thought we sort of bottomed out, right? you thought that was true, but you were wrong. oh, my god, were you wrong. this is amazing in all the wrong ways. meet republican congressman curt clawson of the great state of florida, represents florida s 19th district, he s a tea party guy, won a special election there last month to fill the seat of trey radel, resigning after being convicted of cocaine possession.
so if you are the

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140731 10:00:00

do you think they have a case. log on to the show, use the #keeptalking. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it is thursday, july 31, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the house gets the green light to sue the president for making his own laws, but the president just laughed it off. stop being mad all the time. stop just hating all the time. and today he plans another executive action. surprise. and we now have the lois lerner e-mail she wishes got lost as well, and they reveal why she may have been targeting conservatives. because she thinks republicans are [bleep] and [bleep]. we re going to tell you what she was typing straight ahead. the video that just will make you happy.
good boy. there s more to this. another happy homecoming. a soldier and his dog join us live this hour. mornings are better with friends. and squeeze and squeeze. it s richard simmons. the best exercise for your mind is fox & friends. he s our most bedazzled guest. he s pretty fit. usually fit people are pretty defined. he s helped millions of people lose a lot of weight and he s a friend of this program. thank you for joining us on this thursday. we ve got a busy day. how many times have you heard the president of the united states say these republicans are trying to stop me from doing my job. if they don t like me, sue me. good news, mr. president, you re getting your wish. the house authorized
suing suing of the president. that s right. they aren t the only ones though. the president says, look, just stop being so mad about this. it s not a big deal. i m just going to sign another executive action today any way. this is him talking to a group in minnesota. think about this. they have announced that they re going to sue me for taking executive actions to help people. so, you know, they re mad because i m doing my job. everybody right now it s a political stunt but it s worse than that because every vote they re taking like that means a vote they re not taking to actually help people. we could do so much more if congress would just come on and help out a little bit. just come on [applause] come on and help out a little bit. stop being mad all the
time. top just hating all the time. come on. let s get some work done together. [applause] an interesting view. if you do what the president wants you to do, you re helping people. if you don t, you re hurting the country. that s a good way to view all sides. the vote was 225-201. every democrat vote against it. all but five republicans vote for it. it is a way of calling out the president saying are you going to continue to do this because i m pretty sure it s unconstitutional. so let the courts decide. as far as charles krauthammer says, he says the president has got the idea of his job description all wrong. the president s job is not as a president to help people, in his interpretation of what he does, it is to faithfully execute the laws congress has passed. that is as clear as day. that is the definition of his job. and there s a very strong argument that he has overreached that by actually creating law, ignoring law, not enforcing
law, changing laws on his own, which we re simply not supposed to do and there are many examples of it. the affordable care act, also cap and trade under scrutiny there for overreach. the overreach was decided by the supreme court. this isn t just republicans. there was a unanimous vote by the supreme court that recess appointments were unconstitutional. so charles krauthammer saying he may have his description wrong. it is not the only one who thinks that way. keep in mind while republicans say there are many things we could sue the president over, they focused it simply on one aspect of the affordable care act. remember they passed, the congress passed it. the president has been very selective in how he s implemented it. in particular, what they re doing is suing over the employer mandate. what he did essentially was the white house gave employers a one-year reprieve delayed until after the elections, plus employers who have between 50 and 99 employees didn t have to comply until 2016. the big question is whether or not the courts will say,
well, congress, you ve got standing in the case. but it was as recent as in june the supreme court said when a law is unambiguous in other words, when it is clear what the law refers to the president cannot rewrite it to suit his own preferences. if a law has defects, then congress not the president has to fix it. the employer mandate is an interesting place to sue because a lot of people feel that will never go into place, including robert gibbs. says everybody knows that part of the affordable care act will never get off the ground because it is going to be too unpopular and hurt the bill. meanwhile, lois lerner, she doesn t know much about computers, not very good at math. and she had her computer crash. but we do know some of the content of the e-mails that have gotten out yesterday, and, man, if this is the stuff she didn t want out, i hate to see what she did
want out. of the lost e-mails, wrote d.o.j. saying this deserves someone to spearhead this investigation criminally, which all three charges together could result in 11 years in prison for lois lerner if found guilty. she is on retirement. how can she go to prison? which we re still paying for. these e-mails here clearly indicate perhaps more than a smid john of corruption and attack on conservatives when you see what is written here. this is one. this is while targeting was going on in november of 2012. this is from unknown. you should hear what the whacko wing of the g.o.p. the u.s. is through, too many foreigners sucking the teat. time to hunker down buy ammo and food and prepare for the end. the right wing radio shows are scary to listen to. she responded with this. great. maybe we are through if there are that many a-holes. also from unknown and
i m talking about the host of radio shows. the callers are rabid. from learner: we don t need to know about alien terrorists. it is our own crazies that will take us down. no wonder she didn t like tea party nonprofits, because they re run by terrorists. this is pretty damning stuff. i think the lesson here is for you people watching now, if you are going to scratch your hard drive, make sure you scratch it to the point where stuff like this is not released because it makes it look pretty bad. what did the president have to say in terms of reaction to this? remember when he sat down with bliley bill o reilly and bill asked him anything going on funny there? not even mass corruption? not even a smidgen of corruption. these e-mails seem to prove otherwise. she has an agenda and a lot of power. we need to find out how much power she had.
it s time for a special prosecutor. doesn t look like it s going to happen because the d.o.j. is too busy talking about sex discrimination within the fitness test of the pennsylvania cops. that is where their focus is. that gives you a peek into the mind of a woman who is accused by republicans of using the i.r.s. as a weapon against other americans. just one other thing. some of the other e-mails showed that she was writing to an i.t. specialist at the i.r.s. and said i ve got a virus on my home computer and eventually she said it could have been because my password was too simple. you would think that somebody who was in that business would have a more complicated password than password 123, but a lot of people do. i m not say that s it. heather, what s your password? i ll tell you later. a lot going on in washington this morning and a lot elsewhere around the country. i want to bring you a story out of minnesota. a nine hour manhunt and a gunman accused of shooting
and killing a police officer during a traffic stop was later shot himself. this unfolding in west saint paul, minnesota. officer scott patrick was shot in broad daylight. thatofficer leaves behind a wife and two teenage children. the search for the suspect, 39-year-old brian fitch ended in a gunfire with cops. fitch was shot. his condition not released at this hour. tragedy hitting the iewft of louisville. hitting the university of louisville. a cheerleader was found dead in her apartment, one of the top athletes on the cheerleading squad. i think when you re not only this young, but so athletic and beautiful, i think it is the last thing you expect. police are looking into whether or not drugs may have been involved in her death. now to the crisis along the border, fox news exclusively obtained a new report by the texas department of public safety and this revealed a
disturbing trend of attacks against our border agents by gangs and drug traffickers, including shootings of federal agents. today in washington, the house will vote on a $659 million immigration bill and that would send resources to the border and speed up the return of illegal immigrants to their home countries. after that vote, republicans will move to vote on another bill, and that one would be to block president obama from expanding existing programs that protect illegals who have grown up in the united states. we will watch that story throughout the day. retiring yankee derek jeter is getting a presidential sendoff in texas. george w. bush honoring the captain in arlington by surprising him with a special presentation on the field. president bush giving jeter a signed photo that was taken the night that bush threw out the first pitch after the 9/11 attack. many of you probably recall what a big deal that was in our country at the time. the president recalling jeter s advice to him back then saying, quote, don t
bounce it. they ll boo you. and those are your headlines. over the weekend we got a chance to see derek jeter at yankee stadium, fox fan day. a day to remember. speaking of days, today is thursday and it s #tb sp #tbt. there i was a summer camp counselor. look at that hair do. i had the bieber thing going before bieber. look at this. i kind of did this during the summer. that was through all sports radio. my most impactful job was my deep dish restaurant, my pie where i had to clear the tables and do the dishes in the same time. you worked in my pie? i worked at maitai
cocktail place. a lot of those summer jobs are so bad, you don t want to remember. we would love see your best and worst summer job photos. send them our way and we ll show them. coming up on the program, breaking news about the ebola virus. one man is dead and no peace corps workers are being pulled out of africa. what s going on? can the virus spread here? is it just one airplane ride away from the united states? dr. marc siegel is with us next. imagine driving down the highway and this comes flying at you. yes, that s an ax. how it come inches from the passenger s face. for over a decade,
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searching with devotion for a snack that isn t lame but this. takes my breath away it is the deadliest outbreak of the ebola virus in history and it is spreading. the c.d.c. releasing guidelines for airlines to prevent it from reaching the united states. nearly 700 people contracted it and died so far in western africa and this morning we ve learned liberia, the country of liberia will close schools and quarantine some
communities and peace corps workers are being bowled out of that country. one man died from it. he was set to travel home next month. could the ebola virus reach the united states? joining us medical a team s own dr. marc siegel. how concerned should we be? i think we need to watch this very closely. there have been several previous ebola outbreaks. each time health officials have squashed them. it may not end up being a problem for us, but i think the chances are that it could reach the united states. we have to be prepared for that idea. there was a headline yesterday or the day before, i want to say on drudge, it was is ebola one airplane ride away from the united states? i think it is. but that doesn t mean that it s going to take root here. you have to understand, fear is the biggest virus of all and we can t panic over this. even if a case came here
and people are not going to get it by casual contact on a plane. you have to get it by direct contact with discretions, with diarrhea, with sweating. you can t get it by coughing or sneezing. that s why we ve been able to squash these outbreaks in the past. even if it came here, the chances are the c.d.c. would be able to isolate the people that had it and it wouldn t spread. most likely. the victim, the 40-year-old gentleman, he was set to fly to minnesota. if he indeed did get here and if that did indeed spread through contamination on seats or in a restroom, what symptoms are displayed with ebola. how would you know you could possibly have this and what should we be looking for? that s the problem. initially ebola is flu-like symptoms. you get muscle aches, high fever, headache. then you get the vomiting and diarrhea. but that s like any virus. the biggest problem with ebola and people need to know this part is that the immune system doesn t
respond to it well so it s hard to fight it off. that is why the death rate is so high. this particular outbreak is closer to 60. in the united states it would probably be lower because we would do more supportive care. here s something else we do in the united states. we did it with hiv-aids. we put doctors in gloves and gowns and masks. that s what prevents spread. the reason physicians and health care workers are getting it over this is they re not fully protected dependence the virus. they re not protected against the virus, using the same protection control measures we are do. we need to cover this story and we need people to be informed. by the way, there s four vaccines in the pipeline, several antiviral drugs. they don t have enough money. does anyone get better when they have ebola? about 40% to 60% get better. but it s hard to get better because of the problems with the immune system. tell us about this flesh-eating virus in florida. that s much less of a concern than ebola is but
that is a bacteria a lot like cholera and it s in warm sea water and oysters, roy oysters. if you re immunocompromised you can get very, very sick from this. people wading off the coast of florida, it is very hot in florida this time of year, it is only 31 cases and 10 deaths. i don t want to spread panic. the key word is if you see a bug in the news, bacteria or virus, you should be concerned for those people but shouldn t think it will happen to you. all right. it s now 20 minutes after the top of the hour. she saw a child in a hot car and called the cops. she thought she was doing the right they think until that child s mother ran her over. what s behind the story of the soldier and his dog? you ll find out.
(vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that s why we ve built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that s how you ll increase market share. any questions? can i get an a , steve? yes! three a s! amazing sales!
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we ve got some news for you right now you might have missed. check out this wild chase involving the f.b.i. all caught on camera. running out of road there. you can see the gun in this guy s hand. you can clearly see the weapon in this guy s hand. you can. it started when the guy opened fire on an f.b.i. agent in california after ditching his car in malibu. the suspect made a run for it but fell down. there was a 90-minute standoff on a hillside overlooking the ocean before cops finally took him in.
the f.a.a. still investigating why a small plane went down in the parking lot of a costco in san diego. it burst into flames killing the passenger. the pilot is in the hospital. another scare for mall laborer shah airlines. malaysia airlines. a jet forced to boater to abort take off to avoid colliding with another airlines. a tiger airlines plane was coming in for a landing on the same flight path. crisis averted. we see these videos all the time because they make us happy. after a nine month deployment in kuwait, this lieutenant returned to the
sweetest welcome home ever courtesy of his dog izzy. they join us now. we are so thankful to have you here today. thanks for being with fox & friends. 48,000 views that this video has had. how surprised are you, lieutenant? very, very surprised. we just put it up a couple of days ago and had no idea i d be sitting in a news room talking to you guys now. it s a great experience. that certainly made at least 48,000 people and counting quite happy. i know you all have a big week. you re set to get married next week. is it august 8? is that correct? yes. next friday. what a week this is for you. will izzy have a big part in that wedding? oh yeah. she will be the flower girl walking down the aisle. we re excited for that. that is great news. lieutenant, tell us about this moment. we re seeing it here.
our hearts are leaping to see the joy. describe what you were feeling. to come back from seeing rachel for the first time after nine months, to open the door and her do this, it was just humbling. it was great. i felt, it was like a family reunion type of thing. i didn t expect her to go quite as crazy as she did and now look at what it s great to feel love from a dog like that. there s big love there. i think everyone didn t realize, you hear a voice in the video saying she remembers you. izzy is quite young. she s just a little pup; right? right. when i left she was nowhere near two years old. we were worried she wouldn t remember who i was. she definitely did. you have rehearsals. keep us posted and we ll be waiting for the video of
that flower girl dance down the aisle. lieutenant, we want to thank you for serving this nation and warming the hearts of every single person in this country. thanks. thank you so much. appreciate it. thank you. i love that. i look forward to that wedding. coming up a shocking resignation from a top official at the pentagon. he says it s time to focus on the family but we re hearing something quite different this morning. those details next. imagine driving down the highway and this comes flying at you. yes, that is an ax. how it came inches from the passenger s face, we ll tell you. first, happy birthday to zach brown. he s 36 years old today.
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some celebrity drama here. orlando bloom apparently threw a punch at justin bieber last night during an argument at a nightclub. yeah, orlando s hand was pretty sore today, you know, from all the high five s he got. jimmy fallon last night in that building right over there. this is all over amanda kerr who orlando bloom was married to who justin bieber likes. do we understand the details of this? who knows. and they re in spain. they can t vacation in the hamptons. today is throwback thursday, and we are talking about summer jobs, the best and the worst. we ve asked you to send yours in and larry williams did just that.
this is larry as a radio jockey doing an interview with singer brian adams back in 1982 in texas. sounds like a great job. sherri from kentucky writes my first summer job was secretary to a police captain by the name of captain cop. what are the odds of that? i was 18 years old. i guess if your neam is if your name is cop you re destined to go into that business. heather nauert s job as an aerobics instructor. there she is. heather, look at you. i think it is time, heather, for somebody who is watching now to get on your wikipedia page and put that you were a summer aerobics instructor. you ve got the olivia newton john thing going that she had with that song. with that banana yellow leotard there, i was just
missing my leg warmers at that time. you re absolutely right. it is those summer jobs you want to forget. my first job was at a retail store and i was so awful on the register, they threw me in the basement. send your job peck tours as as job pictures as well. a top pentagon official in washington, d.c. calling it quits. he says he wants to spend more time with his family but there is word he may be resting up for hillary. he spent nearly six years serving the obama administration. he was number three in line excuse me. he was in line for the number-three job at the department of defense. this morning his resignation sparking speculation that he s gunning for a senior post in a potential hillary clinton administration. a good samaritan is in a wheelchair after a run-in with a crazed mother. shannon and her boyfriend
noticed a young child who was left alone in a car in a parking lot in colorado. so what did they do? they called police. that s when the boy s mother showed up. the 27-year-old mother attacked the couple before she got in her car and then ran them down. domingues now has to use a wheelchair and may never be able to walk again but she says it was all worth it. it scares the heck out of me that some innocent child might die. the mother faces several charges including hit-and-run and child abuse. sad news to bring you this morning. the brother of actor richard belzer is dead. richard belzer is best known for his role on the show law and order. police say his brother jumped from a building in new york city. leonard belzer was never the same after his wife
died two years ago. talk about a close encounter so frightening, a couple driving down a massachusetts highway when an ax flew out of a landscaping truck and smashed through their windshield. it stops inches from a woman s face. right at eye level with this woman. if this had penetrated through further and hit her, she would have been injured or kill. the driver of the truck said he accidentally forgot to secure that ax. he got a ticket for $200. those are your headlines. let s head outside with maria with one of our summer interns, madison. i have madison with us. she s been working hard for us all summer, been our intern. very special girl, done an amazing job. sadly your internship is coming to an end and so before you go, you have to do the weather. i m excited. it is my last day. here s the mic. today will be another
day with below average temperatures in the great lakes. meanwhile hot temperatures are forecast from texas to southern california. there s a slight chance for strong to severe storms across parts of new england. and after heavy rain yesterday in the plains, more flooding is possible from texas to arkansas. flash flood watches are in effect for parts of oklahoma. and that s your weather this morning. good job. thank you so much. back to you, guys. well done, madison. the godfather of soul james brown s life was anything but ordinary. this week viewers will get a look at his life in the biopic get on up. michael tammero is here to check out this movie. he s in the fox light. this movie is fantastic. it is from screen writer
director producer tate taylor. he came to the whiews correspondents dinner in came to the white house correspondents dinner in 2013. he was telling us he just got back from london where he had a meeting with mick jagger. they were starting to pull this together. mick tagger. octavius spencer said i need to be in this movie. it is so tough with a role like this, james brown, because it could go into camp. he walks this line perfectly. he did jackie robinson. we caught up with him at the apollo theater and asked him what the legacy of james brown means to them and what some of their favorite james brown songs are. do you have a favorite james brown song or performance?
i love living in america and static. everybody says it is a man s world. i tend to believe it s a woman s world. i knew the music. that s what we all knew. he became famous before i was ever born, and so it was interesting to find out what brought him to become the man behind the music. the legacy is, you know, the culture that we have today. i don t think you don t have any of the hip-hop music. a lot of it wouldn t even exist, a lot of samples, the james brown samples. i did not know a lot about james brown before i saw this movie but he was jay z before jay z. tell us why there are penguins behind you. it is a fox fan weekend.
so much fun. a new movie opening up november, the fox movie. at yankee stadium they gave away a family four pack to the premiere this november. the winner is cary desalvatore. she gets to attend the premiere this november. we ll see them on the red carpet. cary, someone will be reaching out to you today. you re joining us today on tbt, throwback thursday. where are you? summer job, camp counselor, swim instructor at the waldorf in long island. on behalf of moms, we love camp counselors. thank you very much.
thanks, michael. meanwhile, straight ahead, do you ever feel like your cell phone bill is too high? that is probably because your bill is too high. charges being crammed into your bill that you don t know about. we ll tell you coming up. he found out there were illegal immigrant crirn coming immigrant children coming into his state by wawpg watching the news coming up. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at this the year you spend more quality time with your. dog.
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cramming, unauthorized fees are getting added to your bill from small companies for services like celebrity gossip and ring tones. your phone providers collect the fees keeping a part of the revenue adding up to hundreds of millions of dollars. one bank a.t.m. fishing out a lot more than cash here. oh my goodness. never seen all my life, such a beautiful surprise. in an effort to thank customers, t.d. bank set up special machines that included money, flowers, even the chance to throw out the first pitch at a game. how about that? that is cool. thank you, elisabeth. the illegal immigration crisis on our southern border has spread beyond border states. now indiana governor mike pence is demanding answers from the president after he learned children were being sent to his state through the press.
he wrote to the administration quote what we are experiencing in indiana and states across the nation as this crisis deepens is neither sensible nor humane. states should not be asked by the federal government to deal with the consequences of a failed national immigration policy. the guy who wrote that letter, indiana government mike pence joins us from our nation s capital now. good morning, governor. good morning, steve. you found out our federal government secretly placed 245 children, illegal minor children in indiana through the press? we absolutely did. it was late last week, steve, and after having our administration monitor this issue every american is obviously watching the crisis on our southern border with incredible interest and concern. we found out from press accounts that more than 200 undocumented children had
been placed in private placement across the state of indiana. we were only notified by health and human services after that was in, it being publicly reported. i felt it was extremely important on behalf of the people of ip ip and my obligation as people of indiana and my obligation as governor to communicate directly to the president and say that is unacceptable. absolutely. the administration admitted it after you caught them. awhile back the press secretary for the president, josh earnest, made it very clear the reason they re not telling the governors across the country is because they ve got to keep it a secret for the kids. listen. there are privacy rights that are included in the law that this administration is committed to enforcing and following. we re going to abide by the privacy rights of particular individuals. governor, i m not going to ask you to comment on the privacy angle. that is simply ludicrous. as the number-one executive in the state of indiana,
they send hundreds of kits to your state. pretty soon it s going to be time for school. i don t know about how much the state, each state, the state of indiana pays per child in your state but in my state, in my school district they re paying $25,000 per kid for high school. you add up thousands in new jersey and hundreds in your state, we re talking about some real money that is going to be liable to be paid by the taxpayers of indiana. look, the state of indiana and the people of indiana have a right to know if undocumented, vulnerable children and families are being placed into our communities. we have obligations, as you mentioned. it s about back to school time in indiana but there is also potentially health, other welfare issues that we need to be prepared to deal with. it s completely unacceptable that we read about this in the newspaper. and i expressed that to the president yesterday but also i expressed that directly to secretary burr
well in our meeting yesterday as well. one of the initial responses we got was that h.h.s. would be giving states around the country a monthly update. what i asked for was a real time update for the placement of any of these individuals within our jurisdiction. let me say, indiana has a long tradition of welcoming legal immigrants to our state. and i have great compassion for these vulnerable families and children that have been caught up in this crisis on our southern border. you know, spiriting people around the country and not informing state governments and local officials about their placement or long-term placement with private individuals or with institutions is not the answer. what we ought to be doing is humanely processing these children and families and returning them to their home countries, reuniting them with their families. that s right for them and also it s, frankly, the best way we could send a signal south of our border
that we intend to uphold the laws of this country. indiana government mike pence who just wants to know what the federal government is doing in his state. sir, thank you very much a judge allowing people to carry guns for the first time in decades cause the old law was unconstitutional. but just two days later, it s illegal again? what happened? we re going to talk about that coming up. and no time to click coupons? you can still save on groceries. our expert here with how to cut your food bill 50%. stick around, you re watching fox & friends.
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we told you about the landmark decision or the second amendment. a federal judge ruling washington s dc ban on hand guns unconstitutional. cops were order to do immediately stop arresting people for it. but two days later, it s illegal again. what happened? fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano here. sometimes the law is a little crazy. for a couple days it was there. then people got panicky and they stayed the order. here is what happened. some retired police officers who wanted to be able to carry guns to protect themselves and others in their retirement years living in dc tried to get the permit to carry the gun. the city said no. nobody can carry guns in d.c they challenged the law. that challenge, along with other cases, was taken away from judges in dc by the chief justice and shipped to upstate new york. there was a back log in d.c a judge in upstate new york last week said the dc thou shalt not
carry, no matter who you are is unconstitutional. it s been unconstitutional for 40 years and this is the first time it s been challenged. so therefore, everyone who lawfully owns a gun in dc can now carry it. the dc government said, we re not ready for this. the cops don t know the law. we haven t had a right to carry law here in dc in the past 45 years. can you stay? can you stop the effect of this until we can adapt to it and give some guidelines to the police for it? the judge said yes, i will stay it until october 1. if you don t appeal me, it becomes the law. if you do appeal me, it s in the hands of the appellate court. for another year? probably another year before they decide. this is a trend of federal judges deciding that local laws that let you have a gun in your home, but not outside the home are unconstitutional because it denies you the right to protect yourself. here is what the judge said after he gave the order.
there is no longer any basis on which this court can conclude that the district of columbia s total ban on the public carrying of ready to use hand guns outside the home is constitutional under any level of scrutiny. key phrase, total ban, no matter who you were, no matter what your need for the gun, no matter how well trained you are. these guys are ex cops. total ban. that s what he threw out. dc wants to come up with some middle ground, it will be challenged again. we ll see if october 1, we ll see you in the fall when you re not raking leaves. you want to come up and help rake? that would be fantastic. let me tell you what s up next. a mom let s her 7-year-old son go to the park by himself. now she faces five years behind bars. so who is going to raise her son if this happens? has the law gone too far? that mom here live. and he wrote the book on leadership. rudy guiliani is here and he says the president is showing that he s not fit to lead. he ll expand on that.
i love that suit. steve does, too. that s why he touched the mayor s back.
good morning. today is thursday, july 31. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the house gets the green light to sue the president for making his own laws. but the president just laughed it off. stop being mad all the time. stop the hating all the time. today he plans yet another executive action. a man who ran for president, mayor rudy guiliani, is going to weigh in on that straight ahead. yes, and we now have the lois lerner e-mails she wishes got lost. and they reveal why she might have been targeting conservatives. because she thinks they re [ bleep ] and [ bleep ]. we re going to show you what we can reveal.
i m going to wash your mouth out with soap. i apologize. also a mother is arrested after letting her 7-year-old son walk to the park by himself. okay. now that mom is facing child neglect charges. is that fair? that mother sharing her side of the story with us live this hour. thanks very much for joining us, second hour on this thursday morning because mornings are always better with you. this is former mayor rudy guiliani. you re watching fox & friends, one of my favorite shows. we got to get him on. that would be a great idea. how soon do you think we can make that happen? i think in a minute. he s about three feet off camera. he ll join us in a minute. some of the magic of television. yes, wouldn t it be great if he was here? yes, he s right there. mayor rude cree with us shortly. lots of magic if you tell everyone. hi, heather nauert. good morning to you. i ve got news from other parts
of the country. let s start in minnesota. a nine-hour manhunt, the gunman skiesed of shooting and killing a police officer during a traffic stop was later shot himself. this unfolding in west st. paul, minnesota. officer scott patrick was shot in broad daylight. that 47-year-old officer leaves behind a wife and two teenage children. the search for the suspect, 39-year-old brian fitch, senior, ended in a gun fight with cops there. fitch was shot. his condition has not been released at this hour. our prayers go out to the officer s family. it was way worse than we ever thought. we just learned that 20 million gallons of water lost after that water main burst near ucla. originally they had said they thought it was 10 or 20 million. but it s more. six people cleaning up the university s flooded basketball arena were treated for exposure to carbon monoxide. they were helping pump water off that court when they got sick from inhaling generator fumes
there. a dangerous health threat this morning at an immigration detention center at our nation s border. ice officials just had to put a facility on lockdown because of a highly contagious form of chicken pox. there has been a major outbreak there. fox news now has your first look inside. right now no immigrants are allowed to be transferred in or out of this facility right here. it opened about a month ago in new mexico. and you remember when president obama said this about the irs? there was some bone headed decisions out of but no mass corruption? not even mass corruption. not even a smidgen of corruption. okay. how is this for not even a smidgen of corruption? new e-mails catching lois lerner ranting about republicans. a house panel releasin e-mails that show her referring to conservatives as a-holes. excuse me, that s when it says, and crazy.
house republicans say the new evidence proves her, quote, hostility toward conservatives. there are calls to appoint special counsel to look at targeting of conservatives. a lot to talk about this morning. those are your headlines. all right. thank you very much. and joining us now, former mayor of new york city, rudy guiliani. hey, if she s calling conservatives a-holes, there is a good reason she probably took the fifth. do you see a smidgen of corruption there? i see civil rights violation. think about it. explain that. you can t just go out against someone based on race, religion, political preference. and this particular case, she s indicating a bias. she shouldn t be doing that job. she doesn t like conservatives. then she targets them. i can see putting together a very strong criminal civil rights case, which the justice department has done many, many times and usually it s in the area of race or religion. right. will eric holder s department of
justice do that? if it s as clear as it seems, it s going to be a asked and scf they don t. do you think they re trying to let the clock run out? there is statute of limitations? a couple of years. a republican attorney general could take this over and embarrass them. the reality is from the moment she took the fifth amendment t sent off signals. it could be she was just protecting herself. but there had to be something there she was protecting herself against. if she had a nice, simple explanation, then you get it over with. you don t create this problem. now we re starting to find out why she was so worried. who knows how many more of those comments are. maybe they re more explicit. at least it opens the door to a serious criminal civil rights investigation. logic tells you this got out, how bad are the other ones that you re willing to put up the public embarrassment? i would rather lose these e-mails then have these e-mails exposed and deal with it. i m sorry burks as a former prosecutor, investigator for more of my life as a politician,
when e-mails get lost, they don t get lost. i m with you. we ll find them some day. every lost e-mail i ever found made my case and put the guy in prison. to quote donald rumsfeld, we only know what we know. we ll see what we end up knowing. you also understand politics and the law. we see the house suing the president, saying you have overstepped the executive border, specifically when it comes to the affordable care act and when it comes to suspending the employee mandate. fascinating issue. takes me back to law school. when i was on the nyu law review, i wrote with my roommate an article relating to the expulsion of adam clayton powell and whether the supreme court would use the political question doctrine to avoid the case. ancient doctrine that says even if it is illegal, it s too much between two branches of government and the court has to stay out of it. it s between the president and the executive. so they re going to have to overcome that, the political
question doctrine. that s the bad side. the good side is these are blatant violations of the law. he ignores it. law says he can t do this. he does it. i don t know. it s going to depend on how the court views how far it wants to go in interfering between two co-equal branches of government. what you re saying is there is a real good possibility the courts won t take the case because the congress doesn t have standing because the framers wanted there to be tension no, no. they ll take the case and analyze the case and then they ll say, this if they do this. they ll say this is a political question that the constitution did not really want us to decide. they wanted the other two branches of government to get together and figure this out. they didn t want to interfere too much in it. now, that s if it s just one question, one issue. what i think the case they re putting together tries to show is this is multiple, multiple times that he has violated laws
that he signed. that gets you a little beyond the political question. that gets you to lawlessness, that the president is acting in a lawless way. therefore, i think there is a chance that this case could get heard. obviously the president really is taking this seriously. just take, for example, what he said yesterday. they have announced they re going to sue me for taking executive actions to help people. you know, they re mad cause i m doing my job. everybody recognizes this is a political stunt, but it s worse than that because every vote they re taking like that means a vote they re not taking to actually help you. we could do so much more if congress would just come on and help out a little bit. just come on. come on and help out a little bit.
stop being mad all the time. stop this hating all the time. come on. let s get some work done together. his hands are tied. he can t get anything done. charles krauthammer earlier i heard made an excellent point. but it s very, very important. his job is not to help people, primarily. his job is to follow the law and through following the law, help people. this is as if he has his own conception of how you help people. and if you can help people and involves violating the law, then i m morally okay. but if congress says you can not do this and doing it would help people, he s not allowed to do that. the constitution has not made the president of the united states the arbiter of what helps people. the constitution of the united states said the president executes the laws and in executing those laws that is set by congress, then he helps people. if he violates them, he s
hurting people. this is not a government of happy hour. we re all going to help each other. we have laws. we follow those laws. each one has a function and then we assume that by doing that, that s how we have a happy society. does he not know this or is he willing to this is constitutional law president can t do this kind of analysis. this is like a man for all seasons when thomas moore s son-in-law wants him to violate the law and thomas moore says this country is planted thick with laws like treaties and if you break one of them, all the trees will come down. this is a country of laws. the president doesn t understand that, we re in it. that statement could help that lawsuit get beyond the political question and say this isn t an isolated incident here or there. this is conduct that is going on over and over again in which he s just completely violating what congress has passed and there is no other remedy for it. right. you re the perfect guy to talk about that stuff because you did run for president.
you are a law scholar as well. and you were the mayor of new york city. and the new guy who is the mayor of new york city, bill de blasio, has returned from his vacation in italy to gracie mansion, which apparently has furniture from west elm, $65,000 worth upstairs. now he s blasting the cops on stop and frisk. listen to this. for much of the previous 12 years, there was a growing tension and grows disconnect between police and community all over our city. this administration came into office with a commitment to am end in the broken policy of stop and frisk. the overuse of stop and frisk, the unconstitutional use of stop and frisk. we settled the related lawsuit. we changed the practice on the ground and the numbers speak for themselves. what city was he living in for 12 years? i feel kind of left out. stop and frisk started 20 years ago with me and bill bratten,
his police commissioner. didn t stop with mike and ray kelly. they carried it on. they carried it on brilliantly and carried it on. and carried on crime reduction and built on our successes and had success of their own. this thing started 20 years ago. i d like to take him back to what the city was like 20 years ago. how about 1900 murders 20 years ago? 22 years ago when the administration he worked in, they were 2200 murders. 2200 murders. last year, about 340. so 2200 murders is more than iraq. we were a city that was described as the crime capital of america. we were on the front cover of time magazine during the administration that he worked in that he seems to be emulating. we were called the rotting of the big apple. 12,000 felonies a week. is this personal to you? for him to make a speech? no. it s the ignorance of the left,
the idea that if you enforce the law, you re really harming people and hurting people. what you ignore is the fact that who are the victims of these crimes? 80, 90%, they re poor people. 80, 90% they re minorities. the people you re saving, the lives you re saving, the thing that i m proudest of, the thing i believe mike is proudest of are the thousands and thousands and thousands of people, many minorities, but all people whose lives we saved because we had the courage to take tough action that the new york times routinely condemns. that was 20 years ago. those thousands of people would not be alive today if we had succumbed to political correctness. in 1984, the year we re talking about throwback thursday, summer jobs. there you are. that s a job earlier in your career, a man on a mission. that wasn t a summer job. that was when i was u.s. attorney, probably putting the families of the mafia in jail or maybe ivan boski, or maybe some
of ed koch s commissioners. or vito s son-in-law. thank you very much. thanked you.
we are seeing more and more of this next type of story. parents being turned into criminals because other people don t like the way that they
parent. the most recent case, a florida mom arrested after she let her 7-year-old son walk to the park alone. now she s facing child neglect charges. here to share her side of the story is mom nicole campaigny and john whitehead, president of the rutherford institute and author of government of wolf. thank you for being with us. thank you. nicole, what happened that day? dominic is seven years old and as we read, you let him walk to the park. was he in danger? no. i personally don t think so. i let him go up there and play. i give him a cell phone so i can check on him regularly and he can call me if there is any emergency. we saw the photo of him. we understand what with that cell phone around his neck, you were teaching him to be safe. did he feel unsafe? when he came home, what did he say to you, because the police then, someone came up and talked to him, called the police.
the police ended up bring him home. what were his words to you? when i was they had me in handcuffs and told him after they took him out of the cop car to go straight to his room. and as he was walking into the home, he was like mommy, i m sorry. i wanted to go to the park. he was absolutely upset and scared and thought this was his fault. john, i want to ask you, legally the definition of neglect seems to be include failure of the parent to provide the child with supervision. it doesn t seem as though dominic was threatened at the time. when the police came up to him, as the story goes, he was playing with friends, had his cell phone. if he wasn t in danger, how can they possibly have a case? nicole is facing five years in jail. it s a felony. five years. you got to be kidding me on this situation. no. there is no legal neglect here. i think you have overzealous policeman. but policemen are not expert at child welfare.
the child welfare is the one who investigated this and they, according nicole, think the charges should be dropped. i think the big question we re facing here is who is the parent? the policeman or the welfare department or this hard working mother who is arrested like a criminal. this is the thing that really concerns me. what are the best interests of the child here, if this mother has to go to prison? what s going to happen to this child? nicole, are you a good mom or a criminal? i m a good mom. we re going to see how this case unfolds certainly as it looks like he was not in danger at the time. we d love to follow up with you. please stay in touch. nicole and john. thank you. coming up, a bizarre scene playing out in court. why in the world was this suspect taped to a wheelchair and gagged inside the courtroom? then we all want safe what if you could cut your grocery bill in half without clipping a
single coupon. we ll tell you how next. wóóñt
the kentucky democrat who thinks she can take mitch mccome s seat in senate needs a refresher course on i guess military stuff. during a campaign event, kentucky state senator candidate allison lundgren said this, the iron dome has been a big reason why israel has been able to withstand the terrorists that have tried to tunnel their way in. oh, really? but as you know, the iron dome actually protects israel from rockets that go in the air. that s a lot of different from protecting against the underground tunnel which is take the israelis
we ve got a firsthand look inside those tunnels this morning as israel calls up 16,000 more troops. john huddy is live at the israel-gaza border where it has been very active so far this morning. john? reporter: sure has. by the way, we re hearing those 16,000 reservists that are called up will be relieving other troops on the ground. so far in the 24 days of operation protective edge, 86,000 reservists have been called up. that said, israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, says with or without a cease fire, israel will continue its operation of rooting out and destroying hamas network of tunnels. we got to go inside of one of those tunnels. take a look. the israeli military says the tunnel is about a mile and a half long discovered at its midway point, a quarter mile inside israel from the border. 50 feet underground. we found it opened up more as we
went deeper in. so we re going into up with of the tunnels. it is very deep underground here. obviously you can see it s really tight in here. very tight right here. it starts to open up. as we make our way deeper into the tunnel, gives a little more clearance here. the walls are really thick. very well reinforced. this was used for electricity. then let me show you this down here. was used for the transport of cargo. the smell of basically dirt and concrete. i got to say, it s a little unnerving in here. this is captain daniel. how deep are we right now? 50-meters underground now. it serves one purpose, to get inside the center of israel and towns around. come out of the tunnel with
weapons and kill and kidnap as much citizens and soldiers as possible. now israeli commanders say that at this point, 32 tunnels have been discovered, including the one that we went into. now we re hearing 20 have been destroyed. that operation obviously continues today as well. back to you. all right. john huddy on the border. we thank you very much. those things took years to create. i think so. what are they used to do it? supposedly the building supplies that they were in short supply of there in the gaza. now we know what they were building. it wasn t schools. it was tunnels. right. the president is set to huddle up with leaders on foreign affairs today with regard toga. why the suspect was tape to do a wheelchair and gagged like hannibal lecter. it s a father and son project of presidential proportion. wait until you hear what bush 41
and bush 43 are up to.
take a look at this. it s your shot of the morning. u.s. open is just around the corner. then we have last year s winners are coming back for more. before they get their hands on these, we have them with us on set. the official trophies engraved with winners from past tournaments. every year they have the winners names engraved on the trophies before they return them to the tennis hall of fame. the actual winners get a
replica. it starts obvious 25 right here august 25 right here in new york city. look at this. right in queens next to citi field. they got relatively new facility. it s arguably one of the biggest events of the year. so when you see somebody win the u.s. open, they hold the trophy and you figure they take home. nope. these are the trophies year they used these same ones. guess who won in 1968? the men? the men s is bigger than the women. arthur ashe is correct. who won in the women s side? could it be virginia wade? very good. it could be. it is virginia wade. yes, it is. so then what they do is after they win, they get to keep them for a couple of days and then send them to tiffany s and put all of their names right here t. looks like they re running out of space. the players have to put their
own name on it? yeah. you have a jackknife? i could do something right here. go ahead. you ll have nine people dive on you here in the wings. the prize is up to $3 million award for winning. it s not about the money. of course not. it s about the trophy. thank you very much. the u.s. open for letting us borrow this. and let us keep them. really a nice surprise. the victory trophy first. meanwhile, heather nauert you want to hold this? absolutely. an unbelievable story. in the olden days, you hear about people trying to get contraband into prison and bake a nail file in a cake? listen to what s happening now. police are now closing in on a person who tried to fly a drone that was filled with drugs and other contraband into a maximum security prison. the drone crashed in the bushes just outside the lee correctional institute in south carolina. it was filled with pot, cell phones and tobacco products. one suspect already arrested. the other one still at large.
the suspect in the las vegas casino robbery makes a bizarre appearance in court. look at this. he is wrapped in a blanket with a mask over his head and taped to a wheelchair. all kind of like animal lecter from the movie. he was wheeled into court because he refused to cooperate with officers. the judge ordered him to appear in court by any force necessary. the f.b.i. alleges carmichael entered the bellagio casino, pulled a bb gun and order the teller to hand over about $43,000 in cash. it is a father-son project of presidential proportion. president george w. bush writing a book about his father. he s been working on this for about two years now and bush 43 says, quote, george h.w. bush is a great servant, statesman and father. i loved writing this story of his life, and i hope others enjoy reading it.
the biography doesn t have a title yet. it will be released on veteran s day this year, november 11. a labor of love. talk about a whole lot of luck. an indiana guy won a million dollars jackpot three times. no, twice in three months. robert hamilton beat the one in 2.1 million odds, two different times, playing the same scratch-off game. the first million he won in april. that one he bought a house and paid debts. the winnings for the second will be used on a motorcycle. congratulations. good job. those are your headlines. he s a winner. definitely lucky. twice. there you go. thank you, heather. maria molina joins us now with a look at what s going on outside with weather. good morning. hello. i want to start out with your current temperatures because across parts of the east we ve been setting record lows during the morning hours. temperatures have been in the 50s. today it s a little bit better. but you re still waking up to temperatures in the 50s in places like cleveland, ohio and low 60s in chicago.
so still a little cool, especially for the month of july across portions of the great lakes. your high temperatures are going to be warming up a little bit. low 80s in new york city. 80s in atlanta. still hot from texas to parts of arizona. 111 degrees for your high in phoenix. across portions of the northeast, we are going to see showers. they ll be isolated across the region and there are also going to be a slight chance for storms. there is a slight chance some of the storms across parts of new england could produce some severe weather. keep an eye out for that. otherwise farther west across portions of eastern texas, eastern oklahoma, western parts of arkansas, we re expecting an area of low pressure to be moving eastward. out here it will be producing areas of heavy rain. concern for flash flooding. steve, let s head over to you. all right. thank you very much. we all like to save some money without working too hard to do it. so what if you could cut your food bill, grocery bill in half and never have to clip a single coupon? that sounds pretty good.
here to tell us more is personal finance expert lauren lions cole. good morning to you. good morning. that s the thing, a lot of people love the idea of saving money, but they don t want to clip coupons because there is something about coupons and it s a hassle. but it s money! it s true. it takes a lot of time to clip coupons. but you don t have to invest the time. there is other ways to save. for instance, you say pick up the weekly circular. exactly. you can pick it up as you re walking into the store. there are tons of sales without even picking up a pair of scissors that you can get while at the store. if you get it before you get to the store, you can even plan your weekly meals around the sales. because some of those, you can save up to 50%. the stuff on sale is there for a reason. exactly. when you go shopping, and i didn t realize this, pick an off time. a lot of people go certain times, particularly on the weekends. how does that save you money? if you re shopping when everyone else is shopping, you re probably going to fall back into convenience or
shopping from habit, just throwing things in the cart, especially if you have the kids with you. try going at a time when the store will be less crowded. you can walk slowly, think through the sales, look at the circular ad. those times are wednesdays and thursdays, weekend evenings, or any morning, super early first thing when they open. in other words, if somebody needs something to do on a saturday night g to the grocery store and save money. that s the best time to go. try it. when you go on a saturday night, make sure you take your smart phone because there are a bunch of apps that are available that tell you what? the millenials are couponing more than any other generation with technology. there are two great apps i m going to recommend. bravado and slip. if you use these apps, you can get all sorts of coupons. they ll deliver customized what you re shopping for. okay. and the name of that once again is favado and flip. all right. that s easy. this is something we ve been
doing at our family since we ve got three kids. they re all over the place. buy vast quantities. buy in bulk if you can. right. so if you re buying something like onions, they re going to last for a long time. buy the bag. don t buy them individually. keep in mind, you want to look at the unit prices when you re doing this cause every now and then, food manufacturers are smart. the big can of peanut butter every now and then might cost more than the smaller one. so look at the unit price. now my wife and i are alone because the kids are all over the country. so when we go to costco and we buy the 19 pounds of peanut butter, it might take 19 years to go through it. right. sometimes if you re going to end up wasting the food, you re not saving. make sure you re buying the amount you can eat. and buy generic. if you buy the house brand or generic brand, you can save how much? up to 25%. this is one of those tips that everybody knows they should do, but still, we don t do it consistently. so if you re not sure if the quality is quite the same, flip the box around, look at the
ingredients. if they are the same, then buy generic. save 25. i m going to download that app right now. thank you for joining us. thanks for having me. good information. coming up on our program today, is your teen-ager having a tough time finding work this summer? they re not alone. reason why. cheryl casone is up with that coming up. and actor david bran has choice words for the president. grow some. really? that story is coming up next. first the trivia question of the day. born on this date in 1966, this superman star played football at princeton. he s the friend of this program. he was on about a month ago. who is he? come on. e-mail us. you ll be the big winner.
got quick headlines for you.
it s unusual, but celebrity speaking out with sharp words for president obama. david borianas tweeting out, quote, here we are in a cold war now with russia. sanctions aren t going to cut it. putin is nuts and a serious threat to the usa. grow some, obama. and tv host and navy vet montel williams calling out the president on the v.a. scandal, telling tmz obama has not responded to his petition. so what would williams tell obama if he had the chance? quote, sign the papers, home boy. that according to montel williams. american teens are having the worst summer ever when it comes to finding jobs. teenage employment levels are near record lows. cheryl cher is live at the molly blue oyster bar in new york to talk to some teens and business owners.
what are they saying there? good morning. i got to tell you, it s a rough summer when it comes to teens getting work. we found a few teens working here. they are setting up for the day as they re about to be filled with tourists and everybody else. i got to tell you, it s a tough summer for teens. down 12% now when it comes to teens hiring. why are they not getting jobs? because older workers are getting hired. let s bring in our guest and talk about why are you got 1,000 applications? at least 1,000 applications. everybody wants a job and it s very hard to find jobs today. you were telling me earlier that a lot of older kids, even kids in their 20s, are coming in. they want to work here, so you re not hiring as many teen-agers. right. the job market is so wide open. especially teachers, small job market for them. they re looking for work. we want to get the best person to work for us. there is a lot of kids here. we love hiring kids. we love being on the beach. you guys are setting up and we want to let you know that if you look at the labor participation
rate as we re getting ready to get the initial jobless claims today, it s about 34 to 40% right now. that s in the range. that is because a lot of these teen-agers decided just not to get work and decided to do other things. maybe take a little vacation. let s bring in nicole, she s 19. she s a junior. come over here. talk to me about your summer work. you knew that you needed to work this year. was it tough to get a job? i was lucky enough for this to be my second year here. i started here last summer. but i used to work at camp malibu. once i knew the restaurant opened up, i wanted to send in an application. are you going to work the entire summer? are you saving for school? yes. i m saving the money for school. i ll be here until probably august 20, right up to when school starts. and sam, you re 15 years old. you re the only high schooler that s working for the summer. i used to work in high school. but what are the rest of your friends doing this summer if not working? vacation, hanging out, i m
the only one of my friends kind of working. yeah. all right. girls, i have to tell you, i want to ask you, what do you say to the rest of your friends out there on the beach right now and not working? get a job. the money is good. you can buy clothes. i have to tell you guys, again, as we re waiting for all this big data that s coming out, we re getting the jobs report for the month of july. that s going to be tomorrow. we re going to be getting more initial claims coming up in the next few moments. but i have to tell you, it really has been a rough summer for all of these teen-agers and as they try to set up and save money, it looks like the employers out there and someone told me earlier, it s getting tighter in the labor market right now because basically you are finding that obamacare, a lot of those major restaurants, those chains are not hiring anymore because they re trying to keep the amount of workers lower, kids. so they are actually, a lot of
those older workers working at major chains are coming here for a second job because they need the work. this is the kind of summer that we re having right now, especially here. but really across the country. that s what we re finding out here. we re going to see how the data comes out tomorrow and see what the numbers tell us. we could have sent you anywhere. you could have went to a mall. it s amazing you chose the beach restaurant to explain to us about teen unemployment. yeah. i really have a tough time when i have to go travel for fox & friends. you send me to rotten places. but cheryl, you know about traveling because today our tbt, throwback thursday is all about summer jobs. this is a picture of you at your first job out of college when, ladies and gentlemen, cheryl casone was a flight attendant with southwest airlines. look at that. that was me. long time ago. love that. it s your idea not to assign the seats?
yeah. i got to tell you, there is nothing like serving cokes and peanuts for a living when you re 21-years-old. that was me. cheryl casone, you re now free to travel across the country. thank you, cheryl. i m just getting reports now, we now have the hasselbeck summer working shot? yes. what are you doing? i m in my heap earrings in cranston, rhode island, wearing a store t-shirt. i was so excited about having my first job. you worked at bob s? yes. i liked to see if i could get overtime. that s where you get the my very first job was for jerry seinfeld s dad helping him hang signs. he actually made signs. i love that. i also worked in a restaurant, that was a great job. one of the toughest. perfect for you. makes your personality and work
ethic. i imagine you did well. 16 years old, my first high school job. i was tearing it down like the best of them. i really have more waitering experience. keep sending us your throwback thursday pictures of your first jobs and summer jobs. coming up, breaking news about the ebola virus. up with man is dead as concerns grow it could find its way here to the united states. so is it just one airplane flight away from us? the details coming up next. first on this day in history in 1975,, one of these nights by the eagles was the number one song. ooo swear i m gonna find you one of these nights one of these days
i voted for culture. .with a k. how are you? i voted for plausible deniability. i didn t kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people s hotlist to see this summer s top 100 shows and movies. i voted!
the answer to the trivia question. dean cain. our winner is dean cain. he called in. bill from jensen beach, florida won. he ll get a copy of george washington s secret six. i will sign and i will lick the envelope. excellent. by the way, i asked brian to give me a refill on my ice coffee. feel that. what s different about it? not so icy. i didn t really hold the job too long. don t look for tip money. brian, you re fired. no tip for you. switching gears. new concerns this morning about the deadly ebola virus. this as two american peace corps workers are quarantined outside the u.s. after being exposed. anna kooiman has more. reporter: good morning. officials now saying this is the largest ever record outbreak of
the disease. those two american peace corps workers came in contact with an individual who later died from the virus. they will likely be brought to the united states once doctors clear them. we are learning they are under close observation and are not showing symptoms yet. but the peace corps has decided to evacuate 340 of its american volunteers from three african countries out of precaution during this deadly outbreak. in liberia, schools shut down and employees have been order to do shut down. the scare reached north carolina yesterday, shutting down a section of a hospital for hours. doctors thankfully determining the patient is in fact not infected. we acted out of an abundance of caution, making sure that all precautions were in place to protect our patients as well as our health care workers. reporter: the ebola virus spreads through close contact with bodily fluids like blood or touching contaminated surfaces. symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches and the risk of dying once you get it is
90%. this killed one american, patrick sawyer, who contracted it flying from liberia to lagos. the cdc says there is no significant risk here in the united states. the reason physicians and health care workers are getting it over there is they re not fully protected against the virus. they re not using the same infectious control precautions we do. i don t want any panic spreading here. the two other americans fighting for their lives, missionary workers in liberia, are slowing slight improvement. and the cdc has released new guidelines for airlines to prevent it from reaching the united states. back to you. thank you very much. coming up on this thursday, are you tired of debt collectors calling your house in the middle of supper time? there is a way to get rid of them for good. what you need to know coming up in the next hour. eat out? that s one way. president obama is facing repeated calls for his impeachment because of the immigration crisis at the
border. but yesterday house speaker john boehner says in fact, republicans actually have no plans to impeach the president. which got weird when obama was like, damn.
good morning. today is thursday, july 31. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the house gets the green light to sue the president for make his own laws and the president just laughs it off. stop being mad all the time. stop this hating yqñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñll . today he is celebrating with another executive action. and what did lois lerner really think of conservatives? we now have some e-mail that she wished she would have lost, calling republicans [ bleep ] and [ bleep ] watch your mouth. that wasn t my mouth. that was my head. watch. [ bleep ]. a little slow. we re going to tell you what
my read. someone better buy this fan a new bud lite because she caught the homerun ball with her budweiser. there goes nine bucks. mornings are better with friends. this is dean cain, you are watching fox & friends in the morning. so am i. happy birthday, dean cain, as we learn from our trivia question of the day. today is his birthday. i wonder if that fan actually intended to catch it with her glass or if that was an accident. i don t think so. you have a choice when the ball comes. do i drop the beer or catch the ball, or do i hold the beer and let the ball hit me? she s like, let me just you can sort of have your beer maybe she had a couple of beer before and didn t notice the ball and it s just a hole in one. look at that. later it will show the mitt
blinded her, preventing her from seeing the ball come down and hit her beer. can we see that one more time? we re going to see it in the regular news a second. the mitt blinded her. blinded by the shlitz. making a splash. we got a busy one hour that starts. the judge will join us in a moment much first we got heather with the news. good morning. quite a story coming out of the midwest. a nine-hour manhunt and the gunman accused of shooting and killing a police officer during a traffic stop was later shot himself. this unfolded in west st. paul, minnesota. officer scott patrick was shot in broad daylight. that 47-year-old officer now leaves behind a wife and two teenage children. the search for the suspect, 39-year-old brian fitch, senior, ended in a gun fight with police. fitch was shot, his condition, not being released at this hour.
a shopping center is now the site of a firey plane crash. i knew it was going down and then they were on the ground and in flames and a lot of black smoke. imagine all the people around. that plane clipping the top of a target store and then hitting a pole before it slammed into a parking lot at a nearby costco. the pilot now in the hospital. her passenger died. no word yet on what caused the crash. certainly lucky that a lot of people weren t injured in that. america s first homicide bomber in syria returned to the united states before he carried out his deadly attack in syria. a new report says that this 22-year-old florida native spent months in the united states after he got his terror training. he drove a truck that was packed with explosives into a restaurant in northern syria and this just released video filmed before his death, shows him ripping up his u.s. passport.
he bites it, sets it on fire, and leaves a chilling message, we re coming of you. one bank s atm is dishing out a lot more than cash. oh, my goodness. never seen such a beautiful surprise. how sweet is that. look at that, presents and flowers. thanks to its customers, citibank set up a special automated banking machine yeah. in canada. gifts included money, flowers, and the chance to throw out the first pitch at a blue jay s game. how cool is that? those are your headlines. what a clever idea. that s fantastic. way to make somebody s day. thank you. we ll say thank you. flowers on the way. as we go to what s happening in washington, judge napolitano rejoins us on the couch. yesterday there was a vote in the house to go ahead and sue the president and only five republicans decided not to. everybody else was on board.
all democrats were against it. so therefore, they re moving ahead with the lawsuit. if you follow up on the very, very prudent, very astute analysis that mayor giuliani gave seated right here about an hour ago, the court will have to decide is this a political question? is this an issue that the courts were intended to resolve? are judges competent and capable of telling presidents how to perform their jobs, or should they stay out? in my opinion, it s a slam dunk. it s a political case. and the court will dismiss it as soon as the president s lawyers move to because the separation of powers? yes, yes. the constitution was written to create this tension. now look, i believe that the president is either incompetent or lawless. i would cheerlead the arguments the republicans are making against him. i believe he s the most lawless president in modern times. my op ed at and elsewhere this morning attempts to make that case. the remedy is an unpleasant one.
it s not a lawsuit because it will be thrown out. madison provided the remedy in the constitution. it s removal from office. you re talking about impeachment. yes. i know we don t want to go through the political aggravation and maybe that s the ironicallvon this i agree with the president. the lawsuit is a political stunt. here is the test: with these members of congress spend their own money on lawyers to file a lawsuit knowing it s going to be dismissed? of course not. it will be a waste of money. then they shouldn t spend ours. the supreme court decision back in june unanimously said that obama was out of line for making recess appointments. absolutely. that at all does not factor into how you believe that courts would see this at all in terms of overreach? an interesting question. the remedy for his being out of line and filing these nominations on a saturday morning when he knows the senate is not in session is to invalidate the nominations. it s not to force him to file them on another day. this lawsuit wants to force the
president to do things that judges would basically say not our job. so you say impeachment is a remedy. yes. it may be imprudent because it may cost the country more than it s worth. but it s a remedy in the constitution. sure. a couple days ago i said i don t know anybody, republicans or conservatives, who are talking about impeachment. that s true. the people in myever day life our colleagues, governor palin and a few others. are you suggesting republicans do that, because it s a political loser. i m suggesting that it would be far more constitutionally appropriate now than it was in a case of bill clinton and i m suggesting that it is the only remedy under the constitution for a president who is either, either incompetent or lawless or both. that s the title of your column. here is the president yesterday, obviously he is really taking this serious. think about this, they have announced they re going to sue
me for taking executive actions to help people. so, you know, they re mad cause i m doing my job. everybody recognizes it s a political stunt, but it s worse than that because every vote they re taking like that means a vote they re not taking to actually help you. we could do so much more if congress would just come on and help out a little bit. just come on. come on and help out a little bit. stop being mad all the time. stop this hating all the time. come on. let s get some work done together. this is the most serious constitutional crisis since watergate and he s making a joke out of it. let me argue, it s not the president s job to help people. read the constitution and read your oath, mr. president.
it s the president s job to uphold the constitution. he s acting like he s the grandfather in chief, the uncle in chief rather than the law enforcer in chief. a law enforcer who only enforces laws he agrees with. does it hurt him that congress doesn t want to do what he wants to do, and therefore, they both have a point of view? he wants people just to do what he wants them to do. he doesn t want to compromise. his job is not to write the laws. his job is to enforce the laws that the congress writes whether he agrees with them or not. he took an oath to do that. it s all about compromise these days if you want to get anything done and it s tough. it s a toxic environment in washington, d.c. and because there are already scandals and that s lois lerner when she swore herself in and took the fifth. what s curious now is there have been some e-mails released by the house ways and means committee that show that lois lerner did not like conservative s, called them names. it looks pretty bad. we ve got an excerpt, this is from november 9, 2012, which the
committee released. from an unknown person here says you should hear the whackoing of the gop, the u.s. is through too many foreigners, sucking the tea, time to hunker down, prepare for the end. right wing radio shows are scary to listen to. it went on from learner. great, maybe we are through if there are that many a-holes. a known respondent, i m talking about the host of the shows, the callers are rabid. even a-holes learner said. so we don t need to worry about alien terrorists. it s our own crazies that will take us down. that s curious. no wonder she didn t worry about taking down the nonprofits because she viewed them simply as run by terrorists. she s entitled to her political opinion like everybody else. off the clock. right. once she has a sensitive job in the irs, her job is to review applications from ostensibly political groups and decide whether or not they get a tax exemption and she has that animas against a class of those
groups, she should get off the jobs. that s her work e-mail. correct. if a litigant came before me that i hated or couldn t stand or i had some interest in the outcome of the case, i have an affirmative obligation to get off the case. sure. she should have been given another job. her bosses should have been known about it. a political irs is represencible and tyrannical and the president did nothing about it. why not a special prosecutor now? will this be the moment where one is brought in? the one saving grace here is whatever she did, the statute of limitations is seven years, meaning whoever succeeds president obama will be in a position to have his or her attorney general prosecute mrs. learner and the others. judge, we also know, you also tried howard stern, right? did you excuse yourself or do you like howard stern? we became very good friends. after that. the case was assigned to me and was settled. what was the case? i can t say on air. he used some language on air that some person sued him for
and we had to call 700 jurors in order to find six who have no opinion of mr. stern. he was a gentleman throughout. the case was settled. it s now history and we developed a unique friendship. okay. i just remembered. judge, thank you. thank you. coming up, he was one of the three marines killed in cold blood by one of our afghan allies. but that kid only got a slap on the wrist. that hero s dad is here and he says he s been betrayed. for years we heard liberals describe themselves as pro-choice, but planned parenthood has a plan to change that. you know what? it s just in time for the next election.
it s a term as old as the issue itself. pro-choice, it means women have a choice over future. even if that means no future at all. but pro-abortion groups like planned parenthood want to rebrand the term pro choice with something a little more vague. going forward, they ll be pro-woman s health instead. pollster and fox news contributor frank luntz is here
to help explain why. frank, thanks for being with us. you actually came up with the determine teth tax for the government s inheritance tax. you say call it like it is. but in this case, it seems to me and many others that abortion activists are doing quite the opposite and making it more vague. i understand why they re doing it. even the framing that you just did, which is pro-abortion, that this is an i want to set the context here. number one, it matters to people. pro-life, pro-choice, the issue of abortion, it does matter. but it is a lower priority when it comes to elections. when it comes to politics. about four out of five women will vote more on economic issues than they will on the issue of abortion. and second is that the american people think that politicians are trying to politicize something that they believe is intensely personal, intensely private, should be left up to the individual and the states to make a decision. so they don t like this back and forth between politicians. it s been a big issue in certain campaigns.
colorado, for example, it s roughly one third of all the ads being run against the republican are on that issue of abortion and copttives the public says that s too much. take this issue out of politics. it is not partisan. it is not political. and let people decide for themselves what is the proper moral context. sure. according to a luntz poll here, talking to the man himself, when asked if it s more important that a politician agrees with you on economic issues or reproductive issues, 71% said i d rather agree on economic issues. so obviously that s more important here. but the focus, particularly when it comes to elections here and the women s vote and women s rights is in a way, do you believe, being misrepresented? to cloak a pro-abortion rights and funding in support for that as just women s health notions doesn t seem to be as detailed as it should be. doesn t represent a lot of women s thinking and rights in terms of where they stand on
abortion. it s simply inaccurate. roughly 10% of the population, only 10% believe that abortion should be available to anyone at any time. about 90% are in in different degrees opposed to abortion. if you talk about it in terms of reproductive rights, that s misleading. if you talk about it in terms of women s health, that s misleading because that does not describe the issue. what planned parenthood is trying to do is it s trying to message it i can t blame them for doing it because as you referenced, i ve done it as well. but on this issue when it is a life and death issue, when it is a personal values issue, overwhelmingly the public in general and women in particular are saying get this out of partisan politics. get this out of this horrific divide that this country has right now and let people decide and let states decide. sure. just lumping it under women s health, no different than a
tooth exam cleaning. regular old checkup. thank you. pleasure. up next, he was one of three marines killed in cold blood by one of our afghan allies. that killer only got a slap on the wrist. that hero s father is here and he says he has been betrayed. and then imagine driving down the highway and this comes flying at you. how this blade came inches from the passenger s face. oh, my.
we now have some medical headlines for you on this thursday. ebola fears growing because two american peace corps workers may have been exposed to the virus. they are now in quarantine. dr. mark siegle says we shouldn t worry about it spreading here to the united states. the reason physicians and health care workers are getting it over there is they re not fully protected against the virus. they re not using the same infectious control precautions we do. i don t want any panic spreading here. good advice. now to that flesh eating bacteria being found in florida, health officials are now telling people don t eat raw oysters. the bacteria, which has already claimed one life, thrives in warm salt water and also make its way into your body if you ve got a cut or a scrape that is exposed to the water. be careful. brian, over to you. it was 2012, lance corporal
greg buckley, junior, had just celebrated his 21st birthday in afghanistan. he was set to come home on a surprise visit to drink his first legal beer with his dad. but he never got that beer and he never got home. he was one of the three marines killed in cold blood by one of our afghan so-called allies. a police officer who he had recently joined for dinner. he went over there. he did what he was asked to do and the people he was training and helping over there, they turned on him. they turned on him and he told me weeks ago, dad, they re shady. i don t want to be here. wow. two years later his son s killer gets off with a slap on the wrist. he is charged as a minor. joining us right now, greg buckley, senior. unbelievable. we saw the raw emotion moments ago how you felt then. how does that compare to how you feel now, that he was tried in
afghanistan as a minor and you didn t even know they told you in the aftermath. he gets 7 1/2 years! outrageous. outrageous our government would do this to my family and the other gold star families. right. you were told they were going to be handled. step back. afghan law will prosecute him. they claim to do do a bone scan, find out he s 17, so he gets 7 1/2 years. if your son shot one of those guy, he goes to leavenworth for life. exactly. so you wrote a letter to the marines and it says this you say this, you never came clean about their son s murder, was never serious about investigating the incident. you issued a calculated press statement about the verdict before notifying the families to get out in front of the story with this own self-serving account last friday afternoon to minimize the attention and prevent the family from responding publicly. they made do you this in the aftermath. you would have went over there. yes. i wanted to go over there. i was willing to pay my own way to go to afghanistan for the
trial. but they never informed us when the trial was taking place until after the trial was over with. we should just know, you, your son and staff sergeant scott dickerson, corporal richard rivera were gunned down at a forward operating base while they worked out. what did this clown say after he did it? just went around screaming he just committed jihad. just committed jihad. yep. marines are known as the utter definition of loyalty and brotherhood. how do you feel they treated you and the families? disrespectful. they should have came to us. they should have told us what they were doing. my family has been after them every day asking for questions and they keep on stonewalling us every time we ask something. right. if you had a chance to be in an american courtroom and we have victim impact statements, what would be something you would have made clear at his trial had
you been given the opportunity? just to be as clear that he was proud to be a marine. it s just heart wrenching that the government would treat us the way they are right now. we want him back here. we want to have him tried and have him convicted here. it s not seven years. seven years doesn t compare. you re talking two and a quarter years for each marine he murdered, executed really. and they keep on calling it murder. my son was shot five times. four in his chest and one in his neck. he had a pair of shorts on and a tank top working out in the gym. waiting to come home. he only had two days left and then he was going to be home. training that guy to protect his home so he went there to train them and his reward is to get shot and your family s reward is to not even be informed and essentially stew in your own juice. not our problem. the trial took place without us knowing anything about it and the day before he told us we ll
notify you as soon as the trial starts. the trial started the following day. prosecuted him that day and that was it. they gave him seven years. he ll be out in four years cause he already served two. but i ll never have my son back again. where do you go from here? i don t know. just trying to find the right answers. just looking for help. just want somebody to help me out and help my family out. we will absolutely help you. we have your biggest military audience watching right now out there. we have a marine sitting in mexico for some reason. doesn t seem to be an urgency to get him out. trying to get him out. now we have this situation where no one cares about your son s legacy, nor his other officers who lost their lives that day. we ll keep pushing and if the marines are the people we know they are, they will step up and realize their mistake and reach out. that s what we re asking for. just to help out. thanks. steve, tell us what s next. thank you very much.
meanwhile, coming up, a mother arrested for letting her 7-year-old son walk to the park by himself. she was arrested for that. now she s facing five years behind bars. is that fair? that mother sharing her side of the story coming up on fox & friends. then before he was on air, john stossel was a stutterer. he fixed it and says the method that he used can be applied to all of your problems. jñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?
all right. it is now 27 minutes before the top of the hour. john stossel is going to be with us in just a moment. he s got a topic that is going to really something you haven t thought about. sharp experimenting.
meanwhile, heather nauert is going to join us now with some other headlines. we have heard so many stories about children being left in hot cars. listen to what happened to one good samaritan. this good samaritan is now in a wheelchair after a run-in with a crazed mother. she and her boyfriend noticed a young boy left alone in a hot car in a colorado parking lot, so they called police. the right thing to do, of course. but listen to this. the boy s mother showed up fuming. 27-year-old christina attacked that couple before she got in her car and then ran them down. dominguez now has to use a wheelchair and may never be able to walk again, but she says it was all worth it. it scares the heck out of me that some innocent child might die. if it means helping a child, i would do it in a heartbeat. she certainly did. the mother faces several charges, including hit and run florida faces abuse. five years in prison for letting
her 7-year-old son walk to the park alone. nicole gainey says it was in broad daylight and her son did have a cell phone on him when he made the ten minute walk from his house to the park. officers say that he wasn t safe because several sex offenders live in the nearby area. the mother joined us earlier on the show and she says the police hurt more than they helped. they had me in handcuffs and they told him after they took him out of the cop car to go straight to his room. and as he was walking into the home, he was like mommy, i m sorry i wanted to go to the park. he was absolutely upset and scared and thought this was his fault. there are no laws at the state level stopping children from walking to the park alone. do you pay your cell phone bill every single month without taking a really good look at all the charges on it? a senate committee says you must look closer because you might be the victim of cramming. those are unauthorized fees that are added to your bill from small companies like services
with celebrity gossip and ring tones. your phone providers collect those fees and then keep part of that revenue and it adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars each year for them. take a very good look at your bill. talk about a close encounter, couple driving down a massachusetts highway when an ax flies out of a landscaping truck and smashes into their windshield. it stopped inches from this woman s face. it was right at eye level with this woman. so if this ax had penetrated through and hit her, she would have been injured or killed. police talking about that one. the driver of the truck says he accidentally forgot to secure the tool. he got a ticket for $200. those are your headlines. it was that close. thank you very much. john stossel says he and his family have ailments just like every other family. so how do they find solutions? take a look at this. we stossels have problem, back pain, stuttering.
but like many, we get help through experiment and tedious treatment. which experiments work? we just have to try things. let us experiment. tonight s show, john stossel joins us now. you say you ve got problems. everybody has problems. which experiments are worth checking out? i can t judge for somebody else, but for my back pain, which i had for lots of years, i had to try lots of things and then this weird doctor says it s all in your head cures me and howard stern and imus and greg gutfeld filled. all the same way? all the same way. your back pain was in your head? i said how come everybody got back pain when ulcers got cured? he said psychological. he talked us through it. speaking of talk, you have chosen an unusual line of work to be in considering you were once upon a time a stutterer. i am a stutterer.
stutterers. finally i found one called the hounds communication reconstruction institute which helped. right. not just you. a model tried the exact same treatment and it worked. take a look. one of the potential one of the potential difficulties just a few years later, she was a regular on a tv game show where she spoke flutely. this one guy invited me on this trip. it was supposed to be so romantic. then he brings along his mother. fire went to the same clinic i went to where they reteach us how to speak. it s really boring cause they slow us down much more slow than that. it works. three weeks i was motivated to practice. it s been successful. i still practice. that made you happy. unlike the time you took some drugs to be happy? well, on the show i try
another experiment, oxy toesen, supposed to be the happiness hormone. we ll see if it worked. take a look at this. three, four, five, deep breath. what s going on here? he s experimenting on me, giving me a drug that s supposed to make me happy. you re going to feel more relaxed. scientists say you get a similar effect getting a hug. we ll try an experiment. your show is all about experiments. we show the hugs and the drugs. it s worth the experimenting and all the tries. and america is an experiment. george washington said, i don t think this democracy is likely to last 20 years. too many people don t take chance. when you take chance, you find something new. you can find you 9:00 p.m. tonight. fox business. thank you. today is the day when all of our summer interns bid us adieu and we do that with brian and bret. a quick message for bret and everybody else out there, if you see elmo, it s a different elmo on 42nd street.
they smell and they want ten bucks for a hug. so keep that in mind. bret klein is one of our great interns. you re going to go finish up at villanova. you had a choice between weather and sports. maria molina and myself. and you have chosen? sports. you are a very wise man. step to the mark, read sports, cue the music and start talking. vienna williams back on the court for the first time after getting sick at wimbledon. i mean, this really is just can t go on like this. at the bank of the west tournament in california, serena making a comeback in style and winning in two sets. now retiring a yankee, derek jeter getting presidential sendoff in texas. george w. bush honoring the captain in arlington by surprising him with a special presentation on the field. president bush gave jeter a signed photo taken the night bush threw out the first pitch after september 11. the president recalling jeter s advice back then, quote, don t
bounce it. they ll boo you. one fan getting a beer shower after a homerun lands right in her drink. it happened at the san francisco giants game against the pittsburgh pirates. with beer prices at ballparks expensive, that s one expensive homerun. good job! finishing up on the cheer. good job. thank you very much. your goal is? journalism at villanova. try to get some partying in. i will. it s not just about school. that s true. good job. thank you very much. hop on the train. , just like that. meanwhile straight ahead, are debt collectors like this calling your house in the middle of dinner. if you refuse to answer the door, i guarantee you, i will wake up every neighbor in your neighbor [ bleep ] building. is that lois lerner? there is a good way to get rid of those bill collectors good. a vote today to block the
president from giving amnesty to illegals that have grown up in the united states. but is that enough to keep our border secure? congressman mike mccaul joins us live.
welcome back. in just a few hours, the house set to vote on a border bill that will rein in the president s power to give illegal immigrants amnesty. does the bill go far enough to address the border crisis? joining us is the chairman of the house homeland security committee, congressman michael mccaull. good morning. good morning. tomorrow everyone set to take recess there. do you believe that this will actually get accomplished? everyone is going to leave with something signed, sealed and delivered? the house is going to do its job. this is a crisis that demands
action and leadership. we will provide that today. in several ways, one a message of deterrence. we re going to change the 2008 trafficking law which basically says that if you come into the united states from central america, you ll be treated just like we treat the mexicans with a very swift removal from the united states back to your country of origin back home in a humane way. secondly, deploying the national guard. the governor of my state has already activated the national guard. but it s the federal government s responsibility under the constitution to pick up the tab for that. so we will be deploying the national guard all throughout the southwest border as a border security measure. i think those two things the 2008 tweak is important because that will stop the flow coming into the country. once we send them back, they will stop coming in. sure. 2012, the president has this dream act, if you got brought here by your parents as a young child, you can stay. you won t be deported.
2008, trafficking was misinterpreted. now the senate has their own version. it has 2.7 billion in it. yours has 650 million in it. you re going to do your thing and amend those laws. but we re wondering here as americans, what s going to get done? what is harry reid going to do with that? well, i hope for once in washington we can be responsible and lead in a time of crisis. and solve problems. that s what we re doing as house republicans on our side. the money is appropriate go toward detention and removal and repatriation back to their countries. no new money. it all comes out of the fema disaster relief fund. you mentioned the 2012 executive action that in my judgment circumvented the congress. we re going to rein that one in as well with the vote on the floor. rein that in so that this president can no longer do that. the surge really started in 2012 when this executive action was put into place. exactly.
it was about two hours ago we had the governor of the great state of indiana, mike pence on this program. he was talking about how he discovered through the news that hundreds of these illegals were being dumped in his state. the government didn t tell him. it was the news media. here he is. listen to this. we have obligations, as you mentioned. it s about back to school time in indiana, but there is also potentially health, other welfare issues that we need to be prepared to deal with. i mean, it s completely unacceptable that we read about this in the newspaper. ferrying people around the country and not informing state governments and local officials about their placement or long-term placement with private individuals or with institutions is not the answer. why is it, chairman, the federal government isn t telling state governors who are going to be on the hook for school and welfare and food and stuff like that that they re sending these kids there? i think it s totally irresponsible. i ve had this conversation with
the secretary of homeland security. why aren t you telling us where you re putting these children because the governors need to know. the county officials need to know. this will impact every member s district across the nation and i think to mike pence s point, under state laws, we are required to educate the children. in these cases, the children i ve seen, quite frankly, their native dialect is an indian dialect. it s not even spanish of the they would be put into a special ed type class. you re going to need translators. this is why we need to stop the flow. that s why our bill i think is the answer to stopping this crisis and stopping the flow of these kids coming into the united states. all right. it s going to pass in the house. let s see what happens in the senate. clock is ticking. thank you very much for joining us live from dc. thank you. thanks for having me. coming up straight ahead. tired of debt collectors calling your house in the middle of dinner? i am. if you refuse to answer the door tomorrow, i guarantee you i
will wake up every neighbor in your entire [ bleep ] building! oh, boy. how to get rid of them for good, coming up next. first we re going to check in with bill hemmer for what s coming up at the top of the hour. we can t get rid of him. i m still around. stop calling steve. that wasn t martha mccallum. no, she s much too sweet for that. come on. breaking news on the war in the middle east. are we closer to a cease fire today? we ll talk to an israeli ambassador about that. what did the web site for obamacare cost? this number will blow you away. stuart varney on jobs, why that number goes higher a moment ago and how conservative groups look at these newly found lois lerner e-mails. you re about to find out. see you in ten minutes.
according to a new study, more than 77 million americans have debts and unpaid bills that have been turned over to collection agencies. and where there are collection agencies, there are debt collectors making phone calls to your house, sometimes actually they re never friendly usually. i have to let you know i am call to go collect a debt. any information used. if you refuse to open the door tomorrow, i guarantee you i will wake up every neighbor in your entire [ bleep ] building. so those are some of the bad ones. how far can they go when it comes to tracking you down? here is peter johnson, jr. we re going to wake up every neighbor in your building! let s go to the question. here is the first question, peter johnson, jr. can a debt collector call my residence any time of the day or night? in their world, yes. in your world, no. it s against the law. only between 8:00 a.m. and 9 p.m send them a letter right away saying i don t want to pay this debt. i am disputing this debt.
they can t call you thereafter. do it quickly. the next one, can they call me at work? answer is no. they can not call you at work. they can call you once in terms of determining whether that s your actual location and get information from them. again, write them, i do not allow calls at work. my employer does not allow calls at work. do not call my work. speaking of work, can they garnish my wages? very important issue. they can only garnish your wages after a hearing, after a judgment has been entered, after you appear in court or if you don t appear in court, they will absolutely garnish your wages. they will take wages and your employer will be directed by law to take it out of your weekly or biweekly paycheck. so be careful on that issue. finally, the collectors make it sound pretty scary. can you go to jail over a debt? you can not go to jail over a debt in the united states of america. you used to be able to go to jail for a debt.
i m not talking about a family law debt. i m not talking about a support debt. i m talking about a consumer debt. so when they call you up and say, you can go to jail, you can be arrested, they re violating the law. they re subject to a lawsuit. they re subject to paying you if you win such a lawsuit. before you go, how we stop them from calling? tomorrow, first of all, a letter within 30 days. repeated letters, letters to your credit bureau saying i don t want to pay this debt because i don t owe this particular debt. obviously if you owe the debt, you got to pay it or over time. tomorrow we re going to talk about ways to fight back and get out of problems with debt collectors and get out of debt in a smart, legal way. all right. great advice. peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. we got one for the road coming up when we continue rolling on live from new york city.
yesterday my daughter,
sally, turned 21, and my wife and i took her to cavern on the green for her first dream. she says it was her first drink. she couldn t finish it. happy birthday, sally. the good morning, everybody, the war in the middle east going to new level. israel calling up reinforcement. 16,000 more troops and vowing to keep shelling gaza until the mission is complete. that mission to shut down hamas tunnels. i m bill hemmer, welcome to america s newsroom. patti ann. welcome back to you. great to be here. i m patti ann browne in for martha maccallum. israel storming homes in gaza trying to find those tunnels. [gunfire] bill: that is fierce street-to-street fighting in gaza city. israel facing increased backlash over the rising civilian death toll. accusation it is hit a u.n. schoolnd

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140513 10:00:00

chaplain for? talk to the counselors. thanks to everyone who responded. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it s tuesday, may 13. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the white house told him to lie. that s the claim in timothy geithner s new memoir but now the former treasury secretary doesn t believe his own book. we re going to dissect the web of lies straight ahead. and he was the iconic voice of the america s top 40, but this morning. casey kasem isç nowhere to be found. the frantic search for the ailing radio star intensifies on this tuesday. where is casey? and no love in this elevator. beyonce s sister kicking and throw hay makers at rapper jay-z.
what caused her to flip out on the hip-hop mogul. i don t know, but i d like to. mornings are better with friends. watch this. hi. this is brookland decker and you are watching fox & friends. she went on from that voiceover to marry andy roddick and lived happily ever after. i wonder if theç connection from toba the audio guy who picks those is the video of beyonce s sister trying it deck her. deck him. we ve got to find out what happens. there is an explosive story caught on tape shows you there s cameras absolutely everywhere. we re on camera right now. good morning. let s talk about timothy geithner s book, the latest former obama acolyte says i m out, don t call me anymore because i m writing a book.
he recalls that the white house wanted him to lie, mislead the public before he went on the that sound familiar? to discuss actually social security. so look at this. he s talking about dan pfeiffer s urging him to present the issue that it wasn t the reason for the deficit. he says, quote, i remember during one roosevelt room press session before i appeared on the sunday shows, i objected when dan pfeiffer wanted me to say social security didn t contribute to the deficit. it wasn t a main driver of our future deficits but it did contribute. pfeiffer says the law was a dog whistle to the left, a phrase i never heard before. he had to explain that phrase was code for the democratic base signaling that we intended to protect social security. oh man, this is big. a member of the administration admitting in their memoir that comes out today thatç the white house told them to go out and lie. as soon as this headline hit the fan, a close source to timothy geithner says timothy does not believe he
was encouraged to go out and mislead the public. really? so you re not supposed to believe the things that he wrote in his book. and quoted. look, he wrote the book. he remembered it so well, he threw in the stuff about the dog whip. anyone who has written the book understands there are many rounds of edits. you look at that a few times before it hits the press. weç watched timothy geithner through the most harrowing times in modern economic history trying to explain himself, his moves and some of the things he had nothing to do with and some of his exact policies. you have to wonder, he s one guy you could always look at and i think to myself someone has him scared to death, even when we were over the crisis, he gives that demeanor of someone who is scary. he s not a politician. right but he always looked like something terrible is about to happen. when it was said i need you
to show emotion, he was not comfortable. here is what he quoted in his book. she handed me the text and i skimmed the outrage i was expected to express. i m not very convincing as an angry populist. i m not doingç this i said. instead i sat uncomfortably next to the president while he expressed outrage. what was he talking about? expressing outrage that a lot of officers were getting bonuses in a time of crisis. he said america was furious about the overpaid bankers. stephanie cutter wanted us to show we were on the backside of the backlash but they had no legal authority to confiscate the bonuses paid during the boom. knowing the truth, yet pausing and saying i can t deliver this sort of upset. do you it, buddy. let us review what weç have learned today. tim geithner has written a book. what he has revealed is the white house told him to tell a lie when he went out
on the sunday morning chat shows. that sounds exactly what we learned about two and a half weeks ago that susan rice was told to go out there and spread that lie. the administration knew it wasn t a there and say it was a video even though we knew it was an act of terror. charles krauthammer, a doctor, says this administration has a problem. they lie too much. this white house has an arm s length relationship with the truth. you could argue that all administrations do. but here you get the idea that it s less than arm s length. it is actually a clearly manipulative relationship¿ with the truth that it is to be used or abused or inverted in order to, quote, send a message, to send a dog signal. everybody knows that social security is in deficit. the treasury makes it up. and, therefore, it contributes to the deficit. geithner knows that, and, therefore, he wasn t prepared to say an outright
lie, an obvious arithmetic lie. timothy geithner comes out and writes his book and now before the book is out 24 hours he is denying what s in it. we haven t gotten to theç point where glenn hubbard, a key romney economic advisor, told him he planned on raising taxes once he got into offices. he said of course i m going to raise taxes. glenn hubbard came back and says i never said that. again, these are quotes. he didn t say i talked to him and then he gave us a paraphrase. he s quoting himself exactly. americans deserve the truth. and ultimately we were promised transparency from the president. this is 2008. i have a track record of transparency. i ll make our government open and transparent. we ll do it in a transparent way. i want transparency. i want accountability. so that the american people can be involved in their own government. let me say it as simply as i can.
transparency and the rule of law will be theç touchstones of this presidency. this is the most transparent administration in history. really? that s great to hear him say. unfortunately the facts don t seem to support that, mr. president. let s just take a look at a number of this administration s officials who have misled the public. we start with, of course, susan rice. she appeared on those sunday shows where she said that it was a video even though the administration knew that it was terrorism. hillary clinton as secretary of state referenced the video as the cause behind the benghazi attack. and we know that she spoke to the president at 10:00 that night. james clapper claimed there was noç program to collect information on american citizens; again something that we found out differently there. then the attorney general right here, we have this surveillance, the claim by the republicans. he said he knew nothing about it. the potential prosecution of the press. he didn t know. eric holder. then of course we have the president of the united states saying if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
then later said i probably shouldn t have said that. it s hard to know what s going on. instead of a dog whistle just say things. say i want to tell the democratic base we are not going to touch social security. you don t need a dog whistle. just say that is what we re going to do. experts say of all the entitlements social security is the easiest to fix. we don t fix anything. we don t take care of entitlements and we certainly don t take care of social security. perhaps theyç have a different definition of transparency. you look at all this stuff, i think to this administration the truth is not important. getting reelected was. however, going forward, if i was like bob schieffer or chris wallace and ran a sunday morning talk show, i think i would want to have a lie detector on everybody who sat on the show from this administration. you should be personally offended if someone lies to you? as americans, we expect the truth from our government; right? shocking. if someone told you they remember told to lie and denies they wrote in the
book, i don t know where to start with that. that s why i m turning over to heatherç nauert. she tells the truth. good morning, guys. serious news out of west virginia. it happened overnight. we start with a fox news alert. right now rescue teams are searching for two trapped miners after an underground coal mine collapses in west virginia. it is not clear what caused that collapse but we know the last safety review in twitter of in 2013 of the boone county mines had reports concerning the miners safety and health. families are at the mine at this hour awaiting more information. another fox news alert. brand-new evidence of another scandal at yet another v.a. hospital. this time in durham, north carolina. two workers there were just placed on leave for improperly manipulatinh the scheduling data. that s what they re calling it right now. this comes amid troubling allegations that a v.a. hospital in phoenix where 40 veterans died while they
remember waiting for similar treatments. another incident was reported last week in wyoming. this is not a game. this is life and death. this is dead real. and this is what we make a commitment to the people that defend us every day. there have been a lot of calls to the veterans administration secretary eric shinseki to step down but the white house continuing to stand by him. caught on camera, aç massive explosion blows the front off a house in new hampshire. this blast coming moments after a police officer was shot and killed while he responded to a domestic disturbance call at that house yesterday. police believe that the suspected gunman, 47-year-old michael nolan, may have been killed in that blast. nolan lived in that duplex with his father who was 86 years old. it is not known if he was home at that time. one other person was taken to the hospital with injuries. a bizarre story out of california. the radio legend casey
kasem is missing say his children. a judge is ordering an investigation into his disappearance and now appointing the 82-year-old daughter as his temporaryö conservator. my dad was snapped out of the facility. this is a part of a long running court battle between his children and their step mother. they re fighting over access to their father who suffers from advanced parkinson s and can apparently no longer speak. it is believed he might be at an indian reservation in washington state. those are your headlines. you read the tabloids, that is a story you read about a lot, the family problems there. that was heather nauert. let me tell you what s coming up straight ahead withç us. a mom taking care of her disabled son being forced to unionize, but she s fighting back. up next, the supreme court
decision that could change big labor as we know it. thousands of convicted criminals in this country illegally; now the obama administration is setting them free. why not? [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it s dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there s tons of info on our website. that s why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you re all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america s largest, most reliable 4glte network.
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so start your day off good with a coffee that s good cup after cup. maxwell house. good to the last drop a case before the u.s. supreme court could have an impact on every employee s union in the nation. pam harrison, illinois mother who cares for her disabled son at home, is fighting to stop the seiu union from squeezing money from her son s social security check. the supreme court must now decide whether forcing families like this one to unionize is legal. fox news contributor mallory factor, the new york times best-selling author and he s got a book out called shadow
about government employee union, joins us to weigh in on this. good morning to you. good morning. this is a troubling case because it is about two moms who were forced these are mothers not in unions but their children had disabilities and to take care of them and get federal money these mothers had to unionize. they said that is a load of crap and they sued the government. one of the moms i met, susie watts, she takes care of her daughter who is a quadriplegic. she s had over $5,000 automatically taken out of her medicaid payments by the unions. automatically taken out, and she s been told if she wants to get medicaid payments to help take care of her quadriplegic daughter, she has to pay the seiu, the old union that president obamaç was an organizer for. sure. why is this one of the biggest labor decisions in a long time? if the supreme court rules for the workers and tells the workers that they
don t have to pay a union to keep getting government payments, all of a sudden the unions are going to have to work to get people to join them. they re not going to be able to take the money out ought mat khreufplt one of the automatically. one of the things about this particular case where these home health care employees, essentially the mom, is an employee of the government, even though she child, is that it s not the union that dictates exactly how things happen. it s the disabled person. so that makes it different than the regular union situation. what they ve done is they ve come up with this fictional kind of company which pays the person, and it s a government company. and this is how they re able to unionize all these home health care workers. what the unions want to do, what the shadow bosses really want to do is they want to be able to unionize the 21 million health care workers that you re going
to have under obamacare, and that will be billions of dollars to the unions, a private organization. sure. the way you ve depicted it, it sounds like it was a dumb rule to start with, but it isúhhnging in the balance by one vote and extraordinarily the one vote is a conservative who normally you would think would not be for this. it appears. we don t know what goes on inside the supreme court, but justice scalia appears to be torn on this one because the fact is that he believes strongly in states rights and he wants to give the states the rights to make these decisions as opposed to have a broad decision. in this case a conservative justice may be the union s best friend. let s see what they do over there on capitol hill at the u.s. supremeç court. mallory factor, always a pleasure to be with you. thank you, sir. thanks for coming up from charles top. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, the devil tried making it to harvard but
got the boot instead. a big update on that satanic mass that was supposed to happen last night. it didn t. a football coach s life lessons captures the hearts of america in an oscar-winning movie. you think football builds character. it does not. football reveals character. not only did bill courtney build a team from nothing; he did the same with his business and now it s worth $45 million. he s going to share the secrets you need to know straightç ahead, live from new york city. [ female announcer ] with weight watchers, you can eat this,
this and this. whip up this. munch on that. and dine out on this. that s 7 days a week. no tracking. no counting. no measuring. and you ll start losing weight right away with our 2 week simple start plan. so jumpstart your summer and join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet.
son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. fueling the american spirit. can you hear it? no matter when, no matter where, marathon will take you there.
welcome back. time for quick headlines for you. the sudden death of a north carolina democratic candidate rocking the community there. keith crisco, a congressional candidate died after a fall inside his home. the 71-year-old had been locked up in a too close to call primary battle with former american idol star clay aiken. this is the biggest discovery since 1492. one exploreer he found christopher columbus s long lost ship the santa maria. the ship wrecked more than 500 years ago off the coast of haiti. brian was just talking about that. you re a prophet. meanwhile, leading a team to success on and off the football field is about more thanç x s and o s. you re down 20-0. you come back from that, now you re talking about something. 1:03 to go. you think football builds character. it does not.
he s going to throw it. he holds it. football reveals character. joining us is the man behind that oscar winning documentary undefeated author of the book called against the grain: a coach s wisdom on character, faith, family and love, bill courtney. how have you taken what you ve done on the footbpl field to a different school and how did it help you build your business? the 30,000 foot view is this. we can be inclusive and forward-thinking and open minded without abandoning the core principles that got us here in the first place, and those core principles that built that football team are the same principles that built my family and built my business. and you ve had success all around. let s break it down as best we can and people get the book and find out more. what do you think of hard work? i think we have developed this entitlement mentality in a lot of different places and not just in the entitlement
among those disadvantaged among us, but there s an entitlement among the wealthy, an entitlement among the affluent. this entitlement that these kids learn strips them ofç the dignity they get from a hard day s labor. if you don t have money, it s somebody s fault. if you have a lot of money, i don t need to do that? i think they re equally disturbing because of the lesson it teaches our kids and because it takes away the dignity you get from looking in the mirror at the end of the day and saying i earned that. we ve got to get back to teaching the importance of that dignity in our lives. take pride in what you do. search for civility. it s easy to have civility when you re up 20-0 or about to win a championship. when you reç down, how does that confer? how we treat those we opposed says more about us than even our own opinions do. we have to search for a civil attitude so that we can find commonality and
come together. frankly, business, sports, society, family but that may be the best for the folks in d.c. you also that s absolutely true, the nation s capital. you say grace appears in a forgiving heart. what do you mean by that? i mean that so much of what keeps us back can be our own anger, our own desire to get back at someone that wronged us. there s difference in a pardon and forgiveness. everybody has to answer for what they ve done. but forgiveness is bestç for the forgiveer because you re allowed to get rid of all that angry feeling you have toward another person. we have to get back to being civil and being forgiving so we can move on and find commonality. because if you hold that grudge, you re wasting your time. you re wasting your energy. it s hurting you worse than the person you re not forgiving. we just scratched the
surface of some of the wisdom that led you to a very lucrative career. thanks so much for coming in today. great to see you. thanks. good to see you. straight ahead on this show, no loveç in this elevator. what caused beyonce s sister to flip out on the hip-hop mogul? we got that story. the i.r.s. says they need more money for taxpayers. maybe it s because they just spent $100 million on new furniture. stuart varney fuming about this one. sure he has $100 million in his office but he s doing varney. first happy birthday to darius rucker. he used to have blow fish with him. now he turns 48 all alone. what does that first spoonful taste like?
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welcome back. it s your shot of the morning. haagen-dazs is setting up shop on our plaza in honor of free cone day. my favorite day of the year. and of course with an inside scoop, maria molina. good morning, steve, elisabeth and brian. happy tuesday here. it is free cone today. joining me this morning is rob shell, you are director of franchise for haagen-dazs. thanks so much for joining us this morning. why is today free cone day? we do free cone day as kind of a give back to our customers. we do it every year on the second tuesday in may.
you are debuting two new flavors? two new gelato flavors at haagen-dazs shops. theç carmelized banana chip and tiaramasu. i can give a preview of what it tastes like. this is tiaramusu. very, very good. the other flavor? carmelized banana chip. this is what it looks like, everybody. very good. what times can people go to the stores? today from 4:00 p.m.ç to 8:00 p.m. at over 170 participating stories in 27 different states. lastly, 200,000 cones were given away and you re trying to break that record. this year we re
determined to break it. come on by any haagen-dazs shop. find your nearest location at our hag again dozen facebook page. search under the locator or let s look at the weather conditions across the country because if you live across the southeastern united states you will want to get a scoop of ice cream. we do have very warm temperatures ahead of a cold front. right now it is producing areas of rain anywhere from texas up into the state of illinois. there even is a flooding concern especially acroác parts of texas where many areas could be seeing over six inches of rain. we have a number of flood watches in effect across parts of the southern plains. tomorrow severe weather possible from mississippi up into parts of ohio. large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes possible. take a look at the highs today. we mentioned it is going to be warm across the southeast united states. in raleigh, north carolina, your high today 93 degrees. it is going to be a toasty
one. get some ice cream. behind that front on the cool side. maria on the streets. maria, we ll take threeç tiramasu to go. if i leave you any. from the scoops out on the streets of new york city to the scoop of the news. good morning. we re talking about the phers mers virus. hundreds of people in the united states could be at risk after a second case of the deadly mers virus is discovered here. a man in florida is being treated for the deadly illness. this case and one coming out of indiana are believed to be connected to saudi arabia. doctors say neither case is severe but they are warning an estimated 500 people who were on flights with two of those patients to be on the lookout for them.ç murderers, sex
offenders set free while waiting to be deported. the center for immigration studies looked at this and say the convicts were released last year and it slams the obama administration for freeing thousands of convicted criminals, some who were waiting the outcome of their cases. the immigration group says more than 36,000 convicted criminal aliens were turned loose in 2013. yesterday we told but this story and here s an update for you. good wins over evil on the campus of harvard university. a student group planned satanic mass was canceled followingç outrage from religious and educational leaders. members from the cultural studies club claimed they wanted to move the mass but couldn t find a new location. christian students say they re glad it was called off and still can t believe the college would allow this in the first place. listen. i m just ashamed that in an environment that s otherwise committed to intellectual freedom but also to civility would be
allowing such a hateful event to happen. the group claims that the mass was a historic reenactment and that it was meant to be educational. okay. beyonce and jay z all smiles sitting court side tenets game last night at the nets game last night hours after video wasç released showing solange attacking jay z in an he elevator. you can see her as she punches and kicks jay z as a bodyguard tries to hold her back from him. at the end of the clip beyonce pulls her away. this went on for three and a half minutes. the celebrities haven t spoken out yet but the standard hotel where this happened blasted the person who released this video saying they re shocked and disappointed. it is a clear breach of our security system. there were a lot of fists flying in that elevator. somebody very upset about something. stuart, can you tell us what happened with thatç
video? no, i cannot. fine. thanks for coming by. let s talk about this. there is another nightmare at the i.r.s. a new report shows the aiming is i spent nearly $100 million on office furniture over the last five years. the i.r.s. is asking for even more of your money for its budget next year. stuart varney, what do you think about that and how is that possible they can be asking for more money by throwing it out on furniture. $100 million for office furniture since 2010 does sound a little obsessive. everybody s already got chairs. maybe taxpayers are a little hard on the furniture when they go to the eurps i.r.s. office but it is more thanç was spent on furniture during the entire eight years of the bush administration. this is another black eye for the i.r.s. this is an agency which gave $2.8 million in bonuses to people who have not paid their own taxes. this is the agency where
lois lerner is in contempt of congress. this is an agency that wants another $1 billion to police obamacare. this is the agency which brought in an extra $132 billion, the latest seven months of this year, $1.2 become is what they want extra. theç lack of funding has made it difficult to provide the service taxpayers deserve, a quote. government is not efficient. government does not work efficiently. bureaucrats create bureaucracies which work very inefficiently and spend money. they have a voracious appetite for money and spend it on things like $100 million for office furniture. jack lew said they need $100 million to crack down on conservatives. he didn t say that. i m adding.
right now the federal government hats seen so much money come in, they ve got more money than they know what to do with. actually they ll spend it. nobody is talking about that. in the lastç seven months the i.r.s. brought in an extra $132 billion compared to last year. the taxpayer clearly doing their part to get that deficit down. the i.r.s. spending it on stuff like $100 million worth of furniture. there is a link between the two. that is not responsible. certainly why in that harvard poll you saw young people saying they lost faith in government agencies. stuart varney we will be watching you at 11 a.m. probably more on this? i shall check on that. thanks for being with us. still ahead a texas gun dealer under fire for this sign, but he s got a messagehfor his critics and that s coming up next. our military considering the first chaplain who doesn t believe in religion or god. do we really need someone to represent atheists? judge napolitano surely is
on deck with that.
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we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. we have got some quick tuesday morning headlines for you right now. caught on camera, a thief in california steals a veterans u.s. army flag from the front of his house. douglas dahl served net vietnam war and desert storm. he says he s hurt and wants the flag back. texas gun dualer under fire dealer under fire for this sign that says i like myç guns like obama
likes his voters undocumented. he then said it was a joke. he put the sign up supporting the texas gun policy that does not require firearm registration. elisabeth, over to you. an atheist group is demanding an atheist chaplain in the military. they claim as more atheists ep list they enlist they need somewhere to go for support. is the d.o.d. being politically correct? fox news judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano on that. this isn t the first time this has come down. i think it qç 3.6% of those in the military identify themselves as being atheist. how will this play out? i m not surprised that people are asking for this, but it is surprising that the mr. dodd: is that the
department of defense is considering this. they have more things to do than to figure out how to provide a chaplain for an atheist. a chaplain is provided for major and minor religions for people who believe in god and who need religious services because their heart and morality tells them so or the religion to which they belong requires it. atheism isç not a religion. it doesn t fit within any of the definitions for federal statutes or for circumstances under which the federal government has to provide this. this is political correctness gone crazy. this is about the 14th amendment then. how does that play in? the atheist group argued a clause in the amendment called the equal protection clause which says the government has to treat similar people in a similar way somehow forces the defense department to provide chaplains for atheists. the 14th amendment regulates states, not the federal government.
and the part of the constitution that talks about rights the federal government has to recognize has exceptions in there for the military. understanding, as the framers did, that when you join the military, youç give up certain rights. we ve seen those reins loosened. is this a trend? we ve seen the reins loosened. there are circumstances under which you can have beards. there are circumstances under which you can have long hair. there are circumstances under which you can have tattoos. but the concept of a chaplain for an atheist, if someone needs counsels, it s there. if someone needs a support group, it s there. i don t know what this chaplain would preach since atheists don t believe in god. is this an attempt to remove a chaplain of a religious group that is larger? i think it isç an attempt to make the military seem more soft and cushy. i think in ten years we ll be laughing at this.
right now it is just under 4% of those that identify as such. if that grows indeed, will they be forced in a way to have a chaplain? no. the congress would have to change the laws in order for the atheists in the military to force the military to provide them with chaplains. this meeting today is not going to put forth this meeting today is really an effort by the brass of the military, the civilian brass of the military, secretary hagel and his people, to keep the lid on complaints. i don t think theç complaints are loud and i don t think they re going to come long and i don t even think they re serious but i think he wants to nip them in the bud by talking to these people. it doesn t hurt to talk but it would be absurd to have the federal government spend money to have people preach about atheism. interesting perspective. coming up, meet the mayor, brian says.
who says this? take your godless ceremony elsewhere. forget everything you ve heard about fatty foods.ç they re actually good for you. the delicious details going to change your life forever coming your way.
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forget everything you heard about fatty foods. can butter, cheese and heavy meats actually be good for you? our next guest says yes and that s why she s here. that s right. she spent near low decades studying the positive effects of
fatty foods and details it in the big fat surprise. she joins us now with such great news. so please explain, this is great. we have some comparisons here. why is that good for you? we keep hearing it s not. we ve been living for 50 years with the low fat diet and the problem is that when you reduce fat, you increase carbohydrates. we eat 25% more than we did in the early 1970s. your body needs fat to be healthy. and the main thing we ve been told is that saturated fats are bad for you, that saturated fats and meat and butter and cheese are bad for you. but that all goes back to one scientist in the 1950s who thought fats caused heart disease one scientist? it was one scientist. in the face of the nation s fear of heart disease, he came up with the idea that it was saturated fats that caused heart disease. he got that idea implanted into
the american heart association and the rest is history. let s fast forward to today. as people think about what they should eat, should they have the bagel or bacon and eggs? according to the conventional wisdom, you don t want all the cholesterol and fat in the eggs and bacon. right. so this idea became so ingrained that we just feel like it s common sense. how could that possibly be good for you? and the reality is that that contains saturated fat, yes. but the evidence against saturated fat has really dissipated, disappeared, and it is no longer so we choose the egg? you choose the egg. and the bacon? over the bagel? over the bagel, which is empty carbohydrates. brian will kick the bagel out. here you go. you can give it away. what about at lunchtime? if you had the choice between a green salad or egg salad, conventional wisdom says go with the green salad. but you should go with the egg salad even though it s high in cholesterol, the cholesterol in egg does not translate into cholesterol in your blood.
that has been known since the 1970s. so it s good for you without the bad effects that everybody thinks it has? it s good for you. eggs also contain a loft nutrients lot of nutrients. so eggs are really nutrient dense and really good food. a lot of people eat the egg white. all the nutrients are in the yoke. they re missing it. the questions are getting hard. carrots, pita versus heavy meats and cheese. this is the most counter enduretive. everyone would choose hummus. bread is high in carbs and carrots and pita. carbohydrates in your blood become glucose, which triggers insulin, which is the king of all hormones in storing fat. zero in that up with. will and also a lot of nutrients. right.
down here at this end we ve got butter and steak and sausage spatties versus the low fat yogurt. you say steak wins by a mile. steak and butter. steak is really rich in nutrients. it has good fats, the same is true of butter. what happens with low fat products is when you take the fat out, you have to put something in to replace all the texture they put sugar in. they re putting carbohydratessed based, almost always sugars. a serving of this is like having a snicker s bar worth of sugar. wow. is there a limit to the amount of fats? i m thinking what are the guideline when is having this type of fatty food? leave the butter. take the yogurt. is there a limit in a day? could you have all of this? you could have all of this in a day. the best, most rigorous scientific trials over the last decade show that a higher fat diet is healthier than a low fat diet in terms of your diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, hands down.
definitively that s been shown. should you be worried about cholesterol if you re not doing the low fat and suddenly you re eat ago lot of cholesterol? again, the cholesterol in food does not translate into cholesterol in your bloodstream. i like that. good news for everybody out there. so fatten up, america. we showed you how. we re getting a bunch of thank you tweets and e-mails. that s the good news. it s just that you don t have to feel guilty about eating those foods. thank you very much. real pleasure. thank you. coming up straight ahead. another day and another veteran affairs hospital called out for delaying health care to our nation s heros. where is the president on this one? didn t he promise to fix that problem? then just call this a royal hoax. who is this guy? we had a bunch of different dairies. one was an actor. one was an athlete and the other one was prince harry.
look at that. the single ladies all vying for prince harry s heart. but that s not really prince harry. who is he? that s straight ahead. we re feeding him a steak o clock. first timothy geithner s book and now this. et.splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you re trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz is an ra medicine that can enter cells and disrupt jak pathways, thought to play a role in the inflammation that comes with ra. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections andancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz.
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our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority. amazing! .is you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that s how you ll increase market share. any questions? can i get an a , steve? yes! three a s!
amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! good morning. it s tuesday, may 13. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. a race against the clock. at this hour, rescue crews are trying to reach coal miners trapped underground in west virginia. those breaking details straight ahead. and it s the iconic voice we all know. thank you and hello again, everybody. welcome to america s top ten. but this morning casey kasem is nowhere to be found. the latest in the search for the ailing radio star. and ladies, do you want to marry prince harry? who is this guy? we had a bunch of different theories. one was an actor, one was an
athlete. and the obvious one was that he s prince harry. it s a new dating show and that guy looks like prince harry. but it s not him. these single ladies are in for a royal surprise. oh, boy. that s going to be great because tuesday mornings, always better with friends. this is darius runninger and you re watching fox & friends. elisabeth, when you were playing football, darius rucker co-hosted the show. you remember that? i do remember. he wanted us to join the blowfish and go on the road with him and i said no, we re going to stay here. it was a good move for us to stick around. i think so. he also was a welcome voice on my first day. i love that. he welcomed you to the show. yes. listen, today as we welcome you to the 7:00 o clock eastern time hour of the fox & friends program, we got troubling news to tell you. it sounds like the white house, every chance they get, if they
need to, they lie to us. that guy right there, former secretary of the treasurer, tim geithner. says in a new memoir that comes out today that he essentially was told by the white house to go out there on tv on the sunday chat shows sounds familiar and lie. here is a quote, it says i remember one prep session before i appeared on the sunday shows. i objected when dan pheiffer, communications director, wanted me to say social security didn t contribute to the deficit. it wasn t a main driver of our future deficits. but it did contribute. pheiffer said the line was a dog whistle to the left. phrase i had never heard before. he had to explain what the phrase was. it was code to the democratic base signaling that we intended to protect social security. so there you got dan pheiffer saying okay, tim, go out there and lie on tv. right. a source close to geithner actually said he doesn t believe that he was encouraged to go out and mislead the public, even though he s writing about it in this book on multiple occasions.
going to 2009 that he indicates that stephanie cutter, a democratic strategist and in charge of communications messaging, he tells a story there of how she handed me the text and i skimmed the outrage i was supposed to express. i m not very convincing as an angry populous and i thought it would look ridiculous. i m not doing this, i said, and i sat uncomfortably next to the president while he expressed the outrage. there he s referring to americans being furious over the fact that bailouts were that was the president doing the fake outrage. the president said how outraged he was when ce oh,s were getting bonuses after the bailout. everybody is it s unbelievable, he wrote the book and is walking back the quotes in the book that one time he
accused mitt romney of saying we re going to raise taxes if elected and he said i never said that. the book has been out a day and everything that s interesting in it, he denies is in it, even though he wrote it. how unbelievable is that? steven hayes weighed in. every administration from every political party engages in spin, but the entire point of spin to a certain extent is to avoid saying something that is outright false. but we ve seen the administration say this, whether it s you can keep your plan, when the white house had studies show people wouldn t be able to keep your plan, whether it was the benghazi talking points saying the white house didn t have any substantive rule, or the obama administration political team didn t have any sub santel role. we know those things were not true and if geithner is right in the way he recall this is in his book, this would be add to do that list. absolutely. when tim geithner writes, i believe that he remembers it that way, the fact that a source close to geithner now is
spinning it and they re trying to parce the words, it reminds me of, well, that depends on what your definition of is is. i m surprised that jay carney yesterday, came out and said we didn t tell him to lie. i m surprised he didn t say dude, that s so six years ago. you remember everything because there is quotes around it. what difference does it make anyway? this is not the first book that s come out indicating there is a lack of transparency in this administration. bob gates book indicated the same thing with i believe wording when it came to an opaque administration, their control over messaging. he said in all the administrations he worked in, prior to nixon, he says it s the most controlled centralized messaging that he s administration he s ever been a part of. the editor of the new york times says the same thing. so when we see the geithner information on top of the ben rhodes e-mail that they tried to get susan rice and she willingly
went along and lied on sunday chat shows, it s disappointing. meanwhile, are they lying about what s going on at the v.a.? there is more trouble at the v.a., disarray at the v.a. two employees in durham, north carolina, have been placed on administrative leave because apparently they, too, falsified records between the years of 2009 and 2012. they re now audited. phantom appointments that didn t exist, possibly for the same thing, to get incentives, to act as if they re efficient when they re not and the actual veterans are paying the price by not getting care. and trying to look good at the front office here, they re making them wait months and months, possibly leading to the deaths of many. anything over 14 days is required to be put in writing. we re seeing all these falsified records there. when you see jay carney, though, really indicating that the president still has such confidence in general shinseki, who is at the head of the ship
here, it makes everyone sort of raise a brow. the president remains confident that secretary shinseki is focused on this matter and he s confident in secretary shinseki s ability to lead the department and take appropriate action based on the findings. okay. so we re going to have to wait til the i.g. comes out. it s a mess right now. we know that. they had two sets of books and it was just to make them all look good. i was looking in the arizona republic newspaper this morning. there is an item that says that in phoenix, i want to say he s 87 years old. 87-year-old vet who is alive to this day, he was waiting for the v.a. to call him back for his hospital appointment, so he called 911. the only reason he s alive is because the locals came and picked him up. the republican congressman from the great state of illinois, he s in the national guard. he was an iraq war vet. he is horrified by the way that the v.a. is treating our american heros.
this is not a game. this is life and death. this is dead real and this is what we make a commitment to the people that defend us every day. look, not only do people need to be suspended, not only do they need to be fired, we need to talk about who needs to end up in jail over this. that s real outrage there. that should be coming from the white house, should be coming from jay carney when our veteran s who risk their lives come back, only to die in some secret waiting list. no faux rage from convincinger there. we hope to see real solutions moving forward. we need whistle blowers to come forward and talk about what s really going on or else everyone seems to be covering their butts and hope their name doesn t get called. meanwhile, heather nauert, tell us what else is happening. good morning. big news out of west virginia. a lot of folks want to hear about it. fox news alert, right now there are rescue teams searching for at least two trapped miners after an underground coal mine
collapses in boon county, west virginia. at this hour, families gathered at the gate of the mining complex as they await information on the miners who work at the brody mine. it s not clear what caused the collapse just yet. the last safety review which took place in 2013 discovered about 250 violations concerning miners health and safety. this happening overnight about 10:30 p.m. eastern time. we ll keep you posted as we get new information in this morning. in the meantime, a rutgers university quarterback arrested and now facing up to 20 years in jail in connection to a brutal bar fight in minnesota. philip nelson has been charged with first degree assault for beaing a 20 yearly in critical condition. surveillance video shows kolstad hitting the quarterback in the back on certified. no word on saturday night. no word on what prommed that. his voice heard on the air for decades. thank you and hello again,
everybody. welcome to america s top ten. this morning, casey kasem s children say he s missing. a judge ordering an investigation into the radio legend s disappearance. he also appointed the 82-year-old s daughter as his temporary conservator. jean kasem moved my father to hide him from his family and friends. she referred to jean. that is the stepmother. there is a long-running court battle between his children and their stepmom. they re now fighting for access to their father who suffers from advanced parkinson s disease and can no longer speak. the children believe he may be at an indian reservation in washington state. this story is for us. you ever get tired of all the rants and tweets on twitter? there is a new feature that may fix that problem. there is a nitwitter mute button and allows users to silence their friends and others without unfollowing them. the people you know won t know
they re silenced. their tweets will vanish from your time line. you can unmute them at any time. those are your headlines. a great feature to have. especially if you do a morning show and people out there in tv land write something appropriate or inappropriate. inappropriate, you can get rid of. yeah. tweet us now if you think you deserve to be muted. did you just mute me? yes, i did. you kept it under 140 lip movements. it was you. here is what s coming up straight ahead. unmute steve. meet the democrat mayor from new jersey who told feds, take your godless ceremony elsewhere. why he refuses to remove prayer from a citizenship ceremony. he joins us live, coming up next. plus, bittersweet news for all of your chocolate and wine lovers out there. truth about the health benefits may be a little sugar coated. back to beer. something to whine about.
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citizenship shoney becoming a battle ground over religious freedom. the democratic mayor of new jersey pulling the plug on the federal naturalization function when the government told the city they couldn t allow an opening prayer at the event, even though it s been a town tradition since it was founded. that s right. the mayor joining us this morning. so this is actually a strong stand that you took here when you were asked six months ago. what happened? about six months ago, the federal government, immigration
naturalization services asked if we would host a swearing in ceremony and we were thrilled. this is a densely populated community, but a melting pot. we have a lot of new immigrants, always have. we thought it would be a nice opportunity to really host this swearing in and highlight the diversity in the town. sure. and things were going along great until? things were going fantastic. we had exchanged the agenda and the program. all of a sudden this past tuesday, we get a call and e-mail from immigration. they said you have to remove prayer and the moment of silence from the agenda. they said it cannot be part of any federal program. did you think we were joking? yeah, there was some communication back and forth. i said this doesn t make sense, especially in light of the recent supreme court ruling. we shot back, no, it s going to be part of it. they said it cannot be on the agenda and part of the program. i said take your ceremony somewhere else. and they did? and they did. carteret is a very diverse community. lots of brick and mortar
religions. we ve always respected one another and respected everyone s faith. and in the town square, you got a christmas tree. we do. there is a public menorah. we do a menorah lighting in front of city hall and a christmas tree lighting at our main park. you open ceremonies with a prayer. we certainly do. from our veterans day services, memorial day services, any public event, even our council meetings open up with a moment of silent prayer. so this is important to you. it s important to carteret. why? it s certainly important to our community because it s faith based community. it s infringement upon our first amendment rights to have a prayer. did you have any interaction with the immigrants, new immigrants? we did not. i m told from the feds there would have been a few from carteret. what was the general reaction? the reaction from the feds was that they would simply move the meeting if we wouldn t allow it to be hosted. the residents overwhelmingly support the idea of letting them go somewhere else. this is a god fearing community. so they moved it to the
federal building in newark, 20 miles or so away. wasn t int. it s clear what they missed. they didn t start with the prayer as you would have liked. why do you think they do this? we raised that and they took the position that even in light of the supreme court decision, that it doesn t apply to federal agencies. they said they don t want to offend anybody. i don t understand. if you didn t want to participate in the prayer, you can sit there quietly or stand quietly. i don t get that. the house of representatives opens with a chaplain reading a prayer. ironically, the oath that they take to become a citizen acknowledges god and they recite the pledge of allegiance. what about critics who say you lost out on an opportunity here? what do you say? that s find. we re happy to have them go somewhere else. thanks so much for joining us. thank you. good for you. 18 minutes after the hour. up next on this show, a marine back from afghanistan for two weeks to escort his little sister to the prom. the school says no way.
we ll tell you why. what? then he looks like prince harry, doesn t he? talks like prince harry. who is this guy? woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger.
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time for news by the numbers. first, $58 billion. that s how much democratic governors have increased taxes since 2011. 58 billion. republican governors have signed over $36 billion worth of tax cuts during the same time.
next, zero. that s the number of years that will be added to your life by eating chocolate and drinking wine. researchers failed to find any evidence that there was an ingredient found in the skin of red grapes and in chocolate is linked to a longer life. and finally, $35 million. that s how much you re going to need to buy the house made famous by al pacino in the movie scar face . 10,000 square foot mansion sits on ten acres in california. not in florida as was where scar face lived. you could call it a royal hoax. oh, my god. is that who i think it is? we re thinking, who is this guy? we had a bunch of theories. one was an actor. up with was an athlete. and the obvious one was that
he s prince harry. well, obviously it s fox use they reality show i want to marry harry . the prince is just a look alike. how do we know? he s here and he looks like him. joining us right now. matt hicks. not harry. good morning to you. thanks for having me. how long have people told you, you know, you kind of look like prince harry? mainly the last five or six years. all right. not very long. that s how you got the job on fox? they found you, right? yeah. i had some pictures on a look alike web site and i ve done a few tiny jobs. here. turn this way because here, look at that. i never seen him with a beard. doesn t seem like you need a makeover. you went through training to learn the personal behavior and also other things. not so much personal behavior, but i had to learn his military career, scandals, ex girlfriends, his schooling, his
hobbies. when i was dating these girls, i had something to talk about. he s had an interesting life to look up. yeah. he managed to live like a normal person and royalty. right. and the information was pretty public so you had to get it right. i think i might have slipped a few times. so the girls didn t know. were they told okay. it s prince harry? they were brought over and they were told it was anglin bachelor. we have the meeting where your face was revealed, but they never said, ladies and gentlemen, here is prince harry. they just said this. we ll have to save that for another time. we ll find out more later. hopefully if you stick around for a while. so in the beginning, you were wearing the mask and then you revealed your face. you never came out and said, i m prince harry. the producers never said i m prince harry. the girls kind of put it
together, right? yeah. they were left to come to their own assumptions. you never own up to it? i never confirm who i am. sure. at the end of this, what does the girl get? you? there you go. fake harry, every week another girl is knocked out of the cast, right? yes. at the end, it s you and this and the final lady. and then is there aside from you, is there cash? i believe there was a prize at the end for the lady. normally a relationship built on a stack of lies would would not be off on the right foot. hi, i m choosing you, now let me tell you who i really am. yeah. and let s go from there. start with an i m sorry. got to be really sorry. is there somebody in there for you that you saw already? is there potential? there is potential. there were some cool girls on the show. i want to watch.
tune in today. thank you very much. he talks in riddles. in real life, you work for an environmental company? a little different. the last episode they fracked the whole time. i can t wait to see it. environmental joke. coming up straight ahead. check this out. road rage caught on camera. this is two women. what sparked this fight? it went absolutely out of control. is that jay-z and beyonce s sister. he s the world s most recognizable super hero. we re talking about superman this morningful the son of christopher reeve is here with a big announcement. vo: once upon a time there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place
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if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. dr. dre got $3 billion from apple. he s actually the first doctor to make any money since obamacare passed. unrelated. that s funny stuff. thanks very much for joining us on this tuesday. we turn now to heather nauert who has the headlines. good morning to you. we re watching a story coming out of new hampshire. this is quite an explosion to show you. a massive explosion blows the
front off a home in new hampshire. look at that right there. that blast happening moments after a police officer was shot and killed after he responded to a domestic disturbance call at that house which is part of a duplex yesterday. police believe that the suspected gunman was 47-year-old michael nolan and they believe he was killed in that blast. nolan lived at home with his 86-year-old father who was taken to the hospital to be checked out. one other person was hurt. we ll keep you posted on any new developments as we get them. a fight over fouls in miami sent one guy to jail and another to the hospital. if began when 55-year-old quentin putnam was asked by a neighbor not to feed the ducks roaming around their neighborhood. the neighbor, david lawn, claims it s not the first time he s made this request after minutes of arguing, putnam started throwing punches. he s on top of me and he s pounding me with the heel of his
hand. my back, my neck, my head. putnam is now facing a felony event and ordered to stay away 50 feet from the other guy. he put his own life on the line to save his fellow soldiers during an ambush in afghanistan in 2007. just a few hours from now, u.s. army sergeant kyle white will be given the nation s highest military honor, the medal of honor. the 27-year-old was on fox & friends on sunday. take a listen to this. you don t think about what you re doing, especially in that moment with that much fire coming in. your adrenaline is pumping. all you know is you have a fallen comrade out there who needs your help. six american heros died that day. a marine is back from afghanistan for two weeks to escort his little sister to prom. but the school ends up turning him away? i would not be going inside the prom. i was just going to be escorting
my little sister on the senior walk and they said i could not do that because i was also not a student at the school. oh, come on. robert addison says there are no hard feelings for the high school, which he attended as well. school officials blame the incident on an unfortunate miscommunication. such a shame. those are your headlines. let s head over to maria for a check of the weather. good to see you. i want to take a look at a cold front that s moving eastward today across the country and it is bringing areas of rain, from texas up into parts of indiana and also illinois. with this system, we are going to be seeing some areas of heavy rain and the potential for flash flooding across western parts of the gulf of mexico, with some areas potentially seeing more than six inches of rainfall in a very short amount of time over the next several days, so that is a concern for flash flooding. the risk for severe storms also in place, from mississippi into southern parts of the state of ohio. if you live in cincinnati, nashville, hem fix heads up.
memphis, heads up. temperature wise, it s below average in terms of high temperatures. look at denver. your high today, just 51. in the 50s in rapid city, minneapolis. ahead of the system, very warm. making it into the 90s this afternoon in parts of north carolina. now let s head over to elisabeth. he is the world s first and most recognizable super hero. just a bit later today, superman hall of heros will be honoring the everyday heros in the name of superman. joining us now david burke, paraolympic gold medalist and matthew reeve who will accept it on behalf of his father, christopher reeve. we are so honored to have you here today. this has to mean so much to each
and every one of you. ten inductees at 11:00 o clock, exceptional, just backgrounds that you have, strength and diligence. i want to start with you accepting on behalf of your father. surely the ultimate superman. what would it mean to him? what does it mean to you to be accepting on behalf of your dad today? he d be particularly given the caliber of the other inductees. he d be greatly honored. it s astonishing that 35 years later after that his performance still resonates with people. more so for the courage and bravery he showed after his accident. absolutely. decades deep the loyalty goes for their ultimate superman there and super hero. i would like to see centuries as we move forward, congratulations thank you. when i think about your accomplishments, unbelievable. summer and winter olympics you
medalled there for paraolympics. when you reach this moment today to be honored in this way, it has to almost mean as much as the gold. it s up there. i ve had a loft pinch me moments in life. when i got the invitation for the superman hall of heros, it s that moment you just is this my life? and i m in such good company. we had a little cocktail dinner last night and i got to meet the other inductees and so honored and privileged to be part of this. oh, my gosh. they are overjoyed to have you. david, your work in the kitchen is incredible. the cheffery, everyone enjoy what is you do. but what you do outside of the kitchen is pretty great. you ve been helping communities for a long time and kids who are hungry. what you did after hurricane sandy in terms of getting help out there was wildly noted i think among the communities there. what does it mean to you? first of all, it s a great honor to be inducted into this
and especially the inaugural one. we got to meet each other last night, very inspirational. it s great to be recognized for doing something that helps other people. i m fortunate, i cook and i have food and i have access to food and trucks and things like that. so to be able to help out in hurricane sandy, which is where i grew up, was a natural. i think helping i get a lot a joy out of being able to help as i do feeding someone in a fine dining restaurant. i think helping people that can t necessarily get food on their own table is a real pleasure for me. it certainly did help a lot of people. i love the idea that this is about inspiring others through what you do in your community and really working to help others. i know your foundation has worked to help those overcome adversity. you have overcome adversity. you ve helped during times of adversity and people can nominate, correct, through father s day.
is that right? right. it s an on line gift giving portal where people can nominate someone who they admire for bravery, generosity, what have you, and say thank you to their own personal heros. they create a submission and it s a way to say thank you and appreciation. sure. thank you to all of you and the inductees today later on at 11:00 a.m., we ll get to see the real heros. don t forget to nominate yours. and our hearts are with your family always. love what you ve done. thank you. coming up, same drug, same company. now a dying boy being denied the drug that could save his life. peter johnson, jr. here with the details on that latest fight. lurks no love in this elevator. what caused beyonce s sister to flip out on hip-hop mogul jay-z. no hero award there.
first, time for today s trivia question. born on this date in 1950, this musician was signed by motown record label where when he was just 11 years old. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer [male announcer] ortho crime files. disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. say helto home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®.
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(announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. some of your headlines. it s called the caught on camera edition. this shocking freeway crash now being investigated as possible road rage between two gals. california s highway patrol is using dash cam video to determine if the black pick up truck intentionally swerved into the other car or lost control
while lashing out at the other driver. and the video everyone is talking about. beyonce s sister punching and kicking brother-in-law jay-z in an elevator as a body guard holds her back. the celebrities have not responded. the standard hotel in new york city blasted whoever leaked that video, saying, quote, shocked and disappointed that there was a clear breach of our security system. timoney geithner denied that quote. steve? all right. same drug, same company, now a different dying boy being denied the compassionate use that could save his life. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. has this story. i think all americans need to hear this this morning. 21 month old boy with leukemia at john hopkins center is the latest child begging for a life saving drug from the same company which refused to provide it in the past. you may remember the drug company from the case of josh hearty covered here on fox which repeatedly refused to provide
that dying boy with a drug and that s been shown to treat the virus which can be deadly. the company received $70 million in federal money to develop the drug. they finally relented and gave josh the drug under a new pilot program. josh is out of the hospital today and his mother says he s growing stronger every day. the company s stock rose after the controversy, and said a compassionate use company to help people who can benefit from the drug was too expensive. now they initially refused to provide again compassionate use or a spot in the national trial to baby judson of lockwood, new york, who is suffering from the virus and is currently on a ventilator at johns hopkins. tammy shepherd s grandmother spoke to me from the icu last night and told me the baby has been battling leukemia since he was six months old. he said he s touch and go.
this drug is his only hope and said a team of doctors and nurses were rushing to his bedside as we spoke. judson s family originally told he could not receive treatment at johns hopkins because it was not part of the trial. now after our calls to the company, they may be changing their mind. about an hour ago, i just received this statement from the company. there are currently ten clinical sites partnering in the trial across the u.s. all of which have agreed to accept pediatric and adult patients transferred to these locations. from our ongoing communications with this young patient s physicians and administrators at johns hopkins over the last several days, we believe he may be eligible to participate in the trial. we submitted an additional list of questions last night which the company has so far refused to answer. that s quite a story. so for folks watching, we had this other case, josh hardy, a while back and you helped him
get the drugs that saved his life through that company. same company and same drug. and the same circumstances. compassionate use. so now suddenly after you called, they go, oh, maybe we could it seems to me that there ought to be a better system other than the threat of dragging a company on to television to these people the drugs they need. i think that s why we re talk being it. this is an inherently unfair process. one at the drug company level. two at the f.d.a. people should not be having to call me at 8:00 o clock at night to say, my grandson is dying and this drug company will not act. and they ve done this same routine in the very, very past. there is an inherent instability, a confusion, a lack of reliability in terms of getting the drugs that we need. this one particular company, they decided, we don t want to spend money on a compassionate use program. and after days of discussion
here on fox and on social media, they said oh, we re going to set up a pilot program. but they would not let this boy and they still have not let this boy, judson, from lockwood, new york, 21 months old, dying of leukemia and this virus into this program. they say we may let him into this program after we called last night. people should not have to be put to those kind of steps to call up legal correspondents on television to get their children the medications that are available and should be available under compassionate use. it s crazy that they would this boy is adorable. he is. it s crazy that the company would say, we don t have the money for those programs. they have $70 million worth of federal dollars, right? they got $70 million. do they have a corporate obligation? no. do they have a moral obligation as an american company? yes. if you re interested in this issue, you can go to, the family asked we put up a petition asking the company to
provide the life saving drug for this little boy, judson. this is an incredible story. we re going to talk more about the f.d.a. and companies like this and how and why you should get the drugs that you and your family need. i m glad you brought this to our attention. peter johnson, jr., america s lawyer. thank you. straight ahead, are you a recent college graduate or about to get your degree? good news, more than half the employers want to hire you. cheryl casone with the companies you need to apply to. she s already got a job, by the way. but first on this date in 1607, jamestown, virginia verge was settled as colony of england. in 1999, rickey martin had this song that we were all living to. la vida loca. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah.
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time for the answer to today s trivia question. it is stevie wonder and our winner is cindy from fulton, missouri. you ll get a copy of brian s book. george washington s secret six. a great read there. speaking of that fantastic guy, we have some stories coming up before we see him. driving is not safe for pregnant women. a new study showing women in their second trimester are more likely to get into a car crash while they are pregnant than in the years before. researchers attribute this to fatigue, nausea and anxiety. wi-fi in your car. for $5 a day, owners can access it through on star. at & t will handle this connection. it s big gamble for gm, especially since most of us connect while riding in vehicles any
anyway. hey, class of 2014, we have good news for you. a career builder study found that 57% of employers plan to hire new college graduates this year. up 53% from last year. here with the details on those companies, cheryl casone. before you take your graduation robe off, let s pick up the phone and make a call to enterprise? i mentioned this company. they own enterprise and alamo and own national. they have a really good managementogram. you re probably thinking, i have a business degree. why do i want to work at enterprise? because this is a company that will train you, give you great skills, promote from within. you get paid while you learn management skills. it s actually a really good company. they re looking for interns, 1500. but 8500 college grads. that first trip out of college, a company like enterprise is a smart move. especially if their training programs are respected by other
companies. price water house? one of the big four. accounting. accounting companies are great for recent grads, especially if you have a tax degree, accounting degree, a degree in business or finance. really good company. pricewaterhouse. 4900 full-time jobs, 4100 interns for 2014. two of my friends had that job out of college, have never let go of it. it s a great company. at & t, i believe it s phone company. yes. you probably heard. second largest provider. telephone, mobile phones in the country. 1200 student grads they re looking to hire. technical jobs, business sales jobs, retail managers. if you have a technology degree, engineering degree, a business degree, computer science, data science, engineering, any of that, great stuff. we re talking about working for the company, development, things like that. if you graduate without a good gpa and they ask you, just change the subject. golden corral. 500 restaurants, 41 states.
they need managers. i have know what you re thinking. but if you have a hospitality degree, this is a great move for you. again, management experience. you can make 44 grand right out of the gate if you re right out of college. you got those student loans. you got to pay them off. don t live in the basement. they need managers. 500 jobs. get more grilled chicken and hurry up. accentuer. this is management consulting, technology. you re thinking, consultant, what can i consult when i m right out of college? actually they like to train, promote from within. they need people to have technology degrees. they re looking for about 1,000 people now. this is all entry level, but it s a great company, especially if you have digital experience, text, things like that on your resume as well. these are all good companies today. even if i don t get out quick, you ll have morning anchor, there is an opening if i don t get out right away. thanks so much. i appreciate it. coming up, the white house
told him to lie. that s the claim in timothy geithner s new memoir which he now denies. doesn t he believe his own book? laura ingraham is here. she read the book without her lips moving. xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. wheyou know what he brings?les rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a s! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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good morning. it s tuesday, may 13. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. breaking at this hour, a mine collapse in west virginia turning deadly. we have the developing details on that straight ahead. then the white house told him to go out and lie on tv. that s a claim in timothy geithner s new memoir. now the former treasury secretary says he doesn t even believe his own book. great. laura ingraham is going to help us dissect the web of lies. that could hurt sales. he s got one of the most famous voices in america. thank you and hello again, everybody. welcome to america s top ten. this morning casey kasem is nowhere to be found. the latest in the search for the ailing radio star.
according to most reports, tuesdays and every day are better with friends. this is tommy lasorda. you are watching fox & friends. wow. what a show. thanks, tommy. long time friend of the program. doing a little voiceover work for us. right. he gets paid well for that. handsomely. he insists on it. it s the dirty little secret. every time we have someone famous, we say before you go, would you mind saying it? and we have a million of those. you both are recognizing them off the bat than i am. the part where he said, i m tommy lasorda that should have clued me right in. right. you will have to jerome bettis. no, i m not. i just saw him in the green room and governor pence. laura ingraham in just a second. but not quiet.
you know what s crazy about jerome the last time we met, cause my husband gets to spend some time with him at work. we met at the super bowl with the steelers. oh, yeah. he was actually playing? yeah. at the time, i was a serious seahawk fan, so it didn t go well. because your brother-in-law was on the other team. two minutes after the top of the hour. heather nauert has breaking news. yeah. we ve been following this story through the night and into the morning. we have an update. moments ago, i got off the phone with the state police and they have confirmed to fox news that two coal miners died after an underground mine collapse in boon county, west virginia. that s in western part of the state. this collapse happening about 10:30 p.m. last night. it s not clear what caused that collapse. the latest safety review in 2013 discovered 250 violations concerning miners safety and
health. we can confirm two dead. we ll bring you the latest as we get it. his iconic voice heard on the air for decades and decades. thank you and hello again, everybody. welcome to america s top ten. but this morning, casey kasem s children say he s now missing. a judge now ordering an investigation into the radio legend s disappearance. he also appointed kasem s daughter as his temporary conservator. my dad was snatched out of the facility he was staying at. jean is their stepmother and this is the part of a long-running battle between his children and their stepmom. they re fighting over access to their father who suffers from advanced parkinson s disease and we re told can no longer speak. it s believed he might be at an indian reservation in washington state. we ll keep watching that story. hundreds of people could now be at risk after a second case of the deadly mers virus is discovered in the united states. a man visiting florida is now
being treated for the respiratory illness. this case and the first one which was identified recently in indiana are connected to saudi arabia. that s where the virus originated. doctors say neither case is considered severe, but they re warning an estimated 500 people who are on flights with these two patients to get checked out. and then there is an atheist group that s demanding an atheist chaplain in the military. the military association of atheists claims more atheists are enlisting in the military, so they need somewhere to go for support. now the department of defense is considering a change. is this political correctness gone too far? judge andrew napolitano weighed in earlier today. atheism is not a religion. it doesn t sit within any of the definitions of federal statutes of circumstances under which the federal government has to provide this. this is political correctness gone crazy. the military association of atheists, there is such a
group is meeting with the defense department to talk about appointing a president for that position. and those are your headlines. one story we re following is that west virginia mine collapse, we ll keep you posted as we learn more. thanks for doing the work on the phone. meanwhile, your e-mail and tweets have been pouring in. this is what you have to say about that atheist chaplain. timothy writes chaplains in the military are officers and required to possess a theology. what degree would an atheist chaplain be required to have? bill says any member of the military can meet with any chaplain at pretty much any time. the judge is right. this is more time wasting insanity. go back to your seat and don t say a hail mary. and wr jones tweet, what s next? a car dealer who sells bus tickets? thanks for all of your responses. we appreciate it.
laura ingraham joins us. you will not have to weigh in on the atheist story. unless you will to. guys, look, it doesn t surprise me at all. christians, faithful christians found themselves in the crosshairs in our military, in our culture. we saw what transpired last night at harvard. at the last minute, of course, power to the faithful, the thing was moved. the heretical was moved off campus. that s the last group that you can attack, demean, denigrate, discriminate against with impunity. i think christians and people of faith are starting to stand up and say no, you won t. we have rights, too. i m glad about that. friends of mine were at the protest last night at harvard. they were sending me photos of the mass that took place in protest to venerate the host and communion. it was 2,000 people. so i think it has a boomerang effect. the faithful come out and say,
no, we will stand up for our religious rights. i think people across the country, whether you re jewish or christian or even muslim, you want to stand up for your religious rights, do so. we still have a country that s supposed to respect religious freedom and we need to all remember that and stand up for our rights. amen to that. so listen, laura ingraham, when you write your biography, make sure when you do your book tour you deny most of the quotes in it. that s the kind of stuff that treasury secretary is off to. listen to what he s quoted as saying in his own book. it is authorize the biography. he says, i remember during one prep session before i appeared on the sunday shows, i objected when dan pheiffer wanted me to say social security did not contribute to the deficit, it wasn t a main driver of our future deficit, but it did contribute. pheiffer said the line was a dog whistle to the left, a phrase i had never heard before. he had to explain to me what it hadn t, signaling that we intended to protect social security. a couple of things there, guys. number one, we now know that the
left considers its base a bunch of unruly canines, dog whistle blower. they look down at their base, number one. in these biographies, do you recognize a trend here? the author, or the subject of the biography always comes off in the best possible light. tim geithner, well, i objected to this and i thought this was bad. well, if this was actually going on in the white house, i don t deny it was, i think it probably was given what else they said about obamacare and the recovery and so forth. but didn t tim geithner as a public servant have a duty to actually resign at that point or go to the american people and say, you know something? i m being asked to say things that are actually untrue and i m not going to do it because i actually believe in ultimate truths and the truth is social security is a driver of our debt and we re in real trouble when it comes to funding social security. but instead what he does is he
stays in office, stays in the cabinet. then he allows this book to be written and he comes out with this book and we re supposed to say oh, tim guy geithner, you re really a stand up guy. i think these people whose salaries we pay have a duty to the people, not to dan pheiffer or the president of the united states. their duty is to the taxpayers who pay their salaries and tim geithner on this issue should have actually come forward and said something at the time. sure. you know what? by that statement, susan rice, who was told just exactly the same way. she was told go out there and say it was the video. he was told go out there and lie on tv. they were both told to lie on tv. by that measure, susan rice should say, laura ingraham has got a good point. would you do it? if someone said to me, i want you to go out there this isn t really true, but we want to tamp down this benghazi deal. yeah, it s going to look bad for us and our base. they re going to get pavlovian
on us. i would say you better find someone else to do this dirty work. we have a conscience, right? right. you have to have a conscience to be able to do that. right. this is why americans in both parties have ultimate cynicism when it comes to washington. they don t believe republicans. they don t believe democrats. there are so few people who seem to have honor in our government, on capitol hill, and in the executive branch that it s a rarity when we have someone say i m not going to do this. i don t agree with everything they re saying, but they re actually telling me to say something that is untrue and i can t do that. i think i would stand up and applaud if any individual did that today. while we have you fired up, i want to ask you about immigration and customs enforcement releasing 36,000 convicted criminals awaiting deportation convictions, drunk driving, be a straighted sexual assault, homicide here, your thoughts? the president is set to
announce a policy that will relax deportation and clarify deportation rules in the united states. we have people who committed dui and then went on to rape children. you have to google it and you ll see all these examples of why illegal immigration is not a, quote, victimless crime. we hear about the dreamers. dreamers are all valedictorians, okay, fine. what about the people who are 27-year-olds raping three-year-olds after being convicted of a dui? i think republicans and democrats should stand up for the people of this country who are often victims of these crimes. it shows what a great risk it is for the president to do this because if that does happen, we hope it doesn t, you know exactly where all fingers will point. you ll talk about that on your radio show in about 50 minutes from right now all across the country. thank you very much. thanks, guys. coming up, another day, another veteran affairs hospital called out for delaying health care to our nation s heros. where exactly is the president
on this? didn t he promise to fix that problem? then if you oppose common core, you re probably a far right extremist trying to destroy public schools. huh? that s what was said by one group. indiana governor mike pence just got rid of the curriculum and joins us live to weigh in. answer the governor, who is your governor. i like that. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it s dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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right. well, they re wrong. the state of indiana was the first state to drop the common core and joining us right now is the man who made that happen. the governor of the great state of indiana, mike pence, good morning to you. good morning. what do you think about that criticism? it s just unfortunate. the reality is throughout my public career, like i think most americans, i ve always believed that education is a state and local function and the federal department of education was created by president jimmy carter. while 45 states just a few years back adopted the national standards known as the common core, we ve got millions of americans that have been rising up and being heard, including in indiana and saying look, we want to right our standards and write our curriculum and choose our textbooks in our own state. i m proud of the fact that indiana was the first state in the union to legally withdraw from common core and go through the process of writing our own standards. what is it about common core you don t like?
well, at the core of it, if you will, is my objection to the notion that the standards that are written for hoosier kids and hoosier schools were crafted somewhere other than indiana. look, part of the genius of the american experiment is that the states throughout our nation s history have been laboratories of innovation and been able to style policies like we have in indiana that deal with the unique populations and unique challenges. there are some things obviously, kids in first grade need to know certain levels of math and we have a gateway exam for kids to be able to learn to read before they can go on. so there are some things that are, in fact, a minimum standard. but i wanted standards in indiana to be written by hoosiers for hoosiers and to be uncommonly high and we went through the process and accomplished that on our own.
good for you. you re the first state to do it. as governor, i want to get your reaction to this, since 2011, governors of states who are democrats have enacted over $58 billion worth of tax increases. meanwhile, as you can see screen right, $36 billion of cuts to taxes by republicans. i think we ve heard that before. it sounds like one party wants to raise your taxes and the other party wants to lower them. it explains why in 29 states led by republican governors, you re seeing the kind of growth that we re seeing. i m proud that indiana has the lowest unemployment rate in the midwest. we ve been able to pass balanced budgets, have strong reserves, invest increased funding in roads and schools and education innovation. but since i was elected governor, we ve also passed some $650 million in annual tax relief. and all of that creates an environment where we re seeing
real growth in indiana. we got one of the fastest growing labor forces in the country, unemployment is on the downward trend and more hoosiers are going back to work. i think the american people can see a real contrast here between republican-led states and states led by democrat governors that are more inclined than ever it seems to raise taxes and grow government. that s one of the reasons you re in new york city. you re talking to different businesses with relocating to your state, which would be great for your state. when i m in new york, we love to tell new yorkers, if you can make it here, you can make a lot more in indiana. i like that. that s catchy. what about your future? i know you were elected governor in 2013? 2012. took office in 2013. that s exactly right. so what s next for mike pence? are you thinking of another run for governor? are you thinking maybe something in washington, d.c. over on pennsylvania? steve, i have to tell you,
having been elected governor of the state that i love is the greatest honor of my life. it s consumed all of our attention and while i ve read recently some people have talked about me and other things, i m going to stay completely focused on the future of the people of indiana because this is an extraordinary time in the life of our state. i just have to tell you. look at indiana where we have balanced budgets, we re a right to work state, we re lowering taxes even while we re investing in infrastructure and education innovation. it s one of the reasons we had the lowest unemployment rate in the midwest, fastest growing work force. that s why he s the governor! he knows the story. indiana is on the move. i ll stay focused on the future of the state of indiana. let my future take care of itself. thank you very much. thank you, steve. good luck to you. it s now 20 minutes after the top of the hour. switching gears, coming up, no tackle football here. 7th graders forced to play flag football over safety concerns. is this just the woosification
of america? jerome bettis here live. take him out. no, i m kidding what needs to be done. ! do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor.
now time for headlines on this tuesday morning. clay aiken is now the democratic congressional candidate for north carolina in his district because his opponent, dead. 71-year-old keith krisco died after a fall inside his house. before his death, the primary battle with aiken was too close to call. and forget the moon. nasa now ready to land people on an asteroid. like that movie. astronauts started training, but the mission won t take place until after the year 2020.
let s go outside to the bus stop. as you know, elisabeth, jerome bettis is one of our great friends. he s going to talk about asthma and allergies. first things first. in football, the draft is over. let s talk about the future of the game. talk about head injuries and health. in 7th graders in texas, east texas, the whole school district says this is too rough. i don t want kids getting hurt. no more tackle. they re playing flag. in texas. the state that covets football. you have to understand the concern is that real. i understand that. i grew up playing flag football. i didn t play tackle football until high school. ninth grade. so i understand that you can still have a successful nfl career playing flag football. but more importantly than that, it s the concern i think with parents about their children.
children have long-term issues dealing with concussions. the demand for the sport is still there. you have over 100 million people watching the super bowl. something you re familiar with. even though it pained me at the time, i love you and so happy for the steelers now. but you have people wanting to watch the sport and parents who love the sport and kids want to play the sport. but we want to keep them safe. shouldn t we be working on ways to keep them safe, better means of tackling, better methods, so they don t get concussions? lieutenantly. i think that s what s happening now. you see the big push, especially with the nfl, in terms of educating the coaches. teaching the coaches the proper way to show kids how to tackle and teach kids how to tackle and play the game. i think that s the natural progression of how this is going to work. now you have to go back to education because that s the key in this process. educate the parents, the coaches on what they need to do and i think that s how it starts. there is something else you want to educate everyone on and that has to do with saving
lives. we re talking about concussions and long-term, but also allergies. you have an allergy. i have a shell fish allergy. it s life-threatening. a lot of people don t understand what anaphylaxis is. it s an allergic reaction. if you have an allergic reaction that is so much that it could be life-threatening. so that s why there is a new device that s available. hold it up. it s an auto injector that has audio and visual cues. when you pull it out of the sleeve, it talks to you. it does. i actually we witnessed our friends using this on one of their kids, saved their life. it s automatic. it tells you what to do. true life saver. it is. you can get more information on their web site. we ve got a new program that is called what s your hey q. trying to educate, get people
educated about anaphylaxis. the thing is, in certain passing situations, they pull you out. i want to make it known on our team, you re always in the game. as we talk to steve, could i send you into motion or could elisabeth send knew motion send you into motion? absolutely. jerome bettis will break tackles all the way through broadway. do not try to tackle him. he does not go down easily. brian and elisabeth and jerome, thank you very much. coming up next on our show on this tuesday, no love in this elevator. beyonce s sister attacks her brother-in-law, jay-z. how did that video get out? who took the picture of the picture? now the hotel is responding. smack down. and is on line flirting
considered cheating? a judge says yes. it s grounds for divorce. is this legal insanity? arthur aidala, dr. keith ablow take on brian
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some political news. during his visit to the white house today, the president of uruguay lectured president obama about the dangers of smoking. then when obama said oh, i quit, hillary clinton ran past him into the oval office. that easy. funny stuff. what s that guy s name? seth myers on late night. they all look alike. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. still a lot of show left. that s right. someone who doesn t look like anybody else, heather nauert. thanks. good morning. got news to bring you. we talked about this story out of harvard university the past few days. good defeating evil on the campus of harvard. a student group satanic black mass that was to be planned for last night was canceled after locals became outraged by it. members of the cultural studies
club said they wanted to move the mass, but couldn t find a new location. christian students say they were relieved it was called off, but still can t believe the college would allow this in the first place. listen here. as members of the university, i m just ashamed that in an environment that s otherwise committed to intellectual free tom, but also to civility would be allowing such a hateful event to happen. the group claim the mass was a historic satanic reenactment and that it was meant to be educational. beyonce and jay-z all smiles sitting court side at the game last night hours after this explosive video surfaced that is getting a whole lot of attention this morning. take a look at this. it shows beyonce s sister attacking her brother-in-law in an elevator. the video lasts 3 1/2 minutes. take a look at this. kicks and punches and all kinds of stuff. this happened at a party last week in new york city. you can see as her sister punches and kicks jay-z while a
body guard tries to hold her back. at the end of the clip, beyonce actually pulls them away from one another. they haven t spoken out about this yet. but the standard hotel where this happened blasted the person who leaked the video saying it s, quote, shocked and disappointed that there was a clear breach of our security system. and listen to this, is it the biggest discovery since 1492? one explorer is now saying that he has found christopher columbus long lost ship, the santa maria. that ship apparently wrecked in a storm off the coast of haiti more than 500 years ago. researchers say they are confident that a full excavation will prove that it is the explorer s actual ship. pretty neat. and just call her a future obstetrician in training. an eight-year-old girl helps deliver her own baby brother. are you having contractions?
yes, very bad. i want you to place the palm of your hand it s coming out. the baby is out. oh, my. crystal snyder went into labor two weeks early. it happens. her daughter heard her screams and called 911. the dispatcher gave the instructions and six minutes later, a healthy baby boy was born. jasmine received a certificate from the hospital nurses for her bravery. how cute is that? look at that little girl. those are your headlines. an eight-year-old. well done. no kidding. see you later. i love that. 24 minutes before the top of the hour on this awfully busy tuesday. we ve dispatched maria molina to the streets of new york city where it was a little breezy earlier. it s a little breezy out here. it s making it feel chillier. we re in the 60s. but you really need that jacket as you head out the door, at least throughout the morning hours due to the wind here across parts of the northeast. i want to take you farther west where we do have a storm system that s moving eastward and early this morning, it s producing areas of rain, from parts of
texas, up into illinois and there is a concern for some flash flooding. especially across eastern parts of texas and up into parts of arkansas due to the very heavy rain that s coming down. it s going to continue to come down with several inches of rain expected out there. not only today, but tomorrow. tomorrow, you have the risk for severe weather from parts of mississippi, up into ohio, cincinnati, nashville, memphis, jackson. heads up, you could be seeing that severe weather tomorrow, especially during the afternoon and evening hours. temperature wise, above average across the southeast. then 90s in parts of north carolina. cool hyped that storm system. only 50s for you in parts of colorado and new mexico. now let s head over to brian. thank you very much. infidelity, a french judge ruled using on line dating web sites while matter isn t only cheating, it s grounds for divorce? the case involves a couple married for 18 years. the wife caught flirting on the internet with a man she never met. but the judge granted the
breakup saying it was the sole fault of the wife who shared intimate photos of herself with a number of men. is this ruling fair or legal insanity? joining us now, dr. keith ablow and arthur aidala, a legal analyst. again, he says he went to school. we ll go on their judgment. i got diplomas. first off, do you agree with the french on this one? it s even easier in the united states of america. you don t even have to go that far. if one of the persons says it s irreconcilable differences that have been going on, the general rule of thumb is more than six months, that s grounds for divorce. it used to be you had to prove you haven t had sex in over a year, adultery, abuse. now it s just like nope, we haven t gotten along in over six months. if you re flirting on line, are you cheating? absolutely not. who raised you, young man! when did marriage become about only the romance? that s not a
monogamy? taking care of kids, being financial partner, best friends. what 18-year married couple is sending naked photos of themselves to each other? hence, none. hence, it can t be part of the marriage. so how can it be grounds for divorce? how about we start the trend that the 15 year wedding anniversary you start sending naked photos to each other? i think that would be helpful. that s your friend, my trend. it s a good trend! there is flirting and then there is flirting. this judge said they were naked pictures. arthur, with your legal background, are naked pictures back and forth, maybe you re proud of your body. okay. it depends. if you re entering a body building contest, then she s proud of it what this judge looked at it, he didn t look at it from a fidelity point of view. a slippery slope. the bottom line is, look, we re not going to seed reality to technology that quickly in dr. ablow s office.
and couples if there is to be fault divorce, i think it should be no fault, this is not the fault. okay. thank you. we proved as a society is there is no fault. if you leave your spouse over cheating, you never loved the person. whoa! wow! hold on. don t let that go. if you leave your spouse over cheating it means you never loved them? i wasn t going to let it go. i was going to enhance the conversation. i was not going to leave it there. i can t let it go. this is all i got. one third of divorce litigation is caused by on line affairs. so you re saying that one third of those relationships are based on nothing? in my office, if couples come in and say, i m leaving because she cheated, i say well, good. go. because you never loved her anyhow because if that physical breach is going to make you forget that she gets sick, you re not going to take her to the hospital because you never loved her
listen to this, 46% of men consider their relationships to be infidelity. if you have a female client, you re more apt to have somebody who wants out. correct. my mother wanted to know, does dr. keith know about your situation? we have video. what he said is correct. a lot of divorce lawyers ask you before you get divorced, would you give your wife a kidney now if she needed it? you either say i d give her the kidney or i m getting divorced. bottom line is, i ve been married lots of years. infidelity would not crush my marriage because my relationship is made up of more than the physical. do both parties feel that way
all right. dr. keith listen, just you two promise never to agree. we hardly ever do. coming up before i get yelled at, another day, another veteran affairs hospital called out for delaying health care to our national heros. where is the president on this? didn t he promise to fix that problem? your e-mails and tweets are pouring in. then she sings the songs we all know and love. country star kellie pickler. she not only is a great singer, a great personality and she just waved to me. it s to me, right?
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nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! welcome back. here is what s happening today. three college friends of boston
bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev are in court attempting to get their trials moved out of massachusetts. they are accused of removing incriminating laptop and fireworks from dzhokhar tsarnaev s dorm room following last year s bombing. president obama awarding the medal of honor to army sergeant kyle white. the 27-year-old risked his life to save fellow soldiers during a deadly ambush in afghanistan in 2007. arlington national cemetery will be marking the 150th anniversary of its first burial. descendants of the first soldier buried there will attend a special wreath laying. steve? that is in arlington, virginia. here is a story out of durham, north carolina regarding the v.a. hospital there. we ve been telling you over the last couple of weeks about the scandal that started in phoenix where they had a secret second list because any time you go in to a v.a. hospital, you ve got to get care within 14 days, otherwise there is a problem.
well, another thing down there in durham, two employees have been placed on administrative leave because they, too, did this illegal selling thing. only two we know of obviously this thing is getting bigger and bigger. and the big question is, do they need a change at the top or do they need more aggressive management micromanaging down below? a lot of you are weighing in how to fix this and whose head should roll. diane said those responsible for mistreating our vets should be jailed. this behavior is disgraceful. terry on facebook writes, our government releases illegal immigrants accused of crimes ranging from d.u.i to murder, while imprisoning our veterans in a dysfunctional system. good point. famously, the v.a. hospital, people have talked for years about well, there is a lot of red tape and they got some of them lousy customer service. but outright corruption like this? that s shocking. yeah.
disheartening to think about our nation s heros going and risking their lives to come home and die waiting on a list? this is the good place. this is supposed to be where we re taking care of them. where is the promise? where is the outrage and where is the accountable and where is the president on this? where is the commander in chief? no kidding. standing behind general shinseki. we ll see what happens. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, our final guest of the day. she is fantastic. one of country music s finest and this morning she is here live. superstar kellie pickler coming up and there, getting a touch up. martha mccallum has been in the chair and is ready to go. all touched up and ready to go. good morning. thanks so much. coming up this morning, a bizarre story out of north carolina where the runoff with clay aiken is over because his primary opponent died. we re going to tell that you story. disturbing news about the dangers of releasing some illegal immigrants. and a scuffle in the elevator
that s getting everybody talking about beyonce s sister this morning. what is an atheist chaplain? wrap your head around that. we ll see you at the top of the hour (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses.
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well, her southern charm and big voice captivated the american idol audience eight years ago. oh, baby got to get out just got to get right out of here . what a flashback. since then kellie pickler s big win led to a strange of country music hits. but the music competition show still guarantees success for its breakout stars. here to weigh in is kellie pickler herself. hello. that was a couple hairdos
ago. i m sitting here like whoa, wow. a lot has changed since then. weird to look like that. i feel like an antique idol. never. you were up and coming. we said it s eight years ago. you confirmed it. you came in sixth place. at that point, you had 20 to 30 million people watching. yeah. your life would never be the same. now it s down to about 7 million. how much is left. which is still a lot of people. it s a lot. but how much do you think is left in the franchise with idol, the voice and everything like that? there is a lot of reality singing competition shows out there. so i think you just have to find ways to reinvent the show and make it interesting and different than the season before it. it sounds like american idol is going to be cutting back the number of hours that they broadcast. are they? yeah, they are. for one day. they re going to cut it back to 37 hours next year. how does that affect the voting? that s a good question. as you look in and watch idol, is there something you think maybe they should do this and it
would pep up the ratings? i don t know. or do you think it s just perfect the way it is? i think like i said, there is always room to kind of reinvent. but keep it like it was. of course, i miss sigh simon. what s this? so crazy. i remember watching that and loving you then. that definitely takes me back for sure. this is a chance of a lifetime. it was. i ve been so blessed. people ask me, what s it like to be on the show like that? for me, i can t complain. it was really the rocket that launched my career. and it enabled me to do what i love, which is be a part of country music. and us be a part of special things and do what i love. i love how you re so humble throughout all your success and so thankful for all that and the people who loved you dearly.
i know you have an important message today. your grandma died from lung cancer. she did. she was young. she was 66 years old. she was diagnosed with lung cancer in january of 2002 and she died the very next day. so it was very sudden. there she is. that s actually the last picture that we took together before she died. now you re getting that message out? yes. i was really shocked by that. i think there was 1% of women in america are even aware that lung cancer is the number one cancer killer for women. i had no idea. i was blown away. it s estimated that more than 72,000 women in the u.s. will die from lung cancer this year. terrible statistic. what do you want people to do? we need to get everyone rallied up for lung force at, find out how to
get involved and raise awareness. we need to be more educated on how we can prevent this and treat this. it s that simple? your grandma would be really proud. i know she s looking down, smiling. amazing to be part of something like this. obviously near and dear to my heart. so i think it s important. i love to sing, i love the music. but when i m able to be part of something like this that really matters and helps save people s lives a lot of people are listening and a lot of people are going on line right now. thank you. kellie pickler, ladies and gentlemen. fame has not changed you at all. a few tattoos, that s it. that s it. we ll be right back. whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in.
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kellie pickler hanging with us now. tomorrow a former u.s. marshall revealing secrets about the marshall service. you ll be shocked. listen to army rangers. and normal or nuts. she ll be in the after the show show. log on right now. be yourself. bill: good morning, everybody. we have been watching this story throughout the night. a tragedy in west virginia. at least two people confirmed dead after a mine collapse. two minessers are trapped beneath the rubble. i m bill hemmer. welcome to america s newsroom. martha: the word is the roof fell in. families rushed in get news of

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